The Exeter Times, 1887-12-15, Page 31- OUSEHOLD being much mere mcist than othere. Make the mixture jerit atiff ouough to mould, the goiter the better, The egg is itecti te bind *OtherleaSi WAS. the oroguettem together and may be omitted mixture holds. well Withont. In The other day at the dining table in a if the lake eteamer 1 chanced to it OPPOSIte young girl who, with cast-iron iudifference to the attention of obeervere, waif crying on a very open flirtation with the commer- cial traveller at her ide, "Poor girl " said my companion, "probably ehe has no =other." My own belief is that she has no brother. There are mothers silly enough to • white potato croctnettee the en gives a yel. km color which le not deeirahle, and in these the whiter' only Inv be need If a . lenge opoonful of elie mixture Is used for each the airs° evill be uniform, Roll lightly into shape and roll in (meeker erumbe, beaten egg and crumbe &gale, and fry in a frying basket in deep pot hot enough to brown bit of breed. While one COUnte 40. Cracker hitvior or even to smile complacently epou Meal maY be used tor these ar crackers ean eve nothing about their daughters nusbe- it, but',I never yet kuew of A brother who would not protest against the epectacle of his sister making, what in his honest, down- right phrase he would call, a complete feel of heraelf. A great deal of isentimeet has been written about a eister'e influence. Let us glance briefly at that equally admirable force, a brother's ifluence. The feet that is first to strike the disinter- ested observer of brothers, ies a class, is that le deeds no nonsense about them. They are meal is at ).and. ne WaCiteem Pis. ---Half (nip butter, l ' i cup sugar, I imp milk licup corn etaroh, li cup flour, h teaepoonfid. soda, li tesespoonful cream of tartar, venilla, whites of 6 eggs. Mix in the order given, and bake in Wash- ington pie platee. Coe pastry flour and sift the cream tartar and soda into it. The oorri starch makes the °eke more delicate than all flour. Cronin the butter with the hand or spoon, as preferred, warming the bowl a little at first, Add the sugar to the irementio apt to say what they think and be pounded and sifted at home if no cracker api co think in a Matter of feet way. No butter) bile granulated beteg used, as the comOiment can carrY quite as much value heavy, coarse granulated would rnslce the on the face of it as the compliment a rgan °eke tall' Add the milk' thou the neer end terch, and beat all or boy pays to his sister. Your father and hlg corn a ether. In beat - the boivi shoufffbe tipped up on lover or husband are naturally prone to ex- cake, aggerato your oharros, and a chance ao. wee side and the mixture beaten by istroltes quaintance may merely wish to make him. through it across the bowl ; that is, it must self agreeable, but a word of commendation be beaten and not stirred. Separate the from your brother meaue what he says, and Yell° and whites of the eggs and beat the batter to a etiff froth ; stir them into the Tio 001).nte3S of ealiebilq• Loveliest of all theme Warrior ladiee, and loveliest of all the stories of love and chSv- alry, is that of the beentiful Qeuntese of Sol. if3bur,y, She was beeleged by the Scots in the Catille of Wade -eller husband being awey on the Kin' 13 WiSre, AS we have soon. " From the eweetneee of her leek's and the chasm of beiug encouraged by eo beautiful a iady one man, in time of need, ought to he worth two, "says Froiseart. And apperent, ly he was. The Counteee was as a kind of goddese to the melt defending' her, and no one felt his service heavy or cared for his life other than as her ehield and buckler. When they wooded a trusty messenger to go to King Edward at Berwick, "not one would agree te quit the defenee ef the castle or of the beautiful Lady in order to convey the rneseage, and there was much trife among them." At heft Sir William Monts.