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The Exeter Times, 1887-12-1, Page 5
1'118 School Inspectors of Huron have fixed a fee of 50 cents on till applicants at the coming Examinations, All sums received tri this way will be paid in to the County Treasurer and passed to the credit of the county, and thus help to reduce the cost of these examinations. A good story is told in connection with the llaldiman4 campaign, Mr. --_.._ is a prominent elector in the township of Seneca, and both candidates were en. deevoring to secure hie support and influence. One day while on his way to a meeting, Dr. Montague happened to be passing the premises of Mr. --and observed Mrs. --- Latlehing a cow that had become very restive. The doctor immediately went to the assistance of the ladyand the took cow by the horns, During the time the doctor had the an- imal by the head, he asked the good lady it she bedseen his opponent, Mr Colter? She replied: "Seen hire l Lord bless you, yes; he is around behind the barn with my husband, holding the calf," Mr. James S Sven, of Brucefield, was united in matrimony on Wednesday last to Miss Jennie Beattie. The happy event took place at the residencd of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. Wm,Seott, merchant in present of a large number of relatives and friends. The bridesmaid was Miss Agnea Beattie, of Watford, Ont., and the groomsman b1r. John Murdock, of Brucefield. The bride's costume wag cream nun's veiling, richly trimmed with satin and lace. Atter a wedding dinner the happy couple and guests with the officiatiating minister, Rev. H. Simpson, drove to the depot amidst the ringing of bells, etc. There Mr. and Mrs. Swan took the train for Detroit followed by the best wishes of their many friends amidst a shower of rioe. MARRIED. WILSON--WHtra— On the 15th alt„ by Rev. J. W. Pring, at the resideuce of the bride's father; Wtn, Wilson to Deborah, eecouci daughters of Mr. SatueWhite, tall of Biddulph, near Prospect Hill, Rroa—Comes—ln Fullerton, on the 16th alt,, by the Rev. R. i•Iamilton, Mr. Wm. Bice, to Miss Elizabeth Colgan, all of Fallarton, COLCAN—WiLLow9—At the residence of the ' bride's father, on the 17th uit., by the Rev. Mr. Caswell, Mr. Robert Colgau, to to Miss Nellie Willows, ail' of Fullerton. COMET—limn:me—At God ericb, on Nov. 23rd, by the Rev. Dr. Ure, it1r. William S. Corbet, of McGillivray Township, to Miss Jane Hawkins. of Port Albert, SWANN-BEa1Y—At the residence of the bride's nude, Wm, Scott, Esq„ merchant, on the 23rd ult., by Rev. J. H. Simpson,. Jas. Swann, Esq., to Miss Janet Beaty, all of Bruoefiold. KERSHAw—AR$oer--In Centralia, on the 26th ult.' at the residence of Mr. H. `Essery by the Rev. he Kershaw, Mr. W. Kershaw, to bliss Mollie Abbott, both of Centralia. At Hamilton last night ninety persona were sworn in for life as members of tlze Salvatieu Army. HAWEESDUBY1 May 4th, 1887. I cannot speak too highly Of Nasal Balm as case than hail a bottle cured me of a severe rase of catarrh. 1 hate tried several other -advertised remedies without .receiving any lelief. I am perfectly willing that you should use my name as a reference, for I consider the medicine worthy of all praise. It cures catarrh and is very pleasant and easy to take. Yours truly, W, B. JACKSON, vunzsr's Liv Regulator worked wonders onme and made me feel like a new man.— Levi H. Slipper, Forest P. 0. The lumber cut at Ottawa last year is estimated at 365,000,000 feet. MEN WHO WIN. FIVE E:UNDiu n DOLLARS THROWN AWAY- - ."HLS 'AIM WAS SUCCESS. Aood health body y is almost sure to be found associated with a good conscience. A. close student of brimful nature is rarely .willing to place large matters of truat in the hands of another, until he has seen the one whom he is to trust. Ile looks for the fresh health and vigor, the Honest, frank counte- nance and manly form, and in fact all that is attractive in men. He doubts the dyspeptic with sallow skin, 'drawn "out features, the evi- dent weak and irritable nature. He feels: as Shakespeare makes Julius Caesar say: "Let me have men about me that are fat; Sleek headed men, and such as sleep o'nights;. You Cassius hath a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much; euchmen are dangerous!" He