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The Exeter Times, 1888-1-12, Page 4
x !er Eva. T} W SDAY, JAN. I2TH i SSS THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. THE TWO REASONS, Mr. Labouchore says:--"T.'xn no fanat- ical free trader ; r am one geogrephically. If I heti been an American I should have been a protectionist. Being an English- man 1 am a free trader. The mistake of political economy is to suppose that it is based on principles of universal application. When President Cleveland in his My reason, as an Englishman, for being a late message stated that the surplus sus free trader is not anytheoietical admirat- o ion of free trade, but because we should revenue question in the United .lose more than we should gain by protect States demanded the attention of i:0n," Congress and the Senate, and him- It would be well if such a spirit self advocated such a reduction of the tariff; as would yield less yearly revenue to the extent of eighty or a hundred million dollars, both the Globe and the Mail praised the Presidential speech, and accredited his excellency with possessing great wisdom, sound sense and moral heroism. Other free trade journals on this continent and in Europe, did; likewise. ` But there soon came cabled across the Atlantic d trench- ant answer from James G. Blaine, which put a quietus on many of those who had been disposed to fol- low President Cleveland in calling for an enormous reduction of United in enlightened selfishness prevailed elsewhere, • England is for free trade because of her food necessities Food, and still more food, is the daily, hourly cry. Any policy with which to purchase enough to fill eighteen nullions of hungering mouths day by day, for which •Eu glish agriculture makes no provision -that is the foundation of England's' policy, -because it is the necessity of her position. In Canada add Amer- ica it is not so: We have food in abundance for ourselyes and plenty to spare for 'others: 'Hence it does not follow that though .'free trade" is a good thing for England it would be also a good thing for us- The 1 At the concluding sessions of the Prince Edward county election trial held last week at which Dr, Platt, (Reform) the sitting member, was tinsel ted and the election voided, tree of the witnesses in behalf of the doctor were heavily .fined and imprisoned. This degradation of the franchise is being properly and 'deservidly sat upon. Though China is far away from us, it is impossible to read without a thrill of sympathy the accounts of the terrible flood which recently swept suddenly out of existence three --quarters of a million human beings, equal to one-sixth the popu- latiou of Canada, and spread deso lotion and fanzine throughout one of the fairest and most fertile provin- ces of China, Tele Globe lately referred to "some cranknan'ied Hartleyfrom Bluevaie thus designating him because he asked if champagne had 'flowed at the recent timber .limitssale, It turned out that Hartley was a high ly respected Presbyterians minister, An amused contemporary suggests that the organ nowweeps'three days St ter rotective tariff rr.. n1a;,— 's Canadian policy seeks, rather,` to a week. The subject of the Globe's a P adjust;affairs in such a waythat all' abuce is Rev. A.Y. Hartle presby. facts and argu lzents in the -case ap- • • Hartley, P � y• pear to be unanswerable, for they sections of the people may find terian minister, formerly of Exeter. adequate employment. And it 1s are strong, and, as far as we know, having ` great effect. Some years. AT Osgoodela11 Judge: Rose In the case of Queen vs. Cameron, re, fused to quash a conviction against the defendent 'under the Canada Temcerance Act who was fined $6o for file first offence. It was con- tended that for the first offence :the Act provided a penalty of not less than $5o His Lordship held; that "not less than $50" not limit the penalty to that sum, but that it was in the discretion, of the ; Magistrate to increase that amount, which discretion, so long, at all events, as it was reasonable, would not be interfered with by the court,` A couple of weeks since the Lon- don Advertiser contained' an Edi- torial squib stating there had been $45,000 worth of dressed fowl shipped from Canada into the Uni- ted States, and that the duty on the same was $4.5,0oo. The statement that the duty was $45,000 is absurd, but when it is known there is not anent of duty collected on dressed fowl going into the United States, the assertion may be taken as cal culated%a to deceive the farming commur-ity, as it is contended by many Reform papers that the Cana diaii farmers