HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-17, Page 1A -0*n...0.
FOR $1.80
We will send the TIMES 'and 41lir
City Weekly from now Until
T II. DIOKSO1NBarrister Soli-
, ,
il 4. cit al cr Supreme Conrt, Notary Public
Conveyance: Commissioner. &o. Money to
kin Pauson's Bloch, Exeter,
, ,-
Barrister) SolicitP or Conveyancer Etc
/ '1
.113XETER, - ONT.
OfliceSamwell'aBlock Call sold office.)
A EmouR W. FORD,
Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario,
Crowe Yanoor, Commissioneri do., &c. Special
attention given to the collection of claims in
the United States; Patents proctired, in °nay
to loan at lowest rate. °dice : Opertl. House
Blooir, St. 1Vrarys, On.
, ,
:Barrister, s golicitore Notaries Public
, ,
• Conveyancers 650 '&o.
'll'Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
e interest. ,
n. v. omooe. J. ELLIOT.
f.),IFIFIC.IC: over co.nrEivs Ban&
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
sp-mamoml- 3-.Dmiq-TisT. 1
:,.r.,...„,....I., Giev..„,to of, the loyal Cillegp_aof /
Ilii'ija Lg ftnarintrirgilil ID?enntl°BoKOM; (
on MAIN -ST„ next door to Treble's Harness /
.shop, Exeter, where I am prepared to perfOrin
all branches of the Dental profession with ease 2
& skill. evemd-mx...enonsi, evrodeom,ceas,
used in extracting teeth, Charges, Moderate.; it
Terms, Cash_ - l'I
• Samwell's Bloat Main•st, Exeter,
Extraots Teeth without pain,
b3r giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
,___,-;,-,•al..,,,,,.-_ Pilings and all other dental
the best possible. Goes
4,1,fittft ,o.• w Zulu= on last Thursday in
each month. c
LIP.UZ , D. .51.' • Sn
C • Offic est his reliden ee Exeter • 4t
-r W. BROWNING 141. D.,M. (3 Ti
U • P. S ,GraduateVictoriallnivereity,Office
siudiresidence,Dota!pioriletborator v,EXeter
T)R. HYNDIVIAN, coroner for the S
County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. an
I. Carling's store, Exeter. tn,
TV—RA- . B , 0. P. 8 1
-a-, O. ce, Main St.Exeter,Ont.Besiden tio
oe houserecently occupied by 1'. McPhillips, er2
Esq. of
TTENRY EILBER, Licensed Aue- 0A
-1--1- tioneer for &ay, Stephen, a0t1 MoGilli. co,
?ray:Townships: Sales conducted at moderate
cameo. Oftleet-At POSt-ofilee,Orediton, Ont,
TOEIN GILL, Auctioneer for the Dei
t) Townships of Stephen, Bay and. Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales j
arranged at this office.
nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary college, Toron-
to, have an office for
the treat » merit of all
Domestic , ' '•Animals, on
Mainstreet.......,Exeter.• Calls
from _.-----7:-
a dis ____..- --.. • tance proinDVY
attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattleolce
always on hand: RI
--Y-11- Percent, $215,000 Private Funds- Best
Loaning Companies represented. „
Established in esen.
Thi g coraxanv has been over Eighteen
Years in successful operation in Western On-
tario,andeontinues to insure againetloss or
damage bv Eire ,Buildings,Merollaudise,Man-
ufactories,and all oth e r descriptions oftin stir -
able property. intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the l'roroitim Note; or
CIIS ring e past ten years this Company
thSystem .
huttmed 57,096 Policies, covering property
to aount of 4O,872th
,oes ;and paid. loss-
efaione $700,750,00
Assets. $176,100.00, consisting of Cash
Bank, GovornmentDeposit, and the (mass -
eased Premium Notes on hammed in force. a,
W Wovsle D. Presidei.t. 0. t. Otevaon,
Secretary , J. 13. Htron s,Insp odor. CHA.S.
SNELL Agontfor Exeter and -vibinitv,
Barber Shop,
A Hastings, Prop.
Shaving and Har en tting in the latest styles
f the art.
Every atteetion paid to en tti»g
adies anal Ohildren's Hair
Brick and Tile.
