The Exeter Times, 1887-11-24, Page 7A
Vitlae the Bey%
tnoo many men make their been) feel that
they ere of little or no account while they
ere boys. Ley a reeponsibility on a boy
and he will meet it in a manly spirit. On
tee account ignore their diepoeition terinyes-
tigate. Help them to underatancl things,
thinourage them to kuow What they ate
about. We are too alit to treat Dly boyn
seekinnafter knowledge as mere idle curl -
Gutty, "Don't ask questions" is poor advice
tff boys. If you don't explaiu °puzzling
things to theme, you oblige them to make
many experiments before they fend out; and
then:eh etepenimental knowledge is beet iu
one sense, in another it is not, for that
which nail be explained clearly dees not
need experimenting with. If the principle
involved is underetood there is no further
trouble, and the boy can go ahead rightly.
Do niet Wait for the boy to grow up before
$6("begin to treat him as an equal. A pro.
pt amount of confidence, and words of
ellec ragement and adeice, and giving him
te understand that you trust him in many
Ways, helps to make a man of him long be-
fore he is a man in either stature or years.
„ Give hint tools, says the writer, and let
him find out for himself whether he has got
any mochenical taste or not. Do not die-
counige him, •as parents are apt to do by
Sayil,g a " Oh, it is 110 USe for you to try
to do anythiug with tools. I never tier
any tete that way, and of course you have
not," If a boy finds he on Make a few
articles wish his baud, it tends to make him
i eny' on himself, and the pinning that is
nedeSeary for the execution of the work is a
dieetipiine and ag eaticetiort of great value to
aim. The future welfare mad happiness of
the boy depends on the surroundings of his
noath. Wheahe arrives at that period in
his life when he is obliged to °bootie What
profession or what Hue of business to follow,
it is highly important that he should take
no false step. And if in his yomth he has
cultivated a taste fon any particular branch,
the choice of a profesolon or business will be
Made more easy.
Love and Ref3peot of Children..
if mothers could only realize what a mit-
kill period their children are passing through
from the thirn to the sixth year, they would
exercise more than ordinary care during
that time. Nob only physically, but men-
tally and morally, they are undergoing a
oliabge for better or worse, according to the
care and attentibn they receive from their
mothers and fathers. A father is more
exempt from certain. duties toWard his off-
spring than a mother. Re should always
bear in mind that his &mistime° in the con-
trol of his children is of more value to his
tired wife than the presentation to her of a
costly gift: It is at this time that the
children hegira to notice papa's and mamma's
bearing toward one another; let this always
be one of perfect courtesy and respect. gnickly destroys respect for pa-
rents as constant bickerings in the presence
of their chilnren. The first thing a child
sholild-beIateght is respect for their parents
and eldters ; .affeetion comes natural with
mote' In
ten, and it is the mese valuable
se ming control of their actions nnext
to tliii s respect ; without it very little can
be accomplished for the child's anelnnret
Parents should bear this in mind, that chiV
dren lose respect very soon upon heating
them disagree; using bitter words to each
, ether. This is inflicting the first actual
1). -pain these baby hearts have been called upon
to bear. In the presence of this the child
experiences conflicting emotions, which en&
in pity nor one parent and contempt for •the
other. Oh, parent, pause, consider before
you lose this hold on the little being who
has ibereti07 considered you perfect.
A Mother's Case.
A woman gifted at leaning " grab-bag "
socials called or, et mother, saying, "We
have many uselees artielet that must be dis-
posed of somehow. enernve concluded to
place them all on the ono table, under the
charge of our •meet efaseinating young la-
dies. Gentlemen will chat with' them,k1hen
and the ladies ca ut their own pricesnoit
cannot go away without buying something ;
the articles. We reidlye want your daughter,
she has such winning ways." Seeing indig-
nation gathering in thin noble mother's fade,
and knowing how carefully she had guarded
her ehildren from social contamination, she.
added, "Of course, she will have to play
the agreeable to agood many yon mightnotap-
prove; but she need not recognise them after-
ward." "What 1" exclaimed the mother,
"allow my daughter to become a decoy to
lure money out of men's :pockets in retur
for shams and false smiles? Never 1
,hold my child's moral nature too sacred fo
Contributed Receipts.
