HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-08-09, Page 14PAGE ,14..,,-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THUR$DAY, AUG'rUST 9, 197.9 Sg(uP t(o R Pi. 1 1 s• G1t waI.:rs .. d(1.i 1 v .r_. CO. 421' 'OW catris BA,I rpt E *1t,71 Ihror 0.4,1 A I, R q •ed,ate. Ocr 961.1200 I:.RIFP ie! ,AP N tl ostUr 1 fiAr•s-•�,'1 N!1M • <T ► �d9 t,. F..,s L• 1. Articles for sale PIANOS - ORGANS new and used at lowest prices. From June 16 to August 20, store will'be open by appointment only. Pulsifer Music, 527. 0053, or 527-1508.-23tfar LEATHER MOTORCYCLE jacket, size 36. Like new. Phone 482-7933.-31,32 Fresh cut CAULIFLOWER, attractive prices. Open daily 10 a.m. until dark. Dobson Farms Ltd., 2 miles west of Kippen. Phone 262- 2822.-31 tfar 11 COON HOUNDS FOR SALE. Mother. purebred redbone, father purebred bluetick. Reasonable price. Phone 482- 9171 after 5 p.m. -32 24" GAS 4 BURNER white enamel range with clock. $55.00 or best offer. Phone 482-7953.-32 DRESSER AND purple bedspread. Phone 482-, 3305.=32 LARGE GARAGE SALE in Bayfield Sat. and Sun., Aug. 11 and 12. Tent trailer, odd press back chairs, antique tables, dishes, clothing, other items too numerous to mention. Located on Argyle St. at greenhouse one block behind Paul Bunyan Apartments. From 10 a.m.\- 6"p.m, both days. -32 SWEET CORN READY for the freezer. Phone Elizabeth Gibson 482-3229.-32 CORN FO.R SALE. Phone 482-7775.-32 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p.m. RATES: '2.75' for first 21 words ('2.25 if paid within one week of publlccition). Additional words 13' each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20, 30 and 31. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and weddingan- nouncements'4.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. N,1-ohile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18: Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunitie' 25. To'give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29, Marriages 30: In memoriam 31. Cardsof shanks PHONE • • 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.� ONE ROUND pedestal table 1.Articles for sale 2.Mobile Homes. with buffet to match, AN- TIQUE. Phone 482-7186.=32x GENERAL ELECTRIC 30" range, avocado: fireplace wood. Phone 482-9169.-32x 23. CU. Ft. FREEZER hit- sale. arsale. Phone 482•-7983.-32x POWER LAWNMOWER, new engine, $350.00 in good condition; 1979 100 Kawasaki, brand new, $100.00. Mrs. Jean Fehr RR 1 Seaforth, Ontario. -32 VANASTRA HOME /•• t FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 ▪ •NEW OR USED t HOME FURNISHINGS 1 *APPLIANCES j *LAWN ORNAMENTS Open: 6 days a week ▪ 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday j til 8p.m. 482-7922 PEACHES * 5,, 10, 20 Ib. pails of pitted sweetand sour cherries. * ( New apples, plums, fruit juices, honey, apple but- ter. *OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK CaII ROCK GLEN FRUiT FARMS LTD. Arkona 828-3644 APARTMENT SIZE Westinghouse refrigerator, left hand door. $100.00. Phone 482-9866.--32 MOVING: Selling antique electric floor model radio. Bell' pump organ; display case: old mirror franie and mirror:laundry tubs: triple dresser and double bed: 48" mattress and . spring with legs; Inglis . automatic washer and dryer; electric freezer; child's rocking chair; child's wagon and tricycle (needs repair); old bottles..P1)one 523-4569.-32x PIANO FOR SALE in good condition; Electrohome air conditioner 10,000 BTU. Phone 527--1126.-32nc BOYS BICYCLE - 5 speed CCM excellent condition. Bayfield 565-2426.-32nc TIMBER FOR SALE - Wrecking a frame barn. Prank Falconer. Phone 482- 9128. 30eow DRY APPLE FIREWOOD for sale. Phone 482-7428.-32 NEW MATTRESSES - Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C&E Furniture ' NEW AND USED Ya mils south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 W Take Trades 2. Mobile Homes 12' x 60' BENDIX; 12' x 60' New Yorker set up at Meneset Mobile Horne Park at Gridcr-ich. For'4nformation phone 482-7066 or 5 24- 6067.