HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-11-10, Page 6IIIITTIE'S FATTIER ,...•••••••• ter ceneutoree et, 'tonne, CHAPTER IL—(CelenTsnu Hoe Mary Ittugent thoeght it the wisest way to .ugh and say " You of all people ie tti.E1 world, to want to make, out a 0011DPC^ EiEnt NVILII the aristocracy 1" "Tree love is different," said. Ursule. " He tnttet neve been cast off by his family for her sake, and heve chosen poverty it* aeon the croon a peed, nay Alwyn ease to sea, And the croon and tee pund, they were balm for utee" Mary did not think a pent a likely place for the conversion of a croon into a peed, nate the utter silence of mother aid aunt slid not seem to her satisfactory bet she leered either to damp the youthful enthuSi- aaez for the lose fether, or to foster curiosity that might lead to some painful discovery, no she took refuge in an inertioulate iound. "I think Mr. Datton knows," proceeded letentie. " You don't mean to ask him ?" "Catch mei I know how he would look at me." "Slane ! A forfeit t " Oh, itei holiday time, and the boardere min't her. There'a Mr. Dutton's door !" This might in one way be a relief to Mee Nugent, but she did not like being caught upon. the wall and therefore made a rapid decent, though not without a moment's entanglement of skirt, which delayed. her Roneneeeough to show where she had been, as Mr. Detton was at that moment advan. sang to his own wall on the opposite tide of *e Nugent garden. Perhaps he would itayet pretended. to see nothing, but for Nut. ("Thee neither my tnother no my Fend - mother ever wrote to you itbeut her t'e "I do remember that it strnok me that immunity from govereesses wee a compere eetion for the lack a daughtern" "Can yo a tell me no details," said, Mark anxiously. "Have you no lettere? wee about the time when 13Ianche was born, when we were living at Betxley." "I am sorry to say that ear roving life preveeted my eeepieg old lettere, I hey° ofteu eogretted it. Let me see, there was one who boxe1 eley'l earn', "That wee long after. I thiele it was that woruan's barbarity that mede my fath- er marry again, and a very good thing that was. It was wretched b0f0r0. Miss Head - worth was in my own mother's time," "1 begin to retnernber sontething happen- ing that your mother seemed uuable to write about, and your grandmother seed thet she lied been greatly upset by " that miserable affair," but I was never exaetly told, what it heel been," Miss Headstone CE11110 when I was four or five years old. Edda, as we used to call her in May'e language, was the first person wile gave me a sense a beanty, nhe lied dark eyes and a lovely complexion. I re- mernber in after years being silenced by "1 have laeard, of thorn, said Lady Kir; kaldy, nignifiD#44,y, (TO DI CONTINUED.) " DEATH OF A WILD MAN. GENERAL NEWS. BUILDING A. STEAMBOAT IN APSIOA Some of the old deer in the Windetor Othet Perk in England are eo fierce that the public are warned against approaehing them. , The remains of a great Roman building are being brought to light at the ateathboat Civiltzation Killen him', and his niimily et t• n of Fisehen on the Ammereee, Bavaria. Already a ftoutege of 1 ee , with eight soparete rooms, haabeen cleared, end a cellar has been discovered. s in will Take to the Woods, For over twenty years a wild roan by the name of Richardson with his Jamey, owesisting of Ins wife, with an ecoasional chile added, have inhebited tbe woocileed thickete of jasper and Hereon counties, Texas, hiding whither and thither as occa- sion might require, sulosistIng on the native products of the tweet, euoli as athens, roote, &c and whenopportunity offeredthe decay- ing fleeh of dead wild. anneals. In -their wooded retreet, hedged in by an almost impenetrable thicket, this strange family lived untrammelled by the rune' of civilized society, This life they led until about three "Force is no Remedy," in. It'nglish words beadea en article en elle queetlen hi the Citizen's Gazette of Hamburg. The police caused the suppression ef the paper. They saki the article indireetly incited the Social. ists to violence. While seine men who were taking the places of striking hands in a Northampton, England, shoe faotory were going home from work they were beeet by a mob of strikers, and in the midet of the eneiteMeet George menthe age, wiien, unwittingly wandering Arnold, one of the workers, staggered, threw within three miles of Beaumont, out u his hends, and tell to the pevernent dead apparently almost rivereome with sielteces fl?nni heat "lease'' and hunger, and unable to wander further Laborers digging a cut for a railroad near were captur'ed by passers by and brought Canterbury uncovered an almost perfect cir- here. cube well built of flints. Local antiquaries say that it is the opening to some subterren. th,ying "not rm pretty as my beide, I was The Church appointed a committee, who rented a house for them and undertook to extremely fond of her, enough to have my furnish them with all the substantiate of