HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-17, Page 8INSURANCE. rtlItN 4.0.ENT yoR TAB SYSISTEetN A.S.StSitANcE cos. ' PANe!S el Toro ate ; 40s o for the 1S1iaSNIX I NSTIVAN (ne OMAN?o London, 1Suglaind. the:ROYAL iSeNADIeN, ot el cnetreel, :tea the .13141TISSS stIMPlIt1:1 LIVES. ASS0.134NC.45 001Sl• PaNY, el l.onaoe, 134e:1se1, eetablielied sE347. A6sots over SS,000.000 ; eleinee tied boimeee peiti, over 44,04000. flOc.4.11, iNrgal..9,-,--We shall be, happy to re, , eeeve at all times, from any part of the Octotry, ttems of lopal newS, Sack s op cidents,or any interestilty incident what - from any of Oar subscrThcrs or read, ers generally for the p7Tpose of pub/ic- ation. TEN OENTs e'er liae fee iirstinsortion, and P0T1n 0 elNtaS per iiva tor oaoh subseeimut jp eertion will be ehaeged fo notices ap peering tine contain. xeter TEITJR8DAY, NOV 170, 1887. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. A fell stock of magnetic, Diamond, Union and handy package Dyes; also a speciel line of toilet soaps &. Combs, very cheap, at Central Drug Store, C. Lutz. Brevities, The coure.sil met for the transaction of business ou Tuesday eve The property of Mr. Geo. Willis will be sold by auction shortly. See adv. Time Tolls on, but the contestants for the municipal battle are few and not very new. Pedestrians and street loafers take thle sunny side now. Mr, James Bissett has moved into town. Welcome, Mr. B. Considerable money changed hands over the Halcliniand election. Mr. and Mrs. bred and Mr. and Mrs. John Godbolt, will leave for California about December lat. The rafters haye been Placed, and the work of roofing the Trivitt Memorial church will be commenced at once. We were favored with a heavy fall of the , "beautiful" on Thursday last. A few inches more would have made good sleighing. A Boston genius claims •to have an invent- ion that will enable him to burn water, and bring the price of coal down to $1. per ton. The brakeeman who had his limbs badly cut and bruised last week by a freight car passing over him, is progressing nicely. Gilmour who was liberated from a charge of burglary here last week has been arrested on a similar charge at Toronto. made by the scholars.—Mr. Anderson, of Essex Centre, formerly of Stephen township and brother of Francis 'Anderson of this place, was in town Tuesday.' Mr. R. H. Verity has arrived home from Manitoba, where he has effected a contract for the supplying of 700 of their celebrated plows. . Thanksgiving services will be held. in Christ church this morning, to commence at 11 o'clock, Rev. S. F. Robinson, the incum- bent will officiate. • Messrs. Snell & White will hold an ex- tensive auction sale of choice horses and cattle in Exeter, on the 23rd inst. Mr. Jas. Oke, auctioneer will conduct the sale. Nomination for Municipal Councillors this year will be held on Monday, Dec. 26th. Both events are thus fixed for the two days that will be observed as the Christmas and New Year holidays. Mr. McManus, the affable local manager of the Gale Sulky Harrow Co., together with the road agents, were photographed on Monday. They compose a the looking group. As we publish birth, marriage and death •notices free, we think that those interested in their publication should hand. such no- tices in to the editor, and save him the trouble of limiting around after them. We are quite willing to publish them. "Detroit groces. and butcher."—If you - have anything to sell let it be known by a well worded advertisement in a live paper that reaches the class of people you most desire as customers. Judicious advertising is a profitable investment to any. merchant. Joseph McMaster, switchman, C. S. R, was.killed near Rusconth Thursday. It is not known exactlyhow the unfortunate man met his death, but it is thought he fell be- tween theca.rs. His body was ba,dlymangled He was '21 years old. and married. The re mains were brought to Windsor for burial. There will be three hundrea and sixty-six (366) days in next year, 1888. There are three figures of the same kind in the year's date,and it will be one hundred and eleven years (111) before it will occur again, 1999. The ladies will be interested to know that it will be be leap year. The next High School Entrance Exruni- nation will be held on Dec. 