HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-12-8, Page 3MISS BECKY'S -HONE
Mies Beckywas goieg to the " Old
Ladies' Hone"at last. It wan a sorry fact,
but there was nothing else for her to do, it
seemed. Who would think of offering any
other home to a, poor, almost helplees old
woman who had outlived her usefulness ?
Having' passed her days in °thee people's
13oueee, sso to speak, the might not mind it
as much, perhaps, aa a more fortunate being.
" Yes," she said, "there's a vacancy in
the 4 Old Ladies' Home,' read the hundred
dollars that Parson Amory left me will pay
my want 03, but it wouldn't last long if I be-
gan to spend it, you know, and I shall have
a warm bed and my regular meals without
worrying about where the next one's coming
feom, I'm 'most tired. worrying about
ways end means. Seems as though I had
been about it ell my life; ever arm father
as Oben with heart diseaee hearing the
class in algebra. Now that the rheumatism
has got the better of me, eo that I can't work
in cold weather, and the doctor says it'll
draw my fingers up so that I can't use them
soon, it doesn't seem es if there was any-
thing left for me in this world but the home
—and I ought to be thaukful for that 1"
Mies Becky had had other expectations
in her heyday, when young Larry Rogers
met her and carried her banket ; when hie
strong arm paddled her down the broad
river to church on Sunday mornings; when
they sang together in the choir from the
same hymn book ; when they loitered
homeward in the fragrant summer dusk,
and heard the whip -poor -will complain,
and startled the fireflies in the hedges
as they brushed by. it sometimes seemed
to Mies Becky as if all this had happened
in anotheil planet. She was young then
with a bloom on her cheeks; but although
the rheumatism had bent her figure and
rendered her more or Jess helpless at times,
yet her dark, velvety eyes looked out like
soft stars, and the ghost of a dimple sti 1
flickered on her cheek and chin in spite of
her sixty odd years. Miss Becky's father
had been the district schoo teacher in
those far off days of her girlhood. He
had taught her the sixnple lore at his com-
mand, but it was Larry Rogers who had
taught her music, hour after hour, in the
empty schoolhouse; they had practiced
together, while he wrote the score on the
blackboard. But a I this had not sufficed
to enable her to earn a livelihood. Her
education, musical and otherwise, had
stopped short of any commercial value.
In those days she never expected to earn
her living by the sweat of her brow.
Larry was going to give her everything.
How trivial the little quarrel seemed to-
day which circumvented this fine resolve
of his! But what magnitude it had as-
sumed at the time! On his return from
a trip to a neighboring city, some busy-
body had 'whispered to Larry that Mise
Beaty had been seen driving with Squire
Eustis' son Sam behind his trotters. Sam
was just home from college, a harum-
scarum fellow, they said, who made love
and left and gambled a bit; and when
lJacry reproached her with it she hadinot de.
nied ; she had simply said: " What then?
If you choose to listen to gossip rather than
wait till you—"
"But you didn't tell me, and I've been
home a week."
"1 had forgotten all about it till you re-
minded me," said Becky.
"It's such an every day affair for you to
drive with Sam Eustis 1"—which incredulity
so stung Becky that she would not con-
descend to explain that she had carried
so e needlework up to Squire Eustis',
wit nee had been doing for his wife, and
the e'she left toewalk home Sam was just
starting off with his smart chaise and new
dapple -grays, and the Squire had said,
"Take Miss Becky home, Sam, and show
her their paces ;" and how she had been
ashamed to refuse their kindness, although
preferring to walk a thousand times; and
how, once in the chaise Sam had been the
pink of courtesy, and had begged hes to
drive over with him to Parson Amory's
three miles out of her way, "that Lucy
Amory may see you don't disdain my com-
pany. For, you see," said Sam, who was
not as black as he was painted, or as many
liked to suppose, '1 Lucy can make me what
she will; without her I shall be nothing
and nobody; but they've told her all kinds
of wild things about me; they've told her
she might as well jump into the river as
marry such a soapegraue. .And, perhaps,
if I made her a little jealous—you know
there's no harm in that, is there? All's
fair in love; and, perhaps, if the Lid folks
see me driving about with Becky Thorne
my stock may go up, and I may be saved
from the burning,' as Parson Amory says."
