HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-12-8, Page 51 r day nicht about eleven o'clock Tnterastinl Renal, while 1M1'm. ,I?unlop, aprominent #'arxler,, ���,�residing near Watford, Wasdrlyi)lji fie n6O17NGMEN tiutlortugPromtheefteats<sfin a hay•i'aelr his ho)'sea ran oyer_thecoalyyevil habits,rileresult ofilinse anco oraide o#'the road into a deep ditch. folly,wklorindtbomselvesweak, nervous, antiSuroe -`~-o Dunlop was thrown and the rack over- eshaustedf also Miannn Acme and Oen Men, turned, crushing aim beneath it. He who are bre can down atom e effects o etbuao FOR GENUINE P RI - - -_ or over- ork and in advanced life feel the armor:, £ttcntn! h l i f to f .EO1Z PURE I'AR1S GREEN _ M __ _ -- zszzals was found by a Mr, Barnes and some consequences of youthful exeess,'send for and neighbors in the morning under the hien nil V. Lubonli,Treatie �n 1)18°.°"'" of FOR No. ',INSECT POM lying On his back, arose on receipt of two ;). stumps, Address well known farmerabout M. V,LUDON,47 W'ellingtun 4t. E, Toronto, ry" '^* J .18bh. 8t3. 1—v. d leaves a and au z 7 .1.J��O VY ��� would rook dead and •cold •Men. reeboekwi a sentseaod to e,uy se-t- rack Deenraoldsed sa N6- S 40 years old anwidow 13, children, The ,Socialists made no attempt t•) carry The ratepayers ofParkhIll baYecarrie put their threatenedclomonstrntion in, Trafal• _es_ d gar Square or Hyde Park on Sunday. T, SPOT the salt well by-law—for 107, against 32. THE � l3elore,T'ol)co Magistrate Noblo,'1'hure• Evlsn>asT s Liv Regulator worked tvoude.s day, Thomas Creighton, Birr, was com- °nine and made me feel like a new man.— mittec #ora third offense against the Levf Ii, Slipper, Forest P, 0. ALSO A. FINE ASSORTMENT )F o i crest Canada Temperance Act, and was sent 8. So ala r, F P. 0. down for two months without the BVEBEST a Liver Regulator has proved the best medicine I ever tried for impure blood option of a fine. and liver oompiniut.—John Jones, Hillsboro'. Mr. J. S. Benedict, who for a number Evnees'rs Cough Syrup is themostremark. of ye re- has been 'connected with St. able medicine I ever used for Coughs and Jam` s' Church choir, Stratford, was` the Colds, two or three doses invariably effecting other afternoon presented with'a $120 a euro.—Wm. Gillis, Forest P. 0. diamond ring find an address. Mr. and It instated that twenty warrants are out Mrs. 73en° list leave in a few days for for the arrest of prominent Irish Motional-. Moncton, N, .B., where Mr. Benedict `'lets: has been transferred as American consul. I really believe I would not be alive at this J. A A. Tanner, headmaster of the Listo. time had i not used Everest's Liver Regulator. wel High School, has been offered the Some of the Western Politiciausoollect the appointment of principal of the Victoria seeds or a plant, powder and sift them, and pB.er )nn High School at a salary of $1,320 glen baker eo anjd cakes, , which In prepm a ti ismear e 'The °vaFlence in the case of articlen of afood they'use an article known as Robert Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder, that Annett, charged with kicking Robert is acknowledged to be the best in the world Blackwell to death in West Missouri, was The Queen has given ,£1,000 to be distrib- submitted to the grand jury Monday .uted amongthe detectives who frustrated the afternoon. The jury round a true bill Jubilee dynamite plot. against Annett for manslaughtr Mr. Robert McEwan, of Byron, has 433 Seiesnvne ST.,Motramee, May2nd,1887. had the misfortune to loose, from old Aftea ineffectually trying many of'„ the' so age, his well-known imported black and called remedies