HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-08-30, Page 9CLINTON NgINS,R.FCCORD,TIIIJR$PAT, „AVOtIS T 30,1979,p40.g9. Smoked, Cooked, Partly Skinned Parlour Our Regular Price 3.69 AV Butcher Shop Meats! SAVE 2O Ib ImmaiN Cut from Canada Grade 'A' Beef re' Rya N ILIC33.,itTisTs Blade Chuck Short Rib or Shoulder You'II do better at THE FARM at A&P ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE OTOeS 20 LB. v • (Our Regular Price Ib 1.89) Shoulder "Great on the B.B.Q." NEW ZEALAND 11 LANIB CHOPS lb I • (Our Regular Price 1.59) Smoked, Cooked ammo Butt Portion 1.29, HAMSI SHANK PORTION Ib • "Great on the B.B.Q." CENTRE- CUTS OR HAM STEAKS LB 1.89 Maple Leaf Week at A&P! Regular or All Beef "B.B.Q. Favourite" Sliced, Assorted Varieties MAPLE LEAFI MAPLE LEAF WIENERS va; Pac I• SIDE BACON 1 -Ib vac pac 1• MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES MAPLE LEAF, SLICED Bologna 1 -lb vac pacl.59 Cooked Ham 6 -oz vac pac 1.49 MAPLE. LEAF, SEMI -BONELESS, VAC PAC, QUARTERS LB 2.39 MAPLE LEAF, CHUNKS Sitoked Hams Halves62.29 Headcheese II) 139 MAPLE LEAF, WITH RAISIN SAUCE "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q." Ham Steaks 6 Pkg1.59 MAPLE ASSORTED I'AinEsfiEs '21 VAC PAC 14? Assorted Varieties BICK'S RELISHES 12 -fl -oz jar (Our Regular Price 13c) HEINZ, FANCY Tomato Juice 4841 -oz tin 79,1 HIft 1 , S.5.P14.0:* #04 Tomato Paste 3LOO FIA04 0* WITH 0040 32.414 JAR Sick s DIDPickles 99x. :woo. Atp04,004Et ushrkrns 1041-ot oh • MAPLE LEAF SausageMeat1-IbrolIl.39 MAPLE mpLEApF eroni Sticks jilt P6 tI SAVE 46? H Detergent NO. 1 GRADE, FRESH, DAILY, LARGE HEADS Ontario Cauliflower each 7 ONTARIO, FRESH, TENDER, LARGE BUNCHES TROPICANA, RICH IN VITAMIN A 64 -FL -OZ BTL Carrots 31.00 Orange Juice 2.49 SWEET THOMPSON SEEDLESS, RED QUEEN, BLACK RIBIER CALIFORNIA, BIG, BEAUTIFUL, LUSCIOUS, SUGAR SWEET Grapes California 1b98? Strawberries. Pint 9951 NO. 1 GRADE, IMPORTED, SWEET PKG OF 2 SEVERAL VARIETIES Spanish Onions 99? Table Ferns epot5 69 PEACH TIME To determine ripeness of peaches, the back- ground colour of the fruit should be a creamy yellow. Redness does not indicate ripeness, Peaches should be firm to the touch, and give slightly with applied pressure. STORAGE: Keep unripe peaches uncovered at room temperature and not in direct sunlight. Ripe fruit can be kept for up to 5 days uncov- ered in the refrigerator. FREEZING: Choose firm ripe peaches with no green colour in the skin. Recommended varie- ties are: Redhaven, Envoy, Harmony, Madison, Veteran, and Sunbeam. Peel, pit and slice. Peaches can be packed in cold syrup (2 cups sugar to 3 cups water) or packed in dry sugar using 2/3 cup sugar to 4 cups prepared fruit. Ascorbic acid (lemon juice) is an effective anti -darkening agent. NUTRITION: Peaches rank high in Vitamin A and contain scme Vitamin C, A 31/2 oz. peach contains 46 calories, 160-259 mg potassium and a fair amount of other minerals. For consumer information write to: Ruth Reynolds, A&P Consumer Consultant, P.O. Box 68, Station A, TORONTO, Ont. M5W 1A6. PALMOLIVE LIQUID 24 -fl -oz plastic btl (Our Regular Price 1.45) ASSORTED, VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI 140Z TIN TIE BAGS Peek Frean Cookies 1.19 CRYSTALS, :ASSORTED FLAVOURS POLY PKG OF 3 g ENVS awalian Punch 79si As40itito coouto - ACTION PRCEt Iva Towels pkg Of 2 tolls lag itoltat ASitstrin VARIETIES 440.11E010' • VAN • 010, DEANS ITK lioaK ACTIoN piocti VegetaIes 1441 -oz tin '2 f t 79.At YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P'S frozen 'foods & dairy products (Chit. Regular Price 1.12 — SAVE 33c) BEATRICE COTTAGE CHEESE Creamed 500g ctn 79? KENT FROZEN CONCENTRATED Lemonade RICH'S, FROZEN Coffee Rich KISMET, PARCHMENT WRAPPED Oarganne JANE PARKER, SLICED 12 fl. oz. tin SEALTEST, LIGHT 'N LIVELY ACTION PRICE! 