HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-12-8, Page 1A Grand Offer.
FOR $1.75
We will send the TIMES and any
City Week -1y from now until
DI.CRSON, Barrister, Soli-
. otter ef Supreme Court,Notary Public
Conveyancer Commissioner, cte. Money to
(Mee iu Panton 's Block, Exeter,
;Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer Etc
OfheeSamwell'aBlock Rall a old (Mee.)
Solicitor in the Supreme Court ot Ontario,
'Conveyancer, Cemmissioueri Ste., cto. Special
:attention given to the collection of claims in
the 'United States: Patents procnrecl, money
toloan at lowest rates. Odle° : Opera Rouse
Block, St. Marys, Ont.
, _ ,
Barristers Solicitors Notaries Pali°
Conveyancers &c, &c.
:LW -Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
OFFICE: over 0,.1rElLtS Rank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
s-crma-nEcorr 3Diarrxism.
Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. liav.
ingliarnished flue Dental Booms
on MAIN -ST„ next door to Treble's Emmen
Shop , Exeter, where I am prepared to perfor1Xi
all branches oi the D ental profession with ease
er skill. 17'2nc2,-310T.A.MaX..,M
used in extracting teeth, Charges, Moderate;
Terms, Cash.
Samwell's Mock, Main-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
11 giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Filings and: all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to ZIIIHOIL on last Thursday in
each month.
ri LUTZ , D. M.,
V • Ofaceathisrealdence Exeter.
e..1 • P. s ,GracluateVictorianniversity.Offics
mud .esidencte,DominionLaboratory. Exeter
BYNDNIAN, coroner for the
County of Ruron. 0111ce, opposite Mr.
I. Carling's store, Exeter,
o. •
Office, Main St ,Exeter, Ont. Residen
se houserecently occupied by P. licrePhillips,
tionoor for flay, Stephen, and MoGilli-
rray:Township a: Sales e on ducted atinoderate
011ietS—At Post-oillee,Orediton, Ont.
TOHN GILL, Auotioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and -Osborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales prnrautly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this °Mee.
rpENNENT & TEN.NENT, Veteri-
-L nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Toren -
an office for
ment of all
Animals, on
Exeter. Calls
to, havo
the treat
from a Es tance promptly
attenciedto:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,*c
always on hand:
per cent, 325,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represented.
. Barrister, Exeter,
Established in 1863.
This comr.anv has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western On-
tario,andeontinues to insure agaiustloas or
damage bv Pire ,Buildings,Merehandise,Mari-
tifactories,and all other descriptious oflinsur-
able property, Intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the Premium Note or
Cash System.
During the past ten years this Company
has issued 57,006 Policies, covering; property
to the amount of 840,870,038 ; and paid inloss-
05 a ion d$700,750,00
stesetS, $1.760.0o.00, consisting of Cfaah
11 riank, GovernmentDeposit,and the Unass-
o seed Premium No tes on hand and in force. J,
W WAtinuEll D. Presidett, 0. TATZ011,
Secretary. J. E. Hunnus,Inspector.
SNDLL Agentfor Exeter and vicinity%
Barber Shop,
A, Hastings, Prop,
Shaving and Heir OIltting in the latest styles
tho art.
Every attention pitid to cutting
Ladies and Ohtlaren's Hair.
33riolt and Tile,
We Wislito call the special attention of the
farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr.
Oeo.Ikroatz, of Lot 11, 00A. 5, Stephen, Crediton
P, O., has on hand A very large quantity of
At the Pollowing Prices :
24 inch Tile
3 t • , 7.50
$ 5,50perlSi.1
4 3c ,.. 11.0U "
6 18,00 "
'7 c. 2885.4000
INIMPAO AURIIIIMMININIC01011111MirMAINOIRMM.3...0.1Mmosza.¢0121gralti3Wila3ln
joriee wurnie ee Sic/NS
Pubilehers and rronrietovs
1110 names, of two pupils in each of the ad-
vanced classee of S. S. No. 5, 1",,'sborne, who
obtained the largest number of perfect les-
sons are as follows :-5eir CLASS,—Ida Kydd,
Albert Hodgson. 4xa CLASS.---Gertie „Mc-
Cord, Annie McCord. Su, Tninn.—Thomas
Russel, hdith Weatcott. Jo. THIRD.—Lizzio
Prout, Robt. McCord. -2ND Ons.---Oharles
rout, Violet Russell.
