HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-12-8, Page 7at tile 1USE velery 5, Pro:. cents, onts Le ono ounty '00GiV Iv** trona me or a• not nued allay lade, ether y bo pub - eside ig to post - ailed raw" Lei' 11S - !nee BE age you dale ode 10TO foe. ind etal nse 305 ft 3 e. HOUSEITOLD, AD5211Sing Children - Whether a child can be eaeily amus pends eoznewhat upon the amount agination which it posseeses. W this, very many sources of ezij epee cut off from it. Whore it is etre') have !men a child perfectly happy On a mune' with a cane for a epos earnel being made trona a small rock verted in a high chair and a hat or thieg of the kind used for a head, • rope answered all the purposes of h **addle and trappings. The novelty high a position with the unusual ar silent of the furniture were the actu around which the imagination ot the one built up the whole Eastern super ture, ' The Same child need a wooden cite bowl or tray for a boat and with two for oarseivould row on the floor for an at a tine perfectly contented with th tatione Anether child had for years bear the kept chained. in one corn i ''. the parts and which he was fond of irlk f ing out and showing to visitors. H played with it when alone. This was imagination, for there was neither boa chain. Ho alwaye acted as though it wa stroking the imaginary back and huggi theugh he had an animal about two high, The realistic child, however, needs some- thing actual, and the making of dolls often furnishes the desired employment for the ' little ones. Two rolls of cloth tied together cross wise will form body and arms, vehile e the legs may be ignored in most cases. A pieee of cloth with a " puckering" string in one edge and two holes for the arms, answers for a dress. Boys and girls can often be set at such work as this, and get no small amount of pleasure from the num- bers of "children " which they have. Boats that can be sailed on the floor are an endless source of amusement to children who live near the water or who have any interest in shipping or steamers. If boats axe planned in a simple way, the child can make them himself, and have the pleasure of numbers added to his interest in his own workmanship. This element of number is an important one, and at times adds greatly to the zest of the play or the toys. As far as possible, the child should be en- couraged to make his own toys. Planning with the head to make with the hands brings out some of the most important powers of the child and at the same time satisfies the natural instincts. Cutting out pictures and pasting them on screens is an endless indoor amusement which is full of inetruction to both eye and hand. Making paper boxes is amusing but not always satis- factory, because the boxes are not always square and the covers do not fit. iore to the point is the decoration of the endless variety of boxes which come into the house- hold. These and the tin °ens may be decor- ated with colored papers or with scrap pictures. The can must have a foundation of paper put all the way around and pasted, paper on paper. Out of doors the making of houses and barns, putting yards around them, =skims of fence, the setting out of trees and the oarryineeallikf home life in miniature can often be ma'de the source of endless pleasure. But in some cases the planning must be done for the children, in others an interest must be taken in their work if only so much as is shown by going and looking on at intervals, or giving a word of neighborly advice in re - to the " crepe " or some sick animal, etc., etc. Plays of this kind may be graduated to the strength and age of the child. For the little ones a house of three inches high with palings no larger than matches will be quite as much as t ey can manage. The older ones, when tv are really interested, may go so far a etually to build, perhaps a playhouse. n any event they can have their playhouses large enough to entail some labor. But there are children who were not born to make. Their parents do not invent, do not whittle, have no mechanical talents. They are, perhaps, merchants, business people, professional men. In that case there is an opportunity to make the brain play with the body by simulating the play to the profession and making it out -door work. The child may imitate the active part