HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-12, Page 7HOT.TSEETOLD Reliable Reeeipte. 'Mumeilse.--Oue egg, one cupful milk, one teaspoonful Buse, two Maspoonfuls yeast powder, end a little salt. Mix wit le flour not quite tio think us oup oaks,. Oesetat Fateemus,—Make a batter of one ,coffeeeupfel milk, one pint figure one heap. Mg teaepoonful of baking powder, two well. beateu eggs end a little alt. Din the oyistere into this 'batter, stud fry eingly hx, hot lard. Omen Ptis.— Gesemie a tin plate and cover the bottem with puffed peke • lay on it a dozen good-sized oysters and mason with butter, pepper and salt; spread over this um dgg batter made of the yelles of two eggs, halt a cupful milk, a, seltspoonful salt and ono cup flour ; :some prefer a table- spoonfel olive oil added. Cover with a crust of the paste, and bake about twenty- five minutes. °RANG* Auoit.--Scrape a tablespoonful eaoh of feon and onions; fry them te- gether fit ' inutes, then add the juice of I, te an twang and a tahlespoonful of currant jelly. .Phice the seam pen containing theae ingredients where the contents will keep Wert; when the baked duck is done, take it up, pour nearly all the fat out of the pen, pet in the above mixture, boil up and serve. , GERMAN Till7STARD.—This will heel) a year. Eight tablespoonfuls of mustard, tour taWespoonfula eaoh of salt and white sugar, a saltspoonful of cayenne, four table. apoonfuls of melted butter, the juice of one raw onion (a large onion squeezed through a lemon squeezer), and mix with vinegar. ESOA.LLOTED OYSTEBS.—One pint bowl of rolled crackers ; sprinkle a layer in the bot- tom of your dish, then put a layer at eye- ters and sprinkle with salt and pepper, place small pieces of butter upon them, then another layer of rolled crackers, and so on until the dish is full. The top layers should be rolled cracker with pieces of but- ter on it. Moisten well the whole with milk and water or oyster liquor, bake from an hour to an hoar and a half. You will feud this very nice. A DAINTY Desseute.--Cook six or eight canned pears in their syrup until it beminee like honey, then remove from the fire, halve, and lay in a dish. Beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff froth, sweeten and opread over the pears. Brown in the oven, if desired, This is a nice dessert to serve with the following sponge cake. Three eggs, one and one-half cups tiugar, two cups flour' half sup cold water, one teasp oonful soda, and two teaspoonfuls cream tartar. Beat the eggs and sugar until very light,add the soda dissolved in cold water, then the flour in which tho cream tartaris sifted and thor- oughly mixed. Cliocooern CenAmErss.—Two cups of brown sugar, one cap of molasses, one cup chocolate grated fine, one cup of boiled ' milk, one tablespoonful of flour, butter the size of aslemge English walnut, let it boil slowly, an*selour on flat tins to cool, xnark off while wym. , Owner IDAKES.—Two cups of molasses, one and one-half cup of boiling water, two tablespeonfuls (not heaped) of tried -out beef suet, or a piece of butter the size of an egg, Vaped teaspoonfuls of baking pow- der, s i es to taste, and a cup of raisine or eurran. a. Add flour enough to make a soft batter, and bake in loaves. Erictreastar Cexa.—One oup sugar, yolks of three eggs, two small cups flour, one cup sweet cream. Beat the yolks very light in three tablespoonfuls of sweet milk, mix With the sugar, then add cream and a little Yee,e;t, sift two teaspoonfuls of baking powder tenth flour, and mix lightly. Bake in a shal- low tin, rather quickly. Flavor to taste. When baked, beat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth, ,add one -.half cup of „white sugar, one teaspoonful of flavoring, and spread over tho top, return to the oven a few seconds. The True Woman. There is no admiration greater than that which is accorded the true woman. Men honor her. Women praise her. Everybody loves her. No breath of slander ever sun Hee her name. She may not be beautiful, but she is charming. Deem is not her ab- sorbing passion, yet she is always tastefully aarayed. She is unselfiEsh. Self is not the central motive of her thoughts and action, Truly refined, she shrinks from conspicuity and show. Among her friends she forgets herself and thinks of them. Fashion does not absorb her time and money. She exists independent of outward adornment. She enters society for giving and receiving pleasure, not for display. She • has no need tif elabrate personal ornamenta- • tion to make her