And Becky had consented. How could she
refuse to do a service for such a true lover?
So slight a thing, too 1 She had often
traversed the same road since on foot, on
her daily rounds of toil or mercy. Sam
been growing, one day failed and left he
big la and dry. Some of ,het friendetia
travelled to pastures new, eorne had marrie
away, some had ignored or forgotten her
As for Leine/ Rogers, be lied been away fro:
Plymouth this many a year. Somebody ha
sent him abroad the yeer after Lucy Amore'
marriage to develop his musical genius. B.
had grown into a famous 140110i/it, playin
all over the country to crowded houses, be
fore the finest people in the land. It was
beautiful romance to Mise Becky to read i
the Plymouth Record about our " gifte
townernaxi ; " she seemed to hear the echo o
his violin when the wind swept through th
pine boughs; the did not blame hirn becaue
she eat in the ahadow, beceuse her life ha
been colorless. She sang again the old tune
he had taught her'atid made a little mut
shine in her heart. All of happiness sh
had ever known he had brought leer. wh
should she complain? And now she we
going to the Old Ladies' Home.
"It isn't exactly what I expected in my
youth," she said to the old dootor's widow-.
"No ; but you'll have a nice room and a
bright fire, and the neighbors will drop in
to see you and make it home -like. Now
there's old Mrs. Gunn. Nothing can persuade
her to go to tr e home. She says it's only a
genteel almshouse after a11; and so she rub
along with what little she oan earn and
what the neighbors have a naind to send in,
a,nd they have to do it mighty gingerly too,
just as if they were asking a favor of her,
Lor,' the doesn't earn her salt."
"1 dare say," returned Miss Becky,
"Now, if it hadn't been for the rheumatism
I could earn my living for years yet, and
maybe get something ahead again, but it
as if the rheumatism laid n wait for
the poor and friendless."
"You ought to have married when you
were young, Becky," said the doctor's
widow, who had forgotten all about Becky's
love affair and labored under the impression
that she never had a chance—an impression
which matrons are apt to entertain concern-
ing their single friends. Miss Becky had
been spending some weeks with Mrs. Dr.
Dwight, who had moved away from Ply-
mouth after her husband's death. She was
there chkily to put some stitches into the
widow's wardrobe, which nobody else would
do so " reasonabl " that lad ' ' f hav-
ing incapacitated for her holding a needle or
giving her mind to material details of "seam
and gusset and band." But during the
visit Miss Becky had been seized with her
sharpest attack of rheumatism, which had
kept her in hod for weeks till her wages
were exhausted by drugs and doctor's fees.
It was at this time that she made up her
mind to go. into the home on her return to
M D 'ght saw her off at thestation.
"1 hope you'll find the home cosy," she said
outside the car window. "It's lucky -Pars rn
.Amory left h hundred
all. He might have doubled it."
"Yes, I suppose so," Miss Becky answer-
ed meekly. Perhaps she was thinking that
if she were Mrs. Dwight no old friend of
hers should go begging for a refuge at an
almshouse. Perhaps she was thinking of the
pretty, comfortable home wititing for her
r quarrel which parted ue—euch a trifle, when
4 1 look back. Do youever look,back, madam?"
4 The twilight was falling about them;
. Becky's ,face had grown a ehade, or two
n paler all at once; she turned her dark,
4 velvety eyes full upon him with a etartled
s sir.
e " You ?" she said." "You must be Ler-
g ry Rogers 1" Then the color swept to her
, cheek in a crimson wave. 1` Do you know,
a I never thought you had grown old like
n myself 1 Don't you know me ? I am
d •Beelty Thorne."
Just theu the train thundered through
the tunnel and they forgot that they were
" sixty odd,"
"On the way to the Old Ladies' Home,"
she wrote Mrs. Dwight, " I was persuaded
to go to an old gentleman's instead 1"
holaminent sneciaiist Who heals with the
German citron Princes Throat.
