HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-12, Page 8fl SIIRANCE. ERNE tiT P-1141401' A, GE N T THE WIISTERN ASSUHANC4 con, •PANY of Torento ; else for the PIKENIX 1`.1101 INSURANCE COMPANY,orLondon. Neglaed., else ROYAL OANAD1A.N. of Montreal, itx d the keRIISIsieeleileretes, LIVE ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of houslon, blughtud, established 1$47. Assets over $5,00,000; eleitris and bemuses • t4tia, over $10.00Q,000, &00,4„.44 NE WS —We eitail be happy to re- Jsfoc at aU Ones, front any part of tee Gaunt y, items of ocal neWS, S4011, go cidentaoy any interestiae inMent auhat. over, from any of °Ur subscribers or read- ers generally/by the purpose of public- atfon. WIN CENTS p er lin e for first insertio n, and 'OUR C ENTS per line tor each sebeequeut th scrtion will be charged to notices ap peering this online voter )$mes. TRUE.8DAY, JAN, 12th, 1888. The undereigned would announce to the public that he ha e now on hand one of the best assorted stocks of Harness, Boots & Shoes ever brought into Exeter, and would call espeeial attention to his Scotch Collars, :Felt Boots & Over shoes as they are best in the Market, and at lowest prices. Also a number of Children's Sleighs at a sacrifice. Call and be convinced. n.s.. JLOCAL HAPPENINGS. Isrevities, Rabbit hunting is a popular amusement with the sport. Schools opened on Monday. The atten- dance is reported as good. The new municipal councils will be sworn in at noon on lelonday, the 16th inst. The Huron County council will meet at Goclerich on Tuesday, 24th inst. Mr. E. Scarlett has sold his chew stock to a Mr. Wilson who will move it to Plensall and open a drug store, Placards on a couple of residences on main -street indicate that measles have enter- ed the household. Within one week we have had ram and snow, thunder and lightning,. The whether is more settled. Tuesday night was the coldest we have had for some time, the thermometer having • fallen many degrees below zero. Mr. Pybus of Usborne upon going to his stable the other morning found a valuable horse loing dead. Cause of death unknown. Lake Huron is lower than the oldest res- idents ever saw it. The water is two feet below the lowest point of a year and a half Mr. A. McDonell's sale on Saturday last was a failure. There was nothing sold, the bids being ridiculously low. Mr. 11feDonell starts a lively in Clinton. •s Rev. Father Kealy of Drysdale was in town Tuesday. The Rev. gentleman is e arranging for a grand concert to take place at Zurich on the 18th. We learn that in the arbitration case of Kernick vs Priscaciore, the award calls for the payment of all costs by Mr. Bernick, in dean of as stated in the report, each man paying his own costs. p The pulpiP'of the James-st. Meth. church was occup.ed by strangers on Sunday last. In the morning, Mr. Clarke, father of Mr. J.. P. Clarke, and in the evening by Mr. Wm. Greenway, of Manitoba. One would imagine from the enormous \ quantity of brick. 'being drawn through Ex- eter/Italy that building operations will be rum ally briaktbroughout this part of the coun y, next summer. Last went to ed fo circuit. ersonal. Mr. Geo.11erd, of Ohio, is at present in friends in town,—Me, jou), Fisher of Toronto spent last week in town with his numerous. friends. -- Mission Service. The Bev e Mr. Brick trent the diocese of Athabaska will addeess thepeople of Exeter at the service in Christ Chureh on Thurscley evening, (m -night) at 7.30. A missionary to the ludiaos within the Aretie eirele, his labors end Ws cause appeal to the highest feeling of all Christians. We bespeak for Mr. .Brick a lergeand reepousive congrega- tion. This„is the aunual missionary meet. Mg of the diocese of Huron in thie Parish, which bas formerly been held on a Sunday. The church bell will ring at 7 o'cloels and toll at 730, after whieh the service wifl begin. Royal Arch eeasons. „Exeter Chapter No, 85 installed the following officers elected at the December needing in their hall on the evening of Tuesday, Jan'y 3rd 1888, Companion, H. Spe,ekman, Z. " M. Eacrett, II. " 33. S. O'Neil, J. " 5.13'. Robinson, Cxeo Samevell, S. N. ' " Geo. McLeod, P. S. " Harry Santwell, S. S. " J. Gillespie, J. S. "Wrn. Brooks, Tyler. Eire Company, No. 2, The old