HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-07-12, Page 10.,„.. ,._ 4 r 77, f PAGE 1,0—CLINTON NEWS' -i CORD, T)E L.ASDAY, NLY 12, 1979 err,. • Open ceremonies held 3 People proud of new arena The kick-off event in aAt 2:30 p. m. on weekend of `happenings' .Satufrday residents .and to celebrate the long- guests gathered in --front awaited opening of the '40f thq. Community Centre new Bayfield .Arena took place in the Community Centre on 1~ ri.day night. The Centre is .a -major feature of the n.ew• complex and Kathleen _ Siert-sema describes preparations for the occasion as follows—.... 'Last Tuesday, night the kitchen in the community centre was a hive of activity as the Lioness moved and washed hundreds of dishes before putting them into the spanking -new cupb.eards. Thursday saw more action with tables and chairs being gathered from various places where they , had been stored during the reconstruction. By Friday night, sur- prisingly everything was set and ready for the dance, everything fresh and clean and even a lovely bouquet of flowers was in place, the gift of the . c.ontractor John Refflinghaus to welcome. 197 people 'who came to enjoy themselves to the music of the Star-Trex,. "Even 'though we know _a few things will be done differently for the next dance, it was heard being said by many `It is like being home again'. "Topping' off' the evening was a draw for a picnic table, .donated -by Dick Moore and won by John Siertsema, former Doug Telford. Reeve. Ed Oddliefson and "A delicious. lunch was clerk -treasurer Gordon served by the Ladies Graham for the many Auxiliary to the Scout , hours they have devoted -groups, whom the Guides to the project. He thanked had assisted in preparing the Lions and the Lioness and the Lioness mem- in particulars' Steve burs. ,.. - _. • Blaney, manager of. «'Thanks to all involved Kieinfeldts, engineering° for a great community _consultants, John Ref- effort." flinghaus the contractor Bayfield Reeve Frank and the donors, of McFadden expressed the generous gifts of money, thanks of the village to commercial, industrial Sohn..... *S iertsema, and private. for the official opening of the rebuilt recreational ' facility. with Reeve Frank McFadden officiating. He reviewed ' the colorful history of the arena from its beginning. University Hospital in in the early 1950's when- London: "T mown hip and -Bayfietd. the Lions Club was in- Finally, John Siert- The hamburg cookout> was won by Grant Stirling of Goderich Township, the golf putt by Harold Lobb of Clinton, hot dog eating by Don Warner of Bayfield, balloon toss by Paul Steckle: A ball game followed in which the Bayfield Babes beat the Good -times 10-3. .A.. The final event took place on Sunday morning - a pancake breakfast at Clan Gregor Square. The maple syrup collected by volunteers from Bayfield's beautiful maples flowed in endless quantities and many hungry residents Township , and Harold 'Lobb; Mayor of Clinton brought .greetings and congratulations. • Paul Steckle brought greetings from Stanley Township. Mr. John Tinney, Warden of Huron County ' was unable to attend„as he is at present a patient in invited to dedicate -the new complex. -Following` .the• dedication, a program of, summer ° fun Olympics. was carried' -out on 'the fairgrounds. Contestants were elected officials from Clinton, Goderich, Stanley Township, Zurich, Goderich strumental« in . building with voluntary labour, the original structure composed of two ad- joining units with a dirt floor and natural ice on 'ground provided by the Agricultural Society. In 1967 Centennial grants were made to various municipalities which enabled Bayfield to add 40 feet to the building. This time - a contractor did the job. Stanley a Township donated part of its Centennial grant toward this new addition. Later a group, under the leadership of Merton Merner raised funds to install artificial ice and enlarge it with yet another 30' x 60' addition which became the Community Centre. In the present renovation the Centre "has , been enlarged again. Mr. McFadden em- phasized that many people were owed a great debt of gratitude for the reality of the new arena, but singled out