HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-12-15, Page 8;ZIA:1.171 A
INSURANCE, Stelin Q01.1.11011.
1 Lgridon, H11101184 BrUee,
oeinri Notonn- Passenger,
1 '4 Tale WrISTEEN ASSUltANO.N Can.
PANT. of Toronto also for the PHCENIX FILM
TN NTJ RAN Cl^.1 Q01)1PANY, oi London. Flighted,
tho ltolee1, C.I.NA01/aN, of entre al, 21.?: O. the
1011118H 13 MP /1XiIr111 ASFU It ANC lt cor-
IT-Ala. er
]gland, established 17.
Assats over ,o;5,000,030; claims told bouuses
paid, aver ,S3.01,000,090,
LOCAL OWS,.-We shall be happy to re-
o.li've at all times, front any part of the
County, ?,tents of /ocal new, such ree ao
cidentssor any tcresting incident what -
over, iron any of our sabscribere,or read,
era generally for the purpose of public-
TEN 01314Tsp or line for first insertion, and
FOUR ENTS per line for each subsequtint in
sertion will be charged to ,aotices appearing
this column.
Lest week while Mr. Richard Coetee \MS
fixing the gearing of a oruehing umehlue hle
eoat pleeye waecaught by the ooge of the
gearing, aria his :Arm being (hogged in w,ae
very badly bruised and lagereted.
Look out for thieves Joseph Parker,
Mitehell rottcl, has been feediug some poultry
for Ohristreas•ruarket, when some Pelson
ler persons, who went into hie poultry holm,
land took away ten of his large terkeys.
I John Waddle on the 15th ooncession ha4
also a yieit the other nighfrom some evil
disposed person, who went into his collar and
took away abeet fifty pounds of pork he had
cured fur preseut use. lie alwaye secures the
collar door before going to bed. When Mrs.
Waddle went into the oelIar the other morn,
ing to get a piece of pork she was surprised
to find no pork there, the thiet xnust have
• gone into the cellar between dark and nine
o'olock bolero he hart seemed the door.
Tbeee gentry are getting hold and venture-
some, look out for them.
THURSDAY. DEC, 15th, 1887.
John MoDonell's driving mare died last
week from gas on the stomach. '
Geo. Marray of this places, suspended
selling goods on Monday lest.
• .4.
OONVALESCENT.--The wife of Mr. Warren
Magill, who has been very ill for some time,
is now convaleecent, aud is expected to be
able to be around in a few days.
NE3.11,Tar CURED,.-G8XdiLIST Bros'. stallion,
",Randolph King," which, during the past
season became so lame as to be unable to •
While Mr. John Dempsey, of the second
eoncessiou of Usborne, was watching by the
bedside of some of the members of his family
who were down with diphtheria, he noticed
that hie dog repeatedly ran barking from the
house to the harp. He followed the dog and
when near the barn he saw some persona
run away, When he entered the barn he
found several bags filled with wheat. It is
• supposed that the would be thieves thoug.ht
M. Dempsey was plunged so deeply in grief
that it wonlii be a favorable time to steal his
wheat. Mr. Dempsey has the bags. He
thinks he eau ideutify one of the parties.
Comment upon SUCh ROMOI1 is unneces-
continue travelling, has been under a yeterin-
ary.s care in St. Marys for some tinae, and Crediton.
d t word b sent
he is so nearly oure as atm
to take him away.
MOVING. -Mr. John Cornish, removed from
Plugtown on Monday last to Mr, Gibson's,
near Exeter. where he is engaged for a year.
No sooner had he moved out than Mr. Wm.
Slemin, tcok possession of the house he had
occupied. Bill and his little folks are going
to keep house themselves. He bas written
to Michigan for his wife and expects her to
put in her appearance when everything is
comfortably arranged.
An old. resident of Stephen makes a good
tvivits as postal clerk in the 'United States
sekviee. James Matheson, brother of John
Matheson, Exeter North, was up for examin-
ation by chief clerk Hoxsey, at Decatur.
Illinois making 198 separations of the State.
He hto.idled 2,25 cards or addresses in two
and a halt hours, malting a percentage of
99/ out of a possible 100. This redord has
enabled Mr. M.. a Republican, to retain his
office, worth 51,000 a year, during the whole
term of the Democrat Government.