Vire wish to can the special attention of the
farmers and others requiring tile, that Air,
Geo . Moats, of Lot 11, Con, 0, Steitheu, Creditor'
P, 0.. bus on hand a very large quantity of
8 " 40,00 "
If necessary, limited credit will be given.
Crediton. Sept. 11, '87. GEO SICOATZ.
Sebringv ille,
pathy goes.ont for the family of Mr. Sohn
Solon:we-Louis Goettler, a highly res- 1)"s"'(4 t14' 2ild c°11 Usb°1'ne' by
pee -W(1 ,young farmer, who hits lived in this for Fieverel weeks beim the victims of a vile
neighborhood for 80020 time, cowmifted f atteok of Diphtheria, Two of the children
suicide on Thursday morning by •cutting his have already sucaumbea to the malady, ttvo
throat. He luta been ittor comae time end have'reeovered while three lay seriously ill
st the Preeent time. Despite the efforts of
medicine mid good attendance the deceased
ohildren's doom seemed to be sealed from the
first, although the doctor brought them
through more than the preecribed number of
days, before death. It is truly sad for
farmer or any other man to lee thrown into
latch a predicament, but the family, as well
as the 13oarcl of Health of the township
deserve great praise for havitte taken pre-
cautionary meitsnyee to prevent a further
spreading of the disease, whieh is pronounced
a very serious type. It is repected that the
Diphtheria Was imported leto this' ignition by
a lady from the east, who WW1 vieiting friends
in Cautralie, and that the first victim of the
Dempsey family a young lady, contracted
the disease while in Centralia, and carrying
it home other members of the faintly were
stricken down, with the resultas above
at t e do tor had, seine greued ler alarm, in
At the Pollowing Prices ; his symptoms, he charged hie brother k
incbariie „. • 8 8.5OO5. keep a close watch. Overcome, posiebly by
• ... 7.5o 1010, the brother fell asleep and the deed
11.ou was done. Deoeaeod was 27 yew of aee.
18,00 "
28.00 " Much sympathy is felt for the bereeved
ee 00 "
Doupe's Store
heap Goods!
e UnderS81/ Everybody and are
Never Undersold.
8 lb Nice Sugar
Plugs Chewing Tobacco •
eat Can Salmon -
Me Tea -
rey Cotton
11 Wool Flannel
Pair Wool Socks
25, ets.
15 ets.
10 a. a lb. up.
4 tits. a yd. up.
15 ets. a yd.
45 (Air
.And a large stock to select from.
XRCIIRD)It:94(1s. a w Li'y
t.-Birob HillRoad to Pugwash junet'n 1Szuls
d.-PngWash,Tunct'n to Pugwash .. 5 mls
.-Pugwash Jim. to Wallace.Station ...7 rola
,- Wallace Staiion to Mingo Bean .....17 pals
nders for Grading, Bridge and Culvert,
Masonry,Teneing, &c.
ealed Tenders, addressed to the undersign-
. ed and endorsed "Tender for Oxford
d.N ew Glasgow Railway," will be received at
s office up to noon on Friday, the 185h day
November, 1887, for the grading, bridge and
vert masonry, fencing, &a.
tans and profiles will be open for inspec-
n at the office of the Chief Engineer of (xo v -
went Railways at Ottawa, and also at the
es of the Oxford & New Glasgow Railway.
Cumberland County, Nova Scotia,
and after the lOch of November, 588700:ore
eral snecifloation and form of tender may
obtained upon application.
°tender will be entertained unless on one
he printed forms, and ail conditions are
plied with.
By order
• Secretary.
artment of Hallways and Canals t
Ottawa, .20th October, 1887. f
j1 &Curollor:
-Wn Ann -
Aud offerieg out• entire stook at a
As our stock is
All New' ?, Well. Assorted
This is a rare dance
To Secure your Fall--
-& Winter Goods.
.A. Sao Dzeen,--Thotrias McLellan, a MIL -
dent of this vioinity, was tound dead Satur-
day naorning in a ditch about half-aernile from
Gadshill, near Stratford, on the northern
gravel road. The ditch has a large quantity
of water in A, and, it is presumed, that, Fri-
day night, being rely dark, Itfr, McLellan,
while returning home from Statford, drove
into the ditch, with the above tragic result,
Forty dollars were foand in deceased's pock-
ets undisturbed. The keenest sympathy is
felt for the family in their sad leereavraent.