members of the disbanded De- fiance company No. 2 met on Tharsday lad for the purpose of re -organizing, as stated in last week's issue of the Times. A good representation was present, but the chief did not care to undertake the selection of members for the formation of a new eons- pany, but rather. preferred the assistance of the council, as then he could not be charged with having used selfish discrimination in the selection of men. In the meantime, the citizens of the south end are not without a body of firemen, as the old members of Defiance company agreed to aot In the case of fire, until such time as another has been formed. Entrance Examinations for July. Examination papers will be set in Litera- ture'for the next July examinations, from the following lessons in the Authorized Reader :- 1. The Face against the Pane, pp. 74-76 2. The Discovery of America 115-119 3. Lady Clare .............. . . 128-130 4. To a Skylark . . . . . . .. • ... • ...187 5. The Gulf Stream... ....... _131-136 6. The Conquest of Bengal 222-228 7. The Demon of the Deep. .... _266-271 S. After Death in Arabia 272-274 9. The Forsaken Merman 298— 302 Book No. 5, of the drawing course pre- scribed for Puplic schools will be used, and hould a text book in .Agriculture beauthor- zed by January 1st, 1888, a paper on this ubject will be set at the next entrance ex- amination, but the subject will he an op. ional one and any marks made thereon will e counted as a bonus. Jos. Er. Aiken Married, A wedding of considerable inter est took lace at the residence of Rev Jas. Fergu- son, of London, on Wednesday evg. last, Jan'y 4th, the parties to it being Jas. IL Aiken, of Guelph, formerly of Cape Town, South Africa, a native of St. Marys, and son of Mr. Win. .Aiken, who resided here a few years ago, and Miss Lizzie Isabella Fer- guson, second daughter of the above sever- endgentleman. The ceremony was perform- ed bythe Rey. Dr. Laing, assisted by the bride's father. The bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Mary Ferguson, and the groomsman was Dr. J. P. Aiken, of Port Huron, brother of the groom. We wish Mr. Aiken and Ms amiable bride prosperity and long life, and hope that every revolution may be a turn for the better. Mr. Aiken has but recently returned from South mday Mr. Eartnoll, of this place, ensall, and during the day preach - different appoixitinents on the e will preach at llolmesville on Sunday ne. • Mr. Gordon W. Perrin, G. T. R. baggage man, of Clinton, has recently been removed to toreter, to fill the same position. Mr. Africa., where he has been working in the john Hoax -, from Georgetown, takes his interests of a publishing house of Guelph place for a term. • for some years ; but has returned to enter Miss Williams of Clinton has beenengagecl into partnership with the same firm. by the School 'Board here to teach the junior department of the Exeter public school in tbe room and stead of Miss Gil, who left the other day to attend the Norinal Scheel. • School oponed Monday. The small boy has hung np his skates and laid away his sled With bag on his back and disconten on his mind, be again trudges off to school, leaving the skating and slickery hills to the mere of the 161111 Mr. Joseph Rollins, of Crystal City, Man. formerly of thisplitce who has been visit- ing his brother, Dr. Rollins, here some time left yesterday for home. Mr. Rollins looks hearty and bears testimony of the North- west climate agreeing with him. Mr. A. J. Taylor, the travelling agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way, has forwarded us a capital calendar and an almanac, which contains a lot of useful information. Mr. Taylor's headquar- ters is in Toronto. Our local cotem last week published a paragraph requesting the attention of his many creditors. We hope they are not numerous. It is not very often that a debtor so urgently invites his creditors to close in on him. Who says tinies are Etude While Sam'l Lamport was driving a colt down the hill at the river the other day, the breeching broke, and the cutter running up on its heels, the animal ran away. It was stopped, however, before reaching the bridge. The colt was badly cut about the legs, no other damage being done. The Windsor Clarion says :--Mr. Her- bert