HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-12-15, Page 1aur ;ncl aur thc. re TENNENT & TENNENT, VETERINARY - SURGEON, A °rand Offer. FOR $1,75 We will send the TIMES and any City Weekly from now until 1889. TE BALANCE OF THIS YEAR FREE. LEGr,AL II. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli - A • oitor cf Supreme Court,Notary Public 0 p.keyaneei Commissioner, Sm. Molloy to 4li1oe inFanson's Block, Exciter, H. COLLINS, Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer, Etc., 11ETER 0T. °Mee Samwell'sBlock Ilall sold. °Mee.) ARMOUR W. FORD, solicitor in tit° Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer, Conammsioneri &o. Special attention given to the collection ot &Aims in the United States: Patents procured, money to:loan at lowest rates. Oihoe : Opera House .Bloolt, St, Marys, Ont. ri4 LLIOT & ELLIOTT, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public, Conveyancers 86c, &c. Money to LOOM at Lowest Bates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN STREET, EXETER. B. V. Za.alar. j. nra.nn. DENTAL. 11..L. BILLINGS, 1:91\TTIST, 01F1'10E: ovei 01.113-101L'S flank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless ExtraCtiOn. E. CARTWRIGHT, L. IL S. TV • s-triaasmoisT aramig•TiST- Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. .Efav ing furnished fine Dental lloonis on MAIN -ST,, not. door to Treble's Harness shop, Exeter, where I am prepared to perform ail branches of the Dental professionwith ease e. skill. 77-MCCI-311T.A-33X,M used in extracting teeth. Charges, Moderate; Terms, Cash. H. KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S SinnwelPs Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain., by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes co Zurueu on last Thursday in each month.. • MEDICAL (1 LUTZ ,D M., k...) • Officeat hisresidence *Exeter . T W. BB,OWNING 1VI. D.,. M. 0 tr • P. 11 ,GraduateViotoriatrniversity.Offleo sn dire siaen ce,D era inionLa boratru v, Exeter .1) M , coroner for the "'C' linty of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. I. Carli 's store,Dxeter. • 454!A.. ROLLINS, M. 0. 2. S O. 0 face, Malt St.Exeter,Ont. Beeiden cebiouereCentlY occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. AUCTIONEERS. TTENRY EILBER, Licensed tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli- vray:Townshins: Sales conduoted at moderate :ates. Onice--At Post-office,Crediton, Ont. TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hey and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All Stiles promotly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. °anon : Ono door South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. ONE/ TO LOAN AI' 6 AND 64 - per cent, $25.000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. ll, DICHSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . ILE WATERLOO IVIUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in. 1803. 11EAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO ONT. This cm:al:any has 'boon over Eighteen years in successfel operation in Western On - 8, taricAnticonthre es to insure againstloss or damage bv Piro ,Buildings,Merc bandise,Man- IS tiotories And all 01120 rdescriptionsollinsur- 'a le nroperty , fittendine insurers have the , on of insuring on. the Premium Noto or _Ali System . Id During the past ton years this Company has issued 57,098 Policies, covering property to the sattermt oi i;.10,872,038 ; and paRI alai] o $709,752,00 .A.ssetS, S1'70,100.00, cousisting of Cash /tank, GoveriamentDenosit, and the urtass- essod Premium Notes onhanclancl in force. J, W WAL,nng ivt D. ProsideLt., 0. M. Ttarma, Socrotary. 1,11. Fluonas, Inspector, CHAS: SHEDD Agentfor Exeter and vicinity. AND HURON & AITDDLFSFX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEftE THEY Alfa." aaaad, - VOL. XV., NO, 9. EXETER, ONTARIO, TIEURSDA.Y MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1887. JOHN WHITE Se $0148 Publighere and rrepaietee FARMERS a,ncl OTHER,S.c LOCAL HAppENItios, Personal 13rio1c arid Tile Mr. Campbell of Keneller Stock Farm, • Wish to call the special attention of the formers and others requiring tile, that Mr. GOO. Moutz, of Lob 11, Con, 5, Stephen, Crediton P, 0., has on hand a very largo quantity of TILE OF ALL SIZES! At the Following Priees : d. inch Tile.