HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-07-12, Page 72Y • Council okay plans PROGRAM 'CHEDUE,i JuIy'19t0Ju1y25 EXCLUSIVETO SIGNAL-STA!.PUBLISHit' WEEKDAY LISTINGS MONDAY --FRIDAY MORNING 5:45 THE CHRISTOPHERS, (Mon.) THIS IS THE .LIFE (Tue.) U. OF M. PRESENTS (Wed., Fri.) AMER. RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL MEETINGS (Thurs.) 3:15' U. OF M.. PRESENTS (Mon., Tue., Thurs.) FARM AND HOME SHOW (Wed) WITH THIS RING (Fri. 6:15-6:30) SCOPE 6.:45 MORNING NEWS 414 7:00 TODAY SHOW '44 7:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 7:30 TODAY SHOW 8:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 8:30 TODAY SHOW. 9:00 THURSDAY, JULY 19 "SANDS OF iWO JIMA". AFTERNOON John Wayne-J'ohn Agar- ' Adele Mara.- The tough 12:30P SOUL TRAIN _1.r_a.inin.g_tha,-a.-U,S...Marine— ---r--I.O sergeant gives a squad of BASEBALL rebellious 1•ecI-uits in New 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:30 ALL-NIGHT MOVIE: - "I WAI.K ALONE". Burt Lancaster-Lizabeth Scott - Kirk Douglas -Wendell Corey. 4:30 ALL-NIGHT''MOVIE "PAPER MAN". Dean Stockwell -Stefanie.. Ppwers SATURDAY, JULY 21 MORNING ' 6:OOA FAMILY AFFAIR 6:30 BUFORD AND THE GALLOPING GHOST 7:00 FABULOUS FUNNIES 7:30 BAY CITY ROLLERS 8:00 ALVIN AND THE CfIIPMUNKS 8:30 THE FANTASTIC FOUR 9:00 GODZILLA SUPER 90 •10:27 METRIC MARVELS 10:30 ,DAFFY DUCK 11 :OO THE NEW FRED AND BARNEY SHOW 11:30 THE JETSONS 12:OON BONKERS ' Zealand results in the im 9:00 NBC BASEBALL - •nrrtalized capture of Iwo Houston tri Pittsburgh Jima,5:00 JACQUES COUSTEAU •• "DRAGONS OF GALAPAGOS" FRIDAY, JULY 20 \"WAKE OF THE RED EVENING' WITCH''. John Wayne -Gig Young. A feud between an East Indies trade monarch and a hell -raising sea cap- tain. ends in the Toss of gold and a woman -they both love: MONDAY, JULY- 23. "I COULD GO QN SINGING" Judy Garland - Dirk' Rogar•de. Singer; who gave up her illegitimate son. ,in order to continue her career, years later visits the boy (who believes himself to be the adopted child of 'his real father). TUESDAY, JULY 24 ''PRESENTING . LILY MARS". Judy Garland -Van f1eflin. Stage-struck Mid- Western girl falls in love with Broadway producer who • is visiting with her n'other. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 "THOROUGHBREDS (ON'T CRY". Judy Garland-MickeyRooney. Jockeys fight for chance to ride English horse. belonging to young Englishman. Jockey's father wants him to throw the big race. • 10:00 CARD SHARKS 10:30 ALL STAR SECRETS 11:00 HIGH ROLLERS 11:30 WHEEL OF FOR- - TUNE 12:00 NEWS 5 AT NOON AFTERNOON 12:30. HOLLYWOOD SQUARES- • 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:00 DOCTORS 2:30, ANOTHER. WORLD TiIJJ,RSDAY, JULY 19 AFTERNOON • 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "THE THREE STOOGES MEET • IIERCUL,ES". Three. Stooges -Vicki Trickett. Three Stooges find them- selves back in ancient Ithaca with a young scientist (in- ventor,of a -time machine) and his girlfriend. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED, GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS --6T'30"1N.R.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 BEST OF GILLIGAN 8:00 SHA•NA NA 8:30 TIGER BASEBALL - ,.,,Detroit at Minnesota 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1':'00 TOMORROW • 2:00 ALL-NIGHT MOVIE - "COM .'