HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-10, Page 25Lt. -Gov. Pauline McGibbon congratulates alocal hero. Brian Clegg, native, received an engraved silver plate and scroll for his part in rescuing three crash victims. Clinton hero feted A Niagara Falls man, and Clinton native received a hero's award from premier Bill,Davis and Lieutenant -Governor Pauline McGibbon Wednesday at Queen's Park for hispart in a helicopter rescue of three victims of an airplane crash. Brian Clegg, 22, a helicopter pilot, last Thursday received an engraved silver plate and an Ontario service scroll for his efforts. He is the son of Jack and Irene Clegg of 3207 Cattell Dr., Chippewa. Clegg and a ministry of natural resources pilot from Kenora, Bob Grant, made the rescue from Lake of the Woods near Kenora, March 28. Clegg was grounded because of poor weather when the distress call from the airplane came through to the airport. The two men immediately took off to search for the plane. COURAGEOUS Natural resources minister James Auld called their actions highly courageous. "I don't think they can be praised highly enough," he said after the presentations. • Premier Davis praised the men for "acting far beyond their traditional .responsibilities." He said the awards ceremony was so`their families and the people of Ontario would know what happened. He said it filled him with regret that heroic incidents such as these often go unnoticed. Mrs. McGibbon said she was delighted to present the awards to the heroes. She said they should be in every newspaper and newcast across the province so people could recognize the job they had done. Clegg said the award was a "great honor". "It's fantastic," he said. "I just can't believe the government would go to all this trouble for us." He said he did not feel like a hero and would make a similar rescue again without hesitation. Clegg operated the helicopter while Grant perched on the skid to pull the nurse Sally Irwin out of the icy water where the plane went down. After taking her to the hospital they returned to save the pilot and a doctor who had already -• swum to shore. Both the nurse and Dr. Yvonne Kason were at the ceremony. Jack's Jottings from Queen's Park JACK R Y DDELL M.P.P. No doubt you will all have heard of the mysterious "Mr. Shultz" who wrote to Liberal MPP Eddie Sargent comparing failures at Ontario Hydro's Bruce Generating Station to those that led to the recent nuclear accident at the Three Mile Island power plant near Harrisburg, Penn- sylvania. He said that "the possibility of all these events happening simultaneously in a Candu reactor are remote, but no more remote than the sequence of events at TMI". The letter in question and seven accompanying Significant Event Reports were released by Liberal Leader Stuart Smith. Turning the documents over to the Legislature's select committee on Hydro affairs, Stuart Smith said "These documents must speak for themselves....I think members of the committee will see that Mr. Shultz is a respon- sible person and the concern he expresses in his letter is a legitimate one." Subsequently, a man identifying himself as Mr. Shultz telephoned a Toronto radio station with details of an incident over. the.we.ekend of 28th - 29th April in which two Ontario Hydro employees received radiation doses far in excess of the permissible level while working to free a trapped fuel bundle in a reactor at Bruce. One worker received a dose of 5.5 rems, the other received an eight -rem dose, ac- cording to Hydro of- ficials. (Five rems is the permissible level of exposure for an entire year.) Ontario Hydro shut down its 10 -day-old operation to retrieve the trapped fuel bundle and has launched an in- vestigation into the over exposure incident. Officials of Hydro, nuclear plant operators and health specialists will participate in the inquiry, the results of which will be made public as soon as possible. Hydro will be given an opportunity to rebut allegations that failures at Bruce seriously jeopardized safety. Representatives of all parties have agreed to meet witJ officials to give an opportunity for Hydro to respond to the letter from "Mr. Schultz" and the accompanying reports. In the latest in a series of relevations by New York State health of- ficials, it has been an- pounced that the world's deadliest man-made Many visit... • from page 2A Mrs. Orville Hooper, Ailsa Craig. ' Forresters attending the bowling at "Town