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Clinton News-Record, 1979-08-23, Page 18
' PAGE 1$ --,CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1979 17. Auction. sales` �1 17.., Auction sales AUCTION REMINDER :AUCTION SALE Hay, tractors. farm machinery, some household effects & antiques to be held for Jim Ross at Lot 36, Concession 2, -Tuckersmith Township, 11/4 miles north of Brucefield on No. 4 highway and 11/4 miles east. SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 at 12:30 p.rn. SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR FULL LISTING FARM IS SOLD TERMS: CASH, OR CHEQUES ACCEPTED WITH ID For information, phone Jim at 482-3202 Richard Lobb -Auctioneer CLINTON. ONTARIO 482-7898 - i'r'•, ViiorIalf, INTON ESTACLTE AUCTION of furniture and antiques to be held at the Rathwell Building, 77 Main St., Seaforth Wed. Aug. 29th at 6:30 P.M. Sale consisting of: Westinghouse frost -free, 2 door 17 cu. ft. harvest gold refrigerator / Admiral 24" electric range / Inglis automatic dishwasher / Sim- plicity washer -dryer combination / Admiral deep " freeze / 4000 BTU air conditioner (new) / Zenith 19" portable TV w. remote control / 2 pc. living room suite / 2 platform swivel rockers / twin single beds w. matching chest & dresser / Duncan Phyfe dresser / 5 pc. chrome kitchen suite / hair dryer w. chair / humidifier / pine blanket box / flat -to -wall cainet / pine table / plank bottom chairs / parlour tables / enamel topped cabinet / walnut china cabinet and a host of other antiques. . ' - MISCELLANEOUS: Lamps / pictures & frames /. souvenirs / odd tables & chairs / high chair / large quantity glass & china / wicker pieces / host of small appliances / upholstered chaise lounge / bedding / 2 new wood lawn chairs / vacuum cleaners / pressed glass / Canadian glass / set of English dinner ware / & every clay items / and many many more items too numerous to mention. Estate of Mrs. Mary Jane Riley & a Seaforth house lot. ' (Aire/ ( b (^ < - ,1.1 /'ell/4 .1:: ` AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO ( 519) 527-1458 211-17-,,t 17. Auction sales AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 257 HURON STREET WEST FOR THE EASTERBROOK ESTATE SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 at 12:30 P.M. SHARP In case of inclement weather, Auction will be held at South Huron Rec. Centre, Exeter, Ont. REAL ESTATE consists of two parcels of land. Parcel one is bordered by Huron, Mary and Mill Streets being 132' wide by 330' deep, suitable for approx. six building lots. Situated on this land is a 11/2 storey frame house. Main floor, kitchen, pantry, Iivingrooms and two bedrooms. 2nd floor, 3 bedrooms. Full basement. Parcel two is bordered by Mill, Mary and Waterloo Streets being 264' wide by 237.6' deep, suitable for approx. eight building lots. Real Estate to be sold approx. 2 p.m. subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Furtherinformation contact auctioneer. ANTIQUE FURNITURE: 1 cherry and 1 walnut flat to wall cupboard both with 3 drawers in base, 1 with porcelain knobs, 1 pine jam cupboard; sideboard with top; McMillans & Co. piano; piano stool; Victrola and records; 3 pc. oak bedroom suite; 3 old beds; open pine washstand with towel bars; washstand with tear drop pulls; cherry chest of drawers; 2 dresser stands; large oak table with leaves; small pine harvest table with drawer;, set of six chairs; arrow back chair; chicken coop chair; Captain's chair; Captain's high chair; 2 Boston rockers; commode chair; stenciled chair; 2 'press back rocking chairs; 1 platform rocker; several parlor tables; (some fancy); small oak sewing table; 2 pine blanket boxes; oak blanket box; several trunks, 1 hump back; 2 pine benches; sewing machine; coal and wood stove; faint couch. CHINA, GLASS, LAMPS, SILVER AND BRASS: Silver caster set complete with 5 bottles; silver basket; silver pickk'ie with liner and tongs; silver bud vase with opalescent top;3 pedestal cake plates complete with lids; 3 spooners (one Lion glass); several pieces of china and glass such as R.S. Germany, Germany, Bavaria, hand painted Nippon, Noritake, Royal, Vienna, Endmann Schiegelmilch, Russia; press glass; berry bowl and 12 nappies; '39 piece hand painted tea Set; 38 pc. tea set (gold trim); water pitchers and glasses; Germany souvenir of Seaforth; several pieces of willow; 2 pcs. of milk glass; butter dishes; salt and, pepper; sugar and creamers; Ironstone• sugar, creamer and teapot Set; several oil lamps,. 