The Exeter Times, 1887-12-8, Page 8INSURANCE,
natre ofTorouto :also for the P1101,NIX:BD
Its/stun,Nop, QoAIPANY,ot London, England,
the B)YL CANADIAN, of tlentroal, ad -the
PANY, et I AWA011, England, established 180.
Assets over :v0,00,5001' ulanns and bonuses,
paid, ot•er 810,000.00Q.
Ur. W. T, Hewkshow who lifie been
vting frend e in Detroit for eoine weeks,
'earned home on Friday last.—MissBrophy
daughter of the eity mag '
ineer Montreal, is
ot preetset the gueet of Mr. jollu. Farmer of
this place. --Mr. Samuel Gidley suetained
severe neje ries the other slay by a gate whsch
Jia wee (Toning, flying back soddenly and
striking him on the mouth. --Mr. and Mrs,
Senior anc. funny of Toronto were io town
yesterday attexiding the wedding. of Mr,
Jus. Senior.
490.41, yslvs,—Tre shall be happy to re..
ceve t all antes, front (my part of Ole
t,ounty, Items of local new, such <ts ac
Oients,or anyinteresting incident what-,
ever, fromany of our subscribers Or read -
ere generally for the purpose of public.,
at low.
TEN °Clews ewe Imo tor firatinsertion, and
roua Q teNTS per line for eaela aubseenent in
eeetioe win be ehaised to nothses pearing
this csoluson..
THURSDAY, DEC. 8th, 1887.
A full stock of magnetic, Diamond,
Union and handy package Dyes; also a
speeial liue of toilet soaps &. Combs, very
cheap, at Central Drug Store. Q. Lutz,
John Renton will be pleased to meet all
ladies and gentlemen who may desire to
join a boololteeping class, in the Royal
Teroplars hall, Fanson's Block, on Friday
eveaing, Dec. 2nd next, at 7.30 &cluck.
The rink will be open ts-night. Band in
Several weddings will take in town be-
tween this date and the New Year.
The firemen held their first meeting in
the new hall on Tuesday evening. They
report ita very comfortableplace for meeting.
Some merchants are introducing the note
system for small transactions, as a prede-
cessor to the cash system.
Grain has been marketed in large quan-
tities here during the past few days, barley
being the principal staple.
We understand that Mr. Jas. Pickard has
entered an appeal auainst the decision given
in the Hardy vs. Pieltard case.
By the recent break-up the boys are
deprived of their amusement of skating on
the river.
Mr. A. 8. Case of Hensel" has opened
store at Cromarty. We wish Mr. C. every
Mr. Levett, grain merchant, will move
his fatnily front Parkhill to Exeter this
The Levett block in Parkhill wIlich was
destroyed by fire recently, will be rebuilt at
Retnember the firemen's concert next
Friday evg. A good prograna has been
prepared. See bilis and programmes.
It is reported that clothes line thieves
have been operating in town lately, and
with much success
The small boy who is in the habit of tear-
ing from fences the bills pasted thereon is
possibly not aware that he as liable tosevere
Mr. B. Coughlin was in town Monday,
purchasing -pork. He has, during the past
season, shipped a great many cattle from
London to Montreal and the old eonntry.
On the 15th inst., Mr. Thos. Oke will
give a pigeon and glass ball shooting match.
The losing side inthe pigeon shooting con-
test to pay for the supper.
Rev. Or. Pascoe of the Main-steet Meth-
odist Church according to the London
papers preached two eloquent and impress-
ive sermons in that city On Sunday last.
Mr. Francis Sanders met has mother,
sisters and brothers at Bay City last week.
The family had not met as such for a period
of twenty years.
Mr. 'Ins. Hodgson, who was so unfortua
ate last week in having his limbs badly
frozen, is on a fair way to recovery. Men-
tal depresssion is ssid to be the.cause cf his
missing the way.
