HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-17, Page 5�?.tl+t' L'ciitor of tltc„ xeter Tim e#,
Sfit J'hq attempt of Messrs, Oidley I;io.
to blunt the force .gf our contention of th
3rd:instaiit, i, a total failure, We do no
believe Mr, Ferguson made rile stafenleot
M. Hoyle: imputes to -Rim, ,and if be did w
deny that we called on him at Loudon o
anywhere else„and stated that we wishe
to joie the Association Out. 'Air. Rowe ca
led upon Mr: li'ergesou at London to sell
hirn a car loan, of lumber, maid in the course
of the conversation M. 1� ergueon stated
that he would bring our names before th
next meeting of the Association, but Mr.
Rowe told him that he need not bother
about the matter, that we did not wish to
join them atla11,1With regard to Mr. Drew
having applied, Mr, Hoyle stated himself
that he applied before handing over• his
business, We wore solicited to join lois
after that, by the President himself, acid
were assured speedy admittance if we sent
in our application ; toprove which, we pub-
lish the President's own letter, which : was
written in answer to one, of ours, asking an
explanation of the boycott.
Lomb:tu t:l'f areb lsth, iese
Messrs. Rowe ie Andrews.
Ganws.--Yours revel and contents uotad.
Messrs, Sotnrauns could net supply you until
youraliplicatioe was reeeivod, and a favorable
answer received from the Executive Oomnait-
tee• if youtoile 1�
v out thee i
ustruotious I gave
you it will not oaus0 you any delay. I under
(are really the oireets, not the causes, The
strong point that the proprietors of Warner's
sato cure make is that their great 'remedy
cures so: rnany geneeel diseases because it cor-
rocts the causos, leaving the effeets to rifeht
Now, nearly every ono who becomes pros-
trated, is, if fortunate enough, ably to, secure
the attentions of'a;'-pirysieiall, who seeks to
make en analysis of the fluids passed. We
have no doubt that the founders of this great
Warner's safe surq,Save as likened the n >di
e dal men prom their loth Mete' onthe iuiportauce
of urinalsis
y ,
Wo aro to -day in receipt of a little' book
Wareer's safe can pdmplilet, in which w
find very valuable infonunaticn in regard t
diseases,, the eausoeoftheir exletenceand thei ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT merest It very ingeniously put before tit.
reader lit conversational style, the reader risk- • . oodhara. Grist IV�i.11
skied You to say you, had plenty of stuff to go
on wit hunttie your applioatlon was put throe gh,
Send us your names at onze, ee. as, t0 save
time and hurry up the Secretary, •
Yours natty,
In. the meantime we had inquired into
the nature of the ring, and as to what chance
we had in a fight against them, the result
of which was that we adopted our own plat-
form, No.. combination. Messrs, Gidley
Bros. speak about the practice of "soliciting
orders, &c.,"saying that it is "well-known
that this bas been • resorted to.” We were
not aware that this practice had been re-
sorted to, as such things are not spoken of
down' our end of the town, the statements,
we presume, being confined to the north of
us; but we sincerely trust that this heart-
less act has not been practiced. We would
intimate, however, that Messrs. Gidley
Bios. seem quite familiar with the idea.
Messrs. Gidley Taros. invite all and sundry
to examine their by-laws, and as we would
not have the solitude of their surroundings
disturbed by the inquisitive public, we . will
publish certain of those bylaws free gratis,
First we would call attention to two sen-
tences found on a card between the 14th
and 15th pages of their by-laws. The card
is intended for all undertakers outside the
ring, and is signed by the Secretaay, first
coaxing them to join, then boasting of their
despotic power, andithen "threateuing what
they will do. This is the exact wording of
those sentences : "We have a membership
of over 300, out of 480 undertakers in On-
tario, and are now prepared to deal with
would-be undertakers who are trying to
start business, and out of our patronage all
over the country. We have the meant; in
our power to prevent it and we shall not be
slow to use thein."
Messrs. Gidley Bros. state they can buy
goods outside the Ring if they wish. What
then is the meaning of this by-law page 13,
etalele 28, "Members of this Association
1^ not purchase Undertakers' supplies
ft m jobbers or from those who do not be-
long to the Burial Case Association." The
Burial Case Association is the term the
Ring Manufacturers apply to themselves.