- prohably means a great deal more, for the typical brother is chary of praise and given cake mixture eagl taut into the tins at once to bake. This will make two Pies. Wile° to under-statemene when expressing adinir- ation of his sister. So when your brother the cakes are baked, about 20 minutes in a tells you that your perfoemance is not half not very hot oven, turn out on a board ;put had, or that you look fair to middling, cm the whipped cream fillingeethipped with a e that your dress will do or that he is glad Dover egg beater, and between the cake that you know how to behave yourself, you on the top and serve. For the filling, n,ay be tolerably certain that in use one pint cream, whipped. Sweeten all theta points you are above and flavor. reproach. Also it must be consid- ered a mark of high appreciation for a man Slavery in Brasil. to tell him tall sister that he hates a dumpy The recent escape of several hundred woman, or hie short one that he can't bear slaves from plantations near. Santos, in te walk beside a giraffe, or his thin one that Brazil, by a concerted stampede for the it's opity saute fat girl of their acquaint- dense forests, illustrates an element in the i ance s as shapeless as a bag of salt, or his emancipation p-oblem which has perhaps hitherto not been much counted upon. Brit the incident is headly suprising. The moment that the government, under its revised emancipation law,doomed slavery imuebleness conveyed in the oft repeated to abolition at a date which could pietistic: words of that member of the family ally be determined by calculations upon iti who is said to be wedded to his sis- provisions, the Power and prestige of the ters, "Oh, don't bring out your writing to- institution were gone. The poesibility of night; this is the first long talk we've had saving it having perished, nobody Can have to-day."had very great interest in prolonging its . A brotherless girl may have a languid existence, except for the purpose of getting air, a simpering expression and the habit of the largest financial results out of it in the using long words where sheet ones would be interval, whether by earlier or later emend - better, but any one who on boast of from pation. But probably little account was two to eight brothers is sure to have her lit- taken of the fact that the troops and the tle affectations well weeded out. The girl policemen might hardly care to use extra Whose brother is one of her best friende will efforts to shoot down tugitives whose free- not,make eyes nor drawl, nor give her pho- doni at an early day had been publicly de- tograph to an acquaintance of yesterday, dared to be the empire's ahn and policy. nor answer advertisements whose object is This influence may have been visible in the "mutual improvement." She will under- comparative case with which the recent stand that there are some sorts of innocent escape was effected, although troops were sounding elang that ought never to be used, called out against the slaves, and there and she will remember that the women who seems to have been some exchange of shots. wish to retain the reverence of men should The full returns of the registry of slaves how little slang they can possibly in learn that men, good and bad alike, ordered under therecent law of ernancipa+ion e are not yet made known. But there is little doubt that their numbers have greatly de- ecicle i 'el,Png with and. not use a quarter of that. treat a silly woman civilly to her face and 'creased of latlie The two chief slavelaolding pronounce her an awful goose behind her provinces are Minas Geraes and Rio. The back • that nobody has a profound regard registry of 1872, which followed the first for awful geese except the men who marry „, great abolition act of the preceding year, them, and that even they—well, we ww. known as the Free Birth law, ?Amend an not go further into the subject, but at any aggregate of 712,475 slaves in these two rate they find out a. great deal of which the provinces. According to the British Gomel brotherless girl knows nothing at all. at Rio de Janeiro, in a recent Parliamentary A great deal is written about selfish and document, the two provinces in 1885 contain - depraved boys who are ruined for life by the ed but 556,896 slaves. These, at least, were injudicious fondling received from their all that were registered d there are , an any o mothers and sisters, and it may be that, to a declared free by the law. In some provinces ygi , of naturally evil eedencies, lipetting there seems to have been a non -registry of aSodulation are almost as bad as snubbing not a few slaves for the purpose of emend- ficolding, but even a bad boy has s. ration. The many methods of reducing the streing sense of justice, a love of fair play number still existing, including the liber - and a willingness to stand up for those who ation of all who arrive or have arrived at a stand up for him. Any girl who really in- fixed age, the appropriation of large sums terests heraell in her ten or twelve or four. for purchasing liberations, and the fixing of teen -year-old brother, who acquaints her- e prices at which