small in excited when my uuole join - life, but old gray heads shook at the action ed us in our walks, and monopolised her; turning May and me over to ptey with his of the committee. That man will die, they said, if you put him in a house where he is dog." is some protected from the elements; treetment of " Bet, Mark, Mr. Egremont this kind will kill them: all they need is years older than your father. He could not plenty of rain and sunshine, cold and heat, have been a young man arthat time." a hollow log or grassy meadow to Bleep in. ' So much the worse, Most likely he seemed to hr quite paternal. The next thing I recollect was our being in the Isle of Wight, we two children, with Miss Head- y mein and the Cerman nurse, and our being But the fated hand of civilization was kindly placed on them. In a comfortable house the and recently, a few miles away at the Malt- tenaer hands of the first ladies of the land land bar, a 460-ounoe nugget was found. nursed them • preachers prayed for them ; The lifeleanbody of a noliceman was found eau passage teed by the Remelts when they camped there. The workmen had previeus. ly found near the same spot the reznains of two Roman soldiers. siderable difficulty. ; but, m spite of the keer of de people who am too high -tone to A 025,ounee nugget has been unearthed by dtsadventages under which the artisans go out dare but lew-toued :snuff to walk Chinamen at tear:graves, Australia. The labored, they suceeeded tn. producing, it is boldly into de Poo' Mester's office. Ebery news of the find leaked out through the mid, quite a creditable specimen of the ship. dollar we raise is a premium on indolence, poverty and vice. So long as charity will transmission of it to the mint by Chinese builder's art. agents. The celebrated Cale nugget of one Some years ago an iron :steamboat was car. pnll two or three hundred families through cwt. was found at Hargraves in the year 1852, ried in sections around the rapids of the Og. ent months of de y'ar, de'husbands at' not owe River and transported for hundreda of gwine to break der backs lookin' fur work, miles to the banks of the Allem River,where an' de wives ar' not gwine to worry about she waa to be rtt tolether and dot oted to toonorrer. European .(trttsons Start a Little shipyard on the Upper Meer.' Four years ago the French transported a fiteamboet Imedreds of miles everland from Senegal to Bearisku on tae Upper Niger. it wee to be 'a guneoat large enough to carry nearly three hundred soldiers arid their bag- gage,rund was to athist in the wove of subdu- ing the Molienunedan tribes on elm Upper Niger wbo refused to submit to the French regime. Mitt is the boat that haft recently made tteelf famous by its trip to Timbuctoo. Tito ,cost of transporting this vessel to the Niger was enormous, as hunclreds of men Wee° reeked to carry the pieces far inland to the river, where the boat was pet together and launched. Plenty of eimellent building timber grows around Bamaltun and the French concetved the iclea that they might CS well build their steamboats on the spot and save a large part of the cost of tranepole thtion, depending on Europe only for the machinery needed in the boats. The idea has been carried out thie year, and the fleet large veseel ever built in inner Afeica, was. while ago lauechect upon the Niger. It has been named The Mage, in houor of one of the early explorers of the Soudan. The best applianoes for turning logs into lumber have not yet appeared at Bantaltu and the building of the vessel was a work of con - THE LIME -KILN OWE. " I war' axed late eight how die club ot904. -Du the etleellun, of charity," fsaid Brother Gardner as the meeting opened in due form au n the thermometer marked 120 degrees in Elder Toots' corner. " elub stands jist wbar' it hatnallue stood. Neffint has occuerea to change our minds. " Whon a poo' man meets wid accident or sickness ells club has 641aLhia' to help hiel 'Along. " When de wife of a poo' man am left a. helpless widder, die dub ani Donna to help her. "When a man who has lost a limb ap- peals to me for breed I shan't refits° him— not ouless his breaf smells of liquor. " Our charity goes dat fur and no furder. We have no use fur de erainp. Every piece of bread handed out to hitn ar' simply a premium on laziness. Ire tramps bekase he dean' want to week. lle ay' a human sponge. Instead of lookin' fur work he ar' lookin' to escape work. " Ebery eickle handed out to a begga large or small, is an incoura,g,ement to ao • honest work. Ebery penny meourageo vice an' indolence. " We hev gone to an expense of tens of thousands of dollars fur a coupty house, but yet we mine raise tens of thousands of dollars ebery y'ar for a poo' fund to take tithes cry of glee. e told of our new sister. Uncle Alwyn and t were furnished medicine by the skilled hanging on at tree a few nights ago in the heythe service of t er P Geer De Brazen When " lf de heathen am not all right, it's not "You wicked elf," said Miss Mary, to this yacht were