HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-08-30, Page 17tes A I CLINTON NgWS,RFCORP, WPM:SPAY, AUGUST 1079,PAGgV S,1rwtor and 'It, Ottp9114#11. voice • Developing a green thumb does not necessarily come after years of experience and experimentation. Three members of Clinton's Junior Gardeners Club showed their talents at the annual flower show when they gained the top points out of 15 entries in their class. The winners included, left to right, Gwen Holland with 21 points, David PullT with 18 and Michael. Pullen with 14; (News -Record photo) Scout leaders needed Registration for Brownies and Guides will be held September 5 at -7 -- p.m. in the Vanastra Christian Reformed Church. Brownie ages are now 6 to 9 years -old and Guides 9 to 12 years - old. For more in- formation about \‘. Brownies and_ Guides • contact Mrs. Meryl Thomas at 482-9467 or Mrs. Sandra McLachlan at 482-9581. Three Guides from VanaStra travelled to the •CNE with their leader Mrs. Meryl Thomas for tagging day. These girls were Christine and Cathy Davis and Teresa Morrison. Cub and Scout leaders are desperately needed To be a leader in these groups there is no special training needed just an interest in children. Any man who is interested in helping with one of these groups please contact Mr. Clem Goulding at 482- 3764. The next Parents Committee meeting is scheduled for August 31 at 8 p.m. in the Vanastra Recreation Centre. So if you- would like to learn what Brownies, Cubs, Guides and Scouts are all about . come to this meeting Friday night. Community news and notes Fall Fling is the name of the Lions dance scheduled for Septeinbei- , 22. The dance is to be held in the Vanastra Recreation Centre - and music will be supplied by the Star Trex. A welcome to our community goes out to the new families on Quebec St. and Victoria St. For the last year the Brownies, Cubs, Guides, and Scouts have , been saving Zehrs grocer tapes. They have ac- cumulated ap- proximately $1 2,0 00 worth -of these tapes. For every $300 worth of tapes we receive we get $1.00. We are hoping that 'anyone who reads this will start saving their grocery tapes for these groups. They can be turned in to Mrs. Sandra McLachlan, Mrs. Meryl Thomas or Mrs. Maureen Dunsmore. Maitland and the 16th By Milena Lobb When one thinks about it you realize it was a funny few month; fnen were wearing winter coats while swathing the grain. Oh well! There was one funny man who said not so long ago that farmers are complainers. Not hard to figure out that his pay cheque didn't depend on the weather. The community had a beautiful summer day for the annual picnic which was held .at the Goderich Township Park at Black's Point. over 50 people gathered for the smorgasbord meal at 1.2:30 noon. A presen- tation to the newly weds, Gerry and Jo -Anne Lobb followed with Doug Feagan reading the „..._adliess and Wayne Tebbutt presented them with a beautiful lamp. Gerry thanked everyone for their generosity. Sports, conducted by Alison Lobb and returned•the afternoon activity. .Tom and Katherine Archibald and Dana "of Lindsay were visiting with their families 'last week. Barb Forbes returned to Lindsay with them, The •Alvin Jones farhily took a • trip through northern Ontario, travelling to Cochrane where they took the train to Moosonee and Moose Factory. Lana and David also spent a week at Southampton with the Howkes. David Lobb, Brad Forbes, Rick Forbes and Carol Jewitt took the bus down to the C.N.E. last week. David Lobb spent a week at Wilfred Laurier University at basketball caMp. Len and Marie Lobb spent 10 days at Silver Lake, New /York State. The Oeschs were along to enjoy the good weather also. Jean Lobb is visiting with Irvine and Jeanette Martin in Kitchener. The WR. Lobb family reunion was leld at the farm of Don Lobb last Satiday, It I was it beautiful day for the large turntiut. Robin Lobb is spending , the week at his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Allen in Toronto. He will be spending some' time at the Ex. The Watson family has been busy camping near Wingham. They took a trip to Tobermory and Midland. Bob and Jean •Biggin, Mike and Scott of Ottawa visited with Marion Biggin recently. Daughter Dawn Saville of Rochester, Mich., Cathy, Tom and Jennifer were up for a visit also. Congratulations to Murray and Roba Lobb on the arrival of their son. .