chairman sema, chairsma-n-of the Bayfield Community Centre was called upon to speak as the Reeve praised him for his dedication, drive, initiative, and example, "as a result of which we now' have this beautiful recreational complex *for the use- of the people of this village and surrounding areas." Mr. Riddell' was then called upon' to perform the ceremony of unveiling the plaque which bears dates and the names of the Community Centre Board and the. Village council. It is = mounted -inside.the entrance and a representative unveiling was performed by the Provincial Member. • A 'rubbing on plywood, mounted on an easel was uncovered. in its place.: The • Rev. George Youmatoff was • then gathered under these same maples in gorgeous weather all. throughthe morning. It was obvious that another spurt would be. given to the ther- mometer across the way, from the proceeds of this undertaking. The moment bf truth came when the curtain was raised by members of the Blayfield Lioness Club and the politicians -behind the legs were revealed. Although still trying to hide their identity, the area politicians include left to right: Clinton Mayor Harold Lobb; Stanley's Deputy Reeve, and winner of the contest, Paul Steckle; Rayfield Reeve Frank McFadden and Goderich Township's Reeve Grant Stirling. MPP Jack Riddell and MP 'Bob McKinley had the hilarious task of judging the best legs at the Bayfield arena opening celebration- s.(News-Record photo) Round and about the village On Thursday, Mr. and *Mrs. William ;Clarke had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. William McQuay ,of Collingwood. Weekend guests of the Clarkes ' were their daughter Janis Clarke of Stayner a.nd : their granddaughter Marina Stock of Stratford. Joining them on Sun- day for a family reunion were Mr: and Mrs. James ".Stock, Leo, Joe, Sheilah, Joan and Julie Jean of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Clarke of Arva and their children, Rob, Kim, Randy and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Clarke of London with their children Kathi, Lori, and William Jr. and -Mr. and Mrs. Steven Clarke and daughter Angie of Goderich. Jaco-b and Mince Heindsinger of Arva were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. Bill and Vina Parker Jowett s Gro v rep ea ts history by Ethel Poth The old adage "History repeats itself" is true these years Ti the Jowett Cottage area. - • Before the turn of the centurythis section north of Bayfield River and along the -lake bank was, known during' the, sum- mer as the White City, due to the collections of tents from. Clinton, Seaforth, . Stratford and other nearby places - the various "encampments" and • - . even fifth. generations. For some years, Nan -(McTaggart) Allen had - an annual get-together in the cottage which she and her daughter, Mary Blaine White and family occupied- .:. and mar- shmallow, " weiner and corn roasts on the beach have continued the tradition. Last July, Edward and Hilda_Pongracz. had `thee--. gathering of the clans" on Master—„-,,o.f . -:as.-the•. -.we"re-cal lett A:had-. n�.._� r.., :.� r -. -f- .�:- : - - a � � a the Tawn t'their cottage. munity Centre Board for his- dedication to a dif- ficult task and presented him with a portable TV. Kathleen's 'long- suffering' was rewarded, though far from adequately, with one dozen, beautiful long- stem'edtred roses. Weather favoured the planned events and on Saturday .-...morning the Curling Club held a most successful auction sale in Clan Gregor Square. The Arena Building Fund Thermometer across the square will ,show a considerable spurt as a result of this event, for proceeds were donated to the fund - about $1,000. Ceremonies• then- called merry time together. Then William Jowett began building g cotta es time out of their busy for those who were not schedules to assist in the .