Elliot, railway mil clerk on the G. T. R. who hes resided in Windsor for several yeeis, has been transferred to London, and left for that city &inlay evening last. During his residence here, "Herby" made many warm friends who sincerely regre hie departure. • Mr. Frank Dougell, who has been running ou the mail train between London anc Winghaen, has been transferred to the 13rit ish Columbia, service. Mr, Herbert Elliote formerly of Exeter, a vailway null clerk et the Grand Trunk road, Will remove from. Windsor, having been assigned the run o :1cir. Dougalh Georgetown Herald: Rev, G. IL Cobble ' click, 13,A„, who has been assistant on the Georgetown circuit for a year aeml a half bas been appointed superintendent of the Galt pastorate, it place of Poo, W. C. IteDderson, M. A., wile has aecepted a profeesorship in a Meshodist College clown cog. Mr, Cobblediek is a former resident of Exeter. Another term of swindle is being worked. npon the &mere by two sharpere,—one as a member of a firm of reel estate agents, at some dity, the other an Intending parcheser Of the farm. The scheme is worked by the pretending puralme er offering his note for ten days in payment for the farm, which is generally accepted by the farmer, and the pretenditie agent then claims aud is paid in cseeh the per sent, commieeion which is due the firm, when a sale is affected. Have nothing to with them, as the purchaser will not 11.1511 up to redeem his note eed the fanner is out the commieeion paid. the rarmers) Institute. A. meeting ot the South Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in Hodgins' Hall, at Hensel', on Monday and Tuesday Jan'y 16 and 17th, commencing at one o"clock. 1 t Several gentlemen of note will be present, amongst whom Prof. Penton, Mr, Sbnpson Rennie, sweepstakes gold medalist for the best managed farm in Ontario, and others. A musical entertainment will be given in the evening. The best talent has beau secured, the singing to be interspersed with speeches from the several gentlemen who who will take part in the Institute meet- ing. As there is considerable to be gleaned from meeting of this nature it behooves the farmers to attend ancl take a deep interest in the subjects advanced for discussion. We have always been advocates of farmers' meetings of this kind believing that there is no better method whereby the agriculturists eau improve their stock and lands. Noth- ing so profitable as an exchange of fade and ideas. — tow In the Swamp, The other day a lively scene occurred in the swamp in the township of Hay, .a few miles west of Exeter. Mr, George aluttart ape, family are living in a small house in said swamp, he having been engaged by Mr. James froward to chop wood. Mr, Muttart, came to Exeter, began drinking and soon became tutoxicated. Returning home be began abusing an infant child, whereupon his evife interfered,, she too being set upen by the husband. Her ci les for mercy and help were heard by Mr. Ed. Harris, who occupies another hut at some distance. IN/fr. Items forced an entrance t into the house ancl was about to shield the woman, when Muttart ran at bine and with 1 an axe deelt him two heavy blows, cutting . the forepart of his head open as far down ae the eyebrows, as well as otherwise cut- ting and bruisine him. Nothing hes asyet I been done to Muttart by way of punish. , ment. We understand that Muttart has ' since levanted- ( --- Dr, J. P. Aiken of Port Huron, a former . this , e resic en or place, whitert way is couple of days bore last week. The doctor reports his prat:tics in the American city as ,good, Be aieo says thab he is pleasecl with the progress Reeder has made and that it is a pleasure to him to visit tl'ie place, From indications we are 1110161.dd, to belietre that the attractions here ere great prinelpal emptiest which ao amiable young lady of Exeter North. During the pest year many boys ie town have, week after week, played truant, regardless of any persea-ion brought to bear upon them, Thi 8 year, hoevoscri the teusteee of tbe school are determined, to pue a stop to this practice, by strictly en- leereieg the Iaw which compels the To:chins to attend sebool the required number of months in the year; otherwiee have them spend at term in ,Penebenguishene