The Exeter Times, 1887-11-24, Page 5PISTFtIC'T DOTwQ . Oecurraucos of the 1.'ast week Throughout the reeighboeIlood to a Concise.B'orm. St. Marys .contains at present one lawyer to every 500 of Its population, Goderich people are entertaining for vent hopes of early connection with the C.P.R. Several young men have been in the; habit of gathering nightly at a private room and remaining there until an , unseasonable ` hour, fend rumors got abroad that gambling was parried on, Constable Tedford made an unexpected visit to the room the other night, and cautioned them that any repetition of the offence would lead to their punish- ment.—Clinton New Era. A ghastly discovery was made in a Swam!!, on the 6th con., Futlarton, and a duitrter west of Carlingford, Sunday !ening. Some boys who were walking .. through the bush came across the body of a dead man, in an advanced atage of decomposition, For some time it was supposed that a tragedy had been enacted which would require the in- vestigating attentionof the authorities ; but the latest theory is that it was the body of a tramp who has been roaming through the township for some time past, and who was supposed to have es- caped from the Middlesex county poor house at Strathroy. An event which might have resulted more seriously occurred while Mr. and Mrs. Bone, of East Wawanosh, were on their way to the social at Mr. Coutts', last Tuesday evening. When going through the swamp south of that place, the wheel of the buggy struck the end of a log, and thereby was upset, throw - ing the occupants out. The horse turned round and ran homeward, but soon treed itself from the buggy, leaving in in a somewhat demolished state, No one vias hurt except DKr, Belie, who re- ceived a few slight bruises. Last week idr. D. Stewart, of Clinton, was sworn in as a special county con- stable, and his first duties' were to serve summonses on 'the Varna - and Bayfield hotel keepers for violation of the Scott Act. fie started out on Friday, and performed his mission at Varna, but information of his coming had preceded him to Bayfield, and when he arrived at that place, he was met by a mob who threatened personal violence if he attempted to serve a sumntons. Being alone and unarmed, he thought discretion the better part of valor, and he went batik to Clinton without serving a solitary summons. Zurichites, who expected him on the above day, were waiting also to give him an uncomfort- ably warm reception, On Friday Last detective Pharr arrest, ''d George Dunster, of Woodstock, on,a c ' ge of being the father of the'child Iii, on the door step of a house on Tra- fA „tet street re t the other night. The' ac- cused is n prominent builder and con- tractor of Woodstock, and it is alleged that he kept the girl Carter at a respec- table boarding house on Adelaide street kept by Mr. Crawford, and used to visit ber'as her husband, the couple calling themselves Mr. and Mrs. Sherman. He kept this up for about six months. Shortly after ere child was born Duns- ter drove in from Woodstock with his tenni; tpurchased a basket in . the Fifth FVa `'d, „!nd drove the girl out with the 11'aacked in this, leaving it on the door -step where it was found. Dunster is about. 28 yeara of age, and .has a wife and three children. Miss Carter was arrested on Thursday. Dr. Gardner is said to have attended her during he confinement. HURON Pi asiotTEnY.--There. was very little business of public interest tns- sacted at the meeting, in Seaforth, on Tuesday of last week. Only the :follow ing need be mentioned A remit upon the constitution of the General Assem- biy and .payment of Commissioners' ex pensea was pass '' -,.with some amend- ments; Rev. R. Y. i hompson's resign ation, tendered at last meeting, was accepted, although it will not take effect tilt the 19th of December next; a call from Knox Church, Goderich, to Rev.,T. H. Simpson, of Brucefield, was sustained, and 11 was agreed to dispose of it at a special meeting to be held -in Clinton, on the 6th of December r1he next regular meeting was ordered to be held in the :Thames road church on the third Tuesday in January. and arrange ments' were made for a Sabbath School convention in the same place, on the following day. PNEUMONIA! A SCIENTIFIC AND ACCURATE r)ESCBIPTION