does not doubt, the honesty of the poor unfortunate, buthe feels disease of the body will affect the mind, bring misfortune upon the individual, and loss to himself. It may be injustice to the weak, but if the man had not the mental' strength, or if he is wrapped up in misery, be cannot take in the situation of the world, does not see that ideas are broadening, and that isms and teachings are advancing! How can an employer hope for success for such a man? The dyspeptic look, the wax -like oomplection and sallow foe - tures show disease. Thefar-seeing man nates all these signs, and knows that the great light of matt, the brain, is affected, or will be, at no distant day, He discards the poor viotim of disease who goes wearily ens into the world. Discouraged at last he takes to ,his bed. He seeks medi- cal aid, Lacking the broadideas of the successful man of the world, he tries the same medical 'treatment that lie has tried many times before. The same bigoted coun- sel is sought, the same drugs aro administer- ed by the same Old family friend that treated him months and years before, and his par- ents before him, and in such a way be drags out his miserable, unsuccessful existence. Is he to blame ? Why not ? When he sees daily, and hears from every side, pro. clamations of it remedy known as Warner's safe cure, which is becoming more popular daily, Hourly, while lie is becoming weaker. J. 4 Gottys, insurance agent of Ghillieo the, Ohio, suffered for nearly three 'years with dyspepsia in its worst f eine, having periodical spells of vertigo, fainting and chills. He 'wrote over his Own signature : "I spent about 500, had the boat medical attendance, tried all tho remedies recom- mended without success, until 1 was induced to tryWarner's cur safe e. I used three bottles, have gained twenty pounds and feel like a' now man." Such a mail as we have described .tine times out of ten, unconsciously to himself or to his physician, 11511 a kidney disot•dcrd which :is fast vwasting his body and life. Ho sees the merits :of Warner's safe cure at every turn, and boars it procleiined from the house tops, and yet be does not use it,beeauee it is said by his illiberal physician that it is not professional, and not admitted by the' oodo, Meanwhile the wan of the world " presses for. ward,` cares nor, a fig for thin or that school his aim inlti fc is sucesss, and he icolcs hope. fully forward' to the world beyond, believing an d treating in man in ibis world and to his aith for the world beyond. I The Maxon of' Intellect, I'm/ world oecaasionely wituesse the ap- pearance of a inatil pr -eminent among hie follows, 010 leaves his mark upan the world either for good or for evil. Our century has boon unusually fruitful in sncli then, 1Vo have our military hero, our philosopher, our astronomer, our statcsniau, par excellence ; we hay, also, our physicinn and philanthro- pist, par excellence. But now we nave Thos, Holloway, who, benefitted by the Jong capen fence oareful experiments, and enlightened by deep study, leas bestowed upon tine world ono of the greatest treasures, in the form of his celebrated Pills and Ointment. By their i tristrumentality health is placed within the reach of everybody that will avail of thorn. They havoc) recommended themselves every• Y aronow her© by their beneficial effects, and n 'A Sure Thing FOR PURE PARIS GREEN FOR GENUINE HELLI'BORE FOR No, 1 INSECT POWDER Facers, 9lden�ioa! X Pii t= i. .TAXT4L , \VOODH.AM. BI:,0NIT N N C' ' D S The uolot•slgnocl would rositecttully infurm th.communitythat they have -eased tl;e above mills for a term of years ; and will be pleased to have 0 call from all, The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach fumy, Itis the intention of y:,e subsorfbera to add a sot of rolls as 80011 os' possible; and all cowbiu5cl, 5110 --TS SPOT 1 THE SPOT, ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT :)F �. s �� 1 s 1. ��ll � Tackle known throughout the oiviled world. We are glad to know that not ouly unbounded fame, but a considerable fortune has award- ed Ilolloway for his philanthropic labours. South and Central America, Mexico and Cuba, following the example of Spain, have beeorae large eons tners of these articles, and wherever the