Gemeoxie II Tom Teacht3r.
8 .1
• • • • i . • i i 40.00 " —
If necessary, limited credit will be given. Mr, James Allen of the lith conceesion
Crediton,Sept.11, '87. GEO MOATZ. haa purchased a 200 acre ferne st, utiles south
of Farquhar. lie has been offered $0,800 for
0 upe s ore
i, new ho e in the townehip ofUsborne.
If he semlls, it is his intention to rerauve to his
3 his 100 acre farm, but has not yet accepted it.
On Wednesday of last seek,Davidliackney
801201 Alex. Hackney, while at school in 8.8.
No. 5 met with a painful accident, At noon
he and his schoelmates were playing foot.ball
and when running after the balthe was push-
ed, and felt, some of the other boys falling ma
I him. The muscles of one of his legs were
I, badly twisted. He was taken home. It will
be perhaps two months before he will be able
to be around again.
M. Benjamin Hoggarth has sold his val
uable farm on the 10th concession of Hilbert
are 2 miles west of Cromarty, to a Mr. Kerslake
from near Toronto, a brother of Mr Kerslake
of the 9th concession of this township. The
farm comprisea 150 acres of good lend in ex-
cellent condition, seedless on it goodbuildings
and is well fenced, The price realized id the
handsome eum of $11,000. By agreement
Mr. H. has another crop off the farra. He
has purohaaed 1.1/5 acres of land in the
thriving village of Hensall, where he and his
family intend to settle, when they have given
up posseesion of the old horaeatead. Mr
Hoggarth is a good neighbor, and will be
greatly missed.
Cheap Goods
We Undersell Everybody and
Never Undersold..
181b Nice Sugar
8 Plugs Chesvin,g Tobacco
Best Can Salkon. -
Fine Tea -
Grey Cotton -
All Wool Flannel
2 Pair WoolBooks
- 257,ets.
10 c. a lb. up.
4hts. a yd. up.
15 ots. a yd.
- 45 eta.
And it largo stook to select from.
Cb toro
The Undersigned would inform the people
of Stephen and McGillivray that he has
opened out in .
And Everything found. in a
First class Country Store.
The public inty rely on all the goods as
being fresh.
John, a fourth member of Mr. John Demp-
sey's family, has succumbed to the terrible
malady, diphtheria. Mach sympathy is
being expressed tor the bereaved parents in
their sore trouble.
Devon has again sustained a severe loss in
the reruoyal of one of its wisest and noblest'
citizens, Mr. Ilezekiah Toll, wholes taken
up his abode In Centralia.
Several tramps entered the Fairfield
scihool-house on one of the recent cold nights
and helped themselves freely to the wood ,
besifigelleMaging some of the seats in an
alarming manner, somuch that they were
unrecognizable in tbe morning.
.A musical and literary entertainment was
held in the Eden Methodist church, on
Ihursday evg., Nov. 24th, This one has
been the first of the series to be held during
the winter months. Notwithstanding the in-
clemency of the weather, a large number
gathered at the church and a very pleasant
time was realized. We understanci the see
ond of tho services is to be held on the
evening of Dec.,13th, which will be a lecture
delivered by the Rev. Dr. Pascoe of Exeter
The Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce, Usborne Council.
Council met on Deo. 8rd, 1887. All the
• Before purchasing giv'fi me it call. - members present. Mint -ices of the previous
meeting react and signed,
Moved by T. Cameron, seconded by J
OREDITON. Shier, that the nonaination for Reeve and
Councillors to serve for 1888 in this munici-
Jno. Mitchell,
Nov. 24, 1887.