BRIEFS. -Local election matters are un-
usually quiet throughoutthe township, aud
give prromise of continuing in this state this
yettetXrae present council seems to have
condueted the township affairs in a truly sat-
• isfactory manner, -Services are held regu-
larly in the building at Stanlake's saw mill.
The Auxiliaries( who supply the divinity are
men who take to heart the welfare of the
--•-fenIdents in this vicinity.
p• -••••*--411
Binees.--Knowles Brothers finished their
season's threshing last week. They hare had
an exceptional good season. -Diphtheria has
made its appearance in this vicinity, thdugh
in a very mild form, -Mr. and, Mrs. Thomp-
son and Mrs. Hampton of Warwick are visit-
ing friends and relatives in this section. -
The Freewill S. S. entertainmentis tobe held
on Wednesday, Dem 28th, in Freewill church.
A grand time is expected.
MATRIMONTAL.-A very pleasant event took
place at the residence of Mr. Thos. Poster of
Blanshard, on Wednesday the 7thinst., when
• his second eldest daughter, Rebecca Jane,
was mauled toMr. John 3,141ey ofBianshard.
Rev. Mr. Campbell of Granton perforned the
ceremony. A large number of frienda and
relatives were present to witness the same.
The groom was supported byMr. Alfred Gun-
ning, and the bride was attended by her
sister, Miss NellieNoster. l'hepresents were
costly and numerous. • We all while them
prosperity and happinese.
- •
Claude boye.
Partridge hunting has' commenced around
• here, seTeral fine having been brought
in by the lOcal spOrts.
Our village constable has taken to him-
self a better half in the person of Defies Jessie
Anderson, of London Township.
One thing we ought to be thankful for-
• that there are no Warner's Safe Cure fakes
in the nuns.
Dr. sexton lectured in Lucan last Friday
• evening, but only a few attended, one dollar
and -a-half being cleared.
There was a fine deer killed in a swamp a
few miles from here recently, it having been
chased there by hounds. It is supposed to
• have tun over fifty miles.
There will be a musical and literary enter-
tainment in the Methodist Chereh on the
oveeing of Friday. Dec, 23rd. A good time
is expected.
Business is booming here at pi•esent. All
that Olandeboye requires is a grain buyer, to
make our village large enough to incorpo-
Several fine foxes have been killed around
here lately. One man has suceeeded in
shootingtwenty-one already this fall. This
is a very useful sport, as reynardie very de-
ste metiye to game as well as fowl.
Mr. Geo, Collins has reterned from Michi-
gan for the purpose of taking one of Canada's
fair maidens to hare his forest home. We
wish George success as he is an enterprising
young man.
The Forestore' concert held here last Frit
day night wa s grand succese, over fifty dol-
lars being cleared. The body of the hall
was crowded to ite utmod capacity, while
over GEO hundred found seats in the gallery,
• Recently Mr. R, ilotlgson, of this plate,
lost seventeert keys (hiring one night. It
was supposed to be the work of several
foees, but on tracking 1111 was fotnid to be
• She work of ODO vixen, which was afterwards
The Methodist Sunday School of this
pilule intendholding an entertainment in the
church on Tuesday evening next, consisting
of readings, recitations, dialogues, musio
which promises to be good and deserves to
be well patrouized as the proceeds will be ap-
plied to the S. 8. funds.
Winn ars Aesix.-The other day while
two of our sports were °et in the swamp
west of here their hound started a wild cat,
but they, thinion„e he had a rabbit (as they
could not see the dog) were surprised at the
appearance of a will eat, but. nevertheless,
-mustered enough courage to fire, which did
not take effect,, as the range was long and
they had their guns loaded with fine shot.
We thought svild cats had become extinct in
our neighborhood, but it appears there are
still a number of them in this vide.
PERSONAL. -Mr. Wm. Baker, of Crystal
City, Man,,, formerly of this place, is at pres-
eut paying his brother and friends a visit.
Mr. 13. looks hale and hearty, but not quite
as fleshy as he did. whetx he left here, and he
says that the N. W. agrees with /aim splen-
didly. He is farming, and doing well. -Mr.