attractive. A pure, true heart; a self -forgetfulness of spirit ; a wish and an effort to contribute to the happiness and administer to the wank of other, grace- fulness, sprightliness and 'tintelligence,— these are her passports to power and love. In the society she enters diamonds are forgottee, and costly dress is unmentioned in her sweet presence. And her gentle man- ner and unselfish devotion to the happiness of others are 'afterward recalled and dwelt upon with unalloyed delight. She is indristrione. She *Mee her time and powers for good ends.The world's vanities do not haunt or held her. She has entered heartily upon the work of life. She loves society, but her home is to her and her's the sweetest spot on earth,—a peaceful, , happy home it which ber husband finds a • contented and loving wife when he returns from the work which supports' it. And when ehe feels, the need of some comforting, soothing influence, she draws it curtains about her and its loved ones °Meer to her heart. It is such women whom we fall ba love with and to whom our hearts ever turn as a refuge fro,* the world's shallownetis and din. It is s)ch women that all the girls of • todaymay;send eliould become, and that all true girls e4l1 bemme. e NOM Netione. Startling white "tidies" are uot now scat- tered about chairs andsoftie,as ron so many bushee, or mg youevere hanging out the:wash to dry. ' Charming bed sets are made of Dresden linen wcrkcd in whiteraw silk in all over patterns. An edge of linen Imo finishes suoli a set, the pillow sham or bolster coveting being of the same embroidered linen. Many of the antique and aleo the torabon lame me composed of homy been threads, and have sufficient body to be med for lam- brequins, eovers for dressingmases, ek. • They are not exoensiVe and look SA good as • nen,' when laundered. Too inavy bows of ribbon on the furniture tekee away Om the comfortable made,for ase look which room should always have, add defeata the object of koh deeorations Which is to introdnee, here and there a of color where it will bo•most• effective, ; •••••• CARL DDNDER. He veins the Children About Santa Chum. Now, ehildren, if you like to listen to me I shall toll you aboudt Santa, Claus eater M Shermany. In di s country all der shildrens pelief he vhas 'soppily but father and =Wire, but in Shermeny he vhas n oldb mans in a fur coat und a coon -skin cap, und he trefels aboudt mit isix reindeers wad a sledge. It makee me feel bade all oafer dot I guilt seine ehildren who demi.' pelief in him no more. He vhas so0Oh a good oldt mans, and he take ecenth comfort mit his presents or phildreut dot some poy who eve he dean' pelief in him shoeld get a DO polief in him? Of course licking. do doom' gif oop dot pelief in Santa Claus if you gif me ten homered dollar. Last yeer I see niy oldt womans ply some fur cap in a slitore. Vhen. I look in rely shbocking an Christmas dere vhae a fur cap. Vitas it det same cap? No 1 She tpuy a oap for her brudder-in-law iu Springwelle, und dot oap of come from Santa Clam vitas awake vhen he oomes on der roof mit his reindeers und sleigh. Der hells go tinkle 1 tinkle 1 und der deers paw der snow, mid I hears der oldt mans call oudt " Whoa I now! Dis vhas Carl Dunder's place, mid 1 vitas going down der shimmy • to put A fur cap mit his blue ehtookings." Und last year I vhas in some shewelry ehtere und 1 see my poy Shake puy a watch chain. 1 shut oop my ee•es quick, for dot vhas not for me. lifitype be like to puy dot chain for his uncle in Dearborn. On Christ- rnas morning I finds some chain in me shtooking, but nopody can make mepelief dot Shake put her dere. It vitas in der night RODEO sleigh -belle woke me oop, und something goes rush! bang! on der roof, und I hears some jolly old mans sing oudt "Come now, und pehave yourselves some more. I vhas looking for Carl Dander's place und I haf to go down his shimney und see if he vhas ashleep. I like to leave a watch -chain 111 his shtocking, lend maype I give his wife a goldt ring." Und one time vhen I vitas a poy, I goes oudt in der evening's to drive oop der oows. It vhas ooldt und odark, und I visas lone- some und e.fraitit. Pooty soon a man mit a fur coat and oap comes along, und he shmiles all oilier, und he laughs clear down to his boots und he says to me: "Nosier mind, my poy—it vhas almost Christmas." "But I doan' get nobtings in my shtock. ing." Doan' you? You shust wait und Bee. Which place you lif ia ?" "In dot leedle oldt house py der creek." "Oh, yes, I notice dot place. Vhee it a big