HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-12, Page 5tic;<6'I
New Notes,
The annual meeting of the ,DomipionTem-
peranee .Alliance will be held at Ottawa on
Feb. 28th, when representation wi ll probably
made a ito Parliament
to h
have the Scott
Act amended.
A district in China of ten thousand square
miles has been submerged by an overiiow of
the Hoang -Ho, causing the loss of three-
quarters of a million lives and rendering
three million people homeless.
A through train of 107 cars, drawn by
five engines, left Minneapolis on Thursday
for Boston via the Sault.
Mr. Price, the conservatiye eandidate for
the vacant seat for Victoria, 13. C. will pro-
bably be returned by acclamation.
A full-sized hatchery, with a capacity of
15,000,000 ,eggs, will be the feature of the
Fisheries sheries Exhibition.
The inual report of the Postmaster-
Generalh. be printed in a few days. It
is undttjjs • ,6d that the net revenue for the
fiscal yb(tr, ending 30th of June last, will
reach $2,603,255, ogainet$2,469,000 expend-
iture; for the year ending June 30th 1887,
$3,458,100, and for the previous year,
$3,380,000, or an increase of $08,000. This
shows an excess of receipts of $56,000 as
compared with the previous year.
Pleuro -pneumonia is still prevalent among
cattle in the upper part of Westchester
county New York State. The Bureau of
Animal industry condemned over 200 head
already this week And this is the country
with which Messois Wiman and Butter-
worth wish Canadians, to annex. Canadian
cattle are free from these condemned diseases,
and if the farmers desire to have their stock
Glassed with :American diseased cattle, favor.
Commercial Union:
Ottawa, Jan.` 9.—A. W. McGibbon, In-
speotor of Indian agencies in the Northwest,
arrived here to -day. He is conferring with
the Indian Department regarding nextyear's
supplies. The Lichens,' he says, remain on
their reserves, dna. during' the past two sea
sons have made wonderful progress in their
agricultural pursuits. They, take special
delight in the cattle given thein by the Gov-
ernment. As illustrating the improvement
in the condition of the red men, Mr. Gibson
mentioned that the Crooked Lake Indians
recently purohased a steam threshing :ma-
chine, and now have 7,000 or 8,000 bushels
.of grain for sale.
Tupper Talks.
Sir Charles Tupper, after spending a few
hours m Chicago . en route to Washington,
left this afternoon. III speaking of Cana-
dian annexation Sir. Charles said :—"There
is no party in Canada in favor of annexa-
tion to the United States. There may be a
few individuals here and there, but no
person has ever been elected to the House
of Commons who declared himself previous-
ly in favor of that measure. We believe
that re is room enough in North America
ttl 1 g 1
for th Dominion of Canada as well as the
Uniter. 'nates of America, and that while
it is v desirable that .there • should be
the freest possible intercourse between the
two countries, we think it rather an ad-
vantage to both ofthein to illustrate each
to the other the Republican Government,
as sir wn• by the States, and the British
syr' titin as aractised in Canada."
News of the Day.
The North Scotland Canadian Cattle Co.
will shortly holds meetingto decide whether
they will continue to import Canadian stock.
The Company is not entirely displeased with
the outcome of their shipment.
A man once indulged in great laughter
'At the sight of a boy on a raughter.
Heaves perched up Quito high,
: $ut came; down on the fiigh,
And his hat it came tumbling aughter.
Frederick Wiese, of Minden. Ont., snffored
with running sores` on both legs which the
best of physicians failed to. cure, Two bottles
of 13u rdockBlood i3ltters cured him completely
Scrofula always due to bacl blood, is curable
when timely tceated with B B. B.