Deceased was universally respected here -
Clandeboye. 0
Barnrs.-B. Blaelzwell & Son, egg•dealer
Clandeboye, have paid out nearly $35.000 f
eggs this season. -The sports around he
got up a shooting match last week, and aft
a lot of ehooting one of them managed
break a ball ; he was aaderdingly prououn
cd vietorious. This was all right, had n
the shooters taken up their position fecin
the public road. Ever and anon a deluge
shot would alight on the unlucky passer -b
-Mr Eli Bice is fitting up a house in town
where lie and his bride intend taking up the
abode. Git titer Eli. -There leas been
number of petty burglaries around here late
ly.-Mr. Jas. Carter has reeved into town
where he intends to live during winter. -Mr
Hodgins and Miss Dagg were united in
marriage recently, tbe age of the bride wa
14 years. -The members of Court Green
wood, I. 0. F, of this place; conteamiat
holding a musical and literary entertainmen
shortly.-tfr. S. McFadden was recently in
jared by a fall from a loft. n seems that h
went up to throw down some hay, when wan
dm ering about in the dalie fell through a
trap door and lit on the hen roost below
much to the disturbance of the chicks. •
• - --- Das-lxwbod:
BEIRE8.-Mr, D. Gottschalk was to Sea -
forth last Saturday attending the funeral of
his nephew, son of Mr. Robert Winters.
-.Rev. Mr. Eiford is off attending the con-
vention of Lutheran ministers. He expects
to be gone a week. -Mr. Hall and wife were
visiting et Mr. Hall's, our esteemed mer-
chant, this week. --Mr. Henry Willert re -
'tamed from Buffalo last Monday and reports
having done well with his cattle. -No ser-
vice was held in the church here on &friday
night, on account of the revival meetings
which are being held a short (Estancia from
here.. -As announced in last week's issue,
the Debating Society met last Friday night
Ifor the purpose of ohoosine a subject, and
to appoint officers for the ensuing season.
A. subject was chosen, but the election of of -
was left until next Friday night. The
subject chosen for next next night's debate
is "Resolved that married life is to be prefer-
red to single life." The affirmatiye is to be
supported by ..T. Erin, Captain, assisted by
E. Morgan, H. Kellerman, F. Reid, F Wurtz,
C, Linderfelelt and H. Willed, and the nega-
tive by .T. Witzel, Captain, supported by M.
Fenn, JO Grigg, S. Kellerman, A. Bean, A.
Birk and R. Cook. As this is a good subject
for debate a large otowd is expected.
$t. Marys.
•pm "father" Ingram is still on the Mil
an was in town this week.
2, Sidney Smith has removed to Stratford
to practice his profession.
The Philharmonic proinises 4 concert at
an early date.
,Tohn R. Gmeet has purchased the lease e
and good -Will of Crozier & Guest of the Ox- 5
IP *St 1
Mr. R. Robinson has nearly completed a
new brick shop, which will be a credit to our
rising burg.
Mr. FL Brown has beeu very busy this
fall conducting sales. Harry is becoming
very popular as an auctioneer.
Messrs. F. and T. Godbolt were presented
a few week, ago, with an address and hand-
some silver butter cooler each as • a alight
token of the esteem in which they are held ,IdettosozDe. J. Di, coNiEsalay, iattertear
by their many friends. A large number as.
e a e residence of lkfr F Godb It
JoIrttnhitelesL,jtigneld•Itilleisa!ls'oon a
s ni-
suranees to the amouut op* 0,000 are
secured, the company p oceed to issue
policies. So far as we 0472 see every precau-
tion has been taken to fully proteot all par-
ties and to aware the establishment of the
association upon a safe and reliable basis.
All who wish to become merabere and take
advantage of the privileges it affords should
and in their names to the agent of their
oounty, together with the number of animals
they desire insured, as the sooner the re-
quired amount of insurance is got the sooner
can the emaciation go into active working
operation. It will also be noticed that it is
not the owners of entire horses alone that
are interested, but farmers and others who
have mares and colts can ale° partimpete in
its benefits. We hope to see it liberally
dupported by, the horse breeders and owners
of the bounty tif Httron. The essessments
will sooreely be felt, while in the case of
death the receipt of two-thirds of the value
of an an animal will help greatly to lighten
the loss.