We would also call attention to article 10,
• pn.ge 12. "Each and every party or parties
whb may after this date start business as
Undertakers within the jurisdiction of this
Association may become members by mak-
ing application to the Secretary, and paying
the sum of $25, and shall be approved by at
least throe out of four of the nearest mem-
be • of this Association, in good standing to
th sp ilioant's proposed place of business,
an eaeivinggthe approval of" the ex -com-
mittee." "We have the means in our pow-
er to prevent it, and we shall not be slow to
use them.
Messrs. Gidley Bros. say we can get all
the goods we want; and we know we can,
but it was only a few weeks ago that they
were boasting that we could not get goods,
because we could not get into the' ring.
They thoughtthey had us'choked to death,
but thanks to the Manufacturing Opposition
which has started lately, we tyre indepen-
dent of them, and the public is not yet at
their mercy.
We will deal with the price list in the
future. We have foreseen all dif oulties,
and have information on every point and we
think by the time we are through with.
this ring, we will make Gidley Biros. asham-
ed of the manner in which they have "com-
bined" against the customers 'whom they
boast have supported them for thirty yrs.
We are gaining the support of the public
by our efforts to break clown monopoly, and
we will shqw that our stand is eliciting
praise from all over the country.
Yours Truly,
805[E OP 6 N
N�, es OF tts INSTEAD or seven
Moral charaeteristios are too often the out.
growth of physical causes. If so, should a man
with a diseased' body be trusted with armies,
or othergreat enterprises ?
banks, railroadsp s
In order to strsngthen,the mind, we must
strengthen the body. Brit in aiding physical
forces, certain muscles are frequently strength-
ened, because of their use, at the sacrifice, of
the parts of the body unemployed.
'l'he oarsman develops the muscles that are
brought into use in rowing, and, by continual-
ly developing them he is prepared for the
great event. The poet and the artist study
C� nature to improve the mind and the eye. .'
To enable one to employ all his forces, to
,'; the best advantage, the body must be in a
healthy condition, so that all parts may fully
perform their functions, and thee elevate the
mind by strengthening the body.,
The irratable man, the unjust man, the un-
successful man, the woman in, her duties of
life, the counting room defaulters, and the
�j( dscontinuall making failures receive
tli0usau Y ,
too little charity, en..whon the result is
prostration by disease, or sudden death by
or sotto terrible crime. F'r not until
life is ended,and tho resultof the postanortem
examination is known, can the physician de-
clare tbat the cause was organic derangement
of the system. They pr000nndeitblood-p0is,
ening, melancholy, lose of vigor,' or nervous
prostration. These socallod diseases, nine
times out of ten, ariseflait'i''the kidneys, which
are diseased so that they cannot expel the
waste matter from the blood.
There are hundreds of thousands of `people
who do not know that the same uantity of
through h he rt
, yesr a heart thio much
blood that as,
favored and admired organ), passes also
through the kidneys. If the latter organs ate
health in'nrious.matter is not retained, but
Y, ]
the pure blood that has become filtered by the
little hair-like tubes which fill the kideeys,
edos to the heart to be diffused thro'agh the
ntire body, producing health, and again tale.
ing up deadly waste matter, as it goes,
But if the kidneys are diseased the uric
Bt Y r.
acid attacte the weakest organ in the body
which meet eventually give way. It is thee.
that the physician and the patient treat what
), llv(�
^t ?
'Pito undersigned would respectfully luferm
the cam i rt,ythattheyhaveleasedtheabove
__Ts_ mills for a term of years ; and will be pleased
to ]lave a Call froin all. The mill has recently
been iiupreyed, by the addition of new mach -
..l.;.1 '� •-�-
At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed: Tide 'Oil was used en. nil Maohiner during
Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS duringthe Y g the
ltZg"See that you get Peerless, It is only ;cede by re last throe years.
incry. It is the intention of tl.e subscribers to is
o , add a sot of relic as soon as possible; and all
t• - cewbinCd, 6he
tag questions, and the publishers in their l r i
answers i Will be
making ver stn some dint but I -F,;;ill 1 I: r i� (� j Q second to none in the Brost
Y P pointe s L lA] en
seldom uedersteed This matter will be re.
calved with much more interest than themase Gristing and Chopping Done
otethe addamerits of pretended ALWAYS A FULL LINE Promptly.