Spanish language is spoken they are now extensively used 58 a family medicine. No region on the earth affords such opportunity for testing the universality of a remedy as South America. From tho inequality of level between its different por- tions, it comprehends the climates of all the zones, and all the diseases peculiar to the varieties of temperature known as frigid tem- perature, and torrid are found among its in- habitants. A grander field fur the employ. ment of preparations adaptop to tho intro of every spocies of disorder, internal or exter• nal. cannot bo conceived and as their success has been uniform in ;all parts of the southern continent, we may fairly regard thse medici- nes as specifics of every sail and clime.—The Union. I actually . believe that Everest's Cough Syrup saved my life,—James Kirkpatrick Merchant, Fcrest P. 0. Ont. "1 bad a bad oold on my lungs for two years; everything I tried failed me nntil I got Everest's Cough Syrup, audit cured me.- Mrs, D, A, Fraser, Parkhill, P. 0, For Rickets, 1VlarA,Si firs and all Wasting Disorders of Children. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Coil Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, is unequaled. The rapidity with which children gain flesh and strength upon it 15 very wonderful. "I heve used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets and Marasmus of long standing. In every case the improvement was marked."—J. M. Main M D, New York, Put up in 50 c. and $1 sizes, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites is sold all over Che world. It is far superior to plain Cod Liver Oil, palatable and easily digested. Dr. Martin Miles Stanton, Bury Bucks, London, England, says: I have pre- scribed Scott's Emulsion, and take it myself. It is palatable, efficient, and can be tolerated by almost anyone, especially where cod liver oil itself cannot bo borne. Pat up in 50o. and. $1 size. The new Pioton branch railway was form- ally opened yesterday. ORIGIN OF SWEARING. The brother of the fairy Pari Banon was only thirty inches high. Hisbeard was thirty- two feet long andextended horrizoneally in front of him asbewalked. Heinvented swear- ing to express his feelings when poor biscuit were set on his table. His wife could always make bfeonit`to please km by aging Imperial- Cream Tartar Baking Powder. NIL DISPERANDUM "Never despair," is a good motto for all. If afflicted with any lingering disease, remem- ber "while there islife there is hope." Never despair of relief until you have tried Burdock Blood Bitters. It cures diseases of the stom- ach, liver and blood when all other medicines fail, IN A DREADFUL CONDITION. Hattie E Manthorn, o'f Mill Tillage, Ont., says. "My cough was dreadful, I could not sleep at nights on account of it, but when I used Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam I had rest and was quickly cured. All druggists still this invaluable cough remedy. The riding school for the North-west Mounted Police at Regina, N. W. T., was burned on ,Sunday; loss. $5,000 A HINT TO HOUSEKEEPERS.. Mrs, Robert Williamson, of Glenila, Parry Sound, Ont., says, "I could not keep house witbont Hagyard's Yellow Oil at Band. I have used it in my family for croup. sore throat. anti a cut foot and can highly recom. mend it to everybody." John Demas's tug Bob Anderson was seized by the customs authorities at Amherstburg on 'Sunday for violation ot regulations at Sarnia. She is tied up. A CLAIM VERIFIED. B. B. B. claims to cure all curable diseases of the bowels, kidneys, liver and blood. That it performs all it claims, is proven by testi. moniale from parties which none can dispute. Send for teetimenials of remarkable cures. Michael McGuire, of Oarnpbellford, was fatally injured by a runaway' on Thursday night. A POSTMASTER'S OPINION. "I have great pleasure in certifying to the usefulness of Hagyard's Yellow Oil," writes D.lCavanagh postmaster, of Um fraville, Ont:,, ,'having used it for soreness of the throat, burns, colds, etc„ I find nothing equal'to it." Hon.G. E. Foster, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, left Ottawa yesterday for Wash— ington. He has recovered from his recent illness. A MATTER OF ECONOMY. As a matter of economy 13. 