slaves, or those interested in self with his ideas, further his plans, ehows them may buy their freedom, will make that she takes a genuine pleasure in his greater inroads upon the number of register. society, will find not only that her influence ed bondmen. In special communities local over him is daily increasing, but also that pride has taken the form of anticipating his wholesome, practical and sensible way Government action for the emancipation of of looking at things is a decided benefit to the doves they contain, by purchases her. through private contributions. In such communities,. also, as the number of slaves Practical Recipes. rapidly diminishes their owners find it harder to keep them, and apparently give CREAM SA,17011 FOR THE Crexcxxx.—Melt them up at lower prices. It appears likely two tablespoonfuls of butter, add two scant that luring the last days of slavery in tablespoonfuls of flour, pour on slowly one Brazil the institution will go down with a eup hot white stock and one cup milk. Sea- rush, the prices falling rapidly, and every - eau with salt, pep er and celery salt. If bod y being willing to dose all connection A WONDERPOL STWOBBO, r.Phe inllOWIng are f eW ei the elienY *es- tiroopiale reeetved by the Breadmakers' yemit cc:4 Kmay Mrs. gottthOW Green, HarrLburg ; Mies .14. 0011140, 3»c 020, Guelph; Mrii. Hall, Trenton ; Mrs. Sherrington, West TOrOlitc. J unction; Mrs. G. 11, Gill, Belleville ; G. Shroop, Cobourg ; Mrs. Ira Doan, West Toronto Junction ;Mrs. W, McDonald, Oakville ; Mre. neuter, Ballyduff B, At uold, care of S. Anderson, Guelph ; Mrs. J. 5, Jamieson, Rustview ; Mrs. Peter Foster, Oeleville; Fenwiek, Queebee street, Cixelph ; Mrs. Wm. Crone, Stony Lake; Mrs. Alfred Rose, Box 450, Galt; Mrs. Nelles, Box 33, Simeon; Mrs, T. 0, Dales, Lewville ; Mrs, Dr, Hood, Galt; Miss Sarah A. Isouth, Salmonville ; gra. Wm. Spicer, West Termite, Junetion Mrs. Alex. Mcainuom Cannington ; airs. cute, the Captain agreed to go. Passing safely through the Scottish camp on a wet Wm. Alderson, Carleton West - es, TAni night, velem' no one was about and the guard Late, Bethany • Mrs. J. M. Ba'beer, Brea but ill kept, he met in the morning two den; Mrs. Richard Dent, Tref aglar Mrs. Geo. M. Nesbitt, Blackstock Scots driving two oxen Hild EL COW, Re wounded the men severely and killed the cattle, eo that they ehould not be taken to the 'amp, telling them to ge And tell King David that William Montaeute had passed. through his army and had gone to seek for euccor frone the King of England, who was now at Berwick. When the King arrived and relieved them, he fell Madly in love at eight with the beautiful Countess. He stood at the window, looking out abstracted and silent. Thelady came to tell him that din- ner was eerved ; and in answer to herpray er to know what was amine, he declared his love and asked its reward. She denies him, beseeching him not to require her to dishonor her own body and her husband, "who is eo valyant a knyght and hath done your Grace so good eeruyce, and as yet lyeth iu prison for your quarell." Then she leaves him, but after a time returns, bringing with her two knights, and praying him to come to dinner, saying, "Sir, yf it please you to to come into the hall, your knyghtes abideth for you to wasehe, ye have been solong fastynge. " On the second invitation he obeys, washes his hands, eats but little, and. keeps silent. Oppressed and passion -tossed, he remains for the day and night, then leaves "to chase the Scots, " saying he will return. " My dear lady," he says as he goes, "to God 1 comende you tyll I returne agayne, requiring you to aduyse you other- wise than you have sayed to me." "Noble Prince," quail the lady, " God the Father glorious be your conduct and put you out of all vylayne thoughts. Sir, I am and atter shall be ready to do your Grace sertieme to your honour and to myne. " Therewith the King departed; all abashed. And, remem- bering him in imitation of whose Round Table he had ordered his court en i e, e conquered his pagan aB a noble man should when honour bids, and his self-restraint graced her whom he had vainly tempted more than his love had done. fat one that We a comfort to see one wo- man who doesn't look as though she were always hungry and cold. For myself I nev- er weary of the compliment to my compan- Mrs. M. Moxley, Greeneville ; Mem. ace Greenavvay, Port Hope •, Mre, John Mere aide Linehouse ; Mrs. Robert Berry, Sout Middleton ; Mrs. S. B. Alton, Appleby Mrs. Semi Steecy, Gana,noque Mrs. Role