Bowl" Kitchener Sunday afternoon were June Fothergill, Romana Jamieson, Don Buchanan, Eric Anderson and Les Dolmage. Sunday visitors with Mr. and -Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dawson, Clinton and Mr§. E.F. ' Wammes, London. Visiting on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hunking was his sister Maxine, home from Tanzania, East Africa. She flew to Ottawa Sunday afternoon where - she will take a course on Ball's Cemetery board meets Ball's Cemetery Board met recently to plan for the coming season at the home of the chairman, Norman McDowell. Present were trustees Robert Arthur, James Towe, Dennis Penfound, Ernest Durnin and secretary -treasurer Mrs Robert Slater and superintendent, Robert Turner. The minutes and the financial statement and auditors' report was accepted as read by Mrs. Slater. Robert Turner agreed to carry on the duties of superintendent assisted by Ernest Durnin until a replacement can be found. Mr. Turner reported that repairs to the Chapel ceiling were necessary. The Board gave per- mission „for the Superintendent to have this work done. A motion was passed to raise the fee for opening a grave from $50 to $75. This rate is in line with the cemeteries in the area and was deemed necessary due to rising costs. Plans were made to hold the annual Ball's Cemetery Memorial Service on Sunday, July 1, 1979 at 3 p.m. Rev. Peter Snell is to be in charge of the service this year. "What this country needs ...is effective leadership." - Moird Couper, Ed Broadbent NDP COUPER NDP Bayfield 565-2522 Clinton 482-3208 Exeter 229-6223 Goderich 524-2756 Seaforth 527-1860 Wingham 357-1594 (Authorized by official agent of Moria Couper, N.O P , Bayfield) C.U.S.C.O. Administrator. Mrs. Earl McDonald of Atwood spent a few days with her son Stan at the manse. 'We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nick Blok, Wingham to the com- munity. They recently purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston. Remember to get your tickets early for the ham supper on May 23rd. poison, dioxin, has been found in Lake Ontario fish. People, especially pregnant women and children, have been warned not to eat fish from the lake, although officials maintained the discovery poses no threat to Metro's water. An environment ministry official has stated that the poison could not be in the lake water because it gets into the fish through the food chain. "It's not in the water", he said. "It's in something the fish eats." Answering a question from Liberal Leader Stuart Smith about the seriousness of the problem, the Minister Harry Parrott, compared the concentrations of dioxin to "one shot of vermouth in a 28 million ton of martini". Dr. Smith was not reassured by the Minister's response, and angrily commented "He is saying everything is fine and they don't even test for dioxin. He shouldn't say everything is fine until the water and fish have been tested." The Liberal Leader also questioned- -the Minister in the House about delays in carrying out tests for dioxin. recently admitted that ministry laboratories are at least three to six months away from set- ting up a program to test for dioxin in water and fish. Drums of caustic chemical have been discovered in a Fort Erie dump which was described as hazardous in a five year old report which only came to light this past week, when Liberal MPP Ray Haggerty brought it to the attention of the government. Following receipt of the report by the .Ministry this week samples were taken at the site to ascertain if toxic chemicals from the site were leaking into a drainage ditch. The dump in,question is about 4.5 miles from the Niagara River. It is about three miles from the nearest large residential area, although some scattered houses are a few hundred yards away. The dump is surrounded on all sides by open fields and bush. Mr. Haggerty pointed out that the Fort Erie site is the only dump marked as hazardous out of 25 listed in the report. He expressed the belief that the town should tighten its control of the Almost two -and -a -half dump. Hpwever, town years ago the Ministry, of management has no idea the Environment an- what kind of chemicals nounced it was preparing„ might have been to test..for this poison in deposited there in the its own laboratories. past since waybills have However, officials have been kept for only a few R.K. PECK 4PPLIANCES "In The Heart of Down Town Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners - Sales and Service of most makes • CB Radios and -Accessories • Speed Queen Appliances • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors , <. • insect Lights and Fly Killing Units • Handcrafted Gifts Varna, Ontario Phone 482-7103 vemsramsearozr "'s• it VtIS OtITHE gdper101 rr 1ZZLE SALE Come see our '79 Bar -B -Q line up. All the features and accessories your family will love. Just right for your patio and pocketbook. hroilmaster • 526 sq in cooking surface • triple grill design • porcelain enamelled easy to clean • twin burners infinite control { Bow -Tie Burner. model G3TX Canadiana • 450sgin cooking area • dual radiant heat cooking • twin controls Beautiful styling rugged design yy model C-2000 D VISA " Use your Chargex or Master Charge Laurentian Truly portable. impressively styled, • Perfect control Superior puts it ALL TOGETHER We don't just hand you a box. We put it all together for you • We deliver (within 20 miles) • We assemble and install it • We make sure everything is working and ready • We demonstrate the operation of the grill too. p,gpe?lO' PROPANE LTD. 365 REGENT STREET G DERICH 524 8661 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1979—PAGE 3A years. The type of in- dustry located in Fort Erie does not generate the type of waste nor- mally associated with a hazardous label. Both Opposition Parties have expressed concern about the Minister of Health's flip- flop on the question of allowing Ontario doctors to accept payment by credit card for their services. The fear is that allowing the use of credit cards would remove what the Minister has himself described as one of the main incentives to doctors to remain within the Ontario Health Insurance Plan - guaranteed payment and almost no bad debts. Possibly if doctors are sure they will be paid, as they now are under OHIP, they may see little incentive to stay in the plan, charging lower fees than they could command if they opted out. Beat the High Cost of Small Engine Repair WE WILL TUNE UP YOUR LAWN -MOWER OR GARDEN TILLER For Only , 4 • (Parts Extra) Until May 12 INCLUDES: Clean and adjust carburetor, check Ignition, change oil, clean air filter, adlust and oil up all controls, shar- pen and balance blades. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY CAN SE ARRANGED WE ALSO HAVE, IN STOCK New & Used Lawn & Garden Equipment HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SALES & SERVICE 1 mile north of Londesboro 523-9202 HIGHWAY NO. 4 VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" Hugus—rin- vine rimmedatom p�ces Ladies' stylish LEATHER CASUAL Colours of brown/gold or Naysiiver Complete size range Our reg. '19.99 pair 0041 LADIES' SHORTS Larger sizes - Choose from sizes 20 to 44, Made from 100% fortrel polyester in a variety of colours. 6 • PAIR LADIES' BLOUSES t.� • Choose from sizes 38 to 44 in an assortment of colours. Attractively styled - these are made from 65% polyester, 35% cotton. $1,6. EACH MEN'S SHORT -SLEEVE T-SHIRTS Ideal for casual wear. Quality Canadian -mode, in colours _of red/white, blue/white -or beige/brown. Sizes XS, S, M, L. VALUE OF '7.95 Our Everday Low Price $495 BOY'S NUMBERED T-SHIRTS These numbered NFL t -shirts ore made ex- clusively by Tam '0' Shanter. Teams include Denver Broncos, Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steeiprs, Miami Dolphins, L.A. Rams. Sizes S -M -L. SUGG. RETAIL '15.98 $ 98 SALE • SPRING FABRIC SAVINGS All New Arrivals STRETCH TERRY 50% polyester, 50% cotton. Colours of white, beige, blue, pink, rose, peach. C • 95METRE JOGGING SUIT MATERIAL Colours of blue, brown, or beige... $5. 9 SMETRE Come in for a FREE DEMONSTRA11ON on the brand new Janome 641 sewing machine. This is a free -arm sewing machine, with buttonholer and stretch stitches. A regular value of '399. or more—now lust $299. T-SHIRT MATERIAL over 40 bolts to choose from, in a wide array of colour -co-ordinated stripes. $3. 1METRE VELOURS An excellent selection of solids and stripes, in fresh spring colours. PLAINs7.95METRE STRIPESs8."METRE BRING YOUR SEWING MACHINE IN FOR A COMPLETE CLEANING! Just $'O• VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET WE ACCEPT CHARGER VISA master charge i "The Store that Saves You More' en MINI sett 1ADM OI•lt s SAO, wiA• VA•O UWeJOMACH NO 00001 c•oct•ut NEW STORE HOURS: etldoy • fttday IS a.m. - t p.m. turdoy 111 a.m. • a p.m. unday it noon • 6 PAW. Highway 4 . South of Clinton at Vanastra