HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-09-13, Page 5• • • Nw station f.�r otcter police staff After hours of long discussion, Exeter council agreed last week to sign an offer of $44,000 to buy property just west of the post office for the site of a new police station. The Exeter Times - Advocate reported that in an unusual procedure, council met for a two hour committee -of -the - whole session after a regular council i eting to discuss the property purchase. Mayor Derry Boyle said that the $44,000 purchase price will come from current revenuei They have received a settlement of $25,000 from the insurance company for the former .police station which was gutted by fire in July. The property which housed the former police station will be offered for sale. Do you remember these names? This article appeared in The Clinton News - Record on September 11, 1913. How many names do you recognize? "The C.R.S.'s, a name `they have conferred upon themselves for want of something more" ap- propriate, were trimmed at Lacrosse on Friday evening. The Line-up for this ,gamES was Ernie Little, Lloyd Wilken, Jean Sanderson, Willie Walker, Herb Mackenzie, Artie Mathieson, Fred. Lawrence, D.A. Can- telon, Mellie Schoenhals, Harry Kilty, Willie Gould and Vic Crich. Their opposition ; was Earl. Steep, Melvin' Elliott; ' CLinton Cook, Lorne Deeves, Jack Carter, Mick Carter, Bill .Pinning, Milton Cook, Bill Grant, Mansfield Cook and Bert Deeves. The officers of the C.R.S.'s are W.S.R. Holmes, honor president; Otto Fink, president; Percy Couch, vioe; Lloyd Wilkins, secretary; Vic Crich, treasurer and captain and trainer, Willie Walker.. Bill Smiley... • from page 4 either brothels or bootleggers. For most of the document; the by-law dwells in metres, squared and •decimated. I know' very few people over thirty who would know a metre from a maskinonge. Somebody on council must have cornered the market on metre sticks. Then this baffling by- law moves into "hec- tares." What the heck ism hectare? To me, it's an ancient French (Canadian) piece of land about as accurate as an acre, which nobody understands either. Here's, an example: ' "RM2 uses are permitted as specified to a maximum of 550 persons per hectare." Is it a square mile? Is • it a "Macre" wit' an accent? This is crazy. When Y was a councillor, we could knock off three or four by-laws in a meeting, and everybody utid'erstood them. "Moved and. seconded that there, shall be no loitering in the cemetery, except by those who are among the dead, riot the quick." That sort of thing. This big fat by-law is for the birds. Or the lawyers. Not for t.i old municipal politicians. Remember what I suggested at the begin- ningof this column? Porget it. Otherwise you might end up in a '"Detached dwelling unit," which allows "3.2 persofs pet unit stn dat"d, ' Not two. Not fou I IV, M , ' . R . ���.'CLINTON1vEV�SREC +.,, , Q . ia!, tTR.$),A,,X,;S1)TEIVI$EE 13, 197S.--7PAP.E. 5' .I; 9 ALL MERCHANDISE 100'. SATISFACTION GUARANTEEED. PRODUCT REPLACED OR MONEY REFUNDED OUR REG.. 3 FOR '1.57 AVE UP TO $S SAVE 57' OUR REG. '6.49 COU PO N WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON IGA SLICED COUPON WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON CARBONATED WHITE BREAD 24 OZ. LOAVES PEPSI COLA 24 x 10 OZ. TINS F 0 7 R LIMIT 3 FOR FAMILY EXPIRES SEPT. 13, 1979 U.S. No. 1, Mi.x'n Match Green Seedless or Flaming Tokay Grapes 79 • Canada No. 1 Ontario Grown Green Cabbage-----• 2 for .49 Canada Fancy Grade, Ontario Macintosh Apples 3 lb. bag 1.29 Canada- No. 1 Ontario Grown Cello Carrots 3 Ib. bag .49 Canada No. 1, Ontario Grown SnoW White Cello Parsnips 79 2 Ib. bag . Five Roses 2.5 kg bag ' AH Purpose Flour .1.49 • Dole Fancy Crushed, Sliced or Chunk Pineapple in Own Juice 19 fl. oz. tin 99 rw LIMIT 1 PER FAMILY EXPIRES SEPT. 15, 1979 SAVE '2.50 York Fancy or Choice Assorted Vegetables 14 fl. oz. tin .1 Star Kist Solid White Albacore Tuna 7 oz: tin 1.33 • High Liner. 