HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-12-1, Page 8INSURANCE. TrENEST 1..q.:11J1011, AOENT 011 Tele) 'WESTERN ASSIele.ANCleOQM PANY, of TOV011i:f) ; 41,5Q for the VenteeleIX 1.1111e UV" KiltANOIts, COM PAN Y,ot1, own) n. Euglentl, the ROYAL 0 AN Aln.AN o efontrettl, tkr, et the DRI'/SleleMPlIele LIE le .A.SSO,RANOlte °Gm. VAN , of I/melon, Enelams, eetabliened 1847, Aeisete over es5,000,000 ; e1ji inset bousiees paid, over $100(10,000. nOaelL.IVETEe9.-elee shale be happy to re- Jeive at all times, from any part of the County, items of local news, such as ac cidents,or any iliteresting incident what. ever,from any of our subscribers or read, ers penerally for the purpose of 'public. (tam, PEN 0 PAWLS perinea tor arstinsertion, and FOILS.OLNTS per lino for each subeequeu liertion will be charged to uotieee annealing thin column. Eitel! aviet Junes. THURbDAY, DEC, let, 1887. ROUND THE COUNTRY. Centralia. TUINGS Val WOULD LIRE TO SEE. --The new elethodisl church erected before the de- parture of our pestor.-Harry Sweet get lots of orders for harness. -Jimmie Daly get married. -Geo. Essery build in the spring, Buiers.-On Monday morning, at 8 o'clock at the residence of Ur. Harry Essery, Mr. J. W. Kershaw, and Mies Mollie Abbott were Kea by the nmetial knot, by the Rev. E. Kershaw, (father of the groom.) After par. taking of wedding breakfast they started for Clucago, where printers pnut and An- archists die. -Centralia is overstocked with live poultry, as a large lot came in on Satur- day for shipment; but owing to some mita manegement the crates for shipping in did not come till Monday morning. As ea result el the delay, 14 have died.--Tohn Parsons, sr., and son, arrived home from Winnipeg last week, and are engaged in shipping dressed poultry to that place, -Our youthful grain buyer has begun taking lessons in operating as Rambla No 4. Crechtort. "SAmes.-The sale of the gooaa and chattels -of Van. Buoltingham was held last week and some articles were sold very cheap. -An extensive sale of flax mill property eves held on Fridey last by Mr. H. Eilber, for Messrs. Sweitzer, Son & Co., the mill at Exeter and Crediton were both disposed of at good figures. the former being purchased by Mr. John Sweitzer, and the latter by Mr. I. Livingstone of Baden. PERSONAL -Mr. Herry Dlchert of Zurion, who has been with Mr. C. Kibler for the past year, has left us. Harry was a smart young man, and we are sorry to lose him. - Mr. Wes. Norsworthy has opened. out a blacksmith shop in eincInngham's old stand, and if hard work and geniality lead to success we are sure Wes. will have it. May he at least meet with better suceess than his pre- eleeessors. Banes. -Rumor of another wedding in town, we wonder is it true. Time will tell.- - One of our sports while out in the swamp went of here, one day last week, shot a wild cat '• he followed the trail for some distance, butdarkness overcame him and he had to lege. The track was, profusely cevered witla Bib'ed, and .he it certain that if he had luta a dog or even mare time he would have cap• tared his game. Zurich. Biz is still booming. • Oysters •vs. Euchre. • The squeak of the dying porker is daily heard; 'Speck' is xipe and sausages are being turned out by the yard. Mr. Robe. Buswell, of Goderioh, formerly of Zmich, is in town having a 'shake' with old friends ; he is accompanied by his 'hau.' They also intend visiting friends and rela- tives in and around Exeter, for the next four or five week. M. Wm. Zan, who has been a resident of this place for the past ten or twelve years, has sold his householdeffeots, and intends, (so we are informed) taking up his abode in Gr. Rapids, Mich. We wish Will and his family all health, wealth and prosperity in tbeir new home. Zuneh's loss will be Gr. Rapid's gain. Mr. Henry Dimwit, sr., of the firm of, • Dumart lef here on Tuesday, A, M., for Mr. Hy. Cook's farm, Sauble Line and at 12 o'clocre, noon, by the sad of Mr. Cook and another Man, slaughtered and dres- sed, ready for market, twenty hogs. Mr. Cook considers this pretty hard to beat ; but then Mr. Gook must take into oonsideration, that he bad two of our Zenon ladies on the