HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-10, Page 301978 Budget 50,144 122,857 189,166 284,831 120,178 14,350 100,049 10,600 842,031 • 137,673 277 , 531 • _ ..41 ��04 1', 257 , 235 rAt.k; SA --CLINTON NEW$ -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 10, _1979 TOWN OF CLINTON REPORT 19: MacGillivray Et Co. Chartered Accountants Box 187 40 The Square, Goderlch, Ontario N7A 3.7.2 (612) 5242677 International Spicer and Oppenhelm TO: The members of council, inhabitants and ratepayers of the Town of Clinton Montreal Toronto Hamilton Brampton St. Catharines Port Colborne Lletpwel Goderich Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton Prince George Vancouver We have exa,,miq,e „t;he..f..lnancial statements of the Town of Clinton, its local boards and municipal enterprises for the year ended December 31, 1978. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included such tests and Bother pFocedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Town of Clinton, its local boards and municipal enterprises as at December 31, 1978 and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario municipalities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Goderich, Ontario February 27, 1.979 LICENCE NO. 836 Z. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS /4 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31,1978 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the beginning of the year 444 Expenditures and transfers , Municipal expenditures General government Protection. to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Social and family services Recreation and cultural services Planning and'development Other Total expenditure Transfers Transfers to region or county Transfers to school boards Total transfers Total expenditures and transfers Revenue by purpose Municipal purposes Taxation Payments in lieu of taxes Ontano grants Other grants Fees and service charges Other Revenue to pay for municipal purposes Region or county requisition Taxation Payments in lieu of taxes Ontario grants Other Revenue to pay the region or county requisition School board requisition Taxation Payments in lieu of taxes Other Revenue to pay the school board requisition Total revenue Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year Analysed as follows: General revenue Region or county School boards Special charges Special areas Local boards Municipal enterprises w STATEMENT OF CAPITAL OPERATIONS for the year ended December 31, 1978 Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the year Capital expenditure General government Protection to persons and property .Transportation services Environmental services Health services a J Social and family services Recreation and cultural services t Tanning and development Other Total expenditure Capital financing Contributions from the revenue fund Contributions from reserve funds and reserves Long term liabilities incurred Ontario grants Other Total capital financing Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) at the end of the year BALANCE SHEET as at December 31. 1978 use is Current assets Cash Taxes receivable Accounts receivable 347 ,396 19,248 346,366 30,407 33,744, 8 000 785,161 77,484 3,277 57,098 137,859 277,531 6,540 284,071 1,207,091 NIL 1978 Actual 92,802 123,939 169,930 256,549 •321,129 19,880 137 ,619 13,103 1,042',149 140,127 285,9'63 4.26,090 . 1468239 n. 531,938 19,707 345,643 33,387 35,203 64,519 1,030,397 83,615 2,797 57•,043 143,455 278,199 7,082 :285,281. 1,459,133 83,696 60100 3,768 92 (12,097) 31,833 83,696 1978 Actual NIL 7 ,027 4,825 17,033 47,536 152,753 229,17 67,588 9,726 70,555 147,869 81,305 1978 f 107,637 72,015 76,389 1977 Actual 100,762 118,119 155,970 293,922 293,834 22,228 400 165,864 10,165 1,060,502 133,496 260,086 393,582 1;454,084 1 513,964 19,500 342,453 28,835 52,038 94,802 1,051,592 97,125 3,02.3 34,428 134,576 253,419 6,537 259,956 1,446,124 •92,802 49,207 440 590 (3,032) 45,597 Other current assets Capital outlay to be recovered in future ycars Other long term assets liabilities Current liabilities Temporary loans Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other current liabilities Net Iossg term liabilities Reserves and reserve funds Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES a) Statement of Revenue and Expenditure • .J 2,504 258,545 854,007 21,244 875,251 1,133,796 106,859 106,859 772,702 170,539 ' 83,696 1,026,937 1,133,796 For the Year Ended December 31, 1978.. AU 3,224 346,868 809,466 22,764 832,230 1,179,098 132,756 132,756 809 ,466 144,074 92,802 1,046 ,342 1,179,098"" This statement reflects the revenues and expenditures of the revenue fund and the following local b9ards and municipal enterprises: Clinton Recreation Committee Clinton Cemetery Board Clinton Public Utilities Commission - Waterworks Clinton Public Utilities Commission - Sewage b) Statement of Capital Operations •r• This statement reflects the capital expenditure of the municipality to be recovered from the general municipal revenue of the municipality and its Local boards and municipal enterprises as described in' note 1(a). c) Balance Sheet Thia,state1nent reflects the assets and liabilities of the revenue fora¢, ,t.h.'capital fund, reserve fuR4s,(,and local boards a n;d...,mu,nicipal enterprid`es as described in note 1(a)= Fixed Assets The historical cost and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets is not reported for municipal purposes. Instead, the "Capital outlay to be recovered in future years" which is the aggregate of the principal portion of unmatured long term liabilities and capital funds trans- ferred to other organizations, is reported on the Balance Sheet. e) Municipal Enterprises Municipal enterprises are those activities whose costs are substantially recovered from service charges on the users. The enterprises of this municipality whose revenues and expenditures have notbeen consolidated in these financial statements are: Clinton Public Utilities Commission - Hydro f) Charges for Net Long Term Liabilities Debt retirement costs including principal and interest are charged against current revenues in the periods in which they are paid. Interest charges are not accrued for the period from the dates of the latest interest payments to the end of the financial year. g) Trust Funds Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to $49,749 are only reflected in the Trust Funds, Statement- of Continuity and Balance Sheet. 