-quite in love with tenting, opening ceremony. until there was a row The minister of culture from the Picnic Grov - up and ' recreation, the to the Bayfield side `dad Honorable Reuben C. on the north side of which Baetz was unable to was. . the Deer -Lodge attend due to previous group. commitments. The Reeve The descendants of the acj nowledged the very early McTaggart considerable con - families of Clinton} haye tributions made through been joined throughout his ministry's Wintario the years by the and Community Centres Camerons, . Hughes, grants. Pongraczs, MacKenzies, Foystons, Haymans, Lareaus, Gmeiners, Pyes, Coxes, Oakes and, others, most of whom are now in their third, fourth No. 17 where there was on the guest speakers and much reminiscing among .thanked them for taking the families. This past Saturday, July 7, Broder Allen (Nan's son) and wife; Diane, assisted by relatives and friends, entertained 70 adults and 50 children, most of whom were McTaggart descendants back for a summer vacation at their cottage No. 16. • For a couple of hours Janet Allen kept the children busy with . candy, Robert E. McKinley, M.P. for. Huron -Bruce, Jack Riddell, MPP for Huron -Middlesex, Grant Stirling, Reeve, Goderich 1-' 17 treasure- and scavenger hunts_ and later an ob- stacle race was organized. Children were seen and heard in every direction and one guest was overheard to corn-. ment "It certainly does not appear as,.t;hough this,, group is dying out.'' The main item on the Menu was a 100 pound hip of beef, barbecued all day long by Bill Crawford of RR2• -Clint-an whit h veryone-p.rono la9Sc simply "Super", , with buns and a sa-lad bar. Jack Hughes' delicious shortbread and the ge.nerous portions of watermelon, made. it a meal long to be remembered. And the weatherman co-operated to make it a --perfect. evening. Guests from area nearby were Mr. and Mrs. Willie Bunn and family; Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hiltz and children of Clinton; Mr.' and Mrs. Don White and daughter Cathy of Goderich; Mrs.. White, being the formes- Mary Blaine Allen whose summer had been spent at the Grove for many years and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'McTaggart of Toronto. attended the Herbert- Urquhart family picnic in Mitchell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs: Don Lance entertained for their son Christopher and his wife Rosemary at a garden tea- on Sunday afternoon. Their `. son Justin and his wife Mary were also present. All are residents of -{Royal Oak,. Michigan. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Armstrong were. in London on Saturday attending the LeRue- Houghton wedding. Lorraine York, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. York has been awarded two scholar- . ships at McMaster University where she,is, a student. The are the Cranston'Sch91arship and the Dr. John A. Pylypiuk scholarship. Lorraine will begin her third year pt the University this fall. She was the recipient of , an Imperial Oil Higher Education award upon entering the University and also the Cranston scholarship. • Jim and Doris Red- doth, . who are visiting their sons in Whitehorse and Calgary,'were ob- served byt several villagers on 'the CBC ...:news on Saturday evening when they were attending- the Calgary' Stampede. 1 The- Lioness will be holding a bake sale at Homestead tamp on Saturday, July 14th all baking to be at Fern Baker's or Lulu .Scot= chmer's. the night before or before 9:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. The Lioness will be holding their usual bingo on Friday, evening but this time it will be held in the new Community Centre rather than in the old town hall as previously. Rob Siertsema of Bayfield, right, received the award for being the top student from Bayfield at the recent graduation exercises at. Huron Centennial Public School.(School photo) utdoor theatre in park On Wednesday, July 18th at 7 p.m. the Prodigal Players will present an noutdoor theatre program in Pioneer Park in Bayfield. The age-old custom of travelling players per- forming er- forming on--�,,a�. mobile stage lives again. The Prodigal Players are Ontario's --only' travelling theatre troupe with its own portable stage, complete with lightsi soundreostumes, sets and make-up. 9. The meeting was held The Players are a group of ten dedicated vel-unteers.. committed to .breathing new life into these old, medieval - traditions. Clowns ..and laughter, parables and a light-hearted look at human foibles, social drama and some serious thinking about the human condition, the show ranges ...