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4140,V$TL. 1979,4.46.t
The Lambton Youth Theatre is presenting two
- performances this weekend in Pioneer Park,
Bayfield. On Saturday evening, August 4 at 8 p.m.,
— the group will perform Jean-Claude Van Itallie's
Experimental Fugue lir. 8 actors, "Interview" for
adult audiences and for children of all ages, on
Sunday afternoon 2 they perform N.
Watts' A Chain of Words". The Company: Rear,
L. to R. Paul IVI9rgan Donald, Dan Bennett, Will
Sutton, Kevin Stewart; Front, L. to R. Karen
Hyndman, Anne Courser, Gina Giorgi, Nicole
London artists show displays
A number of artists
from London are
currently "setting up
shop" in Clan Gregor
Square in Bayfield on
Saturdays from 10 a.m.
until 8 p.m.
Sixteen artists banded
together to publicize their
work and fast aturday
seven, were in the park to
display their paintings
for sale. Their group calls
itself the Professional
Artists' League.
There were paintings
as local as the abandoned
house on Highway 4 at
Brucefield, by Maurice
Siverns and as far away
as Peggy's Cove on
Canada's east coast by
Rene Verleyen, and Banff
and the Rockies in the
west by Taisa Walvius for
Seekers of Canadian
scenes. Taisa, an art
student at the -University
of Western Ontario had
on display collages of the
mountains and by con-
trast floral sprays. One
that caught my eye
showed full-blown tulips.
Martin Zimmer's
watercolours painted in
and around London
showed his interest in fine
detail. The watercolour is
perhaps the best medium
for this; consequently it
is perhaps the most
difficult form. 'If you
make a mistake, you've
had it", Mr. Zimmer
said.* His Kingston
Harbour with its yacht
club building _and
Sailboats .was an in-
teresting composition. -
For those with -an in-
ternational taste there
was a lovely painting in
the Flemish style by
Rene Verleyen. There
were oils by Manos
Rovithis of buildings near
the Acropolis, in Athens
and of fishing 'boats
moored in a.Greek Island a
Silver point drawing by
John Kinnear required an
explanation. Actually it is
a very old technique
practised in medieva
and Renaissance art. It i„s
done.with a pointed rod of
silver which, when drawn
across paper that has
been specially coated
with white pigment,
leaves minute particles of
the metal embedded - in
the surface, producing a
grayish line that becomes
darker in time as the
silver tarnishes. Kin-
near's watercolors of
Irish_ cabins, •clouds,
green hills and valleys
are delightful.
The seventh
representative of the
Professional., Artists'
League who was in the
park last Saturday was
Bill Johnson. He is a
salesman as well as artist
with "an innovative
pproach 'to .establishing
new clients", which has
resulted in exceptional
success .• ,with several
large U.S. and Canadian
corporations. His work
ranges from small sets of
three co-ordinated ab-
stracts to very realistic
oil portraits and land-
scapes. He has seven
paintings in 'the National
War Museum and ab-
stract prints from one
end of the country to the
He believes that if
you're good and believe
in your own stuff and are
not reluctant to work at
selling it, you don't have
to rely on grants and
subsides to survive as an
artist. He has his own
silk screen printing
equipment and does all
his own framing. He bus
glass in bulk and bought
half a tone of aluminum
Fine yacht docks
A trim, freshly painted
blue and white pleasure
craft docked in Bayfield
harbour last weekend on
it way back from
Tobermory to Erieau. On
board were ,Mr. and Mrs.
George, Plaxton of
London, Ontario, who
were long on p' atience as
they answered questions
and invited curious
visitors aboard. Mrs.
Plaxton is a_ native of
Victoria, B.C. and is
familiar with the
waterways on the west
coast as well as the Great.
Lakes. The fine fur-
nishings and sleeping
accommodation for four
were admired by the
adults, while the radar
weren attracted the Star -
trek and Moonraker set.
