HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-10, Page 24PAGE 2A --CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1979
The Londesboro ladies' bowling League held their
banquet Tuesday evening at the Londesboro church
and awards for the past season were presented. The
High Rollers were the top team with 121 points. The
winning team included (left to right.) Marjorie
McNall, Joyce Vincent, Donna Shaddick, Penny
Overboe, captain; Mary -Sal-verde, and Frances
Hummel. (Standard Photo)
Many .visit at Londesboro
Congratulations to Ian
Hulley and Debbie Vella
who were married in our
church on Saturday, May
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Johnston, Earl, Janette
and Jacqueline moved on
the weekend of April 30
into the house they
purchased from Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Swan, home of
the late Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Howatt.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Swan moved to Clinton on
April 28th.
Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Kennedy and attending
the baptism of Tanya
Londesboro church draws large crowd
by Dora Shobbrook
Baptism at
United Church
A large crowd filled the
church on Sunday
morning. Greeting the
worshippers were Don
Buchanan and Reg
Lawson and the ushers
were Kathy Radtffaid,,
Susan Jamieson, Diann
Bromley and Shelly
Westerhout. Choir an-
them was "wonderful
words of love with
MarjorU., Duizer and
Darlene Shobbrook
taking the ,duet parts Mrs.
Allen Shaddick, choir
director and Mrs. Glen
McGregor organist.
Mrs. Margaret Whyte,
clerk of session, invited
the parents to present
their children to Rev.
McDonald for baptism,
including Tanya Michelle
daughter of Raymond
and Sheila Kennedy;
Amanda Marie, daughter
of Steven and Diane Lee;–
Douglas Gregory, son of
Gregory and Roxie
Maize, and Melissa Ann,
daughter of Jim and
Margaret Medd. Kin-
.dergarten children
retired to the basement
with Mrs. Mel Knox their
Rev. McDonald's
message was "making
our houses into homes"
with text 1st. Corinthians
Chapter 13. The flowers at
the front of the church
were in honour of the
marriage of Debbie Vella t
and Ian Hulley in the g
church on Saturday. t
Appreciation night for e
Stanley McDonald will be f
held May 13,at 7:30 pm in W
the church and everyone d
is welcome. C
UCW executive F
The UCW Executive m
met in the church Helen Lawson received
basement at 1: 30 . pm on a phone call from Mrs.
May 4th with a' good Keys, UCW president
attendance. that a bus will be going to
President Edyth Alma College August 21,
Beacom welcomed all tickets $3.50 and are to
and read "after the ordered by June 8th.
winter God sends spring Regional meeting will be
new hope" and led in in Varna October 16th. It
prayer. The minutes of was moved to have
the last meeting were propane gas equipment
read by the secretary serviced; and to invite
Nona Pipe and Edyth Explorers and mothers to
thanked all for the cards the June meeting. On
she received. The lunch will be Edyth
treasurer's report was Beacom, Florence
given by Margaret Good, Cartwright and Helen
and corresp9ndence Lawson. Discussion on a
included an invitation to gift for Mr. McDonald
the Brucefield UCW June was held and the com-
5th at 2 p.m. to a, picnic at mittee will buy the gift,
Camp Menesetung, on Dora Shobbrook, Edyth
May 27th at 3 p.m.; and a Beacom, Margaret Good
card of thanks from and Florence Cartwright.
Korean foster child for a Explorers
$10 Christmas gift and her The Explorers held
report card. thein meeting May 3 in .
