The Exeter Times, 1887-12-15, Page 4ime5,
1-11.IRSDAY, DEC. reni 7887
Tim Crown Prince of Germany, ;moors
ding is) latest accomita, i Progressmg
favorably, and hopes at no remote period
to be able to return to Berlin.
THE Winnipeg Citizens' Committee has
refesed to edvenee the aid required by
the Holt contract for the censtruction of
the Red River Vallage Road
According to Mr, J, J. Stewart, of
Halifex, the first newspaper published i14,
'what is now the Dominion of Canada was
the Halifax Gazette, the first issue of
which appeared on March 23rd, 1752.
Itemaene advises received here-
AMONG other changes contempleted eit
the re-organizetion of the Domiaion Poet
office Department, it is reported that the
free ssuriage of newspapers 8ent dlreet
from the dime of publication is to be ab-
ebed d moderate rate imposed,
Mz Poi' Josien Po; has just issued io-
teresting table of figures respecting the
last general elections. The total number
of voters oil the electoral lists of Cnida
is 993,914, an Actual increase over 1882
of 190,327. The total vote polled for th
Government was 370,342, for the Oppee
time The total Government majorit
was 15,628, The everage majority of th
Government quididates was 307, of th
Opposition 351. The number of men
bers elected with majorities under on
hundred was 34 Government and 25 01
position. Mr. Pope has gone to th
trouble to work out the figures for eac
province, and altogether has produced
most interesting chart of election statis
Haldimand will have another electio
k trial and probably another contest. Th
'Liberals have determined to protest the el
• ection of Dr. Montague, They have dis
covered evidence of wholesale bribery, cor
ruption and intimidation practiced by th
any party, and evidence too which will
ia all probability, result in the Tory candi
date being personally disqualified as well a
unseated. At the time when Dr. Monte
rue's friends were boasting that he NVA
ghting alone'in the County of Raldimand
he was assisted by whole brigades of pro
fessional bribers unportod for the purpose
—:15Ioncton Transcript.
Friederichsruho say that Prince Bismarc
was seized with a sudden illness Monday:
The attack speedily passed off, but hi
PhYsiciall advises his abstention Iron
AT Goderich Friday the petition against
Mr. Porter, M. P., for West 'Huron, and
also the counter -petition, were dismissed
by Mr. Justice Falcoubridge, in ewer
dance with an agreement made between
the parties.
1T i,s only probable? but speaking witl
more certeinty, it is quiteimprobable that
they will contest Dr. Montague's re-elecS
tion. A second rebuke should and wil
doubtless be sufficient
age was submitted to Congress on Tues-
day of last week. The document is more
than ordinarily brief, but deals trench
allay with the question of tariff reform.
In vigorous and forcible language he
states that the time and necessityfor a
reduction of the United States tariff have
arrived, and refers to "the annual growth
of the surplus and the large sums taken
from private circulation, causing financial
stringency and making necessary the
purchase of bonds to relieve the necessi-
ties of business interests." He cites the
fact that there are no bonds outstanding
the payment of which the treasury has
the right to insist upon and foresees a
coming danger of alarming circumstances
—a congested national treasury and a
depleted monetary condition in the bus-
iness of the country. The payment of
i such unnecessary taxation takes money
!from business channels and is not re-
quired to protect the two million and a
half employed in manufacturing indus-
tries against the pauper labor of Europe.
He repudiates anyintention or desire to
raise an issue between free trade and
proteetion, believing a certain amount of
the latter to be conducive to the indus-
trial ' interests of the country. He re-
commends such a readjustment of the
tariff as will lower the revenue as well as
the tariff. This recommendation is of
importance to Canada assavell as to the
United States. If any Considerable low.