Three generations ago a Ross -shire High
hinder put a shilling about some part of his
' person and set his face across the Scotish-
harder. His mime was Makenzie, he amassed
a good fortuae, and his grandson grew into
a mad doctor of much ability but of retiring
habits, To this 'physician, then living at
Leytonstone, Englend, there was born, fifty
years ago, asonwho was named Morell after
an uncle who perished very creditably
in the loss of the Pegasus Young Mor 11
was left to run ,ild in Epping Foiest to an
ad e armed boyhood, but he progressed well
later; took a high degree at the University
of London; abjured the retiring habits of his
father; screwed a brass plate on his door;
and took to looking cloven people's throats
for guineas. "His suocess in private practice
was great and immediate, and in a few years
after eettIng up, he could give to physicians
who had been established a lifetime a score
of patients and a beating. He became a
specialist. Ile wrote books on "Diseases of
the Throat and Nose" and on the "Hygiene
of. the Vocal Organs." He founded the Hos-
pita? for Diseases of the Throat, in Gelden
sierare, obtained all the professional honors
in general which throat and nose cam give;
and became the special champion of special-
ism in medicine as opposed to general routine,
in which capacity he largely developed and
amply displayed the bellicose and controver-
sial predisposition he had inherited from
the original Highlander. A few months ago
he was called in to deal with the throat of
the Crown Prince of Germany, which had
baffled all the German doctors; and this he
has treated with such success that it has been
made the occasion for conferring upon him
1 the distinction of a knighthood. Sir Morell
is ct man of wealth, of capacity and of strong
individuality. He has long been the physi-
cian and friend of all singers and actors, and
he has a son who Is aiready neakieg a name
as a comedian. He can often see a joke,
which is unusual for a Scotehraan.
g wny their tortunes
were so unlike.-
" Write when xou reach Plymouth and let
me know how you're sui e , said re.
Dwight, and just then the ears gave a lurch
and left her behind, and Miss Becky turned
her alarm inwards. Somebody had taken
the seat beside her.
"Your friend was speaking of Parson
Amory and Plymouth," he said. "1 couldn't
help hearing. I was born in Plymouth my.
self, but I haven't met a soul from there
these twenty years. I'm on my way to look
up my old friends,"
"Twenty years IS a long time," answered
Becky. "I'm afraid yen won't find many
of your friends left. You'll hardly know
"1 suppose not—I suppose not. Have
you heed there long ?"
" I ? I have lived there all my days."
" Good ; l'm hungry for news of the pee.
ple. Tell me everything you can think of.
Did Parson Amor leave a fortune? He was
called close. ere S Mies Nell, married
or dead ? I can see the old place in my mind's
eye, and the parsonage under the elms, and
and the orchard behind it where Lucy An,
ory planted a young tree on her weddi -
day, and -the gown little Becky Thorne woe
By the way, is she alive? Do you kne
her ?"
Miss Becky hesitated an instant.
"Yes," she replied. "1 know her
more or lees. She's alive."
" Ansi married ?"
"Well, no ; she never married."
"She must be sixty odd ; she was a pre
creature, such—I steppoee they are wrink
now 1 Where have the years gone ?
her home in the old place still ?"
"Her home 1" said Miss Becky, flu
ing a, little. "K.. has none ; she is on I
The Infinenoe of Luxury.
The tendency of luxury is toward de-
moralization. Rome never became dissipat-
ed and corrupt until her citizens became
wealthy, and adopted luxurious modes of
living. Nothingis more conducive to sound
morals than full occupation of the mind
, with useful labor. Fashionable idleness is
a foe to virtue The youngthe
young woman who wastes the precious
1 hours of life in listless dreaming, or in that
sort of senseless twaddle which forms the
bulk of the conversation in some circles, is
in Very great danger of demoralization.
