HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-1-12, Page 1rand Offer
We Will Send the TIMES an any
City -Vela -in' from now Until
oribe 1IOW and read the open,
ellaPtern of the rte'w story.
. KC.
• ' cite; el SuproN ot ary Public
Cleave nt.iar Gornto -1.i to. Money to
Oillce in fin 1310
Barrister Solicitor
• li,gETER
0 ftleeSamwolyslih
Solicitor in tins , , . ()spurt of Ontiurie,
Oeuveyaucer,.(lom ,,ieri bi.," die. Special
attention given to. , • ",ieetiorgof claims in
411.6 United States'. , ..ts pro,eured, money
toiloan at lowest"House
Bleak St. 3Iarys- Oi
11 LLIOT & EL;
risters, Solicitors, Notarie's
onveyancers Szc, 8zo.
ney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
• .
171010E: over 01.111EIV$ Bank
Nitrous .Oxicle Ges nor Painless Extraction.
Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario.- Hay
tngliirnislied Due Dental Hoonas
•on MAIN- ST„ next-door to Treble's Harness
shop, Exeter, Where I am prepared to perform,
all branches ot the Dialital profession with ease
,±t akill.
u sedin, extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate;
Terms, Cash. ,
13lock.,11Inin-Sti EkeAr;' ,
-Extreets Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetalile Vapor. pol
ti -e
a Filings anall other. dental.
work the best possible. Goes
to Zurtron on last Thursday in
each. month.
We Wish to call the special attention ot the
farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr,
Goo, Moats, of Lot 11, Con. 5, Stephen, Crediton
P, 0,, has on hand a v ory large quantity of
At the Following Prices:
2i inch Tile $ 5,50'perM,
4 11.,Ou "
6 , ... 18,00 "
If necessary, ll.mited credit w -ill be given.1
.Crediton, Sep t.11, '87. CEO DIOA.TZ.
LUT, -D. M.,
• Offioeathisrosidenee "Exe!ter.
P . ,Gradu at e
. ri.YNDMAN, coroner for the
county of ninon. oftice, opposite Mr.
.Caxling's otoro,Exeter. '
. A, ROLLINS, nie 9. P.'S
oilicil, 'Ai iit,Ezeter,Ont.Itetilleit
oe houserecontly occupied by P. McPhillips,
By Our Own Corrosponuonts.
dOlian IV/ELITE as SONa
Publisher sand FrOrrlettors
ELEvriox or Oritionntl.—At the annua
meeting of Overawell L.Q.L.,No 1071, which
was hold on Saturday, 24th Deo.. with Bro.
Sanaa Halle he the chair. The following of-
ficers were elected :—Bro. S. Halls, „W. M ;
Rican Wadlin, D. M. ; H. Smith, Chen. ; W.
Miners, Reo-Sen; Thos. M. Kay, Trees ;.
R.Cooper, D. of C. ; Thaddeus Jones, lst.
-nom ; Frauds J. Davis, and Com. : John
Hells, 3rd Com. ; Wm. nell, 4th Com. ;
Jno, J. Smale, 5th Com,
" Onedibon,
The Misses Piecombe, of Strathroy, are at
present the guests of Mr. 0. Z.vilrer. ,
Mr. M. D. Ininer, formerly of tirediton,
otaligh yola :11 iesXileatItiortnechielnatoinedvis wg7inicag and
cbiaskOvtitahalVtlf err.
that time to tato a position, working at his
And, Everybody'LaugheIST—innerna,—On Tuesday, the
int., Miss Rilta, oldest deughter of Mr. F.
----W110 SEES OUR-- •nter, to Mr. Levi Heist, both of Creel -
vim has been visiting friends in Crediton ani
Mr. Wan naker, of Crystal City, Man.,
Beautiful Honest Goods in End. vicinitn, left tor home on Menday. Ile says
has gained 12 lbs. during his sojourn, He
--- bed better have' stayed here and we would
less Varieti Ontario haa agreed. with him, and that he
Binnumut E;eTiaT LoDGE.—The annual occurranoes of the Past week Throughout
Meeting of tbe 14.0.L., of I3iddulph, was the Neighborhood In a Concise Form,
neld in the place 'luesilan. Tho orowd was
good despite tie tooleineney of the weather.