„ $ 5,50 per M. 3 7,50 4' 11 7 8 CENTRAL ther Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK. A HastingsProp. Shaving end Hair cutting in the latest styles the art, Every attention phicl to (tutting Ladies and Ohddren's Hair. .1kSiiiStITOIIES MADE TO ORDER. A cALE Soticinn .., 11.0u 18,00 28.00 " 815.00 " 40.00 If necessary, limited credit will be given. Crediton, Sept. 11,87. GEO MOATZ. Doupe's Store KIRK'TON. • -Is THE SPOT FOR_ Cheap Goods! We Undersell Regboliand areeverirsoyc. 181b Nice Sugar - 8 Plugs Chewing Tobacco Best Clan Salmon Fine Tea Grey. Cotton All Wool Flannel 2 Pair Wool Seeks BEST F I 4/1...00 25:sts. t s. 10 e. a lb. up. 4 ots. a yd. up. 15 ots. a yds - 45 ots. CANADA, And a large stock to select from. hoa°pliaD:T'iroro The Undersigned would inform the people of Stephen and'AlcGillivray that he has opened out in BUNT'SOLD STAND, O2 ATAHT-Sm., 191 TIM VILLAGE OF CREDITON9 OIIOICE 1TEw STOCK, DRY.GOODS. GROCERIES, CROCKERY HARDWARE, HATS & CAPS, , BOOTS AND SHOES, And Everything found in a First class Country Store. The public may rely on all the goods as being fresh. The Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce. Before purchasing give me a call. in°, •Mitchell, Aberdeenshire, Scotland; visited Mr. Rus- oell last week to inspect his noted herd of shorthorns, He pronounces them as almost perfect, and as good, if not better, than he has seen anywhere in Canada. Mr, Russell has instructed Mr. Campbell to purchase hun as good a bull as can be procured in Scotland ; and that he w;11 go after him in the sprieg.—Mr. P. Bawdeu left for Sarnia on Monday to take a situation in a drug store in thet place, Tho people of Sarnia will find in Mr. BaWden many sterling qual- ities. Although we ere sorry of his leavine us,' yet we are pleased to note the fact that be is commanding a good situation—and which he is most 4oservmg of.—Mr, Thos. 111, Carling, of Clinton, was in town last week. —Miss L. R,' Weir, of Detroit, is vie' iting friends in town. --- Au_niyersary. The anniversary services and tea of the Janies-st. Metlachurch were held on Sunday and Monday last. Sunday, sermons were p/eitehaid by Rev. Mr. Scott.' of London. The congregations were exceptionally large and the sermons delivered exceedingly impressive. On Monday the annuul tea was held, mid it would not be claiming too much were it said that a larger crowd has not been seen at any previous, anniversar- ies of this church. After the vast multitude of people had eaten heartily of the good things provided by the estimable ladies of 'the ,chureh, they repaired to the body of the edifice where short andpithy addresses were delivered by RevalltirlScott, Mr. Holmes of Elimville, and resident ministers, each address being interspersed with suitable music by the excellent church choir. • On Tuesday a social was given to the young at which there was a good attendance. Pro- ceeds in all amounted to upwards of $200. ' Nov. 24, 1887. CREDITON. L Advert; I•• 001) aiem business man The shooting match held at the station advertises. He knows the valueof printer's hotel, on Friday last, was well attended, Hre'Oties, Bissett shipped two car- loads of hogs to Montreal yesterday. It if said that the council for 1588 will at the earliest possible moment take steps to have Exeter incorporated as a town. Mr. Alex. Davie held a successful sale of farm stock &c., at the niarket on Saturday last. Mr. Jas. Olcc wielded the hammer. A new time table has been issued. There is but little change in the arrival of the trains at this stetien. A levee stock of Foamy Goods, suitable for Xmas presents for young or old at Cen- tral Drug Store, C. Lutz. Messrs Gidley Broe. will occupy their new premises. block, in a couple of weeks. The Brussels Budget man is somewhat rough shod in his remarks. He fearlessly brings to task all offenders and keeps well inside the traces, the officials of the village. The Roe. Rural Dean Craig of Clinton, will,'D.V., preach in Christ Church, Exeter, on Sunday next, (4th Sunday in Advent) at both morniug and evening services. The appeal to, quash the conviction ,of 11. M. Williams against Mark Clarke, for cruelty to animals has beensustainecl, and Mark is once more a free nigger. John Ranton's bookkeeping class, and all who wish to join, will meet in fooms over Ranten's store, Triesday evening next,'Dec. Mr. John 'Broderick. has ,disposed of his Premises near the new Town Hall, to e, gen- tleman in Chatham, who will open a store here in the spring. The weather here at the present time -is .very mild and quite as caln as in autumn. There„is reason to wonder why people go to California for a milder climate. A