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Intending candidates must notify the Headmaster of the school at which they purpose writing not later than the 15th inst. A contemporary states that he would like to see dentists pulling teeth. • If any of his masticators are ripe and fit for pulling, we advise him to go and have theili extracted, and then he will have his ambition grati- fied. A union Thangsgiving service will be held in the Main-st Meth. church this morning commencing at 1030 o'clock. Short ser- mons vill be delivered by Revs. Martin, Graham and Pascoe. A collection will be taken up in aid of the poor. Let there be a good attendance and very liberal collection. Robt. Cornyn, of Wingham, is now the ,champion roller skater of Huron County, having defeated W. Black, of Goderich, re- cently.--Kx. In conceit, Mr. Cornyn may be champion, but he is not in reality until he defeats John Vail, champion ofWestern Ontario. Mr. C. has not seen fit to accept Mr. V's. ehallenge. The goose bone, the cora husks, the nauSk. rat house, the plentifulnoss of nuts, the old Indian, the price of coal, and several other signs and tokens, all say that we are going to have a cold and long winter, with lots o toboganning ; or else its going to be open and evarrn—we've forgotten which. But it is safe to prepare for both. Truants from the Belleville school are about to be brought up with a short jerk. ail Dell arc ee •re Briamer. , Although Deteetive John A. Graham has M" Oeorge 04/v"'" t3Nasurcr • • - executed a good inauy warrante, the most to the Exeter Band has settled up the afiarra m 1 s' , . , coune 'tie with the exeureion held last l important erreet et his (sneer was meth: August. and owing to Mire udettlitleretend- about 8;30 lest night. The prisoner )ves ing by the It. R. Company and a elhe attend- mies mattio Andersoo, dauoter of 1, attend- ance, there remains in the treasug a balence —' Anderson, of Centralia. She \vas Miceli be. of a few dollars only, au inswiliment amount 1 fore the Rev, Mr, Smith of Leaden West, when eupplemented by a sum in the bank to purchase new uniforin• t would' ev' ,nee 1 when a convietiou was promptly secured, aourart and when a sentance to imprisonment for n encoing epiritonthe peof the mere, musnial inelined of our mtizeile were thp was •ey to mr. Graben, wee else sustained, and the 4.L.ppiee,por bag SUbSPribt3 0, Sum in proportion te,teeir means, enraise to M punishment recorded was hanging by the Dried ApPla b. /3 s b d s balance. sufticient ake tip the cnatrimeneei halter, The witnesees the, °° 0 th• MARKET 'IMPORTS. uNuTE-It. (0 ()erected itt6 ceelook e ,m, 5Sfeduesd e), . 077 to 77 e 75 es sa. Clover Seed ., ... 4 .5o to 0 oe Timothy ‘4 . 1 60 t o 5 00 Peas .,. 0 55 to 0 55 (3Orn ..0 65 4 0 '00 4gg4 ... 0 57 to Batter Flour p erbb I , ee e&All's Pete toes,posbul;b0es itotal Sum required for the purchase of the ease were miss &B4rkett and mr.nwm. '1(11:)iio. e8;!'prer lb naw g04‘nients. Staten Noe, Mr. Innuel, of Peen., shipped 16 fine draught herses from, Exeter ori 111ondaY-- On Monday Mr, Win. Balkevill shipped a car -load of export cattle, to Montreal.-- Messre. Rose LSI Taylor are receiving 2() cars of lumber from the north.—Mr. John Per- seus shipped, a car -load of apples to the eastern markets.—R. 8. Lang has shipped over fifty car -loads of apples from thie 1 station since the seasen opened. Mr. Walter Cosh and wife left Tuesday morning for their native leorne in. London, England. Considerable grain is beiag shipped.feore Barnes. hume were also imposed on the friends of both the prisoner end detective, and were in all cases willingly paid. Title is simply another form of saying thet the presents were nuinevous and costly--Leit, don Advertiser, Miss Mattio Anderson is well-kuown in Exeter, having lived held for several years. Very Narrow Escape. Brakeman C. j, Cowley, of London, lied a very narrow escape from having his boih lege Seveeed, this 'station Thursday last. The southern bound freight train was .being shunted about in the usual manner to here to the larger eastern markets.—'e take and leave cars, andWhile Cowley was The Rev. Er. Wihnl sermons.. 