Or THIS DREADED 13000D DISORDER. "It is generally supposed that pneumonia "is clue to the accidental penetrating of "specific microbes into the system, but the "observations of M. Jaccoud show that the "disease really ;results from the development, "under favorable conditions, of microbio "germs permanentlypresent in the system. "A chief condition of such development is a "sudden chill,_whioh explains the frequent "coincidence of lung affections with abrupt Another prcminent (American) authority changes of temperatre." Srientific ascribes pneumonia to all excess of ozone,' ozone being produced by passage of electricity in the air. A distinguished American physician tells the .New York 'tribune that the prevelance. of peeulnouia indicates. the universality of a uricacid condition of the blood,—sudclen Chills always being 'characteristic effects , -off too much acid, of ono sort and another, The disease, as M. Jaccoud observes, is un. o cloubtodly in the blood, but if in the form permanent microbes or germs, these germs. nlust he 'developed by the uric -acid condition f the blood. Indeed they ' "not )ersuma- o ay can 1 bly exist in alkaline blood, Uric acid is the name for the wast° matter of the system. which the lndneys, through evident though uustispected impairment, havenot been abk filter from the blood, e filter being to i d, tit cig foul and p Y . nd stopped t m warn of its ]title hair-like tubes. Tho Tribune's authority save that Pe=ne aroma is a secondary ditorcler, the expostn'e and cold being: simply the agent; which cfe velou'the 'disease, already dormant iti the system, because the kidneys have been but partially doles their ditty Iu 'short, pnett• inonia is bitt an early indication of a bright ii diseased condition. This impaired action may exist for years atstsi bout the patient. sus- )ectlfi it because no pain will be felt in the 1 g { kidneys or their vicinity, and often it can bo detectd only by chemical and microscopical examinations. Nearly 150 of the 740 deaths in New York City tite first week 'in recent March, ar,d in six Wealcs '181 deaths, were caused by pnouuiouiaalone, If one has occasional 0111115 and fever, a tendency to colds in the throat and ]unt7s rheumatic and neuralgic pains, extreme tried feelings, short breath and plouratic stitches in the side, loss of appetite, back ache, tier- vous unrest--soakling sensations or scant and discolored fluids, heart tluttorings, sour stomach, distressed look, puffy eye saes, hot and dry skin; lose of strength and virality, pneumonia is likely to strike him down any day, and his recovery will he doubtful. These indioatione may not upper together, they may come, disappear and re -appear, for years, the person not realizing that they are nature's warnings of coming calamity. The disease is very quick -acting and if the accompanying kidney disorder is very far recoveryisimpossible.for th advanced, 0 kidneys give out entirely, and the patient is literally suffocated by water. The only safeguard against pneumonia is to maintain a vigorous condition of the sys- tem and thus prevent attiicks, by using whatever will radically and effe,etnally restore full vitality to the kidneys, and for tide there is nothing equal to Warner's Safe, pure, If the kidneys are not sound pneumonia can- not be prevented. This remedy is known to millions,, ilsed,probably, byhundr•edsof those. ands all over the world, and commended as a standard specific wherever known and used. It does not pretend to euro an attack of pneu- monia, but it does remove the cause of, and prevent that diseflse if taken in time. When a physician says his patient has either bright's disease or pneumonia, he con. fosses his inabilty to cure, and in a measure ho considers his ret.ponsibility ended. In many instances, iudoecl, persons are reported as dying of pneumonia,heart disease, apoplexy and convulsions, whenthoreal cause of death and so known by the physicians, is this kid- ney consumption. Thousauds of people have "it without knowing it, and perish of it because their physicians will not tell them the facts. The same destiny awiits every one who will mot exorcise his judgment in such a matter and be true to himself, his family audsociety. 