HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-30, Page 8PAGE 8 --CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1979 Constan ce socials By Mary Merner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan and Paul of Oakville, and Miss Margie Whyte of Guelph spent the May 24 weekend with Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Bill and Mr, Harold Whyte. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter of Colborne Township spent the holiday weekend in Southfield Michigan, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds and family and Mrs. Vi Armstrong. Miss Trudy Dimaline of Hamilton spent the week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dimaline, Don, Peter and David. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Merner of Waterloo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael and Shelley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods and Michelle of Gananoque, and Mr. and Mrs. Cam Patterson of London spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Van Bommell and family of Delaware visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marvis Bos and family. Mrs. Brenda Hope and Julie of Hamilton spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dimaline, Don, Peter and David. Randy Wettlaufer and Karen Glanville of Staffa visited on the holiday Monday with Mr. and Mrs. David Preszcator, Christine, Lisa, Christopher and Greg. They spent the weekend camps at Pine Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steve.n_sona ,,._.payid„. Darren, and Luanne spent the weekend in Milton where they at- tended the vi)edding of her brother Wayne Herman and Sandra Ramsbottom on Saturday. Darren and Luanne were in the wedding party. Mrs. Cam Patterson and Mrs. Elizabeth Hebden of London visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. The Patrick Nolan family of Toronto spent the weekend at their summer home in the village. Mrs. Ken Mitchell, Jennifer; Robert and Simon of Toronto visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan, Paul and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McClure attended the W.O.P.A. executive meeting in Brantford on Sunday afternoon and the Tri Country Churn Service held in the evening. Kippen ladies attend summary by Rena Caldwell Summary Day for the needlepoint class was held in Clinton Secondary School May 24 at 8 pm and Mrs. Stewart Pepper, Mrs. D. Triebner, Mrs. J. Drummond, Mrs. John Kinsman and Mrs. H.A. Caldwell attended from Kippen East W.I. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McGregor last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. John Crich` Seaforth, Mrs. Grace Siemon, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliot, Toronto. Kippen East Women's Institute is sponsoring a bus trip on June 28. Anyone wanting to go phone the president, Mrs. Dave Triebner or Mrs. Harry Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Triebner and Ruth Anne, Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Triebner and , Michael Chesley were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Triebner. Ruth Anne Triebner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Triebner. -� Prices effective through Saturday, June 2nd, 1979 SAVE 1.06 EPSI 1.5 litre returnable btl Plus 40c per btl deposit Our Regular Pricekoala 85c (Action Price! J A&P, Sliced WHITE BREAD 16 -oz loaf 9 YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P'S baked goods Jane Parker, Hamburg Buns or wIENER rl ROL 4L for Action Price! JANE PARKER, SLICED, 60% REGULAR OR SANDWICH WHOLE WHEAT, 100% WHOLE WHEAT, CRACKED WHEAT 24-0Z LOAF YORK, FROZEN, FANCY Brown Bread 3 for 1.49 Cauliflower We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! °a"SAVE 49/1 Assorted Varieties PRIMO PASTAS 216 pkg 49 Ready -to -Serve, Assorted Varieties HEINZ. SOUPS 8 -fl -oz tin 49 " SAVE 