'Trim Csesmereas ADA000E' ' is the name of a new 8 -page religious, literary and home journtel, priblashed at Toronto by Yeigh & Co. Having succeeded to the Parkdale News it publishes the only authorized and verbatim reports of the Sunday evening ser- IXIODS of the well-known divine, Rev, Jos. Wild, D. D. Besides being a religious jour. nal in a broa4 and ueseetorian sense it rep- resents the Canadian Congregationalists, and judging by the ability displayed in the num- ber before ns, editorially and typographical- ly, it is an organ which reflects credit on such an influential cougregatien. The sub- scription price is only one dollar a, year, and it is on sale at all the newsclealers. Leaving ',cowl'. The Gale Sulky Harrow company have ceased business for the season'in this section, and the agents leave for their respective homes -this week, Mr. McManus the foreman, leaving for Windsor in a few 'weeks. Dtiring their stay here they have won many friends who will be sorry to hear of their leaving. A more ,gentlemanly lot of fellows could not be found, especially the ever -obliging and jovial Mr. McManus. During the two months stay here they have sold over one hundred of the machines and the fanners who have given the implement a thorough trial this 'fall, attest that they could not wish for anything better. It is the intention of the company to resume operations here next' spring, and they have accordingly madearrangements with various farmers in this locality for the wintering of their sixteen horses. Evening Classes. Some time'ago a movement was on foot to have an evening class started in connec- tion with the Mechanics' Institute, but lately we have heard nothing of the mat- ter. It would be well to have such classes meet sayMondayss Wednesdays and Friday, for a term of three months. As there are a number of young wen in town whose good fortune it has not been to receive a good education, would, doubtless, avail them: selves of the excellent opportunity. Book- keeping, business correspondence, Short- hand. writing, commercial arithmetic, Pen- manship eand coinposition are noted sub- jects of prime importance in the education of every young man, and it would prove advantageous were these mainly dealt with It should not be forgotten, either, that every hour spent in practical self-improve- ment is a decided advance towards higher wages. -- sLissionary Meeting. Services of the above nature were held in the James-st Meth. church Sunday and Monday evening. Sunday two sermons were preached by the Rev. Dr. Williams, and M the afternoon a juvenile missionary meeting was held at which addresses were delivered by several clergymen. The weather being element , there 'was a good attendance at each service, and the collee- tions in consequence were large, and will go a considerable way in paying for the impart- ing of religious knowledge to the heathen. The music rendered at the Sunday services was of a high order and proved to be an impetus to the success of the services.' On Monday evening the oneral Missionary meeting was held, and addresses bearmg on missionary work, delivered by Revs. 1)r. Williams, Chas. Smith, London, and resi- dent ministers. The attendance was fair but not what.it should have been, while the collection was as large as might be expected. Personal. • H. Harwood, of Lansing, Mieh. a native of Exeter, has our thanks for fifes of the Lansing Republican.—Mr. Thos. CaVe and family left on Monday for Lucan, where they will locate.—Miss Andrews, of Us - borne is visiting friends and relatives in town.—Miss 13urritt, df Mitehell, is 'visiting her sister, Mrs. A. H. Verity, here. --A number of old Exeterites are home enjoying the festivities of Thanksgiving Day.—In the absence of Rev. Dr. _Pascoe, Sunday last, Mr. Hartnoll occupied the pulpit in the Main-st. Meth. church in the morning, and Mr. Brawn in the evening.—His many friends here will be pleased to learn of the success, which attended Mr. Andrew Lara- mie at a recent Pharmacy examination in Detroit. He passed creditably.—John E. Tom, 1.1'. 