SAsnwxours.-Very nice eandanclies may,
be made with mince made in the usnal nra,y
for the table -but not too racist -allowed, to
at cold]
GREEN APPLE Pu -Peel tart apples and
stew nicely, strain thorn; and season while
hot with butter or swe,et cream; flavor with
nutmeg, aud put on crest that has been
baked in a pie plate.
Conx Srertmir Eq. -One pint sweet milk,
.1 egg, 1 tablespodn corn ,starch, 2 table-
epoona sugar:, piece of butter she of an egg;
tdnor wit,hcerintne.' Let the milk boil, beat
. '
=together theteg , coin starch, and le table-
' 'g "
bike withOne crustIs nice as creani
Toon Milken) stir into the boding milk,
thenadd the suar, butter and vanilla ;
ATMEAL nITDDING--Pour a quart of
,milk;brchight. fint't tb b •
littl Water
fine and smooth; they must not be verY I " It itt leasant (Ian)
t4rt Beat the yolks and euger together, V
iv eeek them; thou . He Made Note Of Eaoh Obeervation•
and whip them into the apples tbeg
logutteious barber to the meni'her of the
wt 42 tfio °F.:W well t ba it et n4 znaaildk'poLVI,‘.thilal 40113.4°:tha° Fizn ho wantod to d6v°te fifteen mbj1.4e8
s ar
into pie Pane lioed with ereorn paste. Bake "You're right. tiled hold On a minute.
till iale custard is see, I want to ineke a not f tt)
apple pie. Roll two small orackers, or for <Filet got out of the chair, all latliered
nreak them in crumbs and soak th In • as h° was,took "wn
es "IP of cold water while making tbe Paste' I ° 1.1ritaly419°rt4°ebtiofookr 4<fnuflil rilfivaoderru'llniluetil0t1iroya<nhdertehien0.
Great'one lemon or pare it' vertr thin and
cut this raring into the smallest pieces pos. i(L)nri eteh omtoortes ogriipairoulitniftpastiion aeserted iteelf
titbit). Add this and the juioe 9f the 1
e o tio can tell
3/10cic Areen, PIE. -Make a petite as for znY Pertner," and the patron, vette yearned
tg tha °tuners. Flavor with autme d " Your few is rather tender, eir."
atir in one cup of segar. Cover a plate with 1° th4t ? I gin" r °41 c'n znY
pertly done. Then bar the pie with narrow I Juet weit until I make a note of it s9
Paste, fill with this and eet in the oven till • PhYsician and get eomething to toughen it.
stripes °f Paster return to the oven and. finish won't forget," and anain the half b
customer went tor the note book,
Ten minutete reepite followed, and once
00uN2J.N0 piLts 02 002,21. again the silence trees brolten 'with a 'tiblid
The Dexterity or the Loudon Dente Tole
Ilandling the Coin of tire itealm.
The London teller is probably the quick-
est menipulertor of (min in the world. This
is largely owing to the fact that the smallest
note issued in London is of the value of £5,
or 825. When asked for gold in a greater
amount than hie eye can count at a &nee
the teller, after counting it quickly with
a piano -torte action, throws it with his
copper scoop into his faithful scale; ancl so
checks his count. The weights of eheest
scales are, arranged' in suitable numbers,
tenor also checks that gold wbich 1)0
receives by weight and here his knowledge
of his business will be tented, One;huadred
new sovereigns are of full weight, rather
more, in, fact, but the same number taken at
haphazerd will be fougcl to be nearly half a
soverelp (or p. c.) ehort in weight, while
£100 in ordinary half sovereigns are some-
times twenty shillings (or 1 per cern.) short
in value. The teller can quickly. setisf.y
lilmself as to whether the defictency
caused by shortage' in the weight or the
count, by dividing the amount and weighing'
one moiety against the other. If they
balance evenly the count is correct and the
difference is due to under weight. If the
latter exceed the average stated, the 'coin
will need to be specially examinecl ; there is
probably something wrong. This question
of' light. gold is an important one. One
large London joint stock bank pita to the
13ank of England £30,000 (150,000) for
defietent weight in its ,gold for one year. A
practical teller knows heavy or full weight
of gold by sight. The best test afforded by
inepention is found in the strings of the
IriefrEarp on the reverse of the, ooin, If
they are frayed the coin is Under weight,
but if untouched by wear and tear it is
full weight. •
• The edge of the English bank counter is
provided with a lip to prevent the coin
from rolling over and to aid the teller in
scooping up the money. The teller usually'
counts with the first two fingers of both
hands, simultaneously; somethnes he uses
six fingers, and a, teller has been known to
count 450 sovereigns in one minute working
against time. An expert teller will count
one hundred vounds value of silver in seven
minutes. When it is remembered that the
coins are always mixed and consist of six-
pences, shillings, florins, half-orowns and
'crowns, with never a deeimal convenience
nimag them, this willprobarbly be coneidered
nateiRmaticable feat, There hunt, selection of
cnifis possible in such a count. Were that
observed the count would take fully thirte
minutes. The four fingers of the teller
seize all the coins as they come, and if their
action. is .bewilderingly.quick what must be
ethat ot the eye and brain which can so
eninbeeptInalibsese and'add UP those disjointed
'Values so ars to keep pace with the mechani-
cal action of the hands? And all the time
an outlook is keptfor base coin, of which s
such an expert will sometimes throw out
fully half a dozen in counting a hundred "
You nem' a ehampoo, sir; your hair is
a full of dandruff."