2. CAPITAL OUTLAY TO BE RECOVERED IN FUTURE YEARS Capital outlays, including fixed assets and the transfers of capital funds in the amount of $67,588, which have been financed from ge°°heral municipal revenues of the current year , are reported on the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure. 3. RESERVS FUNDS During the year, $996 were credited directly to reserve funds without being recorded as revenues and expenditures of the Revenue Fund. Major sources were: Investment inc mite $996 4. NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES The balance for net long term liabilities reported on the Balance Sheet is made up of the following: Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality including those incurred on behalf of formez.schoo).,:;Y boards, other municipalities and municipal enterprises and outstanding at the end, of the year amount to Of the long term liabilities shown above, the respon- sibility for payment of principal and interest charges 92,802 has been assumed by others for a principal amount of 1977 Actual YS NIL 9,176 67,405 28,146 2,072 1,490 108,289 96,176 12,113 108,289 NIL 1977 1'97;14 66,756 79,074 Net Long Term Liabilities At The End Of The Year $846,702 74,000 $772,702 5. ACCUMULATED NET REVENUE AT THE END OF THE YEAR The balance in the revenue fund at the year end is availabf6 to reduce the levies of the following classes of ratepayers. General ratepayers School board ratepayers County ratepayers 1978 $79,836 92. 3,768 1977 $91,772 590 440 $83,696 $92,802 6. CHARGES FOR NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES Total charges for the year for long term liabilities were as follows: Principal payments Interest 1978 1977 $ 36,764 $ 53,874 70,589 74,857 $107,353 $128,731 T)se total charges shown above were paid from general municipal revenues of the municipality and are included in expenditure on the Statement of Revenue and Expenditure classified under the appropriate functional headings. 7. LIABILITIES FOR VESTED SICK LEAVE BENEFITS Under the sick leave benefit plan, unused sick leave can accumulate and employees may become entitled to a cash payment when they leave the municipality'a employment. The liability which has not been provided for amounted to $18,909 at December 31, 1978. TRUST FUNDS STATEMENT OF CONTINUITY for the year ended December 31, 1978 Balance at the beginning of the year , Capital receipts .Perpetual Cure Interest earned Other revenue Total 48,553 1,043 246 1,289 ems metery Pre petu1ty Library Stavely Fred MuTlio an Trust 1 $ 40,312 5,000 2,095 1,043 1,043 90 116 90 t16 Expenditure .flank charges ,Traeti(e€onrom Town of Balance at the cnd of the year r , BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1978 Assets Cash Investments, at cost (market value S Canada Provincial Municipal - own H dro E1 tric Power • (.omission ,Investment certificates'' Other Due from Cemetery Board Due from Town of Clinton° Ltaoilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other Balance - capital - income TRUST FUNDS 3 90 93 49,749 Total $ 3,036 .6.x700 1,954 8,500 1,975 "` 25.200 , 44,329 384 2,000 2,384 49,749 49,749 49,749 STATEMENT OF CONTINUITY (cont' d) for the year ended December 31. 1978 Balance at the beginning of the year Capital receipts interest earned Other revenue Expenditure Balance at the end of the ,year BALANCE SH(~ET. _- as at December 31, 1978 Assets Cash Investments, at cost (market value $ Canada Provincial, Municipal -- own - other Other Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other Balance - capital - income To tat RESERVE AND RESERVE FUNDS STATEMENT OF CONTINUITY AND ANALYSIS OF YEAR END POSITION for the year ended December 31, 1978 Available at the beginning of the year for futurle municipal purposes Revenue Contnbut°ons from the revenue fund Contributions from developers 0.H.R.P. Interest earned Expenditure Transfers to the capital fund Transfers to the revenuer fund O.H.R.P. loans forgiven Available at the year end for future municipal purposes ANALYSIS OF YEAR-END POSITION as at December 31, 1978 Reserves' • Working capital . Town Hall Renovations Reserve funds Ontario Home Renewal Plan Recreation land Waterworks Year end position of reserves and reserl,e funds 3 3 41,352 1,625 2,90() 1,954 8,500 1,000 25.200 39,554 173 41,352 90 90 5,000 f 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 41;352 5,000 ' • 41,352 5,000 41112 41,352 Peacock Special Relief 1,146 40 g•_, 40 1,186 386 800 806--- 1,186 1,186 1,186 5,000 . 1978 • Actual ° 144,074 30,670 . 996 31,666 561 4,640 • 5,201 170,539 2,211 f 1,025 975 , 975 211 211 2,211 2,211 2,211 2.211 197/ Actual V' 101,477 27,000 25,000 397 52,397 3,763 6,037' 9,800 144,014 100,000 30,000 130,000 38,631 951 957 • 40,59 110,539 100,000 100,000 42,245 892 937 44,074 144,074 1