there, and we went on board pm around e esa e urcthe machinist went to work to put the yes- our laelt. De Laved roade men an' pro' • hand of an allopathic physician fed on tlie •k d th En- b th Ch I Berlin. inaneigle people into predicaments, and tben once or twice. Them matters beceme con- sel together they found to their -dismay that flounced hun perfeck. He made de heathen go ehouting ho 1 ho 1 ho like Robin Good- 'fused with tne I recollect o f • ing all the kind treatinent the prediction of c use wits found e a evidently . been 1' 1 Hh an. °attendee part of her machinery had been jist as we find him to -day, and I doan' pro - best the market afforded, but notwithstaiad- At the door of the vestry a blood-stained , n emu, papa fellow himself.° the gran beads became true, and the wild overcome by burglars, whom he surprised in entieely forgotten. After a year's work in pose to interfere. If dis club had any 'You should have laept your elevation bag to us to have become very cross, our getting the vessel to the Alma she was as heathen fund set aside I should be in favor epirit of the man, the child of nature, and in an attempt to brealeinto the church. The land grandinamma arriving, everybody seem - useless for the purpoth intended as so much of usin' ebery dollar of it right heah in en- , church lies in a frequented part of the city. •"aud then you would have had the pleasure our attendants being changed, and our be- d' S b omen dignity like me,' re rtecl ITrsula, dear Miss Headword' nowhere th be found, an inhabitant of nature's wild forests, winged its way to the happy hunting grounds of Mischievous elves deserve no good month ago. You eternal rest. The survivors will now witness the strange sight of seeing the •.of wing Mr. Dutton climbing his wall and ing forbidden to speak other again. 1 tier- up by laborers digging a trench for a water Two brazen Roman helmets have been dug father and husband laid to his eternal rest course .at Solemn, in Leichtenstein, by the •4emiing to our feet." tainly never thoueht of the matter till a ;awes," said Mr. Dutton, who was by no been affected by his illness, and he has in the bosom of mother earth, in a coffin old Roman road to Coire. One had engrav- AC know my uncle's eyes have smeatas so ed on the brass the name "Publius Cevidius venerable that the crossing the 'made a good deal of use of me. He has got made by skilled workmen of some great city, Felix" of the century of Caine Petronius ; well was any effort or compromise of dig- i a valet, it fellow of no particular country, Zaltf and who had by this thne joined Mary more Savoyard than anything else, I fancy. an, her grass plot. He is a leeacy, like other evils from the old , and paid for out of the coffers of Jefferson he other "NunermuPaponms of the cen- county, while they look on and wonder like ts tury of Lucius Turetudius of the Third some dumb creature at the stre,nge proceed- . Cohort. 4 Oh, what is it! Are we to go to Monks General, and seems a sort ot necessity to ings. The survivors of this strange family Norton ?" cried Nuttie. i my uncle's existence. Gregorio they call will now, no doubt, betake thetnselves to • A confectioner of Newport, England, hay - their former retreat, as the toil and worry, ing missed from the bakehouse time after Lord Kirkaldy the only stipulations being ernmentd ' d th ' an vtewe e coming own • d I el' t t g 5, is e. time dainty morsels, set a watch, and a terra 'Here is a gracious permission from him. He was Plainly used to absolute gov- and work especially, is exceedin as ful to them resembling that of a boy was seen stealthily creeping along the roof of the adjoining bake- house. No attention was paid to cries to come down, and a gun was fired. The aim was good, and a dead monkey rolled from the roof into the road. Vest no vestiges of the meal, such as sand- .amongst, us as an assertion of liberty much wich papers or gooseberry skins, be left on against his will. We could see that he was %fee grass ; and that nobody does any reds- 'awfully jealous of my father and me, and etbief," he added in an awful tone of person- •would do anything to keep us out; but pro- ality "So if I see anybody rooting up videntially he can't write English decently, tally trees I shall be bound to interfere." !though he can speak any you please. Well, " Now, Mr. Dutton, it was only a baby the man and I came into collision. about but few pains can equal the pam resulting antlly in a chink." . scamp of a groom who was doing intolera- from a blow of the fist squarely and forcibly "Only a holly tree! Just like the giant's ble mischief in the village, and whom they delivered upon the nose. An incident which to au ort this alle atirtn. is reported The Pain from a Pagiliat's Blow. Ibhas been said that the hurta suffered in pugilism are particularly severe, and that daughter when she only carried off waggon, put it on me to get discharged. On gue epre?ea, tit, oxen, and. all in her pinafore." 