FRIDAY, the 9th IN8T1
Ever Brought to Exeter.
Call and Get Some.
1 1
The Royal Mail, Passenger and xi:eight
Route between Canada and Great Britain and
direct route between the West and all 'points
on the Lower St. Lawrence and Baia dee Ohm -
lour, alSO
New Brunswick NovaScotfa
P. R Island dap Br8ton
and Janiadest.
INTew and elegant Pullman Buffot Sleeping
nd,Day Cars run on through Express traths,
' Passengers for Great Britain or f he Conti.
tient by leaving '.1.`oron10 at 8130 0. tn. Thurs-
day will join outward mail 'steamer at 'Emil -
lax a, m. Slam/1m.y.
Superior Ilievator Warehouse and Doch ac-
commodation at Halifax for shipment of grain
FIncl general merchandise,
Years of experience have proved the :INTER -
COLONIAL i11 connection with steamship
limas to and from. London, L isorpool and
Glasgow to Halifax to be the quickest freight
route between Cadaci a and Great Britain.
pality be received at the Towu Hall, Elfin
ville, on Mooday, the 26th Dec,, 1887. at the
hours of 10 o'clock. A, el., and 12 o'clock,
noon, respectively. That G. W. Holman
preside at such nomination, and in case
polls be demanded they be held as follows
1 viz :—$. W. Ward, at the town hall, Elim -
1 villa, a, W. Holman Returning Officer ; N
W. Ward, on Lot No. 6, N. T. R., eteoege
Lowe, D, R. 0.; S. E. Ward, on Lot No. 2
Con. 10, S. Skinner's residence, W. Walker
D. R. 0. ; N. E. Ward, at the hall, Farqu-
har, A. Duncan, D. R, 0. That said polls be
opened at 9 o'clock, A. M., and cloaed at 5
o'clock, P. 1\r.,on Monday, the second clay of
january, 1888, and that the clerk be author-
ized to advertise the sanee according to law
and that a bylaw be drafted confirming the f
Moved by J. Halls, secooded by W. K,vdcl, I
that by-law No. 6,1887, as 110W reid a third
time be confirmed. ---Carried. i
Moved by j. Halls, seconded by T. Gainer- o
on, that the Clerk get 150 copies or the nein. :
utes of tbe proceedings of this couneil print -
ed for distribution. --Carried. h
On motiori of J. Shier, seconded by T. u
Cameron, the council adjourned for a short h
time to allow the Board of Health to meet. d
6n re -assembling, the clerk read the re-
ports of the Board of Health, and ' Medical g
flealth Officer for the year 1887, whieh on o
motion of T. Cameron, seconded by J. Halls, a
were adopted. h
Moved by J'. Shier, seconded by W. dryad, p
that the account of the Board of Health, D
amounting to $22.50 he paid —Carried. f
Moved by W. Kydcl, seconded by .1. Halls, b
that Geo. Ferguson be paid 89 for six weeks li
board to T. Bennett—Candect. la
Moved by J..Elalls, s<Lecled by W. Kydcl, P
end resolved, that orders be issued for the sl
following amounts, viz e --J. Godbolt $11,55; fr
T Delman, $21 ; W. jeckell, 57; J. Frayne Co
820; Jno. Glenn, $19.50 ; J. Onineron, $10; fr
'V. Mitchell, $25 ; kr, Westcott4 $20 ; Sohn I 111
JOb/18, 810 ; J. Blatchford, $17 . William I ex
Oke, 510 ; D, Remick. $3.25 ; 'I. Riven, ' gl
50.50 ; W. Moody, 51.50 ; T. Kornick, $2 ; fa
1,1, Cann, '$12.20 ; T. Cuclmore, §22,05 ; Jas in
Moir, $23.10 ; G. Moir, 14.75 ; 0. Monteith, ni
825.25 ; ‘AT . KornIck, q$ 7.45 ; W. II. Verity, in
$5 ; w. Mitchell, 83.25 ; R. Boll, $7.76 ; 0. th
Dorward, $4.80 ; W. P viols, 59,a ; Alny & 02
Edwards, $30 84 ; 5, Gem ley, $18 ; A. Shier In