--3'1,32 GMC Motor Homes for rent. Phone 527-1434 nine to five p.m.-32tf FOR SALE Office edosks & tables, 40 new steno chairs, post office bins, steal►shot"ving, wood shelving, work benches, 12 Speed, drill praises (20 free drills with oath press), air cooled compressors with 1% h.p. motors, 32 volt . generators with -self starters, 40 Captain chairs like new 2 Li ficolrlrwelders. Air kinds of palht • interior.,& exterior by,,the quart or gallon. See N..AMILTON No cheap r Place to buy 1 Pictait St, W.! oderich 3244602 44' x 23' Glenwood, 3 bedroom, lot 15, Morgan's Mobile Home Park. For information phone 482- 7066.-31,32 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS - Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at Campbell's Men's Wear Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and- Campbell's Ltd. )-14.tf PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer pow\e.r trowel etc. Forni ties stocked. For in- formation. - call M.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4• p.m. weekdays. Anytime weekends.-19tfar- RET PROFE°SIONAL carpet cleaning. results (AT 'DO-IT-YOURSELF PRICES) • RENT OUR RINSENVAC-the portable. easy-to-use carpet cleaning machine that<gently , .. • rinses carpet fibers with - hot water and • cleaning solution ' • loosens and lifts dirt, grime and residues to the carpet surface where they are Immediately vacuumed up • leaves your carpets CLEAN and FRESH! RNISE 'I VAC - a. ,r CLEANS CARPETS' rq ` Rent for only CLEANER CLEANER LONGER $12 a day ,(EELS CHEM WISEWAY Home & Building Centre BAYFIELD RD:, CLINTON 4824441. 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Gond used ,fur•- nitur`i.'. Phone 4 82- 7922.-Rtfar WANTED: Old 'Brick Buildings for Demolition and Salvage purposes. Contact _Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088: Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks,-11tfar GOOD STANDING. 'TIMBER Apply:-. Robert Eagleson �Aliso Crciig PHONE: 232.4451 5. Cars, trucks for sale '70, MAVERICK 2 door, cheap. '78 Honda, 550 with low mileage. . Phone 482- 7284.-31,32 1973 PONTIAC• hardtop car, 5 new tires, good running condition, $700 or best offer, Phone 482-3296.-32 '72 AMBASSADOR', very clean, good body, runs good, new battery and exhaust, certified, $850.00, Phone 523- 9696.-32x 5. Cars, trucks for sale '71 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door Hardtop V-8 automatic, ps and pb, nuw paint, good transportation, Will certify, $895.00. Phone 523-9696.--32x • 1970 CHRYSLER- 2 door hardtop. Phone 482-7324.-32 '76 PLYMOUTH, 4 do -T V-8, PS. PB, auto. must, sell. 82750. or hest offer. Phone 482-3762.-32x Attention Farmers A. For sale 7, 8, 10 AND 12 ton wagons; 260 bushel grain bins; 2130 John Deere tractor. Phone 482-9923 or 482-7221.-30-33 GOOD CLEAN wheat or mixed grain . straw, by the acre or bale. Phone 482-7467 or 482-3146,-131,32 30 ACRES standing I?ay. "Contact T. Westcrhout at 482- 9915.-31,32 - B. Custom work "---- - CUSTOM SILO FILLING for hay. Phone Hank Reinink D. Livestock RABBI'I'.S FOR SALE - Pets or breeding stock. David. Pullen 482-7896.-32nc I'WO) SOWS, due two weeks. York and Landrace cross. ,each. Phone 482- 7 552,-32 FOR -SA LC:: Hampshire, 'Yorkshire and York cross L.rnc.lrace boa rs. Serviceable alae. Rob Robinson, RR 4 Walton, Ont. -345.2317.-32,33 52;3 9202,T24tfar E. Farm services CUSTOM COMBINING NOW! Low rates and long hours to get the job clone - grain, beans and corn. Phone 524-4700.-28tfnc CUSTOM COMBINING of oats, wheat, barley and corn. Swathing also available, Phone Philip Steckle at 565- 53-24 or Arnold Stcckle at 565- 5329.-28tf CUSTOM SWATHING Phone Henk Reinink-523-9202 or•482-9948..-29tfa r CUSTOM BIG ROUND BALING for hay and straw chisel, -.and mould hoard plowing. No Sunday calls. Co Zondag 565-5308..-30-32 CUSTOM PLOWING with new equipment, reasonable rates.- Phone 482-3165.