for catarrh, I made a trial of tan collie Champion Chieftian, a dog who Nasa113alm which gave me instant relief; and for anumber of years carried offat bench since commencing its use 1 daily note the shows the best prizes in England, Winn• beneficial changes itis producing after a few ing there upwards of 70 premiums and applications, It changes the unpleasant odor medals. of the virus in the throat and the poisonous keeretions over which everyhreath must pass. A youlig man, giving as his Wawa To anythus troubled itisa rieelessmedicine. Joules Covers, of Galt, was "arrested at >P.A. CARDINAL. Tiiaonburg the other day, for practising At Tralee, Friday, there Ras a collision be. fraud. He would Gell a farmer say $20 tween the crowd and the police. The latter worth of nursery stook, for w)iich he'charged the crowd and used their batons would take a` note for the amount. The freely, injuring many persons. document would afterwards be converted Soott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil into a note for $200 by simply adding and Hypophosphites an additional cipher, The fraud was, 'is sold all over the world. It is far superior detetced by a banker in that town with to plain Coct Liver 011, palatable and easily whom the sharper was negotiating for digested. Dr, Martin; Miles Stanton, Bury the sale of the notes. Mr. Cavern will Bneks, London, England, Saye; I have pre - likely spend a lapse of time in the seribed Soott's Emulsion, and take it myself. It is palatable, efficient, and can be tolerated penitentiary.by almost anyone, especially where cod liver Shortly after dark last 'Thursday oil itself cannot be borne. Put up in 50e, evening, Mr. White of Biddulph,.on his and $1 size. way home from St. Marys, left lila Amongst the curious rumours current is horses and wagon for a few' minutes in one that De Freyeinet a year ago secretly en - front of Mr. Bailey's blacksmith shop tered the Roman Catholio Church with a at McIaryre s corners, ]3lanshard. ' In view to his accession to the Presidency: the wage ti were a quantity of groceries. "I had a bad cold on nay lunge for two Just at this juncture a young farmer years; every thing I tried failed me until 1 from the township of Fullartou came girt Everest's Cough Syrup, andit cured me.- along e: along and spying the groceries at once Mrs. D. A. Fraser, Parkhill, P. 0. deo, ed to appropriate them. Mr, ORIGIN OF SWEARING. Wh a '(ion Ieaehing his wagon,:dis- The brother of the fairy' Pari Banon was coverr5d his los; and at once set out only thirty inoheshigh. Hisbeardwasthirty- and captured the thief a few miles die- two fent long and extended'-horrizoneally in tent. He recovered .ins basket and front of him ashewalked. Reinvented swear groceries, but will leave the law to ing to express bis feelings when poor biscuit settle the rest. were set on bis table. His wife could always (� Recently a serious riot took place at make biscuit to please ben by using Imperial a =., ' Parkhill, caused. by the swearing of two detectives in a "Scott Act. trial.;The- Inspector and several other were slightly injured. Sixteen young men were arres t- ed, tried atLondon, and acquitted. Up- on the, eturn to Parkhill, they were met at th depot by their friends with carria ,, and taken to a public hall and tendere a reception and supper. The band was in attendance. Monday afternoon a convention of the Methodist ministers of the London district was held' in Wesley Hall,' at which the allotment made . to London district of $8,000 to be paid towards` the $450,000 was accepted. In the evening a large. audience assembled in Queen's Avenue Methodist Church to discuss and'subscrtbe to the fund for college federation. The meeting was an enthuse iastic one, and at the close the subscript- ion list was well filled. WDEIt WOODliAM. 