HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-07-12, Page 69• • • • • • I PAGE 18 -CLINTON-NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY J1.J. LY 19, 1979. , . 41 tR ,ft4If , TT? • e!QAt" 'Pei/ L'hleNDIV�j r .*1;%346 *' RANI 'OW DAIL Loh, trin it ity 'echo te-Ocr 961-1200 " „ . I.tISfVE CO. •421. 44.„.41 riot! kor ;,1 1. Artides for sale PIANOS - ORGANS new and used at lowest prices. From June 16 to August 20, store will be open by appointment only. Pulsifer Music, 527- _0053, or.527-1-508,-23tfar - CHERRIES - Pick your own cherries at Murray Brothers Orchard on Ridge Road, four . miles south west of Thed- ford. Sweet cherries ready July 7, - Montmtrency July 10. Phone 1-296-4403.-27-29X CHERRIES - Montmorency and sweet cherries. Startidg July 14. Pick your own. Watson's Fruit Farm, 1 mile north of Forest, 21 Highway. Phone 873-5439.-28,29 TWO FOAM MATTRESSES size 32 x -74; two foam mattresses size 48 x 76: Phone 482-3305.-28,29 1971 HONDA 350, 10,000 miles $575. Phone 482- 3533.-28,29 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS - 2. 'units - double ' patio' doors with screens ready to install. 1200 ft. .pine % to 3A thick. Pine panelled doors.. Used glass. 21 ft. 6" x 6" H bearh. Used fir trim. Aluminum win- dows, doors - different units of wood windows. Phone 524- 6280.-29 TRUCK MOTORS -and •1/IRES - 390 Ford motor, as .run, 8000 361 Dodge motor both in excellent condition; three 900 x 20 tires; eight 25 x 20 tires, - all in new condition. One Dodge radiator will fit any Dodge truck. Phone 482-7806.-29 UPRIGHT PIANO and bench. Phone 482-3202.-29 1978 HONDA 400 T2, 8,000 km, excellent ,con_dition, 2 helmets. $1350.00. Call 482- 3665.-29x CHERRIES: Pick your own sweet or sour cherries at Berg Orchards, Forest, 3 miles 'south of Camp Ipperwash. Easy picking, plentiful supply. Pitting machines for . your con- venience. Open any time. Phone 873-5762.-29,30 WOOD FOR SALE Early delivery by truckload. Hardwood. JOHN BEANE CLINTON 482-4250 F r MY Clinton News -Record 5. Cars, trucks for sale *MT $o: trus, tor it o,no 2foks$1 •' * Ri9 Lr m .4" •• 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale 7. Real estate for sale • CLASSIFIEDcADVERTISING. -- RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads ' Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday 4:00 p.m. RATES • • '2.75 forfirst 21 words ('2.25 if paid within one week of publication). Additional words 13' each. Differentrates apply to classifications 19, 20, 30 and 31. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding an- nouncements '4.00. • CLASSIFICATIONS • 1. Articles for sale 16. Mortgages 2. Mobile HoMes 17. Auction Sales 3. Articles for rent 18. Services available 4. Articles wanted 19. Notice to creditors 5. Cars, trucks for sale 20. Public notices 6. Pets 21. Personal 7. Real estate for sale 22. Lost and found 8. Real estate wanted 23. Miscellaneous 9. Accommodation to rent 24. ,Business opportunities 10. Wanted to rent 25. To give away 11. Room and board 26. Births 12. Help wanted 27. Deaths 13: Wanted (general) 28. Engagements 14. Employment wanted 29. Marriages 15. Tenders 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks • PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. So 5 P.m 1. Articles for sale 1975 YAMAHA DT 400dirt bike. Phone Rick 482-7426 weekends. -29,30 TIMBER FRAMED BARN - 40' x 70' on stone foundation, steel roof. Phone 482-7474. '75 MALIBU, as is, 6 • cylinder, low mileage; Phone . 