°front ...farce- to The idea has been a year in the making, and it reflects the belief of the players that a meaningful theatre program can be of excellent quality and also survive on a voluntary basis. The Gardeners learn variety of tips by Dorothy Hovey A large number of Bayfield Garden Club members spent a profitable evening together on Monday, July in the town hall which had been decorated in an interesting fashion with flowers, , herbs and v,egetables by the president,. Mrs. Doris Hunter. A panel of four local specialists 'introduced by th,e Rev. George Youmatoff was on hand to answer questions regarding the ' many serious theatre and ap- ' aspects of gai'rdening. f, 'iis They were Mrs, Leda The 'Players bring wide McAllister, interested in experience in theatre, organic gardening; Mrs. comedy, mime and rnulic 3atk Beattie, roses; Col. to the stage. They area .c. Curtis; vegetables; under the direction of and Mrs; H,a rod Mrs. Joyce Eagle, a well- Beakhust, gardening in known teacher of theatre... general. 'artj in Tor_'ontbr. '' .-Some of the topics Th roe shout Sul r -- lid "' .. c h Y dr5cu'sScd include,! August they will , cross composting, 'weeds in and re -cross Ontario, gardens and lawns, im- staging their unique show proving :soil ttuality., in villages and in the • poony.. cultism, frttrt tree inhrt ( sty. proble'ti sdthe, t;ontr'ol of moles, aphids and ear- wigs, the care of roses and companion planting. Col. Curtis recbm- mertded a number of booklets prepared • by the ministry of agriculture which are available at the Clinton office. Mr. Herb Beatty ex- pressed the appreciation of the audience to the members of the panel-. During the business period, minutes were. read by Mrs. Ruth Bamford and ' the treasurer's report by Miss „ Kay Reid, while Mrs. Helen Owen -reported that ''the recently -formed club has , 126 Members. .. Mrs. .. Lois . Lance described the plantipg which already has been, acccrrnplished and;asked for volunteers to carry on this work, At tht?.conrlusion of the meeting refreshments were se ved by Mrs i . A. lift aid Mrs. Grace ratter. players receive no fun- ding except ticket - receipts and donations. A collection will be taken up at the Pioneer Park. The time is Wed- nesday, July 18th at 7 p.m. Please put it on your calendar to come and enjoy this•rrew venture. SCILQQJ at-nQx Vacation Bible,* School • is to be held at i.n*X` Presbyterian Church- corn,rnencing July 17th. Tuesdays, Wednegdays and Thursdays from 9; 90- 11:30 a.m. All children ages 742 welcome., Worship Services are held each Sunday'' coin-, meneing at 11 a,zr. i« Vi Ron and at • 'Harris from Philadelphia, P.A. • in charge. Special music. this_ Sunday will be by Linda Harris, harpist and by the 'Hawkins family. from Woodstock. Ever Youngs ts_ year he Ever Young Club hel its final meeting un 1 F..-• September in Harbour Park in Goderich,and each member wastreated to a Kentucky `Fried Chicken dinner. Forty-seven members attended the meeting, when president; Pert Johnston was in the chair and interesting reports of recent trips were given by two Members. Kathleen Hill told of her trip to England and Dorothy Weston described her experience in Poland. New officers were installed by Harry Baker as follows: past president, Perc John- stor;. .president,. Len Carter; secretary, Vina Parker; treasurer, Dorothy Cox; press secretary, Esther. • Makins. NEW LOCATION for BINGO FRIDAY JULY 13 8 P.M. BAYFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE ': ,n , .A.C.E.S. WEEKLY CAMP' DATE: July 9 to 12 AGE: -)11 to 15 years LOCATION: Point Farms Provincial Park DATE: July 23 to 26th AGE: 8 to 11 years LOCATION: Parkhill Conservation Area DATE: July 31 to August 1 AGE: 5 to 8 years LOCATION: Point Farms Provincial Park DATE: August 13 to 16 AGE:11 to 15 years LOCATION: Parkhill Conservation Area DATE: August 20 to 23 AGE: 8 to 11 years LOCATION: Poiht Farms Provincial Park Contact:. Pauline Hill, 524-7356 Sponsored by the F.A.C.E.S. of Huron County Install Gabions for erosion c ntrol: Save your valuab - lake lot anti beach. Forlree estimates, call yra nd Construction