of the parent's work and thus get play for 'body as well as mind, even in the case of playing at doctor. In whatever way the child is amused it is well to remember that play is strictly edu- cational. The puppy, in running around after his tail, or the kitten jumping at the shadow of a leaf, is performing purely edu- cational work. Recognizins this fact, teachers and parents make a mistake which is fatal to the very object which they seek. They attempt to make the educational part amusing and amusement instructive. The two are so rarely united that it may be ac- cepted as an axiom that they can not be joined. When a child plays let the play be the one and only object which they eeek. Let the teacher select beforehand the play which gives the greatest advantages, but then let the fun and pleasure be the chief and only object, remembering always that only !venni bodies can contain sound minds. ed, de- af fin- ithout nt are g, we riding r; the er, in. some w . bile a amuses, O f ao range - Deities little PlAng canes hour e hul- a pet or of bring. e also pure r nor s real, ng as feet Tested Receipts. POP Ovensee-Twn cups of milk, two and one half cups of flour, two eggs, butter size of one-half walnut, sale, melt the butter, beat all thoroughly together, put in cups and bake thirty minutes. CORNMEAL Murriks.—One and one-half cups cornmeal, the same of flour, ;two tea- spoonfuls baking powder, half cup sugar, half teaepeonful Balt, small teaspoonful meted butter, two eggs; milk enough to , , ma a stiff batter. ATO FRITTERS.—One quart stewed tomatoes, one egg, one small teaspoonful soda. Stir in flour enough to make a batter like that for griddle cakes. Have some lard very hot on the stove drop the batter in a spoonful at a time and fry. REMEDY FOR SORE DIROAT.—Buy at a drug store one ounce of camphorated oil, and five cents worth of chlorete of potash. Whenever any soreness appears in tht throat, pizt the potaeh in half a tumbler of water, and ;with it gargle the throat thor- oughly, then rub tho neck thoroughly with the camphorated oil at night before going to bed, and also place around the throat a email strip of woolen flannel. ',thin is a temple, cheap and aura remedy. CURE FOR ritemerees.--Horseraclish gritted into a cup of cold tour milk—let it data twelve ham, then strain and apply two or three times a day—will, it is Raid, remove freckly* from hands or face in a fihprt time. Or, one (niece of lemon juice -Mixed with it quarter of a drachm of pul- eerized borax and half a drachm of sugar Will also remove them. Keep the lotion in ' a glass bottlej corked tightly a few de be- fore tieing, and apply to the freckles ocea- 'tonally, and they will soon be removed. —Cnsoit Coonr.ss.—One cup sour cream .nne cup'ensar, One teaspoonful ioda dna one of cream tartar, with a teaspoonful temen juice, a little grated nutmeg eud two table- epooefuls caraway 000d- Mix lightly and roll oat aa soft aff potable, ueiug jeet flour enough to keep them from **ticking to the board, APPLE, DonnuNus.—Sift one quart flour, add half teeepoonful malt, aud lard half the etze of an ege. We up with cold wttter to atiff dough. This divide into Mx or seven parts. Pare Be litany good-sized apple, cut through the middle, removing the core; cover with the dough, peening the edges together till no seam romans; then when all are ready, roll two or three times over in dry flour, and drop into boiling water. Boil steadily half an hour, not once lifting the lid till reedy to remove to the table. Eat with cream and sugar !sprinkled with grated nutmeg. Early Training. It is needless to demonstrate a fact so well established aa that the future character of an individual depends very largely upon his early training. If purity and modesty are taught from earliest infancy, the mind is fortified against the aasaults of vice. If, in- stead, the child is allowed to grow up un- trained; if the seeds of vice, which are sure to fall sooner or later in the most care- fully kept ground, are allowed to germinate ; if the nrst bud a of evil are ellowed to grow and unfold, instead of being promptly nip- ped, it must not be Qoneidered remarkable that in later years rank weeds of sin should flourish in the soul, and bear their hideous fruit in shameless lives Neglect to guard the avenues by which