HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-07-12, Page 64T
I,ti. S. ,jemmy aiItI 11.1)tinso loi;•
er weeklies
Country Fair coming
Come one come all to
the summer fair in
Vanastra, August 17 and
This fair is being
organized and run by the
Vanastra and District
Lions and Lioness clubs
and Tuckersmith
Township.. The booths
will be run 'by non-profit
The fun begins Friday
night, August 17th at 5
p.m. with the opening of
the rides, concession
booths and games, of
chance. 7 pm features
the Queen of the Fair
contest. Any female ages
17 to 25, single or married,
is eligible. Pre-
registration is required
by August lith. Contact f A gigantic parade is
Mr. Wayne Ferguson at scheduled for 1 p.m.
482-3772 to register. A, baby show follows at
Amateur Talent dight 2 p.m: Anyone interested
starts at 9 p.m. Anyone in entering their balSy,
interested in par- phone Marion Hohner at
ticipating please contact 4824-9896 for more in -
either Esther Handy or formation.'
Moira Robinson at' 482- . All pets are eljgible for
3080. If you sing, dance, the pet show at,3 p.m. For
play any instrument, , more information call
juggle, tell jokes, give Moira Robinson at 482-
recitati.ons. or' just plain.. 380• o
want to make a fool of Bingos' commence at 2
yourself, come out and p.m. on Saturday, and
share with us your will run till the closing of
talents! - the fair. All games Will be
.1r4„ Saturday August 18th share -the -wealth. .
opens at noon with rides The finale of the Fair
and games again. A tug of will be , a Marde-Gras
war competition is also .-.from- 4 p.m. till 1 a.m.
scheduled for 12..:;,here Dance to the -music of the
have been 40 invitations fantastic "Dadenza" .
sent out and they are Dress is casual.
hoping for a large turn-
out for this event. ` Come out and enjoy all
these attractions plus
many more surprizes!
See you there!
Seafo h Legion rohbe' d
,4,, ,„
$1.000 and $1a5 Was stolen Will be delayed- for at doopn't want to interfer
from the Royal 'Canadian leastanother two 'months. until the hospital dit-
Legion in Seaforth on The Bryssels Post ficulties are straightened
July 10. reported that. the out.
was' discovered bar learned that the
steward Frank Phillips Wingharn and * District
on the morning of iuly 11. Hospital Is. -having
The thieves gained,
gntry to the building by
smashing a west window.
An intrentory is presently •
being taken to discover if
any liquor or cigarettes
were stolen.
The Seaforth Police
reported that a finger-
print expert from the
Mount *Forest detach-
ment of the OPP seized
several items from the
Legion' to be dusted for
At press time, the
Seaford' Police told The
Expositor that they, had
three suspects who may
have been connected with
the theft.
No ambulance for
The possibility of
Brussels having an
The 13BA still hope to -
get an ambulance in the •
future to service the
village in emergency
Cornmunitynews and events
• °The Share the Wealth
winners for.. Tuesday,
July 10 bingo were: Mrs.
. C: Wood; Seaforth, -$f6-
Eleanor Rathwell,
Carleton Place, $70.;
Terry Gibb, Clinton, $38.
and Mrs. Iva Boyes,
Clinton, $38.
• There was a" three=way.
split on the jackpot L,
Powell, ,Goderich,. $67.;
Nellie Burkholder, Blyth,
$67. and 'an anonymous
person won $67.
Church news
"All should come and.
find salvation" is the
theme for Pastor Bill's
sermon this Sunday. The
Bible reading ` is from
Hebrews 11, verge 7.
Boys, and girls, don't
forget that Vacation
Bible School starts this -
corning ' 'Monday, July
23rd at 1 p.m. Come to the
church for Bible stories,
crafts and good times.
The teachers and helpers
will``be'' wai'ting"`for y6`u - am sure the team will
See you there!
Four wins for
On July 11, Vanastra
Super Chicks played.