Limits:110E meeting in con -
motion with the Horse Iostuanoo Company
whieh is to be conducted in conneetion whit
the ITsborne Plibbert association waS held
in Hensel!, on Tuesday of lent week. There
was a good attendance. The committee
appointed to prepare rulee and regulatious,
presented, their report which was adopted.
This association will be run on the nautuel
plan; after having given a prezniura note in
proportion to the amount of insurance the
assessment, besides a trifle for expenees, will
be email, and only when a loss occurs. All
elasees of homes will be insured save livery
horsee, and no risk will be taken on any
animal valued at les d thall $75 Or more there
0,500, registered stock at two-thirds of their
value and unregistered at one-half. The
premium note upon which assessments are
made, will be ten per ceat of the insured
value of the animal, that is two-thirds of the
actual or appraised value. Policy to last for
one year only. The following counties will
enePoso the territory :--Elgin, Middlesex,
Huron, Bruce and Perth. The directors or
inspectors appointed for the different (mune
ties, whose duty shall be to solicit rielcs and
make examinations, are as follows, viz :-
Huron -D, MoIntorth, V. S., ,Brucefield A
Innes, Olintou, and A, Colquhoune Exeter.
Middlesex -j, 1). O'Neill, 7., S., London; R.
R, Grendy, Clandeboye ; E. W. Charlton.
Duncrief. Brece -T. G. Dug. V. Se Kin-
oarditie ; A, Moffat, Teeewater, Elgin -T.
L. Carson, St. Thomas; W. McLellan, St,
Thomas; Arch. Campbell, Lawrence Station.
Perth -Wm. Stephens, V. S., St. Mixers ;
Charles Brooks. Mitchell; Sohn Jacobs, Se.
bringville, The first named in eaoh of these
lists are the inspectors, The agents are as
follows :Elgin -W. 1VIeLellan, 51, Thomas;
on the ocuntsion and spent a very pleasant
Mr. Ishmael Hall, who has been confined
to his bed, through severe illness, wishes to
take this opportuaity of publicly thanking all
• thosewtho 80 kindly assisted in sawing, splits
ing and hauliag him such a splendid lot of
wood One day last week. Mr. Hall being
confined to his bed is not in a position to
personelly thanIc his friends for their kind-
ness as he would wish to, but h.opea all will
kindly accept this expression of his gratitade
and particularly Mr. G. Heywood, who so
generously gave the wood free of Charge.
A SHAMEFUL Bow. -Our invariably quiet
village was thrown tato a flutter of excite.
mexes, few days -altoeby the report ethat a
disgraceful row had taken place inethe black-
smith shop. Joseph Ducharrae is a black-
smith and J.oseph Dawson is a farmer living
in the vicinity. A short time ago it is said,
that these t mo men while in attendance
auction sale, had a htfl out. Dawso who
was running an account for blacke idling
&o. with Ducharnie, called on ye day in
question to settle his amt. The ancouut was
rendered, and hi a we are informed, appear-
ed an item -a bolt, 5 cents, broaght forward
from several years ago. Mr. ,Dawson pro-
tested, saying that as held re eipts an full
from year to year. since havi had dealings
with Ddcharme, Hot words ere exehanged
and it is Baia, Ducharme, lo mg his discre-
tion, picked up a sledge ham er and dealt
Dawson a terrific blow on t e head, felling
him to the flow, and not bei g satisfied with
this, janaped upon and kicke him as though
he were a brute. It is Hip ght he would
have killed Dasvson ontrig t had not a
neighbOr happened along, w o, hearing the
profane oaths of Ducharmet went in and
pulled him off, The almost dead man was
removed to his home and th assistance of
Iwo physicians procured, wh are devoting
their special attentions to try-, and save his
life. Besides being cut in seveled places his
body is stvollen to an enormottiii size. Such
proceedings shoeld not be tolerated in a
civilized comrannity, and if the offensive
man, who is at the tirae of writing, at large,
is uot very soon arrested, thehitmane ele-
ment of our population should make a sud-
den and deeisiye move in the matter.