13., visited the different depart- ment of the Exeter public school last week, and reports good progress as having been Village Council. • The Council met at the Market House, Tuesday evg., 15th Nov. 1887. All present except Mr. Johns. The minutes of the previous Meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by T 13 Carling secon led by Jas. Pickard, that orders be granted for the following BUM, VIZ le/Parsons $36.20, doors for lock-up; John White & Son 543 50, 'printing; James Balscien $7e25, labor Town Hall sit,e: Thos Cave, $1.00, black- smithing; G F Durand $212..50, plan and specifications; if ohn Thornprion $10,50, labor Town Hall site; S Handford, $11 '75, do; A The Board of Education will furnish the , .13issett4$25.50, do; Mi. Webster $1.50, for - teacher with truant cards and punchers. blacker:Tithing; G80. Itodgirie $2,50, labor 'These cards have numbers represeuting eaeh town hall site; Thos. Bissett $9.00, do; day in the year. When the scholar is present the number is punched mite when absent of course it is not punched. The parents and teachers can tell by the card when the old time practice of "hookie is indulged in. It is it 8itnple but effective reniedy. A couple of ladies selling tickets called on a certain merchant the Other day and sought to sell him a ticket. The merchant gave there a five dollar bill, and :atm reeeiving the change tom them he would eot be res. ponsible should they discoeer the bill to be sparione one. The ladies were very much exciter3 and at once visited another store to get it. changed. Finding the bill genuine twit' anxiety subsided. ft was too bad of the merchants to disturb the equilibruime of the ticket vcedors. R Pincoinhe $16.25, in; 'rhos Snell $3.75, do; Thos, Biesett sen, $3.00, do; John McDonald $74.60, gravel; W, Verity $L25, scraper plate; John Johnston $87,15, expenses of Hospital, fare &c, ----Carried, Messrs, Ilissett and Pickard to see to drain at j. Southcotts end culvert at R Gridley's. Application of firemen to open Town Hall postponed. Moved by T. B. Carling, see, by J Piekard that blinds and casting be procured for town hall.—Carried. Moved by J, Pickard, Bee by T B Carling that the Reeve negotiate for gale of another teSvn hall debenture. --Carried. Mr. Bissett voted nay. Meveci by W. Bisset, see. by T 13 Carling, thet eoancil adjourn to meet at the town hall on Wednesday the 7th Deeember.—Carried. standing at his post, near' a -brake on the top oi a box car, the boards of which were (imp the locomotion of the train was suddenly and unexpeetedly Slackened, which caused, the brakeman to slip and fall between two ears on to the track, Two wheels of one of the ears passed partially over his limbs, Crushing one foot considerably and la eerating the calf Of the leg in a frightful Manner. It is a mystery to himself how hp escaped, having fallen directly between thetwo cars. He was taken to the Exeter Hatel,SWhe'rethe Company's physician, Dr. Flynchurin, is attending him, Mr. Cowley is net a regular man on the road but was simply relieving Mr. Geo. Leah, who, as was mentioned in our issue of Nev. 3rd, had his fingers badly crushed while coupling cars at Kippm bta,tion Both men are progressing nicely. Prisoner Released. The prisoner Gilmour brought here from Toronto on Nov. lst. on a charge of being an accomplice of persons who stole clothing from Ilawkshaw's hotel, particulars of which have appeared in the Turn, and who was examined on November 2secl, and re- manded for eight days, was again arraigned before Magistrates Clarke & Samwell on Thursday, when the above charge was aban- doned, there being no further evidence to offer. Constable Gill at once filed another information, charging Gilmour of assisting in the attempt to crack B. S. O'Neil's safe a few weeks ago. Several witnesses were sworn, amongst whom a young lady of 131d- dulph Towns np, who stated t three men had- had dinner at A. O'Dwyer's, semetirne in October, but could not identify prisoner as one of the persons.' Others swore to hav- ing seen prisoner in the vicinity of the vil- lage of Centralia, early in the evening of the night of the attempt made to burglarize, but there not being substantial evidence as to his guilt, Gilmour *as liberated, and in- structed to leave the town at once. He clic' not take his release hard, and left by the southern bound train, presumably' to re- sume his avocation of carousing with other noteriousrcrooks in eastern cities. During the trial Gilinour exhibited signs ofnervous riess, and all present seemed to ,entertain the conviction that 116 18 one of the guilty parties, but there being no proof to substan- tiate such, they had to console themselves with their surmises. Row to Manufacture Locals. A contemporary published.not a, thousand miles from Exeter, has a novel way of pre- paring locals. Last week the following appeared in its columns as an actual fact :— 'A pew bolder in one of our village churches one day recently asked us the following: "Mr.