" I'm glad you told me. I'm in a burr
now, but please reinInd me of it when you
get through, as can make note and at-
tend to it next time."
For seventeen long months now the
r o e Firm has been obeyed by the
same barber, and during all this time he has
remained as silent as a stone angel on a
tombstone in a country graveyard at mid-
The following area few of the many tes-
timonials received by the lireaclmakers'
• I bought a paOkage of your yeast from
our Grocer, and am nappy to say that I
think it altogether superior to anything of
the kind in the market. It rises quicker,
make§ lighter and sweeter breacl than any
yeast I have tined yet and I think I must
have tried* them all, and I intend using yours
for 'the fututen-Mms Erna Laves, Prescott,
1 heve tried your yeselt. I am four teen
years old and never did a baking before,
but I have baked with your yeast today
Mmording to direetions, and had excellent
bread. -Miss E. Webenesiat, Suffvfile.
I am a little gill. 13 years old. I never
baked before. 1 did it withymr yeast and
father says he thought mother was the best
bread maker in the country ; he says that I
made from your yeast as sweet bread as
ever he ate. My name is Mary M. Palmer.
-Mn. JosiAn PAIrkalt, Sebrinrirt 0., Ont.
I bought a, package of your yeast and have
tried it and like it very much. I have been
baking bread for the last 24 years, and I
find it to be superior to any other yeast I
have ever used.-KR.S. H. Ruseaort, Dun-
• I am a young girl but twelve rearm old
and have tried your yeast cakes and earn say
that they are excellent. I don't see why any
young girl cannot learn to bake nice bread
if she uses Breadmaleer's Yeast. Our folks,
are delighted with my bread.-Snevea
Hammon), Villa Nova.
Mr. Hayseed (to wife who is returned.
from churcla)-" What was the sermon
about ?" Mrs. Hayseed---" Su'thin about
Joseph goin' dant: toEgypt to buy corn."
Mt. Hayseed-" Dicl'the dominie say what
corn's wunh daun there?"
A Woman's Confession.
"Do you know, Mary, I once aothally
contemplated suicide ?" You horrify me,
Mrs. B. Tell me about it." "I was suffer,
ing from chronic) weaknees. I believed my-
self the 'most unhappy woman in the world.
I looked' ten years older than I really was,
and I felt twenty. Life seemed to have
nothing in it worth living for." "1 have
experienced all those symptoms myself.
Well?" " Well, I wan saved at the eleventh
hdur from the commission of a deed which I
hudder to think of. •A'friend advised me to
ake Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preseription. I
did so. In an incredibly shert timid I felt
ike a new being. The 'Prescription ' cured
tne, and -I owe Di. Pierce a debt of gra,ti-
tine winch I can never repay.'
