HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-12-1, Page 1A Grand Offer, FOR $1.80 We will send the TIMES and any OitY 'Weekly from now until 1889. THE BALANCE OF THIS YEAR FREE. LEGAL. H, DICKSON, 13arrifner, Soli- . citor a Supreme Court,Notary Public Conveyancer Conamissioner, dze. Money to Loan. Oleo in Eunson's Block, F,xotor, R 11. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., EXETER, 0/F2. OfficeSanrwelPsBlock Flail sold office.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Sohoitor ju the Supreme Court of Ontario, CenVeyancer, Commissioneri &c. Special attention given to the collection of claims in the 'United States: Patents procured, money to loan at lowest rates, Odic° ; Opera House Block, St, Marys, Ont. LLIOT & ELLIOTT, )`0^ Bolters Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c• I'Money -to , Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. E. V. Ezmor. r. nnt,ior. DENTAL. T.21 L. BILLINGS, _11„1. • ' 40,FICE: OVe7 0).1rEIL,S Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. W E. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S. ST.TR.G-OST DMST'SIST.. Graduate ofthe1lya1 College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay ing furnished fine Dental Rooms on MAIN -ST:, next door to Treble's lialal0SS -shop, Exeter, where I am prepared to perforna all branches oi the Dental, profes sion with ease & skill. 'VEG-mm..9...33T.,m si sed in extracting teeth. Chargee, Moderate; 'Terms, Cash. K1NSM.A.N,DENTIST.L.D.S • Sannvell's Block, lilain•st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and. all other dental work th6 best possible. Goes to Zunnm on last Thursday in each month. MEDICAL CLU'I'Z, D. M., . Ofilceat hisresidence Exeter, 13 ROWNq.NG tJ . P. S ,G VE34110,t0ViCtOri8.0)/iVOTSitY.0111CG 4..ndiresiaence,Dorcriontaborator v, Exe ter R. '11.1r.NDMA.N, coroner for the eunty of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. 1.r g's storo,Exeter. . J. A. ROLLItTS, M.O. 2.8 o. Office, Main Sf.EXeter,Ont.Residen 0:se houserecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. ' AUCTIONEERS. IIVTENBY EILB1iR, Licensed Ace- tioneer for flay, Stephen, and McGilli- zray:Townships: Sales conducted atmoderate rates. Otlice—AtPost-offtee;Crediton, Ont.. OHN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Bales arranged at this °Mee, losemmasammismarma VETERINARY. rrENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri- _I. nary Surgeons, Graduates et the Ontario Veterinary College, Toron- to, have an °face for the treatxnent o f all Domestic Animals, •on hf.instreet Exeter. Calls from a dira ---,tance prompt'y attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,em always on hand: MONEY Tp LOAN. 1/rONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6.+ per cent, $25,000 Private Punds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, . INSURANCE. THE ATERLOO .MUTUAL FiRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. 'MAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This conar any has been over Eighteen Yearil in successful operation in Western On- tario,anclsontinues to insure againetloss or damage by Piro ,Buildings,Merc ban di se ,Man- ufactori es,and allotherdescriptioos of linsur- „ able property. Intending insurers have the A„)„ option of inSuring on the Premium. Note or Cash System, _ifDuring the past ton years thiS CompanY has leaned, 57,090 Policies. covering property to theamou11toi840,872,088 ; and paid inloss- e s alone $700,752,00 .AssetS, $1/0,100.00, consisting of Cash 11 /sank, Government Deposit, and the 111:10.130- 8msed P toinhim Notes on littnd tuna itt force. J, W WALDEN 11 D. Preside t. 0. 81. TAX810E, Secretary. 3%8. Hoonms,Inspoctor. SNELL Agontf or Exeter andvicinity, • CENTRAL Barber Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop. • Shaving and 1 -lair cutting in the latest styles the Art. Every attention paid to cutting Ladies and Okla'ren's Hair. SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER,. A CALL SOL CITED AND "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL 'WHERE •THEY MAY,” VOL. XV. NO, 9. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, DECE1YII3ER 1 1887 •JOEIN WHITE, & SONS publisjie;rs and Proprietors ratmErts and OTHERS. Briolt and We Wish to oall the special attention of the farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr. Geo .Moats, of Lot 11, Con, 5, Stephen, Crediton P, 0,. has on hand a very large quantity of TILE OF ALL SIZES! At the Following Prices: 21 inch Tile . 