HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-12-8, Page 4fr3.4, iota. '-^ THURSDAY, DEC. STu 1887 THE CROWN PRINCE. TE condition of the Crown Peinee remains abut the same, with 4tendancy, if any, toward im- provement. ID the event of his dyitig there will be severe trouble, and by the physical infirmities of Prince William the situation is ren- dered doubly serious. Atte° tion has been so generally directed to the throat troubles of the Crown Prince, that the coudition ot his eldest son has escaped notice, It appears, howe-ver, that he is snffering in a severe degree from the sameetisease which carried off the late king of Prursia, namely, a succession of abscesses in diet part of the ear situated between the tympanum and the base of the brain. There is constant danger of iefianunation of the brain and ittsanity or death. The general health of Prince Will- iam is poor, and this terrible disease is making rapid progress. This chaeges materially the political pro tabilities. Heretofore political estimates have dealt with the loss of Germany by the death of the Grown. Prince, who would favor a mild constitutional goverament and anti- Bismarokian Regine, and the probability that Prince William, a man of imperious, unsympathetic character, whose chief interest is in the army, would alley himself close- ly to Bismarck and the party of des- potic rule. But in the event of the •insanity or death of Prince William, the imperial crown, on the demise of Emperor William and the Crowe Prince, will descend to Prince Will- iam's little four year-old son., This would precipitate a bitter struggle for the Regency, in.which Bismarck, the -alba German and Berlin court party are determined that the Crown Princess Victoria shall have no share. There has been, and is, intense opposition to her in every way at court, but neither the Prin- cess William, an unpopular nullity, nor any member of the Impede.' family, seems qualified for the oner- ous post of Regent during the long minority- Moreover, the question of the Regency is complicated by the certainty that Bismarck must pass away within a few years, leaving no one fit tobe named as his successor. The Royal Family of Germany can show representatives of four gener- ations, and yet the future of the Family and of Germany seems most .uncetrtain and gloomy. - THE' SPARROW NUISANCE. The English sparrowis an enemy of our native songsters and drives • them away; he is the toe of the gardener and fruit grower, because he expels the insectivorous birds, and then solaces himself with the yourtg plants, the buds and the fruit; he is destructive to the grape crop, and a rapacious feeder there- upon. In ten days sparrows in Australia robbed a single vineyard of 3,000 pounds of grapes. This bird is an enemy to the pain growth. and destroys the grain in the milk, as well as oats and wastes it in the ripenEd head. He defiles buddirgs and destroys the vines that cling to them. He is not a destroyer of insects. These boldly festoon the haunts of the sparrow with webs, and fasten their cocoons to them. At first he had the repu- tation of destroying caterpillars, and the measuring worm. But now our emsar ieeds on more toothsome meat. The State Entomologist of New York has proven by observa- tion that the caterpillar thrives where the sparrow most abound and the same conclusion is reached by more than one English entomolo- gist. The loss from sparrows in England is put at $4.000,000 a year. In Australia the loss is greater, and in the United States and Canada it passes compiitation. Hon. Frank Smith, who, since 1882: has been a:member without portfolio Of Sir John McDonald's Government, has resigned- froth the 'Cabinet He notified the Premier sense Utile ago of his inten- tion to ro*.6, and " his resignation has been in the hands of the Government fbr. several clays. The Presidents of coal col/Tallies and the wholesale dealers give a good many explanations of ttho present scarcity of coal. One upon which they all appear to agree is that.the retail dealers and the public generally are to blame for it -the former because they am not fill their yards and the latter their bine in the summer time when coal was plenty. This may be a partial, but not altogether satisfactory ex.planation. The product ion tf coal is no longer goyerned by the free ,peratio0 of the laws of supply and de - mi -id. The amount to be Mined every °nth is arbitrarily fixed for the purpose holding