Christian Brown, of Rilmannagh, Mich., is
at present home on a yisit for a few months.
-Miss Heise, one of our teachers is in God.
erich writing an examination, and' no school
will he held in her room for a few days. -Mr.
Fred Brown has secured the services of a
young apprentice -a baby boy. "
RE Comensemars Urixox..-Mr. Editor would
you please give us the addresses of Ras Wi-
man and Ben Butterworth, as their assis-
tance is greatly needed. in town to help a
few of their followers who are in great trouble
concerning Commercial Union. Ono of the
strongest of them is in a great way to fiud
out what C. U. is, and as he can't get any-
one to tell him, he wants to hear from either
Ras or Ben. If we fail to get their address
we will:have to see what the Deacon (Globe)
says ab -out it. -[15 is needless for us to pub-
lish the address of either gentleman. They
have been wasting time and talent, as their
fad, Commercial Union, will never come
about, so long, at least, as the people of
Canada retain their senses.)
Ordeal met on Dee, 12th, 1887, All the
Members present. Minetes of the last meets
lug read aria SigaGa•
NOVER1 by II, Eilber, ssomaa by I),
French, that the Troaeurer prepare au ab -
street stetemeet by norniaatiou clay enowing
the essete, liabilities, eeceipt% and expendi.
terms for this year '
Moved by H. Either, seconded by P.,
Coughlin, that the following persons be 1). It.
0., in case a poll is demauded, viz ;-W,
Baiter, 0. 13rown, 0, Prouty, W, Thompson,
P. MoKeezie, J. 13, Hodgins, Fulton,
oyed by El, Ellber, seeonded by P. Cough-
lin, the; the Treaeurer take $1900 from gen.
eral funds oS township aud place it to pinking
fund aud loan it out on Id mortgagee.
After passing the followieg ordere the
council adjourned to meet at °ail of Reeve:
N 0 Corbett, statute labor refunded, $6 ;
J Clarke, livery, $1.50; Sanders, gravel ko.
$76.35 ; A Pitchers, rap culvert, 82 00 ; T
Willie, oulvert lainleer,$3 ; John Sehroder
ditching 14 cons, $2 00; John Steeper, gravel,
$5 90 ; L Deitreiok error 8011301 rate, $5 14 ;
1)earing, culvert, 4/. con., ,ia5 75 ; Stan.
lake Bros-, lumber, $.1.20 ; C Dorward, grav-
el, $7.85 ; M Holbine, croeswaying, do., $5.-
75 • joseph Zyler, gravelling, $8 • J. Either
The heavy eair_ of last Saturday and Sun-
day was the cause of boxes and barrele float-
ing around in our cellars, and the drains all
around. us being so hill it took several days
for the water to soak away.
Our usually lively little town is somewhat
quiet this week, nothing particular in the
W& y of news of any kind. The weather is
just as changeable as ever. X-roas is just
about at hand (week from next Sunday,) and
next week our merchants and business men
may look out for a rush in trade, as people
must have their "Good Cheer," and all other
good things for X-mas time.
The Board of Health met in the hall last
Saturday. A sanitary report was read. by
Dr. Buchanan, which went to show that the
township was never in a better sanitary and
healthy state; out -houses and yards. it was
noticeable, were kept cleaner, and. in a more
health living condition. There were several
buildings in town reported as nuisances,
which wills certainly have to be cleared away
before spring, as the Stench corning there-
from being unbearable at times. • It is a
great credit to the Board for the manner in
which they are working for the health in-
terest of town and township.
Preisoxere-Miss Sarah 'Muller, who has
been on the sick list for some time past, is
able to be around again, looking as jolly as
ever. Sarah is a favorite, ancl we hope to
see her good health tontinue,-Mr. P. Ben-
der's family, who have been laid tip with
typhoid fever, are all able to be aroundagain;
Mr, B. has had a very trying tirne of it. -
Miss Lena, Wagner, of Wagner's Corners,
who, for the past twelve months, has been
residing in Guelph, was an employee of the
Commercial Hotel of that place at the time
of the fire. Miss Wegner- was one of the
number who escaped with their lives by
jumping from the upper story windows, with
nothing but their eight clothes. Many of
the inmates caught severe colds by standing
around in their bare feet in about two inches
of snow which hacl fallen through the night..
