HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-07-26, Page 11•
- • r '
11.44M, •
The harbor at Bayfield has been described by many visitors as one of the
most beautiful in Ontario, and even compares favorably with many of the
more beautiful ones in Canada. Now the home for hundreds of cruising and
sailing crafts, the harbor is busy beehive of activity with boats moving in
and out at will, and some have estimated that on a busy weekend, more than'
$7 million worth of boats are tied up. (News -Record photo)
• Hensall native returns from Gerrnany.
By Mr. Charles Forrest of
Bertha MacGregpr Sarnia visited last week
with his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Forrest.
While here Charles and
Frank spent a few days at
Smith's Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Mousseau of Ridgetown
were weekend visitors
with relatives and friends
in the area.
Return •
from western tour
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Consitt returned on
C.W.O. Ronald A. and
Mrs. MacKinnon who
was recently transferred
from Germany, to
Kingston, Ontario spent
the weekend with his
mother, Mrs.. Janet
° MacKinnon en route to
Sudbury to their daughter
Tami's wedding on,,,
25. Also visiting on
Sunday were Mr. and
• Mrs. William MacKinnon
and son Shawn of Byron.
Friday from a 23 -day tour soloist and sang ."I'm
to the West Coast. Heaven Bound— ac -
returning home by way of companying on the.
Yellowstone Park guitar.
Montana, U.S.A. They Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack
report an interesting and McDonald of Brampton
scenic trip. were weekend visitors
Church with their grandparents,.
service resum•e•d• --Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Rev. Kenneth Knight Cudmore.
conducted service in Parker Reunion
Carmel Presbytetian The Parker Reunion
Church on Smnday,. was held on Saturday at
delivering an inspiring ,the Hensall COmmunity
in at -
message on "Slaves of Park with 55
RighteousneSs". Miss tendance from
Sylvia Bell was guest ton, Mitchell,
VONA rigtfl
With the temperature in the 90's (32 celcius) and the
French Poodle Babette were no exception as' they
humidity nearing the 75 per cent mark, most area enjoyed a cool breeze under a tree at their home.
(News -Record photo)
residents abandoned their homes for lawns and
pools. Blanche Angus of Holmesville and her
From the other weeklies
Perth w ants _ -spendat leisure- a-c-
Wintarlo action tivities.
The Mitchell Advocate The Advocate ex -
reported that the Perth ' plained that the letter
County Council has stated suggested that feasibility
• -that they want • more studies be done before
action and less talk and making a request to the
paperwork from Win- ministry. Such studies
tario. could cost anywhere
The decision was made between $4,000 to $6,000
after the council received on small projects and up
a letter from the ministry • to $20,000 on larger ones.
of culture and recreation, Logan Township Reeve
calling for a master plan Carl Vock said, "Win-
• of co-operative leisirre tario money is supposed
seri-Aces of Perth County. to be spent on buildings,
The letter stated as not studies."
reasons for the master The council ag
plan: the . costly send a letter Of reply to
duplication of sports the ministry suggesting
facilities; the building of that less money be spent
expensive facilities which' on studies and more
were then turned over_to-:.--money on building
an unready taxpayer; the projects.
study of, tY Grandstand na ed for
trend in recreation and horseman
the tJore. recreational 60 h s newly
time that pekvle have to
constrUcted, grandstand
will be- named -after a
local man who became
one of Canada and North
America's top sulky
The Goderich town
council agreed that the
grandstand at the
Agriculttire Sports
Complex would be
renamed the: Ronald
Fagan Memorial
Centre, The motion was
made on a recom-
mendation 'from -the
O'wn's sports committee
Mr. P'eagan, who died
at his- Dundas farm on
January 12, was one 'of
harness racing's great
drivers. During his 21
year Career, he won more
than 3,000.racet and was
recipient �f the iblden
HgeseshoCi Circ It's
Horseman ) !Of the ?oar
Stratford, Grand Bend,
Exeter, Walton and
. Hensall. Mrs. Edgar
Cudmore, Mrs. Robert
Keyes and Mrs. Elsie
Keyes were in charge of
the recreation.
Following are results:
races, 5 and under, Jana
Parker; 6 and over,
Ronald Parker; bean bag
walk: Ronald Parker;
three-legged race, Ken
Parker and Marg
Ruston; and guessing the
peanuts in bag, Lori
A delicious 4'
smorgasbord supper was
enjoyed after which two
couples recently married
were presented with gifts
by Pat Dalton. They were
Torn and Lori Ruston and
Doug and Kim (Keyes)
Green. They made fitting
replies thanking one and
all. The slate of officers
for 1980 are: president,
George Parker; vice-
president, Ron Parker;
secretary -treasurer, Gail
McDonald; beverage
committee, -Gordon and
Vera Parker, and Ken
and Marlene Parker; cup
and plate conveners,
Marg Ruston. It was
decided to hold the
reunion next year on July
26 at Hensall at 3 p.m.
and supper at 5 p.m. A
ball game climaxed the
days sports.