There is no other medicine of such general
usefulness in the household as Hagyard's
'Yellow Oil for the mire of rheumatism, near -
algia, sore throat and all internal and exter-
nal Paine and injuries,
London, Ont., is said to be again free from
ADvion To MoTBEns.—Are you dist,irbed at
night and broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
Tenth? If so sand at once and get a bottle of
"Ivlrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children
Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will
ielieve the poor little sufferer immediately
Inn -wild upon it, mothers there is no mistake
about it- It euros Dysenteiy and Diarrbma,
regulates'tbe Stoma= and Bowels, cures Wind
Collo, eotteesthe Gums, reduoesInfiammation,
and. gives tone and energy to the -whole system..
"airs. Wilislow's Soothing Syrup" for children
teething is pleasant to the taste and is the
prescription of one of the oldest and hes
female.pbysiciaus and nurses in the United
Status, and is for sale by all druggists through-
out the world, Price twenty-five cents a bot-
tle. Be sure and ask for "Mas, Wrxsnow's.
A"n;rnrxo• P -'ROP "!fild take no ocher kind.
Under this title a great deal has been writ-
ten, and yet the substancrof the entire subject
''lies in a nutshell;" or rather in four words
impurity of the blood. This isthe source
of debility or weakness, whatever may be the
proximate or immediate cease of the misfor-
tune. and they are numerous, When,Iiollo-
way directed his attention to this important
and not unfrequeutstate of ailment. he found
numerous theories existing; but instead of
being led away by vain disquisitions, he re-
stricted himselfto the consideration of what
Nature requires for the matntenanee of health
and strength in the human system. ''As he
said, the stomach must reduce food into a
wholesome pulp, which, in due oom•se, is
eonvested by admixtare with the bile secreted
by tick liver into a milky substance, from
whieL ;the nutritious portion is taken up by
the a 'sorbants of tho bowels and conveyed
thio�ig�h its appropriate vessel (the theoretic
doctl.to the heart, through which it passes
to the }rings and becomes blood, circnlatiug
through every part of the system, whose wear
and tear it repairs, renews and 'lnvigoratos—
if it be pure. .If this ho not the case, then
the body wastes -every part of it tlirinits for
want of nutriment—the vital stamine fail—
and there is ;gaveled doti itv or woalnlesr.
r ,
It and If
It�wastbis accurate a s milia tietvof the
t which led' to the composition of those
soli ec p s
Pills, which the world has gladly accepted
from Holloway, and found to be such a per -
feet restorative of broken and dilapidated
constitutions—from wltatev r rows() preened.
nig—Whether the resttltof ifnbidled licenttone.
miss and vice, or the consequence of exhaust-
ing and poisonous mineral medicines;
(nate for Ifumanit was the daywhen
Fortunate Y
Thomas Holloway ivaugdrateil his now u:o9ti
treatment, flow many lolling payouts
of treatment, y � i
hard sinee then blessed him for the proparn-
tion of a medicine t 1 ll arrested the grip of
Death when fixing itsi osLerebletalons
l it was g
in 0.16 11004; of their sons incl d tughters,
which restored pristine health and strength
to worn or•gsns and, at it 'i ere, gate a note
1e1.0o of life to bodies tapparentiy doomed
irrevocably to lingering decay and piembem
n'Got' if there lel 000''ebisa of
',+sUltttto t
diseases more than nhrrs in which
way', Pills have boon most successful, it is
dcto'vat ,t)c'bili(y.--1verynict )c'sown doctor,
Thursday, Feb, 10, has boon iiiced upon
for voting cu tho Scott Act in Westmorland
N. B.
The weary, "all gone" feeling, with gnaw. '
ing at the pit, of the stomach, or a choking
from undigested food so common to the
weak dyspeptic. This, trouble is soon reined-
ied by Burdock Blood Bitters, which ,s a
Pobitivo cure for the worst form of Dyspepsia,
The old or the young may at all times and
all seasons of the year take MurdockBlood.'
Bitters with benefit when requiring a blood
purifying tonio, or a regulator of the stomach
bowele, livor or kidneys.
A, fatal attack of croup is a frequent oocurr-.
enoe among children. Every household
should be guarded by keeping Uagyard's
Pectoral Balsam at hand. It breaks up polds
coughs, coup, asthma and baronchitis in a
remaritable manner.