(The, September meeting of the S.S. No. 4 Community Club will be held at the home of Edith Tebbutt on September 5th in the evening. The meeting will start at 8 p.m. There will be a quilt to work at. We ° hope. Argina Pearson and the rest of the Pearson family know the thoughts and prayers of the community are with them every day. We anxiously wait for word on Terry's progress. or Lions Fair roaring success The Vanastra- Tuckersmith Country Fair was a great success for the Vanastra and district Lions dab. As a result of its success, the club now has more funds available for community work. . The Lions club wishes to thank the Seaforth Lions for the loan of the booths, and the Bayfield Lions for the Nen of their rides. A very special thank you goes out to the people who are not Lion or Liohess members for their hard work and time spent in helping us with this, our first fair. Also we would like to extend our thanks to the many judges of the contests. We \greatly appreciate the help of the Vanastra Curling, Club in the bingos, and traffic control during the parade. There were a number of winners from the events of the fair. In the parade the Daycare Centre had the best float. Second was Vanastra Lions and Lioness and third was Mrs. McLachlan and grand- children. The Vanastra Tuckersmith Jr. Curlers won in a Saturday Tug -of - War challenge. At the Pet Show winners were: Joanne Bernard in the purebred class; Rpberta Banks in the mixed dogs; and most unusual pet, Sharon's recVe corner, freezing fruit tips Peaches: Handle carefully *to prevent browning. Peel, pit and slice directly into syrup with ascorbic acid. To preserve quality be sure fruit is covered com- pletely \in liquid. Pack in syrup of 3 cups sugar per qt. water, with ascorbic acid. Apricots: Halve and remove pits. Use frozen apricots only in pies - not satisfactory for desserts. Pack - same as peaches. Gooseberries:' For whole berries, freeze dry or mixed with sugar in syrup. Cut in half, add sugar to taste for ex- cellent pie and tart fillings. Pack - dry or sugar or syrup to your taste. Pers: Not recom- mended for freezer. Pineapple: Peel, wash and remove eyes from ripe 'fruit. Cut into wedges or cubes and pack as -they are in syrup or sugar. Pack - in syrup of 3 cups sugar per qt. water, or sugar packed of 1 lb. sugar to 5 lbs. fruit. Cantaloupe: Cut ripe, flavorful melons into slices, cubes, er balls. Freeze in a light syrup of 2 cups sugar per qt. water. Cranberries: Wash thoroughly, the best quality berries, dry and freeze without sugar. Grapes: Remove any trace . of sprays by washing thoroughly. Ripe grapes packed in syrup give best results. Pack - 3 cups sugar per qt. water. Karen Ann Gonie. The fair alga featured ball tournament in which Seaforth, Stanley Township, Clinton and Vanastra competed and cress were supplied by the Vanastra and District Club for all the par- ticipants. Trophies were won by the Seaforth Pee -Wee girls, Stanley Township Pe -Wei.% boys, and the Clinton T -Ball team. Everyone enjoyed the Mardis Gras on Saturday night, featuring the band Kadenza. They will return for next year's fair. The Lions are planning to have the fair held next year on approximately the weekend. Good luck in your next venture! Congratulations to the Vanastra and District - Lions for their efforts in bringing a fair to. Vanastra and for making it such a "roaring" success. 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD 77 Main Street, Seaforth 527-1577 CLINTON "READY FOR OCCUPANCY" this brick & aluminum sided 3 bedroom raised ranch will satisfy your desires, completely finished, carpeted throughout, on large lot in very quiet area. $31,000 - Single storey. brick 3 bedroom house on spacious lot in Clinton $28,500- Ideal investment in this single storey frame 2 bedroom house on treed lot. $27,500 - Vacant Country Retreat - 17 acres ideal for building your own desired home, located west of Clinton. $24,900 - Single storey frame 3 bedroom house well maintained on landscaped lot in Vanastra.