field of battle. Anybody else to be heard from ? Zurich can boast of the strongest teams in the County. Last Friday afternoon Mr. Hy. Rupp, teamster, hauled from Hansen, a boil- er which weighs Four Tons, and left it in William de Ebnes' mill yard. The eheels of the wagon on which the boiler was placed sunk nigh up to the hubs. We congratulate Mr. Rupp on being the owner of such a fine team. The boiler in question was purchased frona Goldie & McCullough, of Galt, and its -capacity is sixty-five horse power. We are again called to record the death of ;another old pioneer, in the person of Mr. John Colosky, who has been suffering from the effects of dropsy for the past summer; he finally succumbed to the fatal disease on Tuesday morning last about 6 o'clock. Mr. CoIosky was one of the first settlers hi these parts ; he was a good neighbor and highly respected by all who knew him. His friende and relatives have oar deepest eyeateithy in their sad bereavreent. Your correspondent must apologize to the readers of the Tines for overlooking a very important item a few weeks ago, which was a report of the Zurich. _Brencli of the Can- ada Bible Society meeting, held ih the Even Meth. Church on Nov. 15. All of the Pro- teetant, clinicians were reptesented, and a de- cided feeling of Unity was exressed thrOugh- .out the meeting, The President, M. Zoller was absetit on eccount of illness, antl the' (chair was occupied by Rev. Mr. Baker, pastor ,of the.Baptiet church. Rev. Mr. Strempfer- •.opened the neeeting by reading the 103rd vvhich was followed in prayer by the • Rev. Mr. Rauch. The agent of tho Society was then introduced by the Chairmen, stem ' gave a very gratifying report of the work the Society had done in distributing Bibles for the pest year. It wag uuehlueoutly de- cided to holcl the meeting next year in the Daptist church, Very able addresses were delivered by Revs. Strenipfer and Hauch. 'Ithe following otlicers were electecl for the ensning year : M. Ziller, President ; Rev. Biker, "irice-Pree ; le. Kibler, Seeretary Well, Treaenrer ; D. S. Faust, Depositoeo last year's committee. watt se -Mooted, Metnytel. ntending Advertisers ,should ed• MARKET REPORTS. I a dress xumum 1W 4,4 'Williamson And SOD, WhielieY were arrested Tharedey eve., and, eseoeted to Ingersoll, en a eharge of content of mut Scene of our local sports lost money on the lianlen.13eaele tam -Wine, women and song haye been to inneh for lee. Tite clebate on Commereial Union between a Mitchell team and "one of ours," took place here on leridey eve. The question received able support on both sides and resulted in a vietory tor the home team. The Mayor et Kitchen preelded aceeptably. A heavy fell of snow Sunday evg. The snow plow got in its work leeenclay morning, but the party who runs it seems to be afraid of exerting Mineola cousequently large portion of *de walk upon which there is great traffic was untouched, Queen street Beet for inetanee, It it simply a disgrace to permit the Batad3' House on Water-st, to remain uuder the very noses of our people. The constable does not do his elute'. The leen' press toenails gelet, end the libertines flourish. like the licensed harlots of Faxes, a standing reproach to de- cency and a mark of debanchery, A charac- ter lamiliarly known as "Cheese Joluany' en- tered this den of iniquity one eveuing of last week and put up for the night. In the raoru- ing he was short of $280, (his wife's tuoney) No arrests were made, although the police were fully aware of the facts, mad information laid. It seems like putting a premium on Vice to allow euoh a state of things to exist. _ Lucan, Nothing new in Municipal matters, only the electric light enterprise is gaining ground olarone is maturing and if suacessful will make our town the possessor of a high school, which is much needed in this dis- triet. • Miss Atkinson bas succeeded Miss Lend - ham in tho grocery business on Main street. May greet success attend the enterprising lady. Our enterprising town is still booming; business brisk, many changes have taken places In business circles. Our worthy towns- man, Mr. R, S, Hodgins, is still pressing the eider business to