are losers to the ex- tent of thousands of dollars. ` by have never yet been fairly answer- ed. But another combatant for pro- tection to native industries ,has ap- peat ed in the person of ex -Governor Long, of Massachusetts, who ap- pears to be a mighty man of war in the discussion of political and econ omit questions. Without further premise, we quote of what the dis- tiuguished ex -Governer has said re- levant to the matter that formed cite chief part of the Presideut's latest address: "With over $300,000,000 revenue, of which over,$200,000,000 is from customs, and over $100,000,000 from internal tax- es on tobacco and spirits, and with about $100,000,000 of this gross revenue not needed, and therefore to be cut off, from what items shall itbe cut? The president says by` no, means .from the internal taxes of $100,000,000. on tobacco and spirits, 'possible, then, for a man to be an Passing then to the $200,000,000 customs P revenue, more than $50,000,000 of than', eager free trader in England and sum is the tariff on imported sugar, so prominent an item that the refusal of the president to even allude to it as a source of reduction must be taken as a recom- mendation by him to have that also as, it is Of the remaining $150,000,000 at least $50,000,000 is the ariff on imported luxuries, such as wine, champagne, cigars silks, laces. kid gloves, fruits, jewelry, etc. It goes without say ;nig that these foreignl uxuries are the last things in the world to be relieved. What remains?' The inexorable logic' of the president's message is that the $100,000,000 reduction must be the remaining $100,000,000 of the.crproms ,revenue. 'What are the icenii of this amount ? First are what are ailed, not ,accurately, the free raw ni^ erials. But unfortunately these aunt to only some $12,000,000 and are a drop in the bucket. There are seven- teen items of this sort, more or less,' which, for 1887, I find stated herein Mr. Chas,'HeberSmith's adlnirable pamphlets as follows: Coal -tar dyes..,.. - $ 522,60 Potash 104,710 Soda 1418,209 Coal .'.•. • 581,008 Copper ore...... 108,090 Hemp... ..6,19426,,895186 Drauitia.._ . 896,788 diel1 •- 08,751 Sisal }rase 184,351 $aY 525 Iron ore necessarily elapsed after its intro- duction before its 5enefits were fully understood. Then, seeing how hotly it.was denounced, and what assur- ances were given ,of its overthrow on the first opportunity, capital was timid of investment, and enterprise was hindered. i Since then, however the National Policy has been so generally accepted and approved as to .place Us abrogation beyond apprehension. And if the various classes of the population are to continue to fiud employment amongst us, it can only be byproviding such YPg � reasonable protection for home "in- dustry: that will counterbalancejto some extent, the attacks which the efforts of combined capital makes upon young; industries. It is quite Hoge . ,217,017 193 '229,8,72 Marble,- 08,324 Lumber., , 807,84° Canadians have reason to be Bads - Zinc... -. .,... 88,000 wool.•,•.. 5.126,108 fied, "compared with the farmers of Mr. Long then goes on to explain that creat Britain and elsewhere. He b several . of ,.these anwuting -with wool to is convinced that the price of Brit- morethanhalf the entire amount, are for ish products remain decidedly low the protection of the farmers; but that compared with 187o-75, whereas in an increase in the duty' on wool hasbeen Canada British farmers soon pros- invarialfly attended with an increase of per. Thee report is certain to jirosperity 111 this great department of ttract much attention in farming encs vice versa. Again he says that"unlike sugar, which is correlat circles, where Professor Sheldon is ed to nothing else,' woolcannot be consid- a recognized authority. area. apart from woollen manufactures; ---- and if the western farmer is deprived. of "Suppose Mr. Mills or Hon. John Car - his protection on wool, his representa- ling, Mr. Patterson` or Dr. Montague, tives will deprive the eastern inanufac- Mr. Blake or Mr. Dalton McCarthy, Sir turer of his protection on woollen goods. Richard Cartwright, or even Sir John This is hardly worth while for the sake of Macdonald himself, should ge to Quebec and attempt to address the French people in their own language, what fine -figures they would cut. Not one of them would attempt it. * * * This disability is of very great disadvantage. * * 4 It is of great importance, therefore, for On- tario people, and especially those who Mr. Long then pertinently enquires are ambitious to become politicians, to "howabout the retraining $88,000,000?" learn French, and lean it we11--Strat and presents the following . list, which ford Beacon. substantially exhausts the resources for It might be all well enough for reduction • these politicians to deliver orations All woolen manufacturers pay • • 827,278,523 All silk manufacturers :. _. 