13. B. is the cheapest medicine en use for it takes less to cure chronic diseases of the stomach, liver. kidneys and blood, than of any other' known remedy. B. B. B. is only One Dollar abottle A. 13. Griffin claims to have discovered a vein of coal at a depth of 65 feet on his farm in the Township of South Grimsby, Lincoln county. wee rgeeentgl Dyyepepsia Directly Disappears During Doses' os Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the most reliable family medicine, All druggists. A. man Yarned Borden was killed in the woods near L'Islet on Fiiday by a tree fall ins on him. His wife and family were at the time on their way from New Brunswick to join hien Pectoris 1 Pectoris f Pectoria l A bettor cough care or eenectorant is not made. Be- fore you give up try Pectoris, 25 cents per bottle,all druggists. Whore here the danger lies 10 using pills in cold weather -almost all purgative pills in, pellets contain calomel or mercury in some form or other. 13y using Ilr. Carson's Sto• mach' Bitters you got a perfectly pure vege. table purgative. Largo bottles 50 cents, ADv1oE mo MOTHORc.—Aro you disturbed at night and broken of•your rest by a sickchild suffering and crying with pain of CtiUlm( Teeth? If so sound at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable, It will 1 elleve the .poor little sufferer' imntodiatsly. »ooeuclupon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It cures. Dysentery and Diarrbeca, regulates the Stomach and 'Bowels, cures' Wind Collo, sottecs 510 Guws,rodueasinllstnmation, and gives ton :and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrttp" for children Loathing is pleasant to the taste wind is the prescription of one of the Oldest and bee fot�pAophysiciansand nurses in the United States, and 18 forsfilo by all druggists through- out the world, Price :twenty-five conte a bot- tle. De sure and ask for "MRS, WINsr'ow's $oarrtroo STRUD "and take no other kind. ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF Tl 1�..m$- lam Call and Examine fair Your- self. Jr. W.BROWNl N G, Prop. —CURES— Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, -Biliousness, Sick Headache, Kinney Troubles, Rheumatism. Skin Diseases —and all - Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising Female weakness &,General debility Neely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated, Pleasant and effectual to use. -AK FOR— DOOtOr. 'Hpclderig QQt'npound, Take no other Sold suer while. Price 75 cents per bottle. 3t DR. HOODER'S Cough; Lung Cum Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and Manf'rs, the Union Medicine. Company, Toronto Canada. 'CT °UNG MEN Suffering from the effects of. dG early evil hab;.ts, the result of ignorance or folly, who find themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted ; also MInDLE Aazb and OLD MEN, who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and man et. V. Lubou's Treatise on Diseases of. Men. The book will be sentsealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two 8c. scamps. Address M. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington St. E. Toronto, .Tau.lSth.1887.- 1—v. The Great English .Prescription. A, successful Medicine used over •w•, 80 years in .thousands of cases.riw Cures Spervnatorrhea, 11Tervous � Weakness, Emissions; Impotency and ,all diseases caused by abuse. [BEFORE], indiscretion, or over-mzertion, rtF-r..a Six !Packages Guaranteed to Cure when adt others Fad. Ask your Druggist for The Great English i'resertptlon, take no substitute. One package, SI. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Burelut chemical Co., Detroit, flush. . al WELEEIVZAITS 01Z.POW-.. 2 Rti'e Are pleasant to tees, Contain their own Purgative. Is a f f'. 8—o. and 0101011151 gayer of worms in c,..iidrun or Adults A POSITIVE Alfa 3001a GATA6➢f;U 'L GIt.h.5 Immediate Rrj isl Felt Cold in Headg HAY FEVER. Ei!®®��ER, EASY TO USE. Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price 80 cts. and 31.00. If not obtainable at your drug gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. .Addree9' F JI FORD et, CO,.e Brockville, Ont. TRUSSES ! HRIS'L'LAN LAWYER, manufac- turer of all kinds of Trusses ; Residence: Ranuto's Mills, Hay, where hewill attend totho wants of any who may require his services, Why pay from :615.00 to $25 50 forthe same ai- tielo which he can furnish you for 35,00, and , which is as good if n01 better and warranted to at with comfort? Itomeutbur, Double Trusses i$5.00 ; Single Trusses, 2,00. MI com- munications addressed to CH11USTIAN LAV,TYIIR, Zurich P. 0., Ont. Dissoii tion. of Partnershro Province of Ontario, l When the ' Kidneys aro diseased, overtaxed County of Hilton. l and weakened, one or two battles are attn." We, Samuel Sweitrnr, Elrury Swoitzor, John antooel to sure. Sir. Alex, Taylor, West Sewil- Swoitzcr and. Aclam Reichert, of the 'township litnbury, was trouiiled for 15 yews with P10 - of Stephen, County of Aaron, Province of Cu-ney disease, was compelled to rise 5 and, 0 int•to„'`1+.r ltxanufactullers, rdomb0rs of the timesthintigb the n:gltt to urinate, suffered firm carrying on business as ,Plti,x Manufactu intense pain, and was finally cured after all rete at the .Village of Croniton,: Township of .other remedies and physicians had failed, by Stopoon, County ot Hrti•nn, and the Village of using throe bottles, QTT`E O QTY OIL. 'O At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil 'was used on all machinery duringShe Exhibition. It bas been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three yeas. r'See that you get Peerless. It is only made by A,TraMTTEL noarns :c4c C. Q,x TURON'TQi; FOR SALE3Y IA�kiO IAID. Woodham Grist Mill RST TT 1 1 Will be second to none in the West, Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for nate. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED., q'A 'TRIAL SOLICITED, J., a A, McNEVIN, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN And every species' of disease a.risin from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS STOMACE, BOWEL P "IR BLOOD. 1,L1LBUAN & CO. oprT tors, , 52. 1=4 41lak 40i6 C p lr C714 4'14 tv `"eD- WGQ r10 y ti CR I. Pita ioNe COl c tit 51 4111' 440 44 414 , 4 The whole system is deranged and out of sorts The blood is impure, pimples, boils and liver spits appearing 0n the face and body; The liver is cloggect mud iatic rive, causing fa. tfgue, In»s if appetite, a dullsieeuv, ttreddeel- ing ,witli ina,billty to do 180111. they c0ntplexion is fallow and muddy, and it is absolutely ne- cessary,to enjoy good health, to talto the cele- brated ]Jr. CHASE'S Mandrake, Dandelion Liver Cure ,which puri - d os the blood by stimulating the Liver, aiding digestion and promoting a natural evacuation "of thebowels. Mandrake and Dandelion are _ttvo of the best Liver regulatin's known, and allmeclical men agree that the Liver is of more vital importance to, Inalte' than the H eart and: Lttngs, If the Li}ger is torpid or in- active, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Headache, Otts- tiveness, etc. will roeult L-T-V—— Oomplaint; Kidney and Urinary Trrtublo,Jauu- dieo, L'lvei' Spots.ImpureBlood,Ivori'Breath. are quickly cured by Dr..Chase's mandrake Dandelion Liver Exeter said Cnul ty 0f Hurot„ under the style(,) t that the said pa00lt81sllip wt�.Ilo eu 1%110 15th rin'y Over one-half million of Dr, Chase 31 lvecoipt of October, A. D.,18S7,1115501ved by mutuill con- r3ookt hav0 boon sold fit Canada alone; and zvo stmt.. A11 persons owing any mOuoy to the avantovory.croon trotblod with l,,ioer f;olu• of 111.SwoltzerSena CCe,,do:hereby certify 00�)0,,0o0 saitl Oral will please pay the 8amo to Samuel (eewe and kidney diseases etc to try Chase et) rioted by the said lirnr to collect all accounts a valuable /lila pity all deltas, RECEIPT-J3o0Iu FREE. Witness title 15th day October, A. D. 4884. • heuseninn should Jto No l of tt is bo, lt, tlgio of hAi4J.UTL SWl)iTGC,i., rvfthouttljfs book, tbb fltlast enlloctioit of reci=: r s HEN T4 JP ZvraN's I 23YSW 1 �R ., ,. ' department +i n ra- , .sit Tho clo n b a vc 1 o�, tst i l 7 1>illtor, JL1lIN"SWI. 