full assortment of Christmas and New Yeats cards,—latest design. and at low pricea, at the Central Drug Store, C. Lutz, Prop. ink, and when he calls nttention to the goods in his store, he is certain to find be - 'fore he is many hours older that he has done a wise thing. Trade flocks to him, for the public has learned to understand that it is always more profitable to deal and some very goaot shooting was done. All the, noted sports in the vicinity were present. Rev. James Graham will preach educe,- cational sermons in the Rattenbury church, Clinten, Sunday next. The Clinton. people with a pushing, enterprising man than to may expect a weighty exhortation from the deal with a close-fisted shopman who is too popular divine. frightened to risk a cent in notifying the c: where his store is, and what he keeps "Pa, what does a wooden wedding mean?'' publi Pa1 on sale therein. Depend upon it, the mom , 401iing over his paper. It means, my who does not advertise his wares is behir, a son, that if the wedded parties were free, the age. Beyond doubt he has a poor sto4 `hey damoden get married. again. That's , to select from, and his prices, as a rule, &I irs. Stanlake Bros. put their property higher t bora, who forces his goods under the eyes of han those of his more active neigh gi aa,.. ' sale by auction on Wednesday last. the public in his daily •ahnommernents .0011481'4ible stock was sold to outside through the press. The successful business men of the world owe their success entire- ly to the unsparing use of printer's ink. The greet house of A. T. Stewart & Co, New York, made itself what it Nvas b municipal. On Moeday, Deo 260, nominations will be held for receiving candidates for the offices of reeve and councillors. As yet in the village no decisive more on the part of any one is being inade to make 00Y change in the persennel of the council, but the names of a few new ones are banded quietly around, and we cabeh froni the zephyrs the names of Messrs, Thos. McCallum and D. Mill who, it is likely, will allow their names to be placed upon the ballots under the heading of councillor. It appears likely that eeve Rollins will take his seat for another year without any opposition, at least as far as is at this period kneem There is a little quiet talk of some of the members declining to stand for re-election, and if this provestrue there will undoubted- ly be others besides the nem,- ones mentioned, brought forward. Ere another Week, mat- ters will have shaped themselves mere lucidly. parties'Init the land and other property was simply exchanged, Samuel buying that belonging to Silas and vice yersit. J. W. Spicer, General Manager of the y Chicago & G.T.R., has resigned to accept a persistent and judicious advertising. You similar position on the Sault Ste Marie & cannot take up a New York paper without Atlantic Railway. Mr. Spicer is a relative seeing the largely -displayed announcements of the Spicer family of Exeter. of the Claflins, the Tiffany's, the Mecys and the other important establishments in the The undersigned would announce to the metropolitan capital of the United States, le public that he has now on hand one of the which everybody goes to see. Barnum, est assorted etocks of Harness, Boots & the prince of advertisers, keeps his name Shoes ever brought into Exeter, and would. constantly before the public in the news- call especial attention to his Scotch Collars, Felt Boots & Over shoes as they are best in the Market, owl at lowest prices. Also a number of Children's Sleighs at a sacrifice. Call and be convinced. Cans. EAOILETT. • Mr. White, of near St. Marys, while driving to Exeter, on Thursday last, had a t narrow escape. As he was passing the windmill in Air. Hunter's field, near Elim - villa, his horse became frightened and pitched him into the ditch. After regaining consciousness, he found he had received two ugly cuts in tbe head. During the quarter ending withthe 31s0 of October, there was a total of 74 informa- tions lain in the county of Huron for, alleged violations of the Scott Act. Ont of this number there were 47 convictions, 7 dismissals, several are yet undecided, and a few were abandoned before brought to trial. The amount of the fiues imposed for the quarter was $2,650. The Salyation Army gave an entertitin- ment in their barracks Tnesday evening. The officers here were aasisted by members of the corps of other places, in the render- ing of a novel and somewhat interesting program, The attendance