'that ocoassion Mr. Gregorio grew luso- from Paris. A lion tamer in one of the often as they do bucks of proper age. Three "It is not longer than my finger now 1" . lent, and intimated to me that I need not Boulevard shows was set upon by a power. Young deer and no bucks are alleged to etWell., remember, mischief either wanton make so sure of the succeseion. He knew ful and irritable old lion, whose cage he had have been shot in one day, and one young eerneientific is forbidden. You are to set an that which might make the Chanoine and entered according to habit in the course of deer was found with one of its hind legs ample to the °boit boys." lite change our note. Well, my father is al- 4an entertainment. The beast made his at. shattered by shot so that the bone and "Scientific, mischief is a fatal thing to ways for avoiding rows • he said it was an t ' tack without warning or particular cause sinews hung to the limb simply by shreds ' f skin and in an Instant the man was upon his Ina o • ' etare plants," said Mary. 'unmeaning threat, it was of no use to eom- Af If I'm not to touch anything, I may as 'plain of Gregorio, and we meat digest his in- between the lion's paws. The spectators One Paris reporter is detailed to follow well stay at home," pouted Nuttie. I solence. But just after. Uncle Alwyn sent screamed, thinking it was the end of the lion women who have a Teutonic expression of "-You may gather as many buttercups me to hunt up a papei thee was missing, tamer, but like a, flash, he was upon his feet, countenance. Every such woman is sus- tatendaisies as the sweet child pleases," said and in searching a writing -case I came upon and, striking out with his right in acourate pected, it is said, of being a German spy, ae. Dawn; whereupon she threatened to an unmistakable marriage certificate be- P ugilistic style, landed his fist upon the lion's and all her movements are noted and pub. Shrew her books at his head. tween Alwyn •Piercefield Egremont and. nose with a spat that was heard all over the lished in thejicznterne, to which paper this Miss Nugent asked how they were to go, Alice Headworth, and then the dim recollec- Place. The lion wheezed and sneezed and repotthr is attaehed. Up to date he has and Mr. Dutton explained that there was tons I told you of began to return." backed away, shaking his head and :Matting lady a quarter of a mile's walk from the " What did you do ?" his eyes as if dazed, while the man stepped station ; that return tickets would be "I thought I had better consult ney quickly, but with dignity, out of the cage, tErnished at a tariff of fourpence a head; father, expecting to hear that she was dead, 1 the blow was a good, one, and if it had fallen sad that there would be trains at 1.15 and and thatno further notice need be taken of upon a man would have undoubtedly egl). hungry the children will be." the matter. But he was ereatly disturbed "knocked him out." Evidently it made the "How to hear of the certificate, and would hardly lion tingle from the spot where it was deliv- " They will eat all the way. That's the believe me. He said that some friend of my ered to the tip of the tail worst of this sort of outing. They eat to grandmother had writtenher word of goings Rae and live to eat." on at Freshwater between his brother and "At least they don't eat at church,'" said the young governess, and that they went Nettie. off at once tc put a stop to it, but found us "Not since the peppermint day, when left with the German maid, who declared neer. Spyers suspended Dickie Drake," put that Miss Headworth had fone off with Mr. English sportsmen are scandalized by the .performances of some shooters in Epping Forest who have maimed deer and let them go, and who shoot young deer as driftwood, simply because a piece of her en. tone America, w har gine costing only $200 or $300 was lacking. bath day is given up to lager beer, shoed& Werk was suspended as soon as thie disctou- matcbes, base ball an' excursions. raging discovery was made, and for many "Dar' am mo' downright fraud an' months the vessel lay in pieces, piled up like swindlin' belie practiced frewout de world cord wood cm the bank of the river. It was to -day in de name of charity clan under any not until this year thee the missing machin- odder disguises, an' it ar' high time dat peo- ery was supplied and the steamboat finally ple ob sense put deir foot down. Let us launched. She receutly started down the now attack de reglar order of bizness." BRANCH 64. Alima to join the flotilla, of the Congo. This annoying mistake shows that it is very easy by some stupid blunder to put explorers in distressing predicaments like that of the un. fortunate traveller a few years ago who found that most of his ammunition was per- fectly useless because the cartridges had not been tnade to fit his gun. At the beginning of this year there were seven steamboats on the Upper Congo. The this one of the grandest C. 1VI. B. .A. affairs" work of adding to the fleet has gone cm so Syracuse has ever