evil y approach the young mind, and to erect barriers against vice by careful in- struction and a chaste example, leaves maim innocent souls open to the assaults of evil, and an easy prey to luet. If children are allowed to get their training in the street, at the corner grocery, or hovering around saloons, they will be sure to develop a vig- orous growth of the animal passions. Children should be early taught to rever- ence virtue, to abhor lust; and bcys Hh011id be eo trained that they will aesociate with the name of woman only pure, chaste, and noble thoughts. Few things are more deep- ly injurious to the character of woman, and conducive to the production of foul imagi- nations in children, than ;be free discussion of such subjects as the latest scandal and like topics. The inquisitive minds and ltve- ly imaginations of childhood penetrate the rotten mysteries of such foul subjecte at a much earlier age than many persons imagine. The inquiring minds of children will be oc- cupied in some way, and it is of the utmost importance that they ehould be early filled with thoughts that will lead to noble and pure actions. IN PERIL AT NIAGARA. The Fortunate Rescue of a Maa who Went Gunning for Ducks. William Glaesbrook, who in the summer is employed on the little river steamer Maid of tile Mist, the other day noticed a number of ducks in the eddy between th American and Horseshoe Falls. He secur ed his gun, and, jumping into a punt, started across the river for them. All wh are familiar with the river, or who have eve stood at Terrapin Point, will perhaps re member a small patch of rocks that sr above water just beneath the point It wa here that Glassbrook effected a landing, with the intention of waiting for the ducks to come around the eddy. He had butjust landedwhen his little boat was caught by a wave, which runs from ten to twelve feet high, and tipeet and carried out into the stream, and there he was a prisoner. He fired his gun repeatedly in the hope of at- tracting the attention of some one, but firing is so frequent in the gorge at this time of the'year that very little, if any, attention is paid to it. Then he began to yell for help, though with little hope of making himself heard amid the roar of the cataract. For- tunately his cries were heard by Charles Davis, who at once notified his father, Saul Deals. Procuring a horse and buggy they drove to the park on the American aide and notified the officials of Glassbrookes perilous situation. Jack McCloy, the guide, who has saved the lives of several people at the Falls, was sent for, and the party hurried to Goat Is- land and went down the Cave of the Winds stairway, where they met a Mr. Barlow, who was engaged in collecting geological speci- mens, and had also heard Glassbrook's•cries. Obtaining dome ropes and a steel drill from the supply shed beneath the bank, they clambered over the rocks as near as possible to Glassbrook. McCloy then fastened a rope about his waist, and with the aid of the drill waded across to where Glambrook was imprisoned. Barlow and McCloy held the rope fast while Glassbrook croseed it hand over hand and waded through the water. McCloy, cutting a piece from off the end of the rope, strung the gun over his shoulder and crossed to where Barlow and Glassbrook were waiting. From his ex- posure Gle sebrook had suffered considerablV, and was in quite an exhausted condition. His boot was picked up opposite the old ferry landing by James Le Bland, who for a time thought that Glassbrook had been drowned. Fortunately for Glaesbrook, the wind did not change while he was there, for when it blows up the river it is impossible to see the rocks upon which he had landed, and had such been the case he would in all probabil- ity have died from suffocation by the spray. liew Could Ife See it the Dark? ' Uthel a,nd Ebert were bidding each ethel." e proper good-bye the .the evening When the draft tio*n the open flout door blew the hall fight out and left the two yon g people in Sudden darkness. " Weren't you awfully afraid," aekeil Ethel's dearest friend next day when Ethel was telling the story, "to be left alone in the clerk like that? " Yes, dear, I was," confessed Ethel frankly. " Egbert is quite bashful, you know, end I was afraid he wouldn't see how per,feot helpless I was." A