HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1979-05-10, Page 22i THE WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE Noon Smorgasbord $3:s $59s Special Every Wed., Thurs., Fri. 8 Sat. ONLY Sunday S►nrorgasbord - Special Noon or Supper • NO RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Featuring: Smorgasbord Home Cooked Meals Home Baked Pies, etc. PAGE 22 —CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1979 coming TEA -AND BAKE SALE at St. Paul's Parish Hall, Wednesday, May 30, 2-4 p.m. Sponsored by Clinton Eastern Star. -19 BRING THE FAMILY out to see the Hullett Township Recreation Committee's- - 5.th annual - FIREWORKS DISPLAY. Show to be held at dusk on Monday, May 21 on grounds of Hullett Central School, Lon- desboro, just off Hwy. 4. Small donation per car to defray expenses. Lunch booth on grounds. -19 THE TOWN AND COUNTRY Homemakers annual meeting will be held May 16 at 8 p.m. in the Wesley -Willis United Church basement, Clinton, Ontario. There will be a slide presen- tation on the services provided by the agency. An informal get together over refreshments will wind up the evening. -19 COFFEE PARTY, Bake Sale and sewing table at Ontario Street United Church Hall on Thursday, May 17, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Sponsored by the Afternoon Unit. All welcome. -19 DON'T FORGET June 9, Kinsmen Beef Barbecue and dance, Clinton Arena, $15.00 couple. Tickets. available from any Kinsmen or Kinet- te.-19 U.C.W. BIRTHDAY PARTY, Tuesday, May 15 at 7 p.m. to celebrate 50 years of the present Wesley -Willis Church. Former members are cordially invited. -19 GARAGE SALE — Saturday, May l2, -I0 a.m. to 2 p.ni. Small ap- pliances, kitchen articles, baby , needs, clothing, books, toys and much more. 69 Winter Court, Clinton. -19 PANCAKE BREAK- FAST, featuring pure maple syrup, Sunday, May 20, 1979, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. served at Fire Hall on Clan Gregor Square by Bayfield Lions Club. -19,20 GARAGE SALE, May 21, 11 a.m. at 147 Huron Street (across from Chiropractic Centre) sponsored by Ontario Street United Church, Morning Unit. -19,20 WHITE CARNATION, HOLMESVILLE, .features smorgasbord Wednesday thru Sunday, noon 12 - 2 p.m., dinner 5 - 7:30 p.m. $5.95 per per- son, $3.50 12 and under, $1.50 pre-school. Noon Weekday Special Wed- nesday thru Saturday $3.75 per person. Salad bar, hot buffet, dessert, coffee, all you can eat for one low price. Telephone 482-9228. Closed Monday and Tuesday.-19ar `'�a0a`andh aRestq,' r 4 LICENSED BAYFIELD'RD., GODERICH 524-7.7!11 Weekend Entertainment This Fri. 8 Sat. May 11 & 12 THE CAVALIERS •Treat yourself and your friends...to our Hot Buffet... Every Thurs. & Fri. 12 Noon -2 p.m. Come as you arel •Welcome Luncheon meetings in our Diningroom or private Banquet room. HOURS: 11:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun. thru Wed. Thurs., Fri., 8 Sat. 11:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. .9 HAM- - SUPPER at Londesboro Unite4 .church. WEDNESDAY MAY 23rd 5-7:30 P.M. ADPkx'4.00 CHILDREN '2.00 PRESCHOOLERS FREE TAKE OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE SPONSORED BY U.C.W. Everyone Welcome APPRECIATION NIGHT for Rev. Stanley MacDonald on SUNDAY MAY 13, 1979 7:30 p.m. at Londesboro United Church EVERYONE WELCOME PUBLIC NOTICE' to the residents of HOLMESVILLE Guide and Brownie cookies were sold in error for '1.25. The price should have been 1.00. Please contam _ M. Thomas 482-9467 for refund DATE CORRECTION Last week's ad should have read SATURDAY MAY 19th BLYTH CENTRE FOR THE ARTS presents a SPRING FESTIVAL OF ANTIQUES AND CRAFTS -SATURDAY MAY 19th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. BLYTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Special Advance Tickets Now Available Pictured are the 42 candidates who received Major dignitaries attended including State Secretary and Degrees at the Knights of Columbus Exem- guest speaker John Rodina, centre. plification held in the Seaforth Arena. Many Knights sponsor major degrees The Seaforth Arena was the setting for the Knights of Columbus Major Degrees which enveloped another 42 area Catholic men into Knighthood in the Knights of Columbus. Both the formation and Knighthood degree teams came from Tillsonburg and did an exemplory job of portraying the lessons which signify ad- vancement in the Knights of Columbus organization. Among those present was State Secretary John Rodina, who was guest speaker at the dinner which followed the Major Degree ceremonies. Brother John reminded all in his address of the responsibilities to themselves, their Brother Knights, their Society and Country, and stressed the importance of unity among the Knights as a strong arm in - the struggle to maintain moral prin- ciples and continue in the quest to repeal the laws which make a mockery of basic moral beliefs of Christians. He stressed the lessons taught by.