1.811111. 11 Fishin shackle ALWAYS A. FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF Gall and Examine foo. Your- self. J. W. BROWNING, Prop.` —CURES Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases —and all - Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising Female weakness & General debility Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated, Pleasant and effectual to use. -ASK FOR— Doctor Hodder's Compound. Take no other Sold everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle. ' l-{� •��11 �pp `� DR. HODDC)R'S Gough Lug Cure ; Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and alanf'rs, the Union Medicine Company, Toronto;.. Canada. ,AW GUluMMING.—The ,:Under- (: signed would inform the eublic that he 1s prepared to gum saws on the shortest notice, and in a first-olassmanner, guaranteeing not to damage the plater Saws gummed atalowprioo, at the factory, k mile south of Exeter. 2-m T. HEAMAN. The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over at,; 80 years in thousands.of cases. Cures' Spermatorrhea, Nervousr, Weakness, Emissions Impotency ld'eah and all diseases caused by abuse, r( sEFoRE1 indiscretion, or over-exertion. feeeza] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when an others Fail. Ask your Druggist for Tho Great English i'rescrlption, take no substitute. One package Cream Tartar Baking Powder. S1, Six $5, by mail.Write for Pamphlet. Address The United States Treasury Department r,arcica Chemical Co., 'Detroit, 1►lich. bas decided that any ship planking, dressed or planed on one side, is entitled to free en- try under the tariff provisions for ship timb- er. NIL DISPERANDUM "Never despair," is a good motto for all. If afflicted with any lingering disease, remem- ber "while there islifethere is hope." Never despair of relief until you have tried Burdock r mil Blood Bitters. It cures diseases of the stem- .0 fail; 4k`r;'1 aoh,.liver and blood when all other medicines . IN A DREADI3'UL CONDITION. .Tis �'�t }*F)'e. Hattie E. Manthnrn, of Mill Village, Ont., ' WORK .P OW D ER Are pleasant to t•tktt..~Contain their owe Purgative. Is e s tle. a e. and et -factual ,110,troyer of worwus in Children orAdults ssys. "My congh wag dreadful, I could not sleep at nights on account of it, hut when I used Hagyard's Pectoral Bal'•am I had rest and was quickly cured. All druggists sell this invaluable cough remedy. An alarming scarcity of coal exists in Wes- tern Kansas. A HINT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Mrs. Robert Williamson. of Glenila, Parry, Sound, Ont., says, "I could not keep house without 13agyard's Yellow Oil at hand. I IarrnoeAnzLrrxEs ,Sonrsrrerns BECOME have used it in my family for croup. acre REALrrins-A TnuE WonrAn's rinuLlr7r• throat, and a out foot and can highly recom- Several works bearing unique titles, written mend it to everybody." in.faseinetiur style, and giving evidence of Mayor Howland, of Termite. has been ask - wonderful inaginative power have lately been to organize a Prohibition Club in the City of. received by the reading public with much Kingston. popularity and pleasure. A CGAIII VER1 PIED. Perhaps the most striking of them ie the B. B. B. claims to cure ell ettreble diseases" book bearing the odd title of "San". In of the bowels. kidneys, liver and blood. That this the author haseei'iy outdone himself in it performs all it claims, is