Russian Fisheries
The fishery tradee are systematically per.
sued in Russia, since so miens& thmna4 1
tional life depends on these industeies,
a general rule, a cotnpany of niPitalistenlies t
gins by forming a fishing statioe,guesclitugn
and here they make a dam ; they catch the b
fish; they nainaufacturgetnnets, harpoons,
traps, and lures ;they convert fish retuse-
heads, bones, scales, entrails, and sounds -
into glue, gelatine, and isinglass„ or even a
into manure ; they split, clean, salt, smoke, t
or freeze the fish, and they dietrifinte them t
through the couetry ta • their, tagents
foe sale, much oi this latter Work being e
done by sledges ,in Winter to save freight.
n •They also pursue the More lucrative fish in a
dustries, each al manufacturing the finest
kinds of isinglass and gelatine, as well as
that curiou.s fish product known as caviare:
Twas caviare to the General," wrote
Shakespeare whet t the Russian Company
of London introduced it to this country ;
and unless men train themselves to eat olives,
they are still likely enough to splutter when
they get a mouth fuli of it. Caviare is the
roe et the sturgeSh tribe of fish, but salmon
aryl pike roes are usually added to assist in
increa,sing the bulk, the roe is cleaned,
then washed with vinegar, salted, and
dried, when it is packed in casks. The best
quality is prepared more carefully from the
sturgeons alone. The ealting is conducted
in long, narrow bags of linen, which are ar
hung along a cord and half filled with roe.
The eggs of the silkworm were first
rought into girope in 537.
.A Pill in Time, Saves Nine 1
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets
re preventive as well curative. A few of
hese "Little Giaaits„" taken at the right
ime, with little expenseneed no inconven-
01300, will accomplish what many dollars
ncl much sacrifice of time will fail to do
fier Disease onegnho*Atou with his iron
graep. • Constipainn relieved, the Liver• ne
gulated, the Blood purified,. will fortify
agorinst fevers and all contagious disease.
Persons inte•nding travel, chs,n,ging diet,
water and climate, will find invaluable',
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets.
In vials convenient to early.
• If all so.called reinedies home failed, Dr,
Sage's Calirrh Remedy cures.
Boston, Mass., was the first city in the
country to. establish free baths.
Co1PAIO More.
Watson' tough drops are the best in the
world for the throat and chest, for the voice
unequalled. See that the letters R. & T W
e o culseovek twelve
o • aces of Scotch oatmeal ; let it stand all
m t and in the' morning sti rt iti an egg,
pi err 'each of 'salt' and grated' nut -meg,
and it Inked a non* of ounces of ratline.
Boil in a, neeel-buttered basin for two hours
et least. , Serve with neat treacle or e, sweet
A 7 7 "
TOAIATO ,ICC pe a of ripe
e tomatoes, and boil them for an hour with
three chilliest; strain through colander,
and boil fer another hour, with a tablespoon-
ful of wimple pepper, an ounce of ginger,l
half o e of allepice, half an ouuce of
cloves, " easpooeful 'of mace, and two
ounnes of salt. ,),,,Thon cold, stir in ono ounce
of mustard, one oulice of curry -powder, and
pint of vinegar.
V, ELOOME Pea Caunr.---Take a (alp , of
meet cream t and stir hi flour euough to
handle well, 'mix am little as possible, atid
roll out, A number of these crusts men be
baked oinseparete tin, and Mien wanted for,
thc table, steam just to soften. and fill with
the following One pineinills or water with
teblespoopful of butter) let boil, beat the
yolks of two eggs an one white with two
tableepoons liar and two of eizgar ; add to
the boiling mak and stir until thickened •
Aimee Cuentitte--Three cups tiweet milk,
,ehree cups apple, grated or stesveclt three
*ablespoonsful sugar, two eggs, .yolks and
whites separate, eTie tableepsonful; width
flour, Prepare the apple by stewing, in as
e stamped on each drop.
A very strong briee ie then poured int9 eanh se
bag until it oveillown , When the brnethas he
Clocks were introduced into America in
20. Heretofore time was marked by the
all pasSed through age't'le'ba8 tend a ; w
carefully egneezednh expelnell superfluous roil
I liquid, arid atter a short exp§itere to the air, the
I peeked in casks. The finest qualicy of cav- IV
la' e made is that.prepared from eterlet roe;
; but thie is said not to find its Way into conn ' ana
' merce, beim). reserved mainly for the Czar's b :o
table. It has been stated that than and a l'enne
half million pounds of caviare arelannually "-
packed at Astrakhan alone.
OUNG BIEN suffering from the effeete of et r
babble, the result of ignornnae and. folly, who Ind
meolves Weak, 00400119 and exhausted Rim idn)
.acree and Oen men who aro broken dou;n from the
eta of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life
the consequertoes of youthful ()seem, send for and
D 81: V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Meer The
k will b3 sent soled to onv addreas on repay 01
80, stamps. Adrirsea M. V. etela0N, 47 We Hag.