--, would you be kind enough to tell me if preaching Dominion or municipal politics in the pulpit of one of our churches means teaching religion? Our pastor occasionally devotes himself to long diatribes on temperance and Home Rule for Ireland, while , in the meantime his hearers can go hunory for religion. I ',,,,.,l .4 like to know what we pay this demagogue for preaching—religion orpolitics?" A few days previous the fohowing appeared in the Tor- onto News, awl it is plain to be,seen that no such question as the above was ever asked the enterprising editor; but that the idea originated purely and simply from the "Rounders" colunon of the Toronto cotein, and palmed off as a complaint on the part of pew holder of an Exeter church :— "A peii-holder in the Metropolitan Chin ch has advised me as follows : Mr. Rounder, -would you be kind enough to tell nee if pres,chino municipal politics in the pulpit of the Meeropolitan Church means teaehing religion? Our pastor devotes himself to long diatribes on temperance and Home rule for Ireland, while in the meantime his hearers can go hungry for religion. I would like to know vhat we pay this demagogue for preaching—religion or polities?' Such worls carries enterprise on the face of it, and all honor is due (?) the ever alert editor for 'placing within the reach of his readers such palatable matter at the ex- pense of the innocent pew -holder. What We May Expect. Brokenaveather for a while.—The Thanks- pe pr .„ annosous per Pr ••• ilogs,droAsodporl 00 Hia;tesroang, a droasoa ,1•1 SboopsIzioi. 04014 'Cidtskins Wool por lb ..„ Hayperton timonenerbuen Woodper cord „ 2 to 3 00 0111 ••• • sr: fAltYs. Furnislaod by Mo50r0: Carter, Son & Co, Fall Wheat 76 to 70 Spring ..... .. .. ..• 'le 79 Bar.ey„,......„. .......... ..„.„, ............ 60 72 Oats... ...... , . . ..... . . ...... .... . .. 00 01 Clover Seed 410 or et 1 50 505 55 66 10 46 37 20 50 70 •1 INT STANLEY'S. 'CREAM .„ 00 00 0 55 0 7tri (0) tt050'lebrateit engIisa't 0 455 tb: °0 :50 -LAY cTREET, TORONTO, CANADA, „, 0 07 to 08 no a a O gg to g 30 4 00 t o 5 00 18 Jew's STimegi, LONDON, E. 0., ENGLAND. „. 6 60 to 6 50 .. 6 00 to 6 00 , , Wesel= a ker, J (metier, IL HICES ... 0 60 to 070 • 4114 °Ptician- .„ 0 20 to 0 21 Has the Ager ey for the sale of the above in 800 to 8 00 EXIVIT3R. No spectacles in the enirSet oqvnl o so to 0 e them in the Ere PunstnivinG QuALITIEs thoy Possess, or the GREAT Ens» and Corsrenr they coefer on tbe wearer, Thole use will in actuality so strengthen the Eye that it does nOt beeozne necessary to change them for mauy years, They are 'Imre- fore the uneerestr. They Are the Best in the World, They Novel the lye, And Last Many Years Without Change. The Sight tested by our New Tent ard, earn° world. Peas the leading °enlists Throughout the Peas., ... , .. .. . . Eggs.... .. Butter Potatoes per bush. Apples perlhesh . Wool per lb 21 22 Hay porton. ...... ..... ......,..„ ........ . .. 800 8 00 MA.RISIED. Vion--HAmirrois —At the residence of the bride's tathee, on the 45h inst., by the Rev. A, M. Phillips, B. D., Mr. Alfred D. Vice, to Sarah C., daughter of Mr. Matthew Hamilton; both of St, Marys. Timeresom—Wissiems—At the Methodist Parsonage, St- ISlarye, on the 5th ust., hy Rev. A. M. Phillips, B. D., Mr. J A. Thom- pson, to Misa Maggie Williams both of Lonaon Township ' I SnonT--MoTaelcisar.—On the 2nd inet. , by Rev. E. A. Fear, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr.'Edmund .Tolin Short to Miss Mary EttaMoTaggart, all of Usborne. Lonwis—Snew.—At St. George's Church Goderieh on the 9111 inst. by the Rev. W. A. Young B. D., Edward N. Lewis barrister at law, to Ida Howarn, only daughter of James Shaw Esq. of Moline, Ill. PLEwE8-111onToN—On the 1.0th inst., at the Parsonage, Clinton, by Rev. W. W. Beetling Mr..los. Plews, to Miss Edith, eldest daughter of Mr. Thos. Morton, both of Tuokersmith. Gnaxx—Flonsrme--At the residence of the bride's father. Tuckersmith, on the 9th inst. by Rev. Jos. MeCoy, M. A., Mr. David, Grant of Seaforth, to Barbara,youngest daughter of Mr. Jas. Houston. Swinn•--Rusx—On the9th inst. bythe Rev. G. F. Salton, at the residence of the bride's frither,Mr Jas Rusk, Mr Egerton 11. Swartz. of Clinton, • to Miss Charlotte Rusk, of Goderich. LATTA--BOYLAND.