proven by testi his popular line. Ayesha and herr beloved menials from T•arties which' nnnecan`dispute.' Kilhkrates are unique characters in fiction. Send for teetimoniala of remarkable miree, Ayesha, the heroine, is a beautiful creature There are about 3,000 women in Toronto who tasted of the essence of nature's forces who can vote at the municipal elections this at the fountain head, and became immortal. winter. Thov will C i inert Rooters. Her patient, waiting for the c -ming of A POSTMASTER'S OPINI0i . Killilrrates, the beloved of her youth, ,whose "I have wrest pleasure in certifying to the individuality was maintained through cent usefulness of Hagvard's Yellow Oil." writes uries, though the change celled death rage- D.Kavanagh, postmaster, ofUmfraville. Ont , larly occurred, onlv to be followedby rebirth ',!having need it for soreness of the throat. is a fine illustration of woman's fidelity. burns. colds, etc.. I find nothing equal to it." Tho closing scene, when she conducts UM- Anthracite coal dust has been placed on ikrates to the very centre of the earth, the the free list. 13itnminotts coal and dust, birthplace of all, life, in order that he may however,'ara still liable to'dtity, taste of immortality, is a fit climax to the fine A MATTER OF ECONOMY creattiou. As a matter of economy le. 13: R. is the The quos;,ton naturally suggested by this cheapest medicine in ase for it takes less to strikingly, original story is whether there is cure chronic disenaek of the stomach, liver. uot,rontewheriunature, apotent force where- kidneys and blocel than of any other known '4 by life may at least be temporarily prolonged. remedy. B. B. B. is oulyOne Dollar ahottle Mrs. AnnieJonneesMiller, editor of"Dress" The Dominion Government bas purchased says:"In every instance eVeruer's Safe Cure the site for a new immigration building at hRS the effect to give new energy and vitality Winnipeg from Alex.McIntire for $5.000. to all mypodere." Mine. Gray, teacher of Dyspepsia Directly Disappears Daring Orifi-ory and Physical Culture at Syracuse, Doses os Dr. Carson's Stomach 73ittors, the declares: ''Before I tried physical culture and most reliable family medicine, All clrngeists, Waruer't safe cure, I was a confirmed invalid. Pectoris { Pectoria ! Pectoria I A. bettor I owe much to that exesilent remedy, and do cough cure or exuectornnt is not mane. Bo- net hesitate to acknowledge it. fore yon give up try Pootoria, 25 cents per Helium life seems toe short, though mon bottle, rill drutggist.s. in former ni;cs lived longer than those of the Drs. F. 11. Powell, of Ottawa, and fTe'ivy present, History tells us that they lived make Dodds, of Regina, have been appointed eos- in accordance with nature's laws—their mode istant surgeons to the mounted police, of living was extremely simple. and in ,their Where the danger lies m tiring pills in' 'daily life the followed the dictates of human cold weather—almost all purgative 'pills or Y . .. intelligence. pellets contain enlomel or ner•mtrt' m some g If sickness comes, we of to -clay, Seek _the 'form or other, By using Dr. Carson's Stogy < instead of mach Bitters you get a perfectly pure; voge• +` �d .ninon the cartificialforcc.ii , orur y 8 r table pnrpative. Large bottlap e0 cents, reset Meg lathe field of nature. The Domsurer ParlinmMit proraugncrlfw)en diseases come, we would eontnit nature the chances aro that we would would fare Pro forma, till ,Tan, 14. ` + d b 1 L of AT)VICE 7o hiOirterts.—AVO you iStni,od fit better, for we would than treat thn Cause night brokbu of our rastbya well child CON eitft TX ON CURED. c; I n.1{nirDvn, for 5 v , Tooth powders,Washes, ,ode ,. ler . 