Many of the usages and customs of fashion-
able society seem to open the door to vice,
and to insidiously, and at first unconsciously,
lead the young and inexperienced away
from the paths of purity and virtue. There
is good evidence that the amount of immor-
ality among what are known as the higher
classes,. is every year increasing. Every
now and then a scandal in high life comes
to the surface ; but the great mass of car-
ruption is effectually hiddenfrbm thegeneral
public. Open profligacy is, of course, fraven-
ed upon in all respectable circles ; and yet
wealth and accomplishments will cover a
multitude of sins.
a -
A an cdha
Immediate Reid
Cold in
way to the Old Ladles, Home."
Thorne !" he gasped. "And I—." taS nil Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price
" To the Old Ladies, Home ! Bee ,po
"You seem to know her pretty well,!'
Eustis bad married Lucy Amory years ago, said Becky, who was beginning to enjoy the
and was the foremost man in the country incognito.
to -day. Strange how that friendly drive " I should think so. I've loved Becky
had interfered with Miss Becky's prospects; Thorne from my cra,dle ; we had a silly I
ts, $1.00. If not obtainable at your drug.
intreelarry D'sueaterria'ialnd,
my nine, and, wheresoe'er ye wend, Shun
eaudy scenes, and be the poor man's friend;
You've left a poor one ; go to one as pow,
And drive despair and Imager from his
how the simple fact of carrying home Mrs.
Eustis' needle -work should have determined
her fate and, devoted her to a lite of hard-
ship and the Old Lathers' Home at the end
Talk of trifles 1 Poor Miss Becky! She
remembered that once or twice the oppor-
tunity had offered when she might have
made it ap with Lary; but pride, or a sort
of fine reserve had loceed her lips—Larry
ought to know that she was above silly
flirtations]. Once, when they met at Lucy
• Amory's wedding, when they all went out
into the orchard while the bride planted a
young tree and the guests looked for four-
leaved clovers, she had found herself
whether by accident or design she could not
tell—on the grass beside Larry: their
fingers met over the Same lucky clover, their
eyes met above it, and for an instant she
had it on her tongue's end to conteas all
about the drive and its result, to put pride
in her pocket, but just then Nell Amory
called to Larry :
"Oh, a horrid spider !--on my arm,
Larry! Kill him, quick—do 1 Oh—oh—
oh 1 I shall die—I shall faint 1" And that
was the end of it.
The old orchard, with its fragrant quince
bushes, its gnarled apple trees'its founleav-
ecl clovers, was a thing of the past; a cotton -
mill roared and thundereo there all day long,
where the birds built and the trees blossom-
ed thirty odd years ago. It no longer bless -
some& except in Miss Becky's memory. She
had turned her thoughts to raising plants
when she was left to her own resources,
but one cruel winter's night killed all her
slips, and the capital was lacking by which
'she might renew her stook. Since then she
had gone out for daily sewing, had watched
with the eiek, had been in demand for a tem-
porarybousekeeper whenever a tired matron
wished an outing; but latterly her eyes no
longer served her for fine work, and sewing -
machines had been itittoduced ; she was not
so alert in the Sick room as of yore ; she
moved more slowly, and her houselteepieg
talent was no longer in request; added to
this, the bank where her little earnings had
The most important elements of plant -food
are carbonic aoid, water, potash, phospheric
acid, and nitrogen.
Lather for cleaning wind9we ; One part
of olive -oil, ono part of spirit of aninlenla,
i,WQ of chalk or whiting, and one of vvater.
Mix to a thick paste.
To Make papier inache for fine email work,
boil clippings of brown or white paper in
Water, beat them into a paste, add glue er
gum and elZe) and press into oiled moulds.
Green paint for Venetian blinds wide
will stand the heat of the 8un without blist
ering : Rub two parts of white lead an
one of verdigris with nut -oil or lineeed.oi
varnish, mixed with oil of turpentine, and
dilute both colors with ordinary drying -oil.
The process of fastening ferns to a book is
very easily accomplished. With a small
brush gently touch the back of the fronds
here and there with a little comfnen num,
putting only sufficient to keep the fronds
from turningup. Place a piece of blotting -
paper on the top of the fern, and put is
weight on top of the book, and when dry
the process is complete.