482:-9886:-20-- • -- - -'09--GRAND PRIX, $700. or best offer. Phone • 482- 7184.-29 6. Pets WANTED TO BUY a mare -- good with children. Phone 482-7552.---29 7. Real estate for sale V.L.A. LOT on .quiet crescent, approximately one-third acre, $16,000.00. Phone.524-6866.-28,29 HOUSE PLUS GARAGE, three- and. one bedrooms. Wall to wall carpeting. 4 piece bath on upper floor, 2 piece on main floor, large living room, dining room, kitchen. Completely renovated inside and out. Dashwood windows. Reduced for quick -sale. Call 482-9651 after 4 p.m. and weekends.-28tf HOUSE FOR SALE in Vanasira. Private. Phone 482-3278tf IF YOU NEED A MORTGAGE.. YOU NEED USW: • *Farm First Mortgages with semi annual .payments *also f' for residential, commercial and builders locins call us first. CALL US FIRSTMI ADVANCED: REALTY FUNDING CORPORATION * 150 Cambria Rd. N., • °GOderich - Ontario. Don: Denornme, . Branch Manager, Telephone 52472747 1. MINSION•le•INI.O1•10111111L • Attention Fatmers 3. Articles for rent PLYWOOD forms, wedges, mixer power trowel etc. Form ties stocked. For -in- formation call • M.J.' Corriveau, Zurich 236-4954 after 4 - p.m. weekdays. . Irvin Tebbutt.-29,30x • - -Anytime weekends.-19tfar REGISTERED QUARTER 111 ;MEN .:.IMISIPEP:,A111.110 ---I-IORSE mare with filly foal, re -bred - also yearling stallion, qualified • for owner's futurity. Pone 482- 9260.-28-30 ALMOST NEW, gold, left hand, Westinghouse fridge, 13 cu. ft. frost free. Phone 482-3753.-28- 24' TRAILER, 1971, full size fridge and stove, 2 pc. toilet; $1,500.00. Phone -after 3:30- p.m. 482-3247.-28 10 SPEED BOY'S BICYCLE, used only two seasons, very good• condition, best offer. Phone evenings 482- -9922.-29x CHERRIES: Pick your own Montmorency (red), good ? crop, pitting machines available for your con - 3 • venience'. Pitted sweet and Montmorency cherries, 5, 10 and 20 pound pails; new apples; honey; fruit juices and apple butter. Open anytime. Call ROCK'GLEN FRUIT FARMS LTD., 828- 3644 Arkona.-29tfar 396-2974 i f 1. Browning B.L.R. Lever 1 Actlon Rifle. 243 or 308" cal. • REG. SALE '359.45 $299. 860 VICTORIA STREET KINCARDINE. 2. Remington Oh Pump Shotgun. 12GA, 30" Full, Plane. REG. SALE '269.95 *20945 3. Canadian Sportsman Fishing Reels. 50 % OFF REG. PRICES PRICES IN EFFECT I •JULY 18 TO 24 NEW MATTRESSES Evoryday Prices •Lower Thetn Most Solos 40 DINETTE SUITES •of Wood and Chromo C & E • tture NW AND USED v* rn isofon wt 21 OttifOrick ii441131! Uf, Trade* • '74 HONDA CB, motorcycle, bought new in 1975. 6,380 miles, back rest and roll bar: Will certify. Asking $750.00. Phone Bayfield 565-5271.-29 • POULAN Gas -Powered Log. Splitters bO drawn behind car, trick or tactor. Splits blocks 24" long with ease. Pameer, Partner and Pouian ,Ckain saws also in stock. Complete parts and ser- vice for what we sell.' CALL ROBERT GLEN SAWS • 482-9292 qIANTON 2., Mobile Homes MODULAR HOME 44' X 23' 'Glenwood- 1:YelUxe with 5. Cars, trucks • fridge, stove, washer and for saePRO dryer g and drapes. Imme;:liate ro GET FVSIONAL carpet cleaning results (AT DO-IT-YOURSELF PRICES) RENT OUR nINSENVAC,-the portable, easy-to-use carpet cleaning machine that gently ... • rinses carpet fibers with hot water and cleaning solution • loosens and lifts dirt. grime and.residues to the carpet surface where they are immediately vacuumed up • laves your carpets CLEAN and FRESH! • RINSE CVAC Rent for only CLEANS CARPETS CLEANER $12 a day .KEEPS THEM CLEANER LONGER WISEWAY Home & Building Centre BAYFIELD RD., CLINTON 482-3441 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Good used fur- niture. Phone 482- 7922.