8 5,50 per M. 7.5o " If '... ... . 11,0u " 5 18,00 " 6 ,11 ... 28.00 " 7 0 ... ,, 85.00 " 8 ,, — — ... 40.00 " lf necessary, limited credit will he given. Croditon, Sept. 11, '87. GEO MOATZ. Doupe s Store ICIRKTON. —IS THE SPOT FOR— Chekp Goods! We Undersell Everybody and are Never Undersold. 18 lb Nice Sugar - $1.00 8 Plugs Chewing Tobacco • 25ets. Best Can Salmon- - - Fine Tea - 1.0 c. a lb. up. Grey Cotton - 4 cts. a yd.' up. All Wool Flannel 15 de. n yd - 2 Pair Wool Socks - 45 ets. BEST FELT BOOTS IN CANADA, And a large stock to select from. St —CREDITON oap ASh oro Tlio. Undersigned would inform the peoPle, -'ef"S.Oaslien and McGillivray that he has enesee4, out in If:tINT'S OLD .STAND, cyt:t ,k.A.12.4.e.; IN THE 'VILLAGE OF CREDITON, —A CHOICE NEW &WOK OT— DRY.GOODS. GROCERIES, CROCKERY HARDWARE, HATS ,& CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, And Everything found in a First class Country Store, The public may rely on all the goods as being fresh. The Highest Price Paid for Farm Produce. Before purchasing give me a call. Jno. Mitchell, Nov. 24, 1887. CREDITON. B10 BARGAINS LOCAL HAPPENINGS. alpaca sremniarS5 Concert. o !silBete, " , , The .first of a' series of monthly' setteetein- . let of December to -day, meet% given under the auspices of the R. T . A , full stock of magnetic, Diarnond, of ip: Christmasfour' k from next Sunday. wee o. was givewin their hall oe Monday Union and handy package Dyes ; also a evening, and was well attended, Rev.r H, L. Bii..irsos, Dentist, Exeter, Gold special line of thilet soaps & Combs, very marelg delivered a short " address dealing filh . nos a specialty. , with. the temperance question in an exineue- tivse. gnanner. After which a programme varied and interesting was presented ; and judgiog from the plaudits of the aedienee the cetleetioos.givemwere much appreciated. A geed colle'ctioe wae given up to 'be applied, to the Innda of the order., ,„. cheap, at Central Drug Store. C. Lutz. John Renton will be, pleased to meet all ladies and gentlenien who may desire to join a book-keeping class, in the Royal Tel-1101as hall, Fausenis 131ock, on Friday evening, Dec. 2nd next, at 7.30 o'clock. Brevities. Messrs. Wood Bros. shipped a car load ef lambs to Black Rock, Monday. , Mr. John Willis and Mr, 'Balkwill each shipped a carload of export cattle to IVIont- real, Monday. Messrs. Stanlake Bros, intend disposing of their valuable property in Stephen town- ehip by auction, on Dec. 7811. Another of our merchants has unfortun- ately been compelled to suspend business.— The victim 13 Capt. Kemp. . Messrs. McDonald & McKenzie will ship a number of horses ao the Sault via. C.P.R., in a ,few days. , The enniversary services of the James.st. Meth., clinrch,,will be held on Sunday, and Monday,'1 lth and '12th. Mr. Alex. Davie has 'pnrehasecl the Bo - bier property near the market,, from Mr. P: McPhillips, paying therefor a good sum. His many friends here sympathise with Levett, in ,his heavy loss consequent upou the recent fire in Parkhill. Mr. Perkins of Usborne brought a load of brrain• to market on sleighs, Tuesday. This was the first of the season. The slip- ping was none of the hest; though. •'Mr. Ingram, assistant baggage -man, at Hensel], sustained severe injuries to his right hand; while' coupling'ears at that sta- tion on Monday. The funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Jane Sanders was preached in, Christ Church, Sunday evg. by the rector, Rev. S. F. Rob- iosen. There is &probability of the roller rink being converted into one of ice for the winter. , The change, we imagine, will meet with the approbation of lovers of the • skatoeial sport. , The new Salvation Army officers .are enthusiasts, Their singing on the streets reminds one of an Indian war dance. Tha whoop so familiar to the red -man is brough out prominently in the singing. Several young persons seem Anxious to have a toboggan slide in town. Cannot an enterprising manlie found to build one? We believe it would turn out a financial snecesa if well in anaggd. , - Messrs. Snell & White held an extensive sale of horses and cattle at the rear of the TIMES office, on Wednesday last. In many cases the prices realized were good. The animals were all of a,, superior class. We wish to direct our Stephen and Me- Gilliviay readers to the adv. of Mr. John Mitchell, of Crediton, which appears in another column. He is offering goods at astonishingly low prices. We must thank our esteemed correspon- dents for their regulasity of late and trust that they will keep it up in future. By their aid the Teems is becoming vastly more popular. .A meeting of the Band of Hope of the James-st. Meth. Sunday school was held in the basement of the &lurch, on Tuesday evg. Besides the delivery of a short and pithy etchlress,a good program of instrument- al and vocal music, readings, recitations, &c., was rendered. A meeting of the Band of Hope in emi- 1 r .0 arro11 0 7 t hdwneeealcsdetiliooanirpwiiiii,ti;s:1:8;1.