shimney I" " Yes, she vhas." "Vhas you in ped early ?" "I vhas." • " Vhell, ;you go along all right und see vhat happens. Mempe you leaf der big gate open der tenight pefore Christmas. Maype Santa Claus like to drive in 1" Und how you shpose he vhas Vhen I gets up on Christmas day I had a knife, some candy, und two picture books in my htooking, und my sister heake Santa Claus vhen he drives oop mit hie sleigh, and says: " Yes, dis vhas der place vhere dot leedle Dutch pay life, und I like him to know I doan forget him 1" If I vhas some children again I shut my eyes oop so tight as nefer vhas, tiled I pelief in Santa Claus so hardt as efer I can, und I dean' let nopody make me pelief he vhas not all right, und der best oldt man in all die world."• Parisian Statistics. • The budget of the expenses -of the city of Paris amounts to 303,500,000 francs. • The city debt abeorbs for the payment of interest and liquidation 105,000,000; the street pav- ing and cleaning costa 20,00,000; the wat- er and eower service, 3,000,000; street - lighting,' and watering, 9,500,000; police. 25 000 003. public charities, 21.000,00); primary and superior instruction, 25,000,000; architecture and fine arts, 4,000,000. • The principal sources of revenue are the octroi, or tax on eatables' and drinkebles brou,ghb into the city from outside, 137,000,- 000 francs ; taxes, 33000,000; per centage paid by the gas company, 17,000,000; wat- er rates, 12,000,000; taxes and rents of the marsets, 8,000,000. The daily corusumption of water at Paris is 510,000 cubic metres or 231 litres per inhabitant. The city counts 57 monumen- tal fountains, 74 drinking fountains, 349 public taps, 1,359 fire plugs. •The sewers of Paris measure e total length of pod kilo- metres, or 497 miles, Paris is lighted by 55,000 gas jets. • The surface of Paris devoted to streets, squares, bridges, quays, &se is 15,000,000 square metres, of winch 6,e00,000 square metres are paved with stone, 2,000,000 trizoade.mized, 309,000 metres asphalted, 282,000 metres paved with wood. The rest is slabbed with stone or simple earth paths. A length of boulevarcle, aveuues, and etreeta measuring 150 miles 18 bordered by .65.000 trees of different kinds. Paris boasts 10,000 stabs, 600 omnibuses, and 600 tram oars. The omnibus company possesses 14,000 horses. The length of the tramway lines is over 150 miles. " I thought you had, for you and Sue Paris has 2,120 streets, 109 avenues, 79 have been billing fOr some time baok." A Cure for Drunkenness. boulevards. 257 blind alleys, 154 places or Perkins took the hint, proposed and was The opium habit, depsomania, the morphine habit, IScottie Airlie and the llair Dye, 110 NV aa Partial to Double Marriages. Sic anither bienees I really this iniechan. " Sister Mamie is going to get married ter o' mine gars me believe that job warmth next Iveek." said the young lady upon four wrong when he remarkit that man is whom Mr. Moen was calling, in ae Oen o as the vomits flee upwards. Wha cud hae foreseen that yer humble ser. vent wad be under the necessity o' appear - in' at the wiirehoose wi' heed ass held as a, copper kettle, tae say naething o' chin chowks as clean scrapit as a weel plottit "Indeed 1 To whom ?" To your friend Mr. Senora." "Is it possible ? I intlat congratulate hero." "Do you believe in romantic marriages ?" "1 don't kuow. I never had any experi mg. svery time I luck in the glees or pass elm them." tier a muokle storewindy, I can see " lcha. " mean anything like double marriages, as plain as parricoh written on every You knew." feature o' coontenonee " don't believe in any other kind," Ye see, when I man hams, tee Ina supper "Ain't yeu joleing ?" the ither rtioht, wha should I • meet but "Of °eerie &beta donet very well see Mistress Aiello, rinnin' for a' she was worth vvhat use there would be for a young man or tae the Dearest druggist for ten cents worth a young womat going around trying to get o' the " speerit o' squirrels " for the bit married all alone. It couldia be done.' htddits, wha was extraordinar creepy, so she said. " awa Ileum,' says I, takin' the bit bottilie oot o' her hand, "von net Is It Capt. Tretsnre ? ma supper ready and Pll istap intae the The report of the findieg et a pot of geld in 1 tirape for teu cente worth o' Ithe speerit west ot New Brunswick is of interest to the o' squirrels. The time the int clerk oreeter old-time searchera for Capt. Kield's buried Was poorire oot the stuff ma e'e lichtit on a treasures. The maroli for these treasures raw o' bottles