People aro apt to get greatly excited in ease
of sudden accident and injury. It is well to
be prepared for such emorgenoies, Hagyard's
Yellow Oil is the handiest remedy known for
burns, scalds, bruises, lameness, pain and all
wounds of the flesh It is used internally
and externally.
Two thousand tons of beet sugar arrived in
Halifax from Panama,Friday, per steamer
is sold, all over the world. It far superior
to plain Cod Liver Oil, palatable and easily
digested- Dr. Martin Miles Stanton, Bury
Bucks, London. England, .says; "I have pre-
scribed Soott's Emulsion, and'taken it myself.
itis palatable, efficient, and can be tolerated
by almost anyone, especially where cod liver
oil itself cannot be borne. Put up in 50e
and $1 size.
ser OIINGDIE1' Rnticring from the effects of
.L early evil habits, the result of iguorance or
folly, who:ftud themselves weak, nervous, and
exhausted ; also MIDDLE. AGED and OLn MnE,
who are broken down from the affects of abuse
or over -work, and in advanced life feel the
consequences of youthfnlexcess, send for and
sou], M. V. Lubou's Treatise on Diseases of
Man. The book will be sent sealed to any ad-
dress on receipt of two 3c. stamps. Address
M.:V,LUBON,47 Wellington St. E. Toronto.
Jan.l3th,1887. 1—v.
(O orrecto d at5 o'clock p .m. Wednesday.
Fa11Whe a i .. 0 79 to 80
Spring Wnoat... ... . 0 75 to 0 78
Barley .., . 64 to 70
Oats .. 0 34 to 35
Clover Seed 4 50 to 5 00
Timothy •. 1 50 so 2 00
Peas 057to0.38
Corn, 0 58 to 0 60
Eggs 017to817
Butter ... .- 20 to 0 20
Flourporbbl . ,.. _. .., 00 to 5 55'
Potato o s,per bushel ... 75 to 80
Apples,perbag . 40 to 0 50,
Dried r b . 0 4 t 00
A le 0 00
P p
Geese poi�lb. 0 05 to 0 05
Turkey per lb ... 0 07 to 08
Duoks per pr - 0 45 to 0 50
Chickens per pr ... . 0 20 to 0 30.
Rogs,dresseclperl0 .. 6 25 to 6' 40
Beef ... ... ... ... 400 to500
Hidesrouhg, ... . . ... 5 50 to 5 50
dressed ... .; 6 00 to 6 oo.
Sheepskins each 0 75 to 1 CC
caifskius , . .. .. '0.50 to 0 70
Wool per lb .. ,.. .. 0 20 to 0 21
Hayperton .•. . 800 to 8 00
tlnionsuerbuse- 0 50 to 0 75
Woodper cord ••• 2 5 to 3 o0
- o•
1T: arenas.
by Messrs a Ct, Son & Co.
.all Wheat ........ H0 : to 82
Spring Wheat..... t 80 82
Bar.ey 05 70
Oats..... .... ........ ................ 38
Clover Seed 480 500
Timothy . .................. ....,1 50 2 00
Peas............... 58': 60
16 17
Butter..... 10 17
Potatoes per bush 60 70
Apples'perenish ... 30 40
Wool per lb 00 00
Bay porton 800 0'00.
The Toronto Empire, in its commercial
reports, thus refers to the <cattle market:—
All our advises point to there being a fewer
nurbor of cattle feeding this year than
Jas. Oke, of Exeter, Huron county said
to -clay: ' We have not nearly so many
cattle feeding in my district as last year
Feedstuffs are scarce. Being high 10 price,
farmers find it more profitable to sell their
caarse grain than to feed it."
H. M. Mabee, who has been. up the north-
ern branch of the Midland, said: "The
farmers in the district through which I have
been are not feeding as many as usual."
J- 0. Robson. 8t. Mary's: t'llardly so
many. Farmers are not feeling so good over
last year's reedits." Besides feed is too high.'
