HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-24, Page 4rite der /TV NR THURSDAY, NOV 2i ale sae ACCUSED OF 1MMOII1,LITY, fee the peace o£ Iautopo. Phos cones as this ss the only method by wi uc t The collodion girls are not, too highly tin obtain the true facto of the case, and , este the e�•. Dr. Cleary, R. ee uP always in the very fountain of delights Bishop by a taste for solttething bitter. France and .,m see every item there in its proper place a Bistro , or Kingston. In the course of I s nosed to,have been p ll,ussia. Vvs�re up iustcsicl'of a few extracts pronneeeously SITUATION IN EUROPE: The triple alliance of 0erineny, ,An trio arta Italy, likely to be mado for most questions a geedruplo ?411iauce by the adhesion of England, does tot seem to offer all the security that could be wiehea cO MMUNICATIONS. 1'o the P'diDor of the Exeter Times, Dems Sue ---[t is not our intention to en- ter into any newspaper controversy with Messrs. Rowe et Andrews, We thesis we have already answered thele by inviting the public to exanune the by-laws and pro ceodiuge of our Association for themselves, 1 ' 1 they eflY�l CARPETS' FOE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT, CHOICEST PATTERNS, AND BEST VALUE.IN ONT, .RIO, laced and the ro ler explanation wrt old. 1 I 33 M A .i.. T..i.. .� ppI 1 _ . i.. Our rules are subject to changes from year ij I i t� i; `N�, ,I; to year, and we see these parties quote from ;i. , t1 1885 wbioh actually ceaseilto be +ink le ere you will find. carpets of all makes awl qualities, and the g id of ��h,: � ps) I d Where our guide over a year ago. The roles of +� JO 1886 bave since passed away, and the rules n ..+. at the lowest cash prices. • now our true guide, are --- '` S Union Carpets, Alhwool 1 C arpOt , Tapestry of ngt,wuichareiov --�� IHemp Carpets, P slut through the press at he present time, rt otS Balmoral Carpets, Brussels Carpets, and the are not yet issued ; but we th will show Carpets, them to anyone when we get thein, Now, o little collect information show how '1 kvv will KI �West t the W l Don't fail to visit the Mammoth Carpet t H use of 1 d with the by-laws, where a Wt c' itf' �hos� a his reply to the address presented Hint at Napinee recently by the laity of the church the rev. doctor made a violent attack, on the girls of this fair Dominion. There may be some unblushing maidens Canada butthe Bishop has considerably checkmated by the new combination, 41 the snore that the Legion of Honor.scan- dal and the self -acknowledged guilt of President Grevy'a son-in-law gave the French Government more than enough to irr arta a think about at home, without seeking stretehed his imagination. Canadian girls complications. Peace was supposed to will compere favorably with those of any be assured by l the new that combination sort 1 nem constantly forget other country, The Bishop seeks to, tain element in humeri affairs is unoer- hold the public schools responsible for the tainty. The peace of Europe depends on lack of maidenly modesty, but he should the Emperer l illiani1 and he is near his know quite well that if the girls are bold end.ewar, Cr wane Prince sewho is no tt 0policy lover lr to fault lies almostwlaolly with ' 7rin e twill not live to be and rude the father 1 but the i o the home training. The following is the omperox, The growth in his throat is g beyond the power of medicine or surgery , mionths,ee that and at the next annual meeting it 1 r for we v to extirpate. His eldest son, Frederickwas thrown out almost annual mer. V.Te William, now twenty-eight years• old, are axon those who opposed it from the l very first With regard to an extract frpm a certain "card they mention, you will see that it does not refer to an undertaker„at all. It simply says the "would-be under- taker,” If Messrs. Rowe & Ancireww e think their own standard reaches no higher than this, eve certainly cannot control their thoughts, but we will apologize on behalf of the Association if it hurts their feelings. could he t They say we have boasted thatY not get goods.' In this they lieve.beea mis- informed. What we Say is this : That we do not know where we