=32-35 AUCTION SALE Every Friday 8 p.m. Hollingsworth Livestock Sales Watford, Ontario Good run of farm pigs Phone 876-2911 D. Br. 950 with. loader' $1700 D: Br. 1200 p/steering plus cab • '4300 Int. 8275 with loader =1550 Int. 0250 with loader $1400 Int. 414 with Hyd. bucket loader $2350 Massey Ferguson 35 $1500 Hyd. $2200 Nuffield, Hydr. bucket loader' - $1900 Ferguson 2085 with loader Cockshutt 540 bucket loader $1350 Cockshutt 1600 with power steering - 13200 Massey Ferguson 65 p/steering and loader availai3lo. 12700 Peter Hummel R.R. 2 Bayfield Ont. Phone .4824552 Whitewashing and barn disinfection. Phone Jim Moss, RR 2 Auburn 529- 7650.-25tf • CUSTOM COMBINING New -M-2 Gleaner Fully equi-ppe'd for grains, white beans, soyabeans and corn. CONTACT GORDON WRIGHT R.R. 1 Zurich Phone ,- 236-458.5 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1973 BUICK STATION- , WAGON, 1972 Toyota Corolla 1600, both cars run - good cheap for cash. Call Gode'•ich 524-8602.-32AR 1974 DODGE KARRY VAN, excellent condition. For more informatio-n call 482- 7857.-32,33nc 4 WHEEL DRIVE, 1978 Subaru "Brat", 28,000 kilometres, 33 miles per gal. $5,500. Phone 527-1398 or 527- 0606.-32 6. Pets HORSES BOARDED. ',Do you have a 'place to keep your horse this winter? If not, phone and reserve a' stall for now or this'fall. Only 3 left. Phone 482-9960 after 6 p.m.-32tfnc - 7. Real estate for sale HOUSE FOR SALE in Vanastra. Private. Phone 482-3278tf GEORGE CUTLER THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1977 Pontiac , Grand Prix 2 door hardtop green, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes: Like new, only 11,000 original . miles, one owner, licence MEN 262 Serial No. 2J574P362017. Priced to Sell $5,880 Also a good selectionof- pickups...: For further information see me, George Cutler on these! BUS.: RES: 524-2665 482-9782 REPRESENTING •GREErddPARENT * FORD MERCURY SALES LTD. 26a3 i-IURebi RQ. GODERICH 7. Real estate for sale LAUCKNER REALTY INC. Member of the London St. Thoma MLS Gas station and restaurant on corner of two busy highways nor- th on No. 4. 3/4 acre lot, 1978 gross sales '231,949.08. Good family business. 3 bedroom cottage; -living room 21 .x ,15, dining room 12 x 14, kit- chen 21 x 9, electric heat, patio doors, sun: deck, 4 pc, bath. Lot 80 x 250: C-Eose to Lake -Bayfield Village.- BAYFIELD VILLAGE: Brand new home just being built. 2 bedroom permanent home, buy now and select your own interior. 3 bedroom permanent home. Lot 66' x 132'. 3 bedroom cottage, south of Bayfield. Good view of Lake. LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, -Bayfield 565a-2813 14 Isaac St. - Clinton Office 482-9747 Hal Hartley . 482-3693 HeflsaI.1 livestock Sales SALES EVERY. THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock ,WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Barry Miller Hargreaves 296.2711 Exeter 4E2.1511 and Clinton 229.6205 t:Irkton YANMAR DIESEL POWER Does IT 131/4h.p.-33h.p. Huron County's Yanmar Dealer111 - • AND. SONS LTD. CLINTON 482.3409 monammammammi FARMERS For all your new farm buildings BIG OR SMALL!! Give Ray Lumbers Construction.. a Call Phone 482-3305 •I 1~ - Wartime house, 113 storey, 3 bedroom stucco. Oil furnace, cement patio and 10' x 24' addition. James St. List price mid 20's. + bedroom 2 storey older home in excellent condition, newly car Puled, 2 modern baths, and kitchen, double garage, well land scaped, one block from schools. Two - bedroom," one storey, aluminum covered. Newly car- peted and well land- scaped home has gas heat, garage, paved drive. List price loW ` 30's. Includes 4 major appliances. TWO BEDROOM one storey close to down- town has dining room and gas furnace. Good starter home,. Price reduced for quick sale. Mary St. PRICED TO SELL - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey, aluminum siding; new modern kitchen and rewired 19,8. Dining 23', x 15' main flo"r com- pletely rugged gas heat, priced to sell at $29,800. 