HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-08-23, Page 20411 PAGE 20—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 33, 1979 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday 8 p.m. First regular card $1.: restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of .$15. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week.---20tfar FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance, Friday,- August 31, Victorian Inn, Stratford. 'Dancing 9:00 - 1 :00. Welcome all singles over 25.-34,35 BINGO - Bayfield Community Centre Friday, Aug. 24 at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Bayfield Lioness. 15 regular games, 3 share -the - wealth. -30,32,34 \\ ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW - Clinton Hor- ticultural Society, Friday, August 24, Central Huron Secondary School cafeteria. Entries must be in place by 11:45 a.m. Viewing time 3 pm to 9:15 pm. Door Prizes. Silver Collection. Judge Mrs. Pauline Richards, London. -32,34 GARAGE SALE at 10 William St. N. Clinton on Saturday, August 25, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. -34x THE l"URON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the Clinton Public School, Clinton com- mencing Thursday, September 13, 1979 from 7:30 9:30 p.m,. These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would• anyone whois interested please register by calling :MO - 265 -4252 toll free or the ,Health Unit office at.482- 3416. Both husbands and wives are invited to at- tend *and participate in - the discussions. -34-36 ar THE FAMILY of Hattie and Edwin Hood •are holding an open house in honour of their 50th Wedding Anniversary at their residence on Sun- day, September 2, from 2 - 4 p.m. and 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. No gifts please. -34,35X Three-day Excursion to Ithica, New York to view the Fall Migration: October 6-8 conducted by Peter Vernon of the Fin - N -Beak, Goderich. Pick up brochure "Our Feathered Friends" at your local registered travel agent. A "Heritage Holiday". -32,33,34 MITCHELL FAIR August 31, September 1,2, & 3 THE GODERICH & DISTRICTOPTI M IST CLUB Present in Concert THE WIVES (FORMERLY BATTERED WIVES) MA•DCA TS RAPID TEARS Sat. Sept. 15th; 1979 AT THE GODERICH ARENA 8P.M. ADMISSION •5.50 Advance .'7.00 At the Door • TICKETS AVAILABLE IN GODERICH AT: GODERICH SOUND CENTRE (Suncoast Mall) MR. STEREO - (40 West St.) JERRY MacLEAN SPORTS .-4 HURON ST. FAMILY STREET DANCE - Friday, Sep - temper 7 from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dancing 9-1 "Group Called Brown" at Clinton Grandstand. Sponsored by Clinton Kinsmen and K inet-tes.--32-34 BINGO every Tuesday evening 'at the yanastra Centre, RR 5, Clintoi. at 8 p.m. First regular card $1. 15 regular games of M. • 3 share -the -wealth, jackpot $200 ' must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over.-20tfar YARD SALE - Friday, August 24 and -Saturday, August 25, 1-5 p.m. both days - 168 Erie Street S., Clinton. Household items, clothing, ceramics etc. Rain date, August 31 and Saturday, September 1.-34x Smile Sign on church: 'Remember, Oshawa and Detroit aren't the only places where the maker can recall his product." PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST SATURDAY AUGUST 25 Sponsored by Zurich Minor Athletic Assoc. in - conjunction with the Zurich Bean Festival, served outdoors at the Zurich Fire Hall: 7-11 .a.m. A parade's supposed to be fun, but when the parade route's a long one, and mother has disappeared in the crowd, matters become serious: This is what this young lady was thinking as she peddled along at . the Van.astra-Tuckersmith Fair parade on Saturday. (News -Record photo) Blyth play extended Due to popular demand, The Death of the Donnellys, now running August 21 to September 1 •at the Blyth Summer Festival, will be held over for one week only. There will be performances September 2 at 2 p.m., September 4, 5, 6, 7 at 8:30 p.m. and September 8 at 2 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at the Blyth Memorial Hall. Tickets for these performances are available through the Blyth box office only (phone 523-9300 or 523- 4488). Tickets are $5 for adults, $4 for senior citizens and • $3 for