4-71'1-1 Interesting Items. Mr. Gladstone may possibly winter in the south of ]+rauce. Poen Hope, ONT., May 2nd, 1887. I was.e sufferer from a long standing case of catarrh and being well up in years (72) hardly expected to ever obtain anything that would give me material or .permanent relief. At the time of receiving Nasal ,Balm I was very bad with catarrh,buttake great pleasuro in stating that on the second application I obtained wonderful relief and its effect was pleasant, soothing and healing. It acted like , magic and is worth ten times its cost for the immediate relief it gives.. I feel confident the second bottle will: affect a permanentcnre, I have recommended Nasal Balm for cold in the head and in eyery ease it acts like a charm. Yours Truly, T. W. HUNT. Minnie Hank has severed her relations with. Mapleson, and will go to Russia for a tour of thirty concerts. For , Rickets Marasmu. s and all Rickets, Wasting Disorders of Children. Scott'sErnulsion of Pure Cod Liver 011, with � s unequaled. Phe ra idi HJpairhosy tette , is rapidity with which children gain flesh and strength upon it is very wonderful. "I have used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets and Marasmus of long standing. In every.: case the improvement was marked."—J. M. Main MD; New York, Put up in 60 c. and $1 sizes. Advices from Massowah say that the Italian troops will take a strong position at Ailat, thirty miles east of . Massowab, and await the attack of the. Abyssinians, Dyspepsia Directly .disappears During Doses os Dr. Carsou's Stomach Bitters, the most reliable family medicine. All druggists. Pectoris 1 Pectoris ! Tectoria ! A better cough cure or expectorant is not made. Be- fore you give up try Pectoria, 25 cents .per bottle, all druggists. Rider Haggard is goiug ori a lecturing tour through America .with Stanley. Little. \'here the danger lies in using .pills in cold weather -almost all purgative pills ur pellets contain calomel or mercury iu some form or other. By using Dr. Carson's Sto- mach: Bitters you get a perfectly pure 'vege- table purgative. Dar'gebottles 50 cents, Au agent of the Ser'vion Government has been arrested at Sofia. Servia has demand- ed an explanation. Foreigners are not allow- ed to enter Sofia. Anvtoa To ltroTwans.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest a sick child suffering and crying with rain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and got a bottle of "ltirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. .Its valuG is incalculable, It: will telieve the our little sufferer immediately.. :,euond upon it, mothers : there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarncooa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind: Colic, softens the Gums,redncoslnflauunation, and gives tone and energy tothewhole system. "airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teethingi,spleasant to the, taste and isthe pprescription of one of the oldest and bes female physicians and nurses iu the United States, and is forsale by all druggists through- out the world. Price twenty-five cents abot- tle. ot-tle." Be sure and ask for "Kits, WIN5LOw's SoomnnNG Primp "and take no other kind. Mr. Gladstone has a slight cold. He •re- mained in doors alt day: TEN YEARS' OP TORTURE. Mrs'. Thomas Acres, of Huntley, Ont., was for ten years a sufferer from liver complaint, which the doctore' medicine did not relieve. Alter using four bottles of Burdock ]flood Bitters see was entirely cured, and states that she is like a new woman again.: The Spanish Government has annovnced its intention of adhering to the couvention between France and England relative to the Suez Canal. PRFIVAILING'SIOKNIeSS. The most prevailing complaints at this season are rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat iniamation',and congestions. - For all these and other painful troubles Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the best internal and external remedy, A SIGNIFICANT FACT. The worn but, waste and poisonous matter in the system should escape" through the secretiane of the bowels, kidneys and dein, or serious disease results, 13. B. 13. opens these natural outlets to remove disease. A project is on foot to erect Polish theatres at Cracow and Lemberg, which is a sign of a revival of national feeling. UNIVERSAL