.eriug of the tariff be accomplished in the
United States, it is likely there would
arise a demand for the lowering of the
tariff in this country. The Conservatiye
party have never been advocates of a
high tariff for its own sake, and adopted
the national policy because of the high
United, States tariff. The Dominion
government would probably not be much
opposed to reciprocate in readjustment of
the tariff ; as they are and. have long been
professedly ready and 'willing to have re:
ciprocity of free trade with our neighbor
to the :south.
Landlords in Convention.
Dublin, Deo. 13. —The Duke of Aber -
corn presided at a conference of landlords
held here to -day and made a epeech in
which he condemned absenteeism. A,
delegation wasappointed to submit to the
government that the land -owners of Ire-
land are entitled to compensation for the
losses sustained through the action of the
government reducing rents to a greater
extent than was justified by economic
calves, in depriving land -owners of a re-
visionary interest in the occupancy of the
soil, in lessening the saleable and receivable
value Of 311dlelal rents, and in depriving
land -owners of the right to obtain the best
rent a solvent tenant was able to pay in the
open market The' delegation . will claim
that the land -owners areentitlecj to a direct
pecuniary grant to compensate them for the
losses and to indirect relief in the shape of
a grant to them of advances within limits
whieh would involve no risk to the govern-
ment. Compulsory recluetion of the inter-
est On mortgages they will insist is unjust
and impolitic as it is' impossible to distill-
guish.between mortgages and family charges.
Big Haul. by Burglars.
Norwood, Ont., Dec. 13.—The little town
wag astir with great excitement Saturday
morning. The post office had been entered
daring the night and burglars had made
away with the money found there. The
burglary occurred at about 3.30 o'clock.
Mr. Minaker, the undertaker, lives next
door to the post -office. At the hour men-
tioned Mrs. Minaker was startled at hearing
e loud report, and both she and her hus-
band hastened to see what caused it. Mr.
Minaker went out the back way and Mrs.
Minaker went to the front door. Mrs. Min -
akar was not long in finding out, that some-
was wrong in the post office. The
smell of burning cloth coupled with the
fact that two shoddy -looking characters
were in a rig up street driving away, tended
to confirm his suspicions. As they drove
off a, revolver was fired in the air, apparent-
ly for the puepose of searing purslicre,
shottld there he any. Mr. Mina rer went
into the post office and found it filled with
smoke. The burglars had wrapped the sate
tround with some webs of cotton, and these
were burning. Re quiffirly got the cloth off
the safe and conveyed it outside. Refound
that the safe door had been blown clean' off
its hin6s, and that the explosion had con-
siderably damaged other portion S of it. It
is said that dynamite was the explosive
used, but that s not definitely ascertaine(l.
.Mr. 01, B. Pearce, the post -master, Me 'W.
H. Mullins, the clerk, were called and ap-
prised or what had, occurred. Before long
the post office was beseiged with a elowd to
find out what Was the eetent of the damage
and lees. It Was found that the sum taken
was nearly $11,000 cash, and sesinps to the
value of $.200, end notes end securities
Teal Provincial Government has ap-
pointed a commission to make a thorough
enquiry into the conditions and workings
of the municipal system throughout Oa-
ten:). el The members a're Hon. T. W.
Anglin, chairman; Mr. E. F. B. John-
ston, deputy attorney general; and Mr.
Wm. Houston, Librarian of Parliament.
The Commissioners have already cons-
.menced their labors.
A Goo]) subject for a debating club
would be the question whether it would
not be wise, in the interests of the pub-
lic weal, to kill at once the English nat-
uralist who proposes to fetch over 2000
rabbits to British Columbia and let them'
loose there. Much evil 'would have been
prevented if the man who brought over
the English sparrows had died suddenly
before he had carried his plan into exes
cut ion.
A luEETneo a County Court Judges
was held in. Toronto last Friday, when it
was decided to petition the Government
for an increase in salary. The Judges
have good grounds for asking for an in
crease. When the ,great majority of them
were appointed their duties were hardly
half of what theyare now. Scarcely a
session of the Legislature passes that does
not add to the judical duties of the Coun-
ty Judges, no provisions being made for
additional renumeration.