Mr. P. Bawelen, who has been engaged
with Mr. D'Avignon, druggist, Windsor,
for Wine months, has secured a more lucra-
tive position in Sarnia. Mr. B. is home at
present, but will leave for Sarnia Monday.
The 13aird Comedy Company sustained a
loss of $300 to apparel at the burning of the
Counmercial hotel, Guelph, the other even-
ing. Mr. Baird is well and favorably known
The Willis property at the south of the
village was sold by auction under an assign -
anent for the benefit of creditors, on Satur-
day. It was purchased by Mr. Thos. Willis
for the sum of 51 160.
Usborne township is not the only locality
in which diphtheria has strongly rooted
itself. One cannot nick up a newspaper
without noticing instances where a single
family has lost from four to six members
Some weeks ago Mr. John Crould purchas-
ed, the confectionery store in P. 0. block
from Capt. Kemp. Now is your time to pe -
cure bargains in the confectioney line. A
large stock of X-mas candies on hand.
On Wednesday evening last a grey horse
which was being driven up main -street,
slipped upon the icy surface, and fell. For-
tunately the injuries sustained were not
A quiet wedding took place at the
reeidence of our esteemed townsman Me.
Wm. Wood; the contracting parties being
his daoghter Almeoas Mto r. jos. Senior,
of this place. The marriage ceremooy took
place last evening and, was performed by
the Rev. Jas. Graham, in the presence of
the friends of the intetested parties. The
bride was assisted by her sisterEmily Wood
and the groom by his brother Mr. Charles
Senior. It is needless to say that the bride
who is held in the highest esteem by all
who Itnow her, was therecipient of a number
of costly and useful presents. We extend
our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Senior
and wish them a long, prosperous and
happy life.
How to Dress Poultry.
To have your ponitry bring its proper
value in the market it should be killed ancl
deessecl as follows Starve for 24 hours ;
bleed by sticking, leaving the heed ou;
pluck dry ;do not ecald, as it disfigures
the skin ; leave 5 or 6 of the tip feathers
in the wing in ; do not cut off the legs,
When they aril killed with grain in the
crop, the grain Will ferment and sour, giving
the meat a bad fiavor. Follow out these
instructions and your poultry will be worth
much more anoney. In the absence of a
town By-law prohibiting the sale of -poultry
not drawn, merchants and others who deal
in poultry should take the matters into their
own hands and refuse all poultry not drawn.
D isappears in the Darkness.
On Sunday morning last the citizens
awoke, greatly surprised to notice that,
what appeared but a couple of days previous
to be the opening of a vigorous winter, had
disappeared during Saturday night. .During
Saturday the streets were thoroughly alive
with cutters and sledges, and business was
booming in all direction's. In the evening,
however, the wind changed and rain began
to fall, and by Sunday morning the snow,
which covered the surface several inches in
depth, had melted away, and the glean
grass and dark land was presented to the
gaze. The sudden change was a suprise to
all, but a very unfavorable one.
The tflood.
In consequence of the sudden change in
the weather on Saturday night the "Sauble,
which, during the fall has been unusually
low, was swollen enormously, and. on Sun-
day presented a sight seldom seen after the
spring freshets. Abont one o'clock, p. rn.,
the ice jam on the pond gave way, and in a
few minutes afterwards the stream was fill-
ed with mammoth logs and all manner of
underbrush and debris which had collected
during the past summet in the woods to the
East. It would seem incredible to say that
in a couple of hours, the water raised over
three feet. Many citizens viewed the
troubled waters with much interest and at
one time it Was feared that the dam would
On Wednesday of last week, Henry
Clark, son of Airs. N. Clark, of the Sth con.
Stephen, mot with a serious accident.
While splitting wood in the bush in com-
pany. with some other young men, by some
means one of the axes slipped, nearly sever-
ing his hand from his wrist. It was a.
terrible cut. Surgical aid was called and
the wound dressed- Thehandwillproba,bly
be saved but will be partly useless for life.
