HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-07-12, Page 22THEDFORD BOSANGUET OPTIMIST CLUB Proudly presents Canada's Female Vocalist of the year "Carroll Baker MONDAY, AUGUST 6 at 2 P.M. at The Thedforl Arena Advance tickets '5.00, 12 and 'under '3.50, '1.00 extra at, the door. Send money, order_payable to Thedford Optimist Club in self addressed stamped envelope to: "Carroll Baker" BOX 910 THEDFORD, ONTARIO. 1 • PAGE 4--,-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JUDY 2,19,79 • onng MURPHY LOL No. 7 0 Clinton, will hold n %%important meeting on July •- 12 at 8:30 • p.m. Clinton Orange- Hall. Parade will ,he held in� Blyth, on Saturday, July 14 at 1:3.0 p.m. -27,28 . CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday 8 p.m. First regular card $1.: rttr.ct�d.tQ 16,- years. ori_ over. 15 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. -Many other specials. Jackpot.. $200 must go each week.-40tfar BINGO Bayfield Com- munity Centre, Friday, July 13. at 8 p.m. Spon- sored by Bayfield Lioness. 15 Regular games:, 3 share -the - wealth. -26,28 STARTING POR- CE.LAIN DOLL CLASSES in September. Register now. Phone 524-. 62.90 for information: -28 DANCE TO WALTER OSTANEK Friday, July 1 at the.prussels Morris and Grey " Community Centre. Dancing 9-1 on arena surface. $10 per couple. Lunch served. Forti-ckets- cn111=88.161'86. Only limited number of tickets at door; Sponsored by the Brussels Agricultural Society. -28 tlo `.'ALICE IN WON- DERLAND" presented by Theatre Aquarius at Seaforth ,District High Stchool, Friday, July 13 at 2 . p.m. Free admission. Sponsored _ by Sea"forth-- Library and Outreach Ontario. -27,28 , festival of arts and crafts on the Square in Goderich THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY JULY 12, 13, 14 DAILY EVENTS. 10 A.M. TO • Art Gallery • Crafts - • .Tea Garden • • Photography Gallery • Flower Show ' • The Livery Theatre:. Poster $ale, Model Railroaddisplay by. Gandy'Dancers. THIS YEAR'S SPECIAL EVENTS!!! THURSDAY at 8:30 P.M. Square Dance on the Square FRIDAY at 7:30 P.M. • • Elgin Fisher and his Entertaipers SATURDAY AT 7 P.M. •"Craft Auction Sale SATURDAY AT 8:30 P.M. Mount Forest Cameron Pipe Band FLOWER,'FESTIVAL.. - Don't miss the Goderich Flower Festival July ,12, 13,. , 14 in the County Council 'Chambers of the Huron County Court House sponsored by tile, Goderichr'a Garden Club. -28 FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance, Fri.Jlay, July 13, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing- :9:00- - -1' -00. Welcome all singles over 2�. (No blue jean- s). -27,28 CHARLIE PRIDE., Rock Hill Park, Shelburne, July 22, 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. shows. BUS- tran- sportation and admission $23 per person. Good. Times .Travel Agency, Seaforth 527-0050.-28 BINGO every Tuesday evening at the Vanastra Centre, RR 5, Clinton at 8 p.m. First regular, card $1. 15 regular games of $:15. 3 share -the -wealth, jackpot $200 must go. Admission restricted to 16years-or over—=20tfar¢ • ta•••••• • •• • • • •• •• •• • • -While -strange rhappenings take -place -In -his- home; Greg, played by Peter Snell seems more interested in his collection of arrowhead and flints and jogging. The funny and the macabre are combined --- in-lyth's. present- production- I' ll: Be- -Back- Before Midnight. It is fast becoming the most popular play this season with upcoming performances nearly sold -out. (Keith Roulstoii photo) A comedy thriller at Blyth. .. • from page 20 huge.woaden.doors. _''" As important' as the ' )I••,•..••••••••••••• A Victorian Thriller • ANGEL • STREET P (JULY 11 -JULY 21) : L • (except Sunday) • A • RESERVATIONS - INFORMATION • 238-8451- THE COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE • N GRAND BEND • G NEXT ATTRAC. - HARVEY • •-•'•••••':•••.••• ••••••••••• • LAST NIGHT THURS., JULY 12th recommended as -ADULT t.. ENTERTAINMENT. If You haven't seen STARTS TOMORROW then you're missing TRU FRIDAY JULY 13 -JULY 19th 'FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY TWO SHOWINGS 7:008 9:00 SUNDAY - THURSDAY ONE SHOWING 8:00 J1 EVERY SUMMER THE CREAM OF AMERICAN YOUTH GOES TO SUMMER -CAMP - AND UMMERCAMP-- AND THE REST GO TO CAMP NORTHSTAR. • to • From the. producer Fif "National Lampoon's ANIMAL HOUSE” Orel oMTnentied • os ADULT IENTE TAINMENT please endorse th 'back ofb your Wintarlo tickets to sone time at the box office. Eligible t$akt is April . September. ' Relax and enjoy, the movie in Air'Conditio'ned.comforl. 