The keel -bottomed
boat is of very special'
interest to old-timers in
Bayfield. Its name is the
'Harradell' and it was a
familiar sight in the
harbour here many years
ago. It was owned and
operated then as a fishing
Lioness sale
The Lioness Club will
hold a yard sale on
Wednesday, August 8th at
Brandon's on Highway
21. Those who wish to
make donations ard
asked to do so before
Wednesday, August 8th
and please, no fridges or
The Place To
Buy Appliances
Henson 262-2728
Closed Mondays
vessel by Charlie and
Punch (Malcolm) Toms.
Malcolm was the father
of Dawna Westlake as
many will rernember.
Built 'in Port Colborne
in the early forties by
Harry Siddall, it was
given a name combing
his own and that orhis
wife. The 'Harradell' was
PortMaitland based until
sold to the Toms
brothers. They in. turn
sold it to Howard Green /
of Grand Bend. Terry
Copeland was the next
owner and Hartley Vidler
of Erieau purchased it.
from him. Three families
have an interest in it at
Large or small, we'll fix
them all...
Our repair experts will
have your appliance in tip
top shape fast. Call us to-
2 Milet North of dayfield on HighWay 21
Green & Yellow Beans
Pickling Cucumbers
• 4
for framing.
He invented his own
uncomplicated screw-in
corners for framing and
bought 55,000 screws at
less than a penny each. In
small lots they are six
cents apiece. Art lovers
will enjoy a stroll through
this outdoor' art gallery
and may just fall in love
with one of Bill Johnson's
paintings. "He says he
can't do that. He has to
move them.
Marty prizes given atLions
'ine Camp 1pperwash
Army Cadet Band with
the cadets led the parade
along the Main Street to
the Fair Grounds where
the prizes were awarded
for floats and costumes
as ,follows: antique cars,
John Campbell; floats,
Bayfield Garden Club
first, Grandpa's Farm,
second, Lioness third,
The Promised Land
fourth; decorated -bikes,
Rayanne Scotchtyker,
Sarah Murphy, Kurt
Wachaus- and Mary Clare
. .
neecnie; miscellaneous
carts,. Kelly Lynn Gale,
Avery MacLean and Star
Gale; pony or horse with
rig, Tom Penhale, Bud
Robinson; horse riders,
Nicole Doiron, ' Lynn
Hoytema, Trevor Scot-
chmer, pony riders,
Kathy McKenzie, Lisa
Telford, Janet Kaptein;
adult in costume,
Milvena Erickson;
children in•costume, Judy.
McKenzie, Rob Cluff,
Conan and Avery
McLean, Lo Anne and.
Lydia Erickson, Erin
Bush, Anjoy Bruce, Kelly
Brandon and 'Christopher
There were bingo,
turtle races and other
forms of entertainment
throughout the evening
and the draw was held for
the raffle prizes. First
prize of $200 was won by
Jennifer Scotchriier of
Mitchell, second prize of
$100 by Phyllis Foster of
Round about the village
Miss Geraldine Wilson
of London and Charing
Cross is guest of the Rev.
and Mrs. William Ben-
nett. •
Other guests at the
Rectory are Mr. and Mrs.
Cameron Nelson of
Ridgetown. On Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill
of London and Bennett's
son and his wife, Neil and
Murray and their ,family
were also visitors.
Mrs. Elva Metcalf
spent last week with
friends at Niagara -on -
the -Lake where she at-
tended the Shaw Festival
Theatre to see Enilyn
Williams' play "The Corn
is Green” which is having
a successful run this
Mr. and Mrs. Art
Edwards of Kitchener
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Westlake on
Sunday. On Monday, the
Westlakes • had as their
guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Burnell and
daughters ° Jane and
Jennifer of Guelph.
Miss Rebecca Fawcett
has returned from
Calgary where she spent
a month with her sister
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Anglicans get nes/V. books
Three new Choir Hymn
Books have been donated
as memorials to former
parishioners. Two are
given as a memorial to
Lucy Woods Diehl by
Mrs. A. - C. MacNiel of
Cleveland, Ohio. In a
letter to the Rector she
says "Trinity Church was
my father's first parish
many years agd. We have
a warm spot in our hearts
for Bayfield ever since. I
am the last of the Hodgins
family and at age 79 I am
in good health and en-
joying life."