its utmost Galway, having shipped this season some thousands of gallons more than Ilia last season's exports. Mr. Samuel Gillis of the G.T.R., has taken to himself a partner for life in the person of Miss Ross, of Stratford. Many years of enjoyment Sam. Other matches are almost complete, and if • gossip be true December will be noted by a goodly number of mothers losing their fair ones. Quite a number of our citizens were netimized the otner day by a gigantic fraud in the way of a non -explosive to be used in lamps. The operations were carried on by a starched.00llar dude, who was invited by our V. C. to take a bed at the expense of the corporation. Otir John is -very friendly to that class of gentlemen. ahere is a ramor abroad, in the village re- parding some prize shooting that weapons on Thauksgiving day, which, be it tiue or terse it is a wondetful story. Among thte ranks bf he money lenders and the educationallati there was a desire to shoot, so after rigging a hundred dollarpiece andenough ammunition for a day on the battle -field, the pair pro- ceeded on a tireless excursion. ever watching for the innocent creatures, which somehow or other, failed to appear. Nothing daunts heroism, as the tardy hunters at length got a tame pigeon, tied it to a tree,,and standing back the regular number of paoes, aimed seventeen shots at the chained monster, which, through an escaped unhurt. "To ' *bele teetrettatle let hint tezaeln*,...j., The other morning as the train approached tlso depot on its way -to London nanny pass- engere responded to the word "all aboard," but the most noticable was a gentlemen with EttatilTO like ZaMos and whose snoary locks and towering frame betokened. the return of many winters, and also ere long that he would be called upon to close his eye:3 on all that is mortal. He was followed by. a lady of six feet six, and W110 was his junior by sante fifty years. After arriving in the city, great haste was made to find a man of God who had the authority not only to heal long standing aihnents, but to make the twain one flesh. In a very few minutes their de- sires were gratified., .After a few parehasee being made in the way of a gold watch and other little lolliepoppets, they retarned home to bask in the sunbeams of a honey -moon, ane. await patiently for future prosperiey. At an early hour in the evg. els Thomas and Amanda were quietly domiciled -for the night a party of some one hundred or more headed by the citizens band called on the twain and presented them with many fine seleetions, interspersed with solos, duets, &c., taeten from the great author; of Rocks. tin horses, lend pienalates ; bat soon the fair briee, beirig more hospitable than the hged groom, pre- sented her graceful form in the open door with a -pressing invitation to tome uphigher and sliare in the glories that had crowned Iler effotte, tombich many eheerfrilly respon- ded'. After a short. deliberation for the fee which im oustoniary oln.00easions Df that sort; 626 wits enticed. for thee, benefit of those who had dieelayed theirood wishes to 'the, couple for a long life and a merry one. Aunt Fanny jonsting of London, visited town on Saturday and made a demand on tha treasuree of the citizen's band for $25 damages to her house, caused, by the serenading the other evg. Bob wished her to call later. Thomas has become wearied of matrimony and called on the proeer authorities to refund his previous donation. We believe he is duped into it by a certain citizen. THE condition of the Crown Prince of Germ.any is nosy considered hopeful. DoMnamet Parliament will meet about the 15th of January. , IT is announced that the Chicago anar- chiste intend to import one Louis Vierick to lead the dynamiters in the United States. • THE case against E. E. Sheppard, ex - editor of the Toronto News, has been gettled by' Mr. Sheppard making ample apolopy and paying the costs of the case. Somn rernatkeible low temperatures throughout the Northwest were reported irt the signal service beeletin issued at St. Pauls at 11:45 eri., all of the following being below zero: St. 