HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-08-23, Page 10. PAGE 19CLINTONNEWS-REcbRD, THURSDAY, AUGUST2 ►1979 •A Mrs. Ellison Cox of Bayfield celebrated her 90th birthday last week and was feted at several gatherings, including one on Sunday attended by many well wishers.(Gwen Pemberton photo) Round the village Mrs. Cox has birthday A family birthday party dinner was held for Mrs. Ellison Cox in celebration of her 90th • birthday at St. Andrews United Church on Friday of last week. About 40 family members and friends were in at- tendance. On Sunday Mrs. Cox held open house for her many friends and .relatives in the afternoon and evening. A guest at the Rectory with the Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Bennett on Sunday was the Venerable Robert C, Townshend, Rector of St. George's Church, Owen Sound. Archdeacon Townshend is recuperating following surgery in July. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill paid a ,visit to their son Brian recently in Pasadena near Deer Lake, Newfoundland where he is employed as a helicopter engineer with the Sealand Helicopter Company. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snell had as visitors for the week, Mrs. Snell's two • nephews Tim and Todd Pugh from Drayton Plains, Michigan. The Snell's son Bobby returned with them to their home tovisit for a few days. Miss Cindy Cummings of Winnipeg has been visiting with her gran- dmother Mrs. Sadie Murney at the Clan Gregor Apartments. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins have had as their visitors from Thunder Bay, their son and his wife, Jim and Marg with their children Colin -and Scott. The visitors have gone on to visit with friends in Port Dover. Anglican news The Celebrant at the 10 a.m. Holy Communion Service at Trinity Bayfield was the Rev. W. M. Bennett. Assisting at the administration was Mr. Philip Du Boulay. Receiving the offering were Morgan Smith and Alfred McLaughlin. Sunday School was in charge of Mrs. Tudor Wain and Jeanne Ben- nett. At St. James' Mid - Clan Gregor Apts. dleton, flowers in the Sanctuary were given to the glory of God in memory of Wilfred Jervis by his wife Adele and daughter Audrey Mid- dleton. The Rector will attend the 2nd Bishop's Con- ference on the Holy Spirit at St. Paul's Cathedral, London on August 24-26. Anyone wishing to share in these days of learning is asked to call him. A quick but good sale In spite of bad weather", , the residents of Clan Gregor Apartments held a very successful bake sale and bazaar in the Council Chambers on Saturday afternoon, August 18th. Doors opened at 2 p.m. and by 3 p.m. they were out of business. The bake table, loaded with goodies, was very quickly cleared as was the large table of jellied chicken, homemade headcheese, salads and home cooked beans. This was a new venture which proved to be very popular. We had a large showing of crafts, crocheted articles, knitting and pillowcase edgings to tatted lace,. beautiful velvet cushions and boxes of lovely cards and gift wrappings. It was almost a case of "You ask for it. We have it for sale." . The ticket on the lovely afghan made by the late Kaura Kompl who had resided at the apartments was drawn by little Nicole Latour, and Margaret Hayter of Varna was the lucky winner. Sadie Murney gave most of her lovely collection of . African violets and with a few more plants were quickly picked up. We apologize to the many strangers who came to buy but were unable to secure even one muffin! There were many requests for another sale next week but the Clan • Gregor residents graciously - declined.