was comparativ- ely small, despite the extriterclinary, bat not althogether inviting, invitation extend- ed to the geeeralp xi r c i . li Mr. .las. Hodgson, who some thne ago lost his way in the woods and was severely frozen, will recover, but not withont losing the fingers of his left hand as well as a, couple from his right. At first it was feared that he would lose both feet and hands, but by ,careful attention and pru- dence on the pert of the physician, his lower limbs have been saved. Mr. Wm. Baker of Crystal City, Man., a former resident of this neighborhood was in tossei yesterday and gave us a friendly call. Mr. Baker looks his old self and reports the prairie couatry booming. He will remain in this vicinity a couple of weeks. Ile papers. Indeed, it may be said with truth, that no man lia,s ever succeeded in business without advertising liberally. -Village Council. aX .The council met pursuant to adjournment, 1 " a.s.B.1.tiarveTvi,iniT,L.illb, %:,evrilit: 7B,11:epf., 487f t e previous mee ng were read a con - cd 11?i fcli L j a the following sums, viz :—H. Speakman, by D. johns, that orders be granted for w $4.05, certified ac. ; J. Pickard, $4, ground rent for lock-up ; Bissett Bros., $25.45, cer- tified no. ; Jno. McInnis, $2.65, for milk for Mrs. Hutchinson; jno. Thompson, $2.75, street watering ; 3. N. Howard, $20.48, lumber ; Jas. Creech, $267, lamp glasses, &c. ; do $81, part salary ; John Gillispie, $4.60, labor ; john Parsons, $0.95, clo ; Jas Taylor, $1.25, do ; John Gould, $3, do ; J. Stanlake, $L88, do ; Richard Pincombe, $L25, do; John Gould, $7.45, lumber ; W. H. Parsons, 50 c., hook for town hall ; Jas. Down, $2.75 for scraper ; J. Pickard, $27.- 27, charities ; do $6 for Soil pipes ; Fire co. no. 2, $145, serviees ; No. I, 502, do . W. Walsh, $12, inspecting town hall, an'd L. Hardy, $2 error in arrears of taxes.—Car- ried A petition froin L. H. Dickson, and other residents on Simeoe street, praying the Camel]. to take Steps to prevent incon- venience from snow blockades was read. —Petition to be considered. AIoved by J. Pickard, seer:aided by T. B. Carling, that Cali and Get S *ome. the motien passed at the last meeting of the eolincil ordering the sale of another T. II, debenture be re -considered. --Carried. Moved. by J. Pickard, seconded by NV. G. Bissett, that the Chief 'Engineer be instruct- ed to proyide suitable appliances foiro,d1813,- ing hoed—Carried. By-law No, to appoint Dep. Rot. Officers, cae. was duly read and. passed, on motion of J. Pickard, seeonded by W. C4, Bissett. Moved by D, Johns seconded by W. G. Biesett, that an vi. C.P.R end attests that notsvith.lveyi high charaetier of excelleueri, and cry of the Reformers this road i jawygEtipigprforecittitibter, p,Nantsusli jtsoylvicsatr:n eoxfccipvtoioncil.- oic order be gram cc the ol odor or $ .8 , •1 ' tlCI f 2 0 "tmc Et' '' amount of J. Pipoe's texes, Piper being tin- s ton cling the alale to pay.—Carried. Alovecl by w, a. cannot be beaten by tatty on tlus continent ham, who bears an enviable reputation as a Bissett, by D, Johns, that the Clerk assess 1 with respect to aecommodation. vocalist in Exeter and elsewhere, was, Robb. Sanders for Lot 24, Main street, the Mr. A. McDonell, while on his recent omitted from the assessment roll for the ; owned 'V Mr- Sandcr8, a". I eld Exeterite and a notovious inealteman. pelled to (heist after rendering her first , I visit to the Sault met Mr. Thos. Allin, an owing to laboring under a severe cold, win,. said lot being current a•ear.--Carried. Aloved by W. G - ' ' froni Canada, he at once challenged him to AL ARM learning that Mr. MeDonell was Selection. The excefient program concluded ill jilt!) ca oslenipietzmtileiod es11-itabtice ubty 0 ftliiiceiBultaee lt beingvi 1 ie "Which brought forth the most wonders —land Or water 5' Both land and water were ably represented and after an animated discussion, the chairman decided that, as far as be could judge frOin the arguments adduced, land was productive of the most wonders. The last scene of the farce was a conflagration, representing a house being consumed by the destructive element, and the firemen hard at work rescuing the in- mates. This brought forth great laughter, especially when the hook and ladder eorn- poly began to carry the occupants out anti pile them in heaps upon the steect. 