—On Satorclay last while John Whitlock,
who lives just south of the village, was in
the bush chopping he accidentally cut his
foot, cutting througli the boue of bis big
toe at the joint. It bled. severely. Aid
was summoned and the wound dressed, and.
is now doing all well.
The Exhibition Car.
The car in which is stored samples of the
products of Manitoba, the North-west and
British Columbia, arrived by the Grand
Trunk Railway yesterday morning. It was
visited by many people. This trip the car
is under the management of Mr. W. M.
Wernp, colonization agent, Toronto, assist-
ed by Mr. Aug. Rohn. The car is attrac-
tive. The produce is strrangeclso as to shew
off the exhibits to the best possible advan-
tage. The sides are hued with heavy
topped bunches of native greases, wheat,
arley, oats, etc.'and along a flange at both
ides of the car is spread out to view the
iverse products of the great North-west
ountry. The potatoes, of which there are
large number of varieties, are uniformly
ne appearance. Other kinds of fruit
re raised besides that of earth. A choice
ollecticm of apples is shown, both preserved
nd nut preserved. The British Columbia
reserved apples are very fine-looking
pecimens, as are also the white grapes and
berries. A fine exhibit of mangolds and
urnips is made in an alcoye formed of
client and barley straw, One Greystone
urnip weighs. 25 ponnds and one Swedish
urem 23. A fews heads of 13eyptia,n and
rench spring wheat are shown, also wild.
ops and wild beans which grow profusely
n the open prairie. The Kohl-Rabi, a
egetable midway between turnip and
abbage, vegetable marrows, and ohoose
urnpkins are among the novelties in
egetables. The climate and soil in which
he samples of grain shown was raisedaeems
to have been well adapted to bring it to the
full development of perfect plumpness. The
bulless barley weighs 57 pounds to the
bushel, the Empress barley, 55 pounds to
the bushel, the black oats, 39 pounds to the
bushel, the Red Fife wheat, from 61 to 66
pound* to the bushel; the two and 'six rowed
barley, 54a pounds to the bushel, and the
white oats 46 'pounds to the bushel. A
sample of white Egyptian oats which yield-
ed 80 bushels to the acre was shown in the
head. Among the other exhibits are a
field squash weighing 73 pounds and is
mammoth squash, weighing 117 pounds.
PrOducts of the mine, as well as those of
the farm, are to be seen. A. block of soft
coal, weighing 850 pounds, is in the cornea
of the car. It was got from the Galt mine,
Lethbridge. Samples of copper ore, from
the recently distovered mine at Sudbury,
are shovrn, also is block of limestone from
the Selkirk quarry. The heads of ranch
cattle serve to ,decorate the car. ,The man-
ager pointed out that one of these cattle at
the age of three years cdsts only $5 for the
raising. The eat will be at Hensall from
us (Thursday) morning until Friday a.m.
fi IU
We have inyreparotion a desirable office t
ealentler—desirable because the figures are t
largo, and each month is printed upon a F
separate sheet and attached to a fine card- h
board - asrh ich will be sent to every subscriber o
of the Trams, before the arlyent of the New v
A distant subscriber writes : "I must 1, P0
say that the Trams is a good local paper,
and improves as it grows older. Occasion- t
ally a copy goes aStlay, and I feel as though
I had lost something valuable. Many others
as well as myself read it with avidity."
Ihia iS eample cf the many encooraging
worde we vveekly receive.
The aoniveriary Services of the Mairost
'Methodist church were held this week.
Sunday Rev. J. Ir. Smith of Londen,preach-
ed two splendid sermons, and on Monday
the annual teagneeting was held, in 'which
many toek part. Tuesdaay evening the
trout; folkswero given a tea and entertain
relents On the whole the affair was satis
The present fine weather is favorable to
the workmen engaged in the erection of the
Trivitt Memorial Church and they are ta,k-
ing advantage of it by pushing the work
forward with the greatest possible cleepatch.