(t):0:fii.a-fistrlo:Igete:til:nclealwrcah: rsev;se. n 'clay evg last. The attendance LY la gaining favor with the youug as- well as older folks. ' , A patron yesterday slightly flattered us by —WE A111.— saying that we printed the neatest bills he 11,ETTRING from BITINESS has ever seen; and he travels considerable. He is correct. We challenge competition in this or any other line. For neatness of arranaement and cleanness in letterpress, TREMENDOUS SACRAFICE we tate the lead. As our stock is And offering our entire stock at a All Nev r Well Asarted HAVING BEEN PURCHASED WITHIN THE LAST 18 MONTHS This lea, rare chance To Secure your Fall-- & Winter Goods. TRICK ct CURRELLEY, MARKET SOUARE EXETER. THE bionolonialRailwa OF CANADA, Tho Royal 'Mail, Passenger and eroight Route between Canada and Groat Btitaianc3 direct route between the West and all points on the LOW01' 8t. Lawrence and Bait) dos Cho - I ear , a lso New Brunswick Nova Scotia, P, E. Island Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Bermuda, • and Jamaica. Now and elegant Pullman Dulfot Sleeping ncl Day Cars run an through ExpresS train s. Passengers for Groat Britain or tho Conti . uout hy leaving Toronto at 8.00 a.. in. Thurs- day will join entwerd mail 'steamer at Mai - fax. a ro. Saturday. Superior EloVator Warchouso end Dock ac- commodation at Halifax for shipm 048 of grain and go n oral morch andi YOl8tP 03 oxp.orionce vo proved o N TER - COLONTAL in connection with steamship lines to and from London, Liverpool and Glasgow to Relieve, to bo th 0 quickest 1 reight route between Canada and Groat Britain We understand that the Rey. Dr. Pascoe of Mairest Meth. church, has accepted the call of the Methodists of Aylmer, subject of course to the approval of the stationing committee. The congregation of Main-st, church will lose a very able minister, one whose equal as a, logical exhorter is rarely heard. We understand that an acceptance is to be sent to W. Briggs of Toronto, who issues a challenge offering to back W. Hines of Winnipeg against any man in Canada, at a pigeon shooting match. Mr. Thos. Bissett of this town, who is a well known shot, is to he selected ag the opponent, the amonnt at stake to be poo. We have received from the Toronto News publishing company a copy of the picture, "The Fathers of Confederation," Which is offered as a premium to subscribers to the Weekly News. The plate is a very large one and ie alone well worth the price of the subscription- -$1 per annum. Mr. J. W. Atkinson, of Biddulph, will sell his farms and farm stock on Monday, Dec. Sth. Be has been sojourning in Mani- toba for some years, and likes the country so well that he intends going there entirely. Be has a homestead four miles from Killar- ney. Miss Emery, who carries on a dressenak- ing shop in Nelson's Block, had a narrow escape from breaking some acmes the other day. While she, in company with Miss Carlisle, was descending a flight of stairs, her foot slipped from the upper step, emus. Mg her to fall to the bottom. The injuries were slight, beyond the sprnining of an enkle. 'On Friday ev. Bailiff Gill and abetighted editor had a wol. of words over a small EV: - 0011118 Whipli the bailiff claims 130 did not in- cur. A tistieuff encounter NVLIS only avoid- ed by the bailiff puttieg into practice that old axiom "discretion is the &Atm part of while the editor dispelling his odium, Information 81t4 to Passenger and Froight was most happy to allow tlie bailiff to exer 80008 08(31 be 13810 011 application to eiso his opinion; ; and each restore his equi- nollnimB.ivt)onin, nese adversaries had better keep 'Western Freight &Passenger Agent ' gossip Horse Meek., York • :A. ''oronto D. POTTINGEIt Chief Superintondon w ay 0 .,to N. BN ovi3th, 1883 a safe distance from eaeli other, or trouble wiltensne,, as we are informed the bailiff, as is a cheractetistic of his avocation, is seeking the scalp of tlie susceptible editor. (41-1104. Comte Ahnanne Fote1888 has been received, and is cei- tainly;,a credit to the publishers. The six calender pages are