a' labelled • "hair dye," an' has extended as far as the travels of the ae,I hied intent a halo half oor that very great buccaneer, whom ravages in Arnerion afternoon pykin' oo4 gray hairs Imre an' waters sketched from Newfoundland to the there on ma side whiake s I th 1 t b't druggiets an' get the stuff," and accordin1Y that had long been buried in the sands ot the , West Indies. There are no groundstor the of five plain ellen so desired, Cash to amine - slake o' the hair -dye wad save baith time belief that he buried other treasures! along pany order, BEATTITVIAPS MOS ati CO., Tomato, and trouble, for I comider I'm fa.ur ower the northmeeMrn comet or in the lower part young a man tae alloo rimeeP tae turn gray• of the Hudson than those which were found Pr: 4"41"4"."--431 ege° 1 Q Y tint rem I invented headed just yet. Sae 1 boobt a bottle o' the soon after he Lad buried them on Gardiner's nmammatory itheumatieneeseuraigia,cout Eta LODI- -- and prepared by 5. J. miemetster, tom:sciatica, dye, an' slippin' it intill ma coat pouoh. I enand wh------'I d coif No Store, SI 000 CHALLENGE. Watson's ceugh drops are the beet in the world for the throat and (Meet, for the voice IN,4,,,,1,1, Wh"„York P,a,IW,Syyvkeff, Seamaap none,. unequfZiled. $ee that the letter3 R. & T, W. ,,,,„-(1-;;;Ati,Tfei4VOIV47:11:11attraillIclicUot. ' are etatapecl on each drop. Writer, For partioulare Appy to --'-' GEO pizoouctu, We canucit do without others, but others canadian Agent. 36 King Ilt, E„ Toronto. can often do without us. , ... 4. P, 370. BE AL BAN Y STEAM IMP ' CO SPECIAL BUCKET PATEet Wo For Sale—Illustrated descriptive 0. rt. RETURN TRAP., uo slogoe free. R. Chamberlin, WOr0,1/0. WI, A I( roypt *LI, 0130 16,1'{frelA, ittiV, oxpup,a. Pald. Valnable outfit and particulate it2ITThe Celebrated HER. 000k Inapirator, IT /)• . free. l',O.VIIC/Miltry Augusta,Malua•• gliGreshanee Autemotie Ile.starting Injector. PATENTs rittocKgE9Dint7q.....ttgbiem,2,,t Vc;' Sight Feed Lubricator.. ipillorrisou's Autouratio tont Atterneys, and er:plititsein Patel Cianuser r;stao.' • C.47,Engineers' & Phunb- Belied 1867. Donald C. taidoro 46‘ tio.. TorontO. ere' Suppliee of every description. Send for .1111` you have invented. anything 'useful, patent it lind• wren -tam ' TENTS,, to A. Harvey, Patent Attorney and publisher of ."..,.• 76 & 77 Adelaide IF make money. Write for }lawny's GUIDE TO PA- ..",-.........1,:,...--' , , '34.7IXES noniassom, "The petent Review,"" Ottawa.Ont .26 yrs. experieoce„ - -"-- ' T0R01TO. , RUBBER STAMPS,1g;• UAIVIt A 'rEjfeillitNIEIVT I. for CatalOgue. BARBER BROS. CO„ LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY'. ?„, e oils, and Burning Brandt, ne, .,11,43 87 Scott St., Toronto. INCORPORATED A.D. 1856. ubs eri bon capitai, 0,000 CaltfOli, by mail. Packets et ee ratd-up - 2,800,006 ass 4rIed etude or leo, 25o, 50c, 750, 33.00 and eteser•ve Wand, • - 31,180,eoes 31.50 eaeh packet, Paekets orm dozen each • 'amen& Arisen), 0,3,01,614 „ or htli abaY° am°unt's• inste4d Office t --Corti BE499. Torent0 St., Toronto - STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. Tile company baa a large amount of money to lend on Real netat,e securities at the lowest current rateof interest repayable either in one sum or by inetiamente as may be dosired by the borrower. Applications may be made diroot to the undo reign ed of the eompany throughout Ontario. As the Ooze pany always eas feuds on hand no delay !teed be ex - nectar'. temenses by letter or otherwise, er to the local represoutativoa CHINIQUY'S FIFTY YEARS Dortgaes and Menial/sat Debentures Purchased, J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. reduced to in.inimuip. Allan Lino Royal Eteamshipr t,to2shp..rrihrit.: F. Rome -10th Edition—cheaper in. 111, auumg during winter from Portland every Thursday tPronlis°teehlie .6o4.6ogyiNtia, aLnacla iTens.toorloGboonoktl.emLeirib.. and Row: every sotordoy to Liverr204 and in gam. • g a cam aWa Immo, thinkin I wad pit it on, en Sound and went into Oyster Bay. The sitlY the sly, when 11/Iistrese Airlie woe' soon' prize that Kidd captured near the New eleepin'. I hedna' lang tat) wait afore the Brunswick coast was a French fishing vale Weloome sound o' a snore tauld me I was se), whieh, so far as is known din not con - safe tae get up, I didnen clear Bch the nein a pet of gold worth $400,d00. larnpnthough, an m the dark 1 just fummeled in ma coat pouoh, an' gettin' hand o' the bottle 1 hoWkit oot the cork wi' ma pen- knife, an' poorin' oot the staff on ma lufe, slailiit