St, E. Toronto Out
The forest area of the United States is lees
than 450,000,000 acres, or about one-fifth
area of the whole country.
le:lever your stomach or Bowels get out of or.
combing Bilionsness, Dyepepein, Or Indigeetitur
their attendant evils, take at once dose of Dr,
ou'a Stomaeli Bitten. Best family medicate
bruggiets, 50 cents.
ine cables are used to toll tho daily sto-
Wonderful Perceptive Powers.
Mr Limey had been out late as uettal, nnd
He hadgainter patien ;investigation, dis- (ter
coverecinlint he couldn't unlock the front n'
door with his pocket knik and eat down on
of Europe to America and America to
The Sporting Record,
ook form, contains a correct record of ali) PAST.
the stepe to consider. At len,gth his wife ry
put in an appcerance, and Os She opened the Eut
dour to a vcr, telighb extent said in terror.
inspiring tone : •
" Are you runk again, Lussy 1"
" tegsh pardon 1"
"1 say, are you drunk again 1"
Sh very markable. My dear, you're 1n10,t
won'ful woman ; allush knowsh whash gzfa
w.nt lore I am tell it. , ASIti yew. queelnin
I came clear home ter ashk younnhic-mY e•
IIBB and best performance.; in all Depeenstane
roar, Aquatic and Athletid performancee, 1311.
, Peeing and Trotting records, Pasehen, Orieket,
one, etc. Price 05. Stamps taken, •Adarees all pied'
rs to VIP, RECORD, so Paint St. Batt, Toronto, 8 g
du, Rooth No. lb. t.)tii
1 Quito, the only city in the world on ers e
equator, the tun rites at 9 o'clock and enn)
sets at the eame hour in the evening, all the 019_, .
year round. •
w )4
•PeOpill Who aro subject ft) bad breath, foul tmated
4 'R
tOngue, or any disorder of the Stonaacle can at once
be rellevecl by tieing Dr, Carson's Stomach titters
111, you have invented anything usefnl, patent it and
All. malice Inoeey, Write (or lisavkar'S QOPK 10 PA'
:r8NTs, to A, Barvey, Patent Attorney and publisherof
oTtle i,'atent itoyiew/'Ottawa,Ont5 yrs experienee.
------01,1-",Na-----'"---7-"tan'al Wood, and-0--thec Pieture—"and
Slirrore,440,, wholeectIS and Retail. Tone Cat
IrltrotAi11141teleiilnlpftga,81;;Are4utooeteipEefit,c.4rttetiantiggteezil,,lin 759
0 •
Twooi.ksarazeutil3He y4a0OINHEia ST.
GOUPOSLTION GOLD, antique /nem,
tannin itiennanernann DROS. tit nee., Toronto.
--_-__ .-- '
nr 110141141 ilattlitg School -Oentlemen de -
el rOM) Of O.C(Illinng a tho7 out: h Icnowledge of gar.
meet canine in AB its breathes, staeuld apply Ot outer
to 8. Cerriean, proprieter, ise Yoege St., Toyota),
Terme oe application.
.:,—.....„-. , ....._--,—.... - - .
al,LLy!..5,0Tuff,A,,,T,,Ehp„ze)2 .,61,z,erAtIsp;auktra44
Or 0011.1.ARS free Something
/Aerate nuiloing, Toroxito. Tnouns Basoonau Presi.
R. Parker & Co.
dent; OHM), It. BROWes, Secretary and /Grislier.
iritift. ARIISITIONV., Deentatoiogist.
jt, Spec:nay, Skin diseases, Scrofula and ell die.
eases of the blood. All caecers cured that are cure.
aeie, without the uee of a knife. Milo hours fr
9 to i2,,ns, and from 1:30 to 4:30 p,rn., Sabbathe ex.
opted, 28 Dunn, I StI'eS)B, Torouto,
CEIPIS for inanufaeturing four aiiterent
powdere -blue, white, 3 ellow and the French liquid
stamping. for plush, vovet and eilk, io u tdy dosed h •
ed print, all sent by mall for 40 cents. C. STID•
MAN FIERIIE, 41 fling St, B., Toirento, Butterieke
Patterns and Books f 0
airy Salt,
XTwImportations,-HIggins' Eureka, Washing
ton end Ashton Breads, in large pr small caokr
SO Bice's Canadian Salt. Write for prices.