the price abOve a given limit, it the managers of the coal companies ow in advance just about how much 1 will be sold in a year, and when, in gist, they found the coal deliverieS Md. those of 1886 at a corresponding 131 they knew that the deFciency, and Ii h more, would be needed before ,Tan Why did'ilt they provide for it 'Vet it because they preferred to gen owl, ,,,nt;hinter rather than einnmer prices sb'eertaissis, joolss eo, EDITORIAL, NOTES. weighed 9800 poends, the space Ogelltded I was 320 cubic feet, the hole power required Was 105, Ella the commereial officieneY was 67 per cent. The 1887 unichimh with an armature of 1068 pounds, weigh§ 11,700 pounds, occupies about 180 cubfeet, re- quires about 112 hotse,power, and has fl. commercial eflicieney of over 90 per cent. A given current costs one-fourth as much as in IS82. A Ouitious ErsoovEav -In the tartar of to his elergY nefnre leaving for Rcmlet teeth from skeletons of the stone age, Mr. stated that his recent remarks on public Charters White, ofthe Odontological Society school education referred only to the Cityof Great 13ritein, has foend apecimens of the . of Kingston, the relations of the church food eaten by our prehistorm ancestors 3000 years or more ago. The fragments Adviees from gelbourne say that Boobsma the oarsman, has resigned the championship and finally retired front aquatics ; also that Hanlan has challeng- ed Kemp. Bishop Cleary, in his farewell address with the public schools of the diocese gen- i entitled minds) Portions of corn husks, cmily hoints. cordial, His Lordship also spiral vessels from vegetables, starch husks, stated that he did not believe the Oahe- freit cells, the poirit of a fish's tooth, and. lie or Protestant female pupils in the pub- bits of wool, feathers and cartilage. lie schools or the female youth of Canada SURGICAL PROGRESS. -At two of the lead- in general are either immodest or immor- ing hospitals of Paris the death -rate from. amputations of an kinds has fallen from, 50 al, and declared that he would indignait present, was in 1880 to about 15 per cent at ly repel small an accusation wherever t was made. _______ Francia Sanders of .Exeter, who hes John Dryden, 111.P.P,, President, and beenos a -Our through Michigan, extendlog many miles and severai weeks, returned home last Friday. The first place in the American Republic at which he landed was Port Huron. Remaining here for several days viewing the sights and witnessing the rainy changes that have taken place in a couple of years, and after noting a few of the improvements; viz Natural gas for fuel, electric light for the guidance of the unwarypedestrians, the elecitrW car for transportation of passengers, and the 'Sys- tem of pavement,, he leftforEast Saginaw via. the narrow- gage, •which, however, he avers is not as pleasant to ride upon as0iir unpretentious 1ondon, Huron &BriSee Ry. The first place of note along this line is Rockwaygenter, with a population of 3,000 to population there are more .A.tnericans which 39 years ago was a wilderness. Vassa comes next. • It has.a populatioe of 6,000, in Canada than Canadians in the United but which', 10 years ago, was but a 'Very States, We know that there are more small hamlet, it is noted for its education- Hemy Wade, Secretary of the Associa- tion, as delegates appointed, waited on the American Shorthorn Breeders' Asso- ciation at their annual meeting of Direc- tors held in Chicago recently, and pre- sented a memorial asking them to aecept transfer of cattle recorded in the Domin- ion herd book into theirs by the payment of $1 for each aged animal instead of $5 as heretofore charged. This favor was courteously granted and a new rule added to their constitution to that effect. And now it appears that in proportion Canadians in the U. 8. than would re- main there if they were not tied to prop- erty ant -I could get •back. Thus do all our fond delusions pass away, and Messrs. Fuller, Shaw & Co. will have to revise their figures and sing on a different key about Canadians being compelled to seek subsistence and shelter in the land where bunday is not looked epon with the same women are paid one -and -a -half cents a degree of sanctity as in Canada. Mr. San - pair for making trousers. ders prefers Canada to the U.S. as a country in which to live. al privileges. It is also lighted by elec- tricity. East Saginaw, his destination' was next reached. Mr. &sliders says itis a grand city, and