A French physicist has been makin8 re-
recently into the action of cane -
sugar and treacle on on, and finds thab
they corrode iron with the formation of an
acetate of the metal. The fact is of practi-
cal utility in connection with boilers, be-
cause it happens sometimes that sugar geta
into the water supplied to boilers in sugar.
re '
fineries and consequently tends to deteri-
orate theboilers.
The abolition of resistance is absolutely
nessessery . coneecting a lightning -conduc-
tor with the earth, and this is done, says
Professor Tyndall, by closely embedding in
the earth a plate of good conducting nutted -
al and of large area. The largeneas of area
makes atonement for the imperfect conduc-
tivity of earth. The plate, in fact, consti-
tutes a wide door through which the elec.
trieity passes freely into the earth, disrup-
tive and damaging effects being thereby
If small quantities of butter, lard, and
beef -fat be separately boiled and ,slowly
cooled for, say twenty-four hours, the re-
sulting crystals will show very marked dif-
ferences under the microscope. The normal
butter -crystal is large and globular. It pol-
arises brilliantly, and shows a very well -
marked St. Andrew's Cross. That of lard
shoes a stellar form, while that of beef -fat
has a foliated appearance. In course of
time, as the butter loses its freshness, the
globular crystals degenerate, and gradually
merge into peculiarly rosette -like forms.
Celery is a sedative, and is good for rheu-
matism and the so-called neuralgia which is
Glcry mi. the Right..
ex Pm,
The nations in. their rmeht
Are 'arming for the tight,
Their hattle•crY IS wafted Ligh
For glory and the right.
Wide doatmgo'cr the world
The war-riag is unfurled,
Its legend bold bath words high-souled
For glory and the right,
Alen, eeate the mockery !
'Fore Heaven how dare ye slay?
.10w Can ye stand with blo(4-stained hands
And shout, the right, the right ?
h Oh I rulers at your ease
• Who war what thee pleaSe,
d God eounteth all who fight 4nd fall
For glory and the not.
oftenonly another name for 11. Cucumbers
cool the system—when treat cut, of course.
Lettuce is not only cooling, but produces
sleep, especially if the stalk is eaten. As-
paragus purifies the blood, and especially
acts on the kidneys. Pease, broad beans,
and haricots are positively strengthening,
and contain for the human being the proper?
ties specified by farmers when they say that
pe tee "harden" pig's flesh, and that "oats
may take a horse out, 1 ut beans will bring
him home again." Potatoes should not be
eaten by those who are disposed to get too
stout, and many who suffer from derange.
ment of the liver eschew them altogether.
Artificial asphalt is principally distingu-
ished from the natural substance by its dull
colour and its scarcely perceptible odour,
It is a product of the diseillation of coal Isar.
The fluid distillate obtained in the manufac-
ture of coal -gas represents about four to
seven per cent, of the quantity of coal used,
and, after about two-thirds of its weight
has been removed in the shape of fluid oils
by fractional distillation, a residue is left
which cools into a firm black substance,
known as artificial esphalt or black pitch.
The consistency of the asphalt varies accord-
ing to the quantity of oil removed. One of
the most important uses of this asphalt is for
fuel in the shape of briquettes small coal,
sawduat, Sze., being mixed withit. Asphalt
pipes and flooring are also made from. it, as
well as lampblack of inferior quality. For
the manufacture of iacquers artificial as-
phalt is much less euitable:than the natural
eubstance, as the coating obtained is liable
to crack, and is wanting in brilliancy.
Ben Franklin was the first to suggest that
ships carry oil to pour on the rough waters.
He also advised ship builders to separate the
ship's hold into water -tight compartments.
These two simple devices have eaved many
a ship.
JACOB'S LADDE12.-011 Mount Whitney
the highest mountain in California., at
level of fourteen thousand feet &novo the
See and fifte n hundred feet above the timber
line, where there is he soil, and no moisture
save snow and hail and ice, there grows a
little flower shaped like a bellflower, gaudy
in colours of recl, purple, and blue. It is
called Jacobs ladder ; and its fragrance par-
takes of the white jasmine. It blooms alone;
for it not only has no floral associates, but
there is no creature—not even bird or insect
—to keep it company
trOStesS NOW,1)0'T STAY 01114 111311E ALL TAR tvEtql•TOF. 'lost 1,VE'1.1 ."f0IN Yon IN TEN trneurrs.