We are pleased to learn that Miss Wagner's
health le comparatively good under the dr-
cumstances,-Mr. George Geiger, who less
been farming in Daeota for some time, is
home on a visit, Gee, is looking well. -The
genial landlord of titee Commercial is home
again. -On Monday evening a number of our
young, folks gathered at the school.house for
the purpose of assisting the teachers, Mr,
Cresweller and Miss Schaefer to decorate the
senior department for the examination which
le to eonie of t04norrow, (Friday) of which a
full report will be given next week. A good
programme of reeclings, recitetions, singing,
tee, is ready. Mr. Cresweller is about giving
up the profession, and as this is his last
exam. in our 8011001, be wishes all to come, -
Mr. Peter Wagner is agaie to the front with
an oyater sup. -Be sure and go to the exami-
nation to -morrow, Friday.
The Governreent is expecting a cablegram
from the Amitralian coloniee daily in regard
to their expected co-operation in constructing
the projected cable from British Columbia to
NOV South Wales'.
11010(1 hinaself.
George Seddon, of Clyde, Ohio, and
John Conners, of New York, fought a 15 -round
draw fight at Deltith on Friday night.
jr„ of Montrose, Iowa, who
was beteg sued for divoree bv his wife, went
to her house and shot her fatally. He then
The activity consequent upon the proper -
Alien of the estimates continuo in all the
Departments. It is thought that the saving
.of nearly $300,000, hitherto devoted to immi-
gration work, will boaccomplithed during the
coming year.
spiaes, &a., $17, 86 e NI; Wentzel,
hammer handle, 35 ets. ; T issery, culvert.
gi OQ ; itt Smith, blariksinith bill, $6 35 C.
Christie, selecting jurors, $1 00; A L
trend, wood box, $1 50; S Hogatth,
spikes, 75 ets. ; J Lewis, R 11 debenture,
$525 ; T Lampert, grading 3 8 R, $15 ; I)
L Stonehouse, blinds, $20 00 ; M Finklainer,
care of hall, $18 00 ; S Mittieholtz, ditch, 3
8 B. $2 00 ; Executors of Yager, $8 35 ; W
McCann, 0 R, $1 ; F Green, work N B, $1 ;
A. Campbell, work 4?1, S R, $8 00 V ltatz, S.
jurors, $4 QO ; Yager Bros., lumber, $31 83 ;
Rata Bros., lumber, $288 79 ; V Rate, reeve
end coin.'$65 O�; Eilber, D. reeve and
corn. 56500 ;0 Either, D. reeve and com. 65;
P Coughlin, couneillor and cum, $65 00 ; I)
French, councillor and °erns $65 00; b.
Proaty, bal salary, $65 00 '• 0 Prouty, coin.
field eandries; $69 75 ; G SIoatz, brick, $3 ;
MoIutosh, G B cut, $8 00; J Lewis, salary
8100 00. Pitot, Clerk.
Biddulph Council.
The regular meeting of the above council
was held in the temperance hall Grantou
Dec. 5th. ¶Lhe following accounts were
ordered to be paid: 15. Keeff, rep. bridge
div. 61; P Naugle, tile for ditch div 4, 53;
Jas. Carrigan, culvert dry. 5, 53; W. Dewau,
rep. bridge and plank dir. 4, 52; Wm. Hays,
gravel acct. in full, 59.95; P Naugle, gravel
acct., 51 35; Jas. Carrigan, gravel mot., 55.40
Blanshard treas., the culvert N B moiety, 511
A Beutson, jr. plank, 58.80; A Beatson, jr.
plank for village of Awmik. 6.60; John
Jermyn, two tile culverts St. Marys graves
road, 55.25; John Chalmers, one culvert St.
Marys gravel road, 53.25; Jas. Leslie, box
drain, village of Amik, 54; J. Grant, plank
div. 5, 511.70; T Beatson plank for Awmik
drain, $4.89; T. Beatson thawing the same,
51; Fred Arnold, tin box for collection roll,
25c; w McLaughlin, minding gap for gravel,
$1; J Mitchell. rep culvert S 13 moiety, 53.05;
Robt. Seeli. plank, div. 1, 51.80; John How -
aid, box culvert div 1,51,25; Benj. Haskett,
box culvert., and material div 1, 56.50; T.