first ma beard an' whiskers, an then wi' a fresh supply Ise ma head • a guid A .Eteguest Granted. Long-haired Man (to bartender)—Can I leave a few tracts in here, my friend aoond, drookne, rubbin' the doggy linuid • Vxtensinee7-Yea, you eauleave a few taxies weel in at the roots o' ma ere, and I want the toes to point toward hair, and then I IL doer. crap slyly in aneath the blankets, an' in twa minutes I was like a tap. Hoo lang Isleepit sde only kens but I was waukened up wi' the maist oneaAhly soheechin' o' Mistress Hughie, Hughle, there's some- body laitulin' oat ma hair by the roots. Ohl mar -vier -der 111" Ye may be sure—up I jamp in dooble-quick time—or rather I tried tae, for the ineenit I liftit ma head frah the pillow, ma ain hair warnolutched onmercifully, an' Mistress Airlie, anither unconeeionable yell, plantit laer nails in ma cheek banes just as if that wad mend mat- ters. Od I was mad! " Gin ye% gie a man mayor and a large number of prominent chance tae get up an' licht Metier, I micht citizens of Boston flocked to a reception see what the deevil a' this nocturnal hate 'which was given to the bruiser Sullivan. haulie means," says I, shovin' her awa free het Hear That child ory me but just as she fell back on the pillow dicina ma aim head gae doon wit a jerk, for, said Mrs. Smith to her sister, Mrs. Davis, gude bee a care o' me! oor heads were glued las the sound of a child's shrieks came across thegither, an' beith o' them glued tae the the garden from a neighbor's house. "What pillow, sae that when we tried Me sit up, 'kind of a woman have you for a neighbor ?" U p cam' the pillow, an' Amy versey. Here Does she abuse her children ?" "No, in - was predicament Me be in—an' what ma. deed," replied Mrs. Davis. "She is one of feelin's were when, wi' a ca,uld grue, it be. the most tender mothers in existence. But gan tee dawn on me the most awfu' mistak' you see she believes in the old-fashioned, I had made—may be better imagined than styles of doctoring. When a child needs describit. Ye see I had brocht hame free physic, she fills a spoon with some nauseous the Warehoose that afternoon a bottle o' dose lays the little victim flat on her lap, mucilage, a lang bottle wi' the cork weal holds his nose till he is forced to open his, dung in, an' when in this dark I got up Ms mouth for breath, when down goes the slake ma head wi' hair dye, didne, I gang dreadful mess. Then comes the yells." "No intae the wrong coat pouch, an' instead el wonder," seid Mrs. Smith, Why doesn't dye I had poored, at nae alooance, half the she use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purganive Pel- conMnts o' that bettle o' Tam Taxmen's lets? 'They are effective without being harsh, mucilage, for panda addressenornma devotit and are as easy to take ati sugar plums. I head! Mistress .Airlie, ye matt hen, has a •always give them to ray children." "And magnificent head o' hair, an' at nicht afore so do I," said Mrs. Davis. The Shape of the Earth. Teacher—" What is the shape of the earth, Johnny?" I dunno. ' "But didn't I tell. you it was round?" "Yea,Buil don't, believe it all the same." Well, we are surprised. Max O'Rell had to cancel his engagement to lecture in Bos- ton the other night, because only thirty tickets had been sold. Not long ago the lenn' doon, she pykes oot twamee gross o' hairpreens oot Mt, an' lots it a' doon, an' this belt' spread oot, what ye wad ea,' con- tiguous tae whaur clappit floon ma dreep- in' locks, the result was a union, that had nae learellel in the civilized world, except in the union a.tween England an' Ireland. By this tinae ma wife was roarin' an' greet - in', an' tellin me that if she lived tae see the licht o' a new day, she wad liae a divorce, she wad pit up wi! no more o' my dracken tricks—an' so forth—after the Gennine modesty is a sense of imperfection common only to the wise and good. • A Little Seed. A little Feed lay in the c.axter's path; A little shoot bowed in the strong wind's wrath; A little shrob grew, by its roots held fast; Then a stout tree bowedall the winter's blast. • A little cough etarted—ttwas only light; little chill shivered the hours of night; A little pain came and began to grow, Then consumption laid all his brave strength low. • Be wise an time. Check the little cough, mamner o' women generally. Hoo the bis- cure the little chill, dispel the little pain, •nese wad hae ended, gude only kens, but ere the little ailment becomes the strong just then a.great red lioht filled theroom— unconquerable