. BACK LITTLE SHEBA"Burt Lancaster - Shirley B. oOth Terry Moore 4:00 ALL-NIGHT -MOVIE , "A CRY IN THE NIGHT". Edmond O'Brien-°B•rian honlevy-Natalie, Wood - Raymond. Burr • FRIDAY, JULY 20 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: - "THE THREE . STOOGES iN ORBIT". Three Stooges - Carol Christinsen. Martian spies capture a newly - invented . Combination Submarine -helicopter -tank and go winging through space with the Three Stooges clinging to its Side. ' 5:30 THE NEWLYWED •GAME.. EVENING 6:00 NEWS ' 6:30 N.R,C. NEWS , 7:001' BmNIC WOMAN - ''MAR'ifIA-NS ARE CdMINei,,Y" 8:001IE'ER INT 8 ,:10,'rt ER I;A5ERAl1 1 - Detrnif it Ota 6:00 NEWS FIVE AT SIX 6:30 HEE HAW 7:30 GONG SHOW - 8:00 CHIPS - 9:00 SWORD OF JUSTICE- 10:90 USTICE10:00 SUPERTRAIN 11:00 NEWS FIVE -AT ELEVEN 1.1:3.0 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1:00 FIVE STAR THEATRE - "THE HAR- DER. THEY FALL". Humphrey Bogart -Rod Steiger -Jan Sterling. Unemployed reporter. promotes a fighter 'for the syndicate, and through devious means gets him a title bout. The reporter (feeling remorse) does an expose on the fight racket. SUNDAY, JULY 22 MORNING 6:45A DAVEY & GOLIATH 7:00 .OPEN• CAMERA 7:30 CARTOON CARNIVAL 8:00 REX HUMBARD 9:00'.ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS 10:00 ABBOTT • & COSTE L LO 10:30 LITTLE RASCALS 11:00 COMEDY CLASSICS - "ROOM SERVICE". Marx Eirothers-Lucille Ball -Ann Miller. Penniless theatrical -producer and ' aides fake measles to keep from being kicked out of hotel. ., AFTERNOON 12:30N LONE RANGER 1:30 MEET THE PRESS 2:00 OPEN CAMERA - SA) M AMERAS )M A AF;•_. TERNOON MOVIE "TOKYO JOE". Humphrey Bogart -Alexander Knox., Mara .who believes his wife died in . a concentration camp, returns to Japan to discover she is alive.. 4:00 SUNDAY MOVIE SPECTACULAR - "CRY OF TIFF: PENGUINS". Hayley. Mills -John Hurt. • Philan- dert i•-5iologist - seeking to impress a girl ventures into rhe wild Antarctic. EVENING 6:00 NEWS FIVE: AT SIX (;:30 WiLE), WILE) WORLD OF ANIMALS 7:00 TIF, WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY • 8;00 BIG EVENT - "PLEASUREJ COVE" 10:00 PRiME TIME SUN- DAY 11:00 NEWS FIVE, AT I:i.E:VE:N - '11:30 CiNEMA FiVE - "COMMAND . DECISION" Gable -John. Hodiak- W;ilter Pidgeon. Air Force' Captain, battling superiors and congressmen, fights for permission to send bombers ,furth.er• into Germany where their airplane factories 'are located. MONDAY, JULY 23 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOViE FIVE: - "WILE) WOMEN". Anne f r ancis•Hugh O'F3rian. Women prisoners are freed to pose as wives of soldiers on a dangerous mission into territory under the control of the hostile Meicican Army and the Apaches, 3:30 'I'IIE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.J.C. NEWS 7:00P IBEWITCFIED 7.30 Mtt•PIE`1'S .i)n f-i't`1'lY�, IIC)US ' ()N TOP: Olt,A 1' 1 E. . q () Nit'lfNl) Ni•Gi,tti' k1t1VIP 'A NV OP' A 'l'1Uw115ANI,t •I)AVS" •11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW •I:00 TOMORROW' 2:00A ALL-NIGHT MOVIE • "WITHOUT RESER- VATION" -: Jlohrr Wayne - Claudette Colbert 4:OOA ALL-NIGHT MOVIE "HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL.". The Three Stooges TUESDAY, JULY 24 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "HIGH F1.1G111"'. Ray Milland- Anthony Newley. WW II veteran, (teaching cadets to fly supersonic jets at an R.A.F. training school) meets the son of a man whose death he'eaused many veal s before. 