Tiestesi :kftss Felty.EctlY IS 00I O.- v rmu, YOU Ktow. gait 0 wRtr ' SAY AN 1101311.
Ye kings enthroned op high,
On you the sin cloth Ile;
Ye spoke the word, they drew the sword
For glory and the right.
Oh what is glory? this—
The burping, fevered kiss
The tear dem fl face, the Jest embraoe
When love is pain and bliss?
Alt! Glory, art thou nigh
Where unknown heroes lie
Wrapped in a shroud of battle °loud
With neer a pitying eye?
Is dory in the tomb
'Mid awful calm and glom;
Where 010U In life, who were at strife,
Sleep in one common room ?
Shines it from yonder face
That bearet still the trace
Of days when grief bad no relief?
Glory I where is thy place 1
Bow down, oh God, let thine e'er listening ear
Ile quick to hear my faint despairing cry.
Long weary years have passed. since earth did bear
The Prince of Peace, and still the flag waves high,
The blood•stained flag of pillage and rapine.
And men still gather underneath its shade
As if no fairer standard earth had seen
No weapon save the cruel gleaming blade.
Bow down, oh Ged, and touch the hearts of
Enkindling in. them thine own fire of love,
Which, burning bright, shall purify. As when
The fire purges gold and cloth remove
All baser things- even so do Thou consume
The dross of i•iory, hate and every wrong..
Then Truth her sway -in meekness shall assume,
AndBight love -guarded be forever strong.
Thou fragrant plant that lowlyblooms,
And sweetly scents the evening air,
And scatters wide thy sweet perfumes,—
We love thee, little floweret fair—
With meek humility end grace
Thou bowest down thy bloom -crowned head,
Thy lowly plot, alone we trace,
E'en from the fragrance thou dost shed.
Within our garden plot we keep
A spot remote alone for thee,
Around thee brilliant floweretssleep,
And slumbers every shrub and tree,
Bat thou, throughout the livelong night,
Breathe forth tby fragrance e'er the vale,
And sltunber not when morning light
Comes forth, earth's glories to unveil.
313y day and n ght thy tale is told,
Thy humble lesson thou dost teach :—
Unwavering we the truth must hold,
If e'er we would perfeetion reach.
We must not slumber night or day,
Nor flaunt our gain or our regret,
Unwilling from the truth to stray,—
Our pattern be the Mignonette.
Children's Battle With a Wild -Cat.
Recently, while W. D. Clark, of Pleasant
Valley, Cal., was away from home, his two
little girls, the eldest ten years of age, es-
pied a large wildcat prowling around in
close proximity to the barn. They, with
two small doge, gave chase, the eldest girl
armed, not with a. broom, but a blackinalee.
The wildcat ran to the mounteins, about
NO rode away, took a position on a large
boulder and waited for the attacking force.
The little girls took in the situation, pulled
the dogs' ears and cried "sic," and the bat-
tle began. The little girls stood bee pelting
the cat, dogs and surrounding boulders with
such stones as they could pall up, and using
the blacksnake continuously. Your corre-
spondent is of the opinion that the black-
snake did the business, as in looking back
to his boyhood days he has a vivid recollec-
tion of the effect of one in particular. The
little girls then dragged their victim home,
very much fatigued and hardly knowing
what it was. They certainly did not know
what risk they had taken.
A, Grand Nicht.
Tennyson was always a favorite with Car-
lyle, and at one time he was a frequent visit-
or at the house on Cheyne Walk, Chelsea,
where that famous sound -proof room was
'built. On one of these visits they sat down
ID Carlyle's study on each side of the fire
place, and these for two hours they eat,
plunged in profound meditation, the silence
being unbroken save for the little dry re-
gular sound that the lips of the smokers
made as they sent puffs of smoke soaring to
the ceiling. Not one single word broke the
silence. After two hours of this strange con-
e erse between two great settle that under-
stood each other without speech, Tennyson
fred, weve had a grand nicht 1 Comeback
again soon."
rose to take leave alma host. Carlyle wen
w th lum to the door. and then, grasping
his hand, uttered these words: "Eh, Al
Those lovely garments sold as tea gowns
are growing in favor for dressy house wear.