The mason Work is finished for the fall and
the carpenters are noW getting the roof
ready for the slitters. Owing to the delay
in getting stone, the toWer will have to be
bit unfinished until epring.
Local trotter is scare in town this
week.. Everybody theat we see seems to be tl
too leaey prepariog for X-rnas to allow any.
hiug out of the general order to occur.
At the annual meeting efthe L. 0, L. No.
924, held on Friday evening last, the follows
in officer% were electecn—W. ItL, Boo, Jas.
Deputy Mester, bro J Pergueon:Secy
hr, W. ganclers(Treas, bro. If. f„.,ainbroOky
Chap,, bro John Specimen,
The village council met for the first time
in the new hall last evening. They looked
(mite et home, and appeared to greatly
appreeiate the change. in future the mem,
hers will halt() atriple room to give vent to
their feelings by okpreSsiona in words and
tsetion s,
County Counoli.
The December session of the comity collo-
eil commenced in the `L'QW,n, of Gloderich,
on Thursday, the wardeo iu the chair, ell
the members beiog present. The mieutes
of previous ineetime, having been read and
confirmed, the wordee io form ed the council
that all sinking fated moeeys had been in-
vested, that the coed hoese repairs Were
cOmpleted, and that all county bridges bac
been comPleSed. He also mentioned tha
the county had been sued by the Coent
License Commiseioners. A eommunicatim
from the Elgin county council requestin
the county council's eg .eperation io obtain
ing legislation, so that police magistrates
jailers, aud other officers may be appointe
by the county council, and sheriffs, an,
registrars by the people, was referred t
special committee. A. circular frotn th
county council of Welland regarding th
confinetneut of lunatics in jails was reform
to jail and court -house committee. , A lotto
from :Messrs. Seeger and Hart, re th
License Commissioners, was referred to
Roane° committee. A lettor on the same
subjeet Irene the county solicitor was simi-
larly dealt with. A number of accounts
were referred to &once committee. The
council then adjourned to Friday morning.
Friday morning members all present. Re
port of Mr. Ainsloy, road commissioner,
read and referred to road and bridge coon
mittee. By-law No, 8. for licensing haw-
kers and peddlers was read and passed
(The by-law as now passed gives peaoe
officers and constables power to compel
hawkers and peddlers to show their Room.)
A motion by -Dr. Rollins, seconded by W.
Bissett that the sum of two hundred dollars
be paid for the Exeter lock-up, was earried.
On motion of the same gentlemen one hun-
dred dollaxs per annum was granted Mrs,
Mary Ann Morgan, a destitute insane per-
son, not being a fit and proper person for
admission to a provincial lunatic asylum, on
the production of the necessary certificate.
Report of jail and court house committee
read and adopted. On motion of Messrs.
F. W. Johnston and McMorchie the usual
grant to model schools was ordered to be
paid. The road commissioner was ordered
to examine Bin's bridge, Ashfield, and re-
port on the same at January meeting of
council. Report of finance committee read
and adopted with the below given amend-
ment. No. 2 of said report was as follows :
"Bills for salary and expen.sesfor six months
from Dr. R. W. Williams, police magistrate
$450. Your committee recommend that so
soon as Dr. Williams, police magiatrate,
pays the county treasurer, according to
statute, all fines inflicted and collected by
him then the treasurer of the county pay
him the above amount." The following
amendment so nearly reproduces the origin-
al in the finance committee's report, that we
merely report the amendment. "Moved
by A. H. Manning, seconded by P. Kelly,
that clause 32 of the finance committee's
report be struck out and the following sub-
stituted therefor :—"That in regard to the
action of the License Commissioners of West
Bluron against the county, the county
solicitor be instructed to settle the same
upon the following basis, and that if the
same be not accepted by the Riffs. that the
solicitor further report to this council upon
the same at its January meeting. That
the license commissioners of the three li-
cense districts, the license inspectors for
the aame, and the pdlice magistrate furnish
to the treasurer of the county a statement
showing the names of all parties who have
been fined under the provisions of the Can
ada Temperance Act, since the coming into
force of the same in the county, the amount
of such fines, and the names of the persons
to whom the same has been paid; such
statement to be given to the satisfaction of
the county solicitor and clerk. That upon
the said statement being furnished, the
treasurer do forthwith request the person
or persons to whom the said fines have been
paid to pay them over to him under the
proyisioos of the order in council of the
Dominion and that the said fines be placed
to the credit of thefund mentioned in said
Order in Council, and distinguising between
the license districts of the county. That
upon the withdra-ossal of the suit now pend-
ing the payment of costs by the plffs, and
upon such payment to the satisfaction of
the county solicitor and clerk, the fund
formed by said fines be approptiated as
folks we :—(1) In payment of that portion of
the estimates subinitted by the License
Commissioners of the three distiects which
the solicitor considers the °Minty liable for.