5:30 THE -NEWLYWED GAME ESE -NA NG' 6:00 NEWS, 6:30 NEC;..NEWS 7:00P BFWITCHEi) 7:30 SHA NA NA 8:00 RUNAWAYS 9:00 BIG EVENT "BILLY: PORTRAIT OF STREET KID" 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2.•+00A AI.i.-NIGHT- )`MOVIE "T -HE FIGHTING SF.ARFES". 'John Wayne- Susan Haylrarrd 4:OOA ALL -N -1761-1•T MOVIE - ''STOP! . LOOK! . AND LAUGH!". Three Stooges - Paul: Winchell A WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 AFTERNOON ' 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "IIARDCASE". CIi-rt Walker -Stefanie Powers. Soldier of fortune at the turn of the century is determined to regain what is his after returning to Texas to find that his ranch has been sold and his wife` has run away with a Mcxicalf- revolutionar'y. 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME - EVENING (i:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 FAMILY FEUD 8:00 REAL PEOPLE 9:00 TV -5 WEDNESDAY NIGHT - MOVIE - "BUT- TERFLIES ARE FREE" Goldie Hawn -Edward. Albert -`Eileen 13c'ckart. An aspiring actress helps her next door neighbor, a young blin-d:.- man,' '• `gaiii' 'in (k'penderice from his domineering mother. 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:00A AL1, -NIGHT MOViE "THE FIGHTING KF:N- TUCKiAN". John Wayne- Vera Raison. 4:00A Ai.i.-NIGHT MOVIE ' "TILE OUTLAWS iS COMING". Three Stooges -- Adam tooges-.Allain West. New trai M,J. Driver presented a sketch of his trailer camp for 1979 to Goderich. -Township Council when it met in regular session on July 2. After seeing the sketch, council passed a motion to issue Mr.' Driver a permit for 41 sites. `Mrs, Shirley Hazlitt was present atthecouncil i nieeting to discuss the feasibility of the joint use of a township hall by both the township and the school: No motions were - recorded regarding this., Dave Sowerby was er camp present to request in- formation regarding building on.. lot 83, Maitland concession and the use of mobile homes versus permanent homes. No motions were recorded. G. Greydanus was present to discuss -tile drain loans. E.U. Mcllwain presented' six tile drain loan completion certificates for a total of. $63,000 while only $.46,700 remains in the township allotment for this 'year. Council passed a motion to pay these applicants 70 percent of their approved allotments at this timg an4 the balance when funds become available. The clerk • was in- structed- to prepare a new borrovtring by --law to permit the township to borrow tip to $500,000 for tile drain loan purposes. O.T.E.V.A, reported' that the Ministry of Housing .had approved a one year extension for their development plan. Council passed a. motion' to approve this one year extension. Bylaw no. 12, 1979, .a CLINTON NEWS -RECORD H+jRSPAY, JULY t9,.j979--$AGE 21 ° bylaw to arnend bylaw no. 1, 1979, was given three readings and passed on motion of council. - Bylaw no. 13, 1979, a bylaw to provide a tile drain debenture on six owners, was given three readings. and passed. " Building, permits were is.s.ued by council to Gerald Tebbutt to demolish a barn, Ed Szusz to build