of st ff whi(b is floatingabout the country,
noetiiims. proclaiming } P OF, ALL KINDS OF
Iu contemplating till the works of Nature,
the most striking fact everywhere apparent,
is the small begnninge of her grandest pro.
duations. '.Che towering oak began as a small
adorn, and the largest animal as 4 mere speck
which a:pin's head would cover, It is very
frequently the same in the busy walks of life
—great wealth, or great distinction often em-
erges from the smallest, the humblest:, begin-
nings. Among our merchant princes how
fanny inetanees could we not recount iu illus.
tretiou..of our theme.? There is one, however,
whose career, es reported to, ns, is one of the
most remarkable in mgdoru times Sows
forty yeas ago the name of Thomas Holloway
was unknown, unheard of. He was only one
of the multitude, each of which eclipses his
neighbor, and is in turn eclipsed. But now,
owing to the eminently successful medical
theory and medicnes which he had inyented
aucl introduced, his name is known in every
town of• the United. Kingdom, and in almost
every town and city of the habitable globe.
The King of Siam not only constantly ordered
Hol 1oway's Medicines, but eveu directed his
iambassadors when over here to visit Mr.
Holloway at his establishment This they.
ad in one .1
to Queen's s cassia ea and present-
g P
ed him with a large and magnificient jewelled
ornament of great pride in the name of the
King, Rajabs of India have in like manner"
frequently visited NIr. Holloway; so has the
secretry of the famous Sir Jamsetjee Jeejee•
bboy, who was knighted by the Queen. Other
foreign princes have tnoughtproper to inspect
the fatuous establishment, whence their sub-
lects had obtained their most approved medi-
cines, and one of them wrote an autograph
letter in Persian and Hindustaneo, that it
might be shown and published throughout
India as a mark of appreciation in which the
remedies were held by his Highness, Thus
is the career of Thomas Holioway—one of the
striking instances of a great developmentfrom
small beginnings.—Tide Man about Town
-(al 4
For Rickets, Marasmus and all
Wasting Disorders of Children.
Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with.
H jpophosphites, is unequaled. The rapidity
with which children gain flesh and strength
upon at is very wonderful. "I have used
Soott's Emulsion in cases, of Rickets and.
Marasmus of long standing. Iu every case
the improvement was marked."—J.M. Main
M D, New York, Put up in 50 c. and $1
Dyspepsia Directly Disappears During
Dosed os Dr. Carson's. Stomach Bitters, `the
most reliable family medicine. All druggists.
Pectoria ! Pectoria ! Pectoria 1 A bettor
dough cure or exnectorantis not,made. Be-
fore you give up try Pectoria, 25 cents per
bottle, all druggists.
Where the danger lies in using . pills in
cold weather—almost all purgative pills ur
pellets contain calomel or mercury in some
form or other. By using Dr. Carson's Sto-
mach Bitters you get a perfectly pure vege-
table,purgative. Large bottles. 50 cents,
ADvioitiTo MoTnnns.—Aro you disturbed at
night and broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with rain of Cutting
Teeth.? If so send at once and • get a bottle of
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing•Syrup " for Children
Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will
relieve the pour little sufferer immediately.
Depend upon it, mothers : there is no mistake
abort it. It cures Dysoutery . and Diarrhoea,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind
CaIie, settees the Gums, reducesintiammation,
and gives tone and energy tothowhole system.
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children
teething is pleasant to the taeto and is the
prescription of one of the oldest and bes
female physicians and nurses in the United
States, and is for saki by all druggists through-
out the world, Price twenty-five cents a bot-
tle. Be surd and ask for "Mits. Wnrs0ow's
Soomarxo amtrp"and take no other kind.
Mr. Samuel Allan, of Lisle, Ont., states
that he tried all the doctors in his locality
while suffering for years with Liver and Kid-
ney trouble; nothing benefited him until he
took Burdock, Blood, Bitters, four bottles of
which cured him.
It is sad to contemplate the amount of
sufferingin thworld.
e How mon.
physical .. y
weary, broken down invalids there are to
whom life is burdensome 1 Thenervous debil-
ity andgeneral weakness of those afflicted
with lingering diseaseis best remedied by the
nvigorating powers of B. B. B.