-- the Major Degrees should remain embedded in their minds and hearts and be ever proud to wear the em- blem and live by the guiding principles of the order. Other dignitaries in- cluded Reverend Father Ldebach, Pastor of St. Peters Catholic Church in Goderich, who was also a candidate; Grand Knight of Stratford Council, Andy Kelly; Grand Knight of Seaforth Council, Seamus Doherty; District Deputy of District 31, Pat Osborn; District Warden and Grand Knight of Goderich Council, Gaeton Jacques; Another can- didate for the Major Degrees was Brother Paul, a retired servant of God now residing in Kingsbridge. Other guests included Grand Knight Jim Brown of Burlington Council, Grand Knight Andrew Zie of Tillsonburg Council. Of See lhe.. One day package includes one night accom- modation for two persons, full American breakfast, baseball tickets for one game, free overnight parking 6 00 pm to 8 30 am Based on double occupancy $23.45 per person or $46.90 per couple Note: Additional baseball tickets may be requested at a cost of $5.50 per ticket. Street car service to the ball park is available from the front door of the hotel. Toronto at a and enjoy great valutp 1 Two day package includes 2 nights accorn- modahon, full American break- fast each morning, baseball tickets for one game, free overnight parking 6'00 pm to 8 30 am Based on double occupancy $41.55 per person or $83.10 per couple The above packages are subject to advance reservation. See your travel agent or contact: iii • hPbda1c//nvion fIlmi Lord Simcoe Hotel 150 King Street West, Toronto M5H 1K1 Tel: (416) 362-1848 Telex 06-22155 LS3 the 42 candidates, 22 of them are now members of the Seaforth Council, thanks to -membership chairman Denis Rau, who has really done an exceptionally fine job for the Order. Stratford Council has 11 candidates and Goderich had eight candidates. Grand Knight Claude Paguin of the newly formed Kincardine Council brought one candidate with `him to be initiated. The CWL Ladies of St. James P rish in Seaforth came up with a delicious Smorgasbord dinner which was enjoyed by all present. Subscription drive on Bert Albertson chairman of the sub- scription committee for the Huron Country Playhouse, announced that the 1979 subscription ticket campaign is un- derway. During the next six weeks, enthusiastic volunteers, members of the Playhouse board of trustees and staff are throwing their energies into increasing the number of people from the Southwestern Ontario region who hold season tickets. Mr. Albertson said, '`Subscribers are 'the • backbone of the theatre. And in a very important - way, they are part of the theatre they patronize. It is their suieport of the whole season of plays that -determines the taa:l.at-.y•:df• V the .:" pr,odu.c- -, tions. Subscribers can be proud of their theatre and know that they con- tributed to its ex- cellence." The plans for the campaign include a kiosk in shopping districts around the region every weekend until the C.H.S.S. ANNUAL 'ORMAL Saturday May 19 • at C.H.S.S. Auditorium Featuring "BROWN" DANCING 9.1 a.m. LUNCH PROVIDED '10.00 A COUPLE opening of the first show. Members of the com- mittee will be holding wine and cheese parties for their friends and neighbours. Members of the Playhouse will also attend to discuss the season and the , im- portance of local support. Mr. Albertson said, "This is one of the best buys around. A sub- scription of five tickets for $25 dollars is a savings of $1 off each ticket. For the high quality that we have to offer, that is a very good deal." Subscriptions are available now at the Playhou-se-box- off ice. 482-9228 or 524-4133 for the Arts Presents a SPRING FESTIVAL of Antiques an.d Crafts featuring 50 of Ontario's finest artisans and antique dealers SAT. MAY 19 10 em - Spm Blyth Comm unity Centre Admission 50c Special Advance tickets . now available Also featuring Huron County's largest annual book sale RAND GETA SAY If You're Looking For Drama...Colour... Enchantment...Music...And Enjoyment • SEE THEATRE LONDON'S 1979/80 SEASON BROCHURE In your mail soon Or call - 15191 672-8800 (;HA'•4I) THE:ATHF. 471 RICHMOND, LONDO.ti, O"TAHIO You're invited to attend the Treat Mom to dinner out on of the newly renovated COMMERCIAL HOTEL • We're open Mother's day from 12 noon to 9:00 p.m. • Treat Mom to superb Chinese or Canadian Food • Fully licensed under L.L.B.O. VICTORIA DINING ROOM CLINTON HOTEL 33 Vittorio Street, Clinton PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS: 482-9556 Thursday -Friday -Saturday, May 10, 1 1, 12 OFFICIAL OPENING Saturday, May 12 at 3 p.m. - Door Prizes FREE DINNERS - will be served between 5:30 & 7 p.m. on Moy 12th to our first 200 visitors elP Don't miss the outstanding entertainment which is being featured during this special grand opening occog"lon Your hosts Rene and Nicole Dupu s Lucille Staff THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth Mdin Street Ontario 527-0980 `,4