has a population cif 35,000. In a radius of 20 miles there is a population of 500,000 people, and all appear quite happy. Every city is lighted with electrie- ity. Commercial Union they don't want. The situation regarding Russia still con- tinues grave. The Czar has failed to gain control of the anti -Teutonic party, and if he himself is convinced of the friendly in- tentions of the German Government he has been unable to persuade a majority in the imperial Council that some practi- cal measures are necessary to restore an entente. The Moscow Gazette vaunts Russian determination never to cultivate an entente until Germany ceases trying to dominate her. "Russia," says the Gazette "can tolerate the predominance, requires no alliance, and -will not allow herself to be duped." The language Of the inspired Russian press indicates be- yond mistake that the price of a renewal of cordial relations with Berlin remains beyond the power or inclination of the German Gevermnent to mint. Scientific. Miscellany. liaorarkr; Ulerrss-Ass the Metric • System of Weights.and Measures grows in univer- sal favor, the need of a uniform decimal cierency and of a decimal system of time measurement is becoming generally felt. Most coentries already possess some form of decimal money, and even England is waking up to the advantages of decimal units. A recent scheme for decimalizing the pound sterling was well supported, the plan being to adopt the mill as the unit and divide the sovereign into 1000 mills, thus making the half -sovereign equal 500 mills, the crown 250, the double florin 200, the half-crown. 125, the florin 100, the shilling 50, and the sixpence 25. In Wiesbaden a a step in . decimal time keeping has been taken. A. new clock divides the day into 10 hours, the hour into 10 decades, the de- cade into 10 minutes, the minute into 10 seconds, and the second into 10 rays. Similar units take the the place of the usual degrees, minutes and seconds in the divis- ion of the circle. PNEUMONIA EX.PLATNED. -It is generally supposed that pneumonia is due to the accidental penetration of specific microbes into the system, but the observations of M. Jaccoud, a French student of the subject, .show that the disease really restilts from the development under favorable conditions germs permanently present in the system. A chief condition of audit development is a suddeu ehili, which explains the frequent coincidenee of lung 'affectioes with abrupt changes of temperature. A DEVELOPING Alar.--Prohably no appli- cation of science is advaneing nsore rapidly than photography. Among a recent applian- ces are,detective cameri a n the form of a watch with a. charm to hold a supply of miniaiure dry -plates, and a telescopic cam - eta in which distant objects are brought near by telescopic aid and photographed. Modern dry -plates have made the 'camera, quite available at night, and exquisite pictures are now taken by moonlight and even by starlight DWELLERS IN DARKNESS. The cave ani- mals of North Ameriea, according to Prof. A. S. Packard, comprise a total of 172 species of blind creatures, nearly all of which are mostly white in color. - TRACING THE Certormenoet.--Starttee with the idea that the hand. varies, sensi ly in size with the'arrionnt of blood present in. it at any moment, Prtf. Mosso, the Italian physiologist, has made some most interes- ting -investigations. In his first experiments the hand we, placed in a closed vessel of water, when ithe ehange in the circulation produced by the slightest action of body or brain, the smallest thought or movement, was shown by a rise or fall iu the liquicl in the narrow neck of the • vessel. With a large balance on which thehorizontal human body may be poised, he has found that one's thoughts may be literally weighed, and that even dreams, or the effect of a The owners of theBeaver silver mine, near Port Arthur, are jubilant over late develop- ments. They declare that there is $2,000,- 000 worth of ore in sight, and say that ON perts have pronounced the mine one of the finest in the world. A ten cent sts.enp mill is now running, and about 175 men are em- ployed at the mine. An Intercolonial locomotive at Stellarton station exploded at 5 o'clock on the morning of Dec. 5, killing three men instantly and injuring several others. The engine was completely demolished and the station build- ing -a new one -badly wrecked. The total liabilities of J. W. Gale & Co., of Toronto, wholesale