2 other oil lamps; Old Colony silver, berry spoon; butter fork and "meat knife; several pieces of silverware; 1 pr. brass candle holders; fireplace tongs; bells, Ebony dresser set (like new). ( VIOLINS, BOOKS AND COLLECTABLE ITEMS: '2 valuable Violins, bows and cases; 1922 Atlas "The Graphic" an illustrated weekly newspaper, volume No. 36 July -Dec. 1887 and volume No. 37 Jan.:June 1888; Webster's Encylopediia and World Atlas 1889; Kaleidoscope and several pictures; old post cards; 3 gal. crock with flower and name, Gray and Betts, Tllsonburg, Ont.; several other crocks and, jugs, bottles and sealers; iron kett)e with three leg's; sad 'irons; pine lake board; wicker baskets, pictures and frames, flower barrel; quilts; hooked mats; walking canes; feather tick; theatrical costumes, crokinoie 'board, barn boards; approx. three cord of wood, small, quantity 01 coal, Several other items not fitted. Norm Whiting, Auctioneer For further informetiori call 285.1.464, , , 17. Auction sales MORTGAGE* SALE - • BY PUBLIC AUCTION Under and by virtue of the POWER OF SALE contained in a -certain mortgage, whichis now in default, there will be offered by sale by PUBLIC' AUCTION by .Rathwell & Associates, Auctioneers, the sale to take place on the premises at the hour of 7 o'clock in the evening of Thursday the 30th day of August 1979, the lands and premises known as 66 Jarvis Street, Plan 5, Lot 198 in the Town of Seaforth The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. The purchaser shall pay down to the Vendor's agent at the time of the sale by way of deposit of 52,000.00 by cash or certified cheque and balance due on or —before the first day of October 1979. Adjustments are to be made as of the date of closing: The Pur- chaser shall search title at his own expense. On the premises is said to be erected a single storey house with 3 bedrooms, no basement, new plumbing and is heated electrically and by gas. Inspection of the property may be had from 6 o'clock in the evening on the day of sale or by ap- pointment. Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Mr. Bruce R. Rathwell (519) 527-1458. e.%GrcAtzgeGG Vd4Jocia.�Ps AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (519) 527-1458 Richard .Lobb AUCTIONEER tlrnton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE Sat. Aug. 25, 12:30 noon. Machinery and some household ef- fects for Jim Ross, 1'/4 miles north and 11/4 miles east of Brucefield. Sat. Sept. 1, 12 noon. Antiques, furniture, ap- pliances, etc. R. Lobb's barn, 289 Bayfield Rd., Clinton. Sat. Sept. 8, 10:00 A.M. Truck and three trailers, .2 tractors, machinery, etc. For Hugo Vermeesch, 11/4 miles east of Wingham on Highway 86. Wed. Sept. 12, 7:00 P.M. 2 bedroom house, 184 Picton St. E., Goderich, Hugh Hill estate. Tues. Sept. 18, 7:00 P.M. Mullett Twp. shed in Londesboro. 1111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111 Something • to Sell?. • A car, a guitar, a washing Machine, a house, a set of dishes, a fur coat? You name it and you'll sell it fast with an ad in•T,ho,.News Record's Classified columns. CLINTON N WS -RECORD ,clan ified Ads 4., � 4 .3443 alaimisummees 1 Services oval abl. 18. Servicps .available 26. Bi- , rths �• �pl!1,d B SHINGLING • ,and, PAINTING , General Contractors Clinton, Ontario 'Phone 482-9.347 ARMIN GENERAL SERVICES INC. Sharpening service PHONE 565-5298 ARTS-KRIEGER HOME, IMPROVEMENTS Specialty Aluminum & Vinyl. :tiding - Windows Doors Additions Renovations etc. Free Estimates, Phone 482-3869 18. Services available _ KENS CARPENTRY - Remodelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676.—Ken McNairn.—l2tfar CUSTOM BACKHOE ex- ' cavation work and septic system installations. Call Rick Diemert, Bayfield 565- 2481.-15tf MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways, farm lanes, parking lets, repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton 482-3733.-31-42 EXPERIENCED MUSIC TEACHER will teach piano in my own home. Beginners preferred. Please call 482- 3094.-34,35 BACKHOE CONTRACTING by Slotegraaf and Co. * Trenching * Farm Drains * Septic Beds 482-9112 or 524-7067 PETE SLOTEGRAAF WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 HOUSE PLANS and MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 J.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL' CONTRACTOR * Custom Built Homes *Renovations * Additions 482-9506 EVENINGS SCREENED TOP SOIL /for Lawns - Gardens Flowers) ALSO •Crushed Stone •Crushed Road Gravel *Cement Gravel •Pit Run Gravel Backhoe Work LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 evenings MAJOR ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS LTD. -Industrial -Commercial -Residential Services -Design -Appliance Hook up PHONE: 565-2642 Bayfield or 672-0751 London DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS FARM AND MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASINS 8 Weldon Ave. Arva, Ont. CATCH BASINS PHONE* Shop 473=2669 Gerry Reg. 438.4392 Steve Goderich 524.7037 .