In.un Time. Mrs. De Hobson (the hosteu)—Do you dance, Mr. Lillie ?" Mr. Lillie—Oh doah, naw. I oawnt dance. Mrs. De Hobson—Shall I present yeti to Miss Literati ? Mr. Lillie—Thanks, naw, I nevah talk. Mile De Hobson—I am efraid you are finding it rather dull, but (happy thought) supper will be served shortly. - A WO3IDERFCTL EIPTCOESS. The following are a few of the many tes- timmaiale received by the Breadme.kers' Yeast Company: Mrs. Matthew Green, Harrisburg; Miss M. 11, Collins, Box 526, Guelph; Mrs. A. Hall, TMrs. Sherrington,West Toronto Junction; Ws. G. H. Gill, Belleville ; Mrs. G. K. z-oop, Cobourg ; Mrs, Ira Doan, West Toronto Junctiou; Mrs. W. McDonald, Oakville; Mrs. Wm. Hunter, 13allyduff ; Mrs. R. Arnold, care of S. Anacreon, Guelph; Mrs. J. S. Jamieson, Rustview ; Mrs. Peter Foster, Oekville; Miss Fenwick, 36 Quebec street, Guelph ; Mrs. Wm. Crone, Stony Lake; Mrs. Alfred Rose, Box 450, Galt; Mrs. Nelles, Box 33, Simcoe ; Mrs. T. C. Dales, Lawville ; Mrs. Dr. Hood, Galt; Miss Sarah A. Louth, Salmonville ; Mrs. Wm. Spicer, West Toronto Junction; Mrs. Alex. McKinnon, Cannirgton ; Mrs. Wm. Alderson, Carleton West; Mrs. Ann Lates, Bethany; Mrs. J. M. Babeer, Dres- den; Mrs. ' Richard Dent, Trafaglar ; Mrs. Geo. M. Nesbitt, Blackstock ; Mrs. M. Moxley, Greeneville ; Mrs. Jacob Greenaway, Port Hope; Mrs. John Mere- dith, Linehouse ; Mrs. Robert Berry, South Middleton ; Mrs. S. B. Alton, Appleby ; Mrs. Saml Steacy, Gananoque Mrs, Bolt Waugh, Hespeler ; Mrs. Albert E. Sim- merman, Odessa ; Mrs. Alex, Ellis, Bramp- ton ; Mrs. E. Hilimer, Oakville. •, Mrs. Sylvanus Ray, Dunsford ; Mrs. T. Wilson,5 Oakville; Mrs. V. B. 13rown, Mt. Pleas- ant ; Miss Annie Hargrave, Brougham ; Mrs. John T. Watt, Galt ; Mrs. Lucy Warren, Lambton Mills; Mrs. Rosa Swift, Bealton ; Mrs. J. C. Walker'45 Cork street, Guelph ; Mrs. Holland Rees, Box 596, Brantford ; Mrs. Chas. Dennison, Weston ; Mrs. A. G. Robinson, Oakville. In Loves Harness. Most women natnrally look forward to matrimony as their proper sphere in life, r but they should constantly bear in mind _ that a fair, rosy face, bright eyes, and a a healthy, well-developed form, are the best passports to a happy marriage. All those wasting disorders, weaknesses, " dragging - down " sensations, and functional irregu- larities . gu- anties peculiar to their sex, have an un- failing specific in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription. It is the only medicine for wo- men,, sold by druggists, tinder a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. Fhis guarantee has been printed on the bottle -wrapper, and faithful- ly carried out for many years. Even felt hats are sometimes braided. Suit Yourself, Queer Facts and Happenings., A prisoner in the Franklin, Pa., jail named Joseph Reed is but 7 years old. He was ar- rested for "maliciously trespassing." a Mrs .Annie Tomlin of Morristown, N. J., lately received in a letter a 820 bill from a servant who had stolen that amount nine- teen years before. but there is no other remedy for sick heft ache, dizziness, constipation, biliousness, or to restore a regular healthy, action to th liver, stomach and bowels, equal to those re- liable little " Pleasant Purgative Pellets' prepared by Dr. Pierce. Of druggists. Watered velvet is the latest novelty in moire stuffs. Yon sturdy oak whose branches wide Boldly the Storms and winds defy, Not long azo an acorn, small, Lay dormant 'neath the summer sky. Not unlike the thrifty oak in its germ, de- velopement and growth, is consualption. But even this mighty foe of mankind, posi- tively yields to the wonderful curative properties of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery if taken early. Don't be blind to your own interests and think yours a hope- less case. This remarkable remedy has res- cued thousands. Of druggists. Very wide galloons trim some of the new- est long wraps. ITCHING PILES. Symrrous—Moisture : intense itching and stinging; most at night : worse by ecratening. If allowed to continue tumors forrn which ofte bl d ' nenenevot :ruin Stonewall et Armen get out of et dor, eunsing bilionencoe, Dyspepsia, or Indigsetion, and MVP atlKtagant tAkEgo/l09 4 dose of 0t 4.0anns.oevuutxt rata. 8a0ohoeu,ntalt.tere. Beet 150310 medielee The ,fesiorite lireia 'design en knit and j'1,01a,ete