'rILR ,• Jacob I complexion. Hag - ADAM , Y t { Y CO tlo t a,t'f 1n 0 t t6{ 1 110 5 1 1 Y Ptil'IC1IAItr ool�ai3,tlin;Croamoi$0t,t,tv,hIav now, Tan, Teem Drs and Promoters rookies, ill emelt, y5r J a Y. CONSUyII'rIt)N C6JJlYliID.' i oc ` r, iyclilttttixrcirDvo fol An old physician, retired from practice, hey b eachi'owct"ots,Iaslues, Jug ha,l placed in his ]lands ny an ivastIncliam bloaohirtotc a��cltatr to a golden hue; L,yo or missionary thromody fol, owe formula of a sim almome 'Votte etacureblo Lust10, t Y t g Sold by all all dealers Mt til, 031 y a bottle• artaThe bOok alone Is +with ton titles the cost • of S-waltzer,Cro:Iiton,P.O„ who hereby: 111-` 1 od arouli.i ovary bottle is Livor Cttre 'Viet p Coiisnniption, krone itis, - Catarrh, Asthma the medicine, h i a t 1 1 Dr, Kidney Lt� nt i'tlls the only Chase's v • 11 1 all t rent and lung affections also ty toe » t y. Y five ii'na radical cure for NervousDobiiityanrlacting direct] `Ott the I idnaVs, pill made c g r e , , - all IvolvOtsCom Complaints, after haven tested Its 1 g T3ntvo]n price l r Soldall deal - wonderful otiraG,ivo pOw01•s in thotsands of or by ora. cases, has felt it his duty tont/k0 it known to BE ON YOUR GUAEn. hie sullen,,,, follown A,tuatedby this tnotivo and a desire to relieve human sutl'orint, w:,l Don't allow a cold la head to u1nwly and send fredof charge, to: all who desire atL 41111 euroly dovolop.into cetarrh, whoa you car bo reciee, in (eerie Inn l!'reitch or English, 11-!l1 bolt cored for Ole, by using Dr. Obese's,, Ceterr1i dtreetionster piepnringend using. Sent by Duro' A few applla"Alone oaro insipient eat - tilt 2t mail by addtoss -n with stamp, naming' tete, eyrie 1 15,8boxes cure ordinary Ca ar r e baor,W.•.1 N0 fl8,140Power`sBloob iltehesto!' beats 1.�gxitten1eedto cure chronic catarrh, ac" Y TO it. only 250. and etre euro. S,FRUITS,FRUITS. 'THE FAt.IYIILY GROCERY Is the place to go for all kinds of fruits in season. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK. 04NDIES NUTS, AND CONFECTIONERY.. OYSTER PARLOR My Oyster Parlor is one of the cleanest and best ap- pointed in town. The Oysters are always fresh, and cooked in the best of order. Gm w lZy!ldman, d nfi h ,`�61'.tie' e'h o a ccseec 2� �J t '.1\' ede o ���. '4,40V .cy co pts �Yc . 46C �tio{` .tiy ,,..r X50 of e o •o''i .&\'b •tiffs ' .n. ,a c � ti4 ti e c ti 'A.s< , N. S\01 s . i ,e : S_Eti. :0,,,,;::> 50 • tis' :11:c:ix:: ti� �• a •,��^p �cy0 zy • z Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Sheet, ' late 533, Oxford Street, London. should look to the Label o Boxes Purchasersb n the Boa s and. Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. RD WARE (Wholesale and Retail.) :BUILDER'S HARDWARE—Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Locks, Hinges Botts (full line.), CARRIAGE HARDWARE—Bar Iron,: Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners, Shafts, Moquette Wunslin, Drill, &c., MILL SUPPLIES—Stow Pipe, Fittings, 'Valves, Asbestos, Packiu_:;, Rubber and Leath- er Beitinge, &c. SPORTING MATERIAL—Breaoh„Loading and •Shot Guns, Powder, .Shot, &o. Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Coal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, Skates. LANCE SAWS. • • STOVE DEPARTMENT —SEE THE— Original Cook and Triumph HEATING STOVES. The Bradley Eavetrough and Tin- ware a Specialty. Verity's Plows and; Points, 'Cai- iPlaster, Carp2tt, Felts, Pitch Cer,,S” 0'. .. `.: Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Semonic Blossburg Coal before it advances. Ansaled Galvanized and Barb Wire cheap. JAM HSS PICKKA:RD Furniture. & Undertaking llihu0liqulU6rDi mLl Wo would call the attention of the people. of Exeter and eurroutiditsg country to 'a rchased the stock and businces of WILLIAM DREW,: are offs.. fact alta. wo, �iavtig pu a special indudenients in Parlor Setts, Plain and FancyTables, � 1 n„5 and D X ttLA obs Bedroom, Setts, Wood, Cane & Perforated. Chairs, Book Cases, Writing, Desks,Siilebttards, %Vhatltiots, Cradles, Btallstands, Writing. i •._. + s Varlet in. Beds,[itx Cupboards,&c. And an Undies y lca5tts, • ri , c v Luuiborts Large and .Lhoiotighly Seasoned, and, having had exteu>r sedan g fes torres of the Dominion, we can guarantee Stylish and.Soil/' able Furniture, i the Count and our f:Icats u Goods is the Largesttn b 0 flat Our Stock of Undertaking : y, s equal north of Lender'. Sped s_ ration will be pard to this branch of the business, art everyone will find us roinpt and reliable business uroti, y p IEPAIR.ING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0, Remember the Stand, One Door North of Molso s B A .c 1O WI i & • ANTDi EWS. •