DIt. HARRISON, Minister of Agriculture
for Manitoba, who is at present in this
province, cleims that the Province of
Manitoba, which, four years ago, scarcely
raised enough wheat for home consump-
tion, will this yeer export twelve million
bushels, besides large quantities of
barley, potatoes and hog products. He
has hopes of the future of Manitoba and
the North-west as producers of wheat for
export and thinks that within Eve years
they will have quite eclipiecl the Eastern
provinces in this respect.
Careless legislation is not rare. Here
is a sample from Manitoba which certain-
ly ranks among curiosities of law making:
"No person catching any animal that has
been advertised by the owner as lost or
strayed. shall be liable to fine or imprison-
ment unless he shall establish to the satis-
faction of the court thathetookimmediate
and proper measures to infom the owner
of the animal of its having been caught."
So that a man charged with detaining an.
animal escapes punishment if he abstains
from proving that he tried to restore the
beast. It is fortunate that the laws of
the Manitobans are not unalterable.
THE election petition againstthe return
of Sir John A.. McDonald as member for
Kingston was abandoned Thursday morn-
ing and the Liberals will meet the costs.
The Judge said the election was an excep-
tionally pure one ; that both parties act-
ed nobly. and that some disreputable char-
. adore had endeavored to sell their fran-
chise, but he did not think that they were
successful. The County Attorney was
• advised to prosecute Dougherty and
Smith (who claimed to have been bribed,
and then, for a reward, turned Reform-
ers)for perjuryand obtaining money un-
der false pretences. It is said now that
Sir John will resign. Carleton and sit for
THE Fisheries Commissioners, after a
few hours' session on Friday, adjourned
till Wednesday, Jan. 4,1888. Mr. Cham-
berlain will leave Washington on Mon-
day, Dec. 19, for Ottawa, where he will
visit Lord Landsdowne during the holi-
day recess, It is believed that the tiihry
ConnniSsion have given. IT all hope of
formulating a general treaty end that the
most they hope to accomplish is an agree-
ment in a protocol defining anew the
meaning of certain clauses of the treaty
of 1818, such as thosO relating to bait, to
repairs and refreshments, and to the
transhipment in bond across Canada of
American fiele It is understood that
such a protocol, if it is agreed upon, will
be trieFely explanatory of the old treety
and will not have to be sent to the sen-
ate for action, but if acceptable to the
state department, will provide a mode of
action for the future. The long recess, it
is understood, was taken at the instance
of Mr. Chamberlain, who found it none-
eary to send his commonication to the
British foreign office by mat and to await
further suggestions by mail. The uncer-
tainty of an agreement involving com-
mercial privileges being reeognized by
coneri•ess, evetif a treaty SilOnld, be ratified
by the senate, has been Made clear to
Mr. Chamberlain by the status of the
reciproeity treaty with Mexieo which the
house of representatives has refused to
minting to over 810,000, The registered
otters were alto taket,
Latefet BeeSter Locals.
The inclinations are thet we will leave a
greee Christmas.
Iliere will bee eheoting ,nustch at Central
hotel to -day.
At a meeting of the village council held
last eight, the cow bylaw was pa.ssed Lt
provides that the cows shall not be allowed
to run at large from the Ist (lay of August
to the let of November, from the hours of
8 seelock in the eyenieg till 6 o'clock in the
o pied at tbe family residence Exeter, this
- (Thursday) morning, James Easterhroo,
y aged 82 years. Deceased %yes an old rein-
() deet of this \unsay having farmed in Us -
0 borne township prior to his moviug ,nto
, Exeter some eighteen or twenty years ago.
a Infirmity cause of death. Funeral Monday
- next at two o'clock a.m.
s Keys. --In stepheu on the 911.1 Moe, the
.. wite of Thoe. Keys, jr., of a daughter.
