HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-07-12, Page 17• b,e the Wednesday trip.of
the' week, Children should
bring lunches for this
trig. The Playday in-
volves the chiidren
nany activities including
racing and throwing
. was re -located te •the AnSradults interested in
• Vanasira RecreatiOnhelping supervise on any
Centre. HOPefully, the'
trips throughout the
suthrner, please call 482 -
•Also, due to an ex-
pressed interest, we are
itulw offering to any child,
whether registered or
not, the,4ropportimity. to
attend , anv trip
spheduled.. '-
Special thanks is "given
this week, to Sandy and
Glen Rose .fot their
assistance •
Even though all the students, except for a few summer school students, have
left for vacation, there is plenty of work for the custodians to do, cleaning up
the school from ceiling to floor and everywhere in between. Their workload is
heavy says the photographer, as the place looks more like a zoo, with fire
marks on -the.. wall, graffiti everywhere, smashed fruit on walls, and filth
covering desks. Here Dick Fremlin, left, and Kay Falconer do one set of doors,
from top to bottom. (News -Record photo)
Baseball going well
The Baseball Season is
. halfway done and the
teams in the Tuckersmith
Area arei§loing very well
for their first year. the
peewee boys coached by
Gerald and Moira
Robinson are • learning
July, 10 at Vanastraand
July 17 at Vanastra. The
Bantam boys next games
are July 12 at Hensall and
July 17 at Exeter.
'Come out and support
more about baseball as
• • the -y- play more and, more
g es.
The Peewee girls are
•codhced by Esther Handy
and Lyn Jerome and they
are doing quite well for
• their first year. They
•,have three wins and three
losses to date.
The boys bantam team .. three runs for our team. hard games this week.
is improving through the Congratulations•Mike. The steam and coaches
season as they develop. .
On July 5, our boysMoira and Gerald
their baseball • skills.'
played 'the Elimville Robinson (Butter -Maker)
Their coaches. are Jim .,tearta.. at _their.. dialond, ,would like to _take _this
e b) •
s..1,.rw.),,•„„ii 11. thal.111,1-1.4,
aropi's reel'pe corner
If you are using two .or the. discussion oyr
more balls of yarn or dessort. • '
• • thread, put the balls in a Make. a, praclical;
plastic bag with holes, creamy,rouge by mixing
zuch.as the ones potatoes.. the last bit • ,of lipstick
come in. Pull the yarn out throughly with co:ld
through the holes.;.. the cream.
yarn will stay clean and. ,
.. •
your favourite team.
Baseball is for „your
childrep's enjoyment and
fun. The children need
your support and
Bears are improving
won't tangle. , •
Try an old fashioned
"-pounding"- party tas
housewarming. Each
guest should bring one
pound of a staple item.
Perhaps this idea will
help parents of
teenagers. Take a parent
- teenager discussion on
dating, dress, or other
• emotionally charged
issues out to dinner!
' Have dinner togdther in a
quiet restaurant and start
On July 3, the Bears and gave Elimville a
(pee wee boys) played tough match.
Hensall at the Vanastra On July 7th the pee wee
Diamond.but the boys lost boys played • Huron Park
this,game 37.14. at their diamond, but lost ,
The team is improving, .32 - 11. They gave it their
as Mike McFadden hit a - best shot, but everybody
home run, bringing h- is pretty tired after three
, -
‘-'4"4°"-- --a•utr • "" but lost a squeaker 2 r• time to thank HG
Falconer. Electric for the shirts.
• to the Elimville team.
_ __The_pee Wee girls' next.. •
-Opr bpys• their • bec They arerea4lyarti
games -are- --Jufy•-•---11:-..- at- - • - 1., • • - • •
• .
Hurondale while the pee
wee boYs next games are e ncnoo.i. planne
105 people came out to
play Bingo on Tuesday,'
July 3, at the Rec. Centre.
The . share -the -wealth
winners were: Joe Heil,
Komoka, $79; Elaine
Watson, Mitchell, and
Jane Flannigan, R.R. 2
Zurich, split $70 ; and
Mrs. C. Wood,R.R. 4
Seaforth, $77.
The $200 jackpot was
won by Frances Ayotte of
R.R. 1, Hay.
Everyone is welcome toVacation Bible School
attend church this -for children ages 4 and up
Sunday at 10 a.m will be July 23 to 27 from 1
to 3 p.m.
'ydro to test voltage
• Ontario Hydro will
reduce system *oltage by
five percent on Tuesday,
July 17, continuing its
series of twice -yearly
The test will be con-
ducted for -two one-hour
periods from 1:30 p.m. to
II 0 3/4
* • ANNUAL .
10.1/2 %- MONTHLY
Rates Subject to Change without noticO
John Wise
. General Insurance
Guaranteed Investments
5 Rattenbury St., •
"Mori. Ont.