(2) In payment of the salary and expenses
of the police magistrate, and that the
treasurer pay these sums to the parties
properly authorised to receive the same, the
names of the parties to be certified by the
solicitor. That in the event of there being
any balance after payment of these sums,
the same be retained to the credit of said
account, and if a deficiency the same be
supplied from any moneys belonging to the
county available for such purpose." The
council then adjourned.—News Record.
(Corrected etO Melo cap .m. Wednesday. I Sigh
PallWhe a t — .” .-, 0 80 to 82 I
SPri,112 Whoa t .., ... 0170 to 070 1
Barley — .,. -, 95 to 70.,
Oats ., 0 80 to 92 1
Clover Seed .,. 4 50 to 5 00
Timothy • ' ... 1 50 to 2 00
Peas ,.. 0 58 to 0 00
Cern ... 0 ea to 0 00
filg 8 ... ”. 0 17 be, 0 17
”. 20 to 0 20
I (32
• smurperbbi. „.
• Potatoes,per bushel
ylArrlos,por bag
s catedapplespr b
tieeeo perm.
o Turkey per lb
• Ducks per pr
, Chickonsper pt. ..,
d slogs air es rs etlp eri 0 0
1 a
o dreeeed,
e Sheopsaine (moo
o oaiffikins
Wool per lb .
Hay porton .
✓ ouionenerbusia
O Woodp or cord ...
Blessed is he that readcth the newspaper,
for his days shall be long in the land, and
the soulful buzzing. of the book agent will
fall powerless on has ear, even as the tear
drops from above glide from a cluek's back
but blessed far more is the man who walk-
eth into the editor's sanctum and layeth
down his $1, and sayeth unto the editor;
"Go now, thou man of wisdom, and give me
the prodnct of thy brain for the lapse of
time this cash will cover." And. he went
forth unto his neighbor saying: "Go them
and do likewise." And the editor will cause
it to be done, and there will be great rejoic-
ing throughout the land.
Auction Sale at Exeter of a bankrupt
stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery,
China, and Glassware &c., also a magnifi-
cent stock of Jewelry, Silverplated ware,
&c. &c. This stole of Jewelry is a City.
Stock, and has been purchased very cheap
by private sale; and consists of Gold and
Silver Watches, Gold Clime, Rings; Brace-
lets, Brooches, Ear -rings, Lockets, Spec-
tacles, Knives, Forks, Spoons, &c., together
with a choice lot of Toys and Fancy Goods,
and a splendid assortment of Silver-plated
ware all to be sold without any reserve
whatever. These Stocks willbe opened out
on Monday next, and the miction sale will
commence on Tuesday, 3th inst., at 2 and
7 o'clock p.m., and continue for one week.
It will pay you to attend this sale and buy
your Christmas and NeW-Year's goods
cheap. All must be sold as the subsetiber
has sold his peemieee and has to vacate the
store. , dome 13nooaniose.
Exeter, 8th December 1887.