85 ; J, Lenkin, 56.26 ; T, Tufts, S10.10 ; lif
W. Kirk, $11.60 V. Wiseman, $4.05 ; Mis. "I
E. Andrews, $47.81 ; 3', Irvine, 518.00 ; W. sli
ct II, Quinton, 816 ; 'W, Stewart, 812.40 ; A. bo
Stewart, $7,16 ; 71, Wiiglit, $1 ; R. Doupe, cu
$28 ; A. Campbell, 55.60 ; J. Dallantyno, of
83.40 ; J. Kelly, $33.88 ; L. Minter, $1,50 ; fo
T. Jon0H, $21 ; J. Copeland, $5 ; Ti, Fletcher M
83.2,.15. The above Onset -tuts were for gravel, wi
livtraNnAL,—Mr. Harly Anderson hes
done it at last. He has tied a knot with his
tongue which he cannot untie with his teeth,
and that knot ia matrimony. His bride was
Miss Bishep, one of the fairest of the fair.
The knot WAS tied by the Rev. ColinFletcher,
who is novice at stioh proceedings and was
made firm ana sure. May peens, happiness
and prosperity he theire in their journey
through this vale of tears. May the godess
of fate shower her blessings on their happy
heads and may their children arise and oall
Nfies Mary Wilhelin is absent learning the
drese-making, we believe.
Look out for a house warming at Mr, J.
The protracted meetings are going on in
:hill:it's:diem and a number are going for-
these parts; thanks to Mr. Grant's gentle
Mr. Wild -oat has made himself scarce in
Mr. Wm. Holt of this plaae, shipped a
large car -load of poultry from Centralia on
Saturday last.
Persons interested M the progress of the
school, will be glad to hear that the well is
to be cleaned out and well secured. The
water has been unfit to drink for eon's time.
Tile remains of Mr. James Mawhinney,
who deperted this life on Sunday evening
last°, were escorted to Centralia citation on its
wary to Loudon for interment. The process-
ion loft the residence of Mr. Georg:. Mewh-
limey at 3 o'clock on Mond aN noon.
.Much sympathy is felt for ved
b • 04 4
Snow balling was indulged in on Saturday
We saw a farmer trying hard to finish his
fall ploughing on Monday.
Quite it flood in Fish Creek on Sunday
last, in faot the largest in four or five years,
Mrs. (Dr.) Irving returned on Saturday
from a visit to friends in Hamilton
.The fing sleighing party, alco the first up-
set of the season occurred on Thursday night
last:—No damage,—A splendid time.
A temperance and anti -tobacco' society
has 'been formed in conneetion with the
Methodist S. S. Nearly ninety have already
signed the pledge.
Mr. Tames Kirk, sr., a former resident of
this place, was shaking hands with a number
of bis old-time friends the first two or three
qeys of this week- Mr. K. notes great pro -
gross sineuele lett here some fourteen yeers
Mr. Wm. Leigh has moved into Mr. Quin-
ce's house and Mr. Wm. Haines to one of Mr.
Sparling's houses. Evidently things:are not
at a standstill ter everybody seems to be on
the move.
- MTS. Davis has removed to her new frame
house on—well we don't know just what the
name of the street is—but it is somewhere in
Kirkton South. Our town ought to have
a christening day and then everybody would
know just where they live.
Mr. Somerville has moved into his new
houoe across the street and Mr. D. Mahon
has taken possession of the house vacated by
Mr. S. Mr. Mahon has just retired from
farming and has chosen our pretty little vil-
lage in which to spend the remainder of his
days. Quite a number of other farmers have
clone likewise.