Phone 482-9644
Res. 482-7265
2:30, p.mand frorn.6 :30_
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. It is not
expected to affect
residential, commercial
or industrial customers.
"Generally, a voltage
reduction test of this type
passes unnoticed by
individual customers,"
says Roger Whitehead,.
system operations
It is estimated that a
five percent reduction
.will reduce system
demand by three percent
-- about 390 megawatts,
or,enough to supply a city
the size aLMISsissauga. •
The tests are used to
assess the advantages of
such reductions during
system emergencies, to •
observe the impact on
customers and on system
equipment and
operations, and - to
familiarize • operations
staff with procedures.
The last voltage
reduction test took place
January 16.
Centred Huron Hockey
Clinton Aiena - Sept. 10-30, 1979
BETWEEN 4:00 AND 5:00 P.M: —
• • •
• • 4 '4 0 0
• Pineapple,Liiine Float
1 - 12 oz. can ,(11/2 cup)'
pineapple -juice. —•
1 - cup lim'e
2.3 - cup sugar •
green food colouring
1 - pint lirne sherbet
2 - 7 Oz. bottles (2 cups)
ginger ale
• _ Combine- pineapple
juice, lime juice, sugar
and a few 4rops food
colouring.. Chill. Fill 6
glasses half full with lime
mixture; add.'a scoop of
sherbet to each. Fill with
ginger ale.
• Remove the centre
from a large head? of
lettuce,, leaving the
outside leaves to form a
1" shell. Gradually,ad 1/2,
Oz. package of
Philadelphia Cream
Cheese. Mix until well
blended. Add 1 • can
(approx. 16 oz.) 'fruit
cocktail, drained, and 1-3
cup chopped nuts, Mix
light:;,. Fill lettuce shell;
cover and cht11.4„hours, or
overnight. Slice.
crosswise or into wedge's.
' Makes 6 servings.
. This week was Get Fit
Week, with a hike
- scheduled for each
morning. A trip to
Goderich Beach was also
Planned on Wednesday.
- • Due to rain, the
Egmondville playground
next time it rains, we will
be able to • hold the
playground in Eznion-
dville: The, Brucefield-
Varna playground will be
held -in the Varna Town
HaIFif it rains.
Last week, 66 people
went on the trip to
Rockton. Everyone had
fun feeding giraffes,
donkeys., llamas and
goats. After touring the
animal's kingdoms, the
children went on rides,
viewed the pet corner and
,purchased souvenirs.
Next • week, the Lake
Huron Zone Playda.y. will
"In The Heart of Down Town Varna"
• Vacuum Cleaners - Sales and Service of most makes
• CB Radios and Accessories
• Speed Queen Appliances.'
• Moffat Appliances'
• Smoke Sensors
• Insect Lights and Fly Killing Units
• Handcrafted Gift:
Varna, Ontario
Phone 452-7103
Come in today and see our selec-
tion of quality branded Homecare
Exterior Paints
and Stains.
---111/0011- •
Alkyd type
Sep .trunspareril
•MAR 15•116
Spruce u‘p outside with bur
stains. For this Ipw pric_e you
get good quaty stain. It has
exceptional -durability and
goes on easily without the
use of any additional finish.
5 colours to Choose from.. p
One of the most pop-
ular wood stains on the
market today. Olympic ' GALLON
linseed oil based semi -transparent
stain covers up and seals new wood.
2 mil 500 sq. ft. roll
This durable poly- . $5 . 25
ethylene -film is handy to
have around the home
or cottage. It makes EACH
an excellentmoisture 2 mil 1500 sq. ft, roll
.barrier tolthe damp- $ 12,, 15
Stretches as the house expands and
contracts. Reduces cracking, blis-
tering. Clean up with soap and water.
Get the quality and excellent protec-
tion of traditional oil base paint. One
of our most popular paints.
Low priced. Homecare
brushes -made of goOd
quality tlocked nylon )
.bristles. . sturdy plane .
handles Select from 2'', '
2'/2", 3" sizes
6' STEP LADDER• C*11.-Y •
$2.7- A handy aluminum $ 6 a 99
EACH • st)10dder,yvith wide -
21/2" sJg 3' rails and.ribbed
$ 3 - *9 • steps It has non -slip
rubber safety fee
roved. lightweight and easy
CSA apo
$3. 99 • to carry • '
'Makeyoyr gaint clean-
up apreeze withpoly-
clens ... it's quick per 20 oz. can
acting. Cleans brushes and rollers.
A lightwerght but very 5 • -• 95
strong .non -rusting
ladder. Get to those
heights with confidence. Has sure grip
rubber feet. 3024 series. 24' leilgth only.