is the deep' V heck and font, and a siuuiisr avaign the' top aiid around the wi'iSta of the alcoves. nevinsweeseerseseseerearrere nen is,mrs,..r,Vors 1:e 874, PATENTS alegue free, K. Chamberlin, 1oeptito, For Sale--Illuetrated deocript!ve Cat. GIRLS WANTED , Servants, $8 to $16 'louse Mulde, Cooks, or per montri. Ants, nu Olt l'onge.st Totonto. woRK, . FOR Att. i630 a 'tweet/ and expense!' paid, Valuable outfit and partioulare free. P„O.VICRIEUX, Merusta,maiee. . , TP YOu hiLve Invented anything useful, patent it and Make enemy.. Write for Haavna's Goma TO PA. Ta$1.81 OA. Varvey,Patent Attorney and publisher of "The Patent Review," ottawa, One .25 yrs, experience. ILLUSTRATED nCetwItcriUnktrigrfelellogS. on9eetlinj once if ou Want the best. CANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY & SHORTHAND INSTITOTE, Public Library Toronto. Taoism! Beeootlen, Freed - dont; Cuss. Bnooss, Secretary and Manager. DianwrioNs ror !STAMPING and ISE- CEIPTS for manufacturing four different powders—blue, white, yellow and the Precast' liquid staraping for plush, velvet and silk, minutely describ. ed in print, all sent by mail for 10 cents, C. STID- MAN FIEROE, 41 King St. E,, Toronto. Butterielee Patterns and Books for October always on hand. GIIINISIEY'S FIFTY HEARS in the Church of Itoine-10th Edition— cheaper in pdoe. 832 pages. A,NENTs, Ladies or Gentlemen, to sell this Vim, FASCINATING and TRAMO book,Liheral terms. A/inn/nes, A. G. WATSON, TORONTO WILLARD TRADT DEPOSITORT, TORONTO. ONTARIO BUSINES'S COME& arinussft11740.11c.onss Ossisxszassusr.macsmouggs css34 DELLEVILEF., ONTARIO. aaaatiev.eeeesence,ateculeeasewain Provinces and States, touching both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, are represented this year amoung its students. Send for 18511 annual ciroular. W. B. Roaissot, and J. W. JOHNSON, F.C.A., Principals, B3A811"3 E3 R Ei Akif , A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card sent •: to ally baby %shone mother will send no the eitinfia of two or mere other babies, and theta pal ents' addrearee Also a handsome Dia mond Dye Sample Card to the mother ant eolith rainabie information. 11ZislionrcismiA 1111"dlltrOSIka. AGENTS! AGENTS! OUR AGENTS rig1,1,1°,4144:Iraantmit3O14e:i Canada," Gough's "Platform Echoes," Dorcheeter's "Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' "Living Words," "The Cottage Phyeiman," Gough's "Sunlight and MAKE MONEY Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc, Popu- lar Boobs I Liberal Terms I Write for circulars, terms, eta., to wireasai, BRIMS, Publisher, Toronto. Dairy Salt) ZFOR Burrix, ETC. lkTEW Importations.—Efiggime Eureka, Washing 1 15 ton and Ashton Bronchi, in large Or email saoke Also Rice's Canadian Salt. Write for prime. JANES PARK fez S N, Wholesale Provision Merchants Toronto. Nervont Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the past fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of nervous debility, and all dimeases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price, $1 per box, or boxes for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price, Pamphlet on applicatien. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. DYEING AND CLEANING. R. Parker & Co. Works and Head Offices : 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. City Offices al 393 QueeteSt. West, }TORONTO. 225 Queen St. Eitet, 209 Yonge Street, 100 Colborne Street Brantford, Ont. d- 4 Johr Street North Hamilton, Ont. 600 UICOI ate, becoming 'very sore. SWAYNR'S OINTMENT stop She itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and many ries retnoves the tumours. It is equally effl caimans in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYN & SON, Proprietor. Philadelphia. SWAM'S OINT 23 ADELAIDE Sr. E., TORONTO. All classes of fine work, Mfrs. of Printers' Lea& &lege and Metal Furniture. Send tor priene Cook's Gem BAKING POWDER Why do yon use thoee Expenstre American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholesome at one half the price? Prove it by try- ing the Cook' e Gem. Manufactured by ELLIS KEIGHLEY, - Toronto. FOR SALE Holstein Cattle Owing to the large inereaee of nay herd this season it is necessary to reduce it before winter, I will there- . fore All any of my animals. All are choice. This E herd won