seen. He has a lot of briskly that by the sad of the year there will good workers who never do anything by be fourteen steamers °tithe upper river. The halves. One of the chief attractions will be owners of the new steamboats are the Bishop a debate by the Lime -Kiln Club of 64. Taylor Miasions the French and Congo Jerry Looney is the President and makes State Governments, the Belgian expedition the brothers come to order by nine raps of for the commercial exploration of the Upper ' g • Branch 64 is down on the records as one of the most orderly and prosperous brim° in the East and Brother Gardner intim that it was quite possible some of the bers of the parent club would be present at the picnic. °NE OF THE DEJECTED. The Secretary called the attention of the meeting to the following item from the Syracuse Reporter: Branch 64 is making arrangements for a picnic to be held in the early part of next month. President Keefe will spare no •ef. forts to appoint committees who will make Congo, the Sanford exploring expedition,and the Dutch and French trading firms that have reached the upper river. Boulanger's Arrest, That Gen. Boulanger committed a breaeh es OM* of decorum, if not of discipline., in publicly Whalebone Howkor sent the following criticising the acts of his superior officar the item, from the Montgomery Advertiser, to Minister of War, is uneenta,ble. But by the Secretary's desk, and wanted to know skiing the opportunity to punish him by it the than named therein was a member of eucceeded th' detecting two alleged spies, I ' h' d • t f d In p acing un un er arres or ir y a.ys 18 the club: 'Labor and Liquor. Under the above head The Atlantic Monthly remarks :— At present the workingman can hardly make both ends meet. Is it not because he in Mary. Egremont in the yacht. No more was hear I And the Spa Terrace Church people said of my unde for six weeks and when he insists on creating capitalists out of the sa- it was incense.," came back there was a great row with the loon -keepers, and, not content with that, on "No, Nettie!" red General, but he absolutely denied being submitting all his rights of citizenship to "Indeed they did. Louisa, Barnet attack- married. I am afraid that was all the old the same object of worship? The saloon in ei us about it at school, and I said I wished sinner wished, and they went off together Rouges is the most, hideous abuse of the tithed been. Only they mustntt eat pepper. in the yacht to the 'West Indies where it ttey• but where would it be if the working - taint in the train, for it makes mother quite was burnt: but they, as you know, never men withdrew their sepport from it ? It gee, k • • eeps them poor. It keeps our politics cor- came to England agate, going straignt off to " Do you mean that Mrs. Egremont will the Mediterranean, havingg their head- =pt. It supplies a constant stream of base " Oh yes, she shall. It is not too far, and the General's death ien years air." me at home and abroad. It makes the Seer." thought them two svea.ry pitiable men. • pauperism, brutalises husbands and fathers, 'There's young England's filial duty 1" One looked at the General as a curious relic situ Mary. ven urers w to disgrace the American name ?" exclaimed Mr. Dutton. quarters at.Sorrento and cruising about till i% will be very good for her. I shall make " Yes, I once met them at F orenae and ••terms " public office" and public plunder" synonymous stifles progress,fosters ad t 1 • d breaks women's hearts, puts rags on the of the old buck of the Regency days, an . . . et Why, I know what is good for her, and compassionathd his nephew for having had workingman's back,. disease in his body and is most dieter e , when the emend an acre, and it rises and falls ei ith the without grave inismaings as to the result, shame and despair in his heart. 'Yet when site always does as '1 wish.'" - his life spoilt by daegling after the old man. • labor• • b dd "Beneficent deepetiern 1 said Mr. Dut- It was a warning indeed, and I am glad you 'water, until finally it sinks out of sight for the conduct of M. Wilson since the pub. nen. "May I ask if Miss Hettdworth is an have profited by it Mark." t for advanced Wages is the loucleat, when again, to be gone probably for several lication of the charge has not been what . I " He came back, after the old man died, - • i misery are most rife in" the homes of the e e•-•—• would be looked for front a nice sense of eatnally obedient subject." , ' I strikes are Most frequent, when hunger and eten„ "Oh I Aunt Ursel is very seldom tire. An iron column, 23 feet long and weighing honor. Should W. Grevy, on the other hand, to club life in London, and seldom has been poor, e ea coon eerie es a . ere may th I 1 ' h till Th name." 1 over 6,000 pounds, part of a new lighthouse exert the whole power of his office to pro. near the old place • indeed, it has been let i till recently, and he wants to let it again 1 • beer and whiskey at the bar; and men who . 