—by Greta Scotchmer Uniteds aid Woodstokers The congregation of St. Andrews United Church Was asked to donate to a fund in aid ofthe families who were victims of the tornado which caused so much havoc in the Woodstock area. The United Church Central office has contributed $25,000 to the Woodstock Tornado Relief Fund and the London Conference has distributed envelopes throughout its churches hoping to increase this amount substantially. The envelopes may be placed on the collection plate at the service next Sunday. Tie minister an- nounced that an Ecumenical Sunset Service will be held in Pioneer 'Park on Sunday, August 26th at 7:30 p.m. Should it rain, the service vitt be h ld in St. Andrews' United Church. The minister, The Rev Alun Thomas, coOdueted the Sunday morning service and was assisted in Bible reading by young Paul Lantz who is " a summer visitor in the area from Linwood. Three young ladies aid Dystrophy Last Saturday, %three young ladies were given permission to operate a small stand in aid of muscular dystrophy victims in Clan Gregor Square. It was a com- mendable effort, however, it had received no advance publicity. Thbse who might have been glad to visit them were not aware of their presence. Donations can still , be made to any of the three girls. They are Peggy Van Wonderers, ,Lisa and Leigh Anne Taman. Prizes 'were donated by Graham's Store and the Tenderspot for the games which the girls had set up. istorical Society The August meeting of the Historical Sdcie y will be held in the 1=3 yfield Towel Hall1�on Mayday, August porn When at 8 p.hen Richard Dick will speak about stamp collecting and hi'storical significance of his bpbby. rena fund blitz to hit village It is a matter of satisfaction- to the Arena Board that it is within reach of jts undertaking to 'raise, by ' voluntary subscription,' the sum required to. match the Provincial Government grants for the Arena and Community Centre. It is, in fact, an incredible achievement. To bring it still closer to_ the goal canvassers will call on residents of Bayfield and area on the evening of Tuesday, August 28th. It is necessary to raise the community share of the cost by $20,000 to receive the remaining portions of the two grants, the Wintario and the Ministry of Culture and Recreation grant Together these grants cover three quarters of the total cost estimated in round figures at $430,000. The other quarter is to be raised by the com- munity; consequently the local goal was set a few months ago at $102,300, again in round figures. A previous canvass and donations, together with the dedicated efforts of the Lions and the Lioness Clubs . athroughbu't the year, indicate that the thermometer in Clan Gregor Square can soon reach the top! Private support to date has reached over $80,000. The Arena was of; ficially opened on. July 7th and has already been used on several oc- casions. It is a fine. structure and, although it is not"yet fully completed, it gives promise of continuing to provide the great gathering place for, community' activity which had its beginning in the early 1950s when the original arena and community centre were built by voluntary local effort. • Please lend a sym- pathetic ear when busy canvassers call ' on August 28th. Washrooms for town hall by Shelley McPhee After several proposals, plans have finally been approved by the Huron County Health Unit for the con- struction of washrooms in Bayfield's town hall. Reeve Frank McFadden told a group ,of 50 Bayfield Ratepayers at a meeting in the town hall on Saturday morning that although the washrooms will be constructed in the very near future, they will not entirely fill the bill as public washrooms. Reeve McFadden explained he knew that villagers wanted washrooms to be made avaiable for " the use of the public, but the facilities in the old town 'hall will open only when the building itself is in use. "We told the health unit that the washrooms would only be used for people in the building. If they were classified as public washrooms, it Silverwoods 2% BAG MILK or JUG 3 qts. 1.55 Westons Sliced WHITE BREAD 24 oz.. 3/s1.39 Canada No. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER lb. $1.53 000,t%0 Can. No. 1 would have meant tearing up the whole neighborhood to put in septic tanks." "I'm amazed," he admitted. "They have great ideas, but we don't have that much money in our pockets. There's 19 pieces of sanitary equip- ment in the new arena, but the health unit says we should have 25." The reeve went on to say that to solve the Bayfield merchants' request to have public washrooms in the past, the facilities in the municipal building were made public during supervised office hours. "It's working out well, with only a couple of complaints," he said. Reeve • McFadden added, "People serving the public are obliged to provide proper sanitary equipment to the public according to the act. But we realized that the sanitary facilities in Bayfield would not handle this." • Overflew crowd for Mud Bayfield librarian Maud Weston says that the old Town Hall fairly rocked with excitement when the Port Stanley Festival Players spon- sored by 'Outreach Ontario' presented "The Bayfield Mud 'Monster last Tuesday afternoon. The hall was filled to capacity (the count was lost at '285,. mostly children). The suspense was almost too much for the little tots especially when it cu:lminatPd in the Monster's roar! The Bayfield librarian wishes to ,thank 1VMarian Doucette of the Huron County Library staff for her participation in arranging the show. Sugar Bush Restaurantand Motel NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Open Daily 8 a.m. • 9 p.m. Closed on Thursdays Starting Sept. 6'79 Telephone Reservations Accepted. Featuring: Homecooked Meals at Reasonable Prices Banquet Hall available with catering service - Reserve early Bookings now being accepted. Located 11/2 south of Bayfield everybody saves on food here- Fne granulated WNIT E SUGAR 2 k. 99C 9 Not included in 6°y° retunds mens pure plirjUlCE. 49 oZ• ncluded in 6,O retunds Not Fresh On; Picnic PORK -4 SHOULDER ROAST 68° Tend -R -Spot no filler BEEF PATTIES. '/a pounders Ib. $ 1 s 6 8 Save 30' Ib. SAVE 50e Ib. lot fCD-for lar lar nor----Iol for Boneless outside BOTTOM ROUND ROASTS '1.98 Ib. Save 80' Ib. limit 1 family sire roast per customer Hie „Ohl 10 6,0 ouonb11t1 Taillefer SLICED SIDE BACON Ib• 1 •3 8 Save 30° lb. Prices effective Aug. 22 to Aug. 28 Maxwell House re9ula.� BAG COFFEE l $2,.99 Not included 1n 60 ° refunds Tend -R Spot store sliced HAM AND TURKEY Hp 1.98 BONELESS BEEF ROAST Ib $1J8 Save 20' Ib. Tend R Spot BAVARIAN SAUSAGE o $1.28s.,5o.,e GREEN PEPPERS 3/39c * * *. Can. No. 1 Pepper or Buttercup SQUASH each 29.x_ __.... * * * Produce of U.S.A. VALENCIA ORANGES 51.39 doz. *•** Fresh doily supply of -4 qt baskets of peaches,. plums., potatoes: Facelle Royale Paper Sale Facelle Royale FACIAL TISSUE 3ply 58.c Facelle Royale TOWELS 1.11111 Royale 2 ply 2 s 99c Royale TOILET TISSUE 8 rolls °2.18 Natures Valley Cinnamon. coconut, honey.& oats, peanut GRANOLA BARS Freshie FRUIT FLAVOURARINKS Rich's Frozen COFFEE RICH 275 gr. Si .013 10/98° 68° . 32 oz. Liquid Detergent IVORY 24 oz 51.18 . Dietrich's COUNTRY -SCONE BREAD 24oz. 2/$1 on Westons plain prsugar . ' DONUTS • 12's 85' Red Rose flavoured ICE TEA MIX Also check and compare our everyday low prices ,r. GRANO BEND STORE HOURS StA1M111 NOBS Mon. to Sat. 8.9. Sunday 8.9 TiLEPHONE 238.2512 SENOR CITIZENS OMR 1;000 ON WIf0Ar5 10 AN? .10 1014 / 1 IIROS 01 A01 OR 01011010w 11ISINIA,ION 01 /0111 000/INNINI NI AI IN 1 NII/A•I ,0/0111. CA10 SAVE 6% r AtN O15C0.C, VN1 •ON Oue hlt*,/ CIN AN. 1urt0A, THE 24 oz. 11 .88 E 565.2791 A:. DELICATESSEN PROMOTION Tend -R -Spot LIVERWURST /4;57;-' Is 1 Ib. SAVE 50' ,lb. SUPER BUY cooaate Big shipment ,Pine River cheese Smoked Pork *Chops, Smoked Back Bacon, Complete Salad and Cheese lane, Smoked Fish, Smoked Ribs, etc. IIIIIf1111111i1,/ VALUABLE COUPON ; ylllolll►floll�j Fresh country cut c_ FRYER PARTS Ib. Limit 2 family packs per coupon with. Coupon and 125 order d'xcludinp c!qa ettes tobacco and coupon Item SAVE 50' lb. 1111Illlllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllli111111 jS RS Wr resit,# rhe ,Ighr r° hm,r quoota.o, OPEN SUNDAYS AT 2 LOCATIONS or BAYFIELD BABY BONS CAIN •etll /AAAI, An ONANCI CN40V1 It 'NI tit NOIet,01 ANO SAVE 6% ON ,Ou. R,/CNASI Mal, OM* ri000 AN, nMi tttludi $g°,.tt t' Ilfl • diliti 4� Mk! • BAYFIELD STORE HOURS Summer Hours Daily 86) 10 TELEPHONE 5 5-379 1