1,0"7.b. (,.,� I� y �I • ' A.M.Y II I. �ni�liic•to changi01 ,H setting itself is the —credible -acting - of- -the small cast, anyone in the audience can feel the frustration and fear that Jan,, played by Angela Gei,, must go through. Just released from a psychiartic hospital after a breakdown, Jan, who still feels a little unsteady about her mental state, must- determine -whether the weird happenings in the isloated farm, house are real or only figments ' of her imaginative mind. Peter Snell; plays her enthusiastic husband, `Greg. He's totally devoted to Jan and her needs, but at'""the- same time does not really understand what is happening to his fragile wife only thinks that ,perhaps' , she still isn't mentally fit. The real suspense in the playstarts to develop when Greg's sister Laura, played by Kate Trotter conies to help her ..dear„,sa,�e�r-� IaWR.. •-_ The sophisticated ` al=i'd sinister sister-in-law really has ulterior motives when it comes to helping Jan. The , only true un- derstanding friend that Jan seems to -have is her neighboring landlord George, played by Peter Elliott. Will George help Jan by solving the- mysteries of the farmhouse? -Will her husband 'Greg comfort his irrational wife or side with his devoted sister? Will Laura actually drive Jan insane and win the total affections of her brother? Or are the brother and sister team both trying to destroy Jan? These are all questions that race through the New custodian 'dor Authority The Huron County Housing Authority is pleased to announce the appointment . of Elmer Sanderson as the new maintenance su ervisor. Mr. Sanders n is a Blyth resident and is active inchurch work and 'brings years of ex- perience in' the con- strtittion field with him. - Mr Sanderson will commence his new duties,'k - on July 23,, 1979 and we all look forward to working With him. audience's mind during mediately since this play, suspenseful b Plc -up--which----nra-y be...`-Blyih' --- best performance to date, is quickly being sold out. - Midnight 'will be playing ' at Blyth until July 27. It's almost too bad it couldn't play all season, because it's just too good to miss. of the play. However, playwright Colley adds a new twist in the last act of the play and at midnight the unexpected comes to light. Those wishing to see Midnight will have to order tickets- im- Sunday Special JULY 1.5 ROAST TURKEY with dressing and gravy or BARBECUE SPARE RIBS Both with French fried or mashed potatoes, buttered carrot coins, and soup: or judge, salad, roll, tea or coffee. Dessert: Angel Cake with ice cream. DEB'BIE'S Custard Cup 2 miles south of .Clinton on Hwy. No. 4 at Vanastra Rd. 482-9896 ' ." BOX; OFFICE OPENA,T 830 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT 741K` lFrorInfolron Phone - - 427030. , �1 E" ,IBI .ww DRIVE. -IN THEATRE • LIMITER • OUCH STREET=GLINT-OPI- PLAYING WEDNESDAY THROUGH ' SATURDAY - JULY 11-12-13.14 PLUS 2ND FEATURE It was the Deltas against the rules... the rules lost! NATIONAL AWVAL u•utr A UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR® ADMITTANC! .RESTRICTED YO MUTON, TIM 01 *01 0. ori.. II PLAYING'SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY JULY 15-16-17 WII IAM..:PETER BIATTY'S.___ ExORCIST ADMITTANC! R ESTIZICTED to 01.10141 Y JI 0, *01 011 OYU PLUS 2ND BIG FEATURE — �1t EII5TWW1 11411111111111 Use your Complimentary . • Pass -in the July 10 issue of the Huron+ Shopping News ADMITTANC- RESTRICTED to Mlsa14s I Tuna AGI o. OM STARTS WEDNFDAY, JULY 18`"" WELCOME BACK, HERBIE! SPECIAL ADMISSION---• FOR THIS WALT DISNEY PROGRAM Adults .'3.00 Children FROM WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS Under 12 50o TECHNICOLOR® "'"""""'"""°"'''"'""`° " 0 �1n -U � as+�...oa,c,u.s Pre-schoolers Free PLUS 2ND BIG FEATURE E33 DLESHOE WHERE MYSTERIOUS THINGS HAPPEN TECHNICOLOR' a nn w,n on nnoa ci:n.� THE KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN IDEA OW IT'S A BETTER DEA T ..O.Ns- • • KIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION • 35th Annual Glyden Party KIRKTCN, ONT. Highway 23 ' WEDNESDAY JULY 1,$r 1979 Fastbe111; 4:00 p.m. Juvonit l contest • 745, Praifessionai PriniearOmer.9:15 r'efrellhn140. Booths 1 Off Pbirking. Ad't,>�tti "t�SO ,hirci% n' J0? It's always made good sense to take home Kentucky Fried Chicken for your -family. SO HANDY 'cause when thegang's hungry, Kentucky Fried Chicken is ready. REALLY ECONOMICAL, and it makes A NOURISHING MEAL, too. Yes, Kentucky Fried Chickerrwith The Colonel's fixin's and a glass of milk, makes a wholesorne meal for everyone. You get A DAY OFF FROM COOKING,' something you can't help but appreciate. And THERE'S NO WASTE bet use you order Kentucky Fried Chicken -in the package size that suits your family. How's that -for convenience! IT'S FINGER-LICKIN' GOOD! Need we say more? Compare today's price foT uncooked chicken with the price-ofKentucIw Fried. Chicken in, the right size package for your family. , Then think about the preparation time and cooking costs involved with making a chicken dinner at home, to say nothing of the clean up afterwards. Compare. . you'll' be pleasantly surprised. ,11, rrANADIAN toMPANV Cotonet S ihdeiis' boys arld Elms rnako it "firx�er Ilckln good. ® P'