IN 10* 41
ford House. 15
The suit of Crozier vs. St. Marys will be t
tried at the County Court Sittings. Why
does the Council not Settle this snit and save NY
the town costs ? 0
Our Town :Clouncil granted "Dummy" f
White $40 at ite last meeting. A great nanny
of the ratepayers are of theopinion that one I
half that 8111.13 was sufficient as the family V
earn 528 per month and is not in aebt.
unoi or Whitson is fayoesibly spoken of
ns onr next mayor. Now m the time for the
irrepresgible Henry to bob up serenely and
give us some electioneerieg to while away the
winter evenings,
Mistress Muir f.ippeared in our Police Court
es LitafaiTeld .1gaifti;11:e and
Gossiping circles were elated over the acirecausin
convers ion took place between two young
ladies in own on Sunday evg. last, in the
presence one of young men who took it
down in sort -hand :-Say, Sallie I wonder
who that tr eller is who was in town yester-
day afternon ? Don't know, retorted Sallie;
that fellow wi the checked suit ? Yes, says
Tillie; and did ou notice hitn twist his mous
taehe ? I'll het two cents lee's a dude 1 And,
says Sallie, sue bewitehing soft brown eyes
would break the heart of any—hem, cab-
bage. I just be 'eve, avers Tillie, I've seen
him in town bef re 1r Why, Tillie I let me
tell you who he puts me in. mind of; that
fellow who wore the pea -jacket which was
a conple inches horter than his under coat,
at our fair ; au who took go mach stock he
us, don't you na ncl 7 Well now, Sallie, that's
the same fellow and a lady friend of mine
told me that he a notorioas flirt, and hails
from— , ive me your ear and I will
disclose to you is name. Say Tillie, jest
wait till he com, g here again, and we will
teach him a thifig or two. Good night, heck
II" Catk"ii WI h7atigrgur ciegx ta t eSd"vuttrIdi :eye. -f Tls,b e:i:
to the pea -jack 1; good night, Sallie. don't
give us away on the brown eyes and mous-
BUIEFS.--Th adjourned meeting of the
have been net houses erected here during
the stiranaer to
--The mercha its xeport business oOnp
novenae, seeeeeeno.__The council mop on Mr. D, Steinbe h and the Mess Sr
ess. All the members present. Minute's of
!outlay, Nov. 7, for the transaction of beige Axt are seerni gly do- g b mess ; of
he previous meeting read and approved. course the peo le Ano- ey can pro.
as residing with his wife, when the Boerd
Donald Bain repotted that Rnth Ritchie Znett-heMbeassi ihaDrgualnart & Weselote having
islet what they
rtiered to be paid to him the usual grant purahatecirthe premises lately occupied by
or her support. Mr. 13ender, iritend opening oat a hew stock
Mr. Thomas Thompson presented is claim P6efobPrI7 allci'hoes, in a few weeks. The
or damages drawing gravel ; ordered to be formilea around can then be "booted"
slatiafactorflyt as in DO other place in this
petition• from. James Speak and 28 others
seetten can be found two better establisto
meets than the one in question and that of
regarding fences ouo 2001150,r oottiheeeirssiroenra, evaanio. t !tied. Kibbi .-On a few stieetein town the
lertich Wrtas ordered to notify the parties beard walks, are Redly in need of repair. Of
tTo remove all obstroetions et once. a dark ntglit pedestriana are eu clenger, the
t aTribdarele°1111,° vv$ 111311T. 48 °triage:4 niwnegresuisvseurestitculterta,8 tides M mitny plaees being large.--hfrs. M
bridges ; William Fetcher $16.00, gilts- visit with friends end relatives at Welkerton.
