HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-07-12, Page 8YE 60% IbI *--1 In stores with Deli Shop! PACx,E 8 .-:-.CLINTON NEWSr.RECORD, TH S TVIushigs from Middleton By • Blanehe Deeves Ct urch news 'Morning prayer was held in St. James Mid- dleton at 11:15 a.nn.., Mrs.. Sarah Storey read the-' lesson, Edward..Wis.e and Edward peeves receiving the offering, The se.rinon , Was. f "Humour in Religion", with Rev. Wm. Bennett.in, charge of the service. Upcoming!! • The Prodigal' `Players, a travelling theatre troupe presenting. drama, , children's theatre, parables, . on an, outdoor, mobile -..stagewill- be- - at -- Pioneer • Park on Wed- nesday July T8 at 7:30 • p.m. presented by the "Un'ited— " Church, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches of Bayfield. Prodigal Players,. Outdoor theatre in Ontario this summer! ' Don't take the audience to a show. Take the show to the audience! The age old custom of travelling, players performing on a mobile stage lives again. The Prodigal Players are Ontario's only travelling theatre troupe with its own portable stage, complete with lights, sound, costumes, sets and makeup. ,The Prodigal Players, a group of ten dedicated volunteers, ere .com- mitted to Breathing New Life, into thes,e old, 'Medieval traditions,. clowns and laughter, ` parables and a .light hearted look athuman foibles, social drama and some serious thinking .about the human ''con- dition. The show ranges from farce to serious theatre-, and appeals to everyone. The players bring wide experience intheatre, comedy, •mime'and music to the stage. They are under the direction of Mrs. Joyce Eagle, a well- knAwo ;.>;-eacher off theatre arts , . ; in : :Toronto. Throughout July and August they will •cross and recross Ontario staging their unique &how in tiny villages and in the `r`nner:city. idea' ---has -been---a- year in the making and it reflects the belief of the players that a meaningful theatre program can be of excellent quality and also survive on a volunteer basis. Unlike many theatre groups, the - prodigal players receive no funding except ticket receipts and donations. It is an old idea whose time has come again! 'Personals- . - Congratulations to Bayfield on theopening of their new arena.. Many from the area enjoyed the dance Friday evening in the new arena. -Everyone enjoyed the dancing to "Star Trek", and the delicious lunch served by the committee in charge. Mr. Gerard de Backer has been visiting with"Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brand and family and has returned - now to Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Bonneau and son and Mrs.. SophraIne Bonneau all of Comber, Ontario spent the past week with . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dupuis -- and family, Refugees arrive Six orphan refugees from Southeast Asia will arrive at homes in Huron County ' • on Friday, following a long trip across two .oceans and continents. One or -the teenaged children has been adopted by the Bill Schooderwoerd of RR 4, Clinton, while another will find a new home with the .Gilbert Brand family at RR 2, Bayfield. Two other children Will be going to Winghatin, while two others will be adoptedb Michael ae Y fi Moriarty . of g 2, Goderie' A sev' nth child arrived earlier i Stine. • .J i -4 Prices ;effective. ,thru. -Saturday, July °;1„th, 1979 • Sorrento }Feature21/... ;ft f the Cookware weak .414x35: $P4i• 1M'e resarve the rigktt to I m1i qtj ntities to normal. family ,requlrwr>rtlentst With Cover No oth4r purchase required ction Price-!. rearny CREAMED COTTAGE CHEESE; • YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P'S dairy & grocery products S).N.LY SAVE 40? Libby's, Fancy • ATO Our Regular Price .99c • M Sealtest. Smgoth & . Crearny, carton (Our Regular Price 2.09) Our Regular Price 1.05) SAVE 40( ,n Parchment Wrapped Action,. Priced! • York, "Smoothy" , Action Pricei Action . Pricel Mountain" Dew, Reg.' or Diet, plus 25c, btl., dep. ' returnable bottles ANN PAGE Salad Dresiing CARNATION, INSTANT` MASHED Potatoes. co.. N, AS'SOR1'ED VARIETIES Reil DREAD rN Cor (Prepriced.) KENT FROZEN CONCE ITRATf r 12 fl: ot. tip► ..T 444, SAVE 2OIb Cutfrom Canada Grade "AP Beef BLADE-I.-(HUCK SHORT RI OR SHOULDER ROASTS Our Regular Price Ib 2.08 You'll do better with A&P's Cut from Canada Grade 'A" Beef (Our Reg. Price lb 2.8$ Firsi.five- CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF -r- "GREAT ON THE B.B.Q." Prime Rib Steaks SWIFT OLD MILL Breakfast Sausages '"11.1g 'PREVIOUSLY FROZE SWIFT PREMIUM, "B.B.0. FAVOURITE" P®rH®cksWienersIb . 1-lbvac paci.49 TOW CLUB, SLICED ideBacon 1.lb 1.79 1 -LB VAC PAC ' SCHNEIDERS, ASSORTED VARIETIES T. • ota o' o r Macaroni Salad Shopsys.Ib 79? SHOPSYS, ROUNDS ()Red Salami ' 2.70 Corned Beef 16 3.99 4) - s SCHNEIDERS, BEEItiNpiT OR • FARMES CO1BY 'O- R.BRICK ‘•• SHOPSYS PSYS chneiderscneese1b 2.29 Buttons & Bows 1699r Action Price Ideal, Assorted Varieties, . Canned PREIVI 4+ .ACTION, PR'ICEf• MACCAIN, I R OZEN !1 SAVE 30r - Ann Page, Tomato , KETCHUP 2041 -oz bottle (Our Regular Price 1:0,9) tuhcheonMeati2-etztin1.1 Q l litrd ar.✓ . ,1d Lerviohcde "3for1OO ACTION, .y ASSORTED' VARIETIttS ... _' ACTION PRICK! 'FRICEI CARNATION 'FROZEN Bonus peck -4 -lb .r. l f? a f plus t.lb "FREE") • Y-I-oz'ar-,..V-F"I SaucesI d 9 175 g pkg foe w MY• h 12 f1 rw d N z I for 0 . tia sh Potatoes rowit, d hb pkg - RED ,, IioSE ,.REGI1 iAR OR <rLAVbu1t D WITH -K UIT ACTION P r E R I OCA Iced 4'.oz Cfrir Tea Mix:yM29 ►Z' 1 1~ AR ORANGE OR APPLE ACTION PRICE! e'48.11.0,21WI 9.,te LORETYA, ASSORTED VARIEVIES INCLUDING RED A 'Writ -kI EY 19•FL-OZ TIN CannedBeans 261.00 TEA BAI35 ACTION PRICEI Tetlev TTea pko bi 3d 1. WQ (DELUXE 1 S•OZ PKG 1.99) '(SUPREME -+- 17.0Z PKG 2:09) Pizza Regular--14•oz,pkg of,6-5" pies 1.79 FROZEN, LEMON CREAM OR COCONUT' CUSTARD 14.02 iliE Mrs. SPies 1 ..r. n., ' "NEW''`, INSTANT DECAFFEINATED COFIEE ACTIOIiiC (. MaxweIIHouse2,a*e OLD LONDON, AS$$. 1 ED PKO trl.iOO Melba Tos