reforma- tory. The boys and patents IAA better take Warnirig, Exeter Dec 8 VAlq'8011)$13DOOK,. Mr. Jno, 13awdeit of Teronto, is Spending LL few days with ide parents here. Frank: :Knight, whe has been beggageien at Exeter G.T.R. etetion for some years, leaves hi e, few deye for Ontario, California. The books end parapherealie of the Mechanics' Institute heye been moved to I e rooms in new Town liall, in eeveral cities and towns the Ilionene Society is taking steps toward preventing the shooting ofrageons and snow birds. It has •'keen decided thet their position is perfectly maeutainable in law. Jeniging front tee quantity of brick being hauled to town there is every reason to believe that building operations this year will far exceed previous years—numerally if not in value. The Edinburgh Conceit Co. will re -visit Exeter on the 31st Met., and give an enter- teinment under the auspices of Exeter Chapter No. 85, Royal Arch Masons, The serveoesi of Mr. Burtou and Miss Stevens have been dispensed with, arid two of the most accomplisheavocalists on the contirient substituted. A. three year old daughter of Mr. E. Polliek, baker, met with painful accident the other day. She and a playmate were enjoying theniselves, and wbile the little boy Was Carrying her around in his arms, he let her fall, She fell against the stove, burning her face to a serious extent. The western part of Ontario is now being flooded with five dollar bills of the Bank of Montreal, Bank of Commerce and Mer- chants' Bank, which have ' been raised to tens. The raising is so cleverly done thet as a general thing the merchants do not discover the difference until they present their deposits at the bank: A small boy while returning to school yesterday in an endeavor te get on to a sleigh, slipped and fell, the hind bobpassing over his leg. We believe that the teachers have time and again forbidden the scholars to hang on sleighs, and if they receive severe punishment the boys and girls must blame themselves. There will be an oeen meeting of ad- vance council, No. 207 R. T. of T., in the lecture room • of the Mainest. Methedist church, on Monday evg. next, Jan'y 16th, commencing at 8 o'clock. Programme to eonsist of a lecture by select councillor, B. H. Collins, and songs, readings and music by best local talent, All are invited to attend. Collection at close, , This year there will be five eclipses— three of the sun and two of the moon. Jan 28th, eisible generally throughout America; a partial eclipse of the sun, „Feb. 11, invis- ible in Canada; a partud eclipse of the sim, i July 9, invisible n Canada; a total eclipse of the moon July 22 and 23, visible in Canada; a partial eclipse of the sun Aug. 7, invisible in Canada. Most of our inercha,nts get their bill heads, envelopes, letter note paper neatly printed, and we must say it looks like business; but we notice there are some who apparently use any scrap of paper they can lay their hands on to make out an account or to do their corresponding on, and it looks like a one horse affair. Call at Tam 'lentos office and see our samples and get our prices. Tuesday'S Toronto Empire contains the following: --Our Exeter correspondent says • eir. W. Hine, of Winnipeg, who was to have met Thos. Bissett, of Exeter, in a shooting match has detained to so meet him' To this we might state that IVIr. Hine would ha,ve,been glad to have accommodated Mr. Bissett, but having protracted his stay in the east a great deal longer than he intend- hecolne , lf.o„und himself compelled to return A contemporary says:—"lt is about tiine that ministers who attend tea meetings or other public ,gatherings, as speakers, dis- continued the 'didn't come prepared to make a speech' business. It is neither dignified or honest for men who should be able to speak intelligently on all subjects, to hem and haw about lack of preparation, &c. Their apologiers only serve the purpose of killing time, and give their hearers a lower opinion of the holy calling." The last week's issue of the Mitchell Re- corder contain the following iterns:--A Mr. Crocker, of Exeter, has been spending a week with M. Chas. Brooks. We would judge from what we have see o of the Exeter folks that there are some very decent people over there.