a bunny barn; John -Kookla to build a garage, Don LAST NIGHT -Welsh to deitnolis-h a kitchen and build a kit- chen, F. Graham to build a' house, Lakeland 'Sand and Stone to • build - a storage shed,. G erald Orr to build a steel granary, Chas Mathers to demolish a -trailer, Fred Van Marr to build an addition to an implement shed, Laurie Cox to build a silo, John Van _Wyk to build a sow barn, 'and 112. Porter to build a cattle shelter. Eric Manning's ap- plication for a-buildi> -g permit to build a cottage was referred to the building'inspector for site position. Dp;h Buston's ap- plication for a building permit to build a cottage and an implement shed was held pending septic tank approval. - Accounts totalling more- than $25,000 were ordered passed and paid by council. Council then adjourned to. July 16 at 8 p.m. recommenADUdLT.ed as ENTERTAINMENT WEDNESDAY; JULY 18th BILL MURRAY. . mon 10 FRI TILL 2 em. THURS. JULY 1h - 26th FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY TWO'SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:00 SUNDAY - THURSDAY ONE SHOWING 8:00 50 • • YOU GET - • 2 pieces of Cot. Sanders' Recipe Kntucky fried Chicken A t%1NADIAN COMPANY •French Fries *Choice of -Salad !GreCian Bread chicken! ,Col. Sanders' Retlpo AV -E. 94 ELGIN tnt1ckriedItcke.A CANADIAN COMPANY GOOERICH Colonel Sanders' boys - and girls make it "finger lrckro ' good • Got , something to say? let everyone know WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR coaxeught - Resta ime and Tavern ,(7 LICENSED UNDER L.C.B.O. ' C 1SUNCOAST tsrRtP BAYFIELD RD...GODERICH 524-77'11 FIRSTISHOIMING,IN AREA recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A ROBERT CHARTOFF- IRWIN.WINKLER PRooucTioN ;YLVESTER STALIONE "ROCKY II''TALIA SHIRE BURTYOUNG POINT SERIES for h to MOLSON CANADIAN AWARDS LUCKNOW ONTARIO • .. SATURDAY,JULY 21 at 1 P.M SUNDAY,ULY 22 -at •1� P.MJ ' I'')\,ti•i)IU i)11) l.1 (;h.\DU 7'K lid l'(Ill,l'(.l,l, .-1.ss (;1.•117'IO.ti' ' • .,__cs.).1*--0, BIG GEST IN WES TERN ONTARIO �1\r 1111\111111 1 1\ 11111\ I It%1 1(0111'1 I I PIH1\ 11111\ 1n\I 111%i II, 1`7,111 I\'rlll\ 6 Class -es of Mini Tractors * 7 ('lasses of .Super .Stock and V/ ail f led Plus 4- W/ieel Drive Trucks .('Super Stock) roc. Nightly Entertainment Mon. July 16th to Sat. July 21st. "ORIENTAL JEWEL'S" SATURDAY, JULY 21, AT 1:00 p.m. SUNDAY, -JULY 22 at 1:00 p.rn. , 1000 Ib. Stock Mini 1200 Ib. Stock Mint ./2000 lb. Single Cylinder Mini ,1000 Ib. Single Cylinder Mini 1700 Ib, Modified Mini 1500 Ib Mollified Mt i 6500 Ib.Super Stock'4-Wheel Drive Trucks 5000 ib Modified C . C.T.P.A. ' 7000 Ib: Super Stock C A 5000 Ib. Super Stock C T.P.A 9000'lb' Modified C T P A 7000 Ib. Modified C T.P.A 12000 Ib Super Stock C T P A 9000 Ib. Super Stock C T P A PROCEEDS 1'011 COMM UN!T L' For farther 1W:formation Contort: ART HELM -- 529-7627 . CLIFF IiVINGSTON 529-7488 ' I'LP:Ase'; BRuN(,, vox'R 1)1' N LAWN CHAIRS 40.-4001 DAILY, BREAKFAST `7:30 .11:30 A.m.' •TrBa�rt''.' yoili'rxelf and y1ur - fr(ends...to our Hot Bila te* .. Every Thurs. &. Fri. 12 Noon -2 porn: Coino cis u cool •Wolcorno. Lunellmohmooting, in .our Dinintikoorri of jl riv'ete 8dntpiet rooisn. � k Ho'ursr r. AAlirel Mori. -Sat. '7:3O.1Q P.i41'f Elu'wida)i - Si i ctAL OCCASION l'I;IImi tN .IWPECr el