Tern " RAINY -DAY BOY. "—The latest ad
dition to the American repertory of social in
ventiyeness is "the rainy day boy who loans
umbrellas." Third Avenue, New York,
seems to be the chosen haunt of this enter-
prising youth and his colleagues,
who, as
soon as a heavy downpour seems ianninent.
hasten to the station of the Elevated Rein
[ road in the thoroughfare just mentioned,
1 and, umbrella in hand, courteously offer --
for a trifling consideration—to escort ladies
and gentlemen to their residences. The
charge for convoy home under the protect-
ive cupola of silk or alpaca to the extent of
, the "first block" is said to be usually five
cents. Some of these lads have forethought
enough to provide waterproofs for feminine
use; while others are so speculative as to
keep a stock of three or four umbrellas.
-vehicle their patrons may either keep or re-
turn on leaving a deposit.
nualae IfS flif,0109 reOPle Were Vie* ISfaii•
Mr, rau71-111C"eY'sshin'aelin4404fr;li°
erifaine has,
unearthed the ruins of a prehistoric city boa
the Salt River valley, about eighty miles,
north west of Tucson, Prof. Cushman is at
preeeut iu southern Californias •lying ex-
tremely ill, but the force he put at work
duriug the summer exhuming the buriede
city are still encamped on the vet contin-
uieg their exploratiens,
The camp is located on the edge of tIlks
unearthed oity, and about 300 yards from
what was its citadel, or fortified temple.
This is believed to have been a building of
considerable size and strength, prebahlen
several stories high, and had its imuadatitou
laid deep in the earth. The material nee&
in its eonstruction was sun-dried clay, the
same as that used by the Mexican e of the
lower and middle classes, and before Mr.
Cushman began his exploration there wati,
nothing to mark its whereabouts except ea
F3Drt Of oblong hillock or mound. Little oii*
the walls above the foundation were Rani&
intact, but the ground plan could be traced
in every detail, as well as the lines of the,
outer wall. The rooms were of different,
6 zee, and seemed to have been constructed
. -
with much architectural skill. A number'
of the smaller apartments had undoubtedly
been constructed for burial vaults, for when%
they were opened up skeletons were foam&
in thern, the heads beins invariably to the
east. In one of these vaults was the sirens-
tou of a child. Mr. Cushman was of thte
opinion that the building had been a sort cs
combined citadel and sacred temple, ana.
that the remains of those fouud there were,
those of priests and their families. The,
city extended out in all directions from the:
palace or temple, and the foundations of
numerous dwellings had been exposed, many,
of them consisting of but a single room; bat
now and then there is one of larger and
more ample proportions, and in most of
these larger ories there had been found burial
vaults and skeletons. Two thousand ceW
these have been exhumed already according
to the letter in the Post, but it is thought
by the officials of the geological survey .that,
this is a misprint for two hundred. A great
deal of pottery has been taken out, of course,
No iron, copper, or metal instruments or
Of any kind have been found, but graat,
quantities of stone axes, stone pestles, and?,
mortars'bone needles and knives and other
such materials as belong to the stonenigne
The skill with which these articles were-,
made was far superior, bowever, to that,.
shown by the Indians found in .Amerlea by -
the whites. These prehistoric dwellers of,'
southern Arizona were a people of very su-
perior intelligence.
Mr. Cushman has found a good deal of
wheat and barley and other grain, all of it,„
of course, in a charred, blackened condition,.
and he has also traced several canals an&
found the rains of a large reservoir, so that
he has no doubt that extensive irrigation.
had been carried on, and that all the valley
had been under cultivation. He thinkre
there must have been a population of at leash
25,000 in the ruined city, and that most'of
the inbabitants lived by cultivating the soilt
of the surrounding country.
Mr. Cushman. was questioned as to hire
theory about the complete disappearance oW
the people who occupied this city.