dry goods merchants, -who suspended on Saturday, amount to $194,000, $120,000 of which are owing to Canadians creditors. Assets over all liabil- ities will be, it is said, $65,000. It is also current that Green, the wholesale dry -goods and millinery man, of London, has also sus- pended. The Florence eorrespondent of the St. Thomas Times writes under date of Nov. 29: Our village has been in a state of excitement the past week, Dr. Campbell havinglost two daughters and two sons with black diphtheria, and the only two remaining members of the family, two daughters, are down with the same disease, and notexpect- ed to live until to -morrow. There are sev- eral other oases in the village. The DePuty- Reeve has been kept quite busy putting up placards on the houses notifying the ,public of the disease in the house. It has cast quite a gloom over the village. This time it is a “Patent Anti -Lamp Explosive" a nice little round, red ball, which is to be placed inside ot the lamp and is guaranteed to prevent the oil from exploding ani the lamp, from sinoking and cause the lamp to give a much more brilliant Irght. They were sold at Seafortla for 15 cents eaCh or three for 25 cts., but on no s.ccount were they to be opened or examined else they would lose their virtue at once. One lady purchaser, however, before using the article allowed curiosityto overcome prudence' and proceeded to analyze the preparation to see what it contained. As a result of herresearches she found two small pieces of red flannel about an inch square in which was neatly wrapped up a small piece of white chalk about one fourth of an inch in length. This was all. Beware of the frauds, and have your heavy boots in. readiness for them. BIRTHS. •••••11.0111•••11.10•01111 RATZ.-On Tuesday, Nov. 2911), Mrs, V. Rats of a son. -- MARRIED. AKIO PO Abso!ute!y Pure. sMis powder never varies, A marvel of pur- ity, strength awl wholesomeness. More econo- mical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be Reid in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum orphosphate powdere. Sold only in ear s.-ROYA ti BAKING POWDER CC., 106 Wall street N. NOINIMIIIIMINO41111212X13 Sale Register, THURSDAY' DEO. Sth,.-Iza: na Stock and implements &c the property of various I armers, atBlimville. H. Brown, Auc. SATURDAY DEO. 1 Oth,-Farm Stock and impliments, at the market, Exeter; the property of Alex. Davie. Jas. Oke, Auctioneer. FainAr, Diia. Yth-Farm Stook imple- ments rto, the property of Abbott Lewis, lot 23, con. 4, McGillivray; sale at one o'clock. Jas. Oke, Auctioneer. Parties getting their sale bills printed at this office will receive a notice simi- lar to the above free of charge. raiKlemit Strayed into the premises of the undersigned aboilt the first of October, 4 calves, The owner may30uaarvoegotr.he same by proving property and in payg expenses, Eirkton, On, •FiXECUTORS' NOTICE. --All LA Parties having claims against the Late John Link oaf the Village of Exeter, in the County of .Hurou, labourer are hereby notified that a statement of suohclaims prooerlY attested and giving f ua particulars of the na- ture of the security hold if any must be filed with either of the undersigned executors or must be addressed to ThossRussell Exeter P. 0 in registered letter, postage prepaid on or before the first day of January A, D., 1888, as only such claims as are then in the final distribution and settlemeut of the estate and effeets of the said deoeased. THOMAS RUSSELL, Exeter, SAMUEL LINK, Executors. Dated at Exeter this 25th day of Nov. 1887, Intending Advertisers should ad- dress GEO. P. ROWELL and Co,, 10 Spruce Street, New York City, N. Y. For select list of 1,000 Newspaper. Will be sent FREE on application. WANTED. -LADIES tor ourfall and Christ- mas trade to take light, pleasant work at their own homes. 51 to 53 per day clan be quietly made. work sent by Mail any distan- ce. Partfeulars free. No canvassing. Address at once, CRESCENT AB L' CO., 147 Milk St, Boston, Mass, Box 5170 TISTRAY.---Came into the premi• . ses of the subscriber on or about the 1st xov„ a red and white heifer one year old past. The owner is requested to Day expenses and take the animal away trom lot %eon. 10, Hay. • JOEL BAEOHLER. Hay, Nov. 21s1 1887.---4t. 1.4-1OR SALE,—A BARGAIN.— ..1.2 Quarter section of North West Land, near Virden. 180 acres, six miles from Virden, three from Hargrave Stations,Manitobs, Apply to W., H. NO ROUE, Exeter. DONEY.