-8tfar WANTED: Old Brick Buildings for DeMolition and Salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.-lltfar MOTORIZED GO-CART. Phone 482-3305.-28,29 • GOOD STANDING TIMBER. Apply: . Robert Eagleson Ailsa_traig PHONE: 232-4450 A. For sale • B. Custom work 12 FEET wideNo. 905 New Hollands swather. Phone 482-7450.-29 • • - - CASE TRACTOR and plough;- '69 Chev 1/2 ton truck, certified. Phone 524- ,9879.-29x FORANO NO. 150 seed cleaner and seed treater complete with seeens and motor. Varna Feed Mill. Phone 482-9219.-29,30 B. Custom work CUSTOM SWATHING of wheat, barley and oats. Phone Steve. Flynn 482- 9973.-29-31 YANMAR • DIESEL POWER DOES IT BETTER 131/2 h.p. - 33 h.p. Huron Comity's Yanmor Dealer. , AND SONS LTD. ' CLINTON 4824409 iimammimmaium CUSTOM COMBINING. New /CA -2 • Gleaner Fully equipped for' grains, white beans. soyabecins and corn. CONTACT GORDON WRIGHT R,R. 1 Zurich Phone 236-4585 occupancy. Set . up on' lot 15 at Morgan's Mobile Homes, Phone 482- /063.,28.31 3. Articles for 'rent tUAtIVIAL REN ALS -Dress 1104 Go formai! we have the cotnplete Wedd rig Service at Cain pbell's en's Wear Main St., Clinton (Portnerly. Pickett and Carriphell'S Ltd,).-114ti • 1975 IMPALA C EV • stationwagon, i5O Motor, automatic, power brakes and steering.' Priced for quid(' sale $2,500.00 Or, best Otter. hone 482.3123.-49x door h Icitop, V 8 automatic, '72 VELLt MALI141, g rally raised Ishltd letter tires,, excellent con- dition, real sharp. Phone 821.. •0201.4.-.20 CUSTOM' SILO FILLING_for- hay. Phone Hank Reinink 523-9202.--24tfar CUSTOM COMBINING •NOW f. Low rates and long hours to get the job done, - grain, beans ang.corn. PhOhe 52,4-4700.-2§ifnc CUSTOM COMBININ of oats, wheat;barley and corn. Swathing also available. Phone Philip Steckle at 565- 5324 or Arnold Steckle at 565- 5329.-28tf USTOM COMBINING ofcorn.grain, grain, white beans and corn. Reasonable rates. Bill Steenstra 482-3145.-29 CUSTOM SWATHING - Ph/one Henk Reinink 523-9202 or 482-9948.-29tfar D. Livestock REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS - one two-year-old, five yearlings. Phone 482- 9260.-28-30 TWO MILKING nannies and six doe kids. Phone 524- 7647.-29 3/4 SIMMENTAL BULL, no papers. Phone 527- 1629.-29nc THREE FRIENDLY GOATS. Phone,523-4309.-29 E. Farm services WHITEWASHING and disinfection. Phone Moss, RR 2 Auburn 7650.-25tf barn Jim 529- Waffime house, 112 storey, 3 bedroom stucco. Oil furnace, cement patio and 10' x 24' addition. James 'St. " List price mid 20's. 3 bedroom 2 storey older home in excellent condition, newly car- peted; 2 modern baths, and kitchen, double garage, well land- scaped, one block from schools. Two bedroom, one storey, aluminum covered-. Newly car- peted and well land- scaped home has gas • heat, garage, - paved drive. List price low 30's. BUILDING . LOT ERIE ST. SOUTH between Mary and Alma Sts. contains 10,090 sq. ft. List 512,500. 