Mr. Hales; Mitchell: "The county of
Perth is feeding fewer than usual."
o -+B4 -p
°IMAGO, Jan. 10;—Cattle.-Receipts, 12,-
000 ; market closed weak ; sales of extra at
05;25 to $5 50 ; good steers. $3 to $5
stockers and feeders, $2 to $3 45; cows, bulls.
and mixed, $1 75 to $3 25 ; Texas steers,'
$2 to $3. Hogs—Receipts. 22,000 market
strong, and 5 to 10 cents higher ; sales of
nixed, at $5 25 to $5 70 ; .heavy, $5 50 to
$5 95 ; li;{ht, $4 90 to $5 45. Sheep. -Re-
ceipts, 4,000 ; sale of natives at $2 75 to $5 ;
Western, $4 to $4 75 Texans, $2 75 to $3.-
20 ; lambs, $4 76 to $5 75.
ToBONTo, Jan. 10.
WHEAT --Fall. No, 1, 00c to 000 ; No.
2, 8s to 83 s ; Spring, No. 2, 81e. to 82 c. ;
rod' winter, No. 2, 84c to 84j:o. ; hard Mani
tcba, No. 1. OOe to 000 ' No. 2, OOe to 00o.
BARLEY —No. 1, 78o to 79.e. ;. N. 2,
75e to 76 c ; No. 3, ox., ,72c to 72 0 ; No. 3,
68e to 69e.
PEAS. --No. 2, 50c to Glc.
OATS. -No, 2, 394c tc 41o.
CntoiGo, Jan. 10.—Tho leading -futures
closed :--Wheat—Jail. 77io ; Feb, 78c
March, 782e; May, 84o. Corn• -Jan„ 49e;
Feb., 49io ; May, 54- Oats -May, 3,140
Pork—Jan., ,$15 12?, ; Feb., $15 174 ; May,
$15 57i. Lard—Jae., 85 67i ; Feb,, $7 GO ;
March, $7 67i ; May, $7 821-, Short "ribs—
Jan. and Feb., $7 85 ; Match, $7 05 May
biay, $8 15. Cash quotations were :--No, 2
spring wheat, 75ic ; No. 2 red, nominal ;
No, 2 porn, 48;to to 40c ; No. 2 oats, 31- to
32e. Pork, $1500 to $15 10. Lard, $7 GO ;
Short iibs sides $7 85.
LONDON Jan. 9, —Te Msrrlc Lane -
.less, iu its review' of the British grain trade
0.n Il the t -Week, .. English
pan t. oe t, says ::-'Phe iingllsh
wheat trade is c1u11. In London varum are
barely supported, and in the provincial mark-
ets they
ark-e'ts:they aro 6d to is lower. Tho sales of
English Wheat during the week were 37,646.
quarters et ;31s 3d, against 30,847 quarters at
4558 44 during the eorreepondin period hist
year. Foreign wheat is weak h" d prices
hrwe declined 3 to Gd. Sly oargobs of wheat
arrived ; two cargoes were sold throe were
withdrawn and two remained, At to.clay's
105511et the wheat trarlo was dor
vj li Freed ; for.
nign declined
another f
a. Flom ryas dull.
land GA cheaper. Corn ae firm.
sr b
lei and peas Were atba4 . bimotldalyauoed
The Largest and 1VI'ost Complete
assortment of Spectacle in
Town --At pries to
Suit you.
ro m 10 Cts., IO Dollars
—Dpn't fail to, earl at the-----
Dominion Laboratory
,Livor Complaint,
Sick Headache,
Kidney Troubles,
Skin Diseases
—and all -
Impurities of the
Blood from what-
ever cause arising
Female weakness
ez General debility
Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated,
Pleasant and effectual to use.
Doctor Hodder's - Compound.
Take no other. Sold everywhere. Price
75 cents per bottle.
Sold .Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50
cents per. bottle. Proprietors and Manf'rs,'
the Union Medicine Company,
Toronto Canada.