• DRAINAGE PHONE Shop 473-2669 Gerry 438.4392 Steve Goderich 524.7037 HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUS rRIAL TRAILER AND R I . V. SERVE C DUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE Pi1ICE A NEW fu�AINTEN NCE, AND OL© INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-3100 11=.0-1 JOHN PASSIES GENERAL . CONTRACTING • Farm Buildings * Additions >v Renovations Phone 482-3063 illimmlamonememout • M.. BO-JEN CARPENTRY" FOR • CUSTOM ByILT HOMES • RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN BOX 309 CLINTON ° PHONE 482-9720 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 *Lawn and Garden Equipment *Repairs *New Lawnmowers and Tillers In stock. CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Frunace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn Custom Slaughtering and Processing kill Day V ednrsda% ?n' RR's DASHWOOD 237-3677 19. Notice to creditors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of THOMAS MATTHEW ANDREW WESTLAKE, Retired Farmer, of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, who 'lied on, or about the 20th day of June, 1979, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 1st day or September, 1979, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 3Ist day of ;Idly, 1979. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal St., GQDERICH, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate -32-34 IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM ROBERT SAMUEL BELL; late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Welder, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 14th day of June, 1979, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 7th da,y .of September, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 7th day of August, 1979.. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario • Solicitors for -the Ad m i n'ist ratrix. X33-35 26. Births LANGEDOEN Bob ndod a JennyL n doe a 8 are happy to announce the birth of their sort Stephe Robert.lbs. 6 az . I u. t 9 . �t4 A l;o 15, 1979 at Clinton, Public Hospital. A brother,i ,for Matthew and Sara. ( HQGOARTH Hi, my name is Michele Adrianne. I was born on August 15 at 4;12 in the, morning at Clinton Public Hospital weighing in at 6 lbs. v, 4 oz. My brothers Christopher and Derek are very, proud to have -me as their sister. Dad and Mom, Bill and Lia, thank God for my safe and healthy arrival. I am the first granddaughter for Glenn and Mabel Price and a second granddaughter for Adrian and Ann Warn - mer. 20. Public notices 28. Births .. TAYLOR. Don and Lorraine Taylor, RR 3 Clinton are pleased to announde the arrival of their daughter Limberly Dawn on August 15 at St, Josephs Hospital, London. Proud grandparents are Bob and Willa Taylpr of Clinton and Oliver and Thelma Price of RR 1 Dublin.-34nc 20. Public notices NOTICE Of INTENTION TO PASS BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith will take into consideration the passing, and if approved, will pass at its meeting to be held on Sept. 18, 1979 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock in the evening at Huron Centennial School Brucefield; Ontario the following By-law: A By-law for stopping up part of Road Allowance between Lots 35 and 36, Concession 2, Huron Road Survey and Part of Road Allowance between Lot 35, Concession 2, Huron Road Survey and Lot 46, Concession 2,, London Road Survey, Township of Tucker - smith, County of Huron and for conveying the soil and freehold thereof. The Council will at the aforesaid time and place hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the By-law and who applies to be heard. The proposed By-law and a Plan showing the portion of the road allowance being closed may be seen at the office of the undersigned or at the office of the Clerk at the Township of Tuckersmith. DATED this 21st day of August 1979 McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Township of Tuckersmith keNi Ontario Ontario Municipal Board „ IN THE MATTER OF Section 14 of The Municipal Act, (R.S.O. 1970, c. 284) and IN THE, MATTER OF an application by_ The'. Corporation of the Town of Clinton for an- nexation to the town of approximately 1.691 acres of land, being a portion of Ransford Road in the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, described in By-law 5-1979 of the applicant corporation NOTICE OF HEARING ' TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made by The Corporation of the Town of. Clinton for annexation ;to the town of approximately 1.691 acres of land, being a portion of Ransford Road in the Township of Tuckersmith, composed of Lot 41, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey, described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. ANY person or persons desiring to object to this ap- plication are required to file their objections addressed to the Secretary of the Ontario Municipal Board, 180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, by post prepaid on or before the 17th day of September, 1979. AND TAKE NOTICE the' said application will be considered by the Board at its Chambers, 180 