- -On Christmas two loads of young people drove over from Exeter, and spent the day at the Royal Hotel. Since that time we have learned that one of the young ladies of the party by her haunting smiles has terribly lacerated the heart of one of our town bachelors. To the Editor of the Exeter Times Li the last issue of your eonternporary, there appeared an extended report of the annual meeting of Fire Company No. 2, in which were noted, statements erroneous and mis-leading. In the first placethe company did not "throw their resignations upon the council;" but metely disbanded for the time being in order to allow the chief, to whom falls this duty, a better opportunity eo se- lect members, and without favor, for a new company, as it is stated hi the village by- laws that there shall be a certain number - 30 men instead of 50 as heretofore divided between No. 1 and 2 companies. In the second. place the citizens of the south end are not without a company. We disbanded but it Was distinctly understood that we be as ready to act in ease of fire, aei ever, until such time as a new company could be Organized. Thanking you for space to refute the fa.bulous statements of your con - fret e. '• I remain, Yours etc,, • Cent W weee l'exeno. wen.aftversmermintererwcerar.t=m2,,,,....0:0, RrilLYn°warded are those who react te this and then act; they will iind honorable employment that will not take thorn frora their homes and families. The pr fits are largo and aare for every industrious person, raany have ina,de and are now making several b u n tired do I tars a moth . It is easy for any one to make 55 and uPwards per day, who is willing to ,work. Either sex, young or old; eaoitni not needed; we etert you. Everything new. No Special ability required; you, reader, can do it as well as any one, Write to us at once for full particulars, Which we maill free. Address S tieson & Co„ Portland, Alain 0. DE Ep8es, Wonders exist in thousands of forins, bat aro surpassed bY the rime; 315 0± v n ion !liege sell.° aro in need of Profitable work diet can be do se Jiving 51 henna should at Ones send their address to Hall-, sit and Co.. Portland,. Mame, and receive free full information how either sex, of 1111 ages, cau eern from 35 to e55 per day and !towards where - ever they 'Fou . are started tree. Capital notrequired. Some have mecle °vet.' $50 in single day at this Work, Ali Nucor:0d, Ir7EYTIOV has' revolutioni od e world during the izast hrinit vciatfve glarrs I:A:lathed and eesteni of teeter leo,1 elreast meecio,igith000ler-otnhdeeree ort ti e rs, withoutlseparating the svorkere from their homeS. Pay liberal; auy one can de, the work; 40ither sex young or old: no special &bib y r6-' , ' • guired., Capital not xieed• you tucistarted free. ,0-1 all kinds, ana produee BORN. --, Bitucre—In Usborne, ou the 415 iust., the wife of Mr, Bruce, ot a Son. flOpOI$B. —In Bicleulpb on New Year's day, , the wife of Q. 0. Hodeine, Reeve, of is dau- ghter. MoNagrabagraria..VIMOMMIMAr1144,..C.I.eatualealm•.• Al A RIUE D . BISSIV2T-Sr4E 41, '''' In Exeter, on the lith, inst., a the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev, Jas, Graham, Mr. Ecl. Biseett, to Mies Maggie, only daughter of Mr. Win. Snell, all of Exeter. ATICINSON--Bnunonn—At $t, Marys, on the 2915ult., by the Rev. Mr. Turnbull, Mr. 'William Atkinson to Miss Verbene Bar, born, third daughter of Robert Barbour`, Esq., all of St. Marys, FUOXIETT—ELLIOW.—At the English Parson- age, Paaahill, 00 Monday Dee, 26111, 1837, by the Rev. J, Hale, Ur. Albert Pitched, of Clorider township, Huron Co., efich„ to Miss Maud Elliott, of Stephen townehip, *iron Go., Ont. AIKEll—ll'EnGIISON.—At Itondon,oh the 4t5 inst , at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Dr. Lang, of Dundas, uncle of the bride, assisted by tem bride's father Mr, J. 11, Aiken of Guelph, son of Wm. Aiken, Esq., of St. Marys, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Lizzie, second daughter of Rev. Jas. ' Ferguson, of Lendon. ea_ DIED. I Geneve. —In McGillivray, on Dee. 30th, 1887, Thomas Geieve, aged 75 years and 10 MOS. GnAY.—In Parkhill, on Deo. 29112, 1887, James Gray, merchant, aged 45 years, eight /months and four days. ' HOOPEn,—At Alma, Michigan, on 'jany. 9, Charles Frederick, son of F. W, Hooper, aged 6 years and 6 mos. Jonies.