After the gerieral routine busineso had. been Miss E. Molteod, has been appointed
transacted the following °Mears were Oleoted: Secretary of the Parhkill Mechanics'
W M, Bro. Ino. Neil, Centralia ; W D M, Institute Board.
Bro. Ias,Cathers, Parkhill; Ben -Secy„ Bro. Master Tames White, son of Major 11.
W. Sanders; Exeter; -Secy.. Bro. G. A. L. White of $t. Marys, hasCommenc-
ed the study of medicine at Toronto.
Mr, A. MoD'Allan, the Goderuna fruit
king, jumped out or a runaway rig the
oabthoeurt tdialey,a4u4stLinct,baragoes.evero injuries
Harry Brown, •on Vinchelsea,, hatt
been eppointed •postnntster in that
place, Mr. Godbolt, the former post-
master haying removed to the States.
Duncan Currie; ot McGillivray tovvn
line, retired to,bed last monaay night
seemingly in his usual health, but next
morning was fontid dead.
THE PRICE WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY Boon have made a $00 -pounder out of him.
-TRA. IVIname.—The auttual tereaneeting
of the Sharon Methodist church wad held on
Wedaesdey night. The attendance was
good, the apt, realped being n52,00. A
social was held on Thursday evg., at which
68 were taken.
Reeavas.—A team belonging to Mr.
Chalmers, of the Eith con., while tied at Mr.
Young's -tin shop in Crediton, the other day,
T-TEN.RY EILBER, Licensed Atte-
aten- tioneer f or Elay,Stephen, an a. MeGilli-
sray:Townships: Sales conducted at moderate
rates. Office—At Post-ollioe,Orediton, Ont.
JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
.Tewnsnies of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and -the Village of Exeter. All sales prormitly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged, at this office
. ,
Graduates of the entario Veterinary College.
Charon' ne (tool' South of Town Hall;
pereent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning companies represented.
Barrister Exeter,
Three Houses and Lots for sale in Kirkton.
rpirE WA .l.'E arid° MUTUAL
• ..L FISK INSTIDA.N 0 E co. '
Bstawisned in 1863.
This comptny has been over Eighteen
years in succoseful oneration in, Western On-
t aria An detintinuoS te 'insure agalustloss or
damage by Piro ,lluildings,1VIerchaudise,Man-
ufactories,sma. all otne v descriptions oflinsur-
able property, ,Intudii.in insurers have the
„option of -insuring on the Premium Note.or
gash Sysltem . , , ....,., ,
the, past 'usu. years -vnis ,..mnapnuy
. ,h3,8 fAe4,;;I. ,:, , 5:,010660:00,1.01::So:OsVise: P0:010)::
Ant of $40,872,088.; amd paid inloss-
• I eaut rs rat4„9'752'°13 .. . .
t t4,6 veviuneutDelios it , and the image,
&him Notes on lianclatidin force. 3,
D , Preside i t. 0. M..TAxion
smi. .3..11.. Itunatts,tusnector; 0 tf ,liS'.
.,L Agouti' or,10,xetorand'vicinitV.
Groove, Moray Treas., ,Bro. N. Q -reeve,
Moray; Chap. Bro. Poulton • Mow ; on
C., Bro. W. Turner. Centralia ; Leoturers,
Bro. F. Davis, Centralia, aud Portico, Moray.
DhAu Time, —It is hard to send you
anything , of ' importence this week. Our
visitors have • mostly all left aor their res-
pective homes, and everything in and about
town has settled clown, Our busiuese men
are begianiug to aerate/1 their heads and
think over prospeota of the coming year's
trade. We nave good reason to believe the
oboe' trade will be good at all events, as
several in that line neve got out big posters
enfeeble; immense bargains. We expect to
have is treat in the town hall. on Wednes-
day evening iu the shape of a musical oen-
cert and leeture, Rev. Father Kealy of the
'French. Senterneut is working it up, and
what he doesis done properly. See bills
and programme for particulars.
From another eorrespondent.
Farmers who 001320 to town without sleigh -
belle had better beware, as our vigilant con-
stable, Mr. E,'Bossenberry, is on the look-
out for law -breakers of this kind.
Foto.' young ellen, named Jno. Brenner,
3. Zettle, Chas. Weber, and a tailor named
Weavirs _were arrested Thursday last by
Coustables Bosseoberry and Gill, taken to
Remain' and there tried be-
fore 'Magistrates Buohanah .and Smillie.