giant of disease. Dr. Pierce's the fire alearra rang, an' jumpin' up,baith at Golden Aledicat Discovery, taken in time, once the,pillow stickin' hard an fast at is a retnedy for these ills. oor back necks, we saw that a neebor's hoose across the road was tafire, Before you make a promise consider well an' by the in' its importance and when it is made, engrave oreasin' licht it was ma gltde luck tae ,d1°- it upon the tablets of your heart. cern the gleam o' a pair o sheers lyin on • yer mind for the tail end o' the catastrophe, unequalled. • anti the bureau. . The cleansing, antiseptic and healing I'll eie ye a week, hooever, tee prepare qu , es of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are for I canna mak up ma mind tae iriflick a' its horrors on ye at ance—sae till next week, yours, eairly doon i' the mooth, HUGH AIRLIE. Getting Ready for the Shove. The Executive Commitke of the Ontario • A number of gentlemen interested in the raising and breeding of Canadian dratieht hofses met in Toronto and' formed "The Improved Canadian Draught Horse .e.ssocia- don." Hos Cones CURE cures in one minute. Young Perkins had bo oe paying court to a Agricultural and Arts Association have de - bill r.oater's daughter fer some time, but no aided to hold the next Provinciel Exhibition engagement ssewed to come of it. The at Kingston, from SepfemberlOth to 15th. Sassily : hair to its natural color and prevents' falling out fat er, becoming impatient, said to Perkins CINGALBED II;rn Rs/owner restores grey and faded " oung rnan,whezi does your sho w open?' Men are more gentlemanly than women, "1 havn't any show,' said 'Perkins. as a general thing. squares, 350 galleries, 27 bridges, 4ff quays. The promenades end ;gardens include the woods of Boulogne and Vincennes, measur- ing each over 2,000 acres; three parks, Mon coat, Bu tem -Chaumont, and Montsouris, and six gardene, the whole estimated in the municipal domain at 272,219;178 francs. The number of cemeteries in Paris is 21, 15 on the right batik and Dix on the left bank of the Seine. Oateide the walls are 8 cemeteries. The principal slaughter house at Le Vil 3 - lotto, covers an area. of 112 are, Free • Free! ! Free ! ! ! , Thetis are 21 theatres, 5 circuses, 4 pan- A Book of Instruction and Price List on ()rams, and enures of cafes, ,concerto for Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis by the amueement of the population. calling at any of our offices, or by post by Paris is surrounded by a wall measuring sending your address to R. Parker & Co., 33,950 metres, some 21 Islam long, formina • Dyers an Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., ramparts which are surrounded by ditches Toronto. Branch Offices : 4 John St. N., 15 metres wide, and pierced by 70 gates. All iip With Rim. Hamilton ; 100 Colborne St., Brantford. To build this wall cost 500,000,000 franos, Wife—I am afrctid, my dear, that Clara 's They who would rule safely nmst rule wakef alnese, mental depression, softening of the brain; after. eto., premature old age, loss Of vitality caused by • over exertion of the brain, and lossof natural strength trom any cense whatever. Men—young, old or mid - A Narrow Escape. dle.aged—who are broken down from any oi the above causes, or any ause notmentioned abase send " Speaking of mushrooms and toadstools, your address and 10 cents in stamps for mibona gentlemen," chimedsin DaMiey, " a friend of Treatiee, in book form, of Diaeasee o f meat. -Books mine not/long ego gathered a quantity of what ;rent se:1:d anderecure fromi obliervation. ddrees M. he supposed were muahrooms, and took 'em • ' LUE , 47 W Ilington street East, Toronto, Ont home. His wife cooked 'em, and the whole The best riches is contentment, the wont "rvous prostration caufted by the nee of tobbeco accepted, and the show commenced not long family ate heartily of 'em." poverty, low spirits. " And did they all die ?'' inquired the crowd, very much ehooked. "No, they happened to be mushrooms, you see," replied 3:Mnitley, with a far -away look in his eyes, "but it was a narrow es- epe." • • hich sum was voted by Parliament in 1840, quarrel with young Mr. Sampson is The movement of the population of Paris Iler1Lusitamnat—terN. onsense ; they will be as de- / • • voted as ever in a few day. 1198, 65,000; 1808, t80,000; 1827, 890,403; Wife—No, John, I think you are mistak- 1844, 012,000 ; 1846, 1,055,000 1851, 1,013g en. No girl will 9uarrel with her lover juet 000; 1861, 1,060,000; 1872, 1,850,000; before Christmas unless