—At Ontario, Cal., U. S. A., on the 31st Deo., Cornelius B. Johns, 'brother of D. johns, P. M., Exeter, after a lingering illness, aged 47 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , WANTED • ---- Wanted Iminediatly. — Assistant Teacher. (female) for S, 8. No. 0, Usborne, till summer holidays. Applications received by THOS. COOK, Winehelsea, Ont NOTICE. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court House in the Town Hall, Goderich, OA Tuesday, the 24th inst. PETER ADAMSON, Jan'y 7. '93. 2-1 Co. Clerk. TO ADVERTISERS A lisi yf 1000 newspapers divided into Staaes and Sections will be sent on application—FREE. To those who want their advertising to pay, WO elan offer no better medium fortheyough and effective wo rk than.the various sections of our Sae et Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL & co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 spruce Street,New York, Farmers' Institute for South Huron. A meeting of this Institute will be held in Hodgin's11811, Ileneall, on Monday and Tues- day, the 16th and 1715 of January next, cont.-. meneing at One o'clock, p. m. when the follow- ing gentlemen are expected to' read papers and deliver addresses 3—Prof. Payton, of the A ri- cultural College, Mr. Simpson Rennie, Sweep- stakes Gold Medalist for the best managed farm in Ontario, John MelVfillan, M.P., George E. %Olson, R. McQuade, James Logan, John Kitchen, W, Johnstone and others. A,1V1InFcAL EllTURTAINMENT will be given in the evening, commencing at 7 o'clock, for whieh the best talent has been secured, interspersed with speeches from several oi the above men- tioned gentlemen. The Directors hope to make those meetings profitable and interesting to the publie. A large attendance is expected. Ad- ntission , FREE. 8, SMIT.,LIE, R. MeMORDIE, President. Secretary. L 9ndon, Huron & Bruce. Goma Noura— Passenger. London, depart ... ... ... ... 9.10 A. m. 4. 25P .3x Luean Crossing ... ... ... 0.00 5,20 Clandeboye ... ... 0.10 5,25 llentralie. ... ... 9,23 ., 537 Exeter ... ... 9.35 5.48 Elensall .„.. ... .. ... ... 9,46 6.00 Eippon ... ... ... ... ... 9.51 6.07 Brueefleld ... ... ... ... 0,59 6,15 Clinton ... ... ... ... 10.18 6.85 Liondesborcr ... ... .' 0.55 Myth ... .,. ... 10.46 7 05 Belgrave , ... ... 11.00 7.20 Winghoin, arrive .......10.00 7, 40 DOING SoIITil. Passenger Wingham, depart ... 7,00 A.11. 3.10 P.m . eelgrave ,,,,.. ... ... 7.17 8.33 Bly Oa ... ... ... ... 7.91 3 7 Londesboro' ... ... ,.. ... 7:40 3.56 Olinton ... ,.. ... ... ... 8.00 4.15 Brucefield ... ... a> 8.19 4,34 Eippen ... ... ... 8.27 4.42 gensull .... ... 8.83 448 &Leber ... ... 8.47 5,02 ;outrank], ... ... 8,57 5.12 31andeboye .,. ... 9.10 5,25 Liman Crossing 4 ... ... 9,20 6.29 11.0...ororenaava T .ORNE HOUSE.—The Under- 1 1 I signedtakes the liberty to inform the tra- xelling Public that h A opened his house for the teeommodation of all travellers, on October 181. Those who favor hinewith their patro- nage win:receive the best attention. There is good stabliug in cooneetion, Amu OALLANDER, liirkton CALL 66 TRY T8 DEARWGI —He is bound to— GIVE BARG:AI: N8 THoExiSEHRINYG " - in TWEEDS " TOP SHIRTS in UNDERWEAR in CARDINGS RUBBERS " in DRESS GOODS " '10 LADIES' PLUSH BargainS in Groceries,/ Boots and Siena, HE WILL SELL HIS ENTIRE STOCK --AT-- LESS THAN ACTUAL COST He is Sound to reduce bis stock, and will give bargains never. before heard of in • " Exeter, Goods well essorted and everything fresh, No shelf-worti goods 11.1 stock. I3ARGAINS FOR YOU ! FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS! , BARGAINS FOR ig.tr...f I Remember and call early and bring the along with yet, for which you .will receive more than full velne. Uutthis 001 and ruturn tO 05 all we will .sorRI' -baleen. as cash. - 'Yea fI'ee,ilsoniething ,of groat value arid humor, • , • taepe to Yfilt, that will Start yOu in ,blisineSsy T DEARII\TC+ ' vhich: Will brit* Yen in mere nioneY tiglit ar/ftY . T. , , ' , >-, that) an'Ythi nit else in , tee world,: Greed outfit , Sight v. Blindness N. STA.NLEY'S. CREAM 0.eletrrattd engliBh 79 BAX STREnT, TOUONTO, C41,1.11)1, 18 juwits 8,1202T, LOlinON, E. 0., ENGLAND. HICICS, Watchmaker, Aweller,. and Optleis.u. Has