Dr. Irving has wonderfully improved the
appearance of his place. by moving his stable
and office to the west side of the lot, and put-
ting an addition to the former and making
the latter assume a very handsome appear-
ance. A new picket fence adorns the front
and affords protection from the roving boy-
Our merchants, Means. Doupe & Co.,
and D. W. Dulmage, whose advertisements
may be seen in most all of the local papers,
are doing just what they say they will, and,
consequently, business is brisk. Dalmage's
new Dry Goods Department is a vary attrac-
tive spot. Just across the street may be
found at any hour of the day astride his
horse, our industrious harness -maker Mr. j.
Taylor, the quality of whose work iS excelled
by none. ' But, by the bye we must be care -
u1 here, unless we'll get into Treble, so we'll
pass on, and after leaving our measure for a
Air of those first-class boote manufactured
by our shod -maker, Mr. Geo. Mills, and gett-
ng Smith to 'stop that leak in one of our old
ties, we'll wend our way across the street
ind enter the ''Spruce Carriage
Vorks" owned hy 'Mr. B. J .Roaclhouse ;
ere all hands aro on tbe qui vive for bust -
e88, it great number of cutters and sleighs
eing in every stage of completion, The Gu-
ess which attended the exhibits of the 8. C.
W- at the various fall shows is sufficient
uarantee of the quality of the work turned
at. But ee must not stay hare as no per -
on has any time to talk to you, all hands
eying to work late at nights, and as we
ASS Out we notice a sign, "Miss Steritt,
ress-1VIaker," and not being able to manta
acture an excuse for onteringe-and. not
eing in need of anything in that particular
oe—eo must bq content with what ell the
dies say, that she is an a 1 dress -maker.
eering into Mr, B. Robinson's blacksmith
lop we see him busy flt 1118 forge, while
om the'direetion, of Mr, Jno. Oallender's
1T108 Clill of his hammer as its bounds
om the anvil, to the music of which we
arch around the oorner, and not feeding
traordinarily thirsty we pas on and:as We
anco across the street we espy 'the genial
co of our tailor, Mr. ,Toseph Bryn, ;mein -
g to say, "Come in till me/tame you for a
co nobby seit,",brit owing to poor crone,
1c1 conscquemt hard tinies, mug decline
o invitadou, and r.ow fooling somewhat
housted with our journey, anti faint with
Inger --feeling our need of "the staff of
0"—we forthwith direct our steps to tile
Ziricton Bakery," haying first procured a
co of that nice tender steak which our
toher, Mr. Win, Kirk, always has for his
stealers, and while the meat and big slice
lovely bread are rapidly dispatched we are
reed to exclaim that, aa brood -maker,
re. P, O'Brien has fow equals. `Refreshed
111 eur repast we Must now hoiden to the
anufnoturing and Receiving Establishment
of our most useful Citizen, IC tobt, Kirk,
sr., and bring home those eastaway (alleles
that he has made almost as good 04 new.
Now, where have we landed At home.
Thom being tio place like it, we breve decided
to stay, at least for the present,
Information as to ;Passenger and Preiglat gravolimg, grading,, oulverts and lumber.
rates CAA 110 had Ao. spirt '11 hall to Board of fiettlth , 622,50 ;'‘ Arr. Semivell, 513 ;
11043 MDT 11.i1r,)01)11.3, G., Ferguson,$91.v. a
Tiottyril ,d 569:0)0(21.10d by 3,
Western Vreiglit &Passoneer A exit Oniciotion of'
Yoram nous() Block:1.01'k St. "oronto S1'19,r, the council adjourne'l to eneee again
D. Poe' TIN Cir, It
Ohio/ superintendocr Moaday, the '2.6th Deo., Aftor the Dorninhtioli
. .
a y 0 ,,,60 N,i3Noviab4,,188,1 is elbsod, 9, 1.17, ,Eloeeieso Clerk.
Mr. 5. MillF3ondorekeeper in this village,
intends nioviug o Luean in the *ring.