People who are exposed to the sudden
changes of our northern climate have.little
chance of escaping colds, coughs, sore throat
and lung troubles, The best sate -guard is to
keep Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam at hand. It
is a quick relief and reliable : euro for such
The mode of operating of Burdock Blood
Bitters is that it acts at once and the same
time upon the Stomach, Livor, Bowels, Kid.
nays and the Blood, to cleanse, regulate and
streugthen. Hence its almost universal value
M Chronic Complaints.
Procure a bottle of Flagyard's Yellow Oil
from your medicine dealer, and use aeoording
to directions. It cured Ida Johnston of
Cornell, Ont,, of that eonnplaint, auct she
recommends it as a sure cure. For'25 years
it has never failed to give satisfaction.
"Last January," says J. N, Teeple, of Or-
well, Ont., "there appeared diphtheria in our
neighborhood; Doctor ran nicht and day,
but I kept right to Tlegyard's Yellow Oil and
brought my children through all righ c." Yellow
Oil cures all painful ocnlplaints and injuries.
Tar eentser, ONT., May 3rd, 1887.
I have been troubled with nasal catarrh for
five years. Seeing Nesel Bolin advertised I
lanceted a bottle, and although I Lave only
used part of it, I do' not hesitate to pronounce
it thremedy in the world for that loathsome
disease, catarrh. It is easy and plotisant to
use,soothingand healing in its action - instant
iu giving relief removes and chat -Igoe the
poisonous sect•etions to a healthy state, stops
the droppings from head into the throat, and
removes all the symptoms of catarrh and
cold in the head. In fact if the directions
are faithfully followed nothing but a sure and
porinanent cure cart be the remelt,
iourt Truly,
F,rosh oatmeal eonstautly on hand for safe or
exchanged for oats.
l Call and Examine for Your-
J. W. B1if,OWNYNG, Prop.
Liver Cotnplaint,
Sick Headache,
Kidney Troubles,
Skin diseases
-and all -.
Impurities of the
131oocl from what=
ever cause arising
Female weakness
&e General debility
Purely Vegetable, Highly Concentrated,
Pleasant and effectual to use.
Doctor. Hodder's Compound.
Take no other Sold everywhere. Price
75 cents per bottle.
Cough Lung
Sold Everywhere. Price, 25 cents and 50
cents per bottle. ; Proprietors and Manf'rs,
the Union Medicine Company,
Toronto, Canada.
TOUNGiMEN Suffering from the effects of
i early evil habits, the result of ignorance or
folly, who find themselves weak, nervous, and
exhausted' also' Mennen Ae and OLD KEN,
who arebrokendown from the effects of abuse
or over -work, and in advanced life feel the
coneequenoes of youthful excess, send for and
READ M. 17. Lubon's Treatise en Diseases .. of
Men. The book will be sent sealed to any ad-
dress on receipt of two 3c. stamps. Address
M.V.LUBON,47 Wellington St. E. Toronto.
Jan.l3th.1887. 1—v.
The Great Edir'itish Prescription.
A. successful medicine used over •'-
30 years in thousands of cases. lr
t i Cures Spernaatorrhea, Nervous!'
Weakness, Emissions, Impotency `�sD
`•,, and all diseases caused by abuse. •�` -- -
lanrroan] indiscretion, or over-exertion, [AFTER]
Six packages Guaranteed to Ourewhen ail others
Fail, Ask your Druggist for The Great English
Prescription, take no substitute. One package
81. Six $5, by mall. Write for Pamphlet. Address
Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Bich.
Are pleasant to truce, Contain their own
Purgative. Is a sof', r•+m and effectual
lfOniibyer of worm is f;t.itdeen or Adult;
f�38t1VE OUR.:
linn!lldlata FICA
Coir in Heads
Not a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price
50 cts. and $1.00, If not obtainable at your drug,
gists, sent prepaid on receipt of price. .Address
FIJL,FORD oft. C®sy Brockville, Ont.