'Phe eoneert throughont was most entertaining, and there is due to the firemen much thanks for their efforts in preparing stieh a varied and highly pleasing program. The proceeds amounted to 575. w . on tot he et but on th walk, i citing th rmer. over y . . isse , seem - —WILL HAVE OPEN ON— FRIDAY. the 9th MIST THE FINEST AND BEST sToqi OF GROCERIES Ever Brought to Exeter. life pitorooloaialRailwi, OF CANADA, . The Royal Mail, Passenger and ,ereight Itouto between Canada an d inat Billa in at et direct route between the Attest and all points on the Lower St. Imwrenee and Baia des Cha - leer, a !so New Brunswick Nova Scotia , P. E. island Ca„pe Breton? :Newfoundtand, Bermuda, and Jamaica. How and elegant Pullinan Buffet Stooping nd Day Oars run 011 through Express trains. Passengers for Greet Britain or Ilia Conti.. tient by leaving Toronto at 8.80 a. m. Than. day will joie outward mail 'steamer at 'Hali- fax a, m, Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dock ac - co mmodation Halifax for shipment of grain Ind go a oral merchandise, YoarE of experience have proved the INTER - COLONIAL in connection With steamship lines to aud froin tendon, Liverpool and GlasgoaV to Halifax, to be tho quickest freight toute between Ca.dad a and Groat Britain, Information as to Passenger and Freight ratea Can be had on application to 11013 MDT It. moobtri, 'Western Proight acitienger Agent P.ossin House Block, York nt. Toronto re POT TiN GER Chief 'Sup erintinialon The TGWU Hall. Our local poet sends in tbe following for publication. Are, we to infer from. the lines below, that 11E. has been out on a spree and was shown the doors while en route pa to the basement? However he is not r - tial to green :--- Oh dear me! what a sight; They are making me quite With colors so gaudy and gay; I wonder some fellow Don't.paint ine all yellow, Then daub me allover with clay 011 1 naught could be nicer • Than this painting of Spicer, Thus I hear the retired farmers say; With red and with green The doors can be seen. By night as well as by day. The clock in zny steeple Shows its face to the people, As blue just as blue as can be; And I feel just the same, The counoil's to blame For such things never should be. My window sash said : "Oh! they've 'painted me red, And that's what the town. ought to be 11 they they still let me stay Just red 'stead of gray, Some will think I've been out, on the spree. The Bishop of Huron. • Bishop Baldwin preached to his old con- gregation in the English Cathedral, Mont- real, on Sunday week last, and the Sox speaks of the sermon as follows: What some pronounce to have been' the finest sermon ever preached in thie ci*ar was de- livered in Christ Church Cathedral Sunday evening by Bishop Baldwin „ TlitageVrelt wad -filled to itsli -t:nest capacity, an the vast congregation listened for over an hour to their old pastor's eloquent and most learned address. Taking for his text the dream of Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel's ex- planation thereof, Bishop Baldwin took up the subject of theseeond advent. He show- ed that the four metals constituting the image represented the four empires of Babylon the Meclo-Persians the Greeks and the Romans, the last being still existent in in the empires of Europe. Christ was the stone that was to overthrow the image ancl is waiting until God shall make his enemies O footstool unto his feet- The congregation was at times spell bound by the burning words, and once, after an impassioned burst of oratory, a buzz of admiration filled the church, making more than. one think that an outbreak of applause was about to take place. The Bishop was noticeably affected by the sight of the vast congrega- tion, amongst which he saw so many old faces, atul on descending from the pulpit was trembling with emotion. Concert. he Wiolsons Bank (CHARTERED BY PA fiL raMENT, 1655) Paid up Capital. , $2,000,000 11150110111 e75,000 Offers tbe Pablie 4 1E10 CENT. INTEREST i? ER ANN 0.41. tor money en DEPOSIT RECEIPTS AND f.411ilft CENT. INTEREST PER ANNIIM For Money in Savings Bank Dep'm't nour utga. te,r IL;zaaertiefireY.0 11 apply:f)r-s°i'e led a" )t' Tho Bank ClIN,I0E 110E108 •-• 1.0 a. in. 6o 3p. in. Saturdays, 10 0, m. to 1 p„mt A. A. C. DENOVAN, Exeter, Oet, 25, P07, atnaget ae••••=ea•••e•sm"•••••••*".• Our korests. 