Discussion was held on the Sunday School rooms
sending a petition to the when Lisa Presczator
Advisory Board about and Connie Hoggart gave
advertising of feminine Explorer emblem. Sandy
hygiene products, to - Carter presented the
remove offensive TV Explorer picture and
advertising. Address— they then discussed the
Frank Drea, minister of mother and daughter
consumers' affairs, banquet which is to be
Queen Park, Toronto or May 10 at 6:30 pm. -Ida Leiper. Memberls
R.E. Oliver, Minister of Explor'ej . made posters observed' a mInute's
Con sueers Advtg., for the ham supper: silence in memory of the
Advisory Board, 1240 Bay Meeting closed with late Ria Smith. Ida
St., Suite 302, Toronto prayer and their song Salverda read the
N5R 2A7. "this is my Fathers scripture, and Ramona
The social committee world". Jamieson : led in prayer.
reported' that a coffee W.I. dessert Poems read were
maker, paring knives and euchre "Friendship" b y
a large strainer were There was a good at- Margaret Taylor and
purchased -still need tendance at the dessert "Living one day at a
rays, platters and juice euchre on Friday night time" by Ida Leiper.
lasses. It was moved May 4 with guests present Special guest Mrs.
hat a list of kitchen from Auburn, Blyth, Myrtle Fairservice
quipm'ent be kept, and Clinton, Summerhill and recited several poems.
uture meals be $4.50. It Waa,,l,ton. President Ida Leiper thanked
as' moved to send lVldrjori.e Duizer Myrtle, Ida Salverda,
elegates Florence - welcomed all and Ramona and Margaret
artwright and June thanked them for coming. for having the meeting.
othergill to West- In charge of dessert were Mrs. Rice was in
inister weekend in Marg Anderson, Marjorie charge of the business
ondon May 25 -27th. Duizer,,. Alice Buchanan
and Addie Hunking and The treasurer's
for the cards Marjorie report was given by Jean
Anderson and Margaret Leiper. A thank -you card
Taylor. and letter together with a
There were 18 tables in donation to the UCW was
play and winners were— received from George
and Mae Smith. A thank -
you note and poem in
memory of Ria Smith
was received from
Margaret Whyte.
Invitations were received
from Winthrop U'C'W'
an t Camp Menesetung.
Hazel Reid's team were
winners in the copper
contest. A plant auction
was held with Hazel Reid
as auctioneer.
ladies' high, Dora
Shobbrook; lone hands,
Edna Hackwell; low,
Isabel Colson; men's
high, Jack Riley; lone
hands, Gordon Murray;
low, Wilfred Glazier.
There were several
draws, winners of
groceries were-- Jack
Riley, Verna Glazier,
Anna Reid, Lorna Ellis;
rosebushes, Joan Mid-
degaal, Alberta Stevens;
toilet soap, Gloria
Adams; baking, Lillian
Leatherland, Marion
Ward and Bert Shob-
Burns ul; W meet
The May meeting of the
Burns UCW was held at
the home of Margaret
Taylor on Wednesday
afternoon with 16 present.
Ida Leiper opened the
meeting with a reading,
followed by hymn. A
reading "God hath not
Pron'tised" and prayer by
ottNI U
Bonthron's of Hensall is proud to be able to make this outstanding sale possible. - Brand
New Furniture shipped to the Hensall arena especially for this sale - yours at drastically
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A wise man once said that everyone
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ting...Well we have your chair -
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With fabrics that will bring warmth
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must see these.
Michelle on Sunday Mrs. Reg Lawson spent
morning at the United , Tuesday to Thursday last
Church were Sheila's week, a WI delegate at
parents Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Bray of Seaforth
and Rays parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elgin Dale,
Greg Andrews spent
the weekend in Toronto
with his parents,
Professor and Mrs. Bill
Andrews and visited with
his sister Brenda, who
will be employed on
research work in New
Brunswick for the
summer months.
Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Maize
were his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Maize and
Denise of Dungannon and
his sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Stewart, and
attended the baptism of
Douglas Gregory Maize
at the United Church on
Officer's Conference
Waterloo University.
Congratulations to Mrs.
Lillie Marshall on win-
ning the lucky draw of a
refund on her trip to
England through the
Coach House Travel
Service, Goderich.
Hullett township
residents are to keep in
mind that the annual
fireworks display will be
held on May 21 at dusk at
Hullett Central School
grounds and ..,are spon-
sored by the 'Recreational
Committee. There will be
a slight charge to defray
expenses. ` Everyone is
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Pipe visited on Sunday
with her brother, Mr. and
Turn to page 3
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