can buy goods as ebeap and of as good quality outside of our present market. NOW, as lee have offered our b- dm tea3 the public the privilege of g.. , laws, we ask to be excused if we.take no further notice of any false statements that may be made against us in the future. We Remain Yours Truly, C. & S. GIDLhk • .. t 0 match.) cll. alp Carpets, (borders ) nC Eti Anglo -wilco p , these parties are really able to give you on - t dr @ O this;subleat. ' They speak of "dealing with a price list .n the future. This price list can i % nowhere 8e found in oiir by-laws. Perhaps & Co t of of the meeting�.: - "• - �' -s the .miuntes F 1885 awe got, t e 5 mixed n evi t , 183 p few parties submitted a price list ;' butl xf _ the will open their eyes a little wider they Ab ��y Pre 176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET , (Fust of Richmond] -St. Y attack '• When the Anel eg p eared to the Virgin with the salutation, "Hail Mary," she was timid. and ashamed, being frightened at the appearance of a maxi. Oh the modesty of the Virgin Mary,! What a contrast to the conduct of the warners and girls of this outs- try1 The women of Canada axe not timid or odest, but bold and loud in their actions in public; You all know how wvoteen scream and screech in their talk in the oars, until abase who would have quiet or who would g And -ar I enjoy a read, giye up in disgust, e forced to seek a quieter retreat in the smok- ing car. Travelling in Canada is made well nigh intolerable by bold, screaming, sereseh- iug wonxen. Girls, too, on the streets kick up their heels, -.flirt tixeir petsicoats, and stare into the faces of the anon they meet, until a gentleman who has ary regard for modesty is stared completely out of counten- ance. Is this an example we got from the Vir- gin Mary 9 If girls understood anything of modesty or a becoming demeanor they would not be guilty of such conduct. But of the beauty' and virtue of modesty they are not he taught anything. Modesty is not one oft things taught in our public schools ; on the contrary girls at these schools learn to be boisterous, immodest, screaming, kicking creatures, such as was never seen even among paeans. Our public schools are des- troyers of modesty, an ''abomination and a disgrace. All female modesty is destroyed in the girls that attend them, and they be- come rude,. screeching females, who kick their heels, ilirt their skirts, and stare into.the faces of mea with a boldness that must bring the blush of shame to the cheek of every modest man. Only think of this in contrast with the timid modesty of the Holy Virgin Mary ! Not many females in Canada would be frightened at the ap- pearance of a mane Nothing struck use so mneh on coming to Canada as the contrast between the women here and those of the 01d Country. There, through centuries of advancing civilization, society has been brought to its highest development, and we and puritya all its in ter character womanly C •see modesty. All females are trained in modest thought and action from childhood up. No screaming in the cars, or in public places; men not stared out of countenance and brought to far the immodestof the femalles theybet either publ c or private. deaf of and mo set u women 9. Girls and men are demeanor,, avoi ding the attention ofstrangers and paying due respect to parents and their elders. How different here. Everywhere we tneetthesereanting wvomenorrude,boisterous girl. The public, schools are schools of cor- ruption, ' ruption, the abomination of the country. Girls are trained to be bold and impudent, and without that modesty which we admire in the Virgin Mary, and which should be the pride of woman.'' Later in his address, His Lordship, in referring.to the unbroken succession of Popes to theohair of St. Peter, said: (`This is a matter ofhistory, but whie ls is not taught in the schools; history is not taught in our public school's. I have heard boasts of the splendid school system of the country, but I tell you such an ignorant system the world nevr saw before. Know. ledge and principles which should be given to 11 h world are carefully , • must become, at no distant day, Kung