HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-10, Page 26—CLINTONPAGE 4A NEWS -RECORD. THURSDAY. MAY 101979 St. Joseph's CPTA still seeking addition St. Joseph's C.P.T.A. met Wednesday, May 2 at the home of Marris Bos. The meeting was opened with a prayer and the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Permission and direction is to be asked of the board of education for the installation ' of playground equipment. Specifications of this equipment have not yet been decided upon until the board's approval is received. Contrary to the views of many, the issue of an addition is far from being Ontario St. UCW dead. The reports in the news media did not make the rejection report too clear. The original request for an addition was made • to the provincial government by the Board of Education. This was for a permanent structure and it was turned down by the minister of education's budget committee. The back up request for an alternate addition of a portable complex is still under consideration and study by the Huron -Perth Separate School Board. The new sign, which will be located at Oise corner of Albert Street and Whitehead Street will soon be completed. Graduation will be held on June 17 and plans for this event are well un- derway. Finally the C.P.T.A. will once again provide a personalized dictionary as part of their award for the student with the highest degree of academic excellence. The evening closed with a prayer followed lay a very enjoyable lunch served by Mrs. Tina Bos Group honors Bible Society The afternoon unit of Ontario Street UCW met in the ladies' parlor of the church on Tuesday, May 1. with an attendance of over 30 members. The leader, Gertrude Feagan opened the meeting with a poem, and Ida Godkin conducted the worship service. Doreen Pick sang a pleasing solo, "Be Thou My Vision", with Mrs. Leila Johnston at the piano. The theme of the worship hour was "the Bible" chosen by Ida in commemoration of this being the 75th year of the Bible Society as a National Society. The Bible Society first started in London, England then immediately was started in Canada. There are six million scriptures in 75 languages printed in Canada every year. Ida gave a most in- teresting account of the "History of the Bible," which was written over a period of 1500 years, first n Hebrew and later in 1534 Martin Luther translated it into English in the complete books of the Old and the. New Testaments.. Berneice Richardson gave a summary of the books of the New Testament, while Leila Johnston gave a summary of the books of the Old Testament. Vera Crich summarized all the Bible contains - wisdom, knowledge, holiness and love. A poem "The Diary of a Bible" was read by Ida Godkin, who also closed with a fitting prayer. Gertrude Feagan conducted the business at hand. Twenty ladies from the afternoon unit will attend a one -day training school for United Church Women at Alma College, St. Thomas on August 21st. Plans for the Coffee Party on May 17 were finalized and 33 home and 33 hospital cards were reported during the month of April. Marion Powell showed some slides of the "Chapel"which had been built at thefarm of the late Glen Eagle near Creemore, Ontario. Several men and women of the Ontario Street congregation had given of their time and money in order that . this , project which had been planned by the late Glen Eagle could become a reality. Marion told of the work that had been done by volunteers from former church members from as far away as Sarnia as well as local people. The Chapel was completed and dedication ceremonies held in the Chapel in September Brucefield UCW meets in a church The , Brucefield UCW held their monthly meeting on May 1 with Mrs. Arnold' Taylor presiding. Mrs. Wilson McCartney and Mrs. Bert Walters led in the worship and opened the meeting by reading a poem and prayer. Mrs. George CantelDn • was pianist for the hymns and Mrs. McCartney led in the meditation on com- passion. She pointed out threat people should do more than look on in pity. People should lend a hand to others. After the of- fering and the singing of a hymn Mrs. Walters closed the worship with prayer. The minutes of the March meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. E. Stoll and Mrs. A Paterson gave the treasurer's report and the car report was read. Mrs. John Moffat read a letter from the foster child in Haiti. Plans for the visitors day meeting on Tuesday, June 5 were finalized and members were reminded NOTICE Ratepayers of The Town of Clinton are reminded that the second instalment of, 1971 Taxes are due and payable by May.15, 1979. C. Proctor Clerk Town of Clinton of the bake sale at Homestead Park in Bayfield on Saturday, May 19. Articles for the sale are to be at the church by 9 am. The UCW group were" informed that a bus will be travelling to Alma College in St. Thomas on Tuesday, August 21. Following the meeting, the Tuckersmith - Unit were in charge of a social time. 1978. This Chapel would seem a fitting memorial to a man who had been a leader in the building of several edifices where the teaching of his Master might be carried on, as he served God's followers in several Presbyteries. The meeting closed with the repeating of the Mizpah Benediction. The next meeting will