Waugh, liespoler ; Mrs. Albert E, Sim merman, Odessa ; Mrs, Alex. Ellis, 13ramp ton ; Mrs. E. Hilimer, Oakville ; '14513 Sylvanus Ray, Dunsford ,• Mrs. T. Wilson Oakville; Mrs. V. B. ltrown, Mt. Plea ant; Mie e Annie Hargrave, Brougham Mrs. John T. Watt, Galt ; Mrs. Luc Warren, Lambton Mrs. Rota Swift Bolton ; Mrs. J. C. Walker, 45 Cor street, Guelph; Mrs, Holland Rees, Bo 596, Brantford ; Mrs. Chas. Dennis() Weston; Mrs. A. G. Robinson,. Oakvill 5. Cure for Drunkenness. The opium habit, depsomanie, the morphine habi nervous prostration mused by the uee of tobbao wakef ulneesonental depression, softening of the brai eto., prenaature old age, loss of vitality caused over exertion of the brain, and lose of natural strength from any cause whatever. kten-young, old or mid. dle-aged-who are broken down from any of the abOTe othees, or any cause notmentioned abirea, Send your addrees and 10 cents in 'temps for Lubon's Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of Mon. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M. T. LUBON, 47 Wellington street Rost, Tomato, Oat Death in the Coal Mine, Ths London Timea estimates that since the accession of Queen Victoria as many as 11,000 persons havebeen killed by explosions in British mines. The number of deaths from all causes in the British mines for the same period is 60,000, while as many as 4,000,000 people have been injured by colliery accidents. For this fearful sacrifice of human lives the present defective lamps, in use among miners must be largely blamed. A Royal commission has condemned the lamps of Davy, Clancy and Steveneen as alike insecure, and the Government inspec- tors are urging the introduction of an electric light, like the 'incandescent carbon the stock just Dlit e from the rest of the chicken is used skim off all the tat. Tissue paper or pieces of soft brown paper, will ab- sorb the fat like a blotting paper. SCALLOPED OTSTERS.—One pint oysters washed and drained, one-third cup melted butter, one cup cracker crumbs moistened in the melted butter. Butter a dish, put in a layer of the crumbs, then oysters, season with salt and pepper, repeat until all is used. Bake from 20 to 30 minutes in a hot oven. The oysters are washed by pouring over them a half cup of weter in order to re- move any bits of shell, and the liquor drain- ed from them is to be used in moistening the crumbs. Use a rather shallow dish and have the lest layer of crumbs thicker than the others. I3AKED QUINCES. —Wash, wipe, pare and core the quinces. Fill the centres with sugar and sprinkle the fruit with sugar. Pour one cup water into the dish, cover and bake two hours. Serve cold, with sugar and cream, In cooking watch the quinces, which will probably need another cup of water during the procees, for the first cupful will boil away to too hard a candy unless replenished. Quinces cooked in this way resemble quince preserve as covering them closely causes them to turn dark. The cores, peelings, etc., may be cooked in a little water, from which a glass of nice jelly may be made. Applea are also nice prepared in this way. MUSKOKA_ CHICKEN.- Wipe, siege and cut the chicken into pieces ready for serving ; season with salt and pepper; roll in crumbs, eggs and crumbs and fry in hot fat; drain and serve with cream sauce and bacon. Take the beat parts, the breast, eecond joints and winge for frying, and cook the rest for stock to go into the sauce. Have the fat lees hot than for croquettes, arrange the pieces in a frying basket and lower into the tat. For the thickest pieces it will take perhaps eight minutee to cook. Put thin slices of breakfast bacon into the frying basket with the chicken and fry, taking out before very crisp. Place thew bits of !Omen about the chicken on the platter, pour the cream settee over ail, garnish with sprigs of pardey and serve very hot. SWEET POTATO CROOLIETTFS,—• One pint hot mashed potatoes •' add ons -quarter cup milk, 2 tablespoons butter, one teaspoon salt, half salt -spoon pepper and one beaten egg.Roll in crumbs, egg and crumbs and i fry n hot fat. The atnount of milk requir. ed will vary with the potittoee used some keep in a globe of glass. Inventive ingenu- ity has been exercised. in the solution of the problem presented, but as yet without per, feet success. Many lights are offered for the purpose, but os yet the first price of the lamp puts them out of the reach of the general run of miners. A cheaper electric amp must be produced before this fearful sacrifice of human lives can end. Wanted. RELIABLE MEN, to represent a popular LIFE. INRANCE COEPANT. Address, W„ p. PAGE, Soy, 10 Xing St. $., Tema°. AGENT$ WANTED TTIE MOST POPULAR Life ineuranee Coinpany I, in Canada. Addrese, . TilE CANA DIAN MUTUAL. AID ASSOCIATION, 10 ding St. 1st, Termite, CHINIQUY'S FIFTY YEARS In the Climb of Rome -10th Edition- cheaper in price. 