Mr. Hugh McMahon was Thursday:after.
noon sworn in by Chancellor Boyd 108 jialge
of the Court of Common Pleas, and named,
iately afterwards tank hie seat on the hermit,
W. 1.), Street, Q. C., was snarl' in as judge
of the Queen Bench on Saturday.
The authorities of the MosintilopeOrPhan
Asylaun are taking every preeaution to pre-
vent the spread of diphtheria among the
children of that instituti'on, and the most
powerful disinfeetants are being applied.
The inmates who have fallen victims to the
ravages of this virulent disease are isolated
from the other childcen, and the clothing
and belongings 01 017050 who have succumbed
to it have been burped. The disease made
its first appeerarice about three week's ago,
and during that period 12 deaths have
seemered. Ten children arc slowdown with it
',?.i0r601,' 00 80
'16eltbrattd ,,prt,ctatte5
004t.000 .
:0 201 10t 0.° :°03110 1711 T) rr,
45 to 0 50 AJAY oseanne, smoossao, ‘..,ADTADA,
5 50 to 00
5 50 to 5 50
„ 0 00 to 0 00
0 75 to 1 10
00 250"to0 0°27
_ 800 bo 8 00
.,, 050 to 075
250 toSoo
' ST; trAaxs,
oris3 paan, I:: :41 el 1 yg , w
heat s 70 • 85
368to 100 788331
luvrhniGsanted by era Clatter, Sou & Co.
Clover Seed... . . ....... ,.. ..... .....„ .... . ..... .160' ' 50*
Timothy .... ,... ..... ,. —...1. 50 , 20(0
grojigagtatae,...,.. .. ................... :::: .. ..: .. ::::::::::: .. .. .. ...... .. : .... :,... lag asm
Potatoes per bush • 6106 ' 7100.
'Wool per lb .. . ... , . .. ...,.,. ..... .. .,..,..,....,... 8201 4201;
Anples peribush
If avverton .. „sees se 00 86(7
signedtakos the liberty to inform tho tree.
yelling Public Ihatha opened his house for the
aocommodation of all travellers, ou October
1st. Those who favor him with their patro-
nage will receive the best attention. There is
good stabling in connection,
Notice to Creditors
The Creditors of William Jffenry Gill, late
of the Township of Bosanquet, in the
County of Lambton, who died on or about the
Twenty-seventh day of December, .A. D., 1886,
having claims a,gainst said, deceased are in pur-
mance of the 1500 16 Victoria, Chapter 9, of the
statutes of the Province of Ontario, hereby
notified and required to send on or before the
120h day of December, A.D.,1887, by post pre-
paid to the undersiqnsd Elliot At Ellliot, of the
Village of Exeter, in the County of Burma, So-
licitors for Maria Gill, the Administratrix of
the estate and effects of the said deeeased, their
ohristian and surnames, addresses and descrip-
tions, the full particulars of their claims, a
statement of their accounts and the nature of
the seem:Wes (if any) held by them, and that
immediately after the said 12th day of Deem -
day of December, the assets of the said deceas-
ed will be distributed amongthe parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of
whteli the said Administrntrix shall then have
notice, and the said Administratrix shall not
be liable for the said assete or any part thereof'
to any person or persons of whose (sienna notice
shall not have been roe aired.
Solicitors or Atlannis tratrix,
Dated at Exeter, the 23rd day of November, '87.
Christmas& HOilday
Watches, Clocks, jewelry, Silverware, eac
At greatly reduced prices.
Holiday shoppers will please call on R.
Hicks and look his stock through before
purchasing elsewhere. Especial attention
is invited to our beautiful display Of holi-
day attractions. We hope none of our
readers will fail to see the stock now on
exhibition, whether they contemplate a
purchase or not. We have aimed to
snake the assortment complete in every
detail, and believe that this carefully se-
lectee' stock of latest styles will contribute
to the enjoyment of visitors, and merit
the approbation of one and all. Prices
uniformly low all through the stock.