there are good and 1881, 2,225,910 ; 1886, 2,344,550. eufficient reasons for it. a very With lone, not fence, ITCIIIINO PILES. SYMPTOME—Moisture : intense itching and stinging; ontlnue,tritpriore form, whip often celleld and ultooer; Powerful Snow Shovels The Notthern Pacific railway has this • A Startling Disoovery. year into use four new rotary sten& A startling and impertant discovery was anOw bl s a box car, containing a Stationary w n atter long mid petient experi- ern ' • e 4PPara 0,semewhat re. rawe orks the shovel (,) mentsi the cembination of Nerviline w s he (fangir, Ntvhich f ho cae . s reached. A rand e' vietoryi indeed, for the ;On,: 0 is the oto.ry shovel which ffi hg revo utions per minute. The know that for 10 cents you can bay a trial anew passes back and is evelled from v, bottle of Poison's Verviline. and teSt itS spout on top of the car, being thrown far great poWer over pain of every closed don ? to one Bide. he apparent /a pushed by a Poisons isiorvihne Mixes clam pain in tile locomotive, and ran go through a snow drift stornaoh, side, mid back, rheumatism; in WC or seven feet deep at the a•Ette of df teen fact all path. Sold by druggist and eoun. at e58 5510 ra up the enow, i 811 er 9.'" an eds„ at hand. Do ,tett t can be ran as ci ever rea 3t) Pr°mPti dill. ent and cheap rern most at night : worse by scratching tf allowed to a e, too mg very sore. wArsit s TWINY P the itching and bleeditig, heals ulceration, and in many closes removes the) mallows. It is equally eft. °nohow' in curing all Skin Dieease,. DR. WAYNE tool Gan be obtaineh of druggists. Sent by mail for Is is not so difficult to plant new truths as to root out old errors. People who are eubjeot to bad breath, foul 'seated tongue, or any dieorder of the Stomach, eat at once be relieVed by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Maas, the old and tined remedy, Ask viral. brogglo. Lord •Randolph Churchill regrets that there can be traced in Mr, Gledstone's course every sigu of age exesPt file Pessea- skill of evisdorn. ei believer emir , ontaoh or Bowels get Ont olee der, WW1 Biliousnese, Dylmepsia or Ilisligeatiori & SON, Proprietors Philadelphia. Swavsn'S Oast - ago, IA o was cured himself by it after being three years on onitehee. Mae remedy will be expressed to any part of Canada, to any person suffering the above complaints woo order it. Send tor circulars, Price of 8 oz. bottles Liniment, 1.00, PIlls 25e S. .1. LA/t4 Prtrollia, Ont. eral terms. Anemias, A. G. WATSON, TORONTO mar from Quebec every saturday to yes -pope caliber Wonsan) Talc! DIIDOEITORT, TORONTO. . at Londonderry to land mails and passengere fon Scotland and Ireland ; also from. Balthnore, via Mal. - la R t7, A vir, zd"utiZleuminsk 40*rhggIL.E'bit-...t=i3a.vree A Beautiful imported Birthday Oerd sent , gow lines salt INI1iLOE to and from 'HalLtax,, to any baby whose mother will send ne the I Portland, Boston and Philadelphia • and durin .1unn 'roues of two or more other babies, and their r parents ar reesee Aem 11 handseme mond Dye Semple Card to the mother and unichvaluable information. WItI;eIfilainard...a.a Po,. rvis.ntir.skti, mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; G SWIM and Boston fortnightly weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia ' For freight, paseage, or other nformation apply ts eceaurameter as co., BrItimore ; S. Cunard Ira W. GigAnAm a Co; 283 unlike; alma lb Co., St. john'e, Wm- Thom; a,r1 delronngemed Sata.,dToorroohnteos,trdaeailnesrtsruin. rorivea64CAO7dlet Jzfehnitri Z.rg Ala.191133081:40er... TOIllorustaaalo, Vocal and In ts Mrueuintfien.tal Oas mv uasni od BSoeockson,de.tcHanInd: pAltralebu; DA..ellucet,pitaretaivabto; Etwont.ltonaramookinte,,salphilaa. struction Books for every instrument. Agents for Carl Fischer'sBAND & Oa. comma MISIENC. Send for catalogues. ANI ;see. MINE LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT CO. (I.0), OF LONDON, ENC. Farmers going to Manitoba will find it to. Capital, £260,000. Dominion Government Deposit, their advantage to call upon or write to W. R..55,000. Head Oilicie : 72 King St, Meat, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented B. Gillett, 523 Main Street, Winnipeg, who districts, A. T. mocoRD, has improved farms for sale Resident Secretary for the Dominion. • Information cheerfully fur.nished Without W. MODOWALLI• charge. Money advanced to bona fide set.. Importer of fine thing. Rifles, .Amunition and sports tiers at low rates of interest upon peraOnat nlOatin'ergecoeoidpst of