832 pages. AGENTS, Letcliee or Gentlemen, toiled this ymp, FAboINATIXO end MIAOW book. Lil,- erei terms. 4.0101.588, A,. 0, Wa4r$Obt, TORONTO WILLAan num Derourroar, Tonothe. kill ,4220 BUSINFSS CULlit .11E DEI,I,EVILIA_PATAIDIO__, vtaa,14...r.w,1,11104.4.11, Provincee and States, touching both the etlantie and Peoillo Oeeeee, are repreeentedthie,year amoung its students. Send Inc 1.8th ionual eireular. W. 13, ; ItnemON and J. W. JOUNbOlg, E.C.A., POT:Wiped. 1 , MERCHANTS .. BUTCHERS AND TRADERS CENTRALLY. We want a coop WAN in your locality to piek up ; b 40.44thira3ESSNCIIIITS . for no. Cash furnished on eatiefactory guarant). Address C. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S. , . SAUSACE CASINGS ; 7 ins EST IMPORTED ENG LIS El SHEEPS, also Sraul 11 American Hogs Cosier,. quality guaranteed ' In lots to suit purthasere Write Inc prices. k ' x JAS PARK & SON = a, , with the fated institution. With some ad. titional enterprise it might even be poiusible for Brazil to make universal liberty her contribution—and it would be the noblest of all—to the New World's celebration of the Columbus anniversary in 1892. .A Crow in Peacock's Feathers. Provision is the foendation of hospitality, and thrift the fuel of magnificence. ITCHING PIERS. Seurrons-lioisture : intense %oiling and stinging; moat at night : worse ,by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors fOltM, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore. SWATNee Oinvmmer stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many meth removes the turnouts. It is equally eta- caoious in *tiring all Skin Diseases. DR. SWATNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. SWATRS'S 011.1T - MINT oan be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 cents. The body and soul are se nearly related that they often catch each other's diseases. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, min at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitt.ers, the old and tried remedy. Ask your DrugRIM. The name of a man under arrest in , Phil- adelphia for murder is Killer. Free Free Free II! A Book of Instruction and Price List on Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had. gratis by calling at any of our offices, or by post by sending your address to R. Parker & Co., Dyers and Cleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St., Toronto. Branch Offices: 4 John 813. N., Hamilton ; 100 Colborne St., Brantford. Do toel ay's duty, fight to-de.y's temptation and do not weaken and distract yourself by looking forward to things which you eau not see, and could not understand. if you saw them. . Whenever your (Homer% or Bowels get out of in der, enuring 131liousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and. their adendant evils, take at owe a dein of Dr Oorson's Stomach Bitters. Best Wang medielne All Druggists, 60 cents., ' A. P. 375. The Longest Word in the Dictionary is incompetent to communicate the inex- pressible satisfaction and incomprehensible consequences resulting from a judicious ad- mintatrittion of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription, a preparation designed especially for the speedy relief and permanent cure of all Female Weaknesses, Nervousness, and diseases peculiar to the female sex. The only remedy for woman's peculiar ills, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, to give satisfaction. See guarantee on wrap- per of bottle. This guarantee 'has been faithfully carried out for many years by the proprietors. "We fled that Miss Lilly was accident- ly killed by falling over a precipice while walking in her sleep," was the verdict a jury at Barmouth, North Wales, recently rendered on the death ole young woman who, it is believed, while in a somnambulis- lie state walked out of her house, and was foand at the base of a cliff fifty feet high. A remarkable case of imposture has re- cently been brought to light. Some months ago a young man of gentlemanly appearance and plausible address succeeded in obtaining an introduction to various West End club, and sporting circles by representing himself to be a Captain in the Egyptian Army, and an aide-de-camp