They were fined from 65 to $10 each, includ-
ing 0048- Tbecharge preferred against these
young men was -tlaat of shooting through
shop and house windows, pinta:inters of
whiolnaapeared in last week's issue of the
Tnersday night a ram u visited this saction
of tint eouutry that froze as it fell, forming a
sheet Of me that made it quite dangerous for
pedestrians. So heavy was the ice un the
Mtss Carrie Dent of Kitchell, has beeu
engaged to teach a school near Hensall.
A Mitchell cotein speaks very highly ot
Miss Dent, both personally and pro-
The highest marks gelned by any
pupil in the entrance exanaination at
Mitchell were made by Mxas Annie
Ourrelley, ot Fullerton, and the second
highest by Robert Miller, of gibbon.
A. fain blind of Mr. jas. Gourley's,
Fullerton, named Jabez Newitt, got
pretty severely crushed in the stable a
fewodays ago by a vicious horse that he
. i
was cleatnng n the stall. ,
• 011 yea! I should, thiuk so. The firs;
dose made me feel like a new person
the invariable answer to the question
did Dr. Orrson's Stomach Bitters help
At the anniversary services of the
Main Street Methodist Church, Mitchell
the features of musical programme was
the playing of .Dr. Verrinder, organist
of London, and the singing of Bliss Ella
The business of Mr. R. W. Keeler,
Mitchell, has passed into the hands of
the sheriff. Mr:Keeler and his family
left for the United States, and all that
became frighteoeda and ran away. - After
running for a couple of -miles one of the
horses fell, .and getting tangled with the
' harness, they were caught.
arber hop
A. Hastings, Prop,
ho2ip Storo
J. MITCHELL has reoeived. a splendid
lot of .X.MAS goods, and is. determined to
make prices to suit bard times, especially in
AND DRAWERS, and other goods, Note
some of the prices: •
5 lbs. good tea 61.00
13 lbs, raisins, (now fruit) $1,00
16 lbs. good sugar
- - , 25 ots
Go oa - can per yd'
Factory cotton 1 ynl. wide - 7 cts. " t!
Splendid tweed for suits - 75 ets.
e -----
nhaving and Hair cutting in the latest styles
of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting
Ladies anarehildren's Hair
A Mr. Ford, of Stejnaen, ha si rented the
farm belonging to anr. Geo. Sarowell,
,South of Exeter.
The brick is nearly all drawn for the Meth.
odist Church winch is to be built next sum-
mer ,Cootralia.
Occsaionaly Mr. Samuel ,Elolnian, of Len-
ds:en comes back to pay. his 015 friends at
Devon a visit. Glad are we to see his smil-
ing ann.
A few weeks ago Mr. Anderson, of
the 2nd concession of disposed of
his farm stock ah impleme ts Mr, A.
leaves shortly for higann
We are glad. to learn that Mr. noh n Damn-
sey's children, who have had the diphtheria,
are new quite well.
• —_—.....-
There will. neea. gran "'en ertamraent and
..., • ,a. i .
tea in Centennial Hall Hensall on Thursday,
Jan. 26th, under the auspices of St. Paul's
church and Sunday Sehool. Tea will be
served from 5 to 8 o'clock, after which a pro-
pramme. varied and long, will be rendered.
Adiii. s ` '15cts; children lOcts. A good
ti o i 'e for ever body who may attend.
The illitolsons Bank
(UTE BED EY PAID:4 fAll1F,D"P, 1555)
POW up0aiita1 $2.0000000
Iteet Vaud' „. , 875,000
04o:stile Public 4 No, °ENT INT Ez.illfa.
pDRANNUM.for money on •
For Money in,
Savings Bank Dep'na't
(Lately DoOpened.
Pot further nartionaoseppla at The Dank
Main Street, Lxoter, • •
OFItICE #10.1311S
10. a . re. to's)). m. Saterditenria C,01, tPJP•z2
'Exeter . get,, 06, '•Manage
The demise occurred at Mitehelt on
Stmcnty, of Mrs. Mary Hawkins, reliot of
the late John Hawkins, Deceased was
in her 77th year, and for the at three,
months had been in a yery feebie con -
cation, and went to visit her daughter
Mrs. Whitney, in Mitchell, in the hope "
of being benented by the change, but
she grew rapidly worse until the end oame.