"1 think," said he, " they suffered from
some great calarhity like the inhabitants a
Herculanieum and Pompeii. It was probse.
ble it was an earthquake. I have fauna
skeletons under the walls of houses lyinknee. eee
if the walls had suddenly fallen upon the,
person and crushed him to death. Yea'I
think therecame a terrible earthquake whicle
killed many and frightened the remainder -
away. They were, no doubt, a religious,
people and strongly superstitious, so that -
they saw in the calamity that befel them a.
warning to seek some other abode. They,
probably moved south, and it may have been
their descendante that the Spaniards found.
in Mexico. They were certainly equal in
intelligence and advancement to the Aztecs.”
A Good Memory.
"I'm surprised that you should remembse
me,Mr. Dumley," said Mrs. Hobson,
"since it is so long ago that we met."
"Oh," replied Dumley, with profuse gal-
lantry, "there is nothing remarkable about.
it, I assure you, my dear madam, I can re
member anybody."
Just Glanced Through It.
Miss Waldo (of Boston, discussing literarn-
matters)—Have you read" Homo Sum;
Mr. Wabash?
Mr. Wabash (of Chicago, who is keeping,
up hi end of the conversation with diffi-
culty)--well—er—yes, Miss Waldo I have
read Elomo some, but not a great deal
Not a Howling Success,
Bobby (to his big sister)—I heard Mr.
Featherly talking about the biscuits yen
made for tea last night, Clara.
Big Sister (with assumed indiffer ence)--
Yes ? and did Mr. Featherly thin k they
were Bobby—No;
nice, Bobby?ed aai
Bo yo;h
they gave him hi_
you wanted to marry
Irate father—"
Love ITrsiau'rmpthopsahetanybtoc. uo k rkeerne pe erar beol;
mine about a year ave ?"
ti?aipretty sort'cYfbaitirt
eso'ril'thaer;:m nicked ont
He has decamped with any whole fortune."
" You remember, father, that you tol&
him he could not have me until he got rich,
don't you ?"
haespateh from him..
tst Montreal saying he is rich now, but is,
perfectly willing to marry a poor roan%
daughter."—Detroit Free Press.
A Gentle Reproof.
Father—Come, Bobby, you are all tired
ult3o; bsbohy(uwrirtyh°affstloowbeac,ind reluctant rtio vo
ment)--Pa, you oughtn't to tell a boy tcat
mrry when he's all tired out.
Robert L. Krum, who has been connected
with the Panama Railway for six months,
has just returned home, and gives a start-
ling cleecription of life and death among the 6
laborers on the Panama Camel. Re says
that Panama comes] nearer being hades than
any place he was over in. The laborers die
off like cattle wirer inurrai
n strik e th
"1 went clown one day to tee the canal
laborers at work," said he, "and I never
will forget what 1 eavfr. The Weether was
soft that day, and fifty or more fresh
colored fellows had been brought in. In
the afternoon the heat and the air had their
effects upon them, and ono by' one they fell.
I Paw one man hit on the head by the exca-
vating machhte. He woes killed. The
body watt immediately hoisted into the
clumping tube, sent through the machine,
and that was the laet seen of him. At
night when the men eve through work they
begin a debauch on smuggled whisky, and
then they fight with knives and. kill each
other. In a big city you can see hxnnan
nature in had forms, but the worst forme of
vice praetieed in New York and Lohdon and
Parisi are nowhere when compared With
what can be seen every day en the Istlimns."
For the completed four months of th
current fiscal year the Dominion revcro
amounted to $11,702.951, an exceed over c
penditure of $1,963,829.
"Can t you say something pleamip,,,
its?" said a husband trY MS Wife as
about to start for his office.
They had had a quarrel, and he UPI
ing" Atoh,"rolamk,e"tripes."
ponded the penitet'atii:
throwing her arms aroutel his neeb. tbt,
give my foolishness. We were bot ito
wrong. And don't forget the babe/ 8 t
dear, and the toe of coal, and we fice 11A Vtile
petatotle; Merl sotth, love, yott niu, II-' -
some money for tile gas Man."