1{odei`n re.3uarch lies shown uffevi,e, and cr rn with min (if Cu'trnc+ In old retired. 1n.,iohico,hav ;, golden iiiio .E •o or such disq.< s � a y g p I bloa:china; et 011 to .. i;o ) „ pieced irihi hands i east Iridian F4�. ,quit t coo COLD INoTHE HEADo POSITIVEA OI11E Iran CATARRH. G %SES immediate Relief FOR Cold In Ileal l°J'T'iRk�1 NAY FEVER. EASY TO USE. It The undersigned respectfully inform the eom m unity that theyhave leased tho above mills for a term of years ; and will be pleased to have a call from all. Tho mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. It is the intention of the subscribers to add a set of rolls as soon as possible ;"and all combined, tho QUEEN CIT_I,. OIL WORK IJ ..L� .l S rne�.r# At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on sli machinery during the Exhibition, It has been awarded NeNE GOLD MEDALS dinette the last three years. 'See that you get Peerless. It is only mode by 8,A, CUEL a /��y To Oy�rTO VCR SALE li'Y JAS. PrCItARD, Woodham Grist•Mill mAs win Y cud to none. ut the West. � —x--x— Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or e$chtutged for oats. SATISFACTION 4 CTION GUARANTEED. etirA 'TRIAL SOLICITED, J. & A. McNEVIN WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT. RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKiN, And every species of disease arising from disordered' LIVER, KIDNE'Y,S; STOMACH,' BOWEL: ' 'R BLOOD. fILBURN. & CO: op let°., � 0a, . it ot o E..! O S - - N e a• l � n v (130 t gt, 4 Id gj tit 5 14 ce 'r 171 vii s, t' • C?3.11/ 5fitt _ r.ria•ra eN4 44' -re s• DR CHASE'S MANDRAKE; E DANDELION Zitio Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price- The whole esstem is deranged Etna out of GO cts and $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug. sorts The blood is impure, pimples, bells and gists, sent p ep p P r aid`on reCei t of rice. Address) liver 'spr'tsappearing 'on the face and body. FULFORE , 00. Brockville, Ont. ague loss oi appetite, n do The liver is clogged and. inac rive, causing fa- ' 11 sleety, tiredfeel- ing ,with inability to do work. the complexion Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Semonic Blossburg is fallow and muddy, and itisCoal before it advances.Ansate Galvanized and IS COMING ---AND-- 000 3Y21):r IS TO THE FRONT WITH A FRESH STOCK OF O roceries Fruits, uits, & Confectionery Purchased for the X -Inas trade, Oranges, Lemons, Figs and Dates- -Good Oysters and Haddies, Always Fresh and. New. My Oyster Parlor is alway open, and oysters served as you want thein, and on the shortest possible notice. 113rildman. fi� Dot f, ,. pts .te • 40 �o o�~ • ti.� e7„,*(. G �� e •off � to • tiboo o fie 5� �.5 1e, • oC� 'C s. �Cti sae"' a°{ . ae wo v b� tiff .,e 9aa 0',`0 o{ti � ��� JY SOfi `. SGC GK.' e,e, gy{e�1� � yti��.pe� ��o �.. 9tiS trop .,e 2c •- " \e, else d e y. 2r�,o � ofs i���o ;0o .i ,� �•�ti� Z5 0 0� N$1 o• .tir �` „tee e • 'N .oi Tv�ee te4 .lets+ tea' eft �9 tit` ao oti �1e t`fie tee of t 1 � 4,1 ° 4.S,G co yti1, eb1 e, .r 'SC' e 9 Sw Gyti Ste` ��• Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, 'r late 533, Oxford Street, London. aa' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes . and Pots: If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. BWARE (Wholesale and Retail.) BUILDER'S. HARDWARE—Nails, Glass, (stained and- engraved), Locks, Hinges Butts (full line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE—Bar Iron, Bent. Stuff, I3ubbs, Spokes, Cutter Banners, Shafts, Moquette Wunsliu, Drill, &c. MILL SUPPLIES—Stow