14_17:40-:linton office 42-4747 Hal Hartley TWO BEDROOM one storey close to down- wn has dining room a gas furnace. Good stater home,. Price reduced for quick Mary St. PRICED, TO SELL - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey, aluminum siding; new modern kitchen and rewired 1978. pining 23' x 15' main floor com- pletely rugged - gas heat, priced to sell at 529,800. 4 BEDROOM - 2 STOREY with carport on, good lot, broadloom throughout dining, den, 'utility room, sunroom, oil heat, well main- tained. ASK TO SEE OUR LATEST MULTIPLE LISTING BOOK • DUDDV , . *re LiDx.LTOft 19 ALBERT ST., CLINTON NEW SPLIT LEVEL HOME: Builder's liquidation, your opportunity to purchase a new front to‘back split a_reasonable- price. House essentially completed except for landscaping. 3 bedrooms, family room level ready for panelling. Buy "as is" and save. John Street. Clinton. Also 3 new homes in Seaforth. MORTGAGE SALE: This 3 bedroom Huron Street 2 storey is now drastically lowered in price. Was com- pletely renoviated 3'years ago with new siding, kitchen, carpeting, drywall, 2 b4throomSi'Main llobIlladndry.; List price now $31,,90040. 10 percent downpayment possible, immediate possession. 80 JOSEPH STREET: Distinctive brick 4 bedroom with fireplace, beautiful family room, walk -out sun - deck, office, den, double garage, 2 extra lots available with this property or will sell with one extra lot. 76 KIRK STREET: 1568 sq. ft. ranch style home close to schools, paved street in Clinton. Finished garage. Built to high standards of excellence. Top line kitchen. Must be seen. Priced way below replacement cost at. S54,900. 80 K IR K STREET: Luxury 2, storey, 4 'bedroom home by Cale Doucette Construction, Superb home 'featuring '4 bedrooms, 4 pc., 2 pc. and 1 pc. bathrooms. Patio doors off family room, kitchen area. Quality carpeting. Attached garage. List price $72,900. 78 SMITH STREET: 3 bedroom brick ranch in good area. Delightful lot with poplars and cherry trees. Patio and enclosed yard designed for summer living. Rec room with built-in bar suitable for entertaining. Also extra 2 pc. bafh and play room. Excellent value! 360 VICTORIA STREET: Budget priced 2 bedroom with' fenced _yard %uitable for young couple. Good starter heme. 524,900. VANASTRe A selection'of *real good homes available 2 or 3 bedrooms. Priced in the 20's. Call: John Duddy John Thompson Leah or Budd Kuehl Office 482-3652 527-0238 482-7304 • 482-3766 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED FARMS: NEAR BLYTH: Hobby farm, 6 acres, solid large brick home. Barns set up for hogs and laying hens, drilled well. Priced reasonably. ELABORATE DAIRY OPERATION: large herd, big quotas, full line of equipment, pipeline milking, 200 acres, 2 homes, call us for more details. 10 acre farm with new 3 bedroom home and barn set up for sows. Close to tow.n. MODERN EGG FARM - • Caged layers, basic quota 13272, new barn. older barn suitable for „ hogs' or 4e0f, 125 acres of prime land, 21/2 storey red brick ' home in ex- • cellent conelyion, situated north, of. Strat- ford. • New , home with barns and drilled well on small acreage CiOSO to Clinton. BLYTH AREA •200 acres, small milk quota, 2 hoires hwy. location, stock and. equipment could be purchased. • BRUSSELS • AREA - 50 acres on paved