children under 14. The story of the Don- nelly family is familiar to many in southwestern Smile Richfellow we know bought his wife a fur coat, a new car and one and a half steaks. Ontario. Writer Ted Johns, whom audiences will remember for his performance in The School Show, has crafted a new version of the controversial legend,' complete with fiddle music and fisticuffs. Patrons are advised to make their reservations well in advance of the date of their choice in order to avoid disap- pointment. This play, which is a co- production of Theatre Passe Muraille and the Blyth Summer Festival, will complete the 1,979 season. on.,hell • come toi pSor?, whose face, is now By Jiro Fitzgerald. After the shootings, killings, murders and fires were over on opening night of The Death of the Donnellys at the Dlyth Summer Festival, about the only thing. for certain about th,e play is that it will rekindle the century -old controversy about th„p Bidduiph Township legend that has gained Liman and area in- ternational fame. It has been almost a 100 years since five members of the Donnelly family were brutally murdered by a. crowd of vigilantes in the Donnelly home on a cold February 4, 1880 night. Theatre Passe Muraille's three-hour production, that features As much action as ten TV cop shows, put together, tries to feature both sides of the argument against the Donnellys. Were they really ruffians who terrorized the communtiy and got their just reward, or were they just out- casts, falsely accused of many crimes they never committed? Generally speaking, the performance' is superb, with only a few rough spots that any opening night per- formance can have. The play takes place over the whole theatre, a Passe Muraille tradition that gets audience in- volvement right from the opening scene. Characters are con- stantly running in and out through the aisles, across the balcony, ..and even overhead of theaudience in. 'a barn -like, but ef- fective set designed by Bob Pearson. Director Paul Thom - Bayfield Agricultural Society 123w FALL FAIR Exhibit entries received Friday morning, August 31, 9:30 - 1 p:rn. in the Arena. FRIDAY EVENING: 7:30 P.M. Exhibits and Bingo in arena, Adrnission 50' SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 12:30 P.M. - PARADE Main street to fair grounds - Goderich Laketown Band - Heavy Horse show - Special Events for juniors - 4H Calf Club - Poultry - Machinery - Arts, crafts, baking, vegetables - Youth program Refreshment Booth - Lions Club games and rides ADMISSION: ADULTS '1.00 PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN - FREE very familiar --to area audiences sine the Farm Show was first produced here in 1972, has put together an excellent production based on Ted Johns' revised script that features a very con- vincing cast, and fast paced action that will leave the audiences' heads spinning. Most of the actors play a variety of roles, but they seem to make the transition easily and convincingly. Janet Amos as mother Johannah Donnelly, and David Fox as the father Jim Donnelly are out- standing in their roles, but they get very strong support help from likes of Peter Snell, Sam Malkin, William Dunlop, Bob Collins, and Lane Coleman as the in- . telligent but violent son, Will Donnelly. The subject has drawn so much interest that all the regular performances of the play were sold out before opening night. The production has been held over , for another week from September 2 to September 8 to try and satiate some of the extra demand, but tickets -for those performances are going, fast too, so reservations now are advised. About the only real flaw in the entire show, and one I'm sure that Paul Thompson will correct before long, is the show is too long for a boney rear end like mine, so either they'll have to cut a half an hour out of the show, or supply cushions to • soften those hard wooden seats. Arthur Hallam cordially invites relatives, frien- ds, and neighbours to attend an OPEN HOUSE in honour of his brother George Hallam and sister - in -• law Ethel Hallam in honour of their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Friday, Aug. 31, 1979 9-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. at the home of Raymond Hallam, 92 Britannia Rd., E. Goderich, West Side Door. No gifts please! Only Best Wishes. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 F'.M FIRST SHOW AT DUSK For Information Phone: 482-7030 DRIVE-IN THEATRE LIMITED BEECH STREET-CLINTON CLINT EASTWOOD ESCAPE FROM AL AT • A ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS SECOND FEATURE ' ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLAYERS STARTS SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 TO SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 EVERY SUMMER THE CREAM OF AMERICAN YOUTH GOES TO SUMMER CAMP— AND THE REST GO TO CAMP NORTHSTAR. From the Producer of "National lampoon's ANIMAL HOUSE" BILL MURRAY, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS SECOND FEATURE "HURRICANE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLEASE NOTE: . Complimentary Passes not valid for "Meat Balis" and "Hurricane" LAST NIGHT THURSDAY, AUG. 23 AUGUST 23 - 28 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:00 SUNDAY TO TUESDAY ONE SHOWING 8 P.M. ONLY LAST CHANCE!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT - NOW'S THE TIME Starts VUEDNESDAYI TTT Starts FRIDAY! IN THE 25th CENTUR A UNIVERSAL PICTURE ©t979 UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS. INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED tJ Box office opens 7:30 - Showtime 8:45 AUG.24-30 KIRK DOUGLAS ANN-mnRcRET ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER RUTH BUZZI FOSTER BROOKS MEL TILLIS PAUL LYNDE • EXTRA SEE COMING ATTRAChhONS FOR "THE EMPIRE STRIKES RACK" CONTINUING SAGA O "STAR WARS" 3d; tHE:SO ARE' +r,' gram PHONE, 52' -7811. Su 1.51 AIRCONDl IO E'1 ' tol y nq±r A Thrift Box contains 9 pieces offinger firkin good Kentucky Fried Chicken, freshly cooked from colonel Sanders' secret recipe. a Oreat family favorit ! HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524-9981 Today, only a handful of people know what "The China Syndrome" means... Soon you *ill know. . THE WHITE • CARNATION I HOLMESVILLE -, SMORGASBORD HOURS Home Cooking Our Specialty - rNoon Dinner Wednesday 12-2 p.m. 5-8 p.m. Thursday 12-2 p.m. 5-$ p.m. Friday 12-2 p.m. 5-8 p.m. Saturday 12-2 p.m. 5-8 p.m. Sunday 12-2 p.m. 5-7:30 p.m. Closed Monday and Tuesday Reservations Requested Saturday Night Only CATERING TO WEDDINGS, BANQUETS, PRIVATE PARTIES. Tel.: 482-9228 After Hours: 524-4133 Smile Richfellow we know bought his wife a fur coat, a new car and one and a half steaks. Ontario. Writer Ted Johns, whom audiences will remember for his performance in The School Show, has crafted a new version of the controversial legend,' complete with fiddle music and fisticuffs. Patrons are advised to make their reservations well in advance of the date of their choice in order to avoid disap- pointment. This play, which is a co- production of Theatre Passe Muraille and the Blyth Summer Festival, will complete the 1,979 season. on.,hell • come toi pSor?, whose face, is now By Jiro Fitzgerald. After the shootings, killings, murders and fires were over on opening night of The Death of the Donnellys at the Dlyth Summer Festival, about the only thing. for certain about th,e play is that it will rekindle the century -old controversy about th„p Bidduiph Township legend that has gained Liman and area in- ternational fame. It has been almost a 100 years since five members of the Donnelly family were brutally murdered by a. crowd of vigilantes in the Donnelly home on a cold February 4, 1880 night. Theatre Passe Muraille's three-hour production, that features As much action as ten TV cop shows, put together, tries to feature both sides of the argument against the Donnellys. Were they really ruffians who terrorized the communtiy and got their just reward, or were they just out- casts, falsely accused of many crimes they never committed? Generally speaking, the performance' is superb, with only a few rough spots that any opening night per- formance can have. The play takes place over the whole theatre, a Passe Muraille tradition that gets audience in- volvement right from the opening scene. Characters are con- stantly running in and out through the aisles, across the balcony, ..and even overhead of theaudience in. 