Mr. Jas. Westman is engaged as teael,ar
for 1888 in the school here. We wish him
The annual missionay meeting, on Monday
night last, at "Freewill" church was n decid-
ed enceees. A good collection anti a better
Wood-outting seems to engage the atten-
tion of most farmerat present, They are
having their supply cut now for next -summer
and fall,
The snow on Saturday did gladclee, the
folks in this vicinity, Sleigh bells were
gaily chiming and nearly everyone enjoyed a
sleigh ride.
Mr. J, Lanephier has uow erected a, very
fine Windmill pump at his new well. He
has now an everlasting supply of water which
was greatly needed.
The annual meeting of Freewill Sabbath
School will be held in the oburoh on Thur E -
day evening for the parpose of electing new
officiers for the coming year.
There were great floods around here last
Mr. Barnum, commercial traveller, of
Stratford, is at present staying in this place.
Chendeboye is now the preud possessor of
a skating rink. its dimensions are AO z 40.
The Clandeboye Hunt Club were sawing
the woods last Satmeley, and succeeded in
securing three fine foxes, ; not a bad show
for fifteen hounds;
The Foresters of this place intend holding
a grand concert on the evening of Friday,
Deo. Oth. They have gone to a great deal of
trouble hi preparing for it and expect it good
time. Dr, Oronheratekha,8, a R., of Lon-
don, will preside.
A short time ago while one of our worthy
citizens wad journeying along the street with
O huge bundle of straw on his back. some
mischievously inclined lads decoyed the own-
er into a store near by, and while they occu-
pied his attention another party set B.re to
the straw. The owner of the straw rushed.
from the store, intent on revenge, but, alas 1
the sidewalit was coated with ice and our cit-
izen went bouncing along it at the rate of 40
miles per hour,greatly to the amusement of
the kids.
Heavy Snow Storm, on. Friday last.
Go to Irdeler's for felt boots and gages,
Miss Katie Follond, is in bed ,div4sejously
If rumour is correct, Mr. W. Zent, who
left here last week, has left some of his
friends in a not leery pleasant state of mind.
Our merchants are already making a dis-
play of their X-mas goods. By the looks of
the shop windowa and show oases a good
trade is expected in this line.
E. 3, Hardy, saddler, is making a good
display of robes, blankets and sleigh bells
those days. If you want a bargain give him
a eall.
Mr. Peter Wagner. of the firm of Wagner
& Ain, treated it number or his friends tn an
oyster supper one flightiest week. Auybody
else want to entertain their friends ?
Mr. Daniel Davis and Wife, of Exeter,
were the gueete of Mr. D, Steinbach last
week. Dan took a lesson on sausage making
and he thinks that he can now mix the
oSpeolt" all right. Daniel is a butcher by
trade, and people of Exeter may expect to
see his shop trimmed with good "Bologna
Sausage" at X-mas. Season with pepper,
salt, cinnamon, olovss and "Garlic" in pro-
portion, Dan; don't forget. Dan and his
better half are great favorites around these
Mr. Philip Steinbach, of New Hamburg,
who was here attending his clezeased sister's
(Mrs. Fossold) funeral, on Wednesday, Nov.
28r3, met with rather A damaging aecident
to his buggy on his return home on the fol
lowing Monday. It happened it few miles thii
side of Seaforth, his horse took fright and
ran away, the axle broke, and Mr. and Mrs,
Steinbach were precipitated into the ditch
but Inckily no bones were broken. Mr. S.
had bis buggy repaired at Seaforth and ar-
rived home all safe and Sound.
• •••
OBIT.—Tour correspondent has, through in-
advertence, overlooked the matter of the
death of Mrs. john White, of Lot 4, Con. 4.
The sad event occarred on the 171h inst..,
the deceased being 76 years of age. Mr. and
Mrs. White settled in this township when. 11
was a total wilclorness, and by hard labor
and close attentionto every detail, managect
to clear the property in a cemparatively
short thno ; and wo might say that Mrs.