!`IHRISTto N LAWYER, lnanafao-
l� turer of all kinds of Trusses ; Residence:
Renuie's Mills, Hay, where he will attend to the
wants of any who may require his services,
Why pay from $15.00 to $25 00 for the same ar-
ticle which he can furnish you for $5.00, and
which is as good if not butter and warranted
to fit with oonifort? Remember, Double
Trusses, w 5.00 ; Single Trusses, $2.50. All com-
mnnioationsaddressed to
Zurich P. O., Ont,
Dissolution of Partner shad
Pro vino of Ontario,]
County of Hilton. f
We, Samuel Sweitzer, Henry Swottzer, John
Swoitzor and Adam Reichert, of the 'Township
of Stephen, County of 'Enron, Province of 0n-
iario,IPlax "Manufacturers, members of the
firm carrying on business as Flax Manufactu-
rers at the 'Village of Crediton, Township of
Stopnen, County of Enron, ane the Village of
Bxoton', said County of Hnrot., tinder the style
of. F.C. Sweitzer Sons & Co., 00 hereby certify
that tho said :partnership was :on the 15111 day
of October, A', D.,•1887, dissolved by mutual con-
sent. All persoua owing shy money to the
said Erni vlli nlease pay the 'same td Sanauol
waltzer, Oro diton,P. 0., who is hereby iai-
structod by the said firm to collect all accounts
and pay all ciobte.
'Whoaess,lbi9letln de 0etobev A, D.41327,
WIT;"•71158 HENRY SW.Cf'1`zan,
Jacob 1:ilbcr JOHN.S I ZVT� DZDR
An old physician, retired from
meet ice had
ing had placed in his hands cy an Hast Indian
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
rofnodyfel' the speedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
nus ell throat and lung affections, also is poli-
five and radical cure for Nervous Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, atter having tooted its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, has telt it his clary to Mike it known td
his suffering fellows. Actuated by Mils motive
and a dbsirc to relieve human anifolint, w i
Bond free of chargo.to all who desire it, this
recipe, in Germ see •renoh 05 English, with Rill
directioesfor propel:Ng and using. Sent by
mail by address!rig with stamp, nenniu this
itiaper,l'V.A•19or'ns,140Power's Block Ifteltester
J. & A. McNEVTN,
And every species of disease arising
from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS,
I ta
5 tO Si ti
10 id tdr
0 6 6
r 11 tit 41
— `P 15
gb5! 41 go go
Or in 2 44 .
g it
1713 ,t6
5' IR
ireee *at 4140
SU' VATimtia
Tho whole system is deranged and out of
sorts The blood is impure, pimples, boils and
liver npr is appearing en the race and body.
The liver is clogged (bud iliac sive, causing fa-
tigue, lois of appetite, a clull. sleepy, tired feel-
ing, ,with inability to do work. the complexion
is fallow and muddy, and it is nbsolutsly tie-:
oessary,to enjoy good health, to take the cele -
Is the place to go for all kinds of fruits in season..
My Oyster Parlor is one of the cleanest and best ap-
pointed pointed in town. The Oysters are always fresh, and cooked
in the best of order.
0. AUrn.
esti 0 roti G� .tis-
�h eG��S tie
.,:co, V,
o� 'eV' ti 40 � Net's'
5e� ..4 do e 'o . cJ' -
t. �ea� ..s. titin o1, . 3`- .2,. nese
t. tet~ . ,G AGK, GK.+ em' io
Se •.� e Gi d
o itis. eti`' 4.1 tye��oti�� e5 0'
S' 'co 00
�fi .e'
o e9,
AVS,010 o01.0 5� k, 0',b w�
e9K' , 0 t�os ,��„
Sea o 4rO ~ 1se`.
, , a4y� fide die � 4.t`�,�i�e�s�y
�¢4,e�3 beb••›- e i_
es ea
Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78 New Oxford Street
late 538, Oxford Straet, London. '
Rte- Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. -
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious:.
(Wholesale and Retail.)
BUILDER'S HARDWARE—Nails, Glass, (stained and engraved), Locks, Hinges
Butts (full line.)
CARRIAGE HARDWARE—Bar Iron, Bent Stuff, Hubbs, Spokes, Cutter Runners,.
Shafts, Moquette Wunalin, Drill, &o.
MILL SUPPLIES—Stow Pipe, Fittings, Valves, Asbestos, Packing, Rubber and Leath-
er Beitings, &c.
SPORTING MATERIAL—Breach Loading and Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, &e,
Silver Star Coal
011, Wicks, Bur-
ners, Axes,
Original oak and Triumph
The BradleyEavetrough and Tin -
ware a Specialty.