Ilowinp.—Iu Exeter, on the Ilth inst., me
wife of E. Howard, of it son.
i 3. K. Stewart (Liberal) who opposed Sir
John Macclouald in Carleton saye he will
3 i
, not TOO again.
A. cablegram from Rome announces that
., Bev. Th.'s. McGovettt, Rector of St. Joseph's
Church Danville Pa t has been appointed to
.,, : , 4,
the See of Harrisburg, to succeed the late
: Bishop 8hanahan.
3 WitireenoTTou—LeNE.—At the residence oz
Mr. Win. Garner, 867 Colborne street, Lon-
don; by the Rev. W. Goodwin, on the ath
• inst., George W. Winterbottom, of London
to Frances A.. Lyne, of Exeter,
, SATURARAS—TowNsExP.—Onthe 30th of Nov.,
by the Bev. H, E. Hill, at the residence of
; the bride'e pareuts, Mr Andrew Sarararas
of 'Blenheim tp, to Miss Alice, daughter of
Mr. Win. Townsend, of Goderice township.
Ssuret—BensinErT—At flensall, on the 9th
, inst., Henry Smith, to Miss Kate Bernheft,
both of Orediton.
aloeenT—Fosienn--On the 7th of Deo., at the
residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. :
John Campbell, Mr. John Morley, to Miss
Rebecca J. Foster, daughter of Mr. Thos.
Foster, all of Blanshard.
Wein—Krim—At the residence of the bride's ,
father by Bev. I. Charlton, Mr. Joseph A. '
Weir, of Nissouri,to Miss Rachael daughter
Of Mr. Alex Kirk, of Kiricton.
IITSBT--GiBioEn—At the residence of Mr.
Jacob ,Ruby, Bronson Line, Hay, on the s
13th inst., by Rev. .T. W. Ortrwein of j
Dashwood, Mr, John H. Ruby of Hay t'p
to Miss Adeline E, daughter OE Rem. Peter
Geiger of Berlin, Out
Wzmas----At Luau, on Doc. 7th, Thos. Willis, a
in his 63rd year. B
HAany,—On die Brd inst., of inflammation .
of the brain, in the 32ud year of his age. t
Charles Hardy, second son of Mr. Charles
Hardy, formerly of WestNissouri, and now ,
of Brooke, Lambtoia county. P
Mr. Jos. Proctor, of Goderich town-
ship, rented his term on the Huron 1
Road, consisting 01 120 acres, to the i
McLeod Bros, for a term of 7 years, at a n
rental of about $300 a year. tl
The cow question will be an inapor.
tent factor in the forthcoming municipal
election in St. Marys. Meetings have
already been held in several of the 1
wards, and men will be placed in the J
field pledged to repeal the obnoxious 1,
cow by-law. Dr. Mathieson's name has ti
been dropped from the list ofcandidates t,
for the office of Mayor, and that or Mr "
Kelley inserted. If the cow mgn split i
their vote between Stanley and Kelley, 1
Mr. Rupert (anti -cow) will probably poll ,T
a plurality of votes. It is a little early .?)
to say definitabqust who will go to the a,
polls, but that there will be a big fight ti
between the cow and anti -cow factions
appears to be a foregone fact. it
Interesting Items. al
•arOLING MEN Suffering from the effects of
.L early evil habits, the result of ignorance or
folly, find themselves
who weak, nervous, and
exhausted; also Minnws AGM) and. Orm Mart,
who ar e broken down from the effects of abuse
or over -work, and in advanced life feel the
consequences of youthful excess, send for and
BEAD WI. Ir. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of
Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad- T
dress on receipt of two se. stomps. Address al
M. V.I.13130N,47 Wellingten St. E. Toronto. 01
alin.13th.1887. 1—v. cc
ADVICE TO MOTHERS.—ATO yoe disturbed at le
night and broken ofyour restby a sick child a
suffering and crying with nein of Cuttine al
Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of di
"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing•Syrup" for children 8,3
Teething. Its value is Incalculable. It will to
relieve the poor little sufferer immediately ei
benend upon if, snotheis • there is uo mistake
about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, ie
regulates the stoinaen and Bowels, cures Wind
Colic, sof tees the Gum Inflammation,
e,reduce a
and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children hi
teething ismeasaut to the taste and is the
prescription of one of the oldest and bes
female physicians and nurses in the 'United
States, and is for sale by all druggists through-
out the world, Priem twenty-five cents a bot-
tle. Be sure and ask for "Mae. Vmsnow's
leeeirrana S'euriP "and take no other kiwi.