White lived to see the property in a state of
perfection, and equal in every particular
to any hornesteed 411 this section in the mat-
ter of buildings end land. There remains to
share the affliction, a husband, three sons,
and one daughter, two of the sons being re-
sidents in California,
The following is a correct report of the
P0933 of school No. 3, Stephen, for the
month of November. The report is based on
good conduct q ad general proficiency, driving
tho month,—Sicarou FOURTH.- -WM. Mor.
rison, 1(32; Arabella Morrish, 438; L, ;Tory,
397; Chas. Sanders, 382; II. Shaptou, 878.
Juaroa Fourarir.—Ed. Shepton, 555; Ella
Shapton, 562; Ada jory, 530; Minnie Morris-
on, 528; Lucy Jou, 447; ilfinnie Swbet, 381;
Clam Samlei.s, 820. LIMO 07,188.--Icla
Sweet, 487; Frank Sanders, 458; lames Bag-
shaw, 263; Emma Sanders, 177; Wesley
Dearing, 116. Seeman Crass.—T, Saudors,
682; Alex, Box, 604; Walter Dearing, 521;
'rhos Willis, 302; Wm. Hoodoo., 471; Mary
Morrish, 442; Emma Penhale, 312; 'Vietoria
Bagsbitw, 280; Ethel Sweat, 24.0; James San,
am, 231; Martha, Ford, 80.---PAnm II --Ect,
Saudere, 650; Win, Sweet, 007; Hardet
Morrish, 523; 011arlotto Dearing, 51.1; Henry
Dearing, 480; john Edwards, 468; F,leanor
Stanlake, 411; Sinn Sanders, 340; Geoege
Election, 335, The average attendance for
the month ending wes 54. An ,(1 10)11(1(1100
wiil be held in the abeve mentioned sehocd
ou December 15th. All parents, ex,pripils
and °there who have an interest j, the work
of the sehool are cordially invited to ho heavy moustache, bletek Derby hat, durk
present. clothes and eVercotite
'The Maisons Bank
(.0UARTE)1ED BY PA. iiLiAMENT, 1805)
Paid up Capital „. S2,800,008
Best Pund „. 8760
Offers the Public 4 CENT, INTEPE.ST
PElt ANNUMfor moue), on '
Dor Molloy in
Savings Bank Dep)aa't
(Lately Be -Opened.)
Por further particulars apply at The 'Bank
Male Street, Exeter.
010310111 HOURS —
10 a. 111, 00 8 p.133. Saturdays'10 a, in. V‘ p.ra
Exeter , oct, 25, '87, Mcmaari '
OCCUrr311COli of the Past week 'I'Broughout
the Neigliiiorhoed in 3 (3130ibQ 4rQP.3.
Wnat Stevens, V.S„ has purchased
Mr. Ell Burtch's residence, west ward,
Si. 14ar3r, and the la,tter gentlenian
has removed to the States.
Henry Taylor, of the Loudon Bank
notoriety, incarcerated in the London
jail awaiting his trial. 19 leery ill and a t
times quite unconscinusflis condition
is such as to cause alarm,
Mr. Leversage is to be opposed for
the Fullarton Reeveship at the ap-
proaching election by Mr. Ourrellys,
Both are good men and a. keen contest
is anticipated.
Last week a tire broke out ha the
store of G. D. Arnold of Ailsa Craig, and
destroyed about $200 worth of goods
before it could be extinguished. Loss
covered by insurance. Origin of fire
151iss Williams has resigned her p'osi-
don as organist of St. James' church,
St.lVlarys. lkiiss W. has filied the posi-
tion with great acceptance to the whole
congregation for some time. ;
Mr. 0. E. Mason, of Brucelield, has
sold his importsd etailion, “Macalpine,"
to S. Berry and D. Miller, Veterinary
Surgeon, of Hensel!, for the sum of
A constable in St. Marys re ISHtly lost
a pair of ducks. He suspectedcertain
parties, and upon searehinr, their prem-
ises, found the birds stored under the
bed. Their Christmas dinner hag been
spoiled, as they are now basking in the
cells of the county jail.