Pipe, Fittiugs, Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leath- er Beitings, &c. SPORTING MATERIAL -Breach Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, tee, Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Coal 011, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, & Skates. LANCE SAWS. STOVE DEPARTMENT —SEE THE— Original Cook and Triumph ° HEATING: STOVES. The Bradley Eavetrough and Tin- ware a Specialty. Verity's Plows and Points, Can iPlaster, Carpet, Felts, Pitch C. Cate&. TRUSSES 1 c HRISTIAN 'LAWYER, roan ufac Dr. CHASE' q • i 1 ld l' absolrttely ve d G Barb Wire cheap. cessary,to enjoy good1 eu1tii,to take the eele- braced ,r furor of all kinds of Trusses ; Residence:. Ronnie's ay, whero he Win attend to the Mandrake, Dandelion Livor Cure, which puri Why pay from $15.00 to x;25 00 for the sam0 ar- digestion and promoting a, natural evacuation • tiele which he can furnish you Inc ;$5.00, ,rnd of the bowels. Mandrake and Dandelion are ' regulators known and Liver c il.itd, which is as cod if not better and warranted two of the bestg t, that the lyes rs.ofUndertakinci omeurber, Double allmedlcalmen agree t L Furniture fit with;Single comfort? It to Trusses �G.00; SingleTrusses,$2.50r' Allcorn- more vital importance co health than the munieutions addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWerEet, wants of any, Mills, 'who May require his services, ties the blood by stimulating the Liver, aiding JAMES PICK.ARD Heart and Lunge, If the Liyer is torpid or in- active, Dyspeesia, Indigestion, Headache, Cos - Zurich P. O. Ont. tiveness, etc. will result 1 .v BLACKSMITH SHOP.— Thos Cave would inform the public that he has opened a $1.,.A.Oic; MS'S, -x Sn"Z- OP, r ' opposite the I-'ost Office In 5o tthoott s T31oak, ont»ait th where bo will bo lca3eil to tricot bis old custo- mers, and as many hew enol, tvishiug work done on shortest notice end at low nriecs. Iia,rte-shoeing -' :met general blaoksinitliing a specialty. a s TITOS. CAVE, O °site the Post Otlice, Fetal.er, nn Complaint, Kidney and Urinary Trnuble, Jaun- dice, Liyer Spots, I,npuroBlood,Fou1 Breath, aro quickly cured by Dr. Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Liver When the kidneys are diseased, overtaxed and weakened, one or two bottles are `auar- anteed to Jure. gr. Alex, Taylor, West G-wil- limbury, was troubled. for 15 years with kid- ney disease,'\VMS .compelled to rife b and 0 times thiough tho night to urinate, sufferers intense pain, and was finally cured after all other rmnodios and physicians bad failed, by tieing throe bottles. 5000.000 SOLD ! Over olio-half'million of Dr, Chase s Receipt I3ooles have boon sold in Canada alone, and we want every person troubled with Liver €'on3• plaints iittd kidney diseases. oto,, to try- Chase Liver Cure, Wrapped arotiudevery bottle is a valuable RECIEIPT-BOOT( FREE, Nn 1s dy's toilet, heuso or housornrttll ebotrld bo without this &bole, the 'finest nnllebtion of reci- pes octant, Tbc ladict'de3ni'tmont, giv e7 011- coit'ti for beautifying tllc' cnnt),lexkm. ifiag- no1in 13rt1n,Ct•earu of Beauty, May 1)ow, Tan, 13 reeking, Sunburn, TIM): Dyeti and Pr•ornotors, known. dots/mars .I th 7 `if t i t l gob bottle of ing haat d oV s i t e, ctr, etc, that most of the commonlyfb Lt.str e0 f0 a0 it 1L. .01100 ant r0 a - 0 , 0 ' "R7rs,WInalow'e SoothingSyrup" for Children missionary the formula o n yunplra vegetable ' . i 1tlbnlm•e at 1, Buy a bottle, n to tiles unhea th elate of theincalculable. Sold by c 1 ee owe tlleu origin l y r,It, oly rotnfor'speedy cn,irrl ser'rnnnout euro oftlio COSI of