a Prussia and Emperor of Germany. He is said to be of a haughty and dictatorial oharaoter, and entirely devoted to military affairs. It will De no easy matter to res- train such a ruler, with an instrutnent like the German army ready to his grasp, or prove to him beforehand that man sword, y o w taketh s , who p of those the sword.. Almosteat the sante moment with the news of the Crown Prince's imminent danger, the Austrian Prelnier, Count Kalnolcy, madera speech, which can only to be regarded as an indirect answer Russia's declaration, after the late mili- tary review, that she also was ready for mobilization. Europe, said Count Kal- noky, had welcomed the alliance made with Germany and Italy ; and England, whose interests in the East coincided with those of Italy and Austria, was moving towards a union with the three powers. He could give no guarantee of peace under all circumstances,: but he hoped the efforts of the allies for the maintenance of peace would be success- ful. This was a distinct menace to Russia, though she was not named, and the irritation at St. Petersburg was the greater, that such a speech front the Austrian Premier expressed, undoubtably the sentiments of Bismark. Threatening language from the Hungarian Prune Minister might be interpreted as a con- cession to the Anti -Russian feeling of the Hungarian Parliament; but used by Count Kalnoky, it oould only mean that Germany and Austria were ready to defy Russia. The condition of France is not much more favorable to pewee. The. Govern- ment a re eau t , holds precarious meat Ito by trifle may bring on a collision:at home that will be the cause of war, for which there are, unhappily, motives always sufficiently near at had. The signs of peace in Europe shine by their absence. S This powder never varies. A marvel of pur- ity, strength and wholesomeness, More eoono- nrieal than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the,nultitudes,of low test, short weight, alum orpbos__p}hate powders. Sold only in cars. 1ZOYALBA;KIN i!?Ow'VDElt OC:.,100 Wall street bT, Y Sale Register. '1BuESn11, Nov. 24. -Farm Stock, Im- plements, &c., the propertrot Joseph N. Fauider, Lot 4, con 4, liticGilhvray. Sale at one o'clock. Ana. B. BtLliEii,,AuO . FRIDAY, Nov. 25th.. -Farm Stock, Imple. menta, Flax mill and other property of Messrs. Sweitzer, Son & Co., at Crediton. Sale at one o'clock. No reserve. H• EILSER, Anat. TIfuxsD .T, Nov. 24th.- •tarn Stook, .Cm- plements, &c.; the property of Mex. Frazer, lot 27, South Thames road, Usborne. Sale at one Ho. onto `k.BrownAuct, `TUESDAY, Nov." 29. -Farm Stook. the To the Editor of the Exeter Times. DEAR SIR. -I have no desire to enter into any controversy with Messrs. Rows & An- drews as to the propriety of the Undertak- ers of this province forming themselves into an Association for the elevation aud progress of their avocation. It is emphatically an age wherein all legitimate trades; callings, professions or estates, do amalgamate to- gether for mutual counsel pertinent to the welfare of their particular lines, and why not the Undertakers also ? For these gen- tleman, Messrs. Rowe & Andrews, to state is over their .names, that I 'have "threat- ened theta with dire calamity if they dare to advertise disrespectfully of our As- sociation," is only another instance of their method of prevaricating, and their appar- ent inability to confine themselves to the ordinary principles of truth. 1 have never made any such threats to these gentlemen, neither are they in any sense or form "boy- cotted" or interfered with by the Associa- tion,. as a whole or any member, pf the same. It' is true, however, that tbey are not en - "titled to any of the privileges peculiar to our Association, simply because they are not members of the same, and I suppose they find themselves equally detained from t9 of any other the benefits Y participating in Society, trade or calling, wherein they do not obtain membership. In order that they may secure the sympathy of the public in your locality they would have them believer that our Association is a "gigantic fraud," (in there choice remember.) to extract ex- orbitant