to the Khedive, which titles were -neatly printed on the visiting cards that he freely tendered. He also alleged that he had formedy been 811 officer in Her Majesty's Army, and that he had served at the Cape and in Egypt under Gen, Sir Herbert Stewart. Some diserepancies in his statements excited suspicion and caused inquiry to bo made of the military authori- ties with regard to him. It was epeedily ascertained that the soi disaset Captain and aide-de-camp was an impostor who had /lever held any positioe whatever in the Egyptian Army or on the staff of the Khe- dive, nor bad ever held Her Majesty's cone mission, but had until very recently been serving in a line regiment es Corporal and fulfilling the useful but unambitious duties of a letter -sorter in the military posteoffice at Cairo. PATENTS l,cru44'' 0.‘En tent Attothejli.904 Opole* PetMt lithed,1807, Pe04.014 1410Sti 4 0470. f,3 gRTH OA Yo . . A Beautiful Imported Birthday Gard emit to eey baby whose inether will eend tas penile of tee or more other bablee, And their Parente' Addreeees Alee a hoodsonse roon,d Prefiampis Gard to the mother eurt avieseemealee informetio8. wolfs. ificheordeoe 42: Co., Montreal Dairy Salt, FOR BUTTER, ETC, NEW luiportatione.---Diggins' Eureka, Wasing to and Aeliton Brandt!, in hirge or email ;lecke Aldo Rice's Canadian eele Write for prices, JAMES PARIL efk SON, Wholesale Provision Merchants Toronto. A Large Estate. Abroad land is this in which we live, dotted so thickly with thrifty cities, towns and villages! Amid thent all, with ever- increasine popularity and helpfulness, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, giving hope and cheer where there are disease and despair. Wherever there is humanity there is ,suffering; wherever there is suffering there is the best field for this greatest Amer, jean Remedy. Consumption (which is lung - scrofula), yields to it, if employed in tne early stages of the disease; Chronic Nasal Catarrh, yields to it ; Kidney and Liver diseases, yield to it 1 If you want the best known remedy for all diseases of the 'blood, ask for Dr. .Pieree's Golden Modica Discov- ery: and take no other. A single man who has health and brains and ean't fincl a livelihood in the world, doesn't deserve to stay there. Popular Preparation. Pure Potent, Powerful 1 Pallid People Praise,'Progressive People Purchase 1 Posi- tively Pierce Pleasant Purgative Pellets, Properly Partaken, Preserve Physical Powers, Produce Permanent Physical Per- fection. Purchase, Prove I sostmolettess,FLOseessaerinsmseleetlese PATENTS For, le -Illustrated desoriptive Cat. guSae free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto. 1,000 Mile* of new Line of Rahway built this sethoo. Land all for settlement. Uneurpaesed for grain or stoat some, 480 acres free. To learn hair to get it, send leo r addrese onpostal cord. J. .M. IIICEMINS, 90 King St, W.. Toronto, liervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Speeitio ,has been used for the past fifteen years, edtle peat thecees, in the treatment of nervout debility, aod all diseases arising from ex - theses, over-worked brain, lose of vitality, ranee; ha the mere, palpitation, eto. For sale by all druggists. Pie, 31 per box, or 0 boxes for $5, or will be sentby mail on receipt of prim. Pamphlet oa application. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAYINGS COMPANY. INCORPORATED A,D, 1855, Subscribed Capital, • e 83,300,000 I'atd-uP Capital, • • 2,300,000 Reserve /rand, • • 1,1844000 Total A sects, • e 9,301,615 Office e -cows Ridge, Toronto St., Toronto. STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. The Company Imo a large amount of money to lend on Real Estate securities et the lowest current rate of interest repayable either in one sum or by instalments as may be desired lay the borrower. Applications maybe made direct to thikindersignect by letter or otherwise, or to the local representatives of the company throughout Ontario. As the COM - pixy always has funds on hand no delay need be ex- pected. Expenses reduced to minimum. Mortgages and Muniapat Debentures Purchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. We are the onlynthnufacturers of Small AmericanHog SAUSAGE CASINOS You cm buy of CHAS. smit, 62 Churels street Toronto, a good reliable ten dollar Silver Watch Sordinne retail price), eleven jewelled, patent lever, expansion balance, 3 oz. silver °me, suitable for men or boys, for $ 5 Higher grade movement, in tame case. ...... 