Morkin, new culvert diy, 2, 53, Mr. Carroll,
per T Morkiu work on Sauble hill, 52.',Vxn.
Atkinson, rep bridge Clandebove, 53; W.
Culbert, atone abutment div. 3,52; W Has-
kett one load of gravel, 50o; J Lewis, con-
crete tile culvert div 3, 52.50; R. Neil rep.
bridge, div 3 52.75; H Wright, ditch 13 div
2 moiety $1 . Thereounnil adjourned to meet
in the court room, Olandeboye, on Monday,
the 195h i.st., at 10 a. m.
A special meeting of the council was held
in the council chamber, Lucart, on the 295h
ult. All the members present. Bylaw, No.
10 of 1887 appointing polling and deputy re-
turning officers for the municipal election of
of 1888 was duly pushed. The engineers
report ou the Canada company's ditch was
read, and set forth that the complaint
of the plaiutiff Mr. Robert Smith was well
founded. The engineer was iestructed to
Proceeded as the law directs and have the
ditch properly repaired. A communication
from the secretary of the P.13. of Health was
referred to the chairman of the township
Blanshard, Councillor 'Beatson was in-
structed to sell the toll house on the St.
Marys, G. R. -and have it removed from
the highway.
1,40iision,depert 8.18 A. es. 4. ttlSe
isleart Oroteeng „. 0.0e 5,22
,., 0.10 5. 25
23 537
,,e0d13 0,48 •
0,40 0,00
,. 9.01 5.07
6,59 0,15
10,18 6,05
10.37 6,55
.., 10.46 706
11.1,0 7,23
11,20 7, 40
7.10 5,10 P.M
7.17 3.23
., 7,31 3,47
,i. 7:40 3.50
8.00 4,15
.„ to 8.19 4,04
. 8.27 4-13
Exeter ,„
nrucenold ..• ..•
Be grave ,..
Wiogitoux arrive
Winghain, depart “,
011uton ..
Kippon „
Centralia, .,.
Blanshard Council.
The municipal council of the tewnshm ot
Blanshard met in the township hall on
Monday the 5th inst. All the members were
present. The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were read and signed.
On motion of Councillor MoVann ell second-
ed by Councillor Johnston, it was resolved,
that the nomination for reeve, deputy reeve
and councillors for the ensuing year be held
at the council hall on Sfonday,26th December,
at the hoar of noon, If more than the requir-
ed number be nominated polls shell be opened
on January 2nd, at 9 o'clock, in the forenoon
and remain open till 5 o'clock in the after-
noon, atethe following pieces; that is to say,
Division No. 1, at Sohn Anderson's horiee lot
3.3, con. 2, John Anderson, deputy returning
officer; Division No. 2, at George Illarriot's
house. lot 9, con 6, David lirethour, deputy
returning officer; Division No. 3, at George
White's house, lot 14, con, 30, George White,
deputy returning officer; Division No 4, at
townehip hall, Williain Johnston, returning
... 8,47 5.03
• „. ... 8,57 5,13
11.30 5,25
... 9,20 as
v, Blindnosa
Ottebrated iiUh
HiezsWatch II kOr,Seevenee
, ,
RDA OptIcisu,
Hostile Agar oy for tho sale of the above in
EXVITEIt. No SPOOt D.01413 ill the Market equal
-----"`- them in the Ern P RESERVING QUALITIES they
Tntencling Advertisers obould ad-
ee_ dress .
r. ROWELL and co„
1.0 Serve() Street, New York City, 'N. y.
For seleet list of 1,000 Newspaper.
Will be sent FREE on application.
Txr ANTED. -WWII', ts
for our tall aud Christ-
i/ V Inas trade to take light, nieussaut work
at their ONV11 homes. $1 to $S per dlty ea0 be
quietly made. Work Sent by remit any distan-
ce. Particulars free, No cu.n vass in g. A ddr esa
at once CREN
SCET AR 00„ 147 aim Fit,
Boston:Mass. • Box 5170
ORNE HOUSE. -The 'Under-
signedtakao the liberty to inform the tra-
velling Pablic that hs* opened his house for tee
accommodation of all travellers, on October
1st. Those who favor him with their patro-
nage wills:twelve the hest attention. There is
good stabliug in connection.