Xaner retteraed at week, after a fete armee
elling town line Blanshard and Dowel° ; -Mr. D. Steinbach went out with hie grin
Sohn Copeland, 58 00. tile on Base 1Pe ; last FridAY, and seouredgieveral fine big rah -
George Willcinsoa $3.00, charity; Wim bits, --Lit Ohursday evge meow fell to the
depth ortwo inches ; the 'small boys were
Cade 52.00, ditch eon 13; P. Atkinson $3.25 jubilante-In a few weeks me're the death ary
tile; I. Frishuer 68 ots, rep culverts bwn. of the porkers may be hearcl:e-The eahool
e Slanshard and Niesouri; Cl 81 aford
,ft9.90 climbing tile at No. 9 school mute; Doan Ore Practicing s°n16 gooditmaNdootions
lin childrsh under the management of Miss
mos' Artnetrong $86.6,.. plank; Ittet, 1 nee for their examination coneert which *ill soon
85.10; grevel; Robert Moir 52,00, sprOading I be tit'hand.--To.day i Thudsclav) ;is Thanks
el; &Om Slack $2,.rep culvert 0013 9; 'W
gravel; Tames Fletcher $L 75, spreadin4 gray- ' givitig Day. Appropriate services in all"th
imam chtfichea ; business carried on as usual -A
0 5 °motion, $20, award Re Hopkins; Um
Robinson $13.80, rep oulverta StratforOroad; snit:wise party called at Jr. Hartman Hag
pla's bottle last Friday evonmg, for the pur
•poee of having is jolly time. The beerty evel:
come they got proclaimed everything all clear
ancl everybody enjoyed themeelves immensely,
After partaking of the good thingg from the
baelsete, the party broke up at a seasonable
hour, leaving with tho impressible that Mr,
li's house Wa9 the tight place for a surprise
pasty.-AIn Happier Mtt for the'Buffalo mark
et the other day with three carloads of lambs
he has also 5,000 head on the same marhot
whiela wore proVionsly glint:led, besides 90V•
eral thousand head of poultry ; NVO Wifit: Mr.
If every success. --The big marsh, bettor
known to ourselves AS the Zurich. eivatiep, for
about three miles nottliwneel on the west side
is ilea maga of undefbrosh, caused by the fire
last week. All the smaller treeg whiell were
not deeply rooted are all fallen one ecroes the
other and many have:6111mi pretty =Aileron
theroAd atl both sides. Before the heavy
rain and meow fall there was great (lenge/. of
eerioes detnege being aerie to property in the
, Shoddy peddlers are after the scalp of the
Tim Royal Alail, Passenger and e'reight
Route between Canada and Great Britain and
direct route between the West and all points
on the tower St. Lawrence and Rafe des Cho.-
iour, egeo
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia
F. B. dape Breton,
unwary farmer in thus vicinity. , Let :anyone
who Wants clothing patronize any of our
numerous clothing merchants in totre, arid
they will be sure of valee for their inoney.
Give the peddlers a wide berth,
Messrs. White and Moir have returned
tom the campaign in Fraltlimand. The peo-
ple here are desirosis of Snowing when and
vile) e they spoke, as it seems to have been
silent course they purstuel ; mayliap eilenee
NevvioittRillana, a
and drainalca.
Now and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping
ISI Day Cars run on through Express trains.
Passengers/or Great 13ritain or he Conti-
tI011t by leaving Toronto at 600 a, m. Thurs-
day will join oittward marl 'steamer at Ilali-
fax a, na. Satinalay.
Superior Elevator Warolion so and Doak ac-
commodation fa Halifax for shipment of green
and genoralmoithandiso,
Years of experience haVe proved the INitS11-
00LOtaan in connection with steamsbip
litres to and from London. Liverpool and
Glasgow to Thtlifax, bo the iplicitost freight
route between Cadadit and Great B ,
Information as to Passenger and T
rode can be had ion application to w
ROB NET 13,i100Dste, I ac
Weetern Proight &Pageenger ageht erc
16,ose.0 )101.1A r3100•YOrk Nt' rl'OOnt0
POTTING1ta, co
Chief. supernitenden ti
Rat way 0 to 14, DIV ovlath, 1885 is
n this case was " golden
W. H. Close, unlike his name, ie far estate
ng many mourners. Before hie
eparture he was jailed, but opon eettling
p the claim he was liberatea ; arm he skip -
ed before any other of the umnerous credit-
ts could detain him, Billy CO8grOVe now
wns the brieky
The electric light question died early, and
he gas scheme has appnrcmtly followed suit,
till, the eitizene grope their way along onr
recite in :utter darkness, exeept when the
on i ou 55 )101110 time. A new 001112 Oil is
eeded with sCa00 enterprise and backboile.