prices from thein. Here again they advertise and state another untruth, for neither is, Mr. Brawn nor Mr. Gidley bound by any prices formulated by us as an Association, but they can sell their funeral supplies to their respective patrons for any sum they choose, without the Asso dation. taking any cognizance whatever of the; same. So muclt for the Windmills these j "Quixotic Knights" have been tilting at. Now for the assertion. in your issue of Nov. 3rd, that 'they, (Messrs. Rowe & Andrews;) "have never applied to the Secretary or RECORD. THE BYE -ELECTION Since February Dominion elections have been held in Ont. East Bruce, O South Victoria, Ont. Restigouche, N. B. Digby, '. S. South Renfrew, Ont. Charlevoix, Que. 'iV,est Bruce, Ont. Colchester, N.; S. Cumberland, N. S. Haldimand. Victoria, N. S. , 11 in all. With the exception of Res tigonche and west Bruce a contest took the Conserva- tive candidate titer an candidate f ashes are concerned, is as follows : everyparticular." Andrews: Let its analyse it suck. Y prepared to ofpro- Conservatives by acelamation..........2-11 d: to say thatthe I0 bits. Are you re are you purchased the ns o for gn Libet'als elected 1-11 business did not make any applicatia he •did Conservative gainsmembershi n property East. Boundary, Usborne. Sale at one n Atm 'clock H. B of John McGregor, lot 5, LONDON, ..„gam . Salesmen anted, OWL% WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30. -Farm Stock, lm- piements &c., the property or Mrs Mary England, lot 13 con 5, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock:. Silber, Auc. Parties getting their sale bills.printed at this office will receive a notice simi- lar to the above tree of charge. . WHAT TS IMPL+'RIAL. all�`P; 'L+o canvass for nursery stock, Steady' em plcyYmont to good men, Salary and expense paid. Apply at once, stating age, p�� CEASE BROTHERS, 9ey p� yrs D CoERS, ,t)xr To new premises West side Main-streetIs a One Door South On nfnctured b an expert Itis au article man Y chemist after many years of careful study aud seieutific experiment; called, Imperial Cream Tartar Baiting Powder. Makes light- est, whitest bread, rolls, biscuit, cake, &C. ld b 11 racers. o Ya g NOTICE o n- on of the Coun- ty u ati ad r or ha the BOn it of h p A1Wa nuc 0 ThaC Y tgof Enron will Town of Goderioh on. December ne%t. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. E. The Under - A -4 NOUS L' signedtakes the liberty to inform the Ira - veiling ccommodPublic i shot ba opened his accommodation of all travellers, on October 1st. Those who favor 'him with their patro- nage will receive the best attention, There is good. stabling in connection, JOHN CALLAND1;lt,1 irkton of cast Office POW ®E 0 �%ith Wherewill be found w he .v e O1Z P.1i.&. T 8+ A NEW AND G fBtsShozs Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, ,701-111'BREW' UNDERTAKER & CABINET-I/AK R, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALso Corms or Erma DEsoammTI0s,. 99 PERCENT PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Ready for use' in any quantity. For ,making Soap, Softening water, Disin- th uses, A. fecting,aind a hundred o e, can equals 2O pounds Sal Soda; d b all Grocers and Druggists, Sol y ciin M,tbY.GILLETT. - TORO. Lots, Lots, Lots, 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets; also a number of xoUEs FARM LAD FOR SALE, A Complete Stock of Babes & Trimmings in F parties desiring Land or �t i meet in the Court House well t0 Gail- •M t da of WOUld d0 the Is Y liSeS a � O ?bored COR. g Y AND tiISE ED UN iiA trs F uI� , salt the undersigned, ec concealed -while the th things which ought to be taughtind place m each coustitnenay, in the fol tion for admission to membership, and those) Vera. Lewis, Assignee, or ro R. EilLer, Aue., while thoseg her officer or member or the Assocas- and re which the young ought to trained lrc.ate being returned etiiemodesty or girls, and to guide d the Liberal in that as sinuatewho saitul insinuate that which is did, etin Crediton. P. 0. to presety the young in the path they should walk ter, unopposed. The result as Strong language, Messrs. w IN.— �OP SALE,—A BARGAIN.