APPROBATION. The unedical profession, the clergy, the press and the pnblie alike acknowledge the virtues - of Burdock Blood Bitters, 05 an um equalled remedy for chronic diseases of the stomach liver bowels kidneys and blood, Its popularity increases with its years of trial, The hustro=Flungatian delegations have approved the ordinary and extraordinary war budp pts. ,( KNOW, r To L VAri raB 7a I I7 Consumption may be more easily prevented than cured.' The . irritating and harassing cough will be greatly relieved by the use of I agyard's Petorial Balsam that, eurescoughs ,` colds' bronchitis and ,till 7itliuonor troubles. ! y Persian ariviees say that the Shah's proposed visit to Europe fins been prosnoncd until' 1880, I+OR FROST BITES. ...thele as uo bettor remedy for float : bites, rintlbdains and similar troubles, thauhTa[,yard's Yellow Oil.' It also mires rheumatism rum• dean s and! re n.. sole throat, deafness, a ° esanucl baso,,+ .rall ellow Cil is used lu er 1 11 pain generally. Y t r a y and externally. The anniversary of the battle of Sfivnitza was celebrated at Sofia Saturday. SureThing J FOR PURR PARIS GREEN FOR GEN GINE HELLIBORE FOR No. 1 INSECT POWDER Farmers, Bl1106I WOOI)HAM. l V ') V Nj ? The undersigned would respectfully inform the community that they have leased the above -TS mills for a term. of years ; and Will be pleased to have a call from alt. The mill has recently TELE1 �j (-t �v r-� t r1 been improved, by the addition of no w macf - L 5 1 Liz IJ b 0 1 inery, ft is the intention of the subscribers to ontubi, tadd :a set of he a rolls as soon n possible; and all ned Woodham Grist 'Mill Will be second to none iu the West, Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or exchanged for oats. TIoN GUARANTEED. ae- 'TRIAL SOLICITED, T. & A. McNE'VIN, ALSO A FINE ASSOIt,TMENT JF Fishing (.11 acyls ALWAYS A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF - Call and Examine fol.• Your se J.W. BROWNING, Prop. —CURES— Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick, Headache, Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism Skin Diseases —anti all - Impurities of the Blood from what- ever cause arising Female weakness & General debility Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated, Pleasant and effectual to use, —ASK F011— Doctor Hodder's Compound. Take no other Sold everywhere. Price. 75 cents per bottle. DR. HO DDER'S Coy_ LungCure Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50 cents: per bottle. Proprietors and Manf'r's,: the" Union Medicine Company, Toronto, Canada. YDUNG MEN Suffering from the effects' of early evil habits, the result of ignorance or folly, who And themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted; also Ttixn a AGED and OLD MLN, tivho are broken down from the effects of abuse Or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and READ M. V. Lubon's--Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two 2c. stamps. Address M. V.LUBON,47 Wellington St. E. Toronto. .Ta.u.l3th,1887. 1—v. • The Great English Prescription. A; successful Medicine used over , 80 years in thousands of cases. 1ty� Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous " e r missions impotency .. T{ eakness, � 2) J '0 °t- and all diseases caused by abuse. [azimut] indiscretion, or over-exertion, t.,& al Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when at others Fail, Ask your Druggist for The Great Pececrlytton, take no substitute. One package S1. Six $5, by mail, Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka chemical Co., Detroit. Mich. 1 SATISF AC WILL CURE..OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising. from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELP "R BLOOD. MILBUI0 & CO.- •OprzMl 'ro 0 P, I 16 0 6 WI'. P4 11* ,BEAN'S r01-t,B1 POWDER Are pleasant to t;ke. Contain their own - Purgative. Is. a: s-fe. s-ro. i.l1 ct:ectUalf OCroyer of worms to <.,thdran 00Atenit[f , POSITIVE riga 190IL CATARRH. GtIVZS immediate Bad FOR Cold hiHead, HAY FEVER.' EASY TO USE. Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price 50 cts. and 51.00. If not obtainable at your drug• gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. Addres8 FULF®RD CO., Brookyill©, Opt. TRUSSES ! tt la #.1. ..