from design* by J. W. 13engl4lgh, and the whole series are about the best specimens of •caricature dreWiag that we have yet seen from the pen of this clever artist. A. II. Howard, W. Ben- gough, and other artists contribute sketches ---a eeries of pictures illustreting the House that ,Haelt built being particularly good, while ethe reading matter throughout is, even. Isetter than has appeared in previous years. t The price is only 10 cents a copy, andey i can. get it at the bookstores or send direet o Grip Office, I.'oronto. '1 1;, — Anni.,` ream IlkAnniversary services and tea of the Mait ni Meth. church and Sunday school wills1,1., 'held on Sunday, Monday and Tues3- daY'l ext. On m Sunday serons will be precI,R ed at the usual hours by the Rev. J. V. Sinith, of London. On Monday, Dec. 5th,,t1ie annual tea will take place, to be folloWed later in the evening by a platform meeting, addresses to be delivered by Rev. Mr. Smith and others. And on Tuesday, a children's tea will be given, after which a splendid program will be rendered. .....A.cl- mission to Monday's tea, 25ets '• to chil- dren's tea, 1 5cts for persons TMt of • the, school. All should go and enjoy a pleasant evening. ., -- Judgment Rendered. In the case of Hardy vs. l'ickarcl, judg- ment has been rendered in favor of the plaintiff.' This suit was ventilated at the recent assizes at Goderich ; but owing, no doubt, to its complicacy, the decision was reserved until rendered with the above re- sult on Saturday last. Much interest has been manifested in this case by Membe Fog -hunting is a favorite eport noav-a- days with the local" einirods. " Read R. Hicks' holiday advertisemexttio, another` column. He is offering holidey bargains, , Yesterday, Wednesday,;was St, Andrew's Day—a day dear to all Scotchmen. There' was no celelAation here. Owing to the inclemency of the weather' on Sunday, the congregations at all of the churches were small. SI1ONV fell on Monday to the depth of sev- eral inches, but owing to the ground being soft sleighs could not run, Another of the Dempsey family, in Us - borne, is on the verge of death. 'Ile father, owing to the protracted. nature of his trials, , is almost dietracted. Messrs. Thos. Beattie & Co., of London, the most extensive carpet dealers of Canada, ievite those visiting London to inspect their stock. See adv. The Exeter sports, who have been in Mus- koka for some titne, returned this wedc. They succeeded in killing four deer, as vvell as a quantity of smaller game. Merchants will find that by rubbing their windows svith glyeeeme the glass can be kept free from frost, and the geode in the show windows always open to public gaze. The Oddfellows have moved into their hall, and can now compliment themselves upon having as fine a suite of rooms as any society in town. The firemen intend giving a conceit( on the evg. of the 9th of December. A good *programme is being prepared, and will be, rendered by foreign and local talent. See posters and programmes for particulars. On Saturday afternoon, a brakesman on the Southern bound freight train had the ends of the fingers 081 0816 hand badly crush- ed, while coupling cars. The nails were left on the brakes. Mr. Jas. Oke, of Exeter, the popular auctioneer of this county, has conducted, many sales this fall, and is billed for no less than half a dozen to take place in Decem- ber. rs of Many subscriptions have already been the salt well company, with which company it was identified. It appears from what we taken for the new Conservative paPer, the Mr. Pickard, for sharcan, learn that Mr, a'arcly., claimed a, certain Empire—daily and weekly. It will cam - sum Worn es in the salt parc favorably with the Globe and, Mail, well block, purchased by him, for, and at the instigation of Mr. Pickard. While on the other hand Mr. Pickard avers that no simh,inaiguctions, to the best of his know-, lettre, `ivere- ever '11..t4eir7Ato -Trardy7 and he refused to pay the amount claimed. Hence the suit. Personal. Thos. Bowerman, who has been in Mani- 1 We would say to the ladies of Exeter nd toba for Several months, has returned home viehlitY that Miss Sweet; who is well and to remain for the winter.—Mr. John Vail favorably known, has Chvge of our dress - intention being to remove with hie family 1 to his ,making department. l'hose who entrust sold his household frirniture last week, her- with their work may rely on having it St. Thomas.