— Quarter Quarter section of North West Laud, near Virden 160 acres, six miles froth n,1 Virde three from tiarg:are Stations,Manitobs, AlVto w, II. iV10I:CCE 'eter. Farm For Sale. Therewillbe sold by Public Auction, a Grant's Hotel ,Crediton, on Wednesday, 23rd, at one o'clock, p. m., one hundred acre of land, beim gLot 18, Con. 10, Township o Stephen. 40acrescleared, balance ash, e and cedar bush, Wilt be sold, subiect foto ur er G Nov, f lm DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. GIVE ME A CALL EVERYBODY READS DULMAGES ADV. Terms to suit pwrchaser. I. CARLII , .r •sn. 1 ORtCENTRAL 1r �. W3= i7 Because therein are con -1 ,., ds e £ Bfull stock of all kill •tA tamed the following bargains . 1 Dye -stuffs and package 25au •, Dyes, constantly on hand. W inan's Condition Powd- ers the hest reserve bid. Pm f th particulars appy f V1jEAR p Farm for Sale g are overlooked as ,,,,necessary, or unworthy p 9 Bowe &And' Number of contests see how far this will stunt the test p A first-class farm, containing 100 acres, situ• as the world never saw. ated near limeade -id, ld, Por salon acrufldings, barbarity of life ate Wellsnear, splendid orchard,e good dbuild first, Women scream and roar he the cars and in C etvatives slectecl entlenxan from whom class gravel roads in all directions. Sts miles the streets. Why you are in danger of from Clinton. or inSea-forth, e:orfall particulars &c ' teYS. „ • Riot Barristers. being knockedtbsdohs a so t. rItt the 3 apply to Elliot & D t• memberships Will you assert that ter, Ont,; or schools she rushes about. In the public 0 of make that application for p xnBT.BARBED, schools girls became so rude and so shame- Liberal gains 73rucefieiu P. O. fullyeimmodest, as no stare s. the face h the The loilovr3ngfottr seats are still va- the buafter siness ?u e Will you deny that he said Sept. 1st t -m, methey mast on streets. Oar schools cant : application was not made in order to trans. ABM FOR S9.LE.--The under- aughtto be Christianized. Putting young Doxcltescer; Que. for membership in the Assacf order to you as young girls to ether and allowing • Yartriouth N. S. aped offers for sale his farm, being lot men andg his successors ? Furthermore, a gentleman, 14, con.; township of 'Osborne, two miles and them. to associate her , is annt abotraint, an few done Shelliu rte, N. S. to whose veracity There is hat a shadow of a hall from Ex ter 790 acres about it acres a in the sahopls here, is abomination whick Kent' C)nt, j d 1 t vFntxou heli � • clouted and 1.. met class t f even pagans would nottolerate, and � 1 T Ohm S hasledtothedestruction ofall femalemodesty. caustic d to very .au ate Y lti contrasted ra ds His Lor p of attention, There is in Canada such ,a RI AL NOTES. ITO ED languege the system in vogue in this country in Victoria, N. S., and that of the old world, completing his At an election held remarks with an appeal to the young girls of his congregationto preserve their modesty son Monday, Mr. John A. McDonald (con- es a -priceless towel, sexvatiee) was re-elected to the House of stunt Xi cs of the Toronto Globe's silly attack upon Mr: Chamberlain, the San Francisco Chronicle says : "No obstacle ito the success of his missian'tvill be thrown xt his way by any Irishman in America, y unless it be by such, a crank as O'Donovan -Masa or some idiot of the same stripe: The Globe has started out to win the applause of the American papers, and now that one of them has elevated it to au ecltial eminence .with O'Dynamite Rassa, it ought to be quite satisfied. Q e f 1 It con public and obtain pat TER £'avrnsllipdf nv or sale. t r sseC o also we .? •( lie remises. a Y6 C s o joie t c desire firs a t - with 1 hou1se - dwelling hot Andr t e mg 3w s; �1 TEAS 1 e toe mo sores more ar uric heravo r wrsthall TE AS 1 TEA S ; EAS, ' nce that are at van.n, ref Lots iV'n. 21 and 22, lnrich as .nit learn the 'n con Ycmisos, .and all ronvan r 1�LA 11kevil of things you do not un k t Tho propexty ixasfrom salt v delve the intelligent nonage by statements t with feats , wad so soon Y frame builds g 1' saran ' trees. T Campbell, by t h +iian the yout Commons, defeating C 3' C amp , (he under any app'sn Bee ter s ate o cultivation, ` yofjlG7�fiy theCi state at rxttr rt Con bush, in which there Is some the City of very vnTna MEN'S UNDER , MEWS OVERCOATS $5,00. 