this year : at Toronto Industrial, Silver Medal, highest award for beet bull of any age ; Do - lunar can be obtainch of druggists. Sent by mail fo 50 cent. The braided cloth jacket is the fancy o the moment. OTN6A/01813 Hera RENMIVIIII restores grey and faded hair to Its natural color and prerents falling out. Long and short wraps are equally fashion able, whether braided or not. Hue! COUGH CURD cures in ono mintile. The braided finds favor with little people nd very young ladies. minion Silver Medal, highest award for best herd ; at Provincial Exhibition, Diploma, highest award for beet herd; at Central Fair, Hamilton, Diploma highest f award for best boll and four of his get ; and won in looney prizes the largest amount ever won by one herd in Canada at same number of exhibitions. No fancy prices. Easy tens re payment. Send for Catalogue. Addresa ..;opuN EETS, Toronto. At Gardiner, Mo., at a recent wedding, the groom was but 19 years of age, while his bride was 60. Heie are a few strange but true names ; EchoHalfnese , a Chicagornerchant ;Sapphire Gunnybag of Boston,•Applepie Johnson of Pittsburgh, John Vadanhiglieenberger, shoemaker of Philadelphia, and Liberty Todd also of Philadelphia. , This is the epitaph on the tomb of Chas. H. Salmon at Dralsesville, N. it " In memory of Charles H. Salmon, who was born Sept. 16,1858. He grew, waxed strong, and developed into a noble son and loving brother. Ile came to his death on the 125h of October, 1884, by the hande of a careleort drug clerk and two excited doctors at 12 o'clock at night in Kansas City." Corn Bowing. To a procesa conducted by the agency of tight boots all the e'ear round. Coen reap- ing is best conducted throhgh the ageneY of yo Coff no more. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. Sotne of the long fumtrinamed tarriage wraps of seal plush are almost or, quite as handsome as real seal, but then they are not eopie who ole ou jeot to bad breath, fonl coated tongue, or any disorder of the Sthmaoh, can as once he relieved be using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the old and tined remedy. Ask your Druegiss, Cloth and fur, pertieularly short pile furs, deal, and beaver are beautifully combined in dressy bonnets hto wear with drub," tailor suits and wool eosttimes, A Cure for DrunkennesS. The opium habit, depsomania, the mor- hine habit, nervous prostration caused by e utie of tobacco, wakefuInees, mental de. ression, *softening of the braiti este., prenia- re old age; loss of vitality calmed by over- ertion of the brain, *aid lees of natural reng from any cause whatever. 11" th tu ex Ptitnam's Painlese Corn Extractor, the only do safe and sure -pop corn cure. m's u'a tractor is now widely frnitatdd. sti13ewo,s, allpoisonous and sore producing b6tituteno The improved air.bralte tiow 1.0103 a train tie in four eecOndo. ung, old or middle-aged—who are broken *n froin any �f the abeve causes, or row y cause riot Mentioned above, oend your a d - cos and 10 cents in stampo !Or Lubon't es.tise, in book form of Diseaees of Mau. eke tient settled and secure treni Obiletla- n. Address M. ,V. Innox, 4/ ton street ltht5 For�*ito, Ont, CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Co. INCORPOkATED 1855. Stab/ter/bed Capital. . $3.000,0on Pald.up Capital 2,300,020 Reserve Frond ......... .. . .......... 1,180,020 Total Assets . .. . . 0,301,215 e --- orrice :—exen nintinees, TORONTO ST., TORONTO. DEPOSITS received at current rates of intereal aid or comp d y y. DEBENTUR,ES issued in currency or Sterlingovith interest coupons attached, payable in Canada, or in England. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invebt in the Debentures of thia company. MONEY ADVANCED on Real Estate security at current rates and on favorable conditions as torepay. Meat. Mortgagee and Municipal Debentures purchased J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director, HE greatest dis °every of the resent age for RENAL ATING ens Doane tetninfeeetimoos remit awn Wieser OMPLAIN113. A per esti Blood Purifier A few in Hamiltew rohe have been brine Plied ite Use 11 L.0.0 Obert' St., cured of rs. M Keenan, 109 Erysipelas of 2 yean ' Sanding; Robert Co, C'fa en, 24 South St., ••anghter cured ,ef Oliveto' Fite after , 'years' suffering ' " ,f s, cured of WeAReire -afet !,Lti likable,' oln* ireedi 05 eatheArt Of.; cured Of, feet Oampiiiint and Used ,011iy5 trOftyeeent bottles; Mrs. J, Beal, Angueta troubled for yeah/ With Ncrions Profitintion,„twe einale,bottlfiti reeve heerreeist tenet Sold M eaS. &01.00.; T.,V,DAL ET & CO., Preprietoni. , riicgtosto (jutting' School —Gentlemen dor eroue of weltering' a t4orotazit knowledge of gar. aunt cutting in all its branehes, should apply at once to 3, corrigan. proprietor, 122 Yonge 55,, Torotite, Terthe, 011 Application. , 'Ws are the only mama aet arers of Small American Hog SAUSAGE CASINOS JP Canada. These casings TAKE riE LEAD of any English shag) eateries, in ED size,strength and length. price 11s5 American 110lE Cahiltsip; ; Per keg of 1118..030 00 Per keg of cc ibu,, <•,1 0 00 Smaller ElaulnitleS, per lb, , 350 Ettel Ohl $J11114' DAEIG04:— Per keg of 10 bundles... , .. . ....$80 00 Rnialler imaatities, per 06 Petrepize Home Tracie, 51 any other dealerere offering Casings at less than the ab,ve, we Will sell at their figures if shown the priees., We also ni4M1MOLLIEs P UREAN1MA 1. FERT,It..12E R, composed 0. blood, bone ana -Meat. rriOe peDLOR, 580 00, Fine or coarse Bone Meal. 835 per ton, All Goods 'Warranted, or money refunded, Goods F. 0.13. at Hain ilt on. E. ItOW LIN 4t30., linsivron, ()sr. MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER STOCKMEN, give thie valuablepre- paration a fair trial. It operates promptlyandelThatuallyin destroying Ticks and other vermin p eats, as well ,,,as in eradicatingall affections of the . skint° which Sheep are subject, Sold In Tins at arm., no. and 21. .6. 55o. Ti will clean 20 Sheepior 85 Lambs. HUGH MILLER & 00.. Toronto. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO.'S SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. &Me Celebrated Han. cock 'aspirator. ifOrGresham'e Automatic Re -starting Injector, 7'Morrison's Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. Engineers' & Plumb. ers' Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. JAMES MORRISON, 75 &77 Adelaide St.W., TORONTO. UE BOILER intisr EarroN aitd Insurf MECO company of Canada. Consulting Engineers and Solioitora of Patents. TORONTO. G. 0. ROBB, Chief Engineer. A. FRAM, Seep-Treas. AGENTS WANTE vitriwn Life Ins urance Company THE oAssADIAN RtITIJATf AID ASs0cl.rd5TiON. 10 King St, P.est,, Toronto. SAUSAGE GASINGS. BEST IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEPS. also Saudi American gogS Caeiogq. Quality guaranteett. la lots to suit purchasers. Write for prices. ,IPS THE SELECTION OF A CHOICE CIFT For Pastor, Parfsnt, Teacher, Child, or Friend,both elegance and um efu lness will be found combined in a copy of Webster'S Unabridged. W/88T443, 6W4M47 4m9270110- ;VAR1010 srato Besides niany other valuable featUres, it Luntains A Dictionary of 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravinge, A Gazetteer of the World leeating and describing 25,000 Place, A Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10,000 Noted Persons, All in One Book. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Illustra- tions than any other American Dictionary. Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet froc. G.& C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mask Allan Line Royal flail Steamships. Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in spin. tner from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to laud mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Half. fox and St. John's, E. F., to Liverpool fortifightly during summer Months. The steamers of the Glass gow lines Ball during winter to and from Halifs;, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during:sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and. Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly For freight, passage, or other nformation apply Is A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard da Ott.