Mrs. Wanda McClin-
chey, craft and activity
director at Queensway
Nursing Home, is en-
joying a week's vacation.
More countrysuppers
Due to the over-
whelming popularity of
the country suppers of-
fered before the theatre
on Saturday nights by. the
Blyth Summner Festival,
more suppers will be
added on two Friday
nights during August,
subject to demand. , •
The suppers will be
served in the Walton
United Church on August
10 and August 17th at ,6
p.m. Walton is eight
miles east of Blyth On
Huron Road No. 25.
The suppers will
consist of a buffet of
turkey or ham, with,
salads, home-made pies,
and all the fixings for a
cost of $5.50 a person or
$2.50 for children under
12. Ticket reservations
must be obtained through
the Festival Box Office in
Blyth. As the suppers are
selling out far in advance, ,
Farm -Fresh
now available
Now (Jpen 7 days dwoolc,-8.61.m."tO 9 p.m.
RED.E.R. •
1 Milo eight, owl Cori-
' coition 4 directly bosiclo
Pine Loko Comp. Watch
for our groanhouitai.
patrons are advised to
make their reservations
as early as possible.
The performance on
August 10 is '"This
Foreign Land", August
17th is a performance of
"McGillicuddy's Lost
Of the Saturday night
suppers, only August 4 (a
performance of Child)
and August 18 (a per-
formance of This Foreigh
Land) are still open.
However, there are still
tickets available for the
plays on these and most'
other dates in the Blyth
season. More information
about the plays and
suppers can be obtained
by calling 523-9300.
ria a bnt t e.
from page 10 •Bayfreld Branch Library Mary and Howard
Stampede. in memory of • Armand Elliott .of "-Thedfdrd,
M. and Mrs. Harvey Manness, who was a life- Ontario spent ' the
MacDougall are back in time summer visitor to weekend with Mildred
Bayfield after a trip to Bayfield. and Ross Merrill.
Nova ,Scotia to attend the
`gatheiing of the Clans' in
Antigonish and to take in
some of the Highland
Games there. They also
toured Cape Breton in
perfect weather, which
they were' not able to do
on two former visits,
because of -fog.
While driving near
Antigonish, they came
'upon a sign which said
‘Bayfield',. Following it
they came to a settlement
where there was ,a wharf ,
with Irish Moss being
loaded on a boat. There
was a beautiful little
Anglican church and a
house nearby - not much
else. They saw two men'
digging postholes. One
invited them for lunch in
the house after they
visited the church which
had been restored - not
renovated. After helping
to- shell peas with , the
hostess, they had them
for lunch with butter
churned on the spot' and
homemade brown bread.
Mint from the garden
provided the tea and that
was their meal. 'Their. .
new-found friends were
familiar with the story of
the surveys of Henry
Wolsey Bayfield.
Recently Mr. and Mrs.
Don Lance donated the
new book "The Canada
Company" , to the
ohnesville news
by Blanche Deeves desboro.
Sports The new ' baseball
In pee wee baseball this diamond is finally being
week, the girls' team constructed, with the
from Varna beat the lights nom going up. .
Holmesville team in a Personals
close game. Worship service in the
Holmesville's pee wee Holmesville United
bays beat Auburn in their Church will commence
game. The win helps to again on August 5,
maintain, their winning Miss Shirley Norman of
streak, since the boys *Kitchener spent a few
have lost ,only one game days at home with her
this sewn. parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Holmesville lost to William Norman.
Varna.in a mixed squirts
league and Holmesville
came back to defeat
Auburn in the midget
girls' game and the
midget boys beat Lon -
Hazel Mcllwain and
Charlotte Norman at-
tended a bridal shower
for Julia Armstrong at
the home of Mrs. Colliers
in Komoka, Ontario.
Anstett Jewellers
For Your Convenience
HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9
a.m.-6 p.m.; Friday nights till 9 p.m.
Share a smile 41
A professional 8 x:10 colour portrait for
Chobse from our selection
of eight scenic and colour
backgrounds. You may
select additional portraits offered at reasonable
prices, with no obligation. See our large
Decorator Portrait. Satisfaction always,
or your money cheerfully refunded.
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday = Friday - Saturday
JULY 24 -25- 26 - 27 - 28
FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 8 P.M:
SATURDAY 10 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
WO 1111111100111116t111..,
One sitting per sikject —$1 per subject for additional subjects, groups, or individuals
in the same family. Persons under 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian.
A „, . *11
Look yourself up
. _
Are you listed correctly in the phone
Jbook? If not, please tell us now! We are
getting ready to print the new book.
Lookup your present listing in the
white pages. Then; if you want a change,
call us at 1-800-265-8515 or the Bell
Canada business office number listed in
the directory. A charge'may apply depend-
ing on the type of change you request. Ask
about charges when you call, and be sure .
to call before August -16th.*
*Changes to bold face liStings
must be made before July 30th.