he preeent one is a "hamby paznby" affair
ithout snffieient courage to move of its own
cord, hot mustefirst :eubtnit every tritlieg
iestion to eo-called times meetings. Tide
raduct has continued ER in darktiese, swum
met; relieved by the Street lighter, svhea he
sufficiently "breeed up,"
hie left
The ci‘t ank
ea 4 14 , stwogi(X)15+1'Lfi)g
ANIsrug for Inowty
gor /goner ,
Savings 13anE
mEonr trE(L,x4,:,:teglY.inuti,e;89071)111d);)t T t Bank
la a, in. to Sp, To, Saturclays, 10 6.1a, t01.1).ra
A, A. C. DENtvant,
Cmt, 25, "87. Iesrkoct
Dwane,- On Sunday, Oot, 2915, Mrt
Mary Ann Whiteside, in Inc 4015 year other -
age. Ear over a year oho has been a great
eafferer from a eancer, but she always bore
her affliction with Christian patieoce. She
bid her femily tarewell, end, said it was hard
to part with thenr, but she muet leave them,
for theLord's will meet be doree. Herlreinahas
were laid away in the Salem churchyard. The
frineral services were ecuiducted by P. W.
Jones, essisted by iteV. Iluster,-On 'Electra
day, Nove3rcl, Mrs. Marion Ramsey, wife of.
itfr. Frederick Ramsey, departed this life,
aged 37 yrs. For over 15 years she has been
a great sefferer from file, but she alwaye bore
her afflietion with Christian patient*. She
retained strong confidence in God up to the
tacit. and had a number of hymns selected to
be mug at her funeral. She passed away as
Peacefully as if going to Sleep.
Afennee REPORT. -Wheat, SO Os. per
bush ; Barley. 65 ca. to 72 c. per bueh • otits.
30 cts. per bush. ; Peas, 50 to 55 ct's per
Baxers.-We had the pleasure of seeing
Mr. John Windsor of Brown Oity, Mich., in
town the other day. Sohn lookswell and turns
the beam at 201 lbs., which speaks well for
the land acorn and wine. -Quite a seusatiow
prevails around towzt in the sewiug machine.
business. Raynaond is represented by Old
Man Weir, more commonly known as the
Grey Horse. The "Davis" machine is repre-
sented by Watson and an unknown, who ie
popular in skill in making cups teed saucers..
The next feature in the ply is ably held by
our much respected tokusznan, Hr. Thomas
Newton, at the Knights of the Thimble. Last
but not least, nonies In the .great reuouned
bible agent, book pedlar, ex-yilla,ge official:
but who has recently been promoted. to the
more honorable position of raerchant tailor,'
on Main street, representing the far-famed;
and world-renowned Singer. We feel confi-
dent that the above ooriepany will, in the
near future, find their business largely in-
creased from the exertions and labors of their
oily -tongued, tnost reliable and aceonarnodat- .
ing agent, Mr. j. (1. MoConnell.-Mr. N. E.:
Hooper, village collector, reports the taxes
nearly all Paid, which speaks well for our
town's .finance. -Having business up tosin
at a very Tete hour last Saturday night our
attention was oalled to one 'of our faithionable
tailoring establishmenti being hilly illumi-
naMd. Front the religious professions of
the proprietor we dare not say he was work.:
A Srcuseezon.---QuiM is sensatioa has taken
place in our town durirenour absence of over
forir motithsressan:everivirig-hornefrora a -visit
in the West we were very 3X1110/1 amused by
hearieg of what had transpired while avniy.