45e Heinz, Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48 -fl -oz tin for for (BUYSAVE 460 Frozen, White or Pink KENT LEMONADE 12 -fl -oz tin Our Regular Price 4 for 99c YOU'LL DO better AT ... A&P With supermarket prices Our Regular Priceimmimommusimi 97c each. Did you know that A&P is not just a butcher shop with its hundreds of cuts of fresh beef, pork, Iamb, veal and poultry .. . A&P IS MANY SHOPS IN ONE! A&P is a Poultry Shop! F.resh-Box- (Our Regular Price 39c each) YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P'S frozen foods Frozen, Assorted Varieties SAVARIN P01 P JANE PARKER, SLICED ACTION PRICEI VENTURA, FROZEN, FANCY CHOPPED OR LEAF ACTION PRICEI Raisin Bread2orL49 16 -oz loaf Spinach 12-ozpkg 3 For 1.49 Action Price 8 -oz pie for ACTION PRICEI 10 -oz pkg 2 for 1.49 [BUY SAVE 63r YOU'LL DO b'etter WITH A&P'S grocery products Mix & Match (Our Reg. Price 53c each) Monarch, Assorted Varieties, Icing (7.5 -oz) or CAKE MIXES 9.8 -oz pouch pack for • Martins, Assorted Flavours FRUIT DRINKS for • 48 -fl -oz tin SHIRRIFF'S, ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI 51/4-0Z PKG CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA ACTION PRICEI 91/2-F1,0Z TIN Cream Pie Filling 3orl.49 BMilks hakes 4for 1,4.9 E. D. SMITH, ASSORTED VARIETIES 9 -FL -OZ JAR GRAVIES, ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI 10 -FL -OZ TIN Pure Jams or Jellies 2forL49 CBleu PRIMO, PLAIN 28 -FL -OZ TIN LIBBY'S, ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI 8 -FL -OZ TIN Spaghetti Sauce 2or1.49 51.49Canned Pastas TROPHY, SPANISH OR BLANCHED PURE VEGETABLE OIL ACTION PRICEI Peanuts 350 g tin 1,49 PamSpray13-oz aerosol tin 1.49 1.49 OLD DUTCH KRAFT, REGULAR ACTION PRICEI Caramel Corn 37g 1.49 Bar:B-Q Sauce25fIzarL49 YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P'S health & beauty aids TOOTHPASTE, BONUS PACK — 30 mI tube plus 50 mI "FREE" Close -Up: , 100mItube2for1.4 9 REVLON FLEX, ASSORTED TYPES 330 ml PLASTIC BTL JOHNSON & JOHNSON Shampoo or Conditioner 1.49 Band-Aids WITH THIS COUPON -- SAVE 50c Frozen, Pepperoni ALORO btl of100149 • ACTION PRICEI pkg of 601.49 Loto Canada, Provincial & Wintario Tickets Available et A&P Food Stores! 22 -oz PIZZA g of 49 6kpies r Limit one pkg per family purchase, Th115 week Valid until June 2nd, 1979 V.C. �� MI (WSW ra Family Pack Contains: 3 Breast Quarters, Whole Wings & Backs Attch. 3 Leg Quarters, Whole Backs Attch. 3 Wings, 3 Necks, 3 Giblet Packages Our Regular Price 98? SAVE 29? Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef Outside (Eye Removed) ROUND 228 ROAST � Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef _..BONELESS Rump Roast, 2 58 Sirloin Tip Roast, Inside Round 1b258 Steak Roast • SWIFT BRAND OLD MILL FROZEN, TOWN CLUB Sausage Breakfast Ib119 Steakettes 2-IbpkgBeef 3.29 Fresh CHICKEN QUARTERS BREASTS, Back & Wing Attached LEGS, Back Attached Frozen! FROZEN BLUEWATER 10 -OZ PKG Shrimp & Chips Dinner ],.$$ FROZEN HONEY DIPPED,. CHICKEN BREASTS OR Chicken Legs l -ib 1.98 SHOPSYS POTATO SALAD OR FROZEN, HIGHLINER Cole Slaw 24.02 ctn 1.29 16 °z pkg Cod Fillets 1.58 • B6 SAVE 34m YOU'LL DO better WITH A&NS grocery products (Our Regular Price 2 for 61c) Assorted Varieties 6.5 -oz tin PAMPER L���149 CAT FOOD BRYSAVE 29a (Our Regular Price 89c each) Jane Parker, Assorted Varieties POTATO CHIPS 250 g for pkg A&P, ASSORTED FLAVOURS 22-0Z TIN McCAIN, FROZEN ACTION PRICEI 8-0Z PKG SunmixCrystals 1.49 forPotato Puffs 4 1.49 ASSORTED FLAVO• UR CRYSTALS 71 g Poly Pkg of 3 Envs �p ACTION PRICEI 11-0Z PKG Hawaiian Punch 2 for 1.4 9 for CHAMPION — Snack Crackers 2 1.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI JANE PARKER DOG FOOD 25.5 -OZ TIN ACTION PRICEI Dr. Ballards 3orl.49 Anel Cake each 99? g OLD LONDON, PLAIN ACTION PRICEI WHITE LABEL COOKIES, ASSORTED ORS- 700 g PKG Melba Toast 13-ozpkg 1,49 Chocolate Chip1.49 ® ® •