We want every reader to remember that we
—Make a specialty of—
OleariMg And Repairing
Skilful workmanship, neatness prompt-
ness and reasonable prices may always be
relied upon with any work entrusted to our
We Guarantee Finest Work And
Good Satisfaction.
c ie Se
Bargalas Dargaias!
Having Made a settlement with his credit
o CS,
Will sell his entire mammoth stock of
He is bo und to reduce his stock and will
give bargains never before heard of in
Goods well assorted and everything fresh
No shelf,worn geode in stock.
Remember and call early and bring the cull
along with you, for which you will
receive more than full value.
Poultry of all kinds, and inroduce
taken as cash.
Il'as the dger ey1 for tttlitec*Iismal:koelf t.'779a°b°101)1Fe.c'ilia:in.
mcKs W
EXLITEA. No Spectacles in the Market equal
them in the Ern P ageism/um 9rAx.rvius they
possess, or the GUOAT Min and ColarenT they
eonfor ou the wearer.
Their use will in actuality so Stron.gtheii the
Eye that it does not bosom° neeessitry to
foohraentgheetuhiteTAI:poErsuny years. They are (here-
IIS.TherAre the Best in the World,
They Never Tire the Eye,
And Last Many Years Without Change,
The, Sight tested by our New Test Card, same
as usedbythe leading °enlists throughout the
Merchant Tailor,
Has removed to premises one door
north of Brovvning's drugstore, whare
there will be found a
Well _,NIAJnted t
Scotch, English,
Irish, French and
Canadian Goods.
Made up on the
ieb.. J. SNELL,
Graduate of Cleveland
Cutting School.
or any injurious materiala,
W. G'IR.LE-rr,
Nat'l's of this Cr:EH:le-Van 307 veass e&sEs.
SaniwU !i
Having this season purchased moat of our
shock direct from manufacturers in England
and Germany ts to do BO we had to give our
erelere very early in the season, end as the.
prospects looked well, we bought largely.
And we find_ that hard times are causing a
great depression in trade, we have, therefore,
decided to meet the times by marking all
goods at such Hard Pan Primes as to ensure
a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in -
vita all intending purchasere to call and in-
spect our stock, and note prices of all new
Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets and Ulsterst oleo
Maids' and Misses' Ulsters, all izes,
Black and Gold silk and satin dress,
goods, in all the newest colors and
styles, plain and fancy Flushes,.
Hosiery, Gloves, &c.
Ready-made Clothing,
Hats & Caps. All will be sold. at
Lowest Possible
:81.88 M 3E3 IR- 0.B
And secure some of the Bargains they are off4g in the
following lines :—
We carry the largest stock of Stoves in the County. Call
and see them, and get prices before buying. Tinware of all
kinds always on hand. Roofing awl. eavetroughing a specialty
An, ImmensceoSopt
Stock aatriuhraerdFtoilmIes,, 811°vels
We are offeringLaaips and Lamp G-oods at cost, as we are
going out of that line.—Leave your orders for Stove Coal,
and save the high winter freights.—Verity's Plows and Plow
Fronts always on hand.—Highest price paid for Hides and
Tallow in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond Sewing
Visitors to Exeter
—Would do well to call and inspect—
One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town.
Black and Colored Cashmeres. 'Black and Colored Silica and Satins,
Colored Plushes. Melton Cloths, Jarsey Cloaks, Black Dress Mater -4141s
and Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all l'O're
and prices,
Also a fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Kid, Cloth and
Gents' Furniehhngs.—Fine Display in Hats, Ties, Braces, White and
Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers.
Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Overooatings, Pantings & Suitings.
BOOTS AND SHOES.—A very large consigment just received, of the
very best atyles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children's.
A full line of Glassware and Crock-
ery -ware always on hand.
our Cr000ry Department is Complete
Butter.'Eggs and all kinds of Produce taken in exohange,, and ill(
very highest price odd.
11xotor, floc, 8. PAXSON'S BLOCK. Main
▪ Exeter.