'Vincent, Minn. 22: Fere Garry, 22; •Minnedosa, 22; Fore TodrIen, 18; Biemark, 16; Cheyenne, 10; Fore Custer'12; Fere Assinaboin.e, 26; Fort Huliertl, 18. . THE London Advertiser is responsible Inc the following, pertinent remarks anent the proposed High School for East leliddlesene-- If the High School is erect- ed at all lot ie be erected in it central locality. Each man's peteonal interese itt the Matter passes away in a fete years, and what suits the fathet to -day may preset) very inconvenient Inc the son ten dr fifteen years hence. The first aleighe appeared oh the streets of Seaforth, last year on the Sth of November, and the first good sleigh. Ing for the season crime on the ,27th of the same morith. e410. r, newuxia and (fa., 1 0 Spruce Street, New 'eerie City, N., r, For tielect net of 1,900 Newspaper, Will be emit EBBE on application,' , .. .. eelfrA Nene)), -LADI el e tor our fell alai Olerist. V el illaS teade te tette lielst, pleasant week 1 at their 0111/ ileums, tel to ei per dory eals be I quietly mule, Work sent by Mail any (listen, me Partioulare free, N'ootenyteesing. Adtleess at ono°, ORESOleNT ARV CO , 147 Milli St, 13ostOn, Mass, 130: 5170 1:0 STRAY. -Came inn the prenu• et 5(3$ of the subseriber en or about the let NOV,, it redline white heifer one year old past. The owuer is requested to nay expense e and neke the animal away irone lot 0. con. 10. Hay. JOBI., 13ABOHLER. Hay, Nov. 21st 1857.-4t, —ORNE, LIOUSE.—The linder- siguedtakos the libmay to inform the era ventag pubile that he opened his house for tne Accounziodatiou of all travellers. on Oeeober 1st, Those who favor bun With their pate() nage win receive the best a tteetion There is good stehlieg in connection, JOHN CALLANDEB, Tfirktou 1:4101.1 SALE, -A BAGAIN,- ,-&-' Quarter section of North West Laud, near Varian, 100 gores, six miles from Vireen, three from Hargrave Sto.tions,Momitoba, Apply to Exeter. W, H. NO ROUE, Christmas& Holiday R. HICK'S JEWELRY STORE! --COMMIE% Or -- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, dm At greatly reduced prices. Holiday shoppers will please call on R. Hicks and look his stock through before purchasing elsewhere. Especial attention is invited to our beautiful display of holi- day attractions. We hope none of our readers will fail to see the stock now on exhibition, whether they contemplate a purchase or not. We have aimed tO make the assortment Complete in every detail, and believe that this carefully se- lected stock of latest sty/es will contribute to the enjoyment of visitors, and merit the approbation of one and all. Prices uniformly low all through the stock. Repairing. We want every reader to remember that we -Make a specialty of - Cleaning And Repairing -ALL KINDS OF - "WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEW- ELRY. Skilful workmanship, neatness prompt- ness and reasonable prices may always be relied upon with any work entrusted to our Care. We Guarantee Finest Work And Good Satisfaction. R. Hicks• MAIN -ST., . OPPOSITE J. PICKARD. 1888. $ Weelat - Harper's Weekly hes a well-establiseed Oleee as the leading illustrated newspaper itt Ameri- ca. The fairness of its editorial con:meets on current polities has earned for it the respeet and gonfidenee of all impartial readers, and thnevar- iety and excellence of its literary (=tents, whith include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit it for tne pe rusal of people of the widest rattge of tastes and Pursuits. Supplements are frequently prorided, and no expense's spared to bring the highest or- der of artistic ability to hear upon the illustra- Von of the changeful phrtees of home endforeign history, • In all its featuresSarper's Weekly is admirably adapted to be a welcome. guest in every household. HARPER'S PE RIODI CAL S PER YEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY. e4.00 -HARPER'S MAGAZINE • 400 HARPER'S BAZAR -.4.00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.... ...... 