1 being built, was recently la ish p nit a, son -law s arrest, landed at B• o v ' 'he must see that s . „ , e no bread home,ere is a ways • b at h but th "Nuttie 1 Nuttie 1 my dear," and a head . with the snows of more than half a century but it is altogether toe dilapidated for that I consider themselves the victims of eircum. Ronk' England' and a storm coming up, he would provoke a storm of obloquy, anpeared on the other side of the wall,'wee left lashed by a half-inch chain at, each which would render his position at the Ely - without repairs. So he came down to see ander a cap and parasol. I ain sorry to stanees or the "thralls' of capital squanderr d t t eyebolts.Three days after- see untenable I isterrupt you, but it ie cool enough for about it, and was taken ill there. But to ,,., ttlimir earnings and spend' th'eir eavingabtn* War,cls elm stiorkmeneeturned and found. that A possible escape from this dileanna, might ; A. JACKSON PRITCHABD. reset mother to go return to what my father told me. He was wee dens. Can there be a serious la e ?-- 'the Molumnbad been termed up by the waves into the town, and 1 shocked to he f t•fi t f h 13e found in an immediate resignation of the Secretary of the Society for the Prevention one of whem is proven to be s ,ch by the fact that she never passes a French soldier without looking at him, and the other must be a spy because she has a mysterious relationship with a blond man. enemies and nivals are helping to make a " There was a rare wielding in Montgom- ery the other day. It was consummated when Jim Burbridge and Patsy Williams, both colored, were made one inateed„ of two. They are inmates of the County Noe onee. Hashish is superseding 'morphine and The groom is as blind as a mole tl has vaporized ether, it is said, in the affection corps. His friends will contrast the rigor been led about for a long time y e b rte - • " • have founded a Hashish Club on the Rue suffer for an outburst of impatience with made to girl. Patsy will in all probability do the leading hereafter. She is a confirmed orip• of the Parisian dilettanti drunkards. They and prompitude with which he is St. Michel, where they meet every Friday. the deferential treatment of M. Welson,veho The amount of the drug which each shall has been under oath excused of selling the take et prescribed by a doctor, and the dose influence which as the President's son-in-law is prepared by a chemist, both members of he has naturally wielded. the club. It is taken in pills, and not chew- The predicament inwhichPresident Grevy ed drunken, or smoked, as are the Oriental found himself on his arrival in Paris was fashions. Each of the members is bound to describe to the others, either in writing or verbally, his sensations as the drug gains its influence over him. The famous floating island of the Derwent - water, England, has come to the surface again after a long disappearance. This is a mass �f decaying vegetation forming a layer of peat, on top of which is a thin covering of clay bound together by the roots of vegetation. It rests on the clay bottom of the lake, but sometimes some knee, suppose I to be ie the gases generated by the decaying matter, causes it to rise to the surface. Its extent sometimes reaches half hero of him, and to justify his petulant com- plaint that the proceedings against Caffarel were instituted for the purpose of implicat- ing, or at all events discrediting the too popular commandant of the Thirteenth army singularly painful. He of course could not retuse the request of the public prosecutor for leave to search the apartments of his daughter's husband in the executive man- sion for incriminating pa,pers. But this hu- miliation was only the beginning of his troubles. He will have to face the question now pressed not merely by Radical journals, but by some of the most sober and weighty rewspapers in Paris, why M Wilson should not be arrested and. examined by a juge d' ingruction, like all other men against whom' criminal offences are imputed by sworn tes- timony. If the President sanctions the pro- secution of his son-in-law, it can hardly be ple and has seen her best days. But they applied for license and were duly married according to the rules and regulations of the law. To cap the climax Sam Hereford, the immortal Mr long so an de like o'date Sam, acted as best man. And there you are, as the man, says in the play." The Secretary replied that Jim Burbridge applied for membership about a year ago, but was promptly rejected, and that this wedding was doubtless an attempt to spite the Lime -Kiln Club. At the time of mak- ing his application Burbridge was known as "The Terror of Vesuvius," and was sup- posed to have killed his man. ICE IS A vietetree The following communication, from Cairo, Ritchie Co., W. Va., Was then read: Brother Gardner: DEA.R SIR—There is a man traveling through this county on a mule receiving subscriptions for " Life ofBrother Gaednern He claims to be the only ainhorized agent in the United States and Canada for this