HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-08-30, Page 5t•
All that remains of Hugh Flynn's home in Huilett
Township are pieces of charred wood and a scor-
ched foundation. Although the home was com-
pletely devastated in a Saturday afternoon blaze,
the Flynn family is optimistic. Neighbours gave
them a temporary trailer home while clean-up of
the ruins is completed and .a new hone built. The
Flynns are grateful that their dairy farm operation
was untouched by the blaze. (News -Record phOto)
oresters gat
by Mary Metier
The • 'Canadian
Foresters picnic was held
on Auguit 26 at the hall
with between 75 and 100
people attending.
, .Spee,1a1 guests included
High Chief Ranger Mr.
Scott, along with his wife
and daughter Debbie and
Norm and Jessie Hill, all
of Brantford. High
Chaplain Rev. Stan
McDonald from Hensall
also attended.
Games and races were
held during the afternoon
with Elma Jewitt in
charge. The winners
included: pre-school
race, first, Denise Hulley,
second, Michelle Dillon;
six to eight year olds,
Michael Preszcator and
Karen Campbell; seven
to 12 year olds, Beverley
Campbell and Debbie
Preszcator; teenagers,
Annette Lac.elle and
Sandra Hunt; open race,
Sandra Hunt.
In ladies. kick the
slipper, Marion Hunt was
first and Susan Jamieson
second, In the men'sclass,
class, Jeff Leeming was
first and Jim Preszcator,
second. Three legged
race; Bob and Susan
Jamieson; balloon cat-
ching: Carol and Sandra
String relay, Jeff
Leeming's team;
guessing the mar-
shmallows in a bag: Jim
Preszcator; lucky
number: Marg Carter;
spitting watermelon
seeds: Beverley " Cam-
pbell; my grandfather
Clinton native now
Insomnia" a Bible translator
Dora Shobbrook, editor
News from your neighbours
Fire completely
destroyed the house and
contents of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Flynn on Saturday
afternoon. The cause of
the fire is still unknown.
Stanley Airdrie had the
misfortune to fracture a,
bone in his leg at play on
Wednesday evening.
Miss Edythe Beacom,
Mrs. Laura Lyon and
Mrs. Albert Cardiff of
Brussels spent a few days
last week visiting their
aunt, Mrs. Hilda Pearson
at Mason,' Michigan and
their cousins Mr. and
Mrs. Russell McGee at
Oroosho, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Lyon, Bradley and
Deanna vacationed last
week at Sturgeon , Valls,
Londesboro UCW
members, Marjorie
Duizer, Addie Hunking,
Margaret Good, Edythe
Beacom, Laura Lyon, -
Nora Pipe, Dora Shob-
brook, Joan Whyte --from
Burps Unit Gladys
Leipen, Margaret and
Edith Taylor went on
Tuesday, August 21 by
bus from Seaforth to
attend Alma's One Day
School • for Worrign•
Central tThited Church—,
St. Thomas. Three -
hundred and sixty-five
women attended.
Visiting with Mr. and
Hope Chapel
Lovely flowers
decorated the graves on
Sunday, August 26 at 3
p.m. when a memorial
service was held with the
Reverend Wayne Good as
guest speaker.'
The hymn, "Home
Sweet Home", was sung
with Mrs. Sid McClinchey
accompanying on ac-
1 service
Reverend Good led in
prayer and took his text
from the llth chapter of
Hebrews—pilgrims and
strangers, an illustration
of .our forefathers. Paul
said he would give up
everything to gain Christ.
Collection was received
by Ken Hunking and the
service was closed ,by a
prayer and hymn.
Mrs. cliff Saundercock is
her sister Mr, and Mrs.
Stan Bell of Skirlaugh,
Mrs. Mae Hodgert of
Kirkton visited on Sunday
morning with Mr.. and
•Mrs. Bert Shobbrook Chapel
Memorial service in the
Mrs. Irene Ferguson of
London visisted last Week
with her sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Shaddick and
attended Blyth Festival.
Jeff, Karin and Stephen
Shaddick of Waterloo
spent 'the' weekend With
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Shaddick. •
Sunday afternoon and
dinner guests with Mrs.
Alice Davidson and Mrs.
Fairey were Mr. and
Mrs. R. Williamson from
Calgary,, Alberta and.
•Mrs. R.H. Peck of R.R: 3
Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Youngblut, Christine and
Gordon of Woodstock
visited Sunday with his
aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Good. '
Visiting with Miss
Laura Knox and her
mother this week is Miss
Laverne Brocklebank of
Streetsville. On Sunday
they visited with her
brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Flower arranging cpioainirteF. a rB n os kG1 eo bd ae nr kc h a t
Mr. and Mrs. Glen
offered at CNE
Flower arranging is a
lot easier than you might
expectICorne along to the
flower arranging
demonstrations held
daily in the Horticulture
Building at the CNE.
You'll learn quite a few
simple secrets that will
really help you in your
own arrangements. Did
you know, for instance,
that by putting petunias
in a glass Of warm water
into which a teaspoon of
sugar has been added,
they will stand up
beautifully in
arrangements? Or if you
place marigolds in warm
water with half, a
teaspoon of sugar they
will lose their fragrance
and thus be more at-
tractive to use in
arrangements? In fact,
all picked flowers benefit
by being left in warm
Water over night before
being used.
Making a flower
arrangement for your
home or dinner party
table need not be costly.