8 Wm. Ellery, Waltham, in same oath 9 P. S. Bartlett, Waltham in same case 10 Ladies' Solid Silver, very handsome. ...... 5 Ladies' Solid Gold, elegant deei„ems.. , 10 If engraved Sliver cases are preferred, add 800 to above prices. . The silver cases are our own mautifacture, and fully guaranteed. On receipt of price will send by regietered mei!, postage prepaid. Catalogue free. In Canada. These musings TAKE THE LEAD of any English Sheep Casings, astosize,strength and length. Priee 14st American Hog Casings : Per keg of 100 lbseeeo oo Per keg of 50 Ihs..$16 00 Smaller quantities, per lb .050 ENGLIBIT sinter omincese- Per keg of 50 bundles 330 Off Smaller quantities, per bundle.. .. . . ... . . 0 06 Patronize Flome Trade. If any other dealers are offeeng casings et lees than the abtve, we, will sell attheir iseiarfigures fagmuraensuifschtouarme puRE theprices. We ANIMAL mFeEatR. TplriLeeilpZertEoriN3e000m0P.osFedinoe: obrloocodit, rbsoeneand Bone Meal, $36 per ton. All Goods Warranted, or money, refunded. Goods F. 0. B. at Hamilton. F. ROW LES ot CO., Hammon Orer. ',ALDUS' Dress and Mantle cutting by tide rex and improved TAILORS' SQUARE. Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the full art of cutting all garments worn by ladies and children. PROF.. Marra 18si Queen St W., Toronto. Agents wanted. 1 FOR or GIRLS WANTED Gen'iHouseStEgirsitis,Cgt per Month. Min. Bowarn, 613 Tonge-st., Toronto. RKALL. Hie a week md expenses paid. Valuable outfit and particulars , NO. 1'..0.*VICRERY, Angesta,Maine. JF you have invented anything useful, patent it and make money. Write for Hannir's GUM TO PA- TENTS, to A. Harvey, Patent Attorney and publisher of "The Patent Review," Ottawa,Ont .25 yrs. experience. Nerve Pain Cure. Poison's Nerviline cures flatulence, chills and spestns. Neryiline ceres vomiting, di. arrhcea,, eliolera, and dysentery. Nerviline cures headache, sea sickness and summer complaint. Nerviline cured neuralgia, tootheche, lumbago, and sciatica. Nerviline cures sprains, bruisee, cats, &c. Poison's Nereiline is the best remedy in the world, and only costs 10 and 25 cents to try it Sample and large betties at any drug stove Try Poison's Nerviline, Gen, Booth of the Salvation Ai my has decided to send Equiads of his soldiers to Zulu. land and South America. Some of his forces have already reached Jerusalem, and the etreets of the Holy City reeourid with their "amensand the jingle of their tam- bourino, RUBBER STAMPUBEttilient mils, and Burning Brands, &o, Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. CO., 37 Scott St., Toronto. OHEISTMAS CARDS, by mail. Packets of 25 assorted cards for 15o, Me, 60o, 76c, $1,00 and $1.50 eash packet. Packets of onc dozen each 1 for half above amounte. One fringed instead of five plain when so derired. Cash to &mom- panyorder._MATTIIEWS BROS 8t CO., Toronto. 1/5:r SCIATICA. -An effestual remely invented and propared by 8. X. Lancaster, for Sciatica, Inflammatory Rheumatism,Neuralgia,GoutNnd Lum- bago, who wee cured himself by it afterbeing three years on crutches. The remedy will be expressed to any part of Canada, to any person suffering the ohm complaints wno order it. Send for circulars. Price of 3 oz. bottles Lininient, 1.00, Pills 26e 8. J. LAN. CASTER, Petrolia, Ont. AGENTS • OMMell rk....LTAR " THE ikEelEtrik SOU A.TION," 10 Ring St. E , Toronto, Oai. This is the may Accident Insurance Association in Ontario doing business on the Assessment Plan. For further particulars apply to WEARIES et ROBINSON, Managers. IMMIIHE LONDON GUARANTEE .11116 AND ACCIDENT CO. (LO), OF LONDON, ENC. Capital, £260,000. Dominion Geyer mentDepoeit E55,000. Head Office: 72 King St. Bast, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented districts. A. T. MoCORD, Resident Secretary for the Dominion. Wa,ter PUBI"JIII21231211 AUGERS, bore 20 feet per hour. Also Roar "Drills -Hand, florae or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Laidlaw Manufacturing CO, ILAILILTON, ONT. W. GRAHAM et CO., 283 _II: • Tongs St., Toronto, dealers in all kinds Band and Orehestra beim. ments. Both New and SecondHand. Vocal and Instrumental Musie Music Books etc In- struction Books' , • for every Instrument. Agents for Carl Fischer SBAND OR- (MUTSU MUSIC. Seild for Catalogues. The more we do the more busy we are; the mare busy we are the more leisure we have. Coff 30 31011•0• Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. Deference id the most complicated, meet indirect, and the moat elegant of all compli- ments. Cue CONDEf Often aures in one minute. The