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Young Chad Allen, the nine -month-old son of Phil and Elizabeth' Warren of
Clinton,was pleased to have a picture taken with his trophy, but little Cheryl
Lynn, the six -month-old daughter of Matt and Erica Josh of Clinton, was too
tired to care whether she was chosen as the best baby or not. Both youngsters
took first prize in the two baby show classes at the Country Fair in Vanastra on
Saturday. (News -Record photo)
Middleton couple marry
by Blanche Deeves
Personals -
Congratulations to
John and Susan Blan-
chard (nee De Groof) on
their marriage Saturday.
May they have a long and
happy life together.
Audrey Middleton and
her mother Mrs. Jervis
spent Sunday at the
- A surprise family
picnic was held at the
farm of Delores and Alvin
Dutot recently to
celebrate Uncle Frank's
80th birthday. Some of
the 18 guests present
included: Frank and
Gertie King, Marlene and
Frank Davies and four
children, all of Toronto;
Cathedral in London
theme speaker is Arch-
deacon P. Playfair of St.
George's Church • in
Ottawa. The Rector will
+tend the Conference. If
anyone wishes to share in
these days of learning,
please call Rev. Bennett
at 565-2834. The
registration fee is $1'0
which includes tea, coffee
and Saturday supper. The
•theme is "And daily
increase in the Holy
Spirit" part of the
Bishop's prayer for each for , Mrs. Fred Mid -
candidate in the Book of dleton's great grandsori.
Common Prayer Con-
firmation Office.
Everyone is welcome to
the Sunset Service at
Pioneer Park in Bayfield
on Sunday, August 26 at
7:30 p,m. Bring along a
lawnchair. Sponsored by
the churches of Bayfield
and Middleton.
The ladies of St. James
were busy again at
Delores Dutot's quilting
last week and finished a
crib qtiilt in eight hours
Hensall team wins
Mrs. Bessie Hulls of •
Bayfield; Arlene and Bill By Hilda M. Payne
Hulls, Jonathan and Pee wees win
Jason of Cornwall; Mary The Hensall pee-wees
Atwood of Detroit; Fred baseb4l1 feam won the B
and Carol and Jennifer Championship at Kirkton
Dutot. on Sunday, beating first
Ken and Lynda and Hibbert and then
Ivan Dutot of London Elimville. The members
spent the Weekend with of the team would lik0 to
Alvin and Delores Dutot. thank Spike Bell and Tom
Arlene and Bill Hulls, Neilands for their gq9d
Jason and Jonathon of coaching and ,inter4gt
Cornwall spent their throughout the' season.
holidays with Delores and Personals
Alvin Dutot. Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, Roobal were visitors with
formerly Mary Brand are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
enjoying a holiday in Veldhoen and family in
Holland. •Toronto at the weekend.
4-H Joan Dodds and Mary
All girls who will be 12 Hunt of Seaforth, visited
years old by Septenther with the former's
lst, who would like to -grandparents, Mr. and
4-H for Holmesville
Mrs. Sim Roobal last
Call Mrs. BrandWeek,.. before
September 1st at 482-7554. Mr. and Mi. Sam
Oesch accompanied their
Church News son Mr. Ken Glavin of
Morning prayer was 'Crediton and visited with
held in St. James Mid- Mr. and Mrs. William
dleton on Sunday at 11:15 Oesch in Milverton and
a.m. Mrs. Sarah Storey Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
read the lesson. The Mahoney in Stratford on
sermon by Rev. • Wm. Sunday.
Bennett "tears of Mrs. Rachel Schwalne
Christ". Edward 'Wise attended a barbecue in
and Edward Deeves Sarnia recently: It was
received the offering. The hosted by Mr. and Mrs.
flowers in the sanctuary Desmond Ivy and the
were given in .memoty of latter's mother Mrs.
Wilfred Jervis by his wife Batt.
Adele and Audrey Brad Mann ac -
Middleton. companied his grand -
Friday to Sunday, - parents, Mr. and Mrs.
August 24-26 the 2nd John Anderson to the
Bishop's Conference on Grand America Trap
the Holy Spirit will take Shoot held at Vandalia,
place at St. Paul's Ohio at the weekend.
Mrs. Laird Mickle was
a guest Thursday of last
week with Mrs. Grace
Peck at Huronview and
enjoyed the evening meal
with her.
Church News
Many guests from the
Rev: Stan McDonald's
last charge at Lon-
desboro as well as other
guests were present at
the service in Hensall
United Church on Sunday
morning and all were
made welcome. We hope
they will come again.
Special music was
provided by Miss Betty
Beer, who played her
guitar and sang
The children's time
consisted of a story,
about echoes in life. Rev.
McDonald's message was
on "The pause that
refreshes - vacation
The flowers in the
sanctuary were placed
there by the family of the
late Beatrice Forrester in
her memory.
The United Church in
Hensall will be closed for
the next two Sundays and
the congregation is in-
vited to join with the
Presbyterians in worship
at 11:30 am for these two
Sundays. Regular ser-
vices will resume at 11
am on Sunday, Sep-
tember 9.
CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, ifiVRSPAY, AM= 23, 1.979-4)Aqg 2; •
apyfield llptepayers question marina
by Shelley McPhee
In askinfor su PPQrt
undeveloped. Someone
Although the group was
from the Ausabte- must have known that the
smaller and the mood Bay field Authority> land was -privately owned
more congenial than last council learned that the
Authority couldbefore it was sold."
Anot stop year, the Bayfield Clerk Graham said that
p. atepayers Association the development but the land that had been
are "still questioning offerecl'some restrictioqsWrp,vieusly owned by the
certain issues discussed To alioW the marina Epps family had been
at their 1978 annual development to continue sold to the Marina
meeting. the Authority has named Development,for $20,000.
On Saturday morningseveral conditions. in- Bayfield's newest
council. Member, Gwen
Pemberton,' received the
full • support of the
ratepayers when she
over 50" • village eluding: steel spines and
wooden decks to be
ratepAyers met with
removed each season; no
members of council to
fueling facilities on the
discuss Bayfield's affairs
site; propersloping to
and a main bone of prevent erosion;
contention was the
vegetation to be planted
continuing development
by the proposed parking'
of a small power boat
lot to prevent erosion.
marina on the Bayfield
Clerk Graham went on
River, east of the bridge.
to say that it is hoped that
In 1978, then Reeve Ed
the ministry of tran-
Oddliefson and his
sportation and corn -
council voiced their
enunciation will not allow
objeations to -the marina,
Mr. Peever an entrance
developed by the same
to the marina. He ex -
people who presently
plained that the only
operate the Blue Anchor.
entrance would have to
The 1979 council, under
be located in the middle
the leadership of Reeve
of a curve on a steep hill
Frank McFadden
on Highway 21.
claimed they have
"The fight against
continued their fight to
political bureaucracy is
stop work on the marina,
often futile," Reeve
using the arguments that
McFadden added.
the development does not
Reeve McFadden at -
meet the zoning tempted to give some
requirements of the area
encouragement to the
' and that an entrance off
villagers .by saying work
Highway 21 to the marina
is presently halted at the
would be hazardous. '
marina since Mr. Peever
Reeve McFadden
is involved in a marina
explained that .council
development project in
has appealed to the
Ausable-Bayfield Con -
Bayfield Ratepayers,
servation Authority and
however', indicated they
the ministry of natural
are not willing to sit back
resources for support
and wait to see what
against the development.
happens. From. questions
He added that an Ontario
raised and bpinions giVen
Municipal Board (OMB)
from the floor it was
hearing will'lprobably be
evident that the
held to make the final
ratepayers wantsome
action to be taken to
"If I were a gambling
ensure the development
man, I wouldn't want to
is permanently stopped.
put money on the out -
"We must not sit back
come of the situation,"
idly and let them gain
Reeve McFadden said
ground," ratepayer
Brigadier Fred Clift.
"Our position in the
event of a hearing is that
He went on to point out
the OMB will respect our
that in his deed 'many
bylaws," he rationalized.
years ago, Baron Van
Reeve McFadden went
Tuyll left portions of land
on to explain that the land
on either side of the river
being usedfor the the Mill
to the village.
• Pond Marina Ltd.
"This point could be
Development does not •
meet the zoning gthkrfighting gr,ound," he,
requirements in that area
Reeve McFadden
'since a village bylaw
replied by explaining that
names the river flats as
this land is now un -
hazard and develop-
mental land. Although
"I've always assumed
that zoning classification
that the land was publicly
is sometimes a cloudy
owned," ratepayer Lois
area, it bascially means
Lance voiced. "I suggest
an agricultural or
that Bayfield buy back
woodlot area.
the land' and leave it
Mr. Peever, the marina
developer, earlier ap-
plied to the ministry of
natural resources for
approval of his project.
Despite council's ob-
jections, they were told
that the land use and
zoning requirements
don't come into
jurisdiction in
navigable areas.
"All they're interested
in is the land under the
water, not what happens
to the land elsewhere,"
Bayfield Clerk Gord
Graham voiced.
Mrs. Lance. in the past
the village has ex-
propriated property and
since we're in such good
financial status, perhaps
we should consider this.
If anyone should own that
land, the.village should,"
"We want to know who
belongs to this company.
Who is Mr. Peever? What
does he do? Who are the
officers in this com-
pany?" another
ratepayer questioned.
With that comment, the
development -
1 * •
Association unanimously
passed a motion acing
that the village council
write to the provincial
government to get more
information on Mill Pond
Marina Ltd. Develop-
ment, the marina owners.
The company is said to be
a subsidiary of the Blue
Anchor Corporation,
which in turn is a branch
of a London based firm
called Roynat Ltd.
"I'm not sure what role
Mr. Peever plays in all of
this," Reeve McFadden
New Association
president, George
Fellows, stressed in his
inaugural speech: "The
Peever associates,
whoever they may be, are
an intent group of people.
intent on making that
area a commercial
operation, I need all the
support of • the
ratepayers, even with a
mandate and financial
support to stop this."
What this country
really needs is a sani,
.forized dollar.
gifts. .and BARGAINS...galore
at the friendly store
our annual
End -of -Season
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Tomatoes QT. ONLY
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• 'Duchess Apples s5/bushel •
• Potatoes Onions
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