142,00 Potage Free to all subscribers in the Uted S tates, Canada or Melfeo, 'Ph ,-.1,imes of the Weekly begin with tbe let Tanuaryrroafrpeea:: year. When no !,• e 1. subscriptions will begin with . t at time of receipt of order, • Weekly, for three ' yea, th binding, will be sentby by express, free of' ex - eight does not exceed One - 1;7 nnr Ifer r • loth east h 1 umevo ,suitable for • clingrwill • y mail, post-paid, on re - it/ t of $1 'ettee, einittances should be made by Post -Office Money Order er Draft,to avoiclohance of loss, Newspapers are not to copy this advertise rnent without the express order of Heinsee BROTHERS. 1888. Ilarper's Magazine. II.a.,178,1,R-0,2M3E3D.. --. HAVrgli's MAGAZINE is an organ of progrA ive thought and atonement in every departmen 'of life, Besides other attraetions, it will con 111 during the corning ye se, imeortant arti es, superbly illustrated, on the Great West; arti lee 00 American and foreign industry ; beseltifulln illustrated papers on Seetlonci, Norway, Algiers, and the IVeet Indies :new novels by Wiream Black and W. D. Howells • novelettes each cern- piete in a single number, by Homy James, Lafeedro Hearin and Amehe Rives ; short stones . by Miss 'Woolson aid other , popular writers ;eand illustrated papers of Special artis- tie and literary interest. The Editorial Depart. merits are conducted by George Williana ()erns, william Dean Howells, and Charles Dudley Warner. 11A arER's P4RIODICALS, Per 'Year .:. uARPER'S 1VIAGAZINE............. . • e4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY .... ..... e 4 00 HARPER'S '.. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG) PEOPLE, „et.... a 00 Postage free to alt subscribera 4 ihe Mettea States, Canada, cr 1Viecieo, The nommes of the Megentrie bogie, ivith tbe Numbers for June and December of each year. Whet no time ie specified subecriptions will bo- gie with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound volumee of Ire/pees Magazine, for 3 Years Musk in neat cloth binding, wilt 10soot by mall, poet -paid, on reeeen ef ee pot VOIIIMO. 01001 eases, for binding, 10 cents etiehe-by Poet -paid, Index to Ilarper'e Megezine, Alphebetleal, Analytieal ansi Clatnifice, for Voluntee I le 70, incitieide, from June,1885. one vol, tevo, Cloth Remittancee should be made by Poet Office Money Order or 'emit, te avoid reliance of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this' etivertieemen t without the exerese order eull.stmett & Bete*. Addtees lea lePER & )111.0TIfEllS, Nese nee ek 5 11 11 (Correcteel et50"elooltp an, Nereauesday, • ) --e • e iindlleaa 'FallWlsen $pclny Wfieat.. 0 e °lover Semi Timothy " Nati Corn Mega Buteel Fleur verb b) • a Poeatoes,por bsiseel Annie:kat:or hag DriedAppleepr b Geeee per lb. Turns), per lb Theene per pr Chickens per pr Rogs,dressedpor100 Beef giaosroulig„., .„ " dressed ,.. Sheepskins each Calfskin , 00 5700 1100 05773 2 5 08(21 ,.. el) eo 2 00 ••,, 0 eel to 0 08 OOStoQOl 070e ••• 20 to 0 20 00 to 5 55 75 to 80 404 t0 00 t 00 50 00 0 00 0057 1100 0085 500 0,24005 tro '0 050 4s5 000 ... 4 00 to 5 00 ,.. 5 50 to 5 50 ., 00 to G 00 ; 00 570 11 00 01 7(' _ 20 10 0 21 ..„ 600 to 8 05 0 50 to 0 75 Woodper cord „. 2 5010 8 oo ST: DIARES. Furnielied by Messrs; Certer, Son & co. Fell Wheat 80 to 81 Spring ....... •75 81 845.0y 00 72 Oats... .. ... . . ..... , ............. 31 85 Clover Seted . 450 50± 2 0e 55 Wool per lb Hay porton ..„. onion sner bunts Tunothy , Peas„ 58 Eggs 16 Butter 10 00 00 21 800 150 ,••• ...... . ....... .•,.. Potatoee per boob Apples peramehe Wool per lb Havel:el:tone .. 16 19 70 40 21 8 ee 1888. litarper's Bazar,. 2X4M,ITSTML..4%.TM7Dr. Harper's Hazer is a home journal. It com- bines choice literature and fine art illustrations with the lateetintelligesme regardine the fash- ions. Rauh number has clever serial and short stories, practical and timely oesays, bright poems, humorous sketches, eke Its Pattern sheet and fashion -plate suPpiernents witi alone help ladies to save many times tee oost of the subscription, and papers on serial etiquette, decorative art, honsekeopingix allate brandies, cookery, &o , make it useful in every household. and a trne promoter of econemy, Its editoriels are marked bYttood sense, and not a line is ad- mitted to its oolumns that aould pondthe moat fastidious taste. HARPER'S PERIODICALS PER TEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR $4 be HARPER'S MAGAZINE 400 HARPER'S WEEKLY , 400 HAR.PER'S YOUNGPOOPLE ......... 