„, Halifax; Shea & Go., St. John's, Nfld.; Wna. Thompa son & Co. St. John, N.B.; Allen h Co., Chicago Love & Aiden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toronfro, Allan, Reel& Co., Quebec); Wm. Brookie, Philadd phia ; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Deeiring t obtain a Busineee Education, or become proficient n hhorthand and Typewriting, should at- tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESSHOLLECE, Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto. For Circulars, etc., Address C. O'DEA. Secretary. STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS. USES BEST FRENCHBURR MILLSTONES FINEST GRINDER MINE WORLO NO RENEWING , 5JNIRO5MILLS1. s.,.A\MMA,311: I STONES WILL LAST A . LIFE TIME S'gr. ore a' el P 4i) 0.0 .03 800 ai 142 so So pte G's ,111 •I /JAI- e' 1 ine:LOD wifonous VY • E.W.C°-BRANTFORD. „ NEW SECOND-HAND M ik (-14 snts1AL0GUE J L.IIi,, .-.F17'-E.E-2' k W PE:T15.. E.FRA-14 FO,19 BARUNIVI WIRE a PECIAL NOTIOE—We have decided inlfutur to put Dr. Jug's Mediein in a brown jug, instead oia glass bottle aa heretofore The jugs that we will use for this purpose are Made of the finest imported Rock - Ingham, of a mottled loom colour, with "Dr. Jug's Medicine for Lungs, Liver and Blood" in raised let- ters' on the Ade. Out reasons for making th change are: "1A—Its won derful curative qualitie will be better preserved by the rnedieine being kept entirely in the dark. 2nd— As the jug will he register- ed it will be impossible to counterfeit it. 3rd—T5e name "Dr. Jug's Medi - FA GSI M I LE eine " will be quote easily OF A JUG OF DR. JUtra remembered by associa. MEDICINE- tion. 4th Our friends will be able to recognize at onee that they are getting the genuine article, as there is no other medicine put up in a jug. DR. JUG MEDICINE CO„ Toronto and Stratford HOLIDAY PRESENTS. $10 WATCH FOR $5! $2.75 WATCH FOR $2 For Five Dollars yen can buy of CHARLES STAIEK, 52 Church St., Toronto,, A. good, reliable ten -dollar Silver Watch (ordinary retail price), eleven jewelled. patent lever, expansion balance, 3 oz. silver case for . . . $5 Higher grade movement, in same case ... . . 8 Wm Ellery, Waltham, in same case 9 P. S, Bartlett, 'Waltham, in same ease 10 If engraved silver cases are preferred, add 50eto bore prices. The silver cases are our own manufac- ture, and fully guaranteed. A Reliable StenissvindIng Watch for $2. Ordinary retail price $2.70. On feceipt of price will send by regletered mail, postage prepaid. Chas. Stark, 520hurch St., Toronto; Wholesale and retail dealer in Fire Arm, Manufac- turer of Gold and Silver Watch Cases, Manufacturer of Gold and Silt er Jewelry, Diamond Setting, etc. Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Gold and Silver American Swiss Watches Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Be sure and state which you want, Firs Arras or Jewelry, as we now publith them separately nd IRON WORKS WINDSOR, ONT. We are offering special in- ducements to purchasers of Iron Fence for delivery this fall. We guarantee the Best and - Cheapest Fence made in the Do- minion. IRON FENCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - Send for Catalogue. 3Faritners and Threshers! USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWNI ;wags PeerlessOil NE COLD MEDALS R"ebeit'itErtlditiP,efloarYglriZortiatItse°PriffeE•LEall Manufactured at OUEEN CITY OIL WORKS, by SAMUEL ROGERS 86 CO. TORONTO. 9the.Coiniiii1S71 G teeOa,jita1, $1,000,000 PlIESIDENT : 51011, 8131 W. P HOWLAND, C.B., 11.0. If. G. VICE.PRFAIDENTS t WM. ELLIOTT, ESQ., EDW. HOOPER, ESQ. • DIMECTORS t How. CHOW JUSTICIE MIODONALD IL P. MAN, ESQ. a. D. tomtit, RM. I W. 1!, nosrvt, 5154. 0. NOIDIIETIIIIM, 1634. WALTRIIL S. LIEN, ESQ IiIISIIII., J. RT Meant, 12*. n.onio., nee. A. L. Gbouttaismt, Esti, no.r. am... YOUNG. A. licLueif Howaan EMI. MANAGING ntuncton 1 J. K. MACDONALD. ' This Distinctively Moine Institution wag established 15 years ago. Dunlap this Period nearly Ott e nslfllon of dollars has been returned to the policy holders, or their representatives The asSeti4 neeluilldidlefl during this period amount, at this dete, te over 0,300.000, and when .,_the Guarantee Capital Is ridded, forme security for if/0110 bolder* te the amount of over $5,e60.0oPt 'Moire dontomplatieg ihsuring will do well to donapare the boat In this Assoefation with Other noMpanlea, for the Above period, before insuring elsewhere. This ARNOtiAtiOleft gates are trete 10 *030 per emit. tower than in the*e foreign compantee thaltnip hi/sines? in tido country, While the profit results annals* the best of theitio IMAD Orville, 15 TOROWtO Ito) , TottOldit J. K. 114.CDONALD. Managing Directnr,