road, no buildings. BAYFIELD' AREA " - 80 acres, 38 workable,' 1 storey horre. HOMES: WELL MAINTAINED - 5 bedroom, 2.. storey. family home, close to schools and downtown, asking '24,900. Must be sold, present all offers. BEAUTIFULLY ,- restored older home, this superb solid brick home offers quality plus spacious living, 4 fireplaces, well landscaped. THREE ACRES - plus large home on Hwy. 8 East of Clinton. TWO LARGE, BUILDING SURVEYED LOTS - for the price of one, within Clin- ton town limits. Asking 10„000. Must be sold, present all offers. EGMONDV1LLE ;har- ming, 2 bedroom home on large lot, owner salts sell: CALL PETER DAINSMA R.R.5 CLINTON 482-9849 , • _ SALES EVERY THURSDAY. AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock' WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves • 4824311 Clinton •Barry Millar 234•2717ixafor and 2294203'g lrkton For all your now farm buildings BIG ORMALLIii • Giv.,0 Roy , ,6s -Construction •1 a Call • • ' ' COMB and tee this immaculate horne. eihich feature's 5 bedrooms, 3 Ocithroorns, family roor, janingroom, large private ' livingroom. 'Huge deck overlooks /spacious landscaped 1/2 acre lot.• Large tWo car garage PIUS many more features 1 **' TONI , fit rom 9 p.m. AT 000 JAMES STREET CL NTON Your host 'WILLY, BONN S614055tie LAUCKNER REALTY INC. .Member of the London St. Thomas MLS BAYFIELD VILLAGEi Brand ne\w home just being built. 2 bedroom permanent home, buy now and select your own interior. 3 „bedroom permanent home. Lot 66' x 132'. 3 bedroom cottage, south of Bayfield: Good - view of Lake. - Thanks A.B.H. for reading my ads LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box 41, Bayfield - 565-2812 BAILEY ,aReal Estate Ltd, Clinton - Phone: 482-9371 • Residence: 523-9338 2 MILES - south of Clinton, close to school, double dwelling, 4 bdrms. each unit. 80. ACRES - Goderich Twp. 21/2 miles from 21 Hwy. with cottage, fish ponds, ex- tensive gravel de -posits. Recreational potential. HULLETT TWP. - 71 acres, No buildings. COMMERCIAL - property located on Victoria Street, BUILDING LOT. - fully serviced on Maria Street. CLINTON - .1 floor newly sided 5 bedroom home, newly decorated and car- peted. CLINTON - 11/2 storey 3 bedroom home completely re -decorated, close to schools and business area. Quiet street. BELGRAVE AREA - 150 acre .dairy farm, milking parlour, dots of buildings. F.C.C. mortgage in effect...7-- 5 ACRES - East Wawanosh Twp. with barn. 11/2 storey frame home -with stone fireplace, nicely decorated and landscaped. BLYTH - 11/2 storey frame home. Central location. - Nicely decorated and lan- ds6ped with sun deck and garage. BLYTH - 1 floor' 3 bdrm. frame home, broadloomed throughout. Garden house included. • CLINTON - 1 floor, 2 bdrm. frame. home. Located on large nicely treed lot with;, -- 198' frontage on No. 4 high-. way. CLINTON - 11/2 storey 3 bdrm. home With sunporch, double garage. Situated on large lot. Close to uptown. CLINTON - 11/2 storey 3.. bdrm. frame home •with garage on large lot. Located on Rattenbury St. • 6 MILES • from Hayfield on Banockburn River 18 acres /scenic,' wooded, with ranch style home nearing com• pletion, spring fed trout • pond. Must be seeti to be • appreciated., Showh by" appointment only. FOOD P011 THOUGHT An aInl in life is the 011 fort ne !worth • , r I •