—Mr. Godholt and family of done neatly, cheaply and in the latest and Daborne, leave in a few days for California; we wish them a safe and pleasant journey. ---Mr. Jas. Acheson, of St. Marys, was in town Monday.—L. H. Dickson attended court at Stratford during three days of last week.—Mr. Manes of Parkhill, Insurance ag.ent, was in. town Monday, cm business. Mr. Manes is working up a good business here as is the case in other places. He % represents very reliable compantes.—Mr. A. ' McDoriell has returned hem the Sault. He reports business lively up there in every- thing but the horse business which is very slow. This is no doubt accounted for by the faei: line.tham there are too any speculating in th What We Nay Expect. Sleighing, and sleigh.ride parties es a consequenee.—Ice skating on the river, providing tbe cold dip.lasts sufficientlylong. both the point of literary excellence,„ and. completeness ef news. By the removal of Mr.' John Bell. from town there bots.becin a vacancy caused -in 4getegeshou). ',TarnePsem.ese-aW bar fit/1*(0'4e' not another elecfell—irt Mr. Bell's sUrit'l Something of importance, where a full board., is required, might perchance turn up. Lets' there be a move in the matter. most fashionable style. We guarautee sat- isfaction. BANTON & CO, On Thursday evg. last the sidewalks through the town were in a slippery state, the ram, which having fallen in torrents, becoming frozen upon its striking the ground. Pedestrians found it laborious work to navigate, many. being victims to heayy falls. The small boy, to his delight, monopolized the board walks, by converting them into skating rinks. Space will not permit us to paragraph the innumerable minor accidents. Mr. McManus, of the Gale Sulky Har- row Company, having sold his entire stock of machines brought here for the summer trade, and procured boarding places tor the Coy's seventeen horses, together with his wife, left on Monday for 'Windsor. While here they have won. many friends, who will be pleased to see them return in the spring, ,More shooting matches, and as usual„ Mr. MeIVIanus to resume his work of supply - Exeter sports to keep to the present stand- ing the farmers with the valuable sulky har- row and seeder. A live newspaper does a town a great deal of pod, and should be well supported by the business men—top many of whom, how- ever, send their trade out of the town-. The facts published in the Turns from time to time, showing the progress 'made and money spent. in building operations during the year, have been commented on by many papers throughout Canada, and. cannot fail to be of great advantage to the place. Townspeopleplease make a ncte of this. gird their enviable reputations as marksmen. —The village council' to hold its next meeting in the handsome hall.—The Trivitt Memorial church to be put under cover this fall; and some very cold. fingers if the atmosphere retains its present oxydisable state.—Candidates for municipal honors to remain quiet until the latest possible hour.—Fox hunters to take advantage of the present favorable weather.—D. Tait to become a noted fox.hunter.—lhe inveterate sport to relinquish all hope of capturingany .more deer this season.—The newly arrived , Salvation Army officers to infuse more life ' into the solcliers,—Frozen ears and noses. —Every subscriber of the 'I'nuns to renew his or her subscription.—A drop in the price of woocl which was3 raised owing to the scarcity of coal—A. grand concert under the auspices' of the firemen, FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY .FOR DECEMBER. Frence has always been' a land of intrigue, and the recent Aylmer, with a population of 2,000, is be- lieved to be the handsomest town of its size in Canada. The streets are paved with Weeks ; the inhabitants have telephone con- nection ; electric lights are used on the streets and in the stores ; first-class sys- tem of water -works is erected in the town, and at present workmen are busy laying steno "flags" for sidewalks on the main st. The town's debt is sekl to be but $17,000. Perhaps our town council can get a few pointers from this. events, which shake the present Govern- . ment, bring forward General Boulanger, It will be learned by notme, elsewhere, whoni they were scheming to suppress. The sketch by W. H. Gleadell, in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for December, gives all nee'cled informatioe of this "Coming Mau." that Mr, John Renton has consented to giVe lessons in book-keeping to those desiring a training in this beanch of Commerefal Work. Those who are unaequainted with book - W. H 13a11oupictures for us "Central