—On the 131h ult., at the residence of Mr. John Latta, Tuckersruith, by Bev. E. A. Fear, Mr. Samuel Latta teaph er, to Miss Agnes A. Boyland, of London England. SMITEI—M0NAITWITON.—On the 4th inst.; at the manse,Kippin, by Rev. Serene] Acheson Mr Wm. Smith to 1V1iss Mary MoNanghton all of Tuckersmitb. NOTICE, The Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Buronvill meet in the Court House in Town of Go deriob on Thursday, the lst day of December next. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. Tntending Advertisers should ad- .". dress GEO. P. ROWELL and Co., 10 Spruce Street, New York City, N. Y. For select list of 1,000 Newspaper. Will be sent FREE on application. trrA NTED.—LADin or our fall and Christ - V V mas trade to take light, pleasant work at their own homes. $1 to $8 per day Call be quietly made. Work sent by mall any distan- ce. Particulars fare. No es nva ssing. Address at once, CBESOENTABU 00., 10 1iiik St, Boston, Iran. Box 5170 AUCTION SALE -OE' A---• DESIRABLE FREE -HOLD • PROPERTY —IN -v-xxm_a_c3-3E 033-' 70=2•3131,1,. Under an assignment 'for th e benefit' Of Cred- itors merle by George WSllis to the vendor, there will be sold by Public Auction on the prenlises on Saturday, the Ord day of Dee- ember.1887, at the hour of 5 o'clock in the afternoon, by John Gill, Auctioneer, the fol- lowing Maable lands and premises, being part of Willis, survey, of part of Lot number Fifteen in the First Concession of the Town- ship of 'Usborne, Consisting of that house and lands lately owned and oceupiedas a residence by (3 eorge Willis, Grain B tty er. The property is a most desirable one, occapyiug.one ofthe finest sites in the thriving village .of Exeter, and consists of over an acre of land, on Which are erected a good storey-and.n,-half brick house with kitchen and woodshed addition and a good frame stable, There isacood hard and safe -water on the premises also a number of excellent fruit trees. The property -will be offered for Salo en bloc or in separate -parcels, to suit purebaSoas, and will be solcl subi eat to a reserved bid. There will also he sold at the same tims and p1800the following, chattel property r-2. sr- lor stoves with pipes • glass cupboard. I cab - giving turkey to weep. ---Another exciting inet oegan aud stool 1 centre table and $750 s rink ___Hendrede 85000 1/1 tile Exetet Salt works Ccirapany and raee on the roller • of new *subscribers; and the Times, in a few ) weeks, to be not only a very popular jour- nal, but the most readable in this district.— Our merchants to cio a good trade.—All the game for miles around to be slaughtered to- day, by the ever -alert spoets.—Densely dark nights with the usual accompaniments. —More poetry.—Grilrnour to be the happiest rnan in six counties. --Frozen ears red noses. —All to enjoy the Thanksgiving festivities. —An instructive sermon by 'Rev. Jas. Gra- ham to the Foresters on Sunday morning. -- The town fathers to give a house-warming in the new town hell in a few weeks.—The farmers to wake up to a SC11SC Of their clay, and purchase their evinter goods in Exeter, where every article is down in price to the lowest notch.—The nonentity who com- plains of political sermons being preached in one of the churches to get huff, and go join the Salvation Army, where, possibly, he niay get what suits him. --The undertakers to have a fisticeff enonnter ere long, if their ihtellectual aggressions wax more bitter.— Newspaper spongers to become less numer- ous, the prices of papers now being in the range of all.—Diphtheria to become less prevalent in TJsborne Township, stringent merisures for its abatement having been ad- opted,—The MCSSTS, Smith Bios., next summer, to have the finest herds of thoro'- bred:cattle in the 'Dominion, t'te adaptabil- ity of the farms recently purchased being sueli as to greatly assist them to that end.— Messrs. A. J. Snell, Tcnn Oke, and others to go shooting and brims horim hintunerable rabbits from the north, teelay.