the Agin Sy for the 1383.0 of the eb0Ve iu EXEITEB. No Spectacles in the Market env al them in the Ern Ponsurtynso QuAhreins they possess, or thu Onxier .r.S.S11 and ComPonr they confer °nth° wearer. Theit use will in actuality so strengthen the Eyo that it does not bueonie necessary to Change them for many years. They are there- fore the Cuu2mHo'r. They Are the Best in the World, They Never Tire the Eye, And Last Many Years Without Change. The Sight tested by our New Teat Cardortme as usedby tb.e leading °Initiate throughout the see TARTAR 1 !PUREST, STRONCEr, y BEST, CONTAINSINIO-, ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PH SPHATES, or arie injurious materge. E. W. GILLETT, T°RgyiT,T„?„N,Tr:L. Han'er of the014/21311ATBI) MUT, MS 70 it33. 4. s NELL SOZW011 Pioltarti Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premises one door north of Browning's drugstore, where there will be found a Well Asmosite BLek OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &o. —ALSO- -- Scotch, Iiinglish, Irish, Firench and Canadian Goods. Made up on the .SHORTEST NOTICE --AND AT CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICEES 1 A C.A.LL WILL CONVINCE. Ali. J. SNELL, Urraduate ot Cleveland Cutting School. Having this season purchased most 'of our stook direct from. manufacturers in England and Germany ; to do so we had to give our orders very early in the season end AS the prospects looked well, we bought largely. —THE— GOODS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. And we find that hard times are causing a great depression in trade, we have, therefore, decided to meet the times by marking all goods at such Hard Pan Prices as to ensure a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in- vite all intending purchasers to call and in- spect our stook, and note prices of all new goods, Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets and Ulsters, also Maids' and Misses' Meters, all sizes, Black and Gold silk and satin dress - goods, in all the newest colors and styles, plain and fancy Plushes, iosiery, Gloves, &c. —ALSO A TULL LINE 05— Ready-made Qlothing, Hats &Caps. All wi ,ltesold at Lowest Possible ices. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO MISSM 331W8 And secure some of the Bargains they are offering in following lines :-- I-JOCKS, HING-ES, and all BUILDERS' HAR WARE. PAINTS, OILS; 8cc. We carry the largest stock of Stoves in the County. Cant nd see them, and get prices before buying. Tinware of 1.! Inds always on hand. Roofing anl. eavetrouglaing a special An Immense Stock of Manure Forks, Spades, Shovels Scoop Shovels at hard time prices. We are.offering Lamps and Lamp Goods at cost, as we are oing out of that line.—Leave you.r orders for Stove Coal, nd save the high winter freights.—Verity's Plows and PloNn fonts always on hand. --Highest price paid for Hides and allow in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond Sewing achines. BISSETT BROS. '1 Visitors to Exeter Would do well to call andinspect— )UR MAGNIFIVENT STOCK OF DRESS -GOODS, One of the Newest, Cheapest 85 Best Stocks in town. 131ack and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satin's, Colored Piushes. Melton Cloths, Jersey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials and Mourning Goode, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors and prices, „ Also a fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Hid, Cloth and Jersey. MOSX:FARY 1 4, GooD A.SSORTN1ENT AND EXTRA CH i'AP. ". Gents' Furnishings. --Fine Display in Hats, Ties, Brace White and Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, 0 vercoatings, Pantings 64 &things, PANTS MADE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLES AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. very BOOTbe8ttSylAesNaDndScintiOntlitSy.,—InAi jvacdriyesl,u,la'geelloto,rin, saitgdineonhtiljdurset,n, ce.ceived, 6f the CALL AND INSPECT, IT 'WILL NOT COST ANYTHING. A full line of Glassware and Crook- • ery-ware always on hand. Our., Crocery 1:30partment is Complote, Butter Eggs and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange, er,a. the very highest price paid. MA CALL SOLICITED. gent. free, Atidress Tree Co.,Augusta, Maine. I. CARLING, Mairk Exeter