JOHN f)A.LLANDEIt, Eithton
Notice to Creditors
Tho Creditors of William Henry Gi11, Ottoof the Township of ' llosanquet, in the
County of Lembton, who died on or about the
Twenty-seveivh day of December, A. D., 1886,
havine clairassegainst said deceased are in pur-
suance of the dot 40 Vietoria, Chapter 9,01 the
statutes of the Provinoe of Ontario, hereby
notified and requii ed to send on or bd are the
12th day of December, A.D..,1887, by post pre-
paid to the undersigned Elliot k Ellliot, of the
Village of Exeter, in the County of Itaron, So-
licitors for Maria Gill, the Adolieistratrix of
She estate and effects of the said deceased, their
christian and surnames, addresses and 'descriP-
tins, the full particulars of their 'claims, a
statement of their accounts and the nature of
the'securities (if any) held by them, and that
immediately after the said 12th daseof Decera-
day of December, the assets of the said deceas-
ed will be diStributed attiongthe parties entitled
thereto, having regard, only to the claims of
whteh the said Administrates shall then have
notice, and the said AcInunistratrix shall net
boilable for the said assetenr any part thereof
to any person or persons of' whose claims notide
shall not have been received.
Solicitors for Administratrix,
Dated at Exeter, the 23rd day of November, '87.
Christmas& Holiday
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, etc
At greatly reduced prices.
Holiday shoppers will please call on R.
Hicks and look his stock through before
purchasing elsewhere. Especial attention
is invited to our beautiful display of holi-
day attractions. We hope none of our
readers will fail to see the stock now on
exhibition, whether they contemplate a
purchase or not. We have aimed to
make the assortment complete in every
detail, and. believe that this carefully se-
lected stock of latest styles will contribute
to the enjoyment of visitors, and merit
the approbation of one and all. Prices
uniformly low all through the stock.
We want every reader to rernetnber that we
-Make a, specialty of -
Cleaning And Repairing
Skilful workmanship, neatness prompt-
ness and reasonable prices may always be
relied upon with any work entrusted to our
We Guarantee Finest Work And
Good Satisfaction.
. Hicks.
possess, or the GREAT BASO SARI 0 041P0121? they
coufer 00 5130 woarer.
Tinny use will in actuality so strengthen the
F that it does not become necessary to
change them for many years. They aro there-
fore the OBEAPEST.
They Are the Best in the World, ,
They over Tire the Eye,
And Last Many Ye US Without Change,
The Sight tested by our New Test C ard, same
y t°enlists throughout the
Bargaias Bargaias
Having made a settleinent with his credie
officer; Divisiou No. 5. atMrs. Osibbin's house ors,
lot 37, Themes concession, WilliamMeGligor T. DEARING-
deputy returning officer; and that the clerk
shall order the necessary advertising. To all
of which the ratepayers are acquired to take
A. petition from William Porter and 18
others praying forimprovements onroad, f rom
school house section. No. 2 to Stratf prd roacl
was read, received and ordereci to be laid over.
Tho reeve was duly authorized to issue
She following orders: B. Rosenbargo 523,28,
gravel; S. S. No, 5359.86, S, S. No. 14, $160.
50, John Stevens 53.20.culvert between Bien -
shard and Usborne, John Lankin 38c. repair
ing bridge P. McVaunel 824 attending, Oram -
'cif; John Dickson 824, do; T 130S. Lawton, 524
edo, Geo. fitelson $24„clo; Thos. Lawton, 524,
do; Joseph 0rowthers517,50.inspecting roads
Thos. Piersou, $10 caretaker of hall; J. Barn-
ett, 52, repairing bridge; A. Knox, 50, tile 07
eon. 8; S. S. No. 6, 5300; D, Sansburn, 550,
eepairing Flat creek bridge; Thos. Tufts 512.