A few lees aid flowers
picked iti,the country and
make a beautiful centre
piece. Just remember to
leave them in water
oVernight. You can even
use a piece of driftwood to
make an interesting
container - a good wash
and rub With steel wool
and shoe polish will do the
telek. -
There's a lot more to
learn and see at these
demonstrations. They are
held at 11 and 1, 3 and 5
p.m. daily until Sep-
Carter, Colleen and
•Larry entertained at a
family gathering and
dinner at their home on
Sunday.., Those present
were Miss Colleen
Gilbrand, of Kitchener,
Miss Cheryl Armstrong,
Wayne, Laurie and Rick
Beacom of Stratford, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Johnston
of London, Karen Talbot
of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Armstrong, Billie,
Lee Anne, Anne Marie,
Mardell and Rod of
Thurlow, and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Armstrong and
David Armstrong of
Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Armstrong spent the
weekend in London at-
tending a court reporters'
convention at the -Park
Lane Hotel.
Andre Amsing, for-
merly of Clinton, and his
wife Roselyne have
joined a world-wide
linguistic task force by
their recent acceptance
as members of Wycliffe
Bible Translators.
They expect to serve as
translators and literacy
workers with Wycliffe,
which works around the
world to reduce
aboriginal languages to
written form and tran-
slate the Scripture into
them. them. '
Andre is the son of.Mr.
and Mrs. Jeene Amsing.
He 'received his high
school education at
Central Huron Secondary
School. He also studied at
a Bible College in Wales
for two years taking
linguistic courses during
the summers at the
British Summer
Institute. After language
studies in France and
Turkey and further
linguistic studies in the
United States, he went on
coniplete " his
Open seven days a week
• until mid-October.
(A little longer - weather
10 A:M. to .6 RM.
You've admired it! Now you can Make it! Be the first in this area
to find out how rewarding & tatlifying this fascinating activity
is. Drop by and look over the Materials, ask questions, see for
yourself how uncomplicated a hobby it is. Yet, how beautiful the
results! Come in today.
• 49. South St., Goderich
5244611 or 524461.2
Bachelor's degree in
Religious Education at
the Reformed Bible
College of Grand Rapids,
• His wife is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Quenon of Valenciennes,
France. She received her
education in English and
Russian at the Univer-
sities of Valenciennes and
Strasbourg. She studied
Bible -at the Bible College
of Wales and the
Reformed Bible College.
The couple have one
child, Nathanael .(Natie)
whO is two and a half
years old.
Wycliffe and its
academic affiliate, the
Summer Institute of
Linguistics are involved
in translation work in
more than 600 languages
in nearly 3Q countries
around the world. Their
goal is to, put Scripture
into the world's
remaining 3,000 un-
written languages spoken
by an estimated 200
million people.
nee for picnic
contest: Alice Buchanan;
closest child's birthday:
Parlene Hulley and
Sandra HUnt-
There was a peanut,
candy and. gum scan ble
and the men •barbecued
pork chops and potatoes
and a pot luck supper was
enjoyed by all.
Personals _
Bob Thompson, Doug
McClure and Mark
Underwood of Seaforth
spent the weekend on a
fishing trip to Lindsay.
Betty Ann Herman and
Paul Baiers of
Shakespeare visited on
Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Stevenson,
David, Darren and
Mrs. J. Merner •of
Kitchener visited on
Friday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Merner,
Sandy, Julie, Michael and
Congratulations are
extended to Jim and
Sheila Thompson on the
phone 482-9235
Our hostess will bring gifts and
greetings, along with helpful
community information.
birth of a daughter,
Cheryl Lynn on August 23
in the Seaforth hospital.
Cliff and Mary Brindley
(nee Wamrnes) of
Hollyrood are also new
parents of a son
Christopher, born on
August 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Preszcator attended' the
Teichert-Butt wedding in
Egmondville and
reception in Seaforth on
Mr. and Mrs. Marris
Bos went to the Toronto
airport on Sunday to pick
up Mr. and .,Mrs. Theo
Wammes, Jos Wammes
and Jan DeVries all of
Holland. They are
visiting relatives here
and on Sunday spent the
clay with Mr. and Mrs.
John Wammes Sr. and,
then went to. visit Mr. and
Mrs, • Adrian Wammes
and family in Goderich
ToWnship, Jos 'and Jan
remainedlo visit with the
John Wammes family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Herman and cote,y. of
Stratford were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Stevenson,
David, Darren and
Mr. and Mrs. Cam
Patterson of London
visited on Monday
evening with Mr— and
Mrs. Frank Riley.
Reg. Jeans $2 0
WideLegs 22 0
Girls' •
Wide Legs $2 2 0
Cords. coLouis$00
Match Your
Jeans Up With
A Smart
LeVi Plaid or
Checked Shirt
VI, H 1TE Model 734
Open Arm Stretch Zigzag with 20
Built-in Stitches and Built-in
[T Adjustable Pressure - for •
various. thicknesses and -
weights of fabrics
qumbered Tension
r.BuiIt-in Sew Light
Open Arm Styling - makes it
easy to sew pant legs, shirt-
sleeves, etc.
Variable Feed
L. Stitch length control
• Bobbin Winder - holds up to
90 yards of thread
Stitch width control
20 Built-in stitiches
• All Metal Construction - built
to last. •
20 Year Warranty Y4
r ; 2 Year Free Service
Lessons included
64" Velour
over 40 colours
60" Boucle
7 colours, 100% polyester
60" Celeste
Solid, and light and solid
Colours: New "erights", Amethyst,
Sapphire, Jade, Rose, Ouartit.
45" Poly-Catfon Corduroy $A 98
Pin and medium yawl() T • metre
Open arin styling for
tubular sewing of pant legs
and stfirt sleeves.
Cpnverts to flat sewing sur-
face with addition of con-
venient extension plate. ,
WHITE MODEL 734' • 1449.
bet ready for Fall sewing! Now'ithe time to
get your teiwing machine tuned -up and