4 BEDROOM -,2 STOREY with carort on good lot, broadloom throughout dining, den, utility room, sunroom, oil heat, well main- tained. ASK TO SEE OUR LATEST MULTIPLE LISTING BOOK OPEN HOUSE TON ITE THURS., AUGUST 9th 7-8:30P.M. 157,500. BRUCEFIELD "Ready for Occupancy", this brick•and aluminum sided `3 bedroom raised ranch wilt satisfy your desires, cont. pleatbly finished, riveted t}lroughoUt a 8 n tar0:0 lot 1 very quiet area. Come and join moos m mm Your Hostess: Dawn Rothwell 7. Real estate for sale 7, Real estate for sale 19 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 78 Smith Street; 3 bedroom brick ranch in good area. Delightful lot with poplars and cherry trees. Patio and enclosed yard. Rec room with built-in bar suitable for entertaining. Also extra 2 pc. bath and play room. Excellent value. 559,000 MORTGAGEE SALE: This 3 bedroom Huron Street ; storey is now drastically lowered in price. -Was com pletely renovated 3 years ago with new siding, kitchen, carpeting, drywall, 2 bathrooms, main floor laundry. List price\ now 531,900. 10 percent downpayment possible, immediate possession. 80 JOSEPH STREET: Distinctive brick 4 bedroom with fireplace, beautiful family room, walk -out sun - deck, office, den, double garage, 2 extra Tots available with this property or will sell with one extra lot. 76 KIRK STREET: 1568 sq. ft. ranch style home close to schools, paved street in Clinton. Finished garage. Built to high standards of excellence. Top line kitchen. Must be .seen. Priced below replacement . cost at• 554,900. LOW DOWNPAYMENT: Vendor will hold Mortgage on this 3 or 4 bedroom 2 storey home. 107 James Street, Clinton, beside the Catholic Church. 360 VICTORIA STREET: Budget priced 2 bedroom with fenced yard suitable for young couple. Good Starter home. 524,900. VANASTRA: A selection of real good homes available, 2 or 3 bedrooms. Priced in the 20's. Call: John Duddy John Thompson Leah or Budd Kuehl Office 482-3652 - 527-02.38 482-7304 482-3766 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. Harold Workman, Clinton Office... 4823455 Dirk van der Werf, 482.3455.... Res. 482-31651 Henry Mero, Seaforth Office ' 52710810 - Ron Doiron, Bayfield Office 565-2797 Clinton - 2 storey brick home has 4 bedrooms, 11/2 bath, carport, $36,500.00. Near Kinburn - brick 2 storey home, nicely treed 3 acres, $45,000.00. Clinton - 2 storey red brick home, 4 bedrooms, attached garage, close to schools, $49,900.00. Clinton - large 2 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, 4 fireplaces, 2 kitchens, 3 bathrooms, and a coach house converted to -a home $75,000,00. - Bayfield - 3 bedroom raised bungalow with garage, fireplace, roc room, large den or 4th bedroom. . Goderich Twp. - Modern home in the bush with lake $157.,000.00. Bayfield - 3 bedroom aluminum sided bungalow $39,900.00. Bayfield - 4 bedroom angelstone and aluminum sided home in a new subdivision. $57,900.00. Bayfield = large building lot $15,000.00. Near Bayfield - mobile home in a trailer park. Fernhurst Glen - 2 bedroom cottage on a large river lot $22,500.00. - Clinton - 4 bedroom coloured aluminum, family room, double garage, $32,000.00. Clinton •'- 4 bedroom aluminum sided home with 2 bedroom apt. $34,900.00. Clinton - 3 bedroom vinyl sided bungalow, full basement $34,900.00. , Clinton - 3 bedroom sided, bungalow, full basement. $38,500.00. Clinton - 3 bedroom sided Iwrga1: r0-,- full basement,. family room $49,900.00. Duplex - in good condition close to downtown $28,500.00 Clinton - large brick home on 1 acre with 2 fireplaces, family room, brick garage, $60,000.00,. Near Clinton - 4 bedroom modern home on 1/2 acre with many extras 565,000.00. Clinton - 3 bedroom brick veneer split level home with r•ec room $48,000.00. 21.'2 acres _6 miles from Clinton, 3 bedroom home, 2 garages $34,000.00. Clinton - 2 bedroom, 1 floor brick home near the schools 525,500.00. Hullett-Twp. - 246 acres, 220 workable, house, barn, 2 sheds, 53 50,000,00, . Hullett Twp. - 213 acres. 150 workable, house, pig barn, steel shed, $189,000.00. Morris Twp. - 99 acres, 67 workable, gravel deposits, $72,000,00, Near Belgrave, 100 acres, 80 workable, excellent brick home, good beef barn $126,000.00. Stone house on 2 acres n2ar Blyth. Varrn listings wanted.