-REEvEs.-At Centralia parsonage, ou the 3rd inet., by the Rev. Mr. Iter- shaw, Mr, John Doney, Usborne, to Miss Leslie -Reeves, ,St. Thomas. . Rowerares.--BALts-At Clinton, op the 291121 ult., lir. Robt. Roweliffe, of Usborne, to , Miss BeSsie Ball, of Dash wood. flononis.--Sanssza.-At the rasidence of tha bride's father, 411) cots 13iddulph, on the 30th ult.. by the Rev. John Downie, Miss Maggio Saclleir, to Mr. Wm. Hodgms, of London Township, ' &mom-- Woon -in Exeter, or) the 7th inst. at tho residence of the bride's father bY the Rev. jas. Graham, Mr. Jos. Senior to Miss Almena, third daughter of Mr. Win. Wood, all of this place Agenta wanted overywbore. Twenty.flve val. Get the 136 t ? T B.F., WESTERN A DVE R T IS E OF LONDON, ONT. Vastly Improve al Illustrated Artielss I Ail the new sl Pop ulay Departments! Homo Reading 1 12 Pages Rogularl y I Balance of 1 88Y,Free. To all now subscribing for the year 1885, at the low price of $1 —7 1M EL ..A.„1V STT.T — $ 1. Talmage's and Ither semi ons Excellent Musical Selections! SunC.ay School LES3011S 'The HOLLY QUEEN.' A limited Leather of this beautiful premium picture is offered subscribers for 10 cents extra, Western A.dvcrtiser rind Premium for $1,10. rut, IC/Iokrz-Mtronnx,i, -in Orediton, on the 301h u, at the Royal flotel, by Rev. Mr. Ken- i c ble priZeS tO be awarded over and above tho h o nil sio to the MO st successful agent. t ilte6gi soedett6 etTlsnrs moo at our risk.. For free early, Mr, Geo, Moatz Co 'Miss Martha sample papers terms to agents, etc., address. Mitchell, all of Crediton. ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., Asnriasex-Bisnor---At tho residence of the , .00NDON, ONT, slight sound during slumber, turn the blood bride's parents, Tishorne by Rev. Colin to the brain sufficiently to sink the tialanct 1 lttchcr, Mi. IL Anderson to Miss Janet, at the head, Whatithe brain o f the balanced r (laugh tor of A reh , Bishop, M P.P. poison is rel,ixing from thought, the flow is toward the feet, with a corresponding es- eillation. The investigator has continued Itis studies of the circulation until it seems that he may almost read one's thought and sensations. A tracing from a single pulse - beat shows him whether a person is fasting or not ; two beats serve to determine wheth- er the stifiject it a thinging or it heedless one, whether asleep or awake, cold or warm agitated or calm. The changing pulse OVen told him when a professional friend was reading Italian and when Greek, the greater effort for the latter duly affeeting MAWUINNE'11.- -00 Sunday, the 26th ult., at the blood -flow. the resitlencs 'of his brother, on the 'llth f Womz. oF EiVE "S';`.z'Aits,-Prof. J. A. , coecession of Stephen, Mr. James Maw - 1 Fleming, the English electrician, show§ ' hinney, aged 56 years. 1 that in 1882 an electric dynamo for 1200 Wirtrn.---in Stephen, on the, 17th ult., tho 1 ights weighed 44,820 pounds, the armature wife of Mr. John White, aged 76 years. , . , WAT.DEN.--(zoutpiNck-On the 130th tilt,. t Trinity Church, 13it r, by tin) Rev. R. Wil- sOofFlaucio WEM111, to MILES Annie Gould- ing, eldest daughter of Mr. John Goulding Lodi of London Township. Ilowum.-LANerenn.-CM the 2011) ult., at 'ffrinity Church, Bin., by tbe Rev, R. son, George Rowell to Aries Maggie Lang- ford, tifth daughter of Thonaas Langford, both of tondtti Township. Dilate 41. • R •1 P 4.• CANADA'S COMIC PAPER. J. W. 13ENGOUGII, Artist and Editor. ISSUED waina.v. $z a Year; $r for 6 Months. GRIP is increasing in influence and populaility every ytar 1 It is a supreme household favorite, while every Politician and Professional and Business Man enjoys the clever has which appear in every issue, subscribo nowi Se our Premium and Clubbing List. Circulars giv- ing full particulars sent free, arLook out for Grip's dornle Almanac for 1888. Price 10 cents. Aeneas% 'GRIP PUBLISIIING CO. . l'OR02,TX0, ONT. FOR THE .I.JARQEST ASSORTMENT, CHOICEST PATTERNS, AND BEST VALUE IN ONTARIO, ----GO TO -- T. 23M.A.TriliM aZ CO 7S. Where you will find carpets of all makes aud qualities, and at the lowest cash prices. Hemp Carpets, Union Carpets, All -wool Carpets, Tapestry Carp9ts, Balmoral Carpets, Brussels Carpets, Anglo-wilton Carpets, (borders to match.) Don't fail to visit the Mammoth. Carpet House of the West. Thos. Beattie & Co's 176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. InO1%IDO1V, 431‘rirt. 11101.1.MIIMIIMMIIMUMMIISNAN••••Mit.10•46.0.0••••[...... (0004)o 