* to, 0 M, tiO IA M l" i.'.. L g if ,'7. go it te t t 0 Al Al ma ''li. ...0 44 i4 414 0 4i CHRISTIA'N LAWYER. uiannfac- tuner of all kiuds of Trusses ; Residence: Ranule's Mills, Hay, Hetero lie will attend to the wants of any who may require his services, Why pay, from 415.00 to $25 00 for the same ar- ticle which he can furnish you for 55.00, and which is as good if not bettor and warranted to 'flt with comfort? Remember, Double Trusses, $5.00 ; Single Trusses, $2.50. All cotu- municationsaddressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, Zurich P. 0., Ont. Dissolution of Partner ship province of Ontario, County of Anion. 1 We, Samuel Sovoitzet Belay Sweitzer, John SteitZc !incl Ada,.niteicltert, of tho Township of Stephen, County. of Huron, Province' of On- iarto t 1, a Mannfactnrers, nl embers of the. firm .ferrying ort busin+'sa as Peer 11l(tnatactu- •ors at the Village of Crecriton, Township of $ top nen Con lityotHuroll. and the' Village.. of Exeter, said fJ ruoty of Hlrret., under the style of lr Swot tzcrSons :C Co„ do hereby certify thiat the sant pattnArs hip was on tbo lith day of October, A. D„1887, dissolved byiuutualcont- sent. Allpersons'owing any money to the said f ,n will please onytlle ":mine to Samuel weitaer,Croliton,P.0., who is hereby in- iiti 'ictitd by 11,e 1101(1 lir,in- neted by the said firm to collect all accounts and pay all debts. Witness this 15th clay October, A, 15, 1987. saart7L,L S\VEITZ11SH, 9 T, HENRY.LZEu - �s:� I Tt. 1” V.Y r, r 'W too„q1, Either, JOHN� r. .t bl. bu' T ADAM >I r,ICLTAItl CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physieiau; retired frotn pre et ice, hay ing had, placed in his hands by sit Bast Indian mieSiouttry the formula of a' simple vegetable roinody for, the Speedy arid pe'rnab0ilt euro of Conantn )tlou, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, Wino a posi- tive and radical Cnr0 for Nervous Debility and all N ot'votis Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of . en sea, hos felt it his ditty to Inake tt known to his tatted g fellows. Actuated by. ci.t.q motive Gird a, ,desire to relieve hernial sintering. send. free et charge, to all who desire 'tt. this recipe, 111 Goon n,n,Ere nah or English, with foil' directions for preparing and Using, fiont by mail by addressing stamp, taming this paper, W, a Norrrs,189 Power's 3lIoeV RC ow ter N 2X11 . Zito The whole 535101n IS deranged and out of pimples, boils and '4impure, IID sorts The nloocil. p t live sprtsappearingan the foes rind body.. The liver ie clogged and inactive, causing fa- tigue, to SP of attbietite, 8 dull,giloeny, tireddfeel- ing ,withinability to do work. the complexion is fatless and buddy. and it is n baolutaly ne- cessary,to enjoy good health, to take the celo- bi•ate(2 Dr. CHASE'S Mandrake, Dandelion Liver Cure, which puri - deg the blood by stimulating the Liver, aiding digestion and promoting a natural evacuation of the bowels. Maudriake end Dandelion aro two of the best Liver rognlatm's known, :cud f all medical men agree that the Liver is of more vital importance to health than the Heart anri Lungs, If the Liyer is torpid or in- active, Dyspeusta, Indigestion, Headaolie,Cos- tiveness, etc. will result L -I-V- - Complaint, Kidney and Urinary Trnub1o,Jeitn- dice, Liver spots, impure Blood, Foul I3r'eath, are quickly cured by Dr. Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Liyer "cp E Wllentbo Ki alloys are diseased, overtaxed and:weakened, ono o1• two bottles aro guar- anteed to Jure. 1811.Alex, Taylor, West Gwil- limbm'y.'was 61001)101 for 15 years with kid- ney disease,' was compelled to rise 5 'lid L< timosthtougi the n,ght to urinate, suffered 112101150 pOlti, 5,1111 was finally cured niter all other remedies and physicians had failed, by using three bottles. 