The third Hymn Book is
given in loving memory
of Alfred Scotchmer,
former Churchwarden of
Trinity Church and life -
tong resident of Hayfield.
At the Sunday service,
Sylvia Hayden of the
Huron Church Camp
acted as organist in the
absence of Jackie
Johnston. She is the
daughter of the Reverend
and Mrs. Dennis Hayden
of Holy Trinity Church,
Chatham. Readers were
Vina Parker and Ed
Wise. Harry Baker was
sidesman and Fred Clift
and Morgan Smith
received the offering. The
Rev. W. M. Bennett
preached the sermon.
Guests at the church
were the Rev. Mary
Mills, Rector of St.
Paul's, Kirkton, St.
Thomas, Granton and St.
Patrick's Saintsbury.
FIELDCREST WHITE SALE time is her again.
Now is your chance to buy those beautiful,
luxurious Fieldcrest towels, bath mats, lid
covers and tank sets at reduced Prices. We
have a wide range of colours and designs.
Why not shop now and save during the month
of August, (If we don't have just what you
want, we can custom -order at sale prices. 'til
August 161)
savings up to 26%
Here are a few examples...
'Lustrebath towel
.'Lustre' hand towel
'Lustre' wash cloth
'Lustre' Fingertip Towel
Reg. '14.95 Sale *10.99
Reg. '8.95 Sale *6.69
Reg. '3.50. Sale *2.59
Reg. -'3.50 Sale !2.59
Mary is in her summer
residence in the village
and her son and his wife
Allan and Heather were
also at the service at
Trinity. He is the Rector
at St. James and St.
Luke's Churches in
Cambridge. The Rev.
Douglas and Mrs. Parker
of Burford were also
present. Hp is Rector of
Holy Trinity in Burford.
MacLeod spent Sunday in
the village with Mr.
MacLead's sisters,
Dorothy and Margaret.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Brock are holidaying in
the village.
Mrs. Grace Fraser has
as her guest this month
her daughter, Marion,
who is now living in
London, England.
hris and Rick Pem-
berton of Calgary are
visiting with their
grandmother, Mrs. Gwen
Pemberton. Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Pemberton, their
son Marty of ' Waterloo
and Mr. Roger Pem-
berton of Toronto were
also weekend guests. The
Calgary visitors listened
with interest to a news
report of rain, snow,
sleet, mudslides in
Calgary on Sunday while
they were sunning
themselves on the beach
Mrs. Sue Strain and
children, Jennifer, Laura
and Andy called at-
Pe'mbertori's on Sunday.
The Strains are visiting
from Edmonton with
Sue's brother, Mr. Ted
Haggarty at Egerton
Woodstoc.k and third
prize by Peter Spain of'
The* Bayfield Lions
Club will be holding their
vannu4.1 Fish Fry on
August;,4 at the Bayfield
Community Centre,
beginning at 4 p.m.
04liirch, news
Sir, services at4e
Bayfield tiaptrst reliurcb
Were well attended by
members ,apd viPitOrs.
The Sunday School, under
the ,direction - of Bruce
Nicholson and -son, Mark,
with Mrs. Ann Chapman
as song leader, had
classes for all ages.,
In the morning service
the Pastor, Rev.. Les
Shiel, spoke on Baptisrn,
using Acts chapter 8,
The evening service
was a continuing study of
the book of James, which
is now in the 4th chapter,
Penny sale winners
The draw for the
winners in the Lioness
Penny Sale took place at
the Lions' Frolic on
Friday night. The names
of the winners are posted
at Graham's Store and
Village Market.
Lioness Alice Brandon,
chairman for the penny
sale 'would like to thank
the businesses and in-
dividuals who donated
the prizes. She would also
like to thank those who
assisted in any way and
gave so much of their
time and, talents to make
it the success that it was.
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