—Every shot gun, rifle, and musket to be brought into Sequisition to -clay, and several accidents, coesequent upon reckless sheeting, to be chronicled next week,• -Christmas six weeks from Sianday.— a number of other articles. TERETS OE SALE :--Ohattel property, cash, and thereat estate, 10 per cent. of the purchase money on the clay of sale, an a the balance in, one month thereaftoi, For Di rther particulars and conditions of Sole apply 10 Georf,,e Sam - well, Assignee. L. Hardy and James tiodgeou, inspectors, or to JOHN GILL, B. H. COLLINS, ' Auctioneer. Borr for Assignee. Exeter, Nov. 10th 1887. L a fa I Will Pay Cash FOR ALL KINDS OF Poultry As soon as the weather will per- mit shipment. 111 CASH PtiR4pT,'STR19111=STp EMS7,- ) CQ.TAl NS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES/ or any injurious materials. " E. W. GI ILL ETT, "Ilgiciac*.(Z'ocr, Ti.t,. . Man' Pr of tec. cri,EM1A'SLIDS07ALYnAse, :I a gra, , 4. J SNELL 421)1011 I'd Pickarcl Merchant Tailor, Has removed to premises one door north of Browning's drug 'kora, whore there will be found a e11.assevted wt k OF SPRING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &e. ----ALSO— Scotch, English, Irish, French. and Canadian G-oods. Made up on the SliORTEST NOTICE --AND AT CONSISTENTLY LOW PRIGEES A CALL WILL CONVINCE. A.. J. STELL, Graduate et Cleveland Cutting Selwol. Having this seasonpurchased moat of ouv stook direct from. manufacturers in England and Germany ; to do so we liad to give our orders very early in the season, end as the prospects looked well, we bought largely. GOODS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. And we find that hard -times are causing a great depression in trade, we have, therefore, decided to meet the times by marking all goods at such Hard l'an Prices as to ensure a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in vite all intending purchasers to call and in- spect our stock, and note prices of all new goods, e ---iNgLITMN0=- Ladies' Dolmans Jackets and Ulsters, also Maids' and dines' Ulsters, all sizes, Black and Gold silk and satin dress - goods, in all the nowest colors and styles; plain and fancy Flushes, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. —AISO A 11:41L LINE Ready-made Clothing, Hats & Caps. All will be sold at Lowest Possible Prices. FOLLOW.TU CROW TO PISSMriirr 13IR,09 And secure some of the Bargains they- are offering in the following lines :--- LOCKS, HINGES, and all BUILDERS' HAD - WARE. PAINTS OILS, 8CC. \it We carry the largest stock, of Stoves in the County. Call and see them, and get prices before buying. Tinware of all kinds always on hand. Roofing an. eavetroughin:-. a specialty An Immense Stock of Nla,uure Forks, Spades, Shovels Scoop Shovels at hard time prices. We are offeringLamps and Lanap Goods at cost, as we are going out of that line.—Leave your orders for Stove Coal, and. save the high winter freights.—Verity's Plows and. Plow 'Fronts always on hand.—Highest price paid for Hides and Tallow in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machines. B ISSETT BROS. Visitors to Exeter Would do well to call and inspect— OUR MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF DRESS -GOODS, One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town. Bleck and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins, Colored Plushes. Melton Cloths, Jersey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials and .Mourning Goods, Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in all Colors and prices, Also a fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Kid, Cloth and Jersey. mosxm ! • GOOD ASSORTMENT AND 'EXTRA CHEAP. Gents' Furnishings.—Fine Display in Hats, Ties, Braces, White and Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers. Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, 0 vet coatings, Pantings &,Suitings. , PANTS MADE TO ORDER,IN THE LATEST STYLES AND AT THE LOWEST PBICES, BOOTS AND SHOES.— A. very large consigment just received, of the very best styles and quality, in Ladies', Gent' and Children's. CALL AND INSPECT, IT W1IIL NOT COST ANYTHING.' IA full line of Glassware and Crook ery-ware always on hand. Our Croesry Department COmpiste Butter Eggs and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange, nta very highestprice p%id. rCALL SOLICITED, or 11 CI' 111 ZESs 1. CARLING, Main - Exeter.