13 (00,060 ill frons and steel manufacturers .. 14,001,876 A11 cotton manufacturers. .. 11,752;207 .t.11rhen1iced mann . aeturers ... 4,347,026 A11 incl, hemp and sisal grass menu J,247,818 factures... Total • 79,050,046 Let our readers ponder these facts and cut them out and keep thein, for they are well worth preservation. The Clinton New Era a fewweeks ago..:ensured the Ontario : Govern f h had wineat the with an equal amount of. propriel.y to be a pronounced protectionist in Canada. There is a sound reason in each position. EDITORIAL NOTES. IT was not :to be -expected that the Irish agitators of the National League would be satisfied with the reduction of twelve per cent. of the reason of the duty. If -this were so, Absolutely Pure This powder never varies A marvel of nut, strength and wholesome,.aas. More eoono- micai than the ordinary kinin and cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes • of low test, short weight, alum otpbos ;hate powders. Sold only in cars,-ROYAL8A1?i Nd POWDER 00, 106 Wall street N. Y Tries is to certify that I believe Everest's Cough Syrup saved my life -Thos. Marshall, Forest P. 0. A brakeman of the G. T. R. at' Chatham yesterday slipped while coupling cars and was badly mangled. Ile will lose an arm. judicial rents. It is.their :business. to be dissatisfied themselves and to sow the seeds of dissatisfaction. It is stated that the Crown Prince, when he supposed himself danger- ously ill, signed a decree in blank appointing Prince William Regent in the event of the Emperor's death, but that he now declares he will' not consent to such regency, as he_ is both able and willing to perform any duties required. the doctrine is not consistent- with that advanced by the Reform press contiuuaily. It has always been claimed that the consumer pays the duty. . _ PLUMPING roR municipal candid- ates has become a serious abuse in some parts ot. the'Province. By careful organisation and combination one part of a township; is enabled to elect a majority of the Council- Thes majority controls the expenditure of the funds of the municipality, -and CARPET FOR THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, CHOICEST PATTERNS, AND BEST VALUE IN ONTARIO, --GO TO _ poL.lA i .J.. CO' S Where you will find carpets of all retakes and qualities, and at the lowest cash` prices, Hemp Carpets, Union Carpets, All -wool Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Balmoral Carpets, Brussels Carp• , Anglo-wilton Car etc (borders to match.) Don't fail to' visit the Mammoth Carpet House of the West. Those C LS P 'S 176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. i.• �i ..�i. ,/a a• ,r. •'tui �A; tr Chetley, Ont., May 2ud, 1887. Nasal 13aliu is a good medicine for cold in the head. JOHN 111cO0NNELL, W. M. Kirkland. druggist, ` of Springfield, Ont., was tried yesterday for violating the. Scott Act, but escaped without a•fino. It is rumored that the Allen line and G. T. R. have resumed negotiations to make Port- land the winter terminus . David Higgins; M. P. P. fpr Viotoria B. C-, wants $10,000 damages from the Evening Times for alleged libel. A BARREL FULL OF MONEY is a -good thing to have, but health is better than wealth, Preserve your health- by eating. cookery made with Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. .A memorial tablet to the late. Bev. Dr. Tassie has been placed in the Galt Collegiate Institute. A sure sign of rain or that you require a dose or two of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. Pains in the back and `limbt, headache, ` feverish cold,' oft recuring attacks of the'iblues." Large bottles 50 Dents. I mow from expetienee that.Everest's Cough Syrup is 'first-class,—Geo. Brook, Forest P. 0. Tars is to certify that I haveused Everest's Liver Regulator, and find it the best I ever used..—P, B. Rosenberry, L. D. S. Arkona. Five workmen: in London, .Ont., were in- jured yesterday by the n-juredyesterdaybythe collapse of a scaffold, The British Government publis les 'the :distribution may not always be Professor Sheldon's report on his according to strict equity. The visit to Canada last season, - He Guelph Mercury suggests that poss- Strayed into the premises of the ►k JJ undersigned about the first of October, 4 calves, The owner may have the same by proving. property dud. paying expen ses. J. McGregor. Eirkton, Ont, STRAY.