HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-30, Page 18PAGE 18—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1979
Adventureland to be
built for children
The Young Canada
Works Program spon-
sored by. the Vanastra
Recreation .Centre is
organizing baseball
teams in the township,
building Adventureland
playground equipment
for the parks, repairing
the swings and teeter
totters, organizing
various other
recreational games over
the summer period and
doing general land-
scaping around the area
and the Recreation
The three baseball
teams are practising and
getting ready to start
their baseball schedule
next week. The pee wee
boys play on Tuesday
June 5 in Hensall at 7 pm
and the pee wee girls play
in Vanastra against
Hensall on Wednesday at
7 on June 6. The bantam
boys start on Thursday
June 7 against Hensall in
Vanastra at 7 p.m. More
boys are urgently needed
for the bantam boys
There has been enough
interest in the tykes that
we are planning to start
T -ball. T -ball is for eight
year olds and under. It is
basically the same as
Plans are being made
to construct playground
equipment for the
summer in two parks in
Vanastra, the park
behind the Recreation
Centre and the Circle
The Adventureland
playgrounds will consist
of numerous platforms
leading to various
equipment such as a
slide, tire ladder, Billy
Goat Climber, tire
climber, monkey bars,
chain ladder and a not-
ched log
Cubs and Guides active
Last Monday was the
final cub meeting of the
year. We did some more
work on knots to refresh
the boys memories in
readiness for camp this
coming weekend.
Then we sent the boys
on .a scavenger hunt, to
find a pop, can, a.piece of
paper, a stick 2" long, a
round flat stone, a maple
leaf and a dandelion.
Most., of them remem-
bered these six things and
returned in the time
We also ran through
our sbngs with special
emphasis on "Cub
Days", which was
written for us by Mrs.
Esther Handy. We hope
.to present this song at the
district camp this coming
We also presented
these boys with their blue
star, Sharon Dixon,
Shannon Mellor, Colin
Thomas, Bryan Thomas,
Wayne Dunsmore,
Michael Dunsmoore,
Dwane Mclssac and
Jamie O'Rourke.
Shannon was also
awarded his toymaker
The parents are
. reminded that the boys
are not to get to the
campsite before 6:30 pm.
This will allow us to set
up our -camp before the
boys arrive.
The Guides have been
very busy earning badges
they have all earned their
atheletes badge and their
International Year of the
Child badgb. Dawn
McLeod and Valerie
Lewis were awarded
their physical fitness
emblem, a hard emblem
to get because they must
earn four badges per-
taining to physical fitness
to earn the emblem. Jo-
Ann Bernard was
awarded her naturalist
The mother and
- daughter banquet is
coming Tuesday June 5th
and will be held at the
Clinton Legion at 6 p.m.
Everyone must present
their ticket at the door.
This will be a'° special
night for the Vanastra
Guides as Valerie Lewis
will be awarded her all-
round cord. She is the
first Vanastra guide to
receive this honour,
which is the second
highest award in guiding.
The Brownies and
Guides will be holding a
barbecue on June 13th at
the Church at 6 p.m. This
will also be a fly -up
ceremony and Guide
enrollment. The awards
for the all round Brownie
and Guide of the year will
bq given out this night.
This Wednesday, the
Brownies will be at-
tending the Guide
meeting to practice their
fly up ceremony. The four
Brownies who are going
to camp will be staying
for the Guide meeting to
learn how to make a bed
The Guiders are
making tenative plans for
a camp September 14, 15
and 16th. The leaders
must know which girls
are returning to guides in
September and if they
will be attending camp.
There is also a new
Guide leader, Wanda
Goulding. The other
Guiders would like to
welcome her and thank
her for all her help.
Personal notes
The Vanastra and
District Lions and
Lioness Clubs are holding.
a joint meeting June 6th
at the Vanastra
Recreation Centre. This
will be a pot luck supper
when Bill Wilson of the
Goderich Ontario
Provincial Police will be
guest speaker for thq
Be sure to get your
ticket for a half a beef
from any Lions , Club
member. Tickets are $1 a
piece and it will be drawn
at the Lions Club Fair on
August 18th.