Lake keeping ought to hail the intelligence of such an opportanity of improvemett, with Superior,", which, after sleeping for two delight. Mr. Renton will prove to be a centuries in the State where French pion eers found it, has now awakened life aghast' good tutor, asbesides having had many ho j and stetted ioto the full day of Americm years of practical training,. he cle a dip - activity. An article on "Edwin Forrest, cloy fe0111 the British American uommercial his Art and Manhood," will revive recollee- ° ege' lions of an actor who once excited the •An ever -erratic, hot very andacious co- , greatest ieterest ina this eomitry, and tem. se checkmated by our disclosure of his make him known to younger generations. mode of grinding Out matter for the Paper, 111 "Xlie evolution of Owning, Chark8 11"seeks retribution, by dealing et us the on gives the term a wider scop,e tllati simple overture, that the Trlot1S forgot to ''Seal-hanting on the Coast of Lebraclors' usention. that He editorials were clipped frOm is full of intel est to those who wear the fur 10 roimripog dee-menu, no pANNED off aa and those who do not, The gossipy teevel. Minlatme," that is, Brussels ; while the ae- etty lees calibre than that oi this nonpariel toorigmhatiatle. 01:0th wouild dolinaclliesestilonh a vaes pan zie)lreatiln 101 et er, Ruthven, takes os through "Paris in cornplished Dr, A. IL Guethsey tellthe ie imo„spotant to aoacciee os suels to de. tele Of otaaelee vs, Emperor of Geemieey nouement. But, "however, to satisfy the and King of Six3,ie,” Teem Is, also, e. 50i011 curiosity of this ambitious editor, we might the aecount of the "Magic Mirror nO japan, say, and with the utmost emphasis, that with a host of clever stories hy 1)- Rena R. our editorials are not taken from a Wirud, Carew, W. Seton, Fanny Aymar Mathews, peg exchange and palmed off as original ; and other well-known writers—all bright, dramatic, touching, The lumber gleams end furthernmee we do slot nee did we ever 1)00 are written an our saneltum by ourselves; wish fine pictures, from the colored plate to the last page, Etta, W, Pierce's wonderful story, "Prime Lucifer," increases in power and effective interest. receive a Winnipeg newspaper. It is a eharacteristic of a seissor manipulator to plitee others in the same rank with himself, The an k host Fund 875,00 01,141,101 E UED KY PA RLIAUE cli"=0, 9 Offers the Public 4 laISA CiENT.INTEUEST P1110 ANNUM for money on. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS A ND Si PEA (0 EL! 0:1.11.y. 1:Ntoo`1,14191e'l 14$0 E l\74 AINI Savings Ban, Dep'rn't For further particulars apply at The Bank Alain Street, Exeter, 4'E.40121 HODES — le a. M. tio SP, ru. 8a0a101aY1410 ta. (01 p.m. A. A. C. DENOVAN, Exeter . Cot, 25, "87. Managet Paid up Crapital NaTrOW ES(111.110 front Death,. On Monday evg 13088 the weather changed veryeuddeelyand became extremely cold,the thermometer falling several degrees below zero. Mr. ,ms. Hodgson wlio lives on the third concession of 'Osborne, in the after- noon delivered several head of fat cattle to buyers in Exeter, and after receiving their galue at the market, left about five o'clock, Na Thames road, to walk home. He called upon Mr. Kernicls who lives on the Thames Road, a few rods east of the 3r01 concession line, to pay him a smell ccount, and also to ask Isint to assist at a threshing. He left Mr, Kernick's house between seven and eight o'elock, and forgetting that lie had. passed the corner,At which he should -burp, ed., proceeded eastward, and walked one and a quarter miles before discovering his mistake. Hie constitution not being the strongest, he had hecome fatigued ; sooner than turn back he went to the resideuee of Mr. A. Bishop, al. P. P., with the inten- tion of remaining for the night. Arriving at Mr. Bishop's, he found that the family had retired, as had also the neighbors. There being no other alternative he resolved te go home, and. with that determination set out across the fields in the direction, as he thought, of his farm ; but he took an op- posite course. He reached Mr. Wilson's 1)11Sh, vhere, after plodding :through water and slush until completely outdone, he set down to rest. Soon liefell asleep, and slept until daylight, when he awoke to realize that he was so badly feozen as to render walking impossible. With muck difficulty he crawled to a fence near Mr. Wilson's residence, and gave an alarm, which was heard and responded to by one of the Wil- son's family who was out quite early making preperatione