3 for 1. Ice Milk 2 litre ctn 1.59 ACTION Mal PLAIN OR ASSORTED FLAVOURS 175 g TUB 32 -oz ctri 79? Yoplait Desserts 3 fc"'1.00 ACTION PRICEI /MOVED FLAVOURS PKG OF 24 Pkg 6911 Borden Popsicles 1699 ACTION PRICEI Raisin Bread 16-ozbaf695e i -PLY BATHROOM TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS Cottonelle pkg of 4 rolisid9 ACTION PRICE! MARVEL, SLICED Me Bread 24-026313104 29 ASSORTED VARIETIES R�rn asta 2.1b pk; 7f a • WITH -THIS totlitoN Aloro, Frozen C1IEESE , 20 -oz ZZASP6k113'1:: 46, Limit one per family Valid thru Sat., Sept. 1st, 1979. V.C. '"0,112,1EM '1U Holmesville aCtiVite$ by Blanche peeves Church News The 'Wedding Feast was the lesson delivered • by Rev. Norman Pick of • Ontario Street United. Church last Sunday morning in the H.olmesville United Church. Jackie Norma!' and Janice Mayhew sang a duet and, Ir'ine Tebbutt along with Stewart Farquhar receivet1 the offering. Many of the area at- tended the annual Bean Festival in Zurich over the weekend. Personals Jack and Jan, Margo and Geoff Norman of Vancouver, B.C. are here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norman and enjoying family dinners and get togethers with their relatives and friends. May we wish them a happy time and good trip home. Neil and Todd Hadley of London enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Ninhuys and family. Cathy Van Ninhuys spent some holidays with the Hadleys at their summer home at Collingwood. While there Cathy received some horse riding lessons. Jim and Irene Durnin of London were in the area to enjoy a visit to Blyth Theatre and on to dinner with Don and Isobel Harris. The community wishes to offer their sympathy to the families of the late Guy Ives. 4-H update Girls who want to join the 4-H Homemaking Club in Holmesville must be 12 years of age or older and must be 12 by Sep- tember 1, 1979. They would like at least six girls to join. For more information call Grace Bird, 482-3428: News of Kippen By Rena Caldwell W.J.F. Bell underwent surgery in Victoria Hospital London, last week: Mrs. D.E: Kyle and Mrs. Ronald McGregor, Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs. John Cooper, at- tended the Alma one day school for Women held in Central United Church, St. Thomas, on Tuesday. Miss Ruth Webber, Red Deer, Alberta., visited with Mrs. Mandie Mousseau during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Speare, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis. Jack Cooper and son Timmie left for their home in Alberta on Saturday. Rochus Faber returned last week from Florida. Mrs. Robert Kinsman, Mrs. Al Hoggarth, and Mrs. Grace Drummond have returned from a pleasant holiday in England and Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, Guelph were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. • Kippen East Women's Institute conducted a very profitable booth at the Bean Festival in Zurich on August 25. A GOOD BUY SAVE on a fast -acting classified oel, when you pay before Thursday of AO following week. To place your *ossified ad. ishonn 482-3443 Mon. -Fri.. 9-5