'a barn -like, but ef- fective set designed by Bob Pearson. Director Paul Thom - Bayfield Agricultural Society 123w FALL FAIR Exhibit entries received Friday morning, August 31, 9:30 - 1 p:rn. in the Arena. FRIDAY EVENING: 7:30 P.M. Exhibits and Bingo in arena, Adrnission 50' SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 12:30 P.M. - PARADE Main street to fair grounds - Goderich Laketown Band - Heavy Horse show - Special Events for juniors - 4H Calf Club - Poultry - Machinery - Arts, crafts, baking, vegetables - Youth program Refreshment Booth - Lions Club games and rides ADMISSION: ADULTS '1.00 PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN - FREE very familiar --to area audiences sine the Farm Show was first produced here in 1972, has put together an excellent production based on Ted Johns' revised script that features a very con- vincing cast, and fast paced action that will leave the audiences' heads spinning. Most of the actors play a variety of roles, but they seem to make the transition easily and convincingly. Janet Amos as mother Johannah Donnelly, and David Fox as the father Jim Donnelly are out- standing in their roles, but they get very strong support help from likes of Peter Snell, Sam Malkin, William Dunlop, Bob Collins, and Lane Coleman as the in- . telligent but violent son, Will Donnelly. The subject has drawn so much interest that all the regular performances of the play were sold out before opening night. The production has been held over , for another week from September 2 to September 8 to try and satiate some of the extra demand, but tickets -for those performances are going, fast too, so reservations now are advised. About the only real flaw in the entire show, and one I'm sure that Paul Thompson will correct before long, is the show is too long for a boney rear end like mine, so either they'll have to cut a half an hour out of the show, or supply cushions to • soften those hard wooden seats. Arthur Hallam cordially invites relatives, frien- ds, and neighbours to attend an OPEN HOUSE in honour of his brother George Hallam and sister - in -• law Ethel Hallam in honour of their 50th Wedding Anniversary on Friday, Aug. 31, 1979 9-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. at the home of Raymond Hallam, 92 Britannia Rd., E. Goderich, West Side Door. No gifts please! Only Best Wishes. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 F'.M FIRST SHOW AT DUSK For Information Phone: 482-7030 DRIVE-IN THEATRE LIMITED BEECH STREET-CLINTON CLINT EASTWOOD ESCAPE FROM AL AT • A ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS SECOND FEATURE ' ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLAYERS STARTS SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 TO SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 EVERY SUMMER THE CREAM OF AMERICAN YOUTH GOES TO SUMMER CAMP— AND THE REST GO TO CAMP NORTHSTAR. From the Producer of "National lampoon's ANIMAL HOUSE" BILL MURRAY, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS SECOND FEATURE "HURRICANE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLEASE NOTE: . Complimentary Passes not valid for "Meat Balis" and "Hurricane" LAST NIGHT THURSDAY, AUG. 23 AUGUST 23 - 28 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:00 SUNDAY TO TUESDAY ONE SHOWING 8 P.M. ONLY LAST CHANCE!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT - NOW'S THE TIME Starts VUEDNESDAYI TTT Starts FRIDAY! IN THE 25th CENTUR A UNIVERSAL PICTURE ©t979 UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS. INC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED tJ Box office opens 7:30 - Showtime 8:45 AUG.24-30 KIRK DOUGLAS ANN-mnRcRET ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER RUTH BUZZI FOSTER BROOKS MEL TILLIS PAUL LYNDE • EXTRA SEE COMING ATTRAChhONS FOR "THE EMPIRE STRIKES RACK" CONTINUING SAGA O "STAR WARS" 3d; tHE:SO ARE' +r,' gram PHONE, 52' -7811. Su 1.51 AIRCONDl IO E'1 ' tol y nq±r A Thrift Box contains 9 pieces offinger firkin good Kentucky Fried Chicken, freshly cooked from colonel Sanders' secret recipe. a Oreat family favorit ! HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524-9981 Today, only a handful of people know what "The China Syndrome" means... Soon you *ill know.