Mr, Jonathan Bentley, of the 2o4
can of East Wawanosh weighed a six -
month's old calf, the other day which
tipped the scales at 635 lbs., Mr. Bent-
ley raised the cell, a,n4 took no particu-
lar pains in feennig, it never having
been allowed to run with its mother.
If the animal was in good condition- it
would weigh na,noh more. It is a. thOln '
oughbred shorthorn MraBentley owns
eight head or thoroughbred stook. Mr.
Bentley formerly resided in Exeter.
s a
We have to chroniele the death of
Mr, James IVIonteith, . of the Gore of
Downie, at 10 o'clock .gFriday morning
last, at his owei residence, one'. or the -
early pioneers of the county of Perth,
aged 76 years, • Mr. laIonteith was a
native of Ceunny Tyrone, Ireland, and
came to Canada with his parents and
their family in 1844, settling in the Gore
of Downie which was then nothing but
a wilderness, the haunt of wolves and.
bears, ana where he has lived ever
On Saturday morning, Dec. 31st, 'a
tramp went to the door of Mr. Shelia-
bery, living in -the Gore of Downie,
den3anded an entrance, went in and
ordered Mrs. Slaellabery to get dinner
inanaediately, which she did. After
dinner he said he supposed they wouid
haye no objection to keeping a fellow.
over Sunday, and he stayed, and on.
Sunday made Mrs. Shellabery darn Ws
socks, mend his vest and wait on. hin
generally apd Mr. Shellabery the ' seine,
and stayed until Monday morning when.
Dr Station has just now a little
sensation occasioned by the sudden exit
Of the local postinaster, Win, Scott, who
has officiated in that capacity there for'
many years.. He disappeared last Thurs-
day, leaving his farnity and numerous
creditors behind. Mr. Scott has been
getting gradually into deep and deeper
wa,ter.financielly, au d finally he ev.iden tly
yeaehen the point where . he censidered
it easier to skip than to struggle.' He
Went westward from London. His lia-
bility to the post offi te department Is not
large—probably not $200—which will be
met by his'sureties, Nleasrs F. Chittiole
::and John Hunt. What his other haniri t
, .
' ties are fa unknown.
: A sad case of. nleiteh from. expeeure
eccureed in Parkhill On 1V10 day eiglat
lute, An old woman, r:a 4,Irs Mc
Pherson who lived on the So , add° was
found by Mr,. R. 0.13aird, who, had oelled
413,4eill?buti- illoantial%fii11 eXeertadrilltinli:'hae I ‘.:zoilli.
and exposure. Ile at once summohed
medical assistance wben it was found that
both her limbs and one °flier arms were
frozen. Scarcely anything in the shape
of clothing or food wasfound in the place
and there was only a quilt on thie bed to
cover her.- When found she was still
alive but in spite of all that cotild be
done she expired in a short time. . The
case is one of great hardship '
A Sabbath school convention for the
village of Allen. Craig and the township
of East Williams was held in theBaptist
Church, Ansa Craig, Jan.58h. An after- '
noon and evening session were held,
both of which were largely attended.
The following topics were introduced by
the speakers named, and were afterwards
discussed by the menabers of the conven-
tion:-" Me Objects to be Aimed at in
bunday School Work," Rev. J. Rennie,.
The Preparatima of the Teacher, Mr. M.
N. Althouse, "Methods of -reaching, with
'a specimen lesson," Mr. Alfred, Day ;
Hew the Sabbath School May kle Made
Helpful to Home Training," Rev. J'.
Anaerson; "The Duty of the Church and
of Parents to the Sunday Sch,00l," Rev.
,f. Hough. In the course ofthe evening e
it was resolved to form stSabbatla Scheel
Association and to appoint the following
officers for the ensuing year, President,
Rev. J. Rennie; - vice-presiaent, Rev. j.
Hough; secretery-trea.suren, Rev. J.
Dempsey ; nxecutive Commi; tee, the
pastors and superintendents of the
Sabbath Sclaools. The r ext convention
was appointed to be held at Nairn,
treeintbat the branches of many fruit trees is left in the way of stook and household
goods will be sold for the benefit. of the
creditors. -
"Pectoria" loosens the phlegin. . „
"Pectoria" soothes the ' inflamed
bronchial tubes.
"Pectoria" neer fails to cure a Cold
or Cough. .