Wholeeele Provision Merchants, Toronto.
, y on and.
13'LleiriroPa rag' RTZLITIrgiZt7ylit:ttStenead 1
In Iota to suit.purenasers. w rite for prices.
200 seinen Street, e
City 011ides; • 898 Queen fit, Wet, "(TortonTo.
• e ;229 Queeo St Bast, J
100 06,11forne Street .. , , , ,Bran. ford, 0, 8,
4 johe Street North,. ,, • .... . ,hAnli)tOr), Ont,
Desiring obtain 0, Buenos Pnucation, or become
proficient n ahorthand and Typewriting, should at-
tend the
• Arcade, Yong, etreet, Toronto.
-For Circulars, etc., Address 0, O'DSA. Secretery,
rilo greatest dis
000805' el tht
meant age for Esau<
01111 SOWPolia
LaVenz Apis
Communes, A per
Mot Blood Purifier
A few In Hamiltot
Alto here been bone
fited by 14 uee :-
Mrs. M. Keenan, 191.
Robert St., cured of
Erysipelas of 2 yenta
standing; Robert Gcr
nell, 24 South St.,
daughter, oured ol
Epileptic Fits after
9 yeene coffering
entne Barell, 55 Walnut ., cured of wealateu
and Lung Trouble John Wood, 95 Cathcart St.,
cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, used onls
O flitpeent bottles; Mrs, J. Beal, 6 Augusta Sb.,
troubled for years with Nervous tarotration, tee
snaalubottles gave her great relief. Mold at 500. Sr 81,00
P. P. DAILEY t2z 00., proprietors.
Lona and Savings Co,
an terneed Capi al. • • . • • . • .. . •
P41.41.11p Capitol . . . .. , „ • .... 0,300
Deeer ve Fond • • • • • • • • • • • • • .41, 80045
'Anna Aeoets .... , . 9,391,61$
Orem :.--eoes DVILDINC)8, TORONTO Sr, 'Doito=9.
DEPOSITS repent' at cerreet rates of interest
psya eorepOunded halt -yearly.
PEDEN TURES Issued in eurreitcy ,or Sterling,with
intereet 0002),CME) Att4O1N)(1, payable in nenade or le
'eneand, execators and Trustece are authorized by
law to invest in the Debentures 04 44)18 company.
cla r reo rates ond on favorable conditions ae. to ropey-
, ,
Mortgages and Municipal DebentitreS Plitoimand
3. DERBEBT metiees, Managing Director,
lloyal Steainolutijt.
sailite during winter from Partial:al every *tinter
and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in Mane.
tater/rem Quebec. every Saturday to Liverpool, your
at eondotelerry to land mails and peseengere fele
Scotland and Ireland ; Oleo from Pante:lore, irfa Rs&
fax end john's, N. F'., to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer menthe. The eteateere of the (Date
gow lines 0311 tluring winter. to and from Halifers,
?Ortletid,,Ileuton and PhiledelpJaia ; and daring:aunt
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glaegove
and Easton weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia
For freight, passage, or other nformation 41pply. ts,
A. Schumacher & Co., Beltimore ; Cunard 155 OCt.p
htelnex ; Slier,. & 0o, eit. Sohnet, Nfld.; Wm. nliattnape•
eon 'lc' Co., $t. John, N.B.; Allen es Co., Chicago
Love Aldea, New York; H. Banner, Tomato
allaesenael& 'no, Quebec); Win BroOk10;Phgader
phia; H. A. Allen Portiatact. Boston Montreal. ,
tZrThe Celebrated Han-
cock Inspirator.
fafGresham's Automata('
neatartiug Injeoter.
e7Mornson's Autornatie•
Sight Need Lubricator.
/O. -Engineers' & Plumb -
ere' Supplies of every
descuiption. Send for
79 8677 Adelaide $aW.,„
mice Valanaay el Canada,
• Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patente.
T Olt N .
G. C. Ross, Chief Bngineer, Famine Sec'y•Treao.
Alf classes of One work, ' Mfrs. of Printers'Leaffs
kalnasrand Metal Purniture Send for pricer..
Importer of fine Guns, Amtuiltion and sports
maxes goods of every desoription.
On receipt of 815.00. I willexprees to any address,
an English made double barrel breach.loading shot.
gun, with cover and tools complete.