Mr. George E. Spearin, of Blanshard,
felled an elm tree the other day, from
which he sawed seventeen cords of four
foot wood and left enough of the rough,
parts to make, at least, two cords naore.
The tree ineasured considerably over
six feet through at the butt.
A fire occurred at the London asylum
on Friday, and destroyed it portion of
the building. The origin of the fire ist
not known, but is supposed to have
!tinted in the bakery departraent. The
loss is estimated at $50,000.
A. brakeman named Moore, on the
London and Stratrord line, had
little finger destroyed in coupling the
engine to the train. His thumb now
alone remains on that hand, he having
lost the first three fingers before. •
Nine years ago a needle ran into the ,
foot of Mr. Geo. Davidson, the proprie-
tor of the Hicks House, Mitchell, and to
day it is in his thigh. During the week
it has caused him the most excruciating
pain, and at Mines he was unable to
leave his bed.
While Mr. Thomas Laughton, Reeve '
of Blanshard, was out driving near Wood-
ham recently he was thrown frona his
wagon, and received such it shock as to
be rendered unconscious for som3 time.
He is yet 112 a very precarious condition,
and doubts are expressed oi his ultimate
Chicago's corporation is about to
supply ets own electric lighting, at an
esti-mated .cost of 19 cents a hetet per
night, the contract with a company
proving much more expensive. Detroit .
is making the same complaint of exhor-
bitant charges, and a reasonable cost
there is estimated at 23 cents. Toronto
the Globe contends, is also being bled
by a company
Mr. L. E. Danny, barrister, of Sea -
forth, took hotne it can of lobsters the
other day for dinner and partook heart-
ily of the fish. Shortly afterwards he
was overtaken by a peculiar dizzy sea-
sation and became deadly zick. Fie
went te Dr. Evans' office, and had -hard-
ly time to tell the ddctor of his distress;
before he fell backwards and became
unconscious. Judging from the symp-
toms the doctor at once decided that be
had been poisoned, and administered
the proper antidotes.
Two respectable looking "commercial
men" have been robbing country mer-
chants by an old game. Reports from
numerous villages tell of their visits. A.
victim says: Both entered the store.
together. One asked for a ten cent
plug of tobacco, which was handed him
by the proprietor. Mr. Thief throws
down a cent, and on being told of it by
the storekeeper, excuses himself, saying
he thought it was adime, then produces
a ten -dollar bill as the smallest he has.
Storekeeper hands him a five.dollar bill
in change anti $4.90 in silver. Ete folds
up the bill, pats it in his pocket, and in
so doing discovers the missing dirne.
„He dosen' t WANE all that $4,90 in silver ; •
would proprietor take the 10e and give
him another V? Certainly he will. On
second thought Mr; Thief would awful-
ly like to keep the original ten-dolliir
bill. Could he trouble, etc. Store-
Ireeper bites, and the -rascal tiler'
pushes the second five -dollar bill and
the silver towards his victim, while the
fleet bill is sate in his vest pocket. The
con federate then ehipe in and draws the
storekeeper's ettention by asklOg for
10e worth of candy, and between the.
Iwo the un ror t motto s torele ee p er gets
bewildered and losee his head and his
five dollars, told his two cieetomere bid
him good (ley end glide ont, As a, gen-
eral thing the discovery 15 not 00 21811
till the cash is counted in the evening,' "
and by that time the birds have flown. -
'rho description.ot the men la as follows;
rl'he tallest is abOut 5 feet 8 inplieo In
luileeht, black moustache, wore eqoare
topped black Derby hat, aerie go 051)
ooleohman's overcoat, and 'dark teamed
euit, Ilis0•11 (Pere 18 'somewhat ShOrter