"Pectoria" 25 cents a bottle. ;
• We have been informed . ern good
authority that. in a few days Junfor
Judge Doyle, of Huron CounteaWill' be
appointed Judge of L'Originni, ontianbis
place on the bench will be filtedbyethe
elevation of Fred. W. Johnston, Cnoci-
eriMeh•ie Neil Gilmour, ol%
lately been teaching nenrEne ter, leavet
in a few days for Barnet', N. W. T., at
which place he has been engaged for
this year, at a salary on$600' with the
assurance thatif he gives satisfaction,
it will next year be inoreasect to $700.
Isaac Salkeld, of Gbderich township,
has a heavy draught colt, rising 2 years
old whioh brought down the scales
Saturday last at 1,450. He thinks the
colt vveighs well, and so do we, He
has also a yearling thoroughbred short-
horn bull that tips the beam at 855 lbs.
Ome.—One of the most trustworthy
municipal officers of the courtly of
Huron, departed this life on Dec: 31st,
in the person of William McConnell,
clerk and treasurer of Tuckersmith.
Deceased was well and favorably knOwn
to the public men of Huron, and was
universally esteemed.
Mrs. ,Tolatt Haywood, of the Lith con-
cession Fullerton, met wit an accident
one evening last week. Her husband
had been out with the team to the mill
end on their way home the horses shied
and threw them both into the ditch.
Mr. Haywood was not hurt but Mrs.
Haywood got her shoulder badly hurt.
Mrs Downie, wife of Rev. Mr. Downie,
Rector of Holy Trinity., Lucan, the
other day was tae,recipient of a very
handsome rattan, or East India cane,
chair, upholstenng, at the hands
of three lady merabers of the congre-
gation. A very appreciative Xmas
present, indeed.
The will of the late Geo. Awty has
been made public. The estate consists
or about $51,000, all in securitiesexoept
three lots of real estate in Mitchell.
The wnole is left to KM F. .ewty,
widow of the deceased's brother, to
dispose of among her own family as she
sees fit.
Mitc b ell has;a toboggan club, officer.
ed as follows. Floncenter president. W.
W Hicks; pres., W. Kyle;. vice-pres.,
Dr. Smith; second vicepresident, F,
A. Campbell; secetreasurer, J. A. Robi-
son; committe, F. Awty, 3. D. Cole,
F, Deem, A, (Inge boun, 11 13riabin and
The Dernitnon immigration agent for T. Thom son
Relgium has written. Land. Commissioner ) The Salvation army are making
nne'Invish, of the Clenaclian Nein° that he active preparations for war upon Strat-
-were broken. The weather nes since
beeis-mild, with occasional showers of snow,
of which sufficient remains to make an
excuse for runners. The wild ducks and the
weather 'throne are at variation; aboat tb
nrobebilitieS. The bureau promises colder
wnoeratthhea, but the ducks persist in flying
Conner 10,113 LscTIIRE.—Rev. Father
Xealy, aided by a conatnitte of good workers,
it preparing to give tne citizens of Zutieh
and surrounding vicitity a pleasant time
net Wednesday evening. Rev. Father Flan-
nery, of St:Thomas, who is known all over,
bas consenten to give a leeture on National
?. Chars teribtics. As the Rev. gentleman bas
"visite UtTuy countries, "and..1&.a. beavY „reed-
er, we know that it will be no trouble for
him to do justice to the subject. We hope
that all who like an intellectual treat will
not fail to hear Father Flannery in bie popu-
lar lecture. Besides, the young people, (Pro-
testants and Catholics) are giving a helping
hand to fuenish a musical treat after the lec-
ture. The Zurich Glee Club, organized by
Mr. D. Dyer, and conaposed of the best local
and tbroughout the township of Hay a talent, will furnish several negro plantation
songs with solos and duotts, by Mr, E. Bos -
0,Q" MUD FOR TRIAL.—A case which has
Don't fail to call and get your goods for cr#Sated considerable interest in this place
Lams at J. MITCHELL'S Cheap Store.
8. C. .11.1LBSEY',S SIGN,
The lloyal Mail, Passenger and Aunight
ltoute between Canada and Great Britain and
direct route between the West and all points
on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale dos
Now Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
P, E. Island Cape Breton,
• 1.3etromi.dap
ail(' Jamaica.