Lootlri ig, Its Value is 5, , I She book alone worth lou tunes kidneys, the blood purifiers of the system, arid- l;ilicva the poor little suiiaver inrnrodi.rt Ly. Consumption, 73 I t , C t 1 , i th Ythe medicine. it v aii,l+cCa t teanurttrli radical Notvnus7)obiitt anti s Lite °and about it. It antes D,yso of and 1 i y r11 made actin drreetIg on the Jfrduo , { vV r ei s safe Curti a vegetable comp � 1 i p € r g d 73 1 Price 2G c Sold by all goal 11 411 IitI Itllldl_WiIli1111 I a roue rr'is 1111, r . s ma e state bythe use Impend upon it, mothers thole is no mistake and tilt threat mutt lung trtToc ions, also n post,111 fhb 1 if they lire lc -pt in a healthy 1 lxy. 15r, Chase's liidncyLiver 't a, tiny o a n ©ullitea rho Stomacu ttiixi ' ......, cures 'MI Nervous Complaints, after lravtug tested its nd situ le '.1`odlictien of naturemuc i 0 the lie ROttOia the Gums i'edtteeaiIlfllrtnrnatioi a P p dtr l £ h er stn owe o; ' r) ' - r, tvouderfnl curative, powers in tltousancis of ors. • l - ill averted. i o tone mid energy to the s Steen. cases, has felt. it but ciaty-te'me 'melte it known to ii,bable t s would be it o y [tea , v a h _. BE ON It OUR GUAR". prevailing . ,+ „" V irslow' n ,Ifni 5 sirs ." for children hie suffering foltorvs, Aotuatrdb tills motive . It is probable that the author of Slio de. ;loth, y f. • a S tf 1 v PtT v..1 Don allow acold 1u Mond to _slowly and . . .: . teething is pleasant to 1110 taste nail is ilio and a desire to relieve uttrrian suffering, 't rived mats ' of ins iiealttlfitl rmagtriin(,+s flora: iet`en of olds o 1130 'o)ci0St anc'i bbs semi free of charge, to 0,11 who deair0 it. this surely:develop into catarrh, when. yon can be • r - r f� r Ittmn s with riliture.f.'r we are all •tttescrip e f o's Catarrh close c0 1711 "female physicians and nurses ie the Unitoci rocice, in (3armtrn,� ronclr cr 13n€,tisk, wilt still cured -10r 2,,e, by nein Dr. C])as„ , g s States naA is fait all dt•u Hiatt alitoneh- ditettioirsfer )ireparin)r ones usu. :tont by. Cure, :.t taw napec.atous ear° i tsrprent eat- 0 0104 that tvlin ,and is of er front nature, i Price by (e ,, ,• t rh , 0 to beano til and w11o10some, that/ hat oat the world, 111fico l( 100 'flvo , W$.a bot- mail, by . A Nor f5, with oor's s, naming e thea 5 bO ; 3 to tars n be t to r clinniv Oo th rn°rC t tlo. 13o gull) audT ,nFik far huts. WrfJsrotvs irafror,tv:il Norl,s.libl'aarics•'s.f3toct, 5 i." r h /Ice/looter 5 h.sxei' s Funrs;ntoc d to euro c tonic entarf•h orxn,1e , unv ,tad take no otlior kind. a r, ',try rt, t re euio, lvltich is A)`tiilciitllvr tinstruotnd w� a:r int 2�0. ate sic would cell the attention of the people of Exeter and surronnditl country to We fact than WO,., having turchased tee stock and baseless of WILLIAIit .DREW, are ohs: • , (, 1 lit l indttements c special Parlor Setts, Plain and fancylnblos, Spri>>�s ducMattress. r ieCdi lloiIi Srtt,-g, Wood, Carte 85 Perforated Chairs, Book Cases, Writing Desks, Sideboards, W'IiatnOts, Cradles, Etallstatds, And au Endless .Variety in Dods, PUredllS Gl bozrdS , a�,c , Our Stealof Lumber is Large and Thoroughly Sea• s o rrd nue, having had eao in experience in the loading factories of tho Doinion, we can guarantee Stylish tlila r bio Fur n tore, R i art cat o Ia s its the Conuty, ora e ai e t Goods Our Stools bf Uiidcrtalcing U h � equal north of Loud°n. S1ocial attention will be paid to this lra.eliof the bs es s, en everyone will and us pr omp t and reliable business nton. REPAIRING 01° ALL BINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Remember sheStand, One Door North th of 1To 1 Silr. s /v. k RC)NNTE