I ......4 premises of the undersigned, lot 10, w
South Boundary, Hay, on or about tho 81st of y
Arigast, a heifer coming two years old. Any* 's
person provingproperty and paying expenses
may take the animal away- in
Sarepia P.O. il
M 'Ip remises of the undereigned, lot 25, con 4.
Ersborne, on or about the let December, five
yearlings. Any person peeving Monody, and
paying expenses may take the anhutils away.
Exeter P.O.
,...pyeraises of the undersigned, lot 15, North
Boutday Stephen, a yearling heifer. Any
person proving property and paying expenses
maytake the animal away, ,TOEN f.00E.D
A 5feeting of tho electors will be hold in the
l'Own Hall, (teeter, on &fondly, December Zth Va
the hour of 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose
if nominating a reeve, deputy reeve and three
3ounci11ore to serve as members of the Mitnici-
eal council of,Exeter, for the year 1888, and if
i poll be demanded.the sante will be opened
zt the different polling sub -div aliens 0/. ll.E011- To
lay, Jaimary 2nd, beginning at 9 o'clock, A..M•,
Lud closing at 5 o'clook,p. in. All parties in -
:crested win take due notice hereof and goy- r.
nei themeolves accordinglY.
i'xotor,Dee .10511' '87 Returning Officer. Ta
A meetieg of the electors will he 'held in the
Town Hall, Elimville on Mon dri,y, Deconibe "26th
at the himrs of 10 u,,re., and 10 o'cieet: nom). for
the purpoSo of nominating a reeve ,
and four councillors to eery° as inemhore
of the Mtiuioipai 0000e,I of tisborne, for the
year 1See, eanl ehould a poll be demanded the
llama will be °tamed at the 4illorent oirti
- ivisione on Monday, January end, bee -
ghillie& at 0 o'clock. A.M., and eloeing at 5
o'clock, p. ro, All puttee i»torested win take
due Dottee hereof and govern thernselvee
F.11friville, Doe, 10th,"87, Retnening ()Moor
' Mier
Tbis powder never varies. A marvel of pur-
ity, strength and wholesomeness. &Tore econo-
/Moat than the ordinary klude and eapent be
sold in competition with the multitudes of low
tests, short weight, alum orphosphate powders.
Sold only ie ear 0 YA L T3 AXING WDEle
00., 106 Wall street N. Y
Sale Register.
ATURDAY, DEO. I7T11.—Farm Stock, lin.
plensents, Sac., the property of James
Bell, Lot 15, Con. 8, Hibbert. Sale
at one o'clock. JAS. OKE, Ano, Dan. 28mn.—Farm Stock,
Implemen ts, Sm., the proporty of 13 ar-
ris 456 Armstrong, Lot 33, Con. 1, Us -
borne. Sale at one o'clock.
• JAS. OKE, Atm.
DEo. .1.6ra..—tearm Stock-, Imple-
ments, Sse., the property of William
Anderson, Lot IC, Con. 2, Stephen,
Sale at I o'clock. H. EMBER, Auo.
ATURDAr—DEc. 17th.-• -Farm Stock and
Impliments etc, a joint sale at
Farquhar. IL Brown, Auc.
Parties getting their sale bills printed
t this office will receive a notice sinai-
ar to the above free of charge.