00 Postage free to all e ubacribers ie the "United State?, Canada or Maxim tt The volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number Ns, January of each year. When no time iimeletioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at timenf reeeipteof order. Benrid Volumee of Harper's Baur, for three years back. in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail. postage paid, or by exprest, free of gm- pense(provided the freight does not exceed one Dollar per volume), 7 Per volnme. Cloth oases for each. yolume, suitable fee binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, en re- ceipt of $1 each. Remittanees should be made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lou. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Hume a & lbws. Address HARPER &BROTHERS,New York Notice to Creditors The Creditors of William Henry Gill, late of the Township of Bosanquet, in the County of Lambton, who died on or about the Twenty-seventh they of December, A. D., 1880, benne claims against tend deceased are in nur- suance of the Act 46 Victoria, Chapter 9,01 the statutes of the Province of Oritnrio:.- herein,' notified and rogue ed to sondem' or before the 12th day of December. A.D.,1887, by post pre- paid to the undersigned Elliot & Billion of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron., So- licitors for Maria Gill, the Administrittria of the estate and effects of the said deceased, their eleristio,n and surnames, addresses and descrip- • tions, the full particulars Of their claims, a • statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that immediately after the said 12th day of Decem- day of December, the assets of the said deceas- • ed will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard, only to the claims of whteh the said Administrntrix shall then have notice, and the said Administratrix shall not be liable for the said assete or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received. • ELLIOT & ELLIOT: Solicitors for Adnunistratrix, Dated at Exeter, the 23rd den of November.'87. -NON SALE ! ESIRA ---•08" A— FREE-HOLD PROPERTY —IN THE--- v-xx..x.,,s,_G-m OW' M3E'l'I11R,- Under an assignment for the benefit of Cred- itors made by George Willis to the vendor, there will be sold by Public Auction on the premises on Saturday, the 3rsi day of Dec. ember.1887, at the hour of 2 o'clock in Me afternoon, by Zahn Gill, Auctioneer, the fon 'eyeing alaable lands and premises, being peat of 'Willis' survey, of part of Lot number Fifteen in the First Concession of the Town- ship of Usborne, consisting of that house and lauds lately owned and occupied as a residence by George Willis, Grain. muter. The property is a most desirable one, offeupyiug one of the Sliest sites in the thriving village of Exeter, and consists of over an acre of land, on which are erected an good storey-and.a.half brick house with kitchen and woodshed adclitien and a good frame stable, There is good bard and soft water on the premises also a nurober of excellent fruit trees. The property will be offered for sale CE bloc or in separate name's, to suit purchases 5, rata will be sold sulnect to a reserved bice There will oleo he sole at the same time and place the following chattel property :-2 Dar- lor stoves with pipes; 1 glass cupboard; 1 cab- inetoegan and stool ; 1 centre table and $750 stock in the Exeter Salt Works Conapany, ano a number of other articles. • TERMS OF SALE :-Ohattel property, cash, and the real estate, 10 per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale, and the balallee ill one month thereaftei. For thrtherparticalars and conditions of sale apply to George Sam - well, Assignee. L. Hardy and Jones Hodgson. Inspectors, or to JOHN GILL, LH. COLLINS, Auctioneer. neer for Assignee. Exeter. Nov. 10th. 1887. HE1/0 111J I Will Pay Cash FOR ALL KINDS OF OUltrY As soon as the weather will per- mit shipment. CASH N. STANLEY'S i CREAM (eletirated nIthh,$pettade5 79 Bee STREET, TORONTO, CANADA, —AND -- 18 Jtewiel Seeentet, LONDON, E. in, ENGLAND, and Option/ te'l"t't's"e Watchmaker, eeweiler, an B 5 the 4gor cy for the