book. His terms are $1 in advance, and • the bala,nce (84) when the bookie delivered. Is be all right? He cells himself John C. Whitehair. Yours very respectfully, week you to go with her. ClIA.PTER 111. ervin MINTING. " And sho put on her gown ot rreen, ar o the cer ca, , or . e question while this state of things continues'? '20 feet to the top of the reek, Where it was chief magistracy, for then M. Grevy !night of Crtteitn to Animals. had implicitly believed his brother's denial Can workingmen talk graVely ' of their 't wrong's' while ir is plein to all the' vrorld swaying about like a piece of timber. Two be regarded with compassion as a man vvho The Secretary was instructed. to answer, of the marriage, and he said Miss Head— lend the Workmen found that a blorcksmith's There' would be bad suffered for the misdeeds of others. in a large hand, to the effect: , that if they only teved the capital they earn days afterwards, when they were able to. worth was so childieh and simple that she might easily have been taken in by a ham t they would. be comforeable ? „ L That no "Life of Brother Gardner" ' -----•"ttnseent's", eneen,"-----" ' left in a hole 3e feet deep and only 2e fee Perhaps an inclination. to teretoony. He said that he now sawhe had - anvil weighing 150 pounds which they had spare M. Wilson for his sole. By resigning, has yet been published. t moreover, at this juneture the Presideet will 2 ^ When it is, the price won't be over And lett her mother at sixteen. done very wrong in letting his motheren. To marry Peter eau l"—WoaisswoaSti. law take all the letters about "that un- l'n the shrubberiee of Monks Horton were happy business" off' his hands without look- Several thousand of the unemployed, e_ with a, red flag et thebe heeds, marched in Visitors to Manitoba, who have an es- apedient. The alovenfalt of M. Rotreier, . walking a ledy somewhat past mid le age, ing at them. but he was much engrossed by s ° said. Is procession ma Sunlay afternome from Tra- tablished character for truth telling and no which' ie now loonecl upor: as certain, will and a, reward of $25 will be paid for proofs taut full of activity and vigour, with one of my mother's illness, and, a h with her a young man, a, few years over what becam , of the poor thing, and see that lied been exte d d , s eeial piivate ends to serve by exaggeration again erin up the claim of M. Clemeticeate. that he hag been hung to the limb of a per. twenty, with a grave and almost careworn ahe was provided for safely. You know although no invieatatieni 1,200 of the crowd', were admittednn The ports of the late tutevest and of the general] During the pro ongee negcnia,tions winch 1 ' 1 - • ' neentenance. • Mrs. Evrement says laise oz thire is our flag as left in chavue .t,i the vet. er, I fertility of the soil. They say thee too stronn preeedeid the formation of the present Cabi- blore and more confidential waxed the family fa ling and that our first thought is g w • g s' n• language about the soil (meld zioa,rcely be et, M. Grevy inflexthly refused to summon , , side the Abbey many, oe the litexi3ected used, and that the crop this year having en. I the'lea,dor of the advanced Radicals, and is Bioteie , Westinitsat,g Abbey. in diameter, told also been washed by the merely an „tea e ta impend. • step wh oh che wayee completely out of the hole. ; s may a itself render t t five cents Well y. . ing Ministerial crisi 3. The man Whitehair is a base villain, these bright faces that never grow old, and never occurre 1 to hien as a duty to trace out taigar square to Wesbmineter Abbey and 1) • th t th h of the Ministrysunmen tree. COM conversation, for the lady was making fresh how not DA do U." • • . • Vitdkotil rematned covered land tineulged In acquaintance with a nephew seldom eeeu " Yes, utter rspudiation of suet) cases was e.linost a baby, and he was experiencing the aan afra'd my mother would be very severe. amen he had been her pet and darling at the line taken by the last generation; and I „ this of the various statues or mingled with whistling, while others mounted the pedes- scouege at the country is simplymagnifieent. Clerriencean Premier he would resign. As wiped the heavy frosts whic h are the great said to have declared that sooner than make 1 fond the decent people present who mostly left Tinhisveisyenaircao.wZat a, ,goaccl. crop oll tho inilerooltice a chio4e; betdween hirtisle,ethaeltie,rra.citriserieist y %at recalled the young mother he had lc st was the le sr of getting his brother into dffects of those early frosts can be counteract- as he is thought to' be of his fine q 'artors A lady who owes a dog and, ineidentally, istexpressible charm of tone and manner "An th ir thing that actuated my father the building. The crowd, as a rule, chewed ea eatly boyhood. trouble with General Egremont, 1 " '° bita• s less of thesurroundings, until the first lesson ed the finituretionfi that ciotunnterLrisbneotfoszottirtt:i taondtatintchealtycsodularrsye,r,notway, think is prudent to , a, little girl, heard a commotion in the ad - tobacco and expectorated everywhere regard - e Then your mind is made up," she said; self woula heve been the one to prok"by it. joining room. jeered, completely drowning his voice. The that Ontario ie not a bed. place, though the the commotion cane lergely from the dog. Upon investigation she discovered that rt you are quite right to decide on having a So I do tot wonder so nmeh at his letting was announced, when the reader was loudly trofession ; but how does your father take the whole drop without enquiry, and ;moor second lessen was similarly received. Can. crop this year has been poor, and that there . . ,r . 