SAW -GUMMING. -The -Under-
(.. signed would inform the uublic that he
is prepared to gum saws on the shortest notice,
and in a first-olass manner, guaranteeing not to
damage the plate. Saws gummed ata low price,`
at the factory. tE mile south of Exeter.
2-m T. BEAMAN.
The Great English 1Prescripttinri.
A successful. Medicine used over
30 years in thousands of cases. if
i Cures Spermatorrhea, "Nervous'
Weakness, Bin:tuiors.Impotency �aw
and all diseases caused by abuse.
taxman] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [alma]
Six ppackages Guaran teen to Cure. when alt others.
bail. Ask your Druggist for The Great Encash
Prescription, take no substitute. One package
SI. Six 85, by mail. Write for Pamphlet, Address.
Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit. Ditch.
,E,,iw'T A 5w
Are pleasant to take. Contain their own
Purgative. Is a ef and cfrccto -I
+strayer of WO.:2=1 1.i .. ui.dron or Adults
immediate Belief'
Cold in Head,
1Tot a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price
00 cts. and $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug.
gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Address
FUL.FORD &i CO., Brockville, Ont.
\J turer 01 all kinds of Trusses; Residence:
Rannie's Mills, Hay, where he will attend` to the.
wants of any who may require his services,
Why pay from $15.00 to 825 00 for the same ar
ticle which he can furnish you for $5,00, and
which is as good if not better and warranted
to fit with comfort? Remember, Doable
Trusses, $5.00 1 ngle Trusses, 82.50. ,All coin-.
Zurich P. O., Ont,
sans. (18 vi) would infoftn the public that
be has opened a
rn Southeott's lllOck opposite the Post Office
whore lin will be pleased to moot his old oust: �
mots, and as many new ones, wis hitig'wolil done
c0 dhortest((01100 and at low prices.
gen -
r' o
shoefn '
gen g and general blackanfthirig "a
- TIipS. CAVE,
Ouessite the Post Cake. Exeter,
CoYSidatertON OUi.tiSta,
An old physician, retired t10 11 :inlet loo, ha
ingha,t plliood'in 1318"31ancl8 by an Iasi Indian
niIasi enemy tho•frn 10ula Of 1L stmlilo vogooablo
rernedy tor the spo)dv rind pi 1011 1101 t cure of
Consein iti.on, 13rnilnhitis,,• .Catarrh, Asthma
0,1(111:ti Croat and lung affoetions atn0 a roti•
five and radical curo for N r of evebitit yeti.
ailt5orvau: COWnpin,int1,atter 10iivinetestedits
woucterfnl curative po,vors in M ausaucle o1,
casna . has felt itbisd(tty to rim k'ft:kflc'wnto
his suffering Tellowl. Artuato0 by 1iId irctivl
and it (10slr0 to t•Oliove auttiii(0 u-e.iffjs ' W;al
ebucl free of charge, all t ito if t
n , v tioetie ,t. alai
n Germ vii a
1r0i :
uli .;
i Y9'!.
, O +tIish,tveth tiffs
diractioiisTot prolsa,itn(;and „11sin(;' ;;ant bI
fitail,), addressing With stun,, 1(010(ng this
ittner.W, A, Nora. 1,Po'
40,2r4 r 1105 if. l'ite/ie8ter. •
zucesniAL MILLS
The undersigned would re5neotfully i'nforg
mills for a tern of years ; and will be pleased
to have a call from all'filo mill has recently
been improved, by the addition of new mach-
inery. tis the intention of the subscribers to
a ed, the s possible ; and all
a a sot of rolls as Soon a
Woo thaw Grist Mill
heconimunitythat they have leaeedt eabove
Will be second to none in the West.
�I1 � * � ■
Choppig Done
Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sate or
anima: sed for oats.
..L.-71 8S 0 ..1�.
AtToronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed, This Oil was -used. on fill machinery duringtit
Exhibition, It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three yers.