09, gravel; ESL Leper, 86.50 town, lino be-
tween Blanabard and Downie; S. S. No. 2,
5244.66; S. S. No. 3, 5718.46; Fred Llouley,
52.75, tile phrase road; 8. *8, No. 11, 5288;
Biddulph township, 55.77, culverte town
line ; P. Nolan, 51.47, gravel ; Jas. Craw-
ford, 53 01, gravel ; Al»•ay & Edwards, 590.
21, plank; S. S. No, 8, 5400.46; Janes Hearn,
52.00, repairing culvert; J. J. Hayes, 52.10.
gravel; John Ashton, 52,00, tile on con- 8 ;
Jas. Shepley, 52.50, retnoving nuieance;
Robert Beatty, 520, grant to Blanehard branch
Agricultural Society; Hill Bates, 510, culvert
St, Mary's road; Wm. Wiseman, 54.41, way -
el• Ituth Riche, $7, charity; Geo. Wilkinson
52, charity; Thos. Knox, 53„ cleaning out
ditch con. 8; W. J. McIntyre, 55, measuring
plank, . .
The council then adjourned 'to meet on
Monday, 19th inst., in the township hall, at
10 o'cliSolt, ti. in. Exeter,
, )
Will sell his entire mammoth stock of
or any injurious materials.
E. W. GILLETT, T 0 R0'
Nulo?t,60011, Tx.z.
I tlaidf'r ofth
useclbhe leading
rorlci. t CalLEBRATED lireer 'VAST 6,1E1
Merchant Tailor,
Has removed to premises one door
north of Browning's drug store, whore
there will be found a
Having this season purchased most of our
steek direct from manufacturers in England
awl Geruiany '• to do so vie had to give oar
orders very early in the season, Dna as the
f proopects looked well, we bought largely.
Scotch, English,
Irish, French and
Canadian. Goods.
Made up on the
Graduate a Cleveland
Cutting School.
He is bouncl to rednee his stock and will
give bargains never before heard of in
Goods well assorted and everything fresh
No shelf -worn goods in stock.
Remember mid call eerly and bring the cash
along with you, for which you will
receive more than full value.
And we find that hard times are causing a
great depression in trade, we have, therefore,
decided to meet the times by marking all
goods at such Hard Pan Prices as to ensure
a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in-
vite all intending purchasers to call and in-
spect our stook, and note prices of all new
Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets and Ulsters, also
Maids' and Misses' 111stersiall sizes,
I31ack and Gold silk and satin dress -
goods, in all the nowest colors and
styles, plain and fancy Plushes,
Hosiery, Gloves, &c.
Ready -made Clothing,
Hats & Caps. All will be sold at
Lowest Possible Prices.
Poultry of all kinds, and produce
taken as cash.
ec. 8. FANSON'S ntoox.
3E3IS8Mrral 3312,Ces
And secure some of the Bargains they are offering in the
following lines :— •
We carry the largest stock of Stoves in the County. Call
and. see them, and get prices before buying. Tinware of all
kinds always on hand. Roofing ane4. eavetroughini; a specialty
An ImFriensceoStosckovls th
of Manure erFtoiim•kse,rSrpicaeds.es, Shovels
Scoop ho •
We are offering Lamps and Lamp,Goods at cost, as we are
going out of that line.—Leave your orders for Stove Coal,
and save the high winter freights.—Verity's Plows and Plow
FrOnts always on hand.—Highest price paid for Hides and
Tallow in Cash or Trade. ----Agents for the Raymond Sewing
Visitors to Exeter
--Would do -well to call andinspect--
One of the Newest, Cheapest (45 Best Stocks in town.
Black and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins,
Colored Ploshes. Melton Clotho, ;Iarsey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials
and Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors
and prices, •
Also it fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Kid, Cloth ang
IFE 0 X 111 let K5r !
Gents' Furniehings.-Fine Display in Hats, Ties, Braces, White and
Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overcoatinge, Buntings & Suitings.
BOOTS A:ND SHOES.—A very large consigment just received, of the
very best otyles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children's.
A full line of Glassware and Crock-
ery -ware always on hand.
Our arocery Dopartiusut is Cosziplote,
tter Eggs and all kinds of Produce taken in ex0hange, and ilia
very highest priccp%id.
1 CARLING, Main -t5, Exeter'