Verity's Plows and Pointe; Cal -
C Felts, Pitch,.,
Send in your orders for Chestnut or Stone, Carmel Soft, and the Semonic Blo
Coal before it advances. ssburg
c Ansaled Galvanized and Barb Wire abed -
Mandrake, Dandelion Liver Cure ,wbich puri-
fiosthebloodbystimulatingtheLivor,aiding ---
digestion and promoting a natural evacuation a of the bowels. Mandrake cud Dandelion are
of th��e�t Livor regulators known, and-- allinediealmen a red that the iver iof
L sgru nursUndertakinct
more vital importance to healththan the
Reert and Lungs, If the Liver is torpid or in -
salve, Dyspensia, Indigestion, Headache, Cos-
tiveness. etc. will result
L -I V—E- R
Complaint, Kidney and Urinary Trouble, J aun-
dice, Liver Spots Innpurolllood, Foul Breath.
aro quickly cured by Dr, Chase's Mandrake
Dandelion Liyer
When the Kidneys are diseased, overtaxed
andweeko0ed, 0110 or two bottles are guar-
asi.tood to Jure. ilIr. Alex, Taylor, West Gwtl-
iimbury, was troubled for 15 years with kict-
ney disoaso,was conmeltecl to rate 5 and 0
times thtough Hue night to urinate, suffsrect
intense pain, and was finally cured after all.
other remedies and physicians had failed, by
nsinethroe bottles.
5000 000 SOLD i
+i mein,
Over one-half million of"Dr. Chases itoceipt ,. ` ,:'� z�•-; '*� .--'-��--�%Y�'`d-`'�•`" w, 9 �'"�':,,
13oo1.5have bomisold inthwack, alone, mud we: _.__=,M_•�•" _ �,` - �
want eveiy person troubled with Liver Coni- ... "f"fts1
plaints and,lcicuoy:diseases. etc.,to try Chase
LiVer CyUr
bWrapped around everyer bottle is
No lady's toilet, house or hengem an sbeulttbo
without this bete:, the finest collection of reel
pos extant, ' The ladies' clopatnient giy es re-
ceitttsforbeautifying the edmplexi on. Mag-
nolia, ]3alin,Croam of Sosity, may Dew , Tan,
&rockies,;Sunburb, Hair Dyes end Promoters,
Tooth powdois, Washes, &olden wily Dye, for
bfoacheig dark hair to a golden bus, Eye 05
Lustre.,lte., etc.
1 a t
Sold by all all ttolass at $1. Buy bottle.
te o
The book aloud is worth toil linos the cost of
the medicine.
Try 1)r. Chase's leidney Liver Pilis, the only
pill made acting c lrectlg on the Iuideeys, Liv-
ivse and Bowels, Piece 25 c.' Sold by all deal-
Don'tallow'acold: in head to slowly and
surelydevelop int catarrh, when you east bo
cured for sic b t sing Dr. Chase's Catarrh
y 6
i' ion eat -
r .A n I lllttiofi mire fuel t a
u a. few a C s o
; 1' to 2 bti os(tiro ordinary catarrh ; '1 to
5 boxes I8 guarantied. t6 euro chronic catarrh,
Try it, Only 25c, and sure eerie
We would call the attention of the people of Exeter and we, vin surrounding courtrto
fact that having l y
g purchased the stools and business of ��TILI,IAM' DItPF�T, •itire offCi
special inducements in
Parlor Setts, Pittin and Fancy Tables,, springs and Mattress(
Bedroom Setts, Wood, Calle & Perforated Chairs, Book
ng,Writing Ile ks, SicexiLzls, Wlttnot5, Cxat1yS,i111SLtils.
And an Endless Variety in Beds, Bureaus, Cnphe►rt (IS &c.
Ot1r Stock of Lumber is bar Thoroughly Large and i hoi•onghly Seasoned, and having .
g had exten..q
experience in the leading factories of the Dominion,Stylish
abla I!urniture, we can guarantee and Sere
Our tock o •
0 5 l Uncientalcmg Goods is the Largest in
,is tho County, and our Fleazso ha
t -.s
q north of London, Specie_ Wien will be paid to this branch of he business
e ua.a, an
everyone will find: us prompt and reliable business mon.
Remember the Stand, Ou0 Door North of Mdlsooa's BAxl
110 "-E r 'i NIDI--ZRW,S