Exeter A in Vanastra and
lost 12-23. Then they were
off to play Thames Road
on Friday, July' 13, -that
brought a win for our pee-
wee Super Chicks of 29-21.
This makes four wins and
three loses Jor our girls.
The next game will be
July 18 at Huron Park.
Good luck girls! ,
The team, along with
their coaches, would like
to thank " Wayne
McFadden and 'Gerald
Robinson for taking the
time to umpire these two
games. Thanks guys, our
team really appreciated
Bad News Bears
Our pee wee boys
played another home
game against the Hibbert
` -pee wee -team losing 42 =
20. Cemal Unsal had two
home runs.
The team now consists
of 21boys, who are really
working at this sport for
their coaches.
The team •went to
Hibberts diamond on.
Thursday, July 11, losing
again to this team 23-12.
Dwane McIssac and
Cenral Unsal hit two.
home runs each: Great
. hits boys, keep it up.
•Bantam boys
The Tuckersmith_
bantam team met
Hensall on their diamond
on' July 12th. Coach. Jim
Thomas, reported that the
boys lost their. game 22 to
8. When asked if there
were any home runs the
coach said the boys were
lucky to get hits let alone
homeruns !
soon:begin to pull up their
socks and ' bring these
scores closer!
Most kids don't like getting ready for bed, but last Friday night, parents solved
that trick by entering their pyjama clad youngsters in the evening parade.
Winners.inthe pre-school division of Moonlight Madness' pyjama parade were,
left toright, Aaron Sauve;3; Robbie Kemp, 21/2; Stacey Fleet, 2; Anjannett
Carter, 3 and Jason Carter, 5. (News -Record photo)
Sharon's recipe corner
Helpful Hints
The children will enjoy
watching,,birds eat from
to Mr. Tony Jeacock for their home made feeder.
his help in picking up and Cut round holes in the
transporting the baked sides of plastic bleach or
goods..._ - - fabric softener . bottles':
Fill them with water, or
bird feedand hang them
from nearby trees.
Wear your garden
gloves turned inside out
with the seams outward.
Dirt won't stick so easily
to the inside, and work
blisters are prevented by
having the smoother side
next to the hands.
Instead of puttying and
then painting, _ do both
jobs at once. Mix the
putty in with the paint.
Use the syrup you have
saved from canned fruit
when cooking fresh
fruits. '
Shrimp Bake
1 can;.nushroom.s •
1/ cup butter
2 cups cleaned, cooked or
canned shrimp
1 cup chopped green
1/ c ap'chdpped Cel'ery'
1 - 19oz. can tomatoes,
1/2 tsp. chili powder
2 cups cooked rice
1 cup chopped Onion
prizes! Come to the 1/ cup chopped pimento
of 64
P (optional)
Resource Centre and buy 3/4-tsp. salt
tickets on them. You have Cook ,mushrooms until
a good chance of winning.,Town in butter. Coni -bine"
something! with , rem -wining
The teen club will be ingredients. Place in
putting up posters this casserole. Melt 1/2 cup
butter or margarine -and
The next meetingfor
the Lioness will be held
July 19th at 7:30 p.m. The
main topic for this
meeting will be the
Lioness part in the
Vanastra Tuckersmith
country Fair.
Resource Centre News
Our tutoring program
started on July 10th, when
13 children came out for
Tuesday's and Thur-
sday's sessions. We have
decided to let the grade
five, six and kindergarten
pupils come from 10: 00 to
11:00 a.m. and the grade
one, two and three pupils
come from 11:00 to 12:00
Lioness club
The Vanastra and
District Lioness Club was
represented at the bake
sale at Old Homestead
Camp last Saturday by
Myrna- Smith, June
Jeacock, Carol Mcllveen
and Sharon Bonte-
Gelock. The sale was a
great success.
The club was asked to
help the Bayfield Lioness
Club by providing an
extra table of baked-
goods.- Thanks to the
Bayfield Club, we now
have more funds for
community projects.