11 once looking at the lettere, which there on Prothero then preached a sermon, taking .is still much nand waiting to be possessea you tYrsoiungnteoughtuttryn elute ! she said, are for his text Ronaa,ne xii., 6. In his discourse and tilled. A good many who have left 4' Don't be CINIETtinhy rr'tot t clams head so near the grate ?" , . " He ie quite convinced tha,t to repeat my certainly were. I could hot get him to be- Fides, that you hold, his Ontario during the Itiet ten .yearstdevoutly " Don't.be a clam. 4, This clubemploys no traveling agents/ except Giveadam Jones, who is bOwslegged,, lopehouldered, mina in one eye and °Bertha his cretlentialfi ia a hind pocket'. A }tapeless Undertaking. ,en.o most fatal mistake," , wee strongly on my side in thinking thet " N . a " re lied the little girl ; bleaker wee necessary for the good of the their etrieen.te never emele's life, dangling on as heir, wetild be giu upon itwith my uncle, but Mat.Egreniont a i. • t . he argue that lie punishment of the laa -o, mannn , p " Assuredly, and all the legal knowledge such a thing ought to be looked frith, and as conimuoity. wish to .get beck to it again. I te some. nave no bilis to pay , t, . t of von acquire ia SO mech in favour of your t 1 t ell alone The iH'). cost a shot, they have the right way. " I'm only tryiug to warm his note," senfulnees its the squire." " If I ever am the squire, of which I have etty doubts." ' YOU expect Mr, Egretnont to marry ?" "Not a futuee marriage? but (me in the exist." e "A private marriage 1 Do you suspect, it?'" " I don't suspect it—I know it. I have been hoping to talk the matter over With lion, Do you remember our first governess, Miss Headworth ?" " My cleat Mark, did I not lose at ltet•e the cheeses el your infancy?" tier: on the old tombstone is applieable in a Their ulsters never go in pawn when Spring The tax collector they don't fear, nor gitls so fashionable for a time has been succeeded I had, found the paper it would be best that I should speak. Besides there was no enduring that Gregorio should be pretend- ing to hold us in terror by such hints. " Well, and has there been a wife Alld family in EL cottage all this time ?" "Aunt Mergaret, he has never seen or beard of her suice he left her at Dieppe I Would you believe it, he thinks himself victim? lIta never meant more than to amuse himeelf with the pretty little govern. des, anti he took on board a Mn and Mra. Haughten to do propriety, shady sort of People I imagine, but teat she did not know." The Reason Why. " Bridget, I t'ink sheens off me gal - Wage," remark edsMr. Hoolahan sadly. " Do you think it would be very hard for " The Wye: is beginning to ask me why don't t t eis onto that friege.,, me to become an. actress, dear?" asked Mrs. Figenapecht of her liege lord, after retutning pu 1188 from the theatre lest eight. "Did you know that a mule is a inighty '"Not at all, my love ; the easiest thing intelligent animal ?" said Smythe to Brown. in the world," replied the brute. "All you "No." "Well, he is," How do you Make would have do would be to :Stand around it out ?" "Look at the amount of btayin' and talk, and you would geed no rehearsals work he dote." for that, you no'w'." "Why, Micky?' rood many ways, "1 waft well, I would he days are about, and then in Winter, sigh • crnshed strawberry collar that was better, and I am here." and mourn cause they can't get them out. But Ste Got IlEuts by a shade oalled spilled molasses. who dote on oteame ;no corns or boils have they, 'tis ether, no flies disturb their dream' s, Two 'big copper (tents issued in 1817 are Policemen never take them up, yet some- among the rarest in the eoba collection of times put them down ; they never bet on the Philadelphia, Mint. These have the the wrong pup, nor crimson paint the town. Liberty head. well Witten, but cm the tot They hover go to see best girls and find old of the hean, over the Liberty cap, is a small mon fleeced, no dad at thein the bootjack protuberiteee which under the microscope hurls to cause them a gentled head. They appears as a crown. Thie was cut in the ne'er go sketing where 'tie nice to come die by an liltiglish engraver, and thus coy. 1 dOWn With a slam, but I have fallen on the ertty set the British ore:yen over the American lee and wished 1 WES a clam. , Liberty head.