for pig -killing. Nir. Hodgson was at ,onee„taken to the Isoase and'every- thing possible done to make him comfort- able. Learning the facts Of the, case he was _ at once removed to his own home, and meal: ' cal aid sunimoned, when it was discovered that his feet, aud legs as far up as the knees aS well as his Lauda and arms, were very badly frozen. At first there were grave doubts at to his recovery, but at time of gang to press his condition is reported as having considerably improved. To the Editor of the Exeter Times. We see it is not the intention of M'eSsrs' Gidley or W. IL Hoyle to have any con- troversy with us. Well perhaps it is the best coriclu•don they„can dame to. Sift H. Hoyle's letter tb the bottom, talse out , all the sounding phrases and you will find nothine, but thai bold assertion that Mr. W. Drew, applied, au& that "some honorable gentleman assuned him, &c." . We have aria- se sit;settd Hoths* astate-Menese and destuatee?ro- pose to be drawn from the poitt. We were forced to advertise the ring, by our oppo- nents circulating the report that "we could notobtain goods." We can prove this state ment, but it is so well known that it really needs 110 proof. W. H. Hoyle's letter threatening us with legal action forced us into this controversy. We have used put the same language as we did in our posters, &e, and he closes his threats by saying he dces not want to have any contreversy. As for Messrs. Gidley Bros, we had not hopecl they would so openly repudiate the Assscia- tion of which they were so proud a few weeks ago. Note where they state that the "rules have been changed, &c." They do net try to defend those by-laws, and they are wise in. not trying. They say we "have - taken a few extracts, &c." Now, with the exception of two sentences meetioned in our last letter, we say we gave those by-laws word for word, end every word in its place, and the whole number found in the copy before us, and those by-laws have not been changecl or cannot be changed. while the rin,c,r, remains in operation, for if Messrs. Gidley Bros, claim the right to buy outside of the Manufacturers' Association if they choose, the Manufacturers claim the right to sell outside also. By the term, "Would- be 'Undertakers," is meant, each and every party or parties, who, after this date, (1885) start business as Undertakers, &e. Article 9, page 12. We acbnit we have not the edition of 1887, and they take good care we shall not get it either. If there is no price list in force at the present moment it Is because of the opposition to the Associa- tion. We leave Messrs, Gidley Eros.' letter to the publie and trust to their judg- ment of the soundness of our position. Yours Truly, ROWE & ANDREWS. Service will be held in the churcla of Eng- land every I,Vddnesclay avg., gemriseneing, Nov. 30011, until further notice. Bissett 'Bros. have beeu appointed agents here for the "perfeetion self -lighting lan- tern. Matches are not required. On Monday night the thermometer took zaeaenline' ana dropped many degrees below re. The store at Farquhar, recently destroyed. by fire, has been rebuilt, and we are inform. - ed will be ocetipied by Alex. Duncan Esq. The annual meeting, of the Exeter L. 0. L. number 924 will be held to -morrow even- ing. All members are invited to attend, as important business will be transacted. The ofneerS for the ensuing year will be elected. Mr. Thos. Cave, who recently disposed of his property here and went to engage in thc blacksmithing busineSs in Lucan, has re- turned to town, Liman, he says, being too dull a spot for him, He will be found in the building recently vacated by Swallow Bros., opposite the Post Office, See adv. ' There seems to be no little excitement consequent upon our remarks reletive to appeerance of another Conservative paper in oisr midst ere long. l'Isere need he no surprise. The rutnot seems LO be too well founded. Ortr Reform friends can suffer nothing by the sudden transformation, A renegfole, it is said, is of 110 value to either • party.' The Conservative party 813)3)8001813' lias wonderful powere 00 goevity. At a regeler communication of Lelesuon P08088 'Lodge, A. F. & A.M., No. 133, held. in the Nlaeonic 118111, Exeter, en :Slontlay evg., the follosvirig officc:es were eleetecl for the current year 1--L P. M. R. W. Bro, Hugh Speakman ; W. M. 131-0, W. G, 0i- 1(385 ; 5 W'Bre W, Weelses ; W 1 3ro. a, NrcrAtighlin ; cht106; 1, Bro. Rev, S. 3' Robleson ; Treasurer, 1310, Geo, &unwell ; Tyler, 'Bro. W. Brooke ; Secy. R:W Bro, Eaerett