—Came into the-premi• ses of the subscriber on or about the 1st Nov., a red and white heifer one year old past. The owner is requested to oily expenses and take. the animal away from lot 9, con. 10, 21ay- y' T �3AECIILEB. Env. Nov. 21st 1887 .-41. tlSii T STRAY.—CAME INTO . THE J premises -of the:undersigned, lot 10, South Boundary, Hay, on or about the 31st of August, a heifer coming two years old. Any person provfngptropertyanclpitying 'expenses may take the animal away - JOHN SMITH, Sarepta P.O. declares that as regards the' effects ibly it may be necessary for thel .-�- •_- STRAY.—CAME-'INTO THE premises of the,undorsigned,lot 25, c on 4. tJsborne, on or about the 1st December, yearlings. Any person proving iir'operty, and Paying .es Tenses may take the animals away. •Ro13T, WILSON, of the depression in agriculture"Legislature to declrtre that a ballot! with less than three crosses upon it shall not be counted., This could be evaded. however, by simply. select- ing three candidates from the strong- er half of the township, ' It is likely some member of the Legislature will have 'a bill on the subject at the approaching session, or the Municip al Commission may think it worth while to suggest a remedy. saving a possible $1.25 on a $20 suit of clothes, especially if by reducing wages or throwing men out - of employment through subjecting them to competition with foreign labor, they have no means or less means with which to buy a: suit of clothes at all." in the French language, but for the people of Ontario to study the lan gums, specially, and use it upon the hustangs it would never clo. It would suit the French too well; this is what they are seeking for, The English language and people are dominant in Canada, and if we we'll c -o` have this order~ o1 things continue we must not encourage the French, They take advantage of every oppor tunity to have their la nguage become popular. and in many paces they I1OR SALE, -A BARGAIN. -- Quarter section of North West Land, near Virden. 160 acres, six miles from Virden, throe from Hargrave Stations, Manitoba, Apply to - W, H. HONCIIR, Exeter. THE OLD McLEOD FA•ktNI, IN tains 100 acres more or 1ess,beingtho west half THE Township of Hay, for; sale. It con - frame buildings on promises, 4,nd all Wcouven iencea; large orchard of fruit bearing trees. Tho land is of good gaality being clay loam. Good water Two and a -half miles from Hen call market. The property free :fromallincum- prances, Eel.ons for solliug : Oeing north to procure more land. Will sell with or without crops, Por further particulars apply to this office or to M. WILSON, Hen sail. P. 0.Ont. Farm & Vinage Property FOR SALE. The tinders) ened offers for sale South half of Lot 9, CM]. 3, ble(xillivray, containing 00 acres, 4) °leaved, the balance hardwood bush. There is a good frame house, good barn and, stabllne, good bearing orchard, a plont fir'!' sap.p1'of good water oil the fern, convenient t0 school. and churches. Also yilingo property° dem prisicg0LoEs, on Elizabeth Strcot,i'n tho'Vil Lige of Fxotori with good franio 11o1i'0 and. cellar', geed stable, good well With. pump, slab a quantity of choice fruit trues on the premi- ses. Vol* further partioulers apply to Jilt/WARD Ilt'IA.(OUJRE, I;�ator North. Exeter P.O. Ti STRAY. •CAME INTO THE JpreniiFes of the undersigned, lot ]C, North Boundary. Stephen.. a yearling. heifer. Any. person proving property andpaying expenses may take the animal away. JOHN LORD, (41STRAY.-CAME INTO THE J premises of the undersigned, rot la, con 21, Stephen, on. or about Noyomber 10th, a three year old heifer. Any person, proving property and paying expenses, may ;take the animal away. CORN- CEONI'AN, Grand Bend. �`1 STRAY. -CAME ` INTO THE: 4 nremi ses of the subscriber, lot No.1 con 5, 17sborno, on or about the 10th Noy, a dark red steer rising two years old with owners mark, Tbe owner will please call, prone prop arty, pay espouses. and take the animal away, W. QUINTON. 500 1112735 Wanted Butt��r 4.1.0 INI.DIMON.061:11G11411:02.60,-.13EVI r.• THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AHD THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IIF CANADA Ds91LY GLOBE, i8omIng Ec0'iQion, - $3.00 per anriurm. ,d, " 12 o'clock " - 3.00.r, " " 64 ff 3 46 '' - 3.00 '' ff WEEKLY GLOBE, - - • - 1.00 " u SATURDAY DAILY GLOBE, . - 1.00 " �• The different editions of The Globe can be procured from all News Dealers throughout Canada, - - THE CLONE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN - between Toronto and London, which has been running, daily since 3rd March last, will be continued throughout 1888. This train arrives at London at 6 40 a.m., making connection with.all the early trains from that point, securing for The Globe a: delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance of all Toronto papers. - TO ADVERTISERS - - - As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in, Canada. Its circulation, which:appears at head of its editorial columns dal its far in other Canadian papers,. and it is the intention. the man- agement of'all P itsproudposition' as globe inh TheG dal aeement to always keep L !