The Lions Club will be
holding a dance on June
15th at the Vanastra
Recreation Centre. Music
will be by "Jim Medd
Country". Tickets are
$10.00 a couple and are
available from any Lions
Club member.
The Lioness Club are
planting flowers this
Wednesday May 30th.
The flowers will be
planted qt the Tucker -
smith Township office.
The Vanastra and
District Lions Club will
be represented by several
couples at the convention
in Niagara Falls this
weekend June 1st and
This Wednesday was
the last meeting of the
year for the Vanastra
Scout Troop and they
would like to thank Mr.
Chapman, owner of the.,
Base Factory Outlet for
the use of the building for
to the
electors of
Huron -Bruce
for your
thanks to
all those
who worked
so hard
on my behalf.
the meetings.
helpful hints
Trade spare house keys
with a trusted neighbour
to prevent getting locked
out of your house.- Place
the spare in the neigh-
bour's yard under a -rack
or a good hiding spot.
If you have a swim-
ming pool, save water
and money spent on
water bills by catching
rain. Attach an elbow
connection to the
downspouts of your house
gutters. When it starts to
rain, let the dirt and dust
wash from the roof for the
first few minutes and
when the waterruns
clean, stick a length of
pipe into the elbow
connection and run the
pipe to the pool. The pool
filter will do any
necessary additional
The Clinton pee wee `B' hockey team this year
consisted of, front row, left to right, Bobby Ladd,
George Coventry, Monty Kelly, Mike Powell, and
Craig Bowker. Back row are, coach Gene Powell,
John Cartwright, David Pullen, Billy $innamon,
Shane Carter, John Wooden, Greg Carter, Troy
-.Barnes, and assistant coach Larry Powell. Missing
were Jerry Pickett and Brad Holmes. (Neivs-
Record photo)
Community events and news
Quilting club
We are almost finished
our first quilt. Anyone
interested in quilting
please call 482-7972 or
come out Wednesday
afternoons from 1:30 -
3:30 p.m. at the Vanastra
Resource Centre.
Mini Teens
There will be NO Mini
Teens on Thursday May
31, 1979 due to the
Vanastra Public School's
trip to Toronto. Everyone
is welcome to come out to
our next meeting on
Thursday June 7.
Development Workshop
will be held May 31 at 7 :30
at Recreation Centre -
when Mr. P. Warren will
present "Attitudes of
People" - Change agents -
and values classification.
On June 14, Mr. -David
Harvey from _London will
present "power base and
how to use it".
Everyone.. is . most
welcome to` join in the -seg.'
evening workshops, cost
is $1 per session.
Nursery School
Another busy year for
nursery school is just
about over. Next Tuesday
June 5th is the graduation
On Thursday June 7,
the children and teachers
will be making a trip to,
Storey Book Gardens in
London. This will be a bus
trip and they will be
leaving the church at 10
am and returning by 3:30
or 4 pm.
On Tuesday evening,
May 22, 125 people played
bingo at the Rec Centre.
The winners were: Nellie
Burkholder, Blyth, $40
Pat Shaw, Blyth; $40.
Evelyn Vanderburg,
Goderich, $88 and Karen
Yamamoti, Kippen, $88
on a share -the -wealth of
$176; and Lois Meriam,
MONDAY, JUNE 25, 1979
at 7:30 p.m.
1. Receive and consider annual reports of the hospital
for the year ended March 31, 1979.
2. Elect governors for a period of 2 years.
3. Vote on revised Administrative By -Laws as submit-
4. Vote on revised auxiliary by-laws as submitted.
S. Transact all such other business as may properly
come before the meeting.
Any person over the age of twenty-one years, who
pays to the corporation fifteen or more days before the
annual meeting, a membership fee of five dollars
shall be a member of the Corporation for the following
twelve months. Membership cards are available at the
Clinton Public Hospital Front Office, any day from 9
a.m. - 5 p.m.
The revised administrative by laws are available for
perusal by any member of the corporation at theL'#ront
office of the hospital between the hours of 9 a.m. and S
p.m. daily.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario tills 31st Day of May, 1970. By
order of the Board.
E. B. Menzies, Q.C.
Goderich, Margaret
Pickett, Clinton and Rita
Mommersteeg, Zurich
each won $67 on the jack-
pot of $200.