eel° of the above in RNA,: TEE. No S1)0045105 in tale lefareet emtal them in the Texn tmennviem Queranses they possess, or the EIREAT BA5E and ColEFORT they confer °lithe wearer. Thole use will in entualley so atrengthen the Eye that it does uot Weems necessary to change them for many yeers. Tney are there. fore the enunmavr. They Are the Best in the World They Never Tire the Bye, And Last Many Years Without ()home. The Sight tested by ourNow Test C ard, some lavsoigehy tile leading °enlists throughout the. TARTAR FiBREST, STRONCESTe BEST CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHAT 8, or any Injurious mwatoeurioewler. 0, ONT. E. W. GILLETT, C101000, IL!. DianTr of tho CBLEBRATED ROYAL YnAseM1A sNELL Pkitarti, Merchant Tailor, Has removed to pre.misea one door north of Browning's drugstore, whare there will be found a 11 BSrtisito_6115, OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS 8sc. —ALSO— Scotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE ---A.ED AT CONSISTENTLY LTV FREES ! • A CALL WILL CONVINCE. A.. J. SZTELI4 Graduate ot Cleveland mating School. Having this eeason purchased most of our stook direot from manufacturers in England and Germany; to do so we had to give our orders very early in the season, and. as the li prospects looked well, we bougt hugely. -THE-. GOODS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. And we find that hard times are causing a 'neat depression in trade, we have, therefore; decided to meet the times by marking all goods at such Hard Pan Prices as to ensure a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in- vite all intending purchasers to oall and in- spect our stook, and note prices of all new goods, -INCLUDING - Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets and Ulsters, also Maids' and Misses' Ulsters, all eizes, Black and Gold silk and satin dress - goods, in all the newest colors and styles, -plain and fancy Plushest Hosiery, Glove, &e. -ALSO A FULL LINE O'0 - Ready -made Clothing, Hats dt Caps. All will be sold. at Lowest Possib/e Prices. FOLIO THE CROWD And secure some of the Bargains they are offering in the following lines :— LOCKS, HINGES, and all BUILDERS' H WARE. PAINTS, PAINTS, OILS, 8cc. We carry the largest stock of Stoves in the County. Call and see them, and get prices before buying. Tinware of all kinds always on hand. Roofing awli eavetroughing a specialty An Immense Stock of 'Manure Forks, Spades Shovels Scoop Shovels at hard time prices. We are offering Lamps and Lamp Goods at cost, as we are going out of that line.—Leave your orders for Stove Coal, and. save the high winter freights.—Verity's Plows and Plow Fronts always on hand.—Highest price paid for Hides and Tallow in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machines. BISSETT BROS 11.1311•113•1110% CARLING'S B a.•••••••••••sommenamemanaertmmeem. • Visitors to Exeter ---Would do well to call and inspect— OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF DRESS -GOODS, One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stooks in town. Black and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins, Colored Pinshes. Melton Clothe, Jersey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials and Mourning Goode, Woollen shawls and FasAinators, in all Colors and prices, I Also a fine range of Staples. Fine lines of glevos in Kid, Cloth and Jersey. 1C-ZOSIEB.47 ! GOOD .ASSORTMENT AND EXTRA CHEAP. Gents' Furnishings.—Fine Display in Hata, Ties, Braces, White and Colored Handkerchiefs Shirts s.nd Drawers. Scotch and,CanAdian Tweeds, Overcoatings, Pantings 85 Suitings. PANTS MAI(E; TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLES AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. BOOTS AND SHOES.—A very large oonsigment just received, of tbe very hest styles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' tricl Children's. CALL AND INSPECT, IT WILL NOT COST ANYTHING. A full line of Glassware and Crook- ery-ware always on. hand. Our areoery Department is Complete, Butter, Eggs and all kinds of Produce taken in oxelmoge, and the very highest price tnid. ror 11171:A CALL SOLICITED.i 1 CARLING Main -t. Exeter. ,