A sure sign of rain or that you require
dose or two of Dr. Carson's Stomach
litters. Pains in the back and linabt,
eadache, feverish cold, oft reouring
ttacks of the ',blues." Large bottles
0 cents.
trayed into the premises of the
undersigned about the first of October, 4
Ives, The owner may. have the same by
roving property audynurgreexpo.
• Eirktou, Ont,
Quarter section of North West Land,
ear Virden. 180
tree from 'Hargrave Stations,Manitobs,
As,:iiaxyinfrom Virden,
STRAY.—Came int3 the premi •
sos of the subscriber on or about the lst
v., a red and white heifer one year old past.
he owuer is requested. to -Day expenses and take
e aninusi away trona lot 9, eon. 10, 'Tar.
ay. Nov. 21st 1837 .--4t.
---G TO ---
11-1- 13E.A.111rTIM az CO'S.
Where you will fincl carpets of all makes aud qualities and
at the lowest cash prices.
Hemp Carpets, Union Carpets, All -wool Carpets, Tapestry
Carpets, Balmoral Carpets, Brussels Carpets,
Anglo-wilton Carpets, (borders to match.)
Don't fail to visit the Mammoth Carpet House of the W(Ost.
Thos. Beattie (S& o's
176 & 178 DUNDA S -STREET (East of Richmond-st.
To now premises West side Main -street
One Door South
of Post Office
Where he will be found with
Sioolt ofBools hoo:
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
JOIEN 1311...A.V.TZT,
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
A Gomplete Stook of Robes & Trimmings
Always on hand.
My Stock of Furniture is un-
Parties having claims against the Late
ohn Link, of the Village of Exeter, in the
unty of ..11uron, labourer are hereby notified
p,t a statetaent of such claims properly •
testedand giving fall particulars of the us -
re of the seeurity held if any mustbe filed
kb either of theust be addressed to ThessRussen Exeter P. 0
undersigned executors or
registered letter, postage prepaid on or before St CO in
e first day of January A, 'D., 1888, as only
ch.elairns as are then in the final distribution
d settlement of the estate and effects of the
id deceased.
SAMUEL LINK, 5 Executors.
Dated at Exeter this 251h day of Nov.18137,
A. meeting of the electoes will be held in the
own Hall, Zurich, on Monday, December 26th
She hoer of 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose
nominating a reeve, deputy reeve and three
uncillors to serve as members of the 51unici-
1 council ofitay, for the year188S, and elacrald
poll be demanded the same will be opened
tlie different polling sub-dtyision on Mon
y, January 2nd, beginning at o' clock, A,51.,
d closing at 5 o'clock, p. ni. All parties ine
tested will take due notice hereof and goy -
m themselves actordingly.
ay, Doc. 2nd, '87. Returning Officer,
G R . p .10
J. W. BENGOUGH, Artist and Editor.
$2 a Year; $i (�r 6 Months.
GRIP is increasing in influence and popularity
ery year ! It is a supreme household favorite,
ile every Politician and Professional and Business
nn enjoys the clever hiM which appear in every
e. Subscribe now!
See our Premium and Clubbing List. Circulars giv-
g full particulars sent free.
Viflook out for Grip's Gothic Almanac for
88. Trice 10 cents.
P?n7177'0, ONT.
et the est
Eels, Improve d I Illuetrated Articles I
if the new el Pop utarleopertneentst
Dome Rea.ding 1 12 Pages Regularly
Balance of 1887 Free.
all 110W subscribing for the year 1E588, at the
low priee of
imago's and other SOVITIons 1
Excellent Musical:Selections-1
Sunc..ay fichonl Lessons 1
A limited number of this beautiful prenntan
plater° is offered eubscribers for
to omits extra,.
Westorn Adysrtisor aud Premium for 81,10.
agents wanted everywhere. Twenty-five val-
uable prizes to he awarded over and above the
efteh commission to the most succastlittl agents.