5000,000 SOTd D Over ono -half million of De. Chose s Receipt :books 11aVe been sold in Ca0itd,a alone, and the h want every parser, troubled vita :i.,ivor out. plaints and kidney diseases. etc„ to tray Chase Liv ave.a. ure. Wrapped around every buttle is luableC RECEIPT-BOOK FREE. Nc iscly's house or01130118010 011 811011111 be without this hook, the !most collection of reel - pee extant The ladies 'ro (Anent gtv o re- ceipts for beautifying the 0001)1080i31.tttor. one Biflnn,Ctrnale of ltor'nt3,Mao DOW , 81001(108, sunbulnl, 83 :1,1r Dyes and Promoters, Toots} owdoi8„Waehrs,(initlonhn .n•J)v,, for bleachittg;dark ham to a 'golden hue, Eye or Lustre. etc„ etc, Sold by all a[i ddeniersail. IHaya. bottle, Vho boot- 01010 is womb!i toll times the east of '1'r De, (mows i'i,idne : Liver Pine the only. Try Y pill made acting clirectlg on the i{iduoys, Liv' ea and Boasts, Price 20 e, Solclby all deal- ors, BE ON YOUR G-VAR1'). Don'tallow m cold in liea(1 to 'slowly and surely develop into catarrh, when you eau be cured 101 Mc, by esing 11,'. Chase's Catarrh Cure, .A few applic.ctiousutu•0 insipient firth ; 1 to 2 boxes euro oecdinaryeatarrh ; ,t to 5 boxes is guarnntood to Cur'o chronic catarrh, Try it, Only 25e.and sure Cure, C/ITEEN CITY OIL TORS. At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. 'I'his ail was Used on all machinery during th e Exhibition. 11 bas been awardcid NINL+' GOLD MEDALS duriug the hest three yearal. t'See that you get Peerless. It is only mode by S,A,MQZ Ta a .OQ '• is Clk CO.. Ey Q q' : _ TOS FOI,i, SALE BY JAS.IGKAR P D. FR1JITS,FRIJITSJFRJJITS>~ THE F I' ILY GROCERY Is the place to go for all kinds of fruits in season. FRESH GROCER.IES ALWAYS IN STOCK. C4NDIES IIUTS, AND CONFECTIONER?, OYSTER PARLOR My Oyster Parlor is one of the cleanest and best ap- pointed in town. The Oysters are always fresh, and cooked in the best of Order. �1�: ul I ald+T,.f� 37ndmanaz 3. �'L,, r? • 5, '40 .2 ��aQ D ,'Viv'G ' 1T`°;`` -.... i1A 0.O GF) os!o ��e, • ti4 `� ,0c., 1��T, �g0 Oi .10 O V'°' c.-;,...` •`1�' fr ee r` ye , .c% ...,,,t, i5 C`%. .% . r” 1ti �i,� .109 ��o` 0 11 0`0 rb*4 a. ,,�s ale `� e - � G� �2 5c y�i `� 4 1.0 ��. O 0 � "a� _ nfi 6SL ,.+yet 80. ye ° ''mac ' off40 ? r`� ,1,-.,..s,',,,,, ofi e `0 i �? ..c �qe aw,!<:,,e,;.,ate c�4z � v a,"3 ‘.9 '<°° 1� •` o .� t C ,S1�. P ti y e .� 3 „e b ,o M o ,2• � t 6 v a' -i.,° .-u 1 li` ti� e s c 3 V'� . �19T m` : % -: Manufactured only by Thomas Hollows 778 New Oxford Street, s. late 533, Oxford Street, London. at= Purchasers should look to tke Label on the Boxes and:P'otsj If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.. 1 ` t ARE (Wholesale and Retail.) t>aBUILDER'S ITARDWARE—Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Looks, Hinges Botts (fall line.) CARRIAGE HARDWARE—Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hnbbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners,. Shafts,Moquette Wunslin, Drill, c$c. MILL SUPPLIES—Stow Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leath- er. l3eitiugs, &a. SPORTING MATERIAL—Breach Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, &c; Rochester Lamps, Silver Star Coal Oil, Wicks, Bur- ners, Axes, c& Skates. LANCE SAWS. STOVE DEPARTMENT —SEE THE— Original Cook and Triumph HEATING STOVES. The Bradley Eavetrough and Tin- ware a Specialty. Verity's Plows and Points, Cal- iPlaste ; Carpet, Felts, . ole e s Pitch p Umar, Sandia your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Semonie Blossburg Coal before it advances. Ansaled Galvanized and Barb Wire cheap. JAMES PICKARD Furniture & Undertakina i'i'i, .'+'•}�. (ill1 ir,liliY - t We would call the attention 0111)0eon le of Exeter and surrounding country to p p fact that 0o, hexing purchased the stook and business of WILLIA111 _DREW, are Offer special indu: ements in .E'a l'loi• Setts, Plain and iraercy 'rabies, springs Regi ifattr!5sts ]3eci1'001l1 Setts, Wood, -Calif" c�°r, Perforated Chairs, Book Cases,. " sideboards, Whhatnots,.cradles WritingWritinge;ks U , 5 , : BBalistands. Cupboards, &. Variety in � Sit ..o,C. And au Endless � suetyBeds, 1 1 eat><s, Gtilebaar.els, i , Thoroughly , .. .. i.. g 0 r n vin Itad erten.. of Lumber is Lugo and Seasoned, and, having g Our Stogy, g :e , t 1 rv'' Stylish 1d 5e experience in the hauling factories of no Dominion, we can gftiaranleo St,y a , erre . able Fnrntture. Goods is the Largest in the County, and Hent so bhp Our Steel, of Ullcleltal.nlg Gao 6„, i, .s'_ 1 c I breech of the bu.tn°s an, nal north of London. Specie... Wien tvtl be paid to this i s, eq ovot yone will find us prompt al dreliable liminess hen 7DED TO. KINDS �Lt' S.ATTItN + TIG Or ALL { DSP O�iPTL REPAIRING' Remember the Stand Ono Door North of V ols '5 Tao , E pliVEI