14 oz. pkg. ..Frozen Individually Wrapped Cod Fillets 1.49 Cling Free pkg. of 36 Prepriced $2.29 Fabric Softener Sheets 1. 99 Clorox 2 61 oz. box All Fabric Powdered Bleach Mir 2 x 750 ml pkgs. Liquid Twin Pack Detergent Spray 'n Wash 1Laundry fl. oz. aerosolcan y Stain & Soil Remover 2.49 1..49 1.69 Kent Frozen, From Concentrate Orange Juice 121/2 H. oz. tin PRICES EFFECTIVE ' UNTIL 0,osiNG SATURDAY, SEpTEM$ER is.1i7�. WE RISME THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AV RAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. 98 WITH THESE COUPONS OUR REG. • r SAVE. •1.79 80' COUPON WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON FROZEN MCAIN CAKES 19 OZ. PKG. LIMIT 2 PER FAMILY EXPIRES SEPT. 15.1979 OUR REG '1.59 COUPON SAVE 71' WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON GRANNY BUTTER TARTS 12's LIMIT 1 PER FAMILY EXPIRES SEPT. 15. 1979 NEUEFrS W AT IGA Ib, pkg.Dutch Treet Fled . Hots ■ API Beef or ' Skinless Wieners 1. Ib. pkg. Q5'ttctoperfest Sausage 78 3 Varieties 1 Ib. pkg. Mini Sizzlers 1 Ib. pkg. Cello Wrap Steakettes 1.68 1.78 6 oz. pkg., Mac & Cheese, Bologna, Chicken 78 Luncheon, Dutch, Olive Sliced Cooked Meats ■ 2 Varieties, 6 oz. pkg. Sliced. 3 Cooked Ham ■ 8 4 Varieties 16 oz. pkg. Sliced Bologna 1.48 2 Ib. pkg. Family Patties 3.68 '.4 4 Varieties 1 Ib. pkg. Sliced Side Bacon 1.58 Christies Coffee Breaks or Fudgee-O Cookies 450 g pkg. Kraft Smooth Peanut Butter 1.5 kg pail 2.88 Bernardin Quarts pkg. of 20 PintsFreezer Bags 2/.89 S.O.S. box of 10 Soap Pads 2/.99 Aliens 48 fI. oz. tin Assorted Piavburs Fruit Drinks .57 Libby's 14 fI. oz. tin goodies, Alpha-Getti or with cheese In Tomato Sauce Spaghetti 2/ McLaren 32 fl. oz. jar Polskie Ogorki, No Garlic or With Garlic DTII Pickles .93 Tetley pkg. of 72 Tea Bags Heinz Strained Meatless Baby Food 4'IZ ff. oz. jar 6forlu44 Sugar Twin 80 g pkg. 2 Packets Utility Grade 5 lbs. up Roasting Chickens Ib. IN 78 Top Valu 1.39 BolognaBy The Ce ib..78 Cottonelle 4 roll pkg. Top Valu White, Pink, Yellow 3-4 Ib. or Green Boneless Bathroom Tissue 1 .25 Dinner Hams Ib.2.08 Laura Secord 4 x 5 oz. carton Top Valu 128 fI. oz, jug Assorted Flavours White - Mini Vinegar 1.25 Puddings 1 . 19 E.D. Smith 9 fl. oz. jar Weston 24 oz. loaf Pure P Crust Jam herry .69 Bread .59 Aliens 3 x 3.3 oz. pkgs. Apple Flavoured Drink Crystals .75 - , Gaines Burgers 1 kg pkg._ 1:79 DagfF,00d 1.49 Quench 21.7 oz. can Assorted Fruit Flavours � 6 Drink Crystals Maxwell House 10 oz. jar Instant Coffee 6.89 Viva 2 roll pkg. White, Assorted or Decorated Assorted Paper Towels Carnation 6 oz. pkg. Chocolat, Vanilla, Strawberry or Variety Instant Breakfast 1 39 Posta 450 g pkg. Alpha Bits Purina 2 kg pkg. 1.1 9 Chow 1.19 1.99 Scope 750 ml btl. Mouthwash 1.99 Top Valu 1 lb. pkg. Skinless Wieners os Davern 1 Ib. pkg. Sliced Side Bacon Frozen Smoked Cod Fillets Vaseline 500 ml btl. Intensive Care Hand & Body Lotion .98 ib1.48 1.69 Baden XXX 12 oz. pkg. Colby, Farmers & Brick Cheese 1.69 .99 Fascination 2 L cont. Vanilla, Neapolitan or Chocolate Ice Cream Libby's With Pork or In Tomato Sauce Deep Brown Beans 19 fi. oz. tin STORt HOURS MON.: 0:30400 THURS.:1 TUES.:0:30-0:00 ML:0:30 WED.: 0:31.4:00 SAT.: 6:3