W. MoDOWALL, 51King street Bost, Toronto.
BABY ,a.BircrliDAYt
A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card sent
to say baby whose mother will send no tis
1<ames of two or more other babies, and their
parents' addresses Aloe a handsome Da&
mood -Dye Sample Card to the ruether and:
'ettenrvalualite informetion, •
Winne Richardson do, Co,. ttleetreal
• 1415tificanittedafeeelenhoYytlicolp4eand& -I a .A cpenle Pa lleyt ep rdePnlareesd.
to meet the Wants of the common'retople,
07, wipe have long elt the need of such a book,
The Ills tory of Cana.da-From the discovery
•Ui 01 Americalo the lateet events, by Dr, With.
7,4 row. No library complete without it.
The Platforna <Echoes -4 greet temperance
••••' work, by the graideat temperance orator of
nef "his day, J, B. Gough.
The Rooker Sermons and Se yinna-" LW-
ing Words," 13y Iley. Sam. P. Jones, illus-
trated. Thousands flock to hear, and want
his book. <
tsi The Parallel, Family Bible -Magnificent
ns and massive, two Bibles in one.,
.7' Terms -Liberal, with extra terms for the work-
••ing agent. sendeor cireulars, eta' '
WM. BRIGGS Publiaher, Toronto.
Provinces and States, touching both the 'Atlantic and
Paola° oceans, are represented this year emoting ite
studeratC•Bend for 18th annual circular. W. B.
Itosmsorr and J. W. JomMOX, F.C. A., PrinCiptala;
Cook's Gem
Why do you uso those Expensive Amerioan and
Canadian 'Baking Powdett when you can get as good
and whoiesome at one half the price ? Prove it by try-
ing the Cook's Germ Manufactured by
E LIS t6 KEIGILEY, Toronto,
$10 WATCH FOR $5!
For.F.I've yatt Mtn buy of ClEARDES
52. Clitureh St.. l',
good, •reliable ten•dollar ;liver Watch
(ordinary retali price), eleven jewelled,
vateht lever, expaasion balance, 3 oz.
silver ease for ' . $5
Higher grade movement, in same case
Wm. Ellery-, IValtham, in same case •0
P. S. Battiett, waltham, in same ease 10
If engraved silver cases are preferred, add 50cto
above prices. The silver oases are our own. manufam
ture, and fully guaranteed.
A Reliable Stenx.windiltig Watch for $2.
Ordinary retail price 82,15.
On receipt of price will send by reg'stered mall,
Ohas, Stark, 52 Church St,, Toronto,
Wholesale and retail deiler in Fire Arms, Manufac-
turer of Gold and silver Watch cases, manufaeturer
of Gold and Siler Jewelry, Diamond Setting, etc.
Importer, wholesale and Retail Dealer in Gold and
Silver American Swiss Watehee Send for Illustrated 4
Catalogue, Be sure and state which you want, Fire
Arm a or jewelry, es we now publish them separately.
STOOEmEle, give this valuable pree
paration a fair trial. It operates We guarantee the Best and
promptlyand effectuallyin destroying
Ticks and other vermin pests, as well
*as n eradicating all affeetions of the se
Fence made in the Do -
in Tins at85e., 70c. and 80. A 85o. Tin will clean 00 4 "
' skinto which SheeparesubJect. Sold •A ho, ,
4' --“--`44-,m,tima minion.
Sheep or 85 L b HUGH MILLER ea Co.. Toronto.
1000 eines of new Line of Rai.way built this
season. Land all for settlement. , Unsurpassed for
grain or stock! arms, 450 acres free. To learn how
to got it, send your address on postal card.
MG 96 Ring St. W.. Toronto.
For Pastor, Parent, Teacher, 011110, or
Priend,both elegance and usefulness wil 1 Ix:found
combined in a copy of Webster's unabridged,
Besides many other valuable features, it cuutains
A Dictionary
of 118,000 Words, 3000 Eegravings,
A Gazetteer of the Word
locating and describing 25,000 Places,
A Biographical Dictionary
of uearly memo Noted Persons,
• All in One Book.
3000 more Words and nearly.2000 mom Illnstra-
Dons than any other A mertcatt Dietioeuey.
Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free.