five; degree of folly in to think oneself wise; the next, to tell others so ; the third, to despise all couneel. CITNIALnna HAUL ILItNEWRII restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. So vital a necessity to all living men is truth, that the vilest traitor feele amazed and wronged--feele the pillars of the world shak- on—when treason redone on himself, lari„ W441kh --'3C" 39C 3E1_ Toronto Silver Plate Coil W. MODOWALL, Importer of fine Guns, Rifles Amunition and sports man's goods of every demoriition. On receipt of $1.5.00, willexpress to any addrces, an English made double barrel breitela.loading abet - gun, with corer and tools complete. W. MeDOWALL, 61 King street East, Toronto, 5ANUT4CTECILIRS Or TEM Rterinfir *Rena Or SILVER PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED TORONTO. 11.Williams, :a:. Roofer Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, Roofing Pitch, Wirrilding Pa. rerf=1elferr tOtraVtAdelaide15. TOR0NTO. MANITOBA. Farmers going to Manitobe will find it to their advantage to call upon or write to W. B. Gillett, 023 Main Street, Winnipeg, wile has improved farms for sale. Information cheerfully furnished withoat eharge. Money advanced to bona fide set- tlers at low retort of interest upon personal property to aseist them in starting, STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS. USESBESTFRENCHBURR MILLSTONES FINEST MINDER INTHE WORLD NO RENEWING PLATES AS IN ISONMILLs 23 ADELAIDE ST. E,TORONTO. Aff classes °Hine work. Nike. of Printers' Leades Sings and Metal Furniture. send for priees. STONES lesT A e IAFE TIME 10 fe 443 „A.. E8.5 ii ¶RRgieatest 4.14:!„, corery of tfil``` resent age for Esau. ATILIG Tan 110WilLS, ANDCITHINCFALLBLOOD Lusa asp, KUM! Creireenne, A per ,set Blood Purifiete- A feW in ItatilittOD Otto Immo been bene flted by its use Mrs. M. Keenan, 192 Robert St, cured of Erysipelas ef 2 years standing; Robert Cor r nell, 24 South St, daughter cured riT Epileptio • Fits after years' suffering enn e irre , 65 alnut st., cured of weaknefie and Lung Trouble ; John Wood, 95 Cathcart St, cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousnets, used only 3 fifty -cent bottles ; Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration lain smadbottles gave her great *chef. Sold at 50c. fl$1.00. F'. F. DALLRY & co., Proprietors. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships. Sailing daring winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum. mer from Quebec. every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to Ind mails and passengers los Sootland and Ireland ; aleo from Baltimore, via Hall. fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glas gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during:sum mer between Glaagow and Montreal weekly ; Glaegow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly For freight, prissage, or other nformation apply 11 A. Schuniaoher & Co., Baltimore; 8. Cunard & 00.. Halifax; Shea & Co., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thomp. son & Go., 86. John, N.B.; Allen & Co., Chicago Love & Alden, New Tock; E. Bourlier, Toronto Aliens, Rae I& Co., Quebec; Win. Broolde, Philadel phia ; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. THE BALTIC' If 1 • E.W.C-BRANTFORD. CANADA. - ILIA/ STRATEIJ CATALOGUE iS70,11"P, s 1•111111111111M1111111 Is the only stove made that will burn wood or coal equally well. It will heat one or more adjoin- ing rooms and retain fire with either fuel all night. It le the farmers' wood' burner and will make home as comfortable th with a self feeder coal stove. The largest size is an unrivalled heater for echoole,hall and charales. The family Keystone, the largest firstelaseStove for the money made. _ THE ARGAND Is revolutionizing cook. ng with coal. Its patent fire.pot and grate makes it the most durable, easiest to manage, best to retain fire night and day, and most economical of coal stoves. These were the only etoves awarded a medal for new and meritorious inventioth this year. If your dealer has not got them write us for infor. !nation. THE OSHAWA STOVE CI., 43)SHAWA, ONT. MANUFACTURERS. BARNUM WIRE and IRON WORKS I IRON FENCES OF WINDSOR, ONT. We are now offering the Best Iron Fences ever sold in Canada, at remarkably Low Prices. WE ALSO MAKE Stable Fixtures, Sand Screens.' Weather Vanes, Iron Stairs and, Shutters, Fire Escapes, (Mice Railings, Flower Stands, Wire Signs, and all kinds of Wire, Iron and Brass Work. EVERT DESCRIPTION. Send for Catalogue,