1 -"Soo that you get Peerless. It is only mode by
8,047UEL Ittocurns ceCO., TORONTO
OF THE 1 1®
J. & A. McNEVIN,
And every species of disease arising
.iron disordered LIVER, KIDNEY
T,'MILBURN & Ca.: ,nrTtors,NT.o..
The high character of this old .medicine.
as a sure remedy for Coughs, Colds, Throat
and Lung Troubles is repeatedly confirmed
by the gratifying, grateful and unsolicited
testimony received from - those' who have
been benefitted by its use. •
Mn. S. J. Wincocli, Toronto, writes:—
"1 have used Hallamore's Expectorant in
my family for Coughs and Colds, for thir-
teen years and would not bo without it."
Mx. J.. C. Sams; Car Inspector, C.P.R.,
Galt, writes :—
Send nue one dollar's worth of llallamore's
Expectorant. I cannot get along without
25 et. Bottle.
The whole system is deranged and out of
sorts: The blood is impure, pimples, boils and:
liver sprts appearing en the face and body.
Tho livor: is clogged and C aetfvo, causing fa-
tigue, loss of appetite a dull. gloom:,titedfool-
log with inability to do worlc the complexion
is fallow and nitiddy, and it is absolutely ne-
cessarv,to enjoy good beulth to take the Bale -
Mandrake, Dandelion Liver Cure, which puri-
fies the blood by stimulating the Liver, aiding
digestion and promoting a natural evacuation
of the bowels. Mandrake and Dandelion are
two of the best laver regulatnrs known, and
allmedical men agree that the Liver is of
more vital impoi-tanco'to health than the
Heart and Lungs, If the Liyer is torpid or in-
active, DYSpousia,
n-active,Dyspousia, Xuclicestion, Txeadaclie,Cos-
tiveness, etc. will result.,
L -T -V -E -R
Kidney and Grinevy Tr:olf ble..Taun-
dice, Liver Spots, Impure Blood, Paul Breath.
are quickly cured by Dr. Chase's Mandrake
Dandelion Liver
When the Kidneys are 'diseased, overtnaced
endwnekene13, one or two bottles are attar-
,.pt0ndto Jure, lir. Alex, Taylor, West Gwil-
1imbtfi•y, was trouble 3 for 15 years with lcid-
1157 disease, was compelled to rise 5 and 6
tiiuesthi0uglr the night to urinate, sur(orecl
triton se paid, and was filially cared after all
'other remedies and 1i113's1c1ans had failed, by
usiug throe bottles.
5000,00(..) SOT.,, .)
Over one-half million of Pr. Ob.:so e Receipt
13 Dolts 1t,' V ' been sold lir Canada alone, anti rv0
tvaut:ovaryp00500trembled vttb Liver 1'0711'
plaints Mild. ltfclney,11901,ses, ole„'to try Chase
Diver ('itre. Wrapped 5(01111,1 every bottle is
a valuable
'(01100011llet, house or nunse,lrrn.n 0(01ll 1 1,c
withovatins book, trio 11( 0111 eeliecfl0(( of ren(
p0” 01taut, no Inr1(c.' Oo'ew tmnn t l;iv es 1"-
eeititefor bedfitifying the emnifl0xi0n, ;Tnd-
orien.lnt,Croai11 of 13ei,:(110 1ln,y ;1.)c,' , Tact,
1rookies, Sunburn', 7Talr Dyes end P1-nmeters,
Toot :h 110icdo, s. Wash efi,1.01(1nn 1sa.ir'by(, for
01oachiegdark hair to.0 golden hue, 1.,1•c or
Lnstro' ole•, ole.