be in charge of Anna McConnell's group. Grace Forbes and her committee served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cameron, formerly of Londesboro, Ontario, now residing in St. Bruno, Quebec, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on May 8. For their Silver Anniversary they were taken out for supper to Montreal by their im- mediate family, sons Jim of London, Ontario, Rick of Ajax, Ontario and daughter Margaret of St. uno. They were also prtented a year's mem- ship at the Chambly Ycht Club and a silver plaque to commemorate the event. Peg and Rick were wed in 1954 at the Cherrywood United Church in Cherrywood, Ontario. They spent their honeymoon in Niagara Falls, Ontario and Buffalo, New York. Eastern Star welcomes 100 guests Clinton Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, held their slated meeting last Wednesday, May 3 in St. Paul's Parish Hall. Worthy IM atron Margaret Caldwelfand Worthy Patron aUss Boussey extended welcomes to the approximate 100 guests Smile +++ Isn't it the truth: The quickest way to get a lot of individual attention is to make a mistake. + + + "Drink", said 'the preacher, "is the greatest curse of the country. It makes you quarrel with your neighboui. It makes you shoot at your husband, and it makes you miss him." present from London, Orangeville, Scar- borough, Thamesville, Tilbury, Ingersoll, St. Marys, Exeter, Blyth, Seaforth, Mitchell, Goderich and Wingham. Blyth and Seaforth of- ficers performed their opening and closing drills. Honored guest Or the night was Vivian Hunter, Associate Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of Ontario and officers serving as associates from southern Ontario chapters. Q 'angevilie residents ,Flo red Don Symons were 4 greeted back for the meeting. A letter was read in- viting members to the Hospital Auxiliary Tea on May 9 from 2-4 p.m. at the Clinton Hospital. Four members volunteered to Tillium club hold dinner The Trillium Club of King Street Villa held their annual dinner at the United Church in Brucefield on Thursday evening, May 3rd. A delicious beef dinner was served by the church group to the 13 members able to be present and all certainly were treated to a bountiful meal of many homemade treats which were thoroughly enjoyed. Margaret Farquhar, the -President, made. a brief speech recalling the Hur�nview entertained On April 3, Elsie Henderson and the Lobb family entertained the residents at,a family night with a variety of numbers. PVt The Over -90 Club was held April 4. There was music and refreshments served. Mary Broadfoot, Ken Dale, Lorne Lawson and Wilson McCartney en- tertained the residents on piano, guitar, mouth organ and violin for a delightful hour of music on April 9. Residents went on a shopping spree last April 10 when Caravan Clothes from Toronto brought in a wide variety of clothes for the residents to choose from. Huronview held a "99 1 Wingham .Memorials , BUS. PHONE 347-19.10 RES. 357-1015 • Guaranteed Granite4 • Cemetery Lettering • Buy Direct and save Commissions. Velour has arOye ...and going fast • { ORDONL LADIES' FASHION SHOP STRATFORD Tel. 271-46911 DIVISION OF J.H. GORDON s 4 t cent Movie" on April 11, and screened "The Other Side of the Mountain." On Tuesday, April 17th Family Night was held by Mrs. Orville Storey and a number of her students. Many toe -tapping numbers were per- formed. In one number "Cross -Country Square Dancing" Jack Storey played the guitar and sang while the McQuaid family played violins. Nelson Howe and Mrs. Bailey provided the music. Teachers-- for ,;the group were Mrs. Gail Glanville and Sherri McCall. The Birthday Party Was held on April 18th by Crediton. The M.C. for the afternoon was Gloria Martin. A musical number was played by Maggie Clark and Glen and Lois Hodgins. Refreshments were served, and gifts were presented. On April 19th Warren Whitmore, Art Finlayson, Keith Sharp, Elgin Nott aiid Gladys Van Egmond came to Huronview to entertain -the residents. Many types of dancing were displayed. successful activities throughout the year such as the Christmas Bazaar and the many beautiful quilts made and sold. Many dear friends in the Clinton area came to help with the quilts and thanks goes to all of them. Funds frons these endeavours allowed the club to make donations at Christmas time to the Clinton Hospital, The Salvation Army, Huron A.L.P.H.A. and the Clinton Arena Fund. Margaret also men- tioned four members who are not with us now. Irene Jones and Wilma Greidanus who passed away; Sadie Lovett now living in London and Sadie Mattell now residing in Huronview; and Teena De Boer who was very ill in the hospital. The members gathered again at the residence to wind the evening up with a game of bingo, but they had played only a short time when a relative came to tell all that Teena De Boer had just passed away at the hospital. Our evenin ended on receiving th sad news. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 Goderich Area' Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road Goderich 524-7345 " 25' A ANNIVERSRY` SALE CONTINUES •Shopper's Square, Goderich •Suncoast Mall, Goderich •Sutton Park'Mall, Kincardine PERFECT TIMING FOR MOTHER'S DAY This is your opportunity to give her something SPECIAL this year. 1/2 OPrice Sale • DIAMOND RINGS • CHARMS • WATCHES • RINGS • 10K -14K GOLD CHAINS • EVERYTHING! ENTIRE STOCK! The Greatest Sale Event In Huron -Bruce Counties 4 b c IIAkc,I.x • V® • CASH • • ALL SALES FINAL • NO LAYAWAYS • NO CASH REFUNDS • JUST A SUPER SALE ORMANDY JEWELLERY AT ALL THREE LOCATIONS SHOPPE',S SQUARE, GODERICH SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH SUTTON PARK TALL, KINCARDINE help at the Red Cross Blood Clinic on May 14. Joan Bell, Ways and Means convener, reported on the worthy matrons project items - two needlepoint florals and tablecloth set displayed in Shiral's window. Eastern Star is appreciative to the local merchants for this courtesy. The proceeds will go to Arthritis Research and the draw will be made on June 7. Clinton Chapter will hold a bake sale and tea on May 30 from 2-4 p.m. at St. Paul's Parish Hall. Willa Williams and her lunch group served a delicious lunch on a spring decorated table. TRU' H "Conversion", "Salvation". Nobody knows what they mean, do they? Water can be changed to an entirely new thing called steam. We may think that we can see'steam, but we are wrong. Real steam is a colorless, invisible gas. What we see and call steam is really tiny particles of liquid formed as cooler air causes the moisture in steam to condense. If the conversion of water into steam, or wood into' paper is real, why is it hard to believe in the salvation or conversion of the human soul. Only the person who has had the experience can really understand. When a person comes to Christ for salvation in repentance for His sins, realizing his own evil self he is converted. The purpose and use and direction of his life are changed just as the purpose and use of wood and water are changed in the conversion process. When Christ forgives sins He also forgets those sins. Imagine all the sins of your life written on a huge blackboard. Now with a huge "X" mark them all off. They are still there. But now take an eraser and wipe the board clean - they are gone. "The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7. Clinton Area Believers Box 546-CLINTON ALL SERVICES ON DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 0 Ogi ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH . MINISTER: REV. R. NORMAN PICK, B.A. ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR SI MRS. DORIS McKINLEY iA. MUS. SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1979 11:00 a.m. Church School 11. Public WorGod 6g SPECIAL INSTRUMENTA:00 a.m L MUSICshipof MANN FAMILY WITH ASSISTANTS WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE ,/ M NISTgR JOHNS. OEST!?EICHER ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER B.R.E® CHOIR 'DIRECTOR MRS. WM-. HEARN Anyone wishing a ride to church. Phone' 482-9690 Ly SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1979 11:00 a.m,. Worship Service - :hd Nu SERMON11: CHRISTIAN00 SundayScFAMILYoolanSUNDArseryY Reception 01 members and Baptism Music Primary Choir Musical sermon by Junior Choir "YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM GOD" coffee hour HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 a.m. Worship and Sunday School Centennial Event Flo. IV Brides Day SERMON "WHAT MAKES A HOUSE A HOME" Fellowship hour following worship. Everyone Welcome ,® by 011 0 0 ,.iZi ®, i„ CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Si 0 243 Princess St. E. 0 REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG 0 o SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1979 0 10 a.m. SERMON: "MOTHER'S ARE SPECIAL" Ri 0 3 p.m. SERMON: "THE ONLY NAME" S EzLISTEN-7 ® Z 1. 1 t .,Jf• . A../111._ /1.. T..I'. f1 . 0 AT 10:30 A.M. OVER CKNX RADIO A -- 4 A 1..1. A / I SUNDAYS _ ®. 2 15 19Ril 29 S 0 S A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT ST. PAUL'S 0 BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH "Holding Forth the Word of Life" Phil. PASTOR: Rev Les Shiel 565-2659 Young Peoples Friday, 8 p.m. 1, ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH THE REV. JAMES R. BROADFOOT, BA., M.DIV SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1979 FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 10 A.M. Sacrament of Holy Baptism 0 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria Streef Pastor: Wayne LesterIZSP 9 45 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship I 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ALL WELCOME ® . ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE REV. THOMAS A. A. DUKE CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1979 10 a.m. Worship Service 10 a.m. Sunday School CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY Ladies Choir All Welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLINTON SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1979 MR. EDWARD J. ANDERSON PASTOR 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 15 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome SAINT JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 63 James St., Clinton Phone 482.9468 EASTER V SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1979 Ly MASS 'SATURDAY 8 p.m. SUNDAY 11 a.m. CONFESSION SATURDAY 7:15 P.M. BUS FROM VANASTRA A11 welcome ;/mvJnro,iP rz MitiMEaUME2F2 MEIEMeEMMEME SGP f.itilnin