8,3rurel bri'yo riels1 et oRiertpaotritofQmo• yl8e18161mlietisjustb nt.rt was compiled by Mr, R. W, Phipps, and con- tains over 100 pp. of interesting matter bearing on the value of our forests, and the best means fat their preservation. Among the conteets are the following ;- - A report frotn 150 tovmships, giving the amount of wood fit for fuel yet standing in the older settled portions of Ontario. A report of a careful examination of tWo townships of Ontario, one lying southerly and one northerly, with the view of obtain- ing an accurate idea of the effects of woods, or lines of trees, on the growing crops, and the climatic differences observed since the clearing up of the country. Notices of the progress of forestry in other countries. Results of experiments of sewing ever- greens in large quantities in Ontario, and directions as to how similar results may be obtained. Complete directions to raising all trees from seed, and planting them out. Carefully prepared statements as to the lumber districts of Ontario, the value and uses of wood here, 131antiug in school grounds and on Arbor Day, value of woods In preserving humidity in adjacent fields, proposed forest reservation, management of trees in cities, ovelaclearing 111 Onterio, plantations advisable on Ontario farms, preservation of birds'forest work in India, evergreen hedgesnand many kindred sub- jects, ae well as valuable reports from gentlemen who haye of late years started Planaifound tasti°fnoshere. Ithat the dissemination of •-these reports, and the assistance which the press hes given in mention and quotation, bas been productive of much benefit hi the Province, many thousands of trees having been planted, and an interest aroused which will lead to much greater results. The report will be forwarded to persons sending their address to R. W. Phipps, Toronto. The council met last evening. The concert given on Friday evg. last by the Exeter Fire Companies, was a grand success, in point of excellence of programme as well as attendance. At 7 o'clock the north and south companies formed into procession at the Town Ha,11, and heeded by band paraded Alain street. The pro- cession, whieh was conposed of about 68 firemen in uniform, each:carrying a torch, presented a nice appearance, and more especially, imposing from the fact that the stately form of our worthy townsman, Mr. Richatal Farmer, occupied the important position of drum -major; and he makes a capital one. He was the subject of much eulogism by the lady portion of the congre- gation on the street. About 8 o'clock the opera house was comfortably filled. and at 8:30 the certain was drawn up and the program opened. with tun address by the chairman, Dr. Rollins. He was glial to notice so many present to do honor to the noble firemen, in whose hands is placed the safety of our property from fire. After eulogizing their several efforts at fires in thepast, ealled upon Mr. R. II. Collins, who sang in au articulate tone of yoice, a solo of choice selection, Miss Dodge of Londom following in a solo full of tender emotion. The recitations by Wm, Hughes and the comic: songs by Mr. Money were well reeeived, the duetts by the Misses Dodge and Barnard of London, being of 11,- Bissott seconded by D. Mins, that the time for the return of the Collector's roll be extended to the 26th December. —Carrico • Moved by W. G. Bissett seconded by D. Johns that this council adjomm until Wed- nesday, the 14th inst., at 730, p. nu—Car- ried. filAongrrT, Clerk. A star gazer writes: It may not be generally known that, the "Star of Bethle- hem," which hetalled tha birth of otir Saviour and the beginning of the Christian era, is at present visible any clear morning from 4.30. Its brilliancy far exceeds that of any other star. Its last appearance was several hundred years ago, and it will rapidly recede from the earth not to be visible egaie for 340 yeare, Any one ean see it by riling 6. little earlier than usual. Even bate risers will not be debarred, as its light le so powerful that even after Old Sol has paSsOd the horizon it earl be tieeil. a shooting match. Mr. McDonell was for a thne reluctant, but filially consented. The match resulted. in the Cenadian beating the Amerietm by throe poluts out a a possilAc five. Alia John ironsides, formerly of Grand Bend, acted as referee. Mr. ARM ever since keeps (Inlet on the matter of shooting..An editor out west has invented and pat- ented a, contrivance which fills 11 long hat want, and which will be hailed with greti. tilde by the profession. lt is an infernal machine which is placed in an envelope and sent to those subscribers who send back the paper refused after taking it for five years without ever paying for it. The machine blows up and1(1115the whole family ; oral the coroner's jury' brings in the verdict of "eerved