Although the town had the same husineas
sing as ever, and every person just as busy,
yet we Iona a noted difference, more partic-
ularly dining the night, as repeated visits of
pimfessional thieves and tramps made it very
uneasy, and also Impleasantfor those whona
Providence had blessed with and over -pro-
duction of cash, as they retired ke rest after
Se, weary day's toil. Stich WI; the case 11
was found necessary to place the safety of
the town in the hands of a night watch, the
same being a county official of NOTE. Many
applications tvere made to him for positions,
and atter considering the same made his lection trona the black and tan elenaeut of
• our yigilant citizeng. The Dusky Clhief with
his staff of blood hounds could be seen
• every night prowling around oet streets wag-
ing tvar on everything that possessed life,
from a boy to a bullock, that dare' to have
audacity to trespass on the ground, held se
dear to them, tire quartette always belug
armed with every conceivable fire arm troth
a thripenuy not to a petting gun. While
they were on duty the other night all
object caught the gazo of the keen -eyed
eleief, which at first appeared-, ' be is mum in
the; t of effecting en *titre, o rough the
windp t one , 1 oar b m gte.tlortses,
(Melte 4 tho ght, WItitingti Whang 1
went olt,6 ey aft -• *1W:ell-min the many
guns of ght infaiiiii;o (?) Am examina-
tion belie etlyebr the scalp of the suppos-
burglar a in,g could be found but the
b ow of a neighbor's cat running at a rapid
sp CI across the street being alarmea by the
unusual noise at that near of the night'. As
yet the mystery remains uneolvecl anct the
stinky detective feels very indignant at lets
Staff for displaying so great a want of confi-
dence in his foresight, thinking himself
quite capable to distinguish (even M the
clark,) the differenea between a quadruned
tramp and biped monger. The true facts df
the cage ere not forthcoming to the public at
present furtberraore than tne universal con -
°lesion, that the whole beigade seems quito.
indifferent as to the apprehension of steppes -
ed. law-breekerse so they snceeed iti creating
a racket to disturb the peaceful slumbers of
the inhabitants; but yet all those initl-night
prowlers do not meet with tha same fate, A.
report being current the other evening that
three hard looking cases, of the tramp per-
suctsien, were selling jewelry around town,
tit once the services of our Village Constable
Mr. john Bowden were secured, and in a very
feta minutes he succeeded inplacing big three
birds in the corporation trap, and all without
firing is single*shot, allel next znorning, be-
fore the,P. 111., for breaking by-laws, and
violating certain stateitee of our constitntion,
they were plucked of $52.50, winch
. lu our opinion will go ftwther towards mond-
e ing the highways and stemming justice's,
thau if that officer had ran them a mile
., ',firing dyziamite by the bushel after their
_ beade, and next niornine thig the coimoration
a song entitled' -'i don't, know who these
were." Too meal' value (menet be placed
on it good retieble officer tvheee only aim is
to bring the offenders to justice and make
them eterne to ,an offenrled law- Onr town
his every reason to fee: prowl over the °di-
em. of tlieir choidb who le contitnally blillg-
IER to the molt thdegewho will not lit o law-
abiding, seed who hes enecooderl in making
oer town rank high in the, eettle of public
Nagle $7.50, gravel and damages; See .ttlle
$9.07, gravel; rhos. °teeter $3,70, gravel;
Wm. 81.,John 54.07, tented; Willistrn Dawson
02. Pep scrapers; Thoreas Elliott; $2.50, tea
eulvett Blanshard & Usimime; Wm Wiseman
$7.07,ortive1; Both Ititehie, 87.00, charity;
Themes Thompson $2. damege drawing
Board adjotinied to meet on the flint
Monity in December at the hone of 10
o'clock, ade. Wet. JOITNIVION, ClOrlr.
The town clack ceased to prosecute its
daily work on Tuesday, having etopped
short it helf past five a. tn.
A few days ago several yeeng aspiring
sports tied a cat to e pest and Ifiazed, away
for up verde of half an houe, eraptyleg sever
itt chanbcrs of is horse Metel into its carcaes
witheit the desired effect. The Statement
that a cat hes nine lives was Iii•ntly impress-
ed upcii the minds of these youtg sports.
2, IVI. Vitilliants held met here yesterday
wheo the following eases were dispOsed of :
Reyneld, o/ Henson, confeeeed, being
the first offenee, nnoa fifty dollareand eoets.
N. L. Nine, Zurich, two charges, 0013,FoScd,
fined $gli 515 0085. 01V011 ten
pay. r. Hall, Limerick, second.
$100 ned toste. Pottrteen days
Wee. Hawkohnev's 0540 VMS Onkel'
one weak, be not putting in an app