Dundas Street West (8th Floor), Toronto, on `Thursday, the 20th day of September, 1979, at the hour of ten o'clock (local time) in the forenoon, and that if objections have been filed, a public hearing of such objections may be directed by the Board. • DATE Dat Toronto, this 7th day of August, 1979. SCHEDULE "A" to the foregoing Notice of Hearing DESCRIPTION OF lands to be annexed by the Cor- poratioh of the Town of Clinton from the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron and in the Province of Ontario and being composed of part of Lot 41, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey and being more particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the northerly limit of Lot 41, Concession 1 of the said Township of • Tuckersmith has a bearing of N 58 degrees 57' 15" W and relating all bearings herein thereto; BEGINNING at the northwest angle of Lot 41, the said 'angle being the Point of Com: mencement of the parcel herein described; THENCE on a course of S 31 degrees 26' 15" W along the westerly limit of the said Lot 41 a distance of 1369.S Feet to the intersection of the said westerly Limit of Lot 41 with the production easterly of the south limit of Irwin Street, the said westerly limit of the said Lot 41 being- also the Corporation boundary between the Town of Clinton and the Town- ship of Tuckersmith; THENCE on a course of S 58 degrees 57' 15" E and along the said production a distance of 53.79 Feet to a point THENCE on a course of N 31 degrees 26' 15" E and parallel to the westerly limit of said, Lot 41 a distance of 1369.5 Feet to a point on the northerly limit of said Lot 41, the said point being alto on the southerly limit of Ontario Street; THENCE on a course of N 58 d green 57' 15" W a distance 0153,79 Feet, more r less, to the northwest car ner f said41 d Lotsaid , corner ne also being th6� Point of Commentem4nt of the ;`parcel herei described,• (The Said parcel is furt �` r s he horn Outlinedn i red, on the plan, 'hereto attached.) The Said parcel contains by amr leeasurement 1,691 acres be the tame /Wore ss, ►; Births BRAWN . Dave and Mary Brown are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Vanessa Mary, 8 lbs. 2 oz. on August 17, 1979 at Clinton Public Hospital. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cantelon, Clinton, Ont. and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Brown, Monitton. 27. Deaths CREIGHTON In the Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, August 18th, Mrs. John Creighton, the former Dorethy Elizabeth Burgess, of Clinton, formerly of Blyth in her 72nd year. Beloved mother of..Harold of Port Vermilion; Alberta. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Queens Street, Blyth, Ontario, where the funeral service was held on Tuesday, August 21st at 2 p.m. Interment Blyth Union Cemetery.---34nc McASH At -Huronview on Monday, 'August 20, 1979, Myrtle McAsh, formerly of Varna in her 89th year. Beloved wife of the late John McAsh. Dear mother of William of Varna, and Floyd of Hamilton. Dear grandmother of Peggy (Mrs. Murray Morrison) of Ilderton, Gary of London, Douglas and Brian, both of Varna. Also loved by 12 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by two sisters and two brothers. Rested at the Ball funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, where the funeral service was held on Wednesday , at 2 p.m. Interment in Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Twp.-34nc - MUTCH (Former partner of Ball and Mutch Furniture and Funeral Home Limited). At the Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, August 21, 1979, William J. Mutch of Clinton in his 77th year. Beloved husband of Ruth Mutch. Dear brother of Jean (Mrs: Dick Jacob) of Clinton, Frank of Clinton and Jack of Detroit, Michigan. Predeceased by his first wife, Madeline Mutch,andby one brother, Charles. Resting at the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton after 7 p.m. Wednesday, where the funeral service will be held on Friday, August 24 at 2 p.m. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Ontario Heart Foun- dation would be appreciated. Memorial services will be held by the Royal Canadian Legion Clinton, Branch No. 140, on Thursday evening at 9 p.m., followed by the Clinton Oddfellows Lodge No. 83, at 9:20 p.m. -34 24. Business opportunities ca¢you doing for the rest of your life? 4C7DEMIC UPGRADING Is your lack of basic education hindering your progress at work? Do you need more English and Math to prepare you for a skill training program and -a better job? Consider Conestoga. We're specialists in Adult Education. We'll help you progress at your own speed to get the education; to learn the skills; to get the lob. That's why we're hero. Why not call us for details? We can helio you. Cut. Wing skills today for'thle ne of tomorrow Clinton pmpus u5 Phone 482°3458