G.& C. MERRIAM& CO., Pub'ra, Springfield, MRSB
have deeded innutur
to put Dr. Jug's Mediein
in a brown jug, instead ole
Wass bottle as tierce:nine
The jugs that we will use
for this purpose are made
• of thefinestunportedltoek.
inghion, of a mottledbrown
ecdour, with "Dr. Jug'e
medicine for Lungs, Liver
and Blood" in raised let-
ters; on the side. Out
reasons for making th
change are: "lst-Its won
derful curative qualitie
will be better preserved by
,the medicine being kept
,entirele in the dark. 2nd -
As the tug win he register-
ed it will be impossible to
eounterfeit sal -The
, name "Dr. Jug's Medi -
mew fie; ix eine " will be more easily
OP A JUG Or DR. Juire remembered by newels,
MEDICINE. tion. 4th our friends
will be able to recognize et onee that they are getting
the genuine article, as there to no other medicine put
up in a ju•g. R. JUG MEDICINE 00„
Toronto and Stratford
atIntonft. nein nenentinfttniatetnent
o;ittlts.e."*.r.O...• • ci
Is the only stove made
that will burn wood or
• coal equally wen, it aiin
beat one ormore e.dioin.
• big rooms and retain fire
with either fuel all night
It is the farmers' wood
burner and will make
home as comfortable as
with a self feeder cold
stove, The largest size is
an unrivalled heater for
eehoole,hall anc/eharches.
The family Keyst,one,„the-
largest first.olao Stove for
etthe money made.
Is revolutionizing cook.
ng with coal. Its patent Brepot and grate makes It
the moat durable, easiest to manage, best to retain
Bre night and clay, and most econdenicalof coal stoves.
Thee were the only stoves awarded a medal for new
and meritorious inventions this year.
If your dealer has not got them write us for infor.
rs lareshers1
1 ?TOL se RBA M4011111E OeINO" k ENV
eri ss
NINE COLD MEDALS Have been awarded it during the last fou years Try also PEERLESS
AXLE GREASE for yourreingons and
gorse Powete.
u se ured at oUEEN CITY ON. WORK3, by
We are offering special in-
ducements to purchasers of Iron -
Fence for delivery this fall
ren11,810NES '
FINEST mann Mete
worm) ma linemen
SLATSSAS IN roe eese
Lire 71Me
Our Brave Volunteers
Madura the severe marching of the North.
west cainpaign with admirable fortitudo.
e overnmeht should III1VO aupplied them
with a quantity of the celebrated Pittner) 's
Paenlees Corti nctrattor. It never hale to ny
remove corns peinleeely, and the volunteers rn
and everybody dee should have it. Beware
Of substitutes. Glet Putnam's Extractor W
and take no other,
a I
0*0 C11(1 ne remedy. Ash your Druggier
A. P. 372.
TENTS:1:13r Sle-Illustrated descriptive Cat -
•L. free. IL. Chamberlin, Toronto,
ORKFo.g,,A0114. $30 a week end expeesee
paid. vaittabie outfit and pattinalare
free, Pi,0.1f/CDMR.T. Augustanleine,
• Send for Catalogue.
A Home Company Guarantee Capital, $1,000,000
PRESIDENT : HON. SIR W. P 1.00lVLAND, a B., 13.0, Ir. G.
EON'. 011100 JUSTICE 1800003:0130 M, RYAN,. ESQ. J. D. EDGAR, ESq,
WiRBItItT MASON, 13e SY. }x.a1803, t50. A. L. Goonnan.4n, gs
Hon. 403,82 Yotitro. s,
A, AlorniaN Howane
This Distinctively florae Institution 1,1118 eetablished 15 years ago. During this period nearly one
Mill ion of defiers has been retnrned to the parley holdere, or their representatives
The 0091319 is during this period amount, at this date, to over $2,800,000, end when ttho
Guarantee Capital 58 114141031, 1011218 Serial:1y for policy holders to the onount of over es,e00,00e.
ee•, Those eontempiating inserting win do well to compare the Coat in this Ateaciatien with other compenien
e for tee above period, before ineuring elsewhete, .
Thi Association's Dolce are from 10 40 80 per cent. lower than In those foreige cetera/line Moe
• business in this coentry, aline the profit results gettpas§ the best Of them.
J. IC, MACDO3NALD, 14anaging Dirtotor,
•.-BRANITOD.- bANADAnatent neas Orrtet, 16 Toot ° 81,„ 'AMMO. , ,