• $24,500- Single storey frame 2 bedroom house, large' living room on large corner lot. $24,500 - 112 storey frame 3 bedroom house on spacious lot in quiet area $18000 - Shamrock modular 'home, 2 bedroom with large addition for family room with large sundeck. $17,000 -" 68' x 12' imoifUlar home mostly furnished, located on lot in iVibrgsn's Trailer Park, well main- tained. BRUCE RATHWELL 482-3120 DAWN RA'THWELL 482-3120 MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 WILLY BUNN 5655055 TAPE LAURENTIAN COLOURING 12's PENCILS GET SMART PRESSbOARD BINDERS ONLY ' 694 ONLY BUS NESS FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 111111111SY=EMENT Government Assistance Programs Information Session A faulty fuse\ box caused a fire at the home of Clem and Myrtle Goulding of 25 Regina St., Vanastra on August 20. Although smoke damage was • extensive, no one was injured, The Brucefield Fire Department responded instantly.and kept the fire to a nlinirnurn. The Goulding family wish to thank everyone wtio helped that evening. The loan of the fans were gratefully appreciated. Special thanks to Linda I:YiXon for Winging over a delicious supper. Watch your bicycles Parents! Please warn raesportth4eorfeatl:emavpetedbbeiekne your children to keep their bikes giros? to home "borrowing. VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" (HARG FX VISA NM= SPECIALS FACTORY SECONDS BOYS' PANTS Excellent value, at low, low Prices. These pants are Canadian made, and come in an excellent. size range. A) BOYS' 3 TO 6x: REG. TO *10.95 NOW $3" OR 2 PR.P6.97 B) BOYS' 7 TO 12; 1/2 ELASTIC WAIST REG. VALUE 91.95 NOW $497 OR 2 PR. FOR '8.97 • \ C) BOYS' CORDS -8 TO 18 REG. VALUE '7.99 Now $sr OR 2PR/90.97 BOY'S TAM -0 SHANTER JEANS Made from cotton denim, size 10-18 $'I !7•PAIR BOYS' FOOTBALL SHIRTS All the popular NFL TEAMS IN STOCK. Cancodian made of 100% nylon. REG. VALUE '15.98 OUR PRICE 118 GIRLS' SHOES Selected assortment of Savage Shoe. Broken sizes, styles. OUR REG, '9.99 $ NOW J • GIRLS' SLACKS Excellent selection of • style!. Canadian made. BOYS' SHELL JACKETS Broken size range - assorted colours. WHILE THEY LAST $ow AG • EA. flatiat•. ' BOYS' RUNNING SHOES Excellent quality in these Eurapean- made runners. Size 2 to 6. REG. VALUE OF '7.99 3?9 BOYS' LONG -SLEEVE SHIRTS Excellent selection of quality. Canadian made shirts, many styles to choose from. JUST $39 EACH • 1.4 . a t 1/44 444 Ilk .4:0, •••••• ON. ANNEX SPECIALS ,... , HWY, NO. 8 10 oODERiCH, CLINTON 4............................. 1 T,H_oWY. N. 8 OSEAFORTH 0 „„,,,. , VANASTRA FACTORY • OUTLET I ANNEX BOATS' amiKOMA VANASTRA RD. • DEBBIES CUSTARD CUP HWY. NO. 4 TO E XETER . Our Annex is OPEN FRIDAY: 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. SATURDAY: 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. You save from Rt" t# CUNIC34/MAIN CRAtilSEAORI14 For Owners and Managers of Small Businesses If y:ou are the owner or manager of a small business or thinking of becoming one, attend a half-day information session and find out which government assistance program may suit your needs. For further details contact PETE HUKT ABLE at 2714650. Find out, rival At Royal Canadian Legion, Clinton On Sept' 13 IN-STORE FEATURES CERAMIC BATHROOM FIXTURES We have an excellent selection of fixtures to choose from. Excellent colour selection. vim 1:30 p.m. • Value Priced ZIPPO LIGHTERS quality Zippo Lighters with dif- ferent sportsmal crests. THE MANAGER FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK 1036 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. I will attend the Information Sessidn at Clinton Sept. 13 on 95 EACH 337%. 75' by shopping our arinex LADIES' PURSES We are now featuring our entire selection of purses. Now Clearing at 2 Price COSTUME JEWELLERY We have lust received a selection of costume jewellery. Choose from necklaces, rings, stick pins and more. Individually Priced VANASTRA F CTOR "The Store that Saves You More' MIN • - 1051 - MILS & llA111111 MAI - TARO 60.0% SIWiMO MACHINES - POOH) 00001 Name Address N • Al)MitilON CHARGE Tel STORE HOURS: monday Friday 10 a.m.. 9 p.m Satiocla 10 Mali 6 p. SlEidaV 1 noon • 6 p.m. • - — Highway 4 • South of Clinton at Vanoistra •