The -club would also like
to say a special thank -you
On' July 19th tutoring
will be in the afternoon
from 1.-3p.m., as we have
a board meeting here in
the morning.
We' would' like to thank
the Vanastra businesses .
for their generous
donations for our penny
sale. We now have a total
one-third cup flour
IA cup butter
. Bake at 400 degrees for
20 minutes.
The Tuckersmith Tee -
Ball team is planhing to
go to Listowel for - the
Sportsfest '79, on August
Tournament, wh„ich has
been set up by the Lake
Huron Zone Recreation
Association. The' Tee -ball
should - be good ex-
perience Jor all the.
younger ' players. The
parents 'are invited to
Listowel to watch their
children play.
The Adventureland
Playground Center is
almost done except for
the slide and the railings -
that are to be put up. The
Playground in the -Circle
,Park has had a speedy
start because we had six
Lion members out,to help
us last, Thursday.
OF 20
TO 50
ic• MEN'S
4 camera kits as
first prizes
50 Parker Brothers
games as,second
in co-operation with
week to advertise their
work program. They are pour over top. Bake in 350
available until Sep- degrees oven for ap-
tember to do any type of proximately 1 hour.
work you might need Blueberry Coffee Cake
them for. Use Blueberry Muffin
• mix only make into a
They are hard workers cake.
and will do a good job for On top of batter put the
you. Support your local following topping:
teen club and hire a teen- ' one-third, cup brown
ager this summer! sugar. (packed)
in celebration of international year of the child
Former Clinton man
Invested as Knight of Saint John
At,, the ancient
historical service of
Investiture recently held
in St. Nicholas Cathedral,
Bellwoods Avenue,
Allik Toronto, 'Frederick. 'J.
lir Morrell, son of Mrs.•
Marion Morrell, Ontario
Street and theja_ te-Harold
Morrell, was offically
investe as a Knight of
The Soreign Order of
Saint John of Jerusalerd,"'
Knight of Malta, Priory
of Canada by the Prior of
Canada, Count Joseph
Frendo-Cumbo who
performed the dubbing of
'each Knight.
In attendance from
Europe for this important
occasion were H.R.H.
'The Grand Master Don
Roberto, The Gran -d
Prior of Europe, Count T.
Wiklund and his wife,
Countess Barbara, as
.well as The Secretary of
The Commonwealth
Nations Priory, Chas.
Wilkinson and his
,daughter Lady Dinah
Wilkinson whose home is
close -by the ancestral
home in England of Mr.
Morrell's mother.
Guests from across
Canada and The Uhited
States joined in this'
historical occasion. It
was in, acknowledgement
of his contribution to The
United Church'of Canada
and in particular for his
many community and
educatiorral services,
Ered'k was sponsored as
a Khlght by "the °
distinguished Knight-=+
Before going.to the next frame and col-
ouring the relay race in the park, list
3 safe and 3 unsafe places to play.
Commander Richard S.
Cumbo, O.S.J. Secretary
of the Priory of Canada.
Chevalier Frederick J.
Morrell O.S.J. and his
Lady Florence are'
familiar visitors with his'
mother, , Mrs. Marion
Morrell, along with their
daughter Julia May, who
has just been awarded
the Prefect Award by
Etobicoke Collegiate
Institute as ..well .. as
achieving The Ontario
Scholarship '"award for
Honour Istanding.Y This
fall, Julia will enter
Victoria University
which.is the same college
PHONE 482-7778
1. Look all ways before
you cross the rbad.
.2. Keep away from all
3. Ride yoUr bike safely
and obey all -Signs and
4. play your games in a
safe 'place away from
you cr9ss the. road. ,
6. Where '.there are rio
sidewalks, walk/ off
the road to the left and
tra fid.
re deric ore 'f orn etrt' o Cl lnton r las show
being dubbed in the serv1ke_of Investlture."by the
Pilon, as the sword Is placed on his right s ioulder.
M5V 1K1.
(town, city and.postal code)