� 1tL(; NEWSPAPER OF CANADA, both in point of circulation and influence. THE GLOBE PRINTINC CO. x TORONTO 0 0 To new premises west side Main -street On,e Door South of Post Office Where he will be found with A NEW AND CO11'1P.LET1i . tk ofEntsa Shoos Sewed work -a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. ,W,G!LLETT. - TORONTO■ S ab®o,en Wanted.. To canvass' for nursery stock. Steady em ployment to good men. Salary and expense paid. Apply at once, stating age. CHASE BROTHERS, Oolbor.e Pow 9 SPE CENT REST, STEeeeeeCEST, ;EST. Ready for use in any quantity. For snaring Soap, (3oftenilig Water, Disian €eeting,.znd a hundred other uses, A eau equals 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grocer; and Druggists, GEO, MANSON, Lots, Lo -s so�. s aJO -1T 1A N U3,V DE H �" tart, v CABIN `l SABR Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO Cors'ixs oir Evnnr Dssburp.Tloa. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT; Low RATES. MyStock of Furniture is .tin-. ' _excelled, r. GIVE ME A CALL a . , l� o W. Uulmage , EXETER NOEcTII, IRKTON, Our Stock is Well Assorted. l TRADE, Will sell the balance of stock —of— ROBES, �.o f.-.� ROBES, FELT BOOTE.7; OVERSHOES AND OVERCOATS, Li& iliscont FOR Tile SEASON'S ' LOW PRICES STILL '1VIAINTAINED GROCERIES ! ! 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20 to •75c. per lb. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) e,t Low Prices 1 1 h A. nieoly assorteil stock of nient or suing i sale of timber Limits, and at tee ex. will nee converseeiwith people, only 1. ° D W 1--1.,. P P r Y' � ; ' TIES and GI,AS'�•rili size pence of the people of this 1''rovince, in their own tongue, much deal (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60e per Gal, but in its following issue was ;lad in Rorer where French clerks are f p oy ecA Such obstinacy is b sinteis'a fAY some t no past ea"roses onby M1sq t' f C'OA`L 07L AS LO%'V AS T1ie LOwE758. '. not employed. to retract the statement,: asserting r A nicb Tea Sett of 4d Pi©ccs, $2.75.. dansccr,+us. .At file present time the trade c�}ncl Gulley a e mutat •° t the wine was purchased by and E; nglish iiinguage would be the lni- firm of Char] s 1 5 I Q'dlcy, at 'Exeter, lu good suit bf icatly-iiyade clatlxing £or p6. t11d 1? � » r, (, ru the C n yof lIu on, y ab net Makers C1rr7ered suits dot itpin Cxood Style. at the expense of ?dr. Pardee.' A versal lainguage, were it not that local M.1��1. laughs at the latter both political parties are afraid to statement of our confrere, �.re we move lest theyoiight lose the French to infer that the New Tara;:\ after vote. And as a result of this(and it courting the displeasure of the .Tasty ' leaders by its disclosure of their't1�is ernnlent "is pr>rmitting file French.I1- ens bu�tnaq� �wt1i iu:tctnxo r;e enrrioa �lprils to deeds, maks the a.niend.'Will a t }ew language 9'O creep into Ontario with l eptrfg t gtal eirert S oto s'i31dc1c,opnoeitbJ4li [ , O N T FF�j'(�j , to beguile the party followers? 1 an alarrnrtg rapidity. 1 ba,•0 thi[ralstday 8r Decein6cr,1887. u rIA•1 .' b, h t 1 lessNoticO o f Ditssolution POItES' Sc � s l ant S inn l 1 cnthe o an, amur i County r a• C and. Builders, has this day been dissolved by mutual 00ilsent, and the badness will henceforth 'be carried oh by the said Sanwa (lidley, who 'will pay all account owing bythe late firm. and• to. teed on or before theist to .y1 i f'I Into ar nekgift, Our Dr essOoott ore marked doWn .to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YAM'S oR ONE DOLLAR A House Ana Lot, also a Pant for Sale FOR SA . 500 Village Lots 13 'or sale at Reasonable Prices Situation good ; fronting go wide streets • also a numbe , aa A FOR SALE, Partiesdesiring, Land b. Houses would do well.to c suit the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLIN() • Es4� All Accounts overdue are to be collected. this month, iron elintOli or Seaforth, Earful' particulars libineofield P. 0, A. full stock of Dye -stuffs Dyes, cons Gond Po the th et au fresh. Pa eg carefully the .Central D I :r4 Pi '3:411' Id65ttl c4:111steit:htadi