Church News
This Sunday, June 3, is
Pentecost Sunday, and
Pastor Bill's sermon
topic is "The Coming of
the Kingdom" The text is
from Luke 13, Verses 18-
21. Everyone is welcome
for the 11 a.m. service.
There has been an
excellent turnout for both
boys and girls pee Wee
teams. It's nice to see so
many come out and
Last Saturday, our
boys and girls had a
practise game on the
diamond behind the Rec
Centre. ,Quite an- ex-
perience for those little
ones who have -1)- never
played before! The
coaches are: pee ,wee
boys Jim Thomas, and
Gerald Robinson
wee girls -Esther Handy
and Lyn Jerome. They're
busy getting players
ready for their first
games which start next
week. The boys play
Hensall on June"5,* and the
girls play at Hensall on
June 6.
Due to the terrific turn-
out, we are now able to
form tyke teams for
children aged 5 to 8. The
tykes will play tee -ball.
More details on this later.
Let's see more parents
out for practises! Your
son or daughter needs
your support!
Good luck to our Pee-
Wees in their first game.
Fireworks support
The Vanastra and -
District Lions Club wish
to thank the following
individuals and
businesses for their
financial support for the
fireworks display on May
21: Vanastra Home
Furnishings, Hendrik
Gelok Electric, Archer's
Farm Sales and Service,
Runsal Enterprises Ltd.;
Country Market, Central
Machining, Oesch
Woodworking, Zwaan
Welding, Paul Kerrigan
Fuels, Vanastra Factory
Outlet, Dej bie's Custard
Cup, Claire Enterprises,
Ball and MaCauley, Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Warren,
and Mr. Richard Koostra.
A special thank -you
goes to Mr. Bruce Rath -
well for allowing us to use
the parade square for our
Horticultural society
• from page 14
Garden Club, which has
61 mem hers.
Edith Wright told the
group about the meeting
in Tara on April 28. She
said that 125 delegates
attended from 16
societies, with four
members from Clinton at
the meeting.
At, the, .meeting, Mrs:
PCickson Brown gave an
interesting talk on
medicinal plants and how
to use them. Some very
ordinary "garden pests"
can cure better than drug
store remedies. It was
noted that next year the
meeting will be held in
The Clinton delegates
for the London Con-
vention will he Mrs. Bond
and Ila Cudmore.
It was asked if there is
any help for the worst hug
of all, one that can't seem
to be exterminated, the
Litter Bug?
Florence Pullen
reminded the society
EThe afetatage Ot
(Wine aid CkaQ
A Short Leisurely
June 29 -July 2
To the Wine Country of
Ontario and New York
A Quality Heritage Tour
Available Through
Long Distance Call Toll Free
members that the Rose
• Show will be held on June
22.. She explained that the
only way to make the
show a success is to have
many entries.
Door prizes were won
by Mrs, McKinley and
Gladys Leiper.
• mi.lge
Remember when kids -
were belted and tires
Auburn news...
• from page 14
The draw for the
beautiful coffee table
made and donated by
Gerry Beimers was made
by Brent Andrews and
Michael Andrews. Harold
Wallace of Brussels was
the winner.
The Children's
Workshop would like to.
thank everyone for their
support by attending the
Variety Night; also
thanks to the anonymous
donor of $20 and thanks to
Mr. Beimers for the gift
of the table.
Our friend's son is a
believer in free speech.
That must be why he
always calls home from
college collect.
See Your Guidance Teacher or Principal for Further
' Details
- Wednesday July 4 to Friday August 10
- Classes to be held at Central Huron S.S. - Clinton
- Fjee Bus Service from Goderich, Wingham
Seaforth and Exeter
- New credit courses - 4 hot rs per day
- improvement courses - 2 hours per day (for
students who failed a course during the year)
- special interest courses 2 hours per day (sports,
theatre, Tech, music, art)
• - Rremedial courses - 2 hours a day (Gr. 7 and 8
English and Math)
- Student number's determine courses to be offered
• Enquire at Huron County High School Guidance
Departments or Public School Principals
SumPner School Booklets available at Huron Coun-
ty Schools
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