/ingi stood letters corno at our rislc. Per free)
sample papers tonne to agents, etc., address,
Men's Overcoats $5.00
" Felt Boots $2.15
Best Raisins
25 lbs. Rice -
A No. 1, Cutter Robe -
Salesmen Wanted.
To canvass fOW nursery stoek. Steady um
ploymentto goodmoa, Salary and expense
Paid, Apply at once, stating ago.
Ready for use in any quantity. For
snaking Soap, aeoftening Water, Mein-.
fecting,and a hundred other uses, A
ean equals go pounds Sal Soda,
Sold by all Grocers and Druggists,
Lots, Lots, Lots.
500 Village Lots
For sale at Reasonable Prices.
Situation good ; fronting good
wide streets; also a number of
Parties desiring Land or
Houses would do well to con-
sult the undersigned,
Terms to suit purchaser.
A. full stock of all kinds of
3 lb. 25otsi
$1.001 Dye -stuffs and package
$7 net Dyes, constantly on
At Dulmage s,
When you are in ask the price of
our Galt Cross -cut saws, Over-
shoes, &c., &c.
Farm for Sale I.
A. first-class farm, containing 100 acres, situ-
ated neat Brucefield, for sale, Good buildings.
two wells, splendid orchard, good bush, first -
°lass grtivel roads in all directions. Six miles
frost Clinton or Seaforth, For Rill particulars
apply to Elliot& Elliot, Barristers. &c., Exe-
ter, Ont., or to
ErueefieId P. 0.
Sept, Ii3t-2-m,
VA.R11/1 FOR. SALE. ---The under.
signedeffers for sale his farm, being lot
14, con. 6; township of T1 shortie, two, miles and.
a half from Exeter 100 mores, about 85 acres
cleared and ih first clues state of cultivation,
the remainder bush. in which there is some
very valuable oak ancl blaek ash rail tinabor ;
the twin is also well fenced and clrainett ;
there aro upon the premises, a, first elites brick
dwelling house, with first class collars, two
good barn; two never failing springs and one
first-classorchard. For particular, ripply on
tb e promises, to 111051AS SHUTE,
• IiIxornir.P. 0 ONT,
A THE Township of Hay, for sale. It con-
tains 100 acres more OT less, bningthe west half
of Lots No. 21 and 22, Zurieh gravelroad. Good
frairte buildings on prom 180A, and ail convon
fences ; large orchard of fruit bearing trees,
The hind is of good quality liehig clay loam.
Good water. Two and miles from Hen.
Sall market. 'Phe peoporty free from all ineum-
brances. Reasons for selnug:—Going north to
Procure more land. Will eell With or witheat
clone, Per further particulars apply to thioffioa or toe
Hee sail. P. 0. Ott.
Farm & Village Property
ItThe 'Undersigned effere for ElaloSfrrsth laklf of
ot 0, Coe.13, MeGillivray, containing 50 acres,
I cleared, the balanee hardwood bush.
There is a good frnme house, geed barn and
stabling, good bearing orchard, na' plentiful
supply of good water on the farm, eonvenient
to school arld churches. Also yillage property
eomprisineeLota, ritaaboth Street ,in the Vil
lege of Exeter, with nood frame Iloilo and -
collar, good stAlo, good well with putnp, also
a quantity of ell oico fruit trees on the prorni-
eft 1 or further particulars apply to
hand. Win an's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeter
500 TEE
Butter Wanted
037. atiles ri,
Our Stook is Well Assorted
16 lbs. sugar 5eL 00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1
We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c
to 75a. per lb.
Boots & Shoos (All Styles) at Low MORS
A. nicely assortstock of
FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes
(Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal.
ts--eses A Mee Tea Sett of 41 Pieces, $2,75.
A good suit of ready-made elOthieg ;for $6.
Ordered suits got up in Good. Style.
Our Dr essOood are marked down to
the Lowest IVotoh.
A Homo and Lot, also a harm for Sale,
Apply to