there right." In case the mechine ie sent by inadvertcnee to a aubSeriber Who bee paid in adviinee, it does not eXplode until a littniag rod agent comee to the house on then it goo off end him. Candidates for Municipal' honors are beginning to bloom. Mr. Richard Luxton is yery at present with consumption. Mr. Rollins of Manitoba, is the guest of Ins brother, Dr. Rollins, of this place at present. Rev. Jas. Graham preached two able sermons in London last week, according to an exchange from the city. -Complaints have been Ridged at this office to the effect that the Sarepta bundle of last week's TIMES did not reach that office until Tuescusy of this week. We are not to blame. The papers were sent to the Exeter office mornipg publiea.tian. Mr. Johnston, of town, made some tall shooting at Exeter one day last week. The Exeter boys are "no slouches," but in Mr. Johnson they found a rival wcirthy of their powder and shot, He brought home two geese as trophies of his skill as a shootist. Clayton New Era. Mr. Tho*. Russell, of the Riverside Stock Farm, from indications, is resolved upon feeding a great many head of stock this winter. The other day he received a car- load of oil -cake for feeding put -poses. Mr. Russel is a man of vast experience in stock raising and feeding, as is yearly evinced by the appearance of his stock at the early and late fairs. It will repay farmers. ancl stock -raisers to visit Mr. Russell's stables. Mr. Wm. Drew has reached Los Angeles, Cal, and. writes us to the effect that the weather is pleasant out there. We wish to remind. Mr. Drew that while he is basking in the sunshine of that southern county, we are enjoying an atmosphere most invigora- ting, and which is quite necessary after a prolonged terns of oppressively warm weather, to resuscitate and develop energy sufficient to ticleus through another summer. Nothing so invigorating as a Canadian Winter. Intelligence comes to hand of the marriage of Mr. John Buckingham, of the Beacon, Mendocino, Cal., and Miss Minnie Braechtel an estimable young lady ot Little Lake, which took place at the residence of the brides' parents, on December 1st. IVIr. 13uckingham is a former resident of Exeter, and a graduate of this office, and we join the citizens of this place in wishing him and his bride every sticcess on their voyage through life's tempestuous sea. Mr. Buck- ingham is 0 young man of exceptional ability and sterling qualities, and. knowing the nature of his trials for the past six years, we wish to compliment him upon bus suc- cess financially and otherwise. The M unicipahkinen clin entAet, which lowers the property qualification of municipal rep resentatives, passed at the last, session of the Ontario Legislature, will apply to the forth coming rrinnicipal eleetions. Under the now Aet the qurlifications for mayors, reeves, and councillors are as follows -Ito incorporated villages—freehold to :Fl200 or lea.sehold to 5400. In towns-- -freehold tc 5000, or leasehold to 81,200. 111 freehold to 51,000, or leasehold to i'‘,.1,000. In townships—freehold 0o$4000 or leasehold to 5800, The old qualification was : In villages, freeholti 5600, or leas'eliold 51,200. In towns—freehold $800, or leasehold 51,600. itt cities—freehold 51,500, or leasehold .,"-$3, 000. township, freehold $400, or lease hold 8800. A prominent smith of Stephen township came to toi,vn on Friday to pcost.tro the papers entitling him to indisputcd 'del - nation in the matrimonial panoraina. Ob- taining the license from 0 local issuer of the same, the happy young nvoi drove to a hotel, tied. his horse in the shed, and re- paired to the bar. Doubtless feeling ,jabi- lent over the thought of the approaching session of happiness and the nature of his allurement, he wished. to give demo lstration of his feeling,s and got gloriously drunk. In the meantime some mischievously in. caned petsous unbuckled the traces anct breeching, ttutl attaehed thein to the buckles with pieces of frail string. Later in the slay thebaehelor boarded his vehicle and waS driving along the London road at, a smart pace,when amide/11y his horse left hha inhis buggy upon `the road, where he sat quite contentedly until the firsttravellerhappened along. It 18 needleSs to say that he did net Use the choicest langnage, nor speak in panegyrical torts of the perpetratorS of the mean deed. lts,rot being a party to proerasti- intet has again set in, this time with6 less vigor, though, than before. o6xle of his enchantment in due time.