2 Pair WOOLEN SOCKS 50o. 6 Half Chests Young Hyson to hand, con- ' in 400 ,lbs. New season in to g at POc good value will 1 s in the mark sell from now till Xlna,s holi ea , et and always days. ver vinna le ti rail timber; c L 1 t h ra the farm 16 a 11 fenced ono drains t fi t la e buck 1 „ cranio cal the 1 t ep hie oak and black ash , 1 0 07 b r the your firm had e*cp a i i , be r, an t What are u p here p ,• Slai t a ler d ' In u-. lir m enx b $2.00. I fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter $8.90. class C ellars two r e epYtn E.,a aura on are apply do ICnl t Zy Y P 1 sE�lr.P O 1:11._5rocorA1'�i�i, IN :deers, Bawo & ewe Som �' odd hurts; two nave' failing eters,” no meat, o , asy8- tele "Fax becallset s nest -class orchard. For part grapes are sour." The last and porting t>;epremises, to Tli S SHUTE words. shall bare with ,Messrs. Rowe & Ct-13 -a - he - that ed not Andrew., are to effect a yon rte can da- HE OLD 1VtoLE+�D F ei lino t roc f" be kl5 Jam ' tit of 4 P a majority , itt ad • onavelrnd. Go g enough votes to save his deposit. Try my Cee .at ,10 cents. first lessors that helongs to every ellecessfal rendes ;. trcrgo op cella a of trust b b SIP FRLDEnin 14 IID- ` ess man, and guard your tongues Th,e Tand of oo� an ,t 1i minles f sky's jft - Coffee -Pure --The ItAr, bxtsm to JO1t-GENE Good, _ N retires from the Tntperia Army frau speaking' ereblcl ' re est mar lea onsforssllin' -Going north. to ms. Lard--''£hc Crown .brand. xpiExo derstand,'' then rod will be nrnnres. €, Bacon ..Iia , of Lieutenantter from a.. He alta eau- in any stenapoint l,rncure were land. Was Il with or without with the aril~ 1 spec' other, epu y P it rthet particulars ivied a rivets letter from the •of • Business, trek or integrity, Pas rode p 1 w71i w4)'T Soli It tee -aro -- I, Best in the Market. Wn have received fleets Mr. Thomas Central Farmers' Shaw, .Secretary of the C institute of Canada, a pamphlet of seven- ty rages Ott "Commercial Union." The l 7 1 ie author discusses the subject fully, falls, however, into the common error of Commercial Union enthusiasts in stating the scheme at present advocated dif- fers only frounlimited reciprocity in the fees 3 res 'txv completeness of its scope. He ignores 1 the fact that uncle' commercial union would haw}e to surrender her right L w90 Canada n Duke of Cambridge complimenting him for his able direction of the Canadian militia and expressing regret that owing to compulsory retirement the Imperial ould lose so valuable an officer. Art* sh 1'ItAN1C :LESLIE gUNDAY MAGAZINE FOR DECEMBER,. The December num- ber of FRANK: LTcSLI% S SUNDAY MAOA7.INYt closes the twenty-second volume. It con - ins the semi•n,,,, al index, from which a se. oculars a,plrty to this : ROLLER FLOUR. --The 1,et`,-bCCOncl and in re' (:'Oils. Or Otk1CC uric 't0 none. -Proof, the tileCeaae ill this Lusa turn secure their res cct and friendship a l 11 P O r tixespace in. your.. ensu . Out, ries.--Ask the folks and. they will to yor so. Tjour you ii .x ___. 'that Kemp sells only tile very set and al - worthy journal six explaining these un - , gives satisfaction• --Suet b the niattr valuableJ d of7 :API FO13, SALE.—The hays . upon an honorai�le body SMALL 1"+ z4orth remains p25 oo& poirtt. Y � ie sloes of tI remainrespeetfrully, UndersignedLot i 1Qt input I yoursland, beim; part of, the north 'girt 01 1 , V. "H. HOST`Z ' n Stephen, within one-hotf mile of the vii- polled Oats, Gramm Mut, fxcnr..tal lam - Eon. first Co of nY tee c ey, o... lags of Exeter. Thr, land it in- ,rocerxes.7-•Alwit 4 fresh awl new at Mathias Mackey, ; of Sy ivan, has :plass state of ek houses, good there rime barn rg ad lowestposseee cash price, purchased Y Benjamin Pile,of gas a good bricit hos g from Mr. water and is half -acre of orchard wvitlt'all k,rfds TICKETS 1?1LOixT. THE OLD McGillivray, - also a a first-class cider mill- pRR PAID iwice olvray, his` tires, prize yearling @3 ThiisisCt, goeds'ohancc fol •anzono w anting a COt31wi3.lt . Lire colt "Sandy `Scott, 415 C,. S. B. smallfasiix close to thn cornorutinn wheroall co at 1 etsw''thaready sale. For lYir, Mackey is to. be for �p4U0. Mated on having'brtO of the fines 0.LIVTZ t , n Ca110• thWestern ri r. good ideraof the number and valve f in O articles in the volume may be obtained. The I A gory deetrttctive fire oc,urt'ed at tains interesting articles on d the other night, resulting in "Gardens," by Walter , ural destimotion o e flouring a , 5'1i �a University," Ll1 'Thompson e origin C • Exeter, i'. O. Stephen, Tung nurnbrt: contains ntar - kinds of prosuCC the wi S Q n r to premise'', tat the re t colts further piartienlars;apply on+ i,hul'dii'1', s[2lXl�? L c Jr� suYancf; A :I hr � I ,:.!� x o e'Dt, 1 , Ba Piet e i, , Y I " l VV It l+ d Yui McGann on 1 th tl ltd �' a,��}. , g t-uioe. 1 lit verett "b Stiralr the � , ., •LI, Drew's B�OCI{ and PaS dt7 Y Y I1 F SA (1-1 CAPT,, 2O,'81" "Litm auS an. p. r L , ou "()Id Stagecoach Days," by saw mills of r. tatniison, r { r� J• I 1 1t g M ri'1 peon'sW. 0 ons' an `°Old', +Tow Orleiapa," of tlte fire isunlfnown. r. tom Loi De 500 T'Q'E$ Wantel Butter ' n F rt for stag South half of '+ l 'torsi led .i oV sat .�r V1 .S salt The �� nisi .�.+ r +•illi rn co {J D +, Nit.(I b Y, 1 y tit b rn and on "A Fairyland of Science, by Chris- hiss will. be vertu helivY and loss to the .} tido.., aud even Irofusel li- of tits ptopetty will be a Let + eierecc moon ood.bstsil. Our Di' CSSe�as7s7d are marked GrOV✓I) 20 trap Reed, all fully, profusely the last is descriptive of village arid neighborhood, as they Will 'Chore gat' acct astir holism, odd barn and curtsied. ion 1 p r g 1 lari,r and C 1' which likely be ebu It 2a xAiLn tar r YARDS �? J. ark �p V iY • 21T[{; �� aCrOHy r% m r l 1 N O.TII E�.ET:CR , o rte . Our l�toc�� is �rVe1,1,�.ss x TOlt THE SPA9ON'S TTlAttlts. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED GROCERIES 1 1 1.6 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 131bs. white sugar, $1 We can't ' be unclersolcl in Teas from `0e to'75c. per lb, ices ovr Pr Boots &Shoes (All Styles) art b A nicely nssorterl slack of X .AA.. T -i, '1D ' '� R ..��., . FOYLICS, S(JY CFihlS evict"C4YrAS,9 all sizes (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 00e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS T.Ftbt LOWEST. A nice Tea, Sett of 44 Pieces, .$2.75. A rand suit of ready' -made clothing "for $6. g rZ tie. OSd 5' waits of a itt G Orclerecl , g p Y wv sic r i the Lowest Notch. ' Ilia certain portions of North lira not Phillips, M. A. B.D., of 91IPPtYof road.wetot oa the T e Exetr�r i VY or y CO a A, 11• �kl 1 , p . trs Hrhaol and Cirilrcliog. Also Yilliago Prpparty �+ l and a short star sand titlttttS Toto on Si stories are continued Y St Marys, it s accepted the unan core velem 1 � I. 1 IC h C 1n1 r a stabling, good basting os , ni nt 71V0 0 I + 11 C TIJ 1 f11 D ..:... DOL L411 a FOE to locr rex tariff m reciprocity WO ci tax 5 sutler simple re p Y `Elattse arta Lot, also a term for t L 'g tth do with our tariff 1 so t t • soil which will kill the taunter sucks 1 set to the hymn Avert n tl ' A'.0 � �� ��.r.I�H;L:S02d, isthedescrnnxnat � G+, ti'i'enham Smith, winch is Y • rho nailing Year subject to soar pirlrturtlxer'ari,totitars s,pl,l to QI'1DR TTfltrt l 'f{ f'tvox' Of England, and the l Tis 1 t t gfitto he better known. The two serial Rev, a' cot 1 and'` Iron c hnnso fold. ' I , r ei 1 . . included. The Peel's Y , lege Of Exeter, with 1. (� 1. ns are k goat t tion of the St, I cul s Meth rhurt,h collar. ooriwvatlwithIpumli, aiacp - rte b lnvl d • . cellar,gootr 0,15,b/e, N with a vt orons hymn tune Y t trite then i q trtiit trooA rin tiioprams• lip; ` I!;LIa � ire ..toad Toronto, to Poco ii,tnti.ty aclri c , , , S11.L,C Al 1a Sale tis we please, Ii vera re yApply a na its' £req traelo itself „ t l Gleams four termer, 1 is num- t hstar lot g Y 1trywVM5t) z xri( l ori ty h} tnavemcnt, for a„ t would bave I 1 ' r£ the baste the action of the and Statlan. ( Nor iii. the people o£ the eoun ry er;is one r l ins UantirYiitit8es,. w objections to snake. ,'2,26 PER TON. LAY P, 0,