New =et elognit Pullman litiffet Slooping
/Id Day Cars rue. on,thvough Express trainS.,
Passengers for Great Britain or 1.318 Contn,
tient bYleaving,.'Potonto at 8.80 a. in, Thurs.
day willjoitt, ,otit,,vard mail 'steamier at Hali-
fax nt.Saturday, ,
StiperievilllovItter 'Warehouse an.c1 book ae-
comniodation at linlifax for shipniont of grain
and gfe novel inerchnmai so,
Years of experience hove proved the INIT1±11-
(30tONIAL conneetfon with steamship
li;t108 to and from T...,ondon, Liverpool and
GlasgOW to Halifax, to he the quickest freight
- .
settled here Wednesday, at least for the time
being. Mrs. Sherritt, of Blake, lost fifteen
ducks last September. Otherpeople also lost
a great many turkeys and geese. Mr. Dick
was actused of stealing the fowl, persons hav-
ing seen him pick from, the road- two ducks
belonging EO Mrs. Sherritt and °arty them to
Beaker's Dick was not pleased with
the accusation and consequently inserted. an
advei tisemest in a local paper, offering reward
of 6500 to any person who would produce
proof CO the effect that be was geilty of such
misdemeanor. On the 2istDecember enlarge
was preferred byMr. Sherritt against Messern
Dick mul Beaker, charging them with having
stolen the ducks, as above. The case came
before Magistrates Thachanan;Weismillor and
Smilie, oil Wednesday, Deo. 28813. Consier-
ableevidonee wasbeard, Dick admtting hav-
ing picked up the two ducks above referred
to, but steted diet he let them go again.
Two of the magistrates wanted to convict the
prisoners for i3iisdemeanor, but the third held
for an adjournment to get the advice of the
Crown Attorney. Finally all agreed and the
ease was adjourned for one week. Wednes
clay the court was resumed, and the priaoners,
according to instructiona, were consonitted to
Goderich jail for trial at the Spring Assizes.
Bail was accepted for the release of the pris-
oners in themeantime.
. ---
To the Editor of' the Exeter Times.
Sua—In looking over the Tures to.day, 1.
find. a letter signed 'R. Hughes.' asked a
portion standing near by who this It' Hughes
is? The answer came (from a grave Presby-
terifm) a man who likes to her himself talk.
I could not help thinking that it would havo
been better to bave let talldng sureae. Did
he forgot Mora setiont menet? What a
compoeerl How flattered the "medical
attendaet" tunst feel! I have known the
little church in question for some yearseand
I know union. has been her strength; he
members are but few, but a more united
little band could not be folind and bad they
divided the church would, have falloe. can
most emphatically sae, fit Ilugnes is wYong
when he says there ere two seetiona in tho
eland). The present rooter is ever spoltee
of with rospeet and affection by hie mem-
bers. It is altiaoat too had for a stranger to
mace contestation amongst them. 'Would it
hot have boon better had P. Hughes pran
teed a little mote ot that brotherly love
which St, Paul (whom he so ably quotes)
teaelles us, is not my intention to -03 801
int) any controversy oven tine divernon but,
I cannot help asking these of your readers
,yho took the tvoubIe to read. lt, Hughes'
letter, to read it again, and then forin an
Opinion of the anther.
I am and hope to be
• l• Hensall, ;fan 10,
InformatiOn as to Possengor and rrolght •
raEofl dint 1) bad 011 appliaatiriti EO nri011ard. Wilson, of Lebo, while stooping to
EnT13.110enee, pick up 1310111 in his stable, was struCk on
WeeterriVroight rassong or Agent the baclk of tho neck by a rail Whit:111(111 from
Kolitlin House lllook,Yerlt nt. Tore to
PoTTItiot3 above him, wallrea to the hone° and lay
senberraaMisses O'Sneara, Dunn, Foster,
Dunn and Laporte. The Zurich orchestra,
under the able leaaership of Mr. F. laoseen.
bay, with Mrs. Donnas organist, has been
preparing for the occasion, and intend. to give
their friends a surprise, and. don't you, forget
it.. But we are sate in saying that the
Zurich Tallies will not be found wanting
when the time comes for them to give their
Darkey farce. It is something that will make
the greatest crank in the worldlaugh whether
he likes it or not. So turn out Red. have a
good time and you will not be sorry. The
entertainment will he in the Town Hall,
Zurich San. 18 admission 25 ets.