Sold bo n,111 11xlonlnl•s at , 1• 1Blt 1
v 9 y tt r0fEl0,
The book alone: is worth tell times the asst or.
tbo c4icino'
'Prmy 1`)r, Ohaso`s it.kinoyLiver Pills, the only
pill made acting direct1(3ou the Eidnoye,
°ranc1Bowels, ?rice 250'. Snfa by all deal-
-RE O 0
N'Y T.7R
neretatlow a cold in head td to slowly tail
surely'tlOvnIO into catarrh, rth 'when
h01 you can be
curet. for tun; by 'using. ,.Dr.` Chase's Catar•h
Cure, n fawn all+ect(oivi,
O t t oto ,l 'ti a"•
1 i811 but a .t
arra t 1' to 2lnixes Dore ordinary catarrh ; 2 to
. 5 boxes is 0tiarttnteed to ctn 0 (11u•onle catarrh,
ry it ^c1' 25e. ;1.11 l ttrr c,.tc,
Has made`
d. his head -quarters' r
his old Emend.,
For few weeks only. Come and see hit:n He has got
of goods of 'all descriptions with him.
My Oyster Parlor is alway open, and oYysteis served as you
want them, and on the shortest possible notice.
' m' , cot� c.' ,~:e{,'�� 42
,,(t.0 -�''{ado �O� '5[,SSC', e
Oda G� OS o„,,,:„..,4,7,,,,, ,c,„,..,,,,,,:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,
0 b ;ot • �e LO
r. ra e$ t G.4�%
_{- h�,\e GC � Q/a��'\N6 6 h'�ir? h6JeyV
�1 � l �5 - & �0 0
�i C. ay e',5. P\ trey
to"tic o 'CO •1fi� ��.,�`�
^w S N.
i5 o
o �
Manufactured only by Thomaa Holloway, 78, Now OxG,1 d' Shea, -
late 333, Oxford Stroot, London. ,
MI -Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots..
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London. they are spurious. t
(Wholesale and Retail.)
BUILDER'S HARDWARE --Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Lock,, i2ia;t
Butts . (full line.)
CARRIAGE HARDWARE -Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, "Tubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners
Shafts, Moquette Wunslin, Drill, &o.
MILL SUPPLIES -Stow Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and. Leath-
er Beitings, dse.
SPORTING MATERIAL—Breach Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, cfm,;
Silver Star Coal
Oil, Wicks, Bur
ners, Axes,
& Skates.
EE—Original Gook and, Tritunph
Tho ,,Bradley Eavetrough and Tin-
• ware a Specialty.
Verity's Plows and Pointe, Cal-
ne Paster, Carpet, Felts, Pitch
Solid in your orders for Chestnut or Stone; Carmel Soft, and ,the Semonic Blassburg
Coal before it advances.' Ansaled Galvanized and Barb Wire cheap.
Undertakin c1
Wo wenitl mill the attention of the people of Exeter and' sorcounding Country to
Coot that we, haring pdrehnd the gook sud bt•iuss of SIrt:lAVt 7vL4, sate otiat
spec,al iuclaoements in
aLrior Setts, $1i➢➢andValley I
gr lii
, and -Jt;iattlYess
Bedroom Setts, Wood, Cane & Perforated Chairs 3 '
Chairs, It care Cptse,a=
1' • 1111; i Ue51 s Si [eliortrcls, Whatnots, Cradles,
i s l iI iutiKis,
And an Endless Variety in 1[BLUS 'liiia alt
T e�' S, ClllpuUlixcfq,
stook Lftnbe • • l`
Our to 3 Lumber Is La a nd Thor it ltf”
S It o Seasoned, i' .
e Ft having g 8 y x , a zng riser axteusiv,,,
e intile Fog fa t..
x ieriAnc.. ltOlc•aclt faottiriris of the Dominion, tvo •eau. guarantee 1 t3 amen St 1�sh
g y and .Sor•
10 Funiit.fre,
it Sto r of Unc. 'its r i Gonda , � +
Ot . cl r k t o .Is le th•t Lar ntt in the (; t t ,
g drat ud Ourkl
,y, a oared has 40
go ual north of Tendon, tii1 einl attention will be pniA, to
this branch of the business t
aevatyono will Enid us prompt and reliable bustneaa foe '
At G� Li
1 AL KINDS Pa.io
Reinem(ber the Stand, One Odor North of MMMolson's .tank'
&, .-:.. "\?` 1�t- . iN