431,54) 11ENCOVED To new prenaises West side Maiu-street One Door South of Post Office Where he will be found with A NEW AND COMPLETE'. Sink Shoos Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. G -EO. 1VIANSON, 4701IN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on. hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. GIVE ME A CALL X -MAS Is Co in Men's Overcoats $5.00 " Felt Boots $2.15 Best Raisins 25 lbs. Rice A No. 1, Cutter Robe salesrnen ViTan.tect tve canvassfor nursery stook, Steady em ployment to good men. Salary and expense paid, Apply o,t once, stating age. CHASE nnornEns, eolborne,On TTS POWDERIED 99 PER CENT PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Beady for use in any quantity. For making Soap, Gofteriing Water, Disin- feeting,und a hundred other uses, can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda, Sold by all Grocers and Druggists, M.W.GILLETt. ' T0RODITC11. Lots, Lots, Lots. TOR SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets; also a number of HOUSES, a, FARIVILASI,D FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do veil to con- sult the u3adersigned, Ternzs to suit purchaser. I. CARLINI?) DRUC STORE IA full stock of all kinds of 3 lb. 25cts $1.00 I Dye -stuffs and package - $7 net Dyes, constantly on WHE E ? At Dulinage's, KIRKTON. When you are in ask the price of our Galt Cross -cut saws, Over- shoes, &c., &c. Farm for Sale ! A first-class farm, containing 100 acres, situ.. ated near Brncefield, for sale. Good buildings. Iwo wells, eplenclici orchard, good bush, first- class gravel roads in all directions. Six miles train Clinton or Seaforth, E'er full particulars apply to Elliot it; Elliot, 'Barristers, ite.; Exe- ter, Ont., or to ROBT. BARBER, Brucefield P. 0. Sept, , rilARM FOle, SALE.--TIne nutlet: - L. signed. offers for sale his farm, being lot 14, con. 5; toNzuship of II shortie, two miles and a half from. Exeter 100 acres, about 85 acres eleitred„and ih first class state of cultivation, the remainder hush„ in wnich there is some very'valnable oak end block ash rail timber; SIO farm is also well fonood and drained ; there are upo11 the premises. a first ClaSS brick dwelling house, with first class cellars, two good barn; two never faille g springs and 0E6 first-elass orchard. Eor earticulars, apply on tb o promise s, to , STit7r1S, [1-1) IINF,TErp. 0 ONT. THE OLD HoLEOD FARM, IN 1. THE Township of Hay, for sale. It con- • tains 100 soros -more or lees, beingthe westhalf of tote No. 21 Una ee Zurich gravel road. Good frame buildings on prontisos, end ell coven lances ; largo orchard of fruit bearing trees. Tho land is of good qUality being clay loam. Good water. Two and a -half miles from Hen - sail market. Tho property free from all lacuna- brances. Reasons for soiling: -Going north to procure more land. Will sell with or without crops. For further particulars apply to thin office or to wer. wresoN, nousan. re 0. Ont. Farm & Village Property FOR SALE. The Undersigned offers for mile South half of tot 9, Cou, 0, McGillivray, containing 50 aetes, 4e elemed, the balenco hardwood bush. There is a good frame house, good barn and stabling, good bearing orchard, o, plentiful supply of good water on the farm, convenient to school aitd churches, Also pillage property tomprieing 3 Lot s, on Elizabeth Stroot ,in the Vil lage of Exeter, with good frame house 'antis ce nes good stable, good Well with wimp, also quantity of choice fruit trees on the pYozni- nos, pbr furthof particulars apply to ,EDWARD'I'dAGLIRE, Zxotar hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. SOO TUBS Butter Wanted, EXETER478 .NORTH, Our Stook is Well Assorted, FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE.' LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES 1 1 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbswhite sugar, $1 We can't be Undersold 111 Teas from 20c to 750. per lb. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices & nicely assorted stock of HARDWART-1-; FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes (Cheap.) 13cst Machine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE' LOWEST. A nice Tea Sett of 44 Piecee, 62.75. A good suit of ready-made clothing !for $6. Ordered snits got up in Good Style, Our Dr essGood are Inarkeii down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR ir r A Hous o and Lot, also it ilarm for Salo Apply to JOHN MATHESON. TJAY O.