every e3v15700d, 1"e„Aiir extwphr.ess to any address, property to assist them in starting. an English made double barrel breach.loading shot. gun, with cover and tools complete. We are the only manufacturers of Small American/Tog W. MoDOWALL, 51 King street East, Toronto SAUSAGE CASINGS iv jeoc_r..,_ P...URED=0.1VING STREAM. I /Fr n Canada. These casings TAKE gun amenotany AHGERS, bore 20 fee English Sheep Casings, as to sme,streneth and length, per hour. Also ROOK. Drill'—Iland, Worse or Steam Power. Bond for Catalogue. Prfee List Ancerlicius 1Blog Casings r •Per keg of 10011)8..380 00 Per keg of 50 114..315 00 taidlaw latunufacturitng Co. Smaller quantities, per lb.. SSD HAMILTON, ONT. ENGL2611 SIIEEP Games:— Per keg of 50 bundies.......... ....... ..... . . ... OM 00 Smaller quantities, per bundle....................o 66 Patronize Home Trade. If any other dealers are fifteen years. with g,reat success, in the treatment of • nervous debility, end all diseases arising from ex- We also manufacture DR. GRAY'S Specific has been use for the past at their figures if shown rotheuprRicoEs. A pi 1 lick, offering Casings et lees than the above, we will sell, misses, over-woiked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in FEITI L 1 Z L 1, oomposed ol °o-1, blie the ems, palintatien, etc. For sale by all drugmets. meat. PriO8 penton, 330 00. Fine or co Bone •-•%. $- Price, SI per box, or 6 boxes for $0 or ill be sentby Meal 385 per ton All Goods W te , or mom" . mail oe metipt of price. Pamphlet on application. refunded. Goode F. 0.11. at Hamillon. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. F. HAMLIN at CO., ntroN, own •ervous !MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER. STOCKMEN, giv:e this valuable pre- paration a fair trial. lb operates promptlyand effectually in destroying Ticks and other vermin pests, as well 'asin eradicating all affections of the •skin to which Sheep are subject. Sold In Tins at 35c., 70e. and 31. A 85e. Tin will clean 20 Sheep or 35 Lambs. HUGH IrtILLEIt & Co.. Toronto. MERCHANTS . . BUTCHERS 1 ANIS YEADILIES GISNIESAILY: We want 11000» EAN in your locality to pick up ..teltitg3P 2W3E1.44TM for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory gue.rant. Address C. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. TOBOGGANS, NOVISHOES, OCOAS1NS, and mobil. Dicounts to Clubs and Dealers. Send for Catalogue. Wholesale 1LT.• LANE, Clitiffe MONTREAL. SAUSAGE CASINGS. Cs EST IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEPS, also Small Li) American Hogs Casings. • Qualityguaranteed. In lots to snit purchasers. Write for pricee. JAS. PARK &SON. LIMPS' Dress and Mantle outting by thie DON and improved TAILORS' SQUARE. Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the full art of cutting all garments worn by ladies and ohildren. PROF. SMITH 183i Queen St W., Toronto: Agents wanted. —wit mg_ Toronto Silvor Plato k* Co, •'MANUFACTUREDA OF TER HIGHEST GRADE OP SILVER PLAT) WAIVES. TRADE MARK. ALL 00,11),S GYARA AIMED TORONTO. BARNUM WIRE and Iltif WOitICS: TEE greatest dis- covery of tire presentage for nem. ateme TRIC HONW.43, AND CURING ALDHLOOD lavas, Atm Karam CoarrnAlars: A per feat Blood Purifier A few in Hamilton veho have been bone Oted by its use :— Mrs. M. Keenan, 192 Robert St., cured of 'rysipelas of 2 years banding; Robert Cor cell, 24 South St., daughter cured of Epileptio Fits Eft& 6 years' BM:faring Je ,• s, cured of weakness and Lung Trouble 850n -Wood, 95 Cathcart St., cured of-Eiver Compirifixt and Biliousness, used only 3 fifty -cent bottles; Mrs. j. Beal, 6 Augusta St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, two small,bottlee gave her great velief. Sold at 500. eir 63.00. • 5'. F. DALLEY & CO.. Proprietors, STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS. USESBEST FRENCH BURR • MILLSTONES FINEST CREWER 1E183 WORLD ED RENEWED PLETEEASIE IROHMILLI' STONES WILL LAST A -- LIFETIME r;d3 , c.,04cum1 (FEED ) MILL ELEI, .e.4tOOS , SeREEN winEnous ,• E.W.G?-BRANTFORD. CANADA.—•am•. IU-STkk,ti. WINDSOR, ONT. lAt ro-07.-41 104++ .(1 theft a toodoot erns, tato at &Yeti a dead Of Dr "11"" Carton's Stoniabh Dittelk WADY Medloine all Monists, so coats. IRON klENC S OF EVER We are now ofeering the Best Iron Fences ever sold in Canada, at remarkably Low Prices, ALO MAKE Stable Pittares, Sand sereeus, 'Weather Vane% Iron Stairs and shutters rire Esettues, (Mice tiIhtgs PlOwer Stand so Vire Signs, and all kinds of '0iire, Iron and Brass 'Work. ESCEIPTIBIC Send for Catalogue