, ,
The gross debt of the Dominion at the
end of the year was $274,710,702. Assets,
On the best authority lean state that the
Postmaster-Gederal has no idea of re impos-
ing postage on bona fide newspapers. He
is trying to correct abuses though. For
instance, a grominent gun -dealer in Toronto
issues a sporting paper, with the sole object
of advertising his weapons through the
mails free of poftage. Tlm law was not
intended to be taken advantage of in this
way but it is in a large number of cases.
The number of failures in Manitoba and
the North West, was considerably less dur-
ing 1887 than in 1886. They were 37,
with total liabilities of $262,705, with
toad' and apparent assets of $2734074.
A telogrem from tho Russian frontier
sbatee that the eight Nihilists, including
the Cossack, Tschernoff, who were con-
demned to death for malting au attempt
on the lifo of tho Ozer during his visit to
the Don Cossack counby, were hanged ati
St. Petersburg 00 Deo. 20th,
stains broii Belgium on, March 15 with
five hUndrecl farmers nor 1VIaniboba. He
wishes enough honiesfed:ds selected for the
whole perty mid contracts made at once
for the erechion of small farm, houses, to
ho ready f or 'the farmers upon their a,rrival
ElmtN, Jan. 9—The National Zeitung
says', "The belief that peace will be
maint,iined is growing, nut, it is lear that
Ilia iniatiative toward a sohitimi can pro-
ceed from Raisai a only." 'Vienna ttivioos
are opposed to the peace predictions.
Col. Znleff, the Russian military attaches
at Vietina in the course of official coin
munications to the. A.Itstriati. Military au-
thorities, stated that he was portoitted to
inform them that his Government had
decided to Move two more divisions of
troops to the frontier. The announce.
ment is regarded es clear evidence of the
continued,seriousness of the position. ,
ford. On Monday, the 16613 mete Coin.
ninsioner Coombs will leaa a tag
demonstration in the barracks. All
t he ofneers of the ntratrord
Whioh includes Goderich, Mitchel a Sea-
ropth, Clinton, Vatna and st, Marys,
will be 1)18118 80 lead tbe attaik. •
'Phe Methodists of Parkhill and violin
ity ate now the p ud posseecors or a
heautitui and ciaMmodlone.new church
that will seat 'about 700 perSons, and
which oost some $7,300. The style Of
tircinteeture is Gonne, the ma ternil
being brick with Stone foundations, it
is Well lighted, thoroughly heated sari
ventilated." Ton co tire cost has been
proviaed for. 'tale dedioatien services
oceurred on Ne Inearle Day among
those taking par being the Rev, A. G.
Dr Pascoe and I Av. Mr. Fall's. e°1 °
Harris, pester, Ilent.Dr, Carmen, Rev.
The revenue of the Post Ofeica Depart
ment liacl an increase, of $134,000, ancl the
deficit is $854,00,0. .
Because of the searcitynf white ash the
Government is asked to :place that lumber
on the free list in the' interestS of the
ufaeturers of axe haudles ana forks.
Wesiaiscereer, 3an. 7. --Tho estimates
of acreage, product and value of, eorn
wheat 13115 0131/8 fey each state and territoey
lame beea prepared for publication. The
area of eornharvested, excluding abandon-
ed or worthies acreage, is 72;000,000
acres in round numbers; product, -
000,000 bushels; value, $646,000,0,00,
Area of wheat, 87,400,000 acres; product,
456,000,000 bushels; value, 300,000,000.
Area in oats, nearly 26,000,000 acres;
product, 650,000,000 bushels; value,
000,000. The reports of winter wheat do
nor, show inuili tlocreaseo f aro, En Texas
there is a considerable, and slight increase
in some otherstates. The aye sago decline
ippears to be between, 1 aria 2 ,per eouti.
In Kentucky, 97; Ohio, 00; 'Michigan. 08
indiana,, 100; Illinois, 08; 14.issouri, 00;
ittiSttef